Richter-Rauzer Attack | Sicilian Defense Theory

  • Опубліковано 7 лют 2025
  • The Richter Rauzer is a very aggressive way to fight the classical Sicilian, and many great players, such as Garry Kasparov, have been using it with great success.
    White either fights with f4 or with an English Attack setup with f3 and tries to crash through to the black king as soon as possible.
    For an introduction to the Sicilian Defense watch this video: • Sicilian Defense (intr...
    This video should serve as an introduction to understanding the Richer-Rauzer Attack. I tried to explain most common plans for white and for black.
    The variations is very aggressive and it could mean quick wins for either side (I’m subjective, but more commonly for white:). It involves white attacking the kingside and black attacking the queenside and, whoever is faster, usually wins. Similarly to the dragon, you have to utilize each tempo and make sure you don’t waste any time.
    The lines you have to study are fairly straightforward and there isn’t as much theory as in some other Sicilians, which is a great point in favor of using this attack as white. Whenever your opponent goes for the classical Sicilian instead of for the Sveshnikov or something else, the lines and setups shown in the video will give you the best chances.
    One thing I would like to point out that studying Garry Kasparov’s games in the variation should be part of your preparation. He is one of the main exponents of the opening, and his games from the 90s have all the main ideas. Study them and learn where to put your pieces, how to attack and get a feel for the position.
    #chess #siciliandefense


  • @odysseas573
    @odysseas573 6 років тому +49

    I don't think you realise how helpful those videos are. Really thank you for uploading content of such amazing quality.

  • @justplainoldme7275
    @justplainoldme7275 4 роки тому +8

    One of the best opening discussions I've seen. Thanks for elaborating the Richter-Rauzer attack in so much detail. Really awesome knowledge presented simply. I'll definitely watch some more of your opening videos. THANKS!!

  • @michaelvanzyl9418
    @michaelvanzyl9418 6 років тому +14

    Lots of Sicilian videos. I like

    • @HangingPawns
      @HangingPawns  6 років тому +4

      :) Almost done. Only one more and the Italian series starts!

  • @zaaxi7424
    @zaaxi7424 4 роки тому +2

    Awesome video, so detailed ! Best on youtube by far :)

  • @skhoosy
    @skhoosy 4 місяці тому

    Hi Stjepan, this is an amazing video - as an aspiring classical Sicilian player, I'd love to see a video on the theory for the other variations. Is that something you are thinking of doing to add to the playlist? Thanks :D

  • @camaradaarnaldo6796
    @camaradaarnaldo6796 Рік тому +1

    Great video, as always. I'm a bit late to the party but here's a slight improvement: the line you give after 27:20 is actually much better for black. 11. e5 dxe5 12. Ndxb5! is a better continuation.

  • @MjrLeegInfidel
    @MjrLeegInfidel 6 років тому +11

    I'm sorry if you have explained before. Are you a GM? You do a very good job of explaining n your videos. They are straightforward and purposeful. Thank you.

    • @jerry9634
      @jerry9634 6 років тому +9

      He is 1880 rated +-. He has very good knowledge of theory but is lacking tactical vision. I think it's impressive he got such rating with mostly just theoretical knowledge.

    • @HangingPawns
      @HangingPawns  6 років тому +8

      Im in the 1800s, close to 1900. Thanks:)

  • @pallas100
    @pallas100 5 років тому +7

    In the 8..Bd7 f4 line, the real reason Qxf6 is bad after Bxg5 (instead of gxf) is e5 dxe and then Nxb5 attacking d7. Black is more than fine in the line you showed.

  • @higicir1030
    @higicir1030 6 років тому +6

    Good videos. Thank you.

    • @HangingPawns
      @HangingPawns  6 років тому +2

      No problem:) Thanks for watching

  • @Inibur
    @Inibur 2 роки тому +2

    In my impression as an e4 player myself, here the Black setup may look airy visually but actually difficult to crack. And the often formed central pawn barrier looks scary and solid, especially if White is left without knights, that's my opinion. I'm also surprised to notice how less common this Classical Sicilian is compared to Najdorf 🤔

  • @niravapurv4578
    @niravapurv4578 Рік тому +2

    Thanks again for a nice instructive video.. Just a little correction: At 27:16 The reason why its not good to recapture with queen is that the black pawn on b5 falls in this variation: 10...Qxf6? 11.e5 dxe5 12.Ndxb5. Black cantvtake the knight with a pawn as Qxd7 would be a mate. Also this tactical knight capture threatens a fork on king and rook with Nc7+, so blacks queen has to reatreat to d8.
    I saw this as i making a bit of a study on this variation on lichess.

  • @waso
    @waso 6 років тому +5

    Nice thumbnail and video!

  • @patrikmaruntis856
    @patrikmaruntis856 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you so much for this video, very instructive, Amazing Congratulations!!!!!

  • @abhijeetjagtap5204
    @abhijeetjagtap5204 4 роки тому +1

    Wow nice explanation sir Thank you sir 😊😊😊😊😊👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌

  • @mohamedderghal9013
    @mohamedderghal9013 5 років тому +1

    Thank you sir !

  • @CubingDude
    @CubingDude 4 роки тому

    Very soon you'll reach 💯 K subs !!!

  • @benjamineklund5319
    @benjamineklund5319 3 роки тому

    Thanks for the amazing content Hanging Pawns!
    I was wondering if you had other content involving playing The Classical Sicilian as black, I couldn't find anything else on your channel.

  • @Holestic_Honesty
    @Holestic_Honesty 4 роки тому

    Thanks I’ll try this out

  • @sandroschaak1361
    @sandroschaak1361 4 роки тому +2

    hi, Amazing video thanks for that. At 31:05 23..Qxe4 is not possible, because the stunning 24.Rxd6! and not 24.Qb7 (that square is covered from e4). After 24.Rxd6 black eventually loses a Queen :)

  • @niravapurv4578
    @niravapurv4578 Рік тому

    At 31:05 If black plays Qxe4, white does not have Qb7+ emidiately, as the black queen can just take it. So what is acctually the plan here for white after Qxe4?
    I was considering Qb6 with idea if black get gready with Qxf5, white has Qxd6, Ke8, Nxf6, where black has to give up the queen. But instead of Qxf5, i guess he can play Rd8 to guard the pawn and i dont see whites continuation...
    Ahhhha, 24.Rxd6! i the move, thanks to another comment in the chat.. after this withe will eventualy get the black queen or mate i guess.

  • @ravirawat6856
    @ravirawat6856 6 років тому +2

    At 27:21 Q×f6 isn't possible bcz of 11.e5 d×e5 12.Nd×b5 with lot of threats and after Qd8 13.Nd6+! not 11.N×c6 and the follow up that you show thats bettter for black. I had also analysed this so I remember nice video BTW

  • @paulgebeline9741
    @paulgebeline9741 4 роки тому +1

    For the first sideline 7. Bb5, why is the exchange Bxf6 gxf6 qxf6 bad? Aren’t you attacking the hanging rook while also defending the hanging knight on d4? I don’t see any response to this as white.

    • @paulgebeline9741
      @paulgebeline9741 4 роки тому

      As black*

    • @buddythompson5284
      @buddythompson5284 3 роки тому +1

      Yeah, he mentions that in this line the d4-knight is hanging, which it isn't. I think the problem is that Bxf6 Qxb2 is good for Black.

  • @ReiAyasuka
    @ReiAyasuka 2 роки тому

    I usually (always) encounter 8…Be7. And like this I might have gotten slandered in my most recent official game. :‘)

  • @jonbudi
    @jonbudi 3 роки тому


  • @reiniersmits703
    @reiniersmits703 3 роки тому +2

    First of all, I really appreciate and like your video's. But I doubt some positions you talked about. I wonder if you check the positions and threats with the engine, because you said multiple times that the treat is to take on f6 to double the pawns. GM Paul van der Sterren said in one of his book that doubling the f-pawns isn't always that bad for black, since he has the bishop pair and also more control in the centre. And it looks like the engine agrees.

  • @alekwessels8466
    @alekwessels8466 Рік тому

    Why 6... e6 and not e5?

    • @natnthehatrobinson45
      @natnthehatrobinson45 2 місяці тому

      I know I’m late, but bishop takes knight and you have to recapture with tha pawn as if you capture with the queen, Nd5! Then of the queen goes back to d8 Nb5! And you win the exchange

  • @EtienneBachand
    @EtienneBachand 6 років тому

    Instead of playing 6...e6 black can play g6 allowing bishop takes f6 because he still gets an excellent dark squared bishop but he has to worry about his d6 pawn weakness and not let white stop the f5 break because he won't have any counterplay

    • @EtienneBachand
      @EtienneBachand 6 років тому

      And he has to recapture with the e pawn

  • @rickprice7919
    @rickprice7919 2 роки тому

    a6 before h6 is not best

  • @Sough
    @Sough 8 місяців тому +2

    So I'm really supposed to believe a 1900 knows all the nuances of the Richter rauzer, a super nuanced opening?

    • @natnthehatrobinson45
      @natnthehatrobinson45 2 місяці тому +2

      He doesn’t claim to know all the theory, this is a guide for intermediate players, if your above that, like I recently achieved then but a book and spend 20hours reading and learning it rather than 30 minutes watching a video.

  • @edgarkais2430
    @edgarkais2430 5 років тому +2

    The move 7.-e6 is not almost forced.
    7.- Bd7 is a fun line and black scores well.
    Pitty that this is not covered here.

  • @rickprice7919
    @rickprice7919 2 роки тому

    This is not how to teach the Richter-Razer

  • @ritikrai4607
    @ritikrai4607 4 роки тому

    27.20 after Qxf6 white can play e5 dxe5 Nxb5 threatning mate on d7 also threatning Nc7 fork i think that's why black can't take on f6 with queen

  • @manuadhish1322
    @manuadhish1322 5 років тому +1

    Wow u didnt cover 7.f4 which is by far the most played move in the position. SO DISAPPOINTED!

    • @juanbautistasoria757
      @juanbautistasoria757 3 роки тому

      Idk what datababes you are using, but lichess' database says that 7.f4 has only been played 85 times on GM level against the 15000 times 7.Qd2 has been played

  • @Sun-gs6hq
    @Sun-gs6hq Рік тому +1

    7:24 Qd2 a3