I am curious about how you get the products? I can see a skeezy owner just buying cheap bagged items and dumping them into big pretty glass containers to charge a premium. How do we know we aren't being swindled and just as much waste goes on to stock these "reusable" jars?
Please patronize this store and reduce our plastic consumption. We literally are eating it.
Such a great idea and cute store 😸
I am curious about how you get the products? I can see a skeezy owner just buying cheap bagged items and dumping them into big pretty glass containers to charge a premium. How do we know we aren't being swindled and just as much waste goes on to stock these "reusable" jars?
But muh covaids?
"Reusable menstrual items"....?!?🤢🤢🤢
No odder than cloth diapers....
Better than loads of tampons and pads sitting in the landfill. Diva cups can last year's. So can reusable pads.
I agree, some items don't have to be reusable, but can be disposable and made of better resources.
Yes. It's normal.
YES. They are so common. Reusable cup, pads. Personally, they feel so much better than the disposables and cheaper in a long run.