Fun fact about the dead island trailer: if you take a left instead of right after leaving the first room in the game, you can find the couple dead on the ground as an Easter egg
Fun fact- in the Horizon: Zero Dawn documentary by Noclip, the devs said that the infamous Killzone trailer was never meant to be a trailer in the first place. They were asked to make a visual demo showcasing what they ideally wanted to achieve with the franchise. A "here is our vision" statement sort of- sky was the limit. Then, a Sony rep walked on stage and announced it as a trailer for an upcoming game and everyone at Guerrilla said "WHAT?? NO!"
@@matter-i3w Exactly. It's likely the same with MotorStorm, only it was an actual trailer that Phil Harrison said represented actual gameplay when it isn't at all.
How Sony repeatedly manages to be the worst big company in the industry, time and time again, when their competition is Microsoft and Nintendo is truly inspiring.
8:00 Importantly the PC version of Watch Dogs had hidden files that could be re-enabled to make the game look much more like the E3 build, and some reported it even ran better on their system after doing this. Ubisoft then patched the game to remove those files because they didn't want PC users to have access to a version that made the brand new next gen console versions look outdated at launch. That's the part of the story that makes the whole thing way worse for me.
i got the game on ps4 and i thought it looked and played great. i didn't get sucked in by all the hype like many though, i read and article or 2 about it but didn't pay much attention to it then just spontaneously bought it on release for full price. thoroughly enjoyed it and played through it 3 or 4 times with no major bugs, no notable bugs period that i can recall. still one of my favorite games on the ps4. for whatever reason i could never really get into gta, but i really got into this game, and it had some of the most fun mini games i've seen in a game, the digital trips are especially fun. even if it didn't match the visuals in the trailers, it was a really good game and i'm surprised it got so much hate over it.
I mean, at least they havent shown unrealistic gameplay. Generally speaking, Nintendo has been pretty honest about the gameplay they show. Their cinematic videos *do* push expectations a bit high though. But not NEARLY as much as other publishers.
Can you imagine the balls on CDPR if they just sat down and said "guys, we have to cancel the last gen versions of Cyberpunk and delay it another year. This is why" and then they showed footage of all the glitches
Also the initial idea was for Cyberpunk to be third person but they switched to first person because it was easier to make when avoiding animating the character and your customizations.
But if they did that, WB Games would be up their asses for that as they published the game in a unfinished state, brcausr they forced CD Projekt Red to have it finished
@@ChaseMC215 but having bad PR, dealing with refunds, scandals, people getting fired/retiring/leaving is better? The game sold well in it's first run but this year the sales absolutely tanked because everyone knows how bad it was on launch, people keep buying Witcher because it's at least complete and doesn't crash every 5 minutes
The weirdest and most insulting thing about Watch Dogs was that shortly after release gamers on the PC version found some code that intentionally downgraded the graphics. There was an unofficial patch that removed the gimping code and on PC it made the game look much better. Not only did Ubisoft lie about how the game looked but it even crippled the graphics on the only platform that could come close.
They did it because sony and Microsofts consoles couldn't handle the graphics and threatened that if they didn't down grade the graphics they wouldent support watch dogs
We need to market getting a small stuffed animal digitally in a game if you preorder at Walmart in Canada but only in select areas such as 300 miles away from any city.
@@ciphergacha9100 the saying was originally "eat your cake and still have it" or something to that effect. Basically saying someone wants all of the benefits and none of the costs.
@@ciphergacha9100 having your cake and eating it too means wanting to consume the cake but also still have cake to consume. Its just worded a bit poorly
This is a terrible way of looking at it. Thousands of gamea release every year without issues. This is like never getting in a car because of the tiny minority of car crashes.
lol. if current events have taught me anything its that some will complain but the masses will be gladly remove those individuals from society if fed enough lies.
I really really liked Age of Calamity, and I appreciate the separate story it told, but I would’ve liked it WAY more if Nintendo gave even a sliver of an indication that it wasn’t actually a direct prequel in its marketing
Honestly should’ve just been it’s own thing tbh. Having “what-if” scenarios as ideas for games is something that has proven to work. XCOM 2 was a pretty successful game and that only happened because the developers thought “Hey what if the good guys actually didn’t win in the first game”. Honestly Age of Calamity seems more of something where they just stuck it on something popular just to make sure it really doesn’t fail. Not saying it’s a terrible game of course
The biggest problem CDPR made with Cyberpunk was announcing it so god damn early. That allowed for hype to build for almost a decade and hamstrung them when it came to making and finishing the game. I think announcing it officially sometime before or after the last Witcher 3 expansion out would've been good, it would've left them a LOT more time to finish and polish the game without gamers and investors being throughly burned out on waiting for the game to he done. It would've also allowed for a few delays since the horrendously long time in-between the original announcement wouldn't have existed and people would assume more work was needed, especially if a release date wasn't initially announced at that time.
Man, this is the problem with the gaming culture in general these days, they announce stuff WAY TOO DAMN EARLY 😡 I mean, I get it that your multimilion project HAS to sell, but announcing it 6months-1 year before releasing leaves plenty of time to build HYPE and get people to look forward to the game, as several AAA titles already showed.
I disagree. I think that the E3 announcement in 2018 was what caused the hype to build so much. Then, of course announcing that Keanu was a main character in the game was the biggest can of worms they could have opened for obvious reasons.
Im glad I was never hyped for Cyberpunk, I still think its crazy the original announcement was in 2012, before they even announced Witcher 3 and only like a year after Witcher 2 came out. I think they must have had bigger plans for the size of the company than what ended up happening.
@@deanrazor9023 No the company got a lot bigger that they thought actually. Even themselves didn't expect the massive Witcher 3 success that allowed them to hire a lot more people. Cyberpunk is another example of too many roosters and no clear vision. The initial people back then had a vision but managers and new people all brought one idea after the other and cancelling previous work to change something etc etc resulting in time being wasted and not a clear path of what they are doing. From the start the game wasn't supposed to be GTA like but more RPG story driven(RPG elements basically went away), It was also supposed to be third person etc. In a nutshell they were going back and fourth creating stuff and then deleting them etc and then had to rush like crazy to at least make something. They needed a clear leader with a clear vision that knew what he wanted and clearly expressed it. Instead they had a clusterfu%k. Now that they have been threw all that they are probably thinking "We should have made things like that and that" So they know better now and if they actually just got their heads down right now in making Cyberbunk 2 they could make it and finish it quite fast at that but that won't happen and if and when they get do it half and more of the people that learned the lessons from trying to create that mess won't be there and the problems will start all over. To be honest if i was in charge i would have told them to not bother with vehicles and driving and focus more on making those realistic NPC's and characters. Also i would have minimized police appearances. Basically i would have made it less GTA.
@@eduardo.calistenia I still feel like 12 months is too long, what’s the point of announcing a game that’s out well into the next year? Show me what I can’t have? Wonderful thought.
The worst false advertising I was ever hit with was Spider-Man 2 (2004) on PC, which at the time sold a physical box copy in stores that featured screenshots on the box taken directly from the PS2 boxart. However, upon installation was met with literally an entirely different game by an entirely different dev team with nothing to do with the PS2 version. Somehow nobody has ever noticed or spoken of this. The times passed I guess but man if they pulled that shit today omg lol
@@metalicarus8372 I always found it so sad cause you couldn't really use it anywhere except in the observatory. I wish you coulda brought it into levels and found new areas or something. It had some really dope music to go with it too
@@finestcustard5647 i feel like it really belings in the hubworld. its a neat way to make some areas quicker to reach, and turns the hub in a small 1-up chase game. it also kinda showed what a regular level mixed with a water level looks like, and let's ne honest the janky controls aren't helping. it's a neat detail for sure, but i get why they chose to focus on actual platforming instead.
He doesn’t have a lot left to cover I feel. Maybe the rest of the Mario parties and a few other stuff but idk, hard to think of. Kinda hope he makes more comedy videos, anyways. I really like them
For broad topics it does seem that way but when you can have a 20 minute video on specific things I'd say it's possible, but for different games, non-Nintendo systems or other things he has plenty to cover. Many other channels have looked at many different aspects of gaming, even retro topic channels I've watched a handful on CRTs, modern games viewpoints, the TurboGrapx, getting into RPGs, and more, it really depends on what aspect whether specific like game consoles/controllers, the L button or broad to cover like genres, a game series and more to cover. I've posted or seen tons of 20+ suggestions in the community of a retro channel I watch called Retro Bird about topics like Turbo Buttons on the Turbograpx/third party controllers that have had them in the past and present, opinions on the Jaguar, 3DO and other 90s consoles outside of the PS1, N64 and Saturn, how modern and retro peripherals compare (like Lightguns to a Wiimote), younger games getting into retro games and much more. Depends on the topic and how specific or broad it is. Sure he hasn't covered a We Dare or Night Trap type of retrospective in a while but we may see more like that I assume besides the Mario Party sequels, Mega Man or whatever. He may just have made his point and doesn't need to cover any more than the first game in those long running series. I do think we will run out of ideas but so far he is doing pretty well, whether timing them to relevant topics or just whatever he feels like/thinks about.
@@notsludgebomb Man all of you suck, bitching about consoles. I play on my PC. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go take out a loan to buy a graphics card.
I genuinely was highly disappointed the first time I ate Gushers. Wasn’t expecting my head to change into a fruit but at least thought there would be a decent amount of fruit juice squirt in my mouth. LMAO!! That sounds dirty now that I read that back.🤣🤣🤣
Haven't you heard? 10-28-21 from space debris carrying a deadly mutated virus crashing into Yellowstone triggering fault activity linked with Tamu Massif causing massive tidal waves globally, melting the ice caps, and awaking all 3,000 species of Cicada simultaneously.
fun fact: for watchdogs a hacker noticed that there is a “switch” in the code that enables the watchdogs graphics from the demo. some people theorize that sony/microsoft had made EA intentionally lower setting in order for it to be compatible with console as the game works completely fine on PC with the advanced settings
@@MrGamelover23 I didn’t realise this myth/misconception was still so common. There’s a few unfinished and tweaked effects you can find in the PCs code, but it still looks fundamentally different from the final game.
I disagree. These aren't things that people should be praising. That'll make more and more publishers release their games unfinished in hopes that the community will circlejerk the game when they do fix it.
@@KenLinx If you continue to demonise a company for fixing their mistakes, you know what will happen? Companies will stop fixing their mistakes. Avoid mistakes in the first place, but give credit where it's due for fixing those mistakes. 5 years on, if you still refuse to forgive Hello Games, you're just petty at this point.
Discovered you through G4 TV. Being a kid from the 80’s, I find your content highly addictive, unbiased, truthful, and very very fun. I appreciate everything you do and you’ve gotten a new subscriber.
I work in the games industry and this attitude from the executives is the exact same thing that causes us to be underpaid, overworked, and also makes the game suck more than if they had just told the truth in the first place :-) crunch kills games
I gotta say I’m impressed by anthem. They were so misleading that the e3 reveal was the first time THE DEVS saw what they were making. It was so false advertised that even the people making it were like huh that looks cool I wonder who is ma- US!?
Which was such a shame because I really liked that 'Hunt the Truth' marketing campaign, hell they even got Keegan Michael Key to play the main character in it!
The issue that happened with Halo 5's marketing of "Hunt the Truth" was primarily because the writers of the game had a completely different story in mind which kinda had that mystery why Master Chief and the rest of Blue Team is being hunted down by some sort of ONI Rogue Like agent named Locke, a cousin of mine actually did an internship with 343i's digital marketing, unfortunately he was under a NDA so what he could tell was very limited, but apparently some people in administration didn't like this at all had the writers constantly rewriting the story, even after all the trailers being pushed online, they were trying to make the story to appeal more to women and people of color and other type of PC BS. My cousin also told me that they were thinking about rewriting John 117 race and making Buck a homosexual?
Scott, I just want you to know how important and appreciated the effort and time you put in to your videos is. You are so reliable with your content and every episode is not only educational and interesting, but guaranteed to make me laugh at least once or twice and often more. That's something most of us really need and I am so grateful that your channel exists. To be a bit personal - I have a genetic disease and several chronic illnesses because of it. There's a lot of days I spend in bed and not up to much, even playing games. When I feel awful I often throw on one of your videos - I've watched almost all of your videos half a dozen times or more and still enjoy them every time, just as much. Tonight I was getting ready to access my central line, it is in my chest and needs a large needle to access and can be really anxiety producing and sometimes more painful than normal. I was procrastinating it and am having a hard day with symptoms, and then as I went to get ready, I saw you had a new video released. I watched your video during and as usual it was fantastic, and really helped me relax and get on with my night. I also saw you had a meeting with a fan through Make-A-Wish and I've seen videos of you interacting with fans at events before - you seem like such a fun and genuine and kind person. It is so awesome to see your content and posts. Keep up the great work, I know it must be time consuming, but thank you for making my bad days a little better and for all the laughs you give us.
Hi Claire, I'm genuinely impressed by your way of expressing yourself in written word. I'm a bit of a clunky typist so this really stood out to me. Best of luck in your life. I hope Scott sees your comment and replies!
Cyberpunk's promise of the NPC's having their own lives and routines in the world could possible be possible if only the game's been in a more better development. As Majora's Mask actually kind of achieved it back in the day, with various characters (NPCs) that have their own routines, activities throughout the 3 day cycle. I know most games also have those like Oblivion, but It was done in the 90's, and still proves that it could be possible. (If I'm wrong about Majora not being the only game in that did it back then please tell me =) )
I agree! One thing I really loved about The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask was how almost all of the NPCs in Clock Town felt *alive*. Instead of how in other games, if you're already inside an area waiting for a character to enter, they would simply appear there at one point, in Majora's Mask, the character would enter through the door, and you would even see them walking into the building!
@@knightghost1782 Yep. The staunch defenders of this game are ridiculous about it too: "Umm, game devs always do that". Yeah. They cut out features they never talked or showed OR ADVERTISED IT PUBLICLY! I am glad I waited because many of the stuff cut out were exactly why I was interested in the game. The other defenders also say "Bugs and glitches happens in all games..."
A PS2 game did it, Called Radiata Stories 170+ NPCS all had different routines they would do every day ,It was the same routine each day, but hey each one did something different at different times of the day you could legit follow one around (Expect 2 who used off map short cuts)
SAME completely unquestioned dreamcast revival when. i wanna see a new AAA game trailer just be like “and dreamcast” like it’s no big deal and everyone just goes with it
Remembering Spore and that Kinect game with the boy. Honestly though some of his games had some great innovative mechanics that could have made people go WOW if he didn't make those mechanics look like nothing compared to what he was promising.
Anyone remembers that kinect game with that little boy trailer that will supposedly react realistically to anything you did etc. Boy was that a whole of bull.
Hello games (the studio that made no man's sky) didn't just try to fix the game, they sat down and have been working hard from launch to make the game something even better than the initial reveal, and have succeeded
@@austinwiebe3801 tbh no its not there yet. Anyone who says they surpassed the promises is either lying or stupid. Its a good game and worth the money but it has not achieved the level of initial promises and probably never will.
This honestly makes me appreciate Nintendo's transparency with some of their trailers, like showing Chimeco stuttering in the Pokemon Legends Arceus trailer.
I'm glad I found Scott's channel... It is by far one of the smartest and most informed people on the subject of video games all together his knowledge amazes me and leaves me baffled, how he is so funny while providing me with unending knowledge of all systems consoles games accessories and all the other special videos he has, how he has under 1.5 mil subs I will NEVER understand I've learned much from watching and have used many bits of knowledge I learned in conversation, so in conclusion thank you Scott the Woz for continuing to bring us premium content and not cutting corners appreciate ya my brother!
@@LaRavachole alright I hope I remember. Maybe if he does mention it in October, someone else will find these comments and we will get the notifications
I understand why companies used to use cut scenes to sell games years ago when graphics weren't as good and hardware wasn't as powerful, but with the consoles and PC's we have these days then there is no excuse
And here I thought I was the only kid who feared their head turning into a fruit after eating a Fruit Gusher. Thank you for making me feel less alone Scott.
Fun fact in the code for watch dogs there is a switch that has the lighting system in the e3 showing but is turned off. Of course I might be wrong or half right so take this with a grain of salt
I really do feel bad for CD Projekt Red if it was a case of higher-ups pushing them to accomplish the impossible and them havingnearly no say in the matter at that point. That's what it definitely feels like to me, not sure if it has been proven one way or the other yet.
Sony Santa Monica Dev 1: "Four months? We're not even _done_ yet!" Sony Santa Monica Dev 2: "Um... have you been watching the news lately?" *cut to footage of Norse giants rampaging across Europe while dragons burn LA to a crisp* Sony Santa Monica Dev 1: "...God damn it, I *TOLD* Cody not to read from that stupid book!"
@KitchensAreHot Yeah. Not to mention they're 2 different kind of people as well. James Rolfe has a passion at making movies, whereas Scott is more of a comedian.
@@ExtremeWreck James seems to have lost his passion almost anything now. Since his film flopped, and he expected it would land him a spot in Hollywood, he slowly became more distant from AVGN, in particular. Now, he doesn't even write or record 95% of his content. He just reads Screenwave's scripts off of a teleprompter.
@@yourfairyking Thats...Not true? I admit his newer stuff isn't as good as classic AVGN, but it's still fun to watch and he still looks like he's having fun. Also, what the hell do you mean he expected it to land him in Hollywood? He said he just wanted to do a movie, weather it was good or bad, cause it was a child hood dream of his.
In this episode, I noticed the soft music in the background. Then I realized there's music in every episode. Then I realized it's Scott's fault I always have Nintendo music stuck in my head.
Just last week he snuck Splash Woman's stage theme into the video at one point. Even better, the first game he showcased when using that song is Mega Man 9!
Fun fact about the dead island trailer: if you take a left instead of right after leaving the first room in the game, you can find the couple dead on the ground as an Easter egg
“And this is what made us lose credibility”
@@wozthescott2804 OMG ME TOOOOO HAHAHAH
@@MEXICAN673 I did too and now it's freaking me out that this happened so many times
@@totallyrealcia Scott has mysterious powers, don't question it
I'd be extremely hesitant if I ever visited Scott's home. There is just too high of a chance that anything you touch had been in his toilet.
I'd be more afraid of a shelf of games crashing down on me.
I’d be more afraid of being hit by a frying pan
I'd be more afraid of Fling Smash
toilets are pretty clean usually. Unless you use it and don’t flush
Don't touch his Chibi Robo collection, you'll get Zip Lash.
Fun fact- in the Horizon: Zero Dawn documentary by Noclip, the devs said that the infamous Killzone trailer was never meant to be a trailer in the first place. They were asked to make a visual demo showcasing what they ideally wanted to achieve with the franchise. A "here is our vision" statement sort of- sky was the limit. Then, a Sony rep walked on stage and announced it as a trailer for an upcoming game and everyone at Guerrilla said "WHAT?? NO!"
So in reality, those who RELEASED the trailer should go to hell, not the poor devs.
Exactly. It's likely the same with MotorStorm, only it was an actual trailer that Phil Harrison said represented actual gameplay when it isn't at all.
The real enemy is not the game devs, it's the rat-fucking higher-ups who exist to squeeze money out of children's hearts.
@@matter-i3w yeah sony tends to do that you can see all the story of no mans sky and how sony basically throw them under the bus
How Sony repeatedly manages to be the worst big company in the industry, time and time again, when their competition is Microsoft and Nintendo is truly inspiring.
8:00 Importantly the PC version of Watch Dogs had hidden files that could be re-enabled to make the game look much more like the E3 build, and some reported it even ran better on their system after doing this. Ubisoft then patched the game to remove those files because they didn't want PC users to have access to a version that made the brand new next gen console versions look outdated at launch.
That's the part of the story that makes the whole thing way worse for me.
Glad someone said this before me
Please tell me people modded those files back into the game.
@@empoleonmaster6709 they did luckily but the damage has been done
It enabled a horrible looking permanent depth of field effect and more headlight shadows from vehicles. Whoop-de-doo. The mod was overhyped.
i got the game on ps4 and i thought it looked and played great. i didn't get sucked in by all the hype like many though, i read and article or 2 about it but didn't pay much attention to it then just spontaneously bought it on release for full price. thoroughly enjoyed it and played through it 3 or 4 times with no major bugs, no notable bugs period that i can recall. still one of my favorite games on the ps4. for whatever reason i could never really get into gta, but i really got into this game, and it had some of the most fun mini games i've seen in a game, the digital trips are especially fun. even if it didn't match the visuals in the trailers, it was a really good game and i'm surprised it got so much hate over it.
The Simpsons Game might have lied but i'll forgive it this time for being way more fun than I ever expected it to be
Hit and Run is better
@@Meme_Man_is_Cool nobody said it wasn’t let people enjoy things for once
@@WunderwaffePrime No
To be fair it was obviously just a joke
I could listen to 20 minutes of Scott talking about bread.
Don’t inspire him
@@weirdcelebass shhhh
@@weirdcelebass why not
Hey! It's Cpt. Egg!
False advertising feels like opening a cookie box and finding a sewing kit.
More like opening the box and they're all oatmeal cookies
the memories
One’s less edible than the other
@@Drakeblood97 or it’s a sewing kit
Nintendo literally showed the number 4 on screen and people started crying.
Metroid prime4
@@Seth9809 Metroid Prime 4's reveal started with a 4 fading in.
I mean its not false advertising. It is supposedly Metroid Prime 4. You know assuming it actually exists
I mean, at least they havent shown unrealistic gameplay. Generally speaking, Nintendo has been pretty honest about the gameplay they show. Their cinematic videos *do* push expectations a bit high though. But not NEARLY as much as other publishers.
“What ever happened to truth in advertising yo?”
I got gex as my screensaver because he never lies
don't know if this is an actual Gex quote or not but the prospect of people falsely quoting Gex is hilarious enough.
@@うきあ39 “I never said that, don’t listen to Scott the Woz fans” - Gex
@@usermcskull4713 THAT'S FLEX......TAPE
Gotta agree on the Dead Island trailer, it was NOTHING like the game
It was a pretty great trailer though
@@blob_man_guy1582 yeah, all my friends were super hyped
@@blob_man_guy1582 pretty great game too
great game though. soyboys will disagree
I've never played it myself, but that trailer did speak volumes.
...Dammit, now I'm gonna hop back to your channel. 🤣
you had me at "hey all"
Vail you had me at "gravity falls"
He had me at here
@@brittaniwiersma7179 hey look at me I'm the 4th reply on a verified persons comment heheheheh
Hey, it’s me, I commented on your last video that I share a birthday with Phineas and Ferb
He had me at h
Can you imagine the balls on CDPR if they just sat down and said "guys, we have to cancel the last gen versions of Cyberpunk and delay it another year. This is why" and then they showed footage of all the glitches
There's a timeline where that happened but we don't live there
They made no money with those sales and got their game pulled from the shelves, so I think that would actually have been the best way to go
Also the initial idea was for Cyberpunk to be third person but they switched to first person because it was easier to make when avoiding animating the character and your customizations.
But if they did that, WB Games would be up their asses for that as they published the game in a unfinished state, brcausr they forced CD Projekt Red to have it finished
@@ChaseMC215 but having bad PR, dealing with refunds, scandals, people getting fired/retiring/leaving is better? The game sold well in it's first run but this year the sales absolutely tanked because everyone knows how bad it was on launch, people keep buying Witcher because it's at least complete and doesn't crash every 5 minutes
The weirdest and most insulting thing about Watch Dogs was that shortly after release gamers on the PC version found some code that intentionally downgraded the graphics. There was an unofficial patch that removed the gimping code and on PC it made the game look much better.
Not only did Ubisoft lie about how the game looked but it even crippled the graphics on the only platform that could come close.
Afaik there wasnt even a performance issue with the shader
They did it because sony and Microsofts consoles couldn't handle the graphics and threatened that if they didn't down grade the graphics they wouldent support watch dogs
@@Jam._. even the better graphics didn't save that game from being bland as hell though
@@princessnovainacottage3326 no it’s a good game
Huh... do you have a link ? You got me back in the mood to play it again and try this unofficial patch.
This is one of the most modern episodes yet
We need to market getting a small stuffed animal digitally in a game if you preorder at Walmart in Canada but only in select areas such as 300 miles away from any city.
Dick Vitale approves of this episod
@@dickvitale9701 yeah baby😂 I see dickie v all the time he lives near me
He’s said before he wants to make his videos timeless so they aren’t dated, so this is new for him but still pretty timeless
"hey all, Scott here!"
*And all my problems melt away*
@@gunk7712 nah, it’s “all”.
@@gunk7712 in Nintendo switch four years in, he writes "all" on the piece of paper at the beginning of the episode
Dick Vitale agrees
"No publicity is bad publicity" said the marketing genius as he distributed flyers reading I AM A CONVICTED CHILD MOLESTER in his neighbors' mailboxes
That has always been the second stupidest piece of advice or a metaphor aside from having your cake and eating it
@@ciphergacha9100 Having your cake and eating it twice?
@@ciphergacha9100 the saying was originally "eat your cake and still have it" or something to that effect. Basically saying someone wants all of the benefits and none of the costs.
@@ciphergacha9100 having your cake and eating it too means wanting to consume the cake but also still have cake to consume. Its just worded a bit poorly
@@leaffinite2001 I feel like eating your cake and having it would make more sense to be fair
I can’t believe Scott posted a 16 minute video just saying “Don’t Preorder”
He already did that.
Indeed taylor Simpson of no mans sky glitch 22 fame
Wow, I know you since No Man's Sky glitch 21!!!
This is a terrible way of looking at it. Thousands of gamea release every year without issues. This is like never getting in a car because of the tiny minority of car crashes.
@@MuchWhittering Tiny minority? Where I live car crashes are the number one cause of death for young adults
Scott’s favorite pastime: false advertising
Which episode is that from again?
I thought it was tax evasion
“I understood that reference”
I thought this said "Scott's favorite pasta"
@@CrocvsGator i think it was "from reveal to release"
"the gamers will revolt."
this horrified me to my very core.
lol. if current events have taught me anything its that some will complain but the masses will be gladly remove those individuals from society if fed enough lies.
The gamers are revolting
@@scr0ngle108 The gamers are rebelling - :D
The gamers are disgusting - D:
I really really liked Age of Calamity, and I appreciate the separate story it told, but I would’ve liked it WAY more if Nintendo gave even a sliver of an indication that it wasn’t actually a direct prequel in its marketing
Honestly should’ve just been it’s own thing tbh. Having “what-if” scenarios as ideas for games is something that has proven to work. XCOM 2 was a pretty successful game and that only happened because the developers thought “Hey what if the good guys actually didn’t win in the first game”. Honestly Age of Calamity seems more of something where they just stuck it on something popular just to make sure it really doesn’t fail. Not saying it’s a terrible game of course
@@uhoh6706 The first Hyrule Warriors was its own thing and hardly anyone played it
@@exzyyd392 that's because "warriors" games suck
@@exzyyd392 Because it was a Wii U game.
This game gives me feelings not found in Breath of the Wild.
The biggest problem CDPR made with Cyberpunk was announcing it so god damn early. That allowed for hype to build for almost a decade and hamstrung them when it came to making and finishing the game. I think announcing it officially sometime before or after the last Witcher 3 expansion out would've been good, it would've left them a LOT more time to finish and polish the game without gamers and investors being throughly burned out on waiting for the game to he done. It would've also allowed for a few delays since the horrendously long time in-between the original announcement wouldn't have existed and people would assume more work was needed, especially if a release date wasn't initially announced at that time.
Man, this is the problem with the gaming culture in general these days, they announce stuff WAY TOO DAMN EARLY 😡
I mean, I get it that your multimilion project HAS to sell, but announcing it 6months-1 year before releasing leaves plenty of time to build HYPE and get people to look forward to the game, as several AAA titles already showed.
I disagree. I think that the E3 announcement in 2018 was what caused the hype to build so much. Then, of course announcing that Keanu was a main character in the game was the biggest can of worms they could have opened for obvious reasons.
Im glad I was never hyped for Cyberpunk, I still think its crazy the original announcement was in 2012, before they even announced Witcher 3 and only like a year after Witcher 2 came out. I think they must have had bigger plans for the size of the company than what ended up happening.
@@deanrazor9023 No the company got a lot bigger that they thought actually. Even themselves didn't expect the massive Witcher 3 success that allowed them to hire a lot more people.
Cyberpunk is another example of too many roosters and no clear vision.
The initial people back then had a vision but managers and new people all brought one idea after the other and cancelling previous work to change something etc etc resulting in time being wasted and not a clear path of what they are doing.
From the start the game wasn't supposed to be GTA like but more RPG story driven(RPG elements basically went away), It was also supposed to be third person etc.
In a nutshell they were going back and fourth creating stuff and then deleting them etc and then had to rush like crazy to at least make something. They needed a clear leader with a clear vision that knew what he wanted and clearly expressed it. Instead they had a clusterfu%k.
Now that they have been threw all that they are probably thinking "We should have made things like that and that" So they know better now and if they actually just got their heads down right now in making Cyberbunk 2 they could make it and finish it quite fast at that but that won't happen and if and when they get do it half and more of the people that learned the lessons from trying to create that mess won't be there and the problems will start all over.
To be honest if i was in charge i would have told them to not bother with vehicles and driving and focus more on making those realistic NPC's and characters. Also i would have minimized police appearances. Basically i would have made it less GTA.
@@eduardo.calistenia I still feel like 12 months is too long, what’s the point of announcing a game that’s out well into the next year? Show me what I can’t have? Wonderful thought.
you never lost credibility to me pal
Caraca,você por aqui?
wtf mateus oq tu tá fazendo aq
carai mateus
so true !
"This video is sponsored by Raid Shadow Legends."
Here before this comment blows up
ur pfp gave u a sub-
It really do be like that
Stop trying to revive your channel through comments make good content
The worst false advertising I was ever hit with was Spider-Man 2 (2004) on PC, which at the time sold a physical box copy in stores that featured screenshots on the box taken directly from the PS2 boxart. However, upon installation was met with literally an entirely different game by an entirely different dev team with nothing to do with the PS2 version.
Somehow nobody has ever noticed or spoken of this. The times passed I guess but man if they pulled that shit today omg lol
no one noticed it probably because no one cares
Thats a sound assessment lol Activision got away with it.@@gnasheroffthewall
@@gnasheroffthewallI care
@@carolingio1152Hello nobody, fancy meeting you here
Person: is there anything you don’t trust in this world Scott?
Scott when he thought you could fly in Mario galaxy: you wouldn’t get it...
i mean, you can get a red star, so...
@@metalicarus8372 its just not the same...
@@EllieMiller510 its still cool
@@metalicarus8372 I always found it so sad cause you couldn't really use it anywhere except in the observatory. I wish you coulda brought it into levels and found new areas or something. It had some really dope music to go with it too
@@finestcustard5647 i feel like it really belings in the hubworld. its a neat way to make some areas quicker to reach, and turns the hub in a small 1-up chase game. it also kinda showed what a regular level mixed with a water level looks like, and let's ne honest the janky controls aren't helping. it's a neat detail for sure, but i get why they chose to focus on actual platforming instead.
The good thing about Scott is he never does false advertisement
Yeah the amount of times he's played Gex on this channel amazes me
not true, he still hasn't done that L button video
I don't know man... he did advertise a 22 minute long video on the L button before and that's still not here.
"The gamers will revolt."
- Scott the wos
I see you everywhere I swear
Scott Wosniak
Soctt the Wsoknikak
sco wosni
Fun fact; the entirety of the glitches with the AI within Aliens: Colonial Marines are caused by a single typo in the game's code
Reminds me of Fallout New Vegas, where a Perk doesn't work as intented because of a typo
they must have said Alen instead
@@gnasheroffthewallalen colon mairen
So does the L button joke count as false advertising since we still don't have that episode?
No, it’ll just be false advertising if the L button episode sucks
@@jogos4ever801 or if it's not 23 minutes long
Hi out of context guy
I often wonder why topics Scott even has left to cover, but then each video it’s like, “oh duh, of course”
He doesn’t have a lot left to cover I feel. Maybe the rest of the Mario parties and a few other stuff but idk, hard to think of. Kinda hope he makes more comedy videos, anyways. I really like them
E3 2021
nintendo switch: [insert number here] years in
Shovel ware part 4
For broad topics it does seem that way but when you can have a 20 minute video on specific things I'd say it's possible, but for different games, non-Nintendo systems or other things he has plenty to cover. Many other channels have looked at many different aspects of gaming, even retro topic channels I've watched a handful on CRTs, modern games viewpoints, the TurboGrapx, getting into RPGs, and more, it really depends on what aspect whether specific like game consoles/controllers, the L button or broad to cover like genres, a game series and more to cover.
I've posted or seen tons of 20+ suggestions in the community of a retro channel I watch called Retro Bird about topics like Turbo Buttons on the Turbograpx/third party controllers that have had them in the past and present, opinions on the Jaguar, 3DO and other 90s consoles outside of the PS1, N64 and Saturn, how modern and retro peripherals compare (like Lightguns to a Wiimote), younger games getting into retro games and much more. Depends on the topic and how specific or broad it is.
Sure he hasn't covered a We Dare or Night Trap type of retrospective in a while but we may see more like that I assume besides the Mario Party sequels, Mega Man or whatever. He may just have made his point and doesn't need to cover any more than the first game in those long running series. I do think we will run out of ideas but so far he is doing pretty well, whether timing them to relevant topics or just whatever he feels like/thinks about.
I can't wait for the sequel Scott the Woz: mobile game advertisements
Edit: holy s*** I did not expect to blow up
he’ll lose his mind
*sponsored by Raid: Shadow Legends*
scott the goat!!
throat goat
Who are you
@@AFF_NYC pride months official mascot
Billy what the fuck are you doing here
An unexpected arrival
Of all the things Scott has put in his toilet I never expected him to put a console in there
"This console blows!"
That's where all Xboxes belong.
@@thisisnotachannel get a life
"Please, for the love of God, DON'T MIND ME."
Why does that line sound weirdly relatable to me on a personal level?
it’s a great line
It’s crazy that Scott went to a high school that was called Scott’s High School
What a coincidence!
He didn't go to a High School named "Scott's High School" , thats what he wants you to think.
Its actually called "Chibi Robo Ziplash's Hell School"
Emerald VR AcTuAlLy he went to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Scott is false advertising, I just found out he’s a human!
How dare he!
Didn’t age well.
@@josepho3366 well it's still a funny joke for the people waiting for the new video at that time, it just took long to upload lol.
Wait, I thought he was a Woz?
@@scottydu81 I thought he was a scott
Can we all appreciate that Scott put his Xbox in the toilet for a 2 second joke.
Truly dedicated to his craft
It's where it belongs
@@Pizza7478 why the hate man
@@DOOMGUYBFG64 We only play dumb Nintendo games in this household
@@notsludgebomb Man all of you suck, bitching about consoles. I play on my PC. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go take out a loan to buy a graphics card.
9:42 He censors the cursing in the in-game subtitles. God bless Scott.
"If there's anyone who could resurrect Christ it's the Ps3"
- Scott the owns multiple copies of Flingsmash Woz
Why are they always wet?
@@tyranttracergaming You know exactly why .
@@tyranttracergaming if it's dry, I cry
But if it's wet, aight bet 😉😏
Scott the owns
I genuinely was highly disappointed the first time I ate Gushers. Wasn’t expecting my head to change into a fruit but at least thought there would be a decent amount of fruit juice squirt in my mouth.
LMAO!! That sounds dirty now that I read that back.🤣🤣🤣
@Tensel Huh every time I've eaten it felt like a lot of juice :p
I never took issue with Gushers, loved 'em alongsode Fruit Rollups and Sour Straws
“Give me that lemon juice~”
"Till the very end in 4 months."
D-did Scott just predict the end of the world?
Wait in 4 months it gonna be october,is he foreshadowing the halloween special of this year?
Haven't you heard? 10-28-21 from space debris carrying a deadly mutated virus crashing into Yellowstone triggering fault activity linked with Tamu Massif causing massive tidal waves globally, melting the ice caps, and awaking all 3,000 species of Cicada simultaneously.
Like the Movie 2012?
@@Nightenstaff idk man, that sounds like a hunk of junk to me.
I think Scott’s wrong, pretty sure the yearbook retake grace period is 5 years.
I think it depends on which state you live in.
Awww…. Damn it!!! Just missed it.
The yearbook is the only true permanent record
Remember when Scott tried to off himself by eating a fruit gusher?
edit: i didn’t finish watching the video, nevermind lmao
fun fact: for watchdogs a hacker noticed that there is a “switch” in the code that enables the watchdogs graphics from the demo. some people theorize that sony/microsoft had made EA intentionally lower setting in order for it to be compatible with console as the game works completely fine on PC with the advanced settings
EA didn't make WatchDogs
So you can literally hack it to look better. Imagine if that was the final ability you unlocked in the game.
Very cool, but Ubisoft made and published it not EA
You mean Ubisoft
There were advanced PC gfx settings in the configfiles, which weren’t optimized and very glitchy.
Sunday’s are the day for our true lord and savior: Scott “Will Eventually Take a Look at the First Mega Man” Wozniak (working title)
After Saturday’s were the god SMG4 will appear.
For the love of God people, stop using apostrophes when you are talking plural. I am not a ‘grammar nazi’ but this is ridiculous.
It’s Sundays.
That name is false advertising!
@@TommyDeonauthsArchives Well, he did eventually
@@balazs7235 thats what happen’s when it autocorrect’s oopsie poopsie
"Don't lie! I've done lied before and it's way too much fun."
"the gamers will revolt" sounds like a threat
Meanwhile, "The gamers are revolting!" sounds like an insult.
It is
Es eso una amenaza?
@@Jam._. Wii play, do you?
@@brixnotbricks Is that a threat
Didn't know anyone else had the Fruit Gushers fear, I feel ya Scott.
I didn't like juice coming out of my fruit snacks. I was a weird child. Can't remember if I had your fear or not.
I did... never ate one in my life... and never will, even with those new ads...
There is a reason this came out during E3.
Spiking of E3 scoot well talk about is opinion about E3 2021 nexst week
@@desh206 It won't be next week, in 2019 and 2018 it usually took him ~1 month to get his E3 video out (usually around 3 weeks)
Maybe E3 2001 next week?
He is trying to warn us,He is a legend
“Why be honest about how your game looks” *shows watch dogs gameplay*
That’s advertising for you.
The crazy thing is that it actually CAN look like that by changing a couple values in the PC version...and it runs better.
@@MrGamelover23 yea, all that seemed to happened was someone forgot to turn on the filter before putting it out
As soon as I read the title I knew watch dogs would be shown
@@MrGamelover23 I didn’t realise this myth/misconception was still so common. There’s a few unfinished and tweaked effects you can find in the PCs code, but it still looks fundamentally different from the final game.
It would be cool if we got “saved games” as a sequel, addressing games like no mans sky that turned the reputation around!
Battle front 2 is also a great example
I disagree. These aren't things that people should be praising. That'll make more and more publishers release their games unfinished in hopes that the community will circlejerk the game when they do fix it.
Ff14 did it. Colossal failure of a MMO, and years later they set fire to it, and rebuilt it from the ground up
@@KenLinx It'd also be a pretty short list...
@@KenLinx If you continue to demonise a company for fixing their mistakes, you know what will happen? Companies will stop fixing their mistakes.
Avoid mistakes in the first place, but give credit where it's due for fixing those mistakes. 5 years on, if you still refuse to forgive Hello Games, you're just petty at this point.
Discovered you through G4 TV. Being a kid from the 80’s, I find your content highly addictive, unbiased, truthful, and very very fun.
I appreciate everything you do and you’ve gotten a new subscriber.
Time for quality content.
get the popcorn
Get the doritos
Get the bread
get the rootbeer
0:58 “To the very end in 4 months.”
Watch out for future Scott lore!!
@@zachcoastercrazy4032 1:00
“And this is when I lost my credibility” sold this one for me.
I work in the games industry and this attitude from the executives is the exact same thing that causes us to be underpaid, overworked, and also makes the game suck more than if they had just told the truth in the first place :-) crunch kills games
"no, our game won't have any microtransactions in it"
Activision: add microtransactions a month after release.
CTR, right?
@@dustydd yup...
CTR and CoD be like
@@simonemastrolonardo405 oh Activision straight up deepthroats CoD worse than Sony deepthroats The Last Of Us...
2 months actually
let's all respect Scott because he put his xbox in his toilet, causing it to probably break, for a 2 second gag
The XBox was barely in the toilet, let alone in the water. It's fine, I guarantee it.
A Legend if I say so myself
That was the XBox he spilled candle wax in. I’m not joking.
@@jessthebenjamin758 plus he has an xbox one x
@Kittygamer top 10 Plot twist number 1
Me: saw an Xbox in the toilet
Scott: made back the money in minutes of this upload
I mean, it does belong there, he was just returning it home
@@Pizza7478 hello console warrior. Minecraft 2 got released. You can go play it by going outside and touching some grass.
@@inny74 xbox do be a sad state of affairs currently
@@inny74 I play PC and Nintendo Sir, I am outside the War.
To be real, the joke was probably using an already toasted Xbox he bought on Ebay for 20$
I gotta say I’m impressed by anthem. They were so misleading that the e3 reveal was the first time THE DEVS saw what they were making. It was so false advertised that even the people making it were like huh that looks cool I wonder who is ma- US!?
The best part about Aliens Colonial Marines, all the bugs were caused by a typo in the game code.
And I am surprised there was never a patch to fix that.
Wasnt that the game Gearbox dev'd and Randy took a lot of that money and threw it at the borderlands series instead?
@@Pr0ximaCentauri Yup.
it was just the dumb ai that bug fixed. The graphics were still ugly.
@@chrisrichfield8906 The bad graphics weren't a bug, just them being cheap with development on the game.
Halo 5's "Hunt the Truth" marketing campaign literally had nothing to do with the game. Halo 2 also had an infamous gameplay demo
Which was such a shame because I really liked that 'Hunt the Truth' marketing campaign, hell they even got Keegan Michael Key to play the main character in it!
@TheCyberShark you had to hunt for the truth because it wasn’t in the trailers.
I told my friend that they’d just throw a couple of punches and team up, but he chose to believe the trailer.
I'm glad someone brought this up. As much as I have faith in Halo Infinite, I'm going to keep my guard up now.
The issue that happened with Halo 5's marketing of "Hunt the Truth" was primarily because the writers of the game had a completely different story in mind which kinda had that mystery why Master Chief and the rest of Blue Team is being hunted down by some sort of ONI Rogue Like agent named Locke, a cousin of mine actually did an internship with 343i's digital marketing, unfortunately he was under a NDA so what he could tell was very limited, but apparently some people in administration didn't like this at all had the writers constantly rewriting the story, even after all the trailers being pushed online, they were trying to make the story to appeal more to women and people of color and other type of PC BS. My cousin also told me that they were thinking about rewriting John 117 race and making Buck a homosexual?
0:00 Scott's High School, Scott's first birth, Scott pre-cheat codes, Scott before he owned two Cylon Raider minifigures.. Ah the memories.
This dude knows deblob, he has earned my respect indefinitely.
Scott, I just want you to know how important and appreciated the effort and time you put in to your videos is. You are so reliable with your content and every episode is not only educational and interesting, but guaranteed to make me laugh at least once or twice and often more. That's something most of us really need and I am so grateful that your channel exists.
To be a bit personal - I have a genetic disease and several chronic illnesses because of it. There's a lot of days I spend in bed and not up to much, even playing games. When I feel awful I often throw on one of your videos - I've watched almost all of your videos half a dozen times or more and still enjoy them every time, just as much. Tonight I was getting ready to access my central line, it is in my chest and needs a large needle to access and can be really anxiety producing and sometimes more painful than normal. I was procrastinating it and am having a hard day with symptoms, and then as I went to get ready, I saw you had a new video released. I watched your video during and as usual it was fantastic, and really helped me relax and get on with my night. I also saw you had a meeting with a fan through Make-A-Wish and I've seen videos of you interacting with fans at events before - you seem like such a fun and genuine and kind person.
It is so awesome to see your content and posts. Keep up the great work, I know it must be time consuming, but thank you for making my bad days a little better and for all the laughs you give us.
Hi Claire, I'm genuinely impressed by your way of expressing yourself in written word. I'm a bit of a clunky typist so this really stood out to me. Best of luck in your life.
I hope Scott sees your comment and replies!
If only all people could have the same attitude to life as you!
I can't believe Scott spent 3 cents for just this joke!
Cyberpunk's promise of the NPC's having their own lives and routines in the world could possible be possible if only the game's been in a more better development.
As Majora's Mask actually kind of achieved it back in the day, with various characters (NPCs) that have their own routines, activities throughout the 3 day cycle.
I know most games also have those like Oblivion, but It was done in the 90's, and still proves that it could be possible.
(If I'm wrong about Majora not being the only game in that did it back then please tell me =) )
I agree! One thing I really loved about The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask was how almost all of the NPCs in Clock Town felt *alive*. Instead of how in other games, if you're already inside an area waiting for a character to enter, they would simply appear there at one point, in Majora's Mask, the character would enter through the door, and you would even see them walking into the building!
Breath of the wild is like that, even though it’s just some walking cycles and sleeping
Oh there was a lot more in the cyberpunk trailer we didn't get as well.
@@knightghost1782 Yep. The staunch defenders of this game are ridiculous about it too: "Umm, game devs always do that".
Yeah. They cut out features they never talked or showed OR ADVERTISED IT PUBLICLY! I am glad I waited because many of the stuff cut out were exactly why I was interested in the game. The other defenders also say "Bugs and glitches happens in all games..."
A PS2 game did it, Called Radiata Stories 170+ NPCS all had different routines they would do every day ,It was the same routine each day, but hey each one did something different at different times of the day you could legit follow one around (Expect 2 who used off map short cuts)
The fact that mobile games were not even mentioned once in the video makes me breathe a sigh of relief and frustration at the exact same time
I wish they released every new game on Dreamcast, I don't care how different it is. I need everything on Dreamcast.
completely unquestioned dreamcast revival when. i wanna see a new AAA game trailer just be like “and dreamcast” like it’s no big deal and everyone just goes with it
He finally bought the copy of “Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite” that’s been rotting on the store shelf.
Next he'll but the PS2 games
@@ChristopherKelley100 Dreamcast version is where it was at
The fact that Scott made it through this video without ONCE mentioning Peter Molyneux is a spectacle to me.
I'm just glad Fable is continuing. Amazing gameplay and worldbuilding, with the greatest morality system in all of gaming.
That's Guru Larry's job
Remembering Spore and that Kinect game with the boy.
Honestly though some of his games had some great innovative mechanics that could have made people go WOW if he didn't make those mechanics look like nothing compared to what he was promising.
@@Shihai-sha greatest morality system in all of gaming? Nah, I think that’s Undertale. Just saying…
@@wolfetteplays8894 Yeah I can't argue with that.
0:47 That's why I never take trailers seriously and always search for gameplay on youtube
Exactly same for me
I really thought Anthem would be on this. That was a massive lie from the trailer to gameplay.
Make sure you have a game to announce when the announcement happens an not cgi to catfish people
@@autismandgaming4532 Yeah
Anyone remembers that kinect game with that little boy trailer that will supposedly react realistically to anything you did etc. Boy was that a whole of bull.
@@SIPEROTH I remember
Hello games (the studio that made no man's sky) didn't just try to fix the game, they sat down and have been working hard from launch to make the game something even better than the initial reveal, and have succeeded
Is it even better than the initial reveal? I don't know enough about it.
I believe there was a lawsuit against them for false advertising.
@One vibing cactus juice boi and his pet, lord momo Yeah, no, that's bullshit. Pressure from fans isn't an excuse.
Because if they didn't, they'd lose all their credibility.
@@austinwiebe3801 tbh no its not there yet. Anyone who says they surpassed the promises is either lying or stupid. Its a good game and worth the money but it has not achieved the level of initial promises and probably never will.
My favourite act of false advertising was when Scott said he made a video about the L button.
Yep, still waiting on that one.
It'll come
This honestly makes me appreciate Nintendo's transparency with some of their trailers, like showing Chimeco stuttering in the Pokemon Legends Arceus trailer.
I'm glad I found Scott's channel... It is by far one of the smartest and most informed people on the subject of video games all together his knowledge amazes me and leaves me baffled, how he is so funny while providing me with unending knowledge of all systems consoles games accessories and all the other special videos he has, how he has under 1.5 mil subs I will NEVER understand I've learned much from watching and have used many bits of knowledge I learned in conversation, so in conclusion thank you Scott the Woz for continuing to bring us premium content and not cutting corners appreciate ya my brother!
Very amazing youtuber
I like how high quality his videos are, They are really long.
"It's only a lie, if you get caught"- The Entertainment Industry's Marketing Department
“...and it’ll be there to the end in four months”
four months from now is october
is scott hinting at this year’s halloween special already?
Good catch. I think you are into something
Remember me to come back to your comment in 4 months from now 'till then.
@@LaRavachole alright I hope I remember. Maybe if he does mention it in October, someone else will find these comments and we will get the notifications
@@jayst Thanks homie
I understand why companies used to use cut scenes to sell games years ago when graphics weren't as good and hardware wasn't as powerful, but with the consoles and PC's we have these days then there is no excuse
You're like a pre-Cyberpunk CDProjectRed. Your credibility is still intact.
And here I thought I was the only kid who feared their head turning into a fruit after eating a Fruit Gusher. Thank you for making me feel less alone Scott.
“Why be honest about how your game looks?” -Ubisoft
Fun fact in the code for watch dogs there is a switch that has the lighting system in the e3 showing but is turned off. Of course I might be wrong or half right so take this with a grain of salt
@@KnifeWoundGirl you are indeed wrong
I really do feel bad for CD Projekt Red if it was a case of higher-ups pushing them to accomplish the impossible and them havingnearly no say in the matter at that point. That's what it definitely feels like to me, not sure if it has been proven one way or the other yet.
I mean in most of these cases it was higher-ups dragging devs along, being a game dev is frankly a horrible job
“The very end in four months”
*Ragnarok has been announced*
Sony Santa Monica Dev 1: "Four months? We're not even _done_ yet!"
Sony Santa Monica Dev 2: "Um... have you been watching the news lately?"
*cut to footage of Norse giants rampaging across Europe while dragons burn LA to a crisp*
Sony Santa Monica Dev 1: "...God damn it, I *TOLD* Cody not to read from that stupid book!"
Anthem E3 gameplay was amazing! It wowed the gamers AND the Devs!
"Wow, that's the game!"
-The fans and Bioware, simultaneously.
Bioware, when they realized what they had gone into
I love the game
It was so amazing that it sold for 1 cent at every gamestop!
"Who would want to watch Scott at 3 AM?" Me: Oh boy 3 AM!
I think of Patrick whenever it’s 3 am
@@snorlaxcock6473 kraby paty
"who do you Voodoo" is a beautiful emotional song that has stuck with me for years
*Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite shows up*
*proceeds to scream in agony on a pillow*
I could listen to Scott talk about literally anything
this man's dedication to his fans is fucking massive
“ if anyone could resurrect the Christ it would be PS3 “ this got me laughing hard 😂
15 years from now Scott will be talked about how we talk about AVGN now.
@KitchensAreHot Yeah. Not to mention they're 2 different kind of people as well. James Rolfe has a passion at making movies, whereas Scott is more of a comedian.
@@ExtremeWreck James seems to have lost his passion almost anything now. Since his film flopped, and he expected it would land him a spot in Hollywood, he slowly became more distant from AVGN, in particular.
Now, he doesn't even write or record 95% of his content. He just reads Screenwave's scripts off of a teleprompter.
@@yourfairyking that’s depressing
@@yourfairyking Thats...Not true? I admit his newer stuff isn't as good as classic AVGN, but it's still fun to watch and he still looks like he's having fun. Also, what the hell do you mean he expected it to land him in Hollywood? He said he just wanted to do a movie, weather it was good or bad, cause it was a child hood dream of his.
Careful what you wish for. It's not all good for AVGN
Dead Island legitimately has one of the best trailers for any product ever.
So they couldn't even be topped by Cyberpunk 2077?
You should have called it something like “Gex”, then bam, video about false advertising
You should've you when the and of the video
But it is canon that for Jeb everything is Gex, except Gex
@128 feral cats good point, he should call it gex then talk about that lizard game
Good idea
@@SanctuaryADO the greatest uprising since Christ himself
10:22 i love how Scott got so fed up with the three Switch games with different spine fonts that he put all three of them at the very end
In this episode, I noticed the soft music in the background. Then I realized there's music in every episode. Then I realized it's Scott's fault I always have Nintendo music stuck in my head.
Just last week he snuck Splash Woman's stage theme into the video at one point. Even better, the first game he showcased when using that song is Mega Man 9!
always notice the "not actual gameplay" sign
Reminds me of every smash bros reveal.
it's basically "don't sue us" banner
@@Swagbastian because cinematics are cool
@@mydrillasanjay5397 I'm talking about the gameplay demos that have this phrase, not the cinematics.
It already been a week
I thought the last episode released like 3 days ago lol
I thought it released 2 hours ago
I know
I thought it released yesterday, 2 weeks ago.
Not even 1 minute in and I had to subscribe, this dude is a legend.
I thought the same 2 years ago. And I haven't turned back since