Whenever someone leaves the water running in the sink and you hear that unforgettable theme, suddenly those trademarks signals the senses that let's you know that not only are you witnessing beauty in evey form imaginable but also that you've arrived, you're home, and loving every minute of it.
A+ for the arquitect of this house... 4 bedrooms, with insuite bathrooms... That's the most selling feature of this property. Plus that amazing basement with that walkout to the backyard... Which is huge.. lots of possibilities.... Double car garage.... That home is perfect.
Love the all white paint-washed walls, massive storage unit in the kitchen and that each bedroom is equipped with it's own bathroom and closet😍😍😍😍. I wonder how much it costs to own it?
This is what's happening in many areas: high property values means the bulldozing of older homes and erecting big mega homes in their place. Mississauga and Oakville are rife with this.
I would love to own a home I’ve been struggling for years But never achieved it . But thank you for showing us all your lovely home .deco lovely 😊 If I smile nicely will you give me one 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂💕💕💕💕💕💕
That’s only true bc that’s what you believe... you have to change your limiting beliefs of homes like this is only a “dream” for you. You have to believe that you are worthy of beautiful things like this. What you speak and think, positive or negative, is your reality. You say “I can only dream of ever having a home so nice as this”... so that’s all you’ll do. Dream. You CAN have a home like this despite what your bank account says, despite where you come from and despite the job you have or don’t have. But it can only come to you when you believe and know your worth. You’re a Queen, so start believing you deserve things even nicer than this.
It is good you want to showcase the beautiful house but what is the purpose of water wastage in the kitchen and in the toilet. It does not matter how little water was wasted during the filming.
Excitable101 I used to swim in it when I was younger then it got bad where there was dead fish floating everywhere then I moved out of province, I thought they cleaned it up, guess not...that is not good.
A beautiful home that does not fit its surroundings, like many have said. It’s ostentatious, as if the builder was deliberately thumbing their nose at the neighbors.
My favorite feature of the kitchen is being able to pass plates to the neighbors house right out the window
Omggggg 😂😂😂😂😂👏👏👏👏 hilarious
😂😂😂😁 Wow
favourite in deed 🤣🤣🤣
😂 🤣 😂
what pisses me off about most home vids they never show in garages they matter too
Absolutely gorgeous home. Give me the blueprints and I'll build it somewhere else.
I was thinking the SAME THING! Lord, send the blessing quicker than quick and more suddenly than sudden!
I was thinking about that too.. especially in Vegas !! Plenty of room out there !!!!
Beautiful house.loved the kitchen,
master bathroom and also the skylight over the staircase.
Beautiful home..... just the views out the windows are just other homes .... this kind of home needs to be on some land with views.....
Whenever someone leaves the water running in the sink and you hear that unforgettable theme, suddenly those trademarks signals the senses that let's you know that not only are you witnessing beauty in evey form imaginable but also that you've arrived, you're home, and loving every minute of it.
You make the neighborhood proud! Open, light, and welcoming. Lovely amenities. Expansive, wow!
A+ for the arquitect of this house... 4 bedrooms, with insuite bathrooms... That's the most selling feature of this property. Plus that amazing basement with that walkout to the backyard... Which is huge.. lots of possibilities.... Double car garage.... That home is perfect.
No privacy or quietness with the neighbours pool right up against the house
Yea I saw that it needs more land.
Yeah but you can dive right out of your window. 😂
Love this Kitchen. Is there a way get the floor plans 🤔🤔🤔
I will never understand the useless formal rooms that are put into houses.
Love the all white paint-washed walls, massive storage unit in the kitchen and that each bedroom is equipped with it's own bathroom and closet😍😍😍😍. I wonder how much it costs to own it?
This house is so beautiful, but I think it's in the wrong area.
My first thought when I saw the arial photo.
Whats wrong with that area?
I agree
I use to live in oakville, this is actually one of the high end area of Canada. Check it out. Houses are expensive here.
this home is perfect!
I thought the home itself was beautiful very inviting I loved it👍👍👍💚💚
Is it just me or this house seems out of place
yes, this house on the wrong location. Add more plants outside and everything will be cool!
The house needs to be on a 2 acre lot or something.
The lot is not straight that’s why it’s out of place!
This is what's happening in many areas: high property values means the bulldozing of older homes and erecting big mega homes in their place. Mississauga and Oakville are rife with this.
My kind of home !! ❤💙💜💛
Love the openness and how clean it looks ! Wow !!
Now tell us the price please. 🤔🤔
Tula A. 2.5 mil
*I thought the inside was going to match the outside but its actually more warm than cooler toned like the outside*
I grew up on this extremely long bungalow populated street, this is definitely a new build that will stick out like a sore thumb
Someone is blessed to luve there!!!💜beautiful home
Casa meravigliosa e super confortevole
See what's on the outside is what fool's the eyes but when you walk on the inside is the WOW moment🌹😍 that's classy and sassy elegant..
Çok güzel ya bayıldım böyle bir evim olsa süper olurdu şans 🇹🇷👍
مشا الله تبارك الله اللهم بارك له ان كان من حلال ورزقنا مثله او احسن منه
اللهم آمين يارب العالمين واللهم صل وسلم وبارك على نبينا محمد
It’s beautiful house, but beautiful home depends on whom you live with.
I actually like this house, I rarely really like the ones I see.
Me: Golly 😢 May i own this plz
GTA: Sure, $4.6 Mil, plus right kidney and your first born Offspring....
Beautiful home!!!
Yes, very beautiful,
100% dream home
Beautiful kitchen
My dream is a room and a bathroom, living in it with my baby daughter only. I do not own a house. I pray, please 😞🤲😔🙏
This house is beautiful and amazing
Simply beautiful
my dream home ➕ GORGEOUS 💖
No ones mentioned the fact that there’s siding on the exterior other than the front
And the bath tube!!!!!!!!!
Beautiful Home
I love the kitchen
Love it. So far ? Richard Jr.
I would love to own a home
I’ve been struggling for years
But never achieved it .
But thank you for showing us all your lovely home .deco lovely 😊
If I smile nicely will you give me one 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂💕💕💕💕💕💕
Keep working hard and God rewards you for the good and hard work you do😊 you'll get a house only if you believe and work hard
Hope you can afford to buy a house soon
One day keep going!
Very beautiful house,
Guess I can only dream of ever having a home so nice as this. Thank you world and the powers that be...>sarcasm
Me too...:-/
That’s only true bc that’s what you believe... you have to change your limiting beliefs of homes like this is only a “dream” for you. You have to believe that you are worthy of beautiful things like this. What you speak and think, positive or negative, is your reality. You say “I can only dream of ever having a home so nice as this”... so that’s all you’ll do. Dream. You CAN have a home like this despite what your bank account says, despite where you come from and despite the job you have or don’t have. But it can only come to you when you believe and know your worth. You’re a Queen, so start believing you deserve things even nicer than this.
What is a typical price for a home like this?
Carless Link it’s 1.7 CA
Extremely beautiful home 🏡 dream kitchen love ❤️ love ❤️ ❤️
Beautiful house ❤️ how much square feet?
Beautiful home.
Completely stands out in the neighborhood.
Thats what's so odd about..were is located?
i like the backgroud music, who know the name please ;)
great views of the fence
I guarantee this one is still on the market because of the lot.
And you definitely right….. !!!
4 millone y 600 mil dolares guao muy espasiosa me encanto....habitasion preferida la cocina
Sold. And it has a pot filler
Very very beautiful house👍👍👍
This is my home!
It is good you want to showcase the beautiful house but what is the purpose of water wastage in the kitchen and in the toilet. It does not matter how little water was wasted during the filming.
This house was in Suits: the last season. Beautiful house indeed
Possible, it's only 30 minutes from Toronto
Not crazy about the kitchen, and why is it crookedly set like that?
Beautiful home !
Why do all the neighbors have a swimming pool, but only this house doesn't have? 🤷♂️
beige fox spent the money on building a nice house
...and they did a SPECTACULAR JOB!
No offense, but I like the house next door better... the one with the deck system and inground pool...
I'm so sick of being broke! No matter how much I work I'll never be rich enough to have anything like this. Wish I was born lucky. 😭
Excellent video and House
Очень красивый дом #строительстводомов
Beautiful house. I don’t like gas fireplaces. I prefer the real thing.
beautiful, need a pool...but the lake is close, can you swim in lake Ontario yet?
lol, no you don't want to swim in it.
Excitable101 I used to swim in it when I was younger then it got bad where there was dead fish floating everywhere then I moved out of province, I thought they cleaned it up, guess not...that is not good.
What state is this located?
beautiful home, I like it
Yelp just for me love this house
Beautiful home! Who is the builder?
Muhammad Nimji its Bob
How much
Is it still for sale
Beautiful house, but the location.
Beautiful home
Just beautiful
Donde puedo encontrar el plano de la casa?
Did you find the floor plan?
Tell me the price for this house
Es la casa de mis sueños!!!
Hermosa casa
It s a beautiful home
So beautiful & classy...
Let me guess? $10 million???
Is this home for sale
Too close to blakelock high school and the bus route
Fantastic house
beautiful house ❤️
how much?
What kind of the floor material?
Main level looks like hard wood
No. Paper.
The swimming pool is missing
A beautiful home that does not fit its surroundings, like many have said. It’s ostentatious, as if the builder was deliberately thumbing their nose at the neighbors.
Yup he definitely did it.. on purpose
Dream home.
I am in love !!
I like glass showers there cool
Wow what a nice house
Would have to counter the neighbors ugly gate with a better one. It’s an eye-sore.
Gostaria de ter este modelo.
Ver planta!
عسى يارب تكون مرزقي أو من رزق كل مسلم دعوت ٤٠ غريب مستجابه
Мне очень понравился этот дом.
Location? How much?