Great idea. Kinda of like a road grader. That should keep the blade level going over uneven ground. I have a 1950 Farmall Super A with the #60 Leveling and grader blade. Can be mounted in the front as a snow plow or mounted under the belly like a road grader. Works great.
No not directly responsible... Of course the smaller own yard road is something completely own responsibility. That larger road in the video is public gravel road. County pays small amount of expenses but all the shareholders of that particular gravel road pay most of those expenses. Our neighbor is responsible for the maintenance of this road and I'm just trying to help him a bit :) This spring has been quite bad for roads in Finland since autumn was really wet and there was long freeze period and roads froze down in very deep depths... Now this spring time is just trying get surface to dry & bear the traffic load out before that ice disappears completely deep inside the road
erakoitunutisämmaampuollustaja Tukipyörillä toi höyläävä terä on nyt traktorin ja dollyn pyörien välissä kannatuksella niin routaheittojen ja monttujen tasaaminen helpompaa eikä heitto lähde kertaantumaan traktorin pyörien kulkiessa montun pohjan kautta jollon terä nousee/laskee... eihän tommonen tavallinen perälevy kovaan tiehen enää uppoo mutta tälleen keväällä märkään aika hyvinki
Nice unit. Seems to be working really well! 😉
Donn DIY Thanks!
Great idea. Kinda of like a road grader. That should keep the blade level going over uneven ground. I have a 1950 Farmall Super A with the #60 Leveling and grader blade. Can be mounted in the front as a snow plow or mounted under the belly like a road grader. Works great.
Thanks! Farmall sounds to be great machine!
@@JuhaErkkilathank you it is 72 years old and was engineered really well. It is capable of doing many jobs.
very impressive
Super 👍 👍 👍.
Are you responsible for a certain amount of track in your area?.
No not directly responsible... Of course the smaller own yard road is something completely own responsibility. That larger road in the video is public gravel road. County pays small amount of expenses but all the shareholders of that particular gravel road pay most of those expenses. Our neighbor is responsible for the maintenance of this road and I'm just trying to help him a bit :) This spring has been quite bad for roads in Finland since autumn was really wet and there was long freeze period and roads froze down in very deep depths... Now this spring time is just trying get surface to dry & bear the traffic load out before that ice disappears completely deep inside the road
Minkälainen ero täsä on verrattuna ilman tuota dollyä?
erakoitunutisämmaampuollustaja Tukipyörillä toi höyläävä terä on nyt traktorin ja dollyn pyörien välissä kannatuksella niin routaheittojen ja monttujen tasaaminen helpompaa eikä heitto lähde kertaantumaan traktorin pyörien kulkiessa montun pohjan kautta jollon terä nousee/laskee... eihän tommonen tavallinen perälevy kovaan tiehen enää uppoo mutta tälleen keväällä märkään aika hyvinki