They'll Miss You When You're GONE! The POWER of Stoic Absence

  • Опубліковано 23 вер 2024


  • @MaleckPhuongDi
    @MaleckPhuongDi День тому

    "Absence makes the heart grow fonder" - now I get the Stoic reasoning behind this phrase! It’s all about creating balance.

  • @phanhoaJ6VvK
    @phanhoaJ6VvK День тому

    The historical examples of Marcus Aurelius and Seneca were a great touch. They really walked the talk when it came to living with integrity and balance.

  • @BachCucProdrick
    @BachCucProdrick День тому

    So true-when you’re too available, people tend to take you for granted. I’m going to embrace that Stoic wisdom and focus on my own growth.

  • @VươngThắngChúng
    @VươngThắngChúng День тому

    Honestly, I think the advice about self-sufficiency is so crucial. You can’t rely on someone else for happiness. It’s all about being happy with yourself first.

  • @DuongBichMai
    @DuongBichMai День тому

    This video really hit home. I’ve been stuck in that cycle of chasing someone’s attention, and it’s exhausting. The idea of stepping back and focusing on myself feels so empowering.

  • @dangnamBW
    @dangnamBW День тому

    I like the part about "ataraxia" and staying calm. It’s something I need to practice more, especially during stressful times. Keeping your cool really does make you more attractive to others.

  • @VươngAnMật
    @VươngAnMật День тому

    The idea of focusing on personal growth instead of constantly chasing someone else’s attention is key. Thanks for breaking it down so clearly.

  • @LaÁnhThương
    @LaÁnhThương День тому

    I’ve always struggled with trying to make people miss me, but this video explains how it’s not about manipulation-it’s about respecting boundaries. I needed to hear this.

  • @nguyenquanDude
    @nguyenquanDude День тому

    Stoicism isn’t easy to practice, but the benefits are clear. Patience and emotional control are skills I’m still trying to master.

  • @PhanHuynhKinh
    @PhanHuynhKinh День тому

    Loved how this video connects ancient Stoic wisdom to modern relationships! Space and time apart really can make people appreciate you more.

  • @ManyaLyHa
    @ManyaLyHa День тому

    I've heard of Stoicism before, but this video made it super relatable. The part about creating space really resonated. Sometimes you need to step back for people to realize your value.

  • @lelyaWFO
    @lelyaWFO День тому

    This video just reminded me how important it is to have boundaries in any relationship. Not only for them but for yourself.

  • @AnhDuongLukas
    @AnhDuongLukas День тому

    Wow, I never thought about relationships through the lens of Stoicism. The whole concept of ‘amor fati’ is really profound-accepting what happens and finding peace in it. Definitely going to try that.

  • @KerryThanhKim
    @KerryThanhKim День тому

    I needed this reminder today. I’ve been feeling unappreciated in my relationship, and I think stepping back is exactly what I need to do right now.

  • @TruongKieuThuy
    @TruongKieuThuy День тому

    Stoicism is new to me, but I’m intrigued. It seems like it’s more about developing inner strength than manipulating the other person’s feelings.

  • @VươngÁnhThùy
    @VươngÁnhThùy День тому

    I can’t help but think that pulling back might just push the other person away. What if they never notice your absence?

  • @HàLưuWesley
    @HàLưuWesley День тому

    Interesting take, but I think you should focus on open communication rather than relying on absence to make someone notice you.

  • @VănHiểnTuần
    @VănHiểnTuần День тому

    Not sure if I agree with everything here. I mean, yeah, space is important, but what if the other person just moves on instead of missing you?

  • @TrươngQuíLắm
    @TrươngQuíLắm День тому

    Is it just me, or does living according to Stoicism seem like it requires a lot of emotional restraint? Not sure I could be that composed all the time.

  • @HưngMinhRidin
    @HưngMinhRidin День тому

    This makes sense but isn’t it just playing hard to get? Seems like a bit of a game to me. 🤔