Up until now I’ve been playing 2x40 stacks of harridans with +1 attacks from lightshard putting all my hero’s together and cogs. Giving your list a try next week.
Very nice Aaron! I'm personally not much a fan of the Harridans game but I know just effective they can be when you play into it! :D Lightshard combo#d in there makes for a really painful turn for your enemy when you pop that! ^^ Awh that's ace. I'd love to hear how you get on with it and what you think! :)
I find it interesting to see how well it works. Its kind of similar to something ive been calling the the Doomrocket as skaven. Where i use a verminlors deciever to dreaded skitterleap a grey seer. Which is outside of 6" rather than 9" teleport. Then the grey seer casts warp lightning vortex and gets out casting the normal skitterleap on himself to safety.
That sounds like nasty Skaven trickery to me Kyle! Very nice! :D I have so far had some great fun and success with this style of play for Nighthaunt and really do believe it has alot of potential going forward. Of course it hasn't been tested on any big stages yet but every idea has to start somewhere and I'm doing my best to keep improving the list around the core idea in this video which I will be sharing very soon. :)
If you didnt take the dreadblade harrow you could just bring the spirit hosts up from the underworld. Also I always move the coach with Lady O and choose soulreach grasp. Lady O charges up the coach D6 with her veil and possibly another 2 damage from the coach in the shooting phase, this means coaches dice starts on 1 + 3.5 (veil) + 2 (grasp) = 6.5 and your coach is then ready to unleash 3D3 more MW in just 1 phase.
Great point Pete! I do like that idea alot! :) Only thing about dropping the Dreadblade is he does bring alot more to the list when needed than just the Host to Olynder support. For example if you need to move the Rasps across the table from a far end objective to another you can do so and then also keep the support hero alongside them with the second teleport. Also once you've come out of the underworlds and might need to teleport Olynder again to another priority target then the hosts won't get left behind and she can stay protected. He also can use some clutch situations such as double your Discorporate if you get hit by split attacks or wanted double all out attacks etc. I know they're very situational cases but sometimes is handy to have. :) You're 100% on the Grasp + Olynder charge up and I like that idea alot. ^^ If you use Olynder to kill 1 wound enemies then this is a fantastic way to bump the coach up early doors for sure. But also if Olynder teleports in to snipe out a hero you're only going to get 1 from the veil as it's per model slain and if the Grasp does nothing because it can be very unreliable then you're only on 2 points after all that anyway. The Scythe for me has always just been more reliable and done more work but it might just be me getting unlucky with the Grasp attacks and I often do find myself thinking back and forth between them. ^^ Love the thoughts though and it's great that you can always use these as and when needed if you choose to go down that road! :D
Agreed, Soulreach grasp has the potential to miss so hard, and then you're stuck with another 1 ATK on the coach in combat. It's extremely unreliable. Potentially only 1 attack, hitting on 4+. These are the worst attack profiles for ranged units, imo.
Nice to see your name pop up Circuz!! Hope you've been well mate! :) But oh yeah, lots more Nighthaunt goodness on the way to kick this new GHB in the butt!! ^^ Hehe.
Really love this idea. Immediately put together a list based on what you've laid out here. Do you have a sample list of this tactic at both 1k and 2k? I'd love to see what you put together.
Glad you liked it Brian! :) One of the reasons I love doing these core tactic idea guides is to hopefully inspire some new list ideas for people, so I'm glad it's done that for you! :D Oooo it's like you know me too well! Hehe. There is indeed a full 2k list guide that's built around the core example given in this guide! ^^ I will have it up and live tomorrow as I need to edit it together. :) I can't say I've put too much thought into a 1k version of the list, but I do like that idea as a challenge, and I will see what I can do! ^^ Hehe.
I hope you like the list I have planned to share! :) I'd also love to hear what you came up with and see how they compare afterwards if you'd like to share Brian! :)
I have a question for you. I know, late to the game. But im starting an escalation league soon with NH and found your channel. Geeat stuff man. Anyway. What is the feasability of putting Reikenor in the mix? His warscroll spell does as many MWs on average as Lady O's. Albeit not as cibsustently due to dispells. But hes fast enough to probably keep pace with the Lady O/Awkrach combo. And he brings a consistent +3 to cast with him and a soft anti-wizard/priest ability. Allowing you to maybe forego the Midnight Tome and take something that plays into supporting the other half of your army. Is it a points issue? Am i overlooking some bad aspect of Reikenor?
Thanks so much, I'm glad you're enjoying the video! :) I'm sorry for the late reply. This is a great comment and I wanted to make sure I could sit down and reply properly! ^^ Reikenor is a very great warscroll for all the reasons you've listed. The bonus he gets to casting is amazing and it's a shame he is only a 1 cast wizard because with everything going for him. I think I'd almost make him an auto take if he could also do multiple spells. I used to run him all the time in 2nd edition and tbh his role, what he does and compared to other units in the book hasn't really changed in competition so he still does everything he did. Buuuut that said, the reason I think you don't see him all too much over the others right now is purely just the way the scoring works in the core game and road bumps in other ways. To cast a spell from him, you need to first cast it. So you could fail the roll or worse miscast. Then you need to not be unbound, then you need to make rolls from the Terminexus as to not fluff it. Where as the tome for that once per turn can just auto it out and all you need to do is roll for the Terminexus. So it cuts out all the middle men for the turn you really need it. This also couples with the current state of scoring and battle tactics. At the competitive level at the top you need to be getting your tactics everyround to max out points to give yourself the hope to win. One of those right now in the GHB is cast a spell and not have it unbound. Again with the tome you just auto it out so not only will you get the Terminexus guaranteed but also you can sure up your BT for the turn with 100% chance of success. Of course the Tome is just once per game but that's all you need to auto score your BT aswell as land your spell the first time. After that the Guardian of Souls is the same 1 cast wizard as Reikenor. Sure you're without the extra casting but also you don't need to be hurting yourself in the process for the 1 spell of choice and spectral lure is an amazing support spell which no one else has access too. Buuut, more importantly is also the only unit in our book that can be used as an Antor Locust. Which depending on your list building/grand strat choice can be more valuable in itself. I'd also say that you could have them all but it's just a matter of points at the moment so it's tricky. You can totally use Reikenor in place of a Tome GOS but it will require building around it. I don't think it's just a case of one is outright better than the other. More so just you need to lean into the style of the one you choose. Don't forget the big bubble of +1 to wound from the GOS which is great if you have a block or two of troops in your list. But wouldn't be any good if your list was say, all hexwraiths. Where Reikenor would shine more with his speed. :) These are just a few things that come to mind and I hope they help you see that both sides have upsides. It's just from a consistency, scoring and utility point due to the core rules + GHB the GOS fits multiple styles more hense why it is so popular. Reikenor is great but you'll have to work too him and is less plug and play. :)
Thanks mate, some nice ideas here. Really need to ensure those squishy enemy heroes die otherwise the counter attack will be harsh. Not sure how good this list will be against Sera-nofun as they are casting on +3/+4. If we dont go first there might not be any heroes left. How do we stay outta range of spells with umbral? Pray they miscast or give us first!?
Oh for sure, it's why I recommend pulling the trigger on the combination around turn 2 because by then the other units in your list will have moved up and will now be getting stuck in and making problems for the enemy army on multiple fronts when suddenly you teleport across and hit em hard with this at the same time! ^^ Of course like any game, scenario, list and faction you're facing up against will cause you to have to adapt slightly where needed. :) Sera-nofun! haha I like that! ^^ They're rough regardless but there's a few tricks we can use to try and limit the damage they cause us. First one is as you said, pray to the dice gods for some luck hehe. Second one is one you'll see alot in this GHB but having some Mrymourn Banshees laying about in your list is a fantastic way to block some straight up targeting spells they might throw your way. Thirdly I would make the use of the vanishing phantasms ability. If you want a key component of your list to not be hit you can just take them off the table and bring them down where needed later on. For those left behind after all this best to hide behind the nearest Spirit host! ^^ lol. Hope this helps! :)
Droping Olynder even on turn 2/3 is quite risky and I'm not sure if it is worth to kill a 5-6 wound champ for such risk. Of course depends on enemy faction if it has no range attack or strong magic which can get rid of us it's okay but if it's opposite I would hardly see it going well versus average Joe. The next thing I'm not so sure about is that if it's worth to deal d6mw (3 on average) at a cost of 460 pts (with small risk of doing nothing on a roll of 1) when instead we can just cast Malevolent Maelstrom endless spell (with Reikenor for +3 casting) and in more safely manner deal 2 mw on average in huge radius (3 to all wizards). To be honest emerald host + mortalis + for example 10 crossbros is enough to take out 5-6 wounds hero and disturb your enemy movements. Additionaly, we don't have solution for 14+ wounds monsters. For example Vlodz would be hard to bite here even if you move with our fisherman deal x mw he will heal 6 wounds in combat + maybe earlier he will use heroic recovery (on average another 2 healed wounds).
Awesome reply Adrian! Love some of these points of concern and I really appreciate the constructive feedback and break down of some alternative ideas. :D I agree with the risk factor. Unfortunately that is one of the things as the player you really have to make the judgement call on. As you said enemy list/positioning/their tactics will play massively into when you decide to pull the trigger on this combination. The other thing is you have to remember that at turn two/three you're going to be hitting the enemies lines for combat so you have to make sure you're playing into that also. So for example in the enemy lines they have a 20 man unit backed up by a hero. You can teleport Lady O into the backfield as per the combination. Assassinate the small hero and then slam into the 20 man unit with whatever else is in your list, be that Reapers, Hexwraiths etc. Then Lady O will be under less threat from said big unit and you're giving your opponent the choice of where to concentrate focus or to split their army to deal with both. If the enemy has heavy shooting then they're going to get you on the approach regardless. Again you just have to make sure you're using your list as a whole machine in unison when you decide to teleport in and put that pressure on the enemy to give them tough calls. The nice thing with this tactic is aslong as you have the CP accessible then you're always safe to get out of a tight spot or go after something. It's why I like taking the Dreadblade also so you can bring Spirit hosts along for the ride. Then Lady O will be able to have that 4+/3++ shrug and unless the enemy really focus you then you just teleport out next turn and do it somewhere else. Her healing is pretty insane if you throw it into a weaker unit and she can pretty much full heal off of 1 wound enemies if they don't one shot her. Maelstrom is a nice spell for sure but banking on the spell with so much strong anti magic users around means you won't be able to rely on it. Sure you can midnight tome it once per game but after that you have to try and get it casted again. Although you make a great point on how much cheaper it is. Also you can quite easily hit yourself with it when the fighting gets thick mid to late game. But also remember the points invested into Lady O she will be doing more for you than just the D6 mortals. With her other supporting abilities aswell as Awlrach can teleport other units to key objectives if the need arises and do other things for you than just this combo alone. That's a great little combo on the host + mortalis + crossboos I like that alot. :) You could always fit both ideas together though. ^^ hehe. Send them after the little hero A and she can go for little hero B or whatever other threats you might need. :) The ZLoZD is always tough, especially with the glow up they got in the newer SB book. I think best bet is to always try and bait them keep them busy feeding screens etc and path blocking unless you can really hammer it all in. But against other monsters with less sustain like a Mawcrusher. You can do so much damage. D3 + D6 + 1 + D3 + D3 + D3 mortals all triggering on a 2+ is nothing to sniff at (Mortalis, Lady O, Arcane bolt, Hexwraith charge hits, Black Coach charge hits, Emerald Host) Then of course you'll do a few more wounds in combat. Only one of those D3s and the single MW is from spells that might not go off but the others are all on you to get off and easy requirements within the confines of the units you already are using so can really pile in that hurt when needed. :) I know none of it's a given and you could roll the lowest wounds possible but in a game with dice that's just how it goes sometimes IMO. I'm not saying that this is the only way to play but I really do believe in the potential behind having this combination in your back pocket and it has been serving me personally very well which is why I wanted to get it out there for others to build off of. ^^ Thanks again for a wonderful debateful comment! :D
@@LakeyWargames wow I didn''t think I will get such a huge response :p. Nicely written, I might not be a fan of Olynder (not as a model because it's great) for this price. Last week I had a game against sbg and went with olynder, coach, reikenor, both endless spells + emerald and it done the work so game finished in second round with crushing win but I had good rolls and despite all those mw it felt as I don't have any real hammer and everything is so delicate. Probably next week I'm going to play against KO and I don't see such delicate list against them (probably I don't see anything good against them atm to be honest but I will try to hunt those easier to kill units and just get more points as I don't see a chance in normal exchange). It's really hard to not put a Krulghast and at least one torment to the list :
Haha apologies if it was too much, I just really enjoy talking AoS and seeing/sharing ideologies with other players to help give new life to ideas and increase the knowledge in the player base. ^^ Thank you, your points are all very valid and also well constructed! :D That's totally awesome and also very fair, it's one of those swing and a miss sometimes. With the D3s it makes a massive difference rolling three or four of them getting all 3s or 1s. So I understand the power swing and it certainly feels bad when it's the latter hehe. But as you've said above when it goes off it is very nice. It's why with a full list in this style I like to try and cramp as many in as possible to hopefully stop that bad feeling when a couple of rolls go low for damage. But yeah it's nice when you have another bigger unit to follow it up. ^^ I hope your game vs the KO goes well for you though and I'd be more than happy to hear about how you get on after if you want to share it! :) Yeah I know what you mean. The Nighthaunt book has so many awesome possibilities and utility heros it's one of those where you want them all but they just don't all fit sadly aha. I like the look of that list you have going there sounds like a really nice balance! I think I may have to try and give Maelstorm more of a chance. I've been loving Gravetide alot lately but at the same points I might switch them out and see how it goes. :)
It's certainly possible to run versions of this at 1k for sure. But I feel it makes it rather skewed due to not having much else on the table and you'll either make a feel bad moment for your opponent because you can do some brutal damage out of no where. Or you'll bounce right off of them and get swept up on the counter turn. For example I have a list at 1k where I take Lady O with spirit hosts and a GOS with midnight tome aswell as the Terminexus in emerald host and it either slaughtered very key units and broke the enemies army turn 1 from the underworld + the unstoppable cast and other times I've done 3 mortal wounds and Lady O got killed turn 1 after dropping in. :') So although it's totally possible, I'm not sure I would say its optimal and also not something to bring to a casual/friendly game unless that's the sort of thing your opponent is agreeing to face off with. :)
Aye BoOtz, I'm afraid if you run mortals into a ward save heavy army you're just playing a % game at that point and have to submit your chances to lady luck and the other dice gods they fail more often than not aha. Still though cutting out the armour save step and going straight to wards is nicer than dealing with both. It's just the rough counter to this combination but vs the whole range of armies out there. This can/will do wonders. :)
Agree. Thanx Lakey
Nice one Andrew, I'm glad to know I'm not alone in this way of thinking! ^^ hehe. Thanks for watching! :)
Up until now I’ve been playing 2x40 stacks of harridans with +1 attacks from lightshard putting all my hero’s together and cogs.
Giving your list a try next week.
Very nice Aaron! I'm personally not much a fan of the Harridans game but I know just effective they can be when you play into it! :D Lightshard combo#d in there makes for a really painful turn for your enemy when you pop that! ^^
Awh that's ace. I'd love to hear how you get on with it and what you think! :)
I find it interesting to see how well it works. Its kind of similar to something ive been calling the the Doomrocket as skaven. Where i use a verminlors deciever to dreaded skitterleap a grey seer. Which is outside of 6" rather than 9" teleport. Then the grey seer casts warp lightning vortex and gets out casting the normal skitterleap on himself to safety.
That sounds like nasty Skaven trickery to me Kyle! Very nice! :D
I have so far had some great fun and success with this style of play for Nighthaunt and really do believe it has alot of potential going forward. Of course it hasn't been tested on any big stages yet but every idea has to start somewhere and I'm doing my best to keep improving the list around the core idea in this video which I will be sharing very soon. :)
If you didnt take the dreadblade harrow you could just bring the spirit hosts up from the underworld. Also I always move the coach with Lady O and choose soulreach grasp. Lady O charges up the coach D6 with her veil and possibly another 2 damage from the coach in the shooting phase, this means coaches dice starts on 1 + 3.5 (veil) + 2 (grasp) = 6.5 and your coach is then ready to unleash 3D3 more MW in just 1 phase.
Great point Pete! I do like that idea alot! :)
Only thing about dropping the Dreadblade is he does bring alot more to the list when needed than just the Host to Olynder support. For example if you need to move the Rasps across the table from a far end objective to another you can do so and then also keep the support hero alongside them with the second teleport. Also once you've come out of the underworlds and might need to teleport Olynder again to another priority target then the hosts won't get left behind and she can stay protected.
He also can use some clutch situations such as double your Discorporate if you get hit by split attacks or wanted double all out attacks etc. I know they're very situational cases but sometimes is handy to have. :)
You're 100% on the Grasp + Olynder charge up and I like that idea alot. ^^ If you use Olynder to kill 1 wound enemies then this is a fantastic way to bump the coach up early doors for sure. But also if Olynder teleports in to snipe out a hero you're only going to get 1 from the veil as it's per model slain and if the Grasp does nothing because it can be very unreliable then you're only on 2 points after all that anyway.
The Scythe for me has always just been more reliable and done more work but it might just be me getting unlucky with the Grasp attacks and I often do find myself thinking back and forth between them. ^^
Love the thoughts though and it's great that you can always use these as and when needed if you choose to go down that road! :D
Agreed, Soulreach grasp has the potential to miss so hard, and then you're stuck with another 1 ATK on the coach in combat. It's extremely unreliable. Potentially only 1 attack, hitting on 4+. These are the worst attack profiles for ranged units, imo.
Nice to see your name pop up Circuz!! Hope you've been well mate! :)
But oh yeah, lots more Nighthaunt goodness on the way to kick this new GHB in the butt!! ^^ Hehe.
Really love this idea. Immediately put together a list based on what you've laid out here. Do you have a sample list of this tactic at both 1k and 2k? I'd love to see what you put together.
Glad you liked it Brian! :)
One of the reasons I love doing these core tactic idea guides is to hopefully inspire some new list ideas for people, so I'm glad it's done that for you! :D
Oooo it's like you know me too well! Hehe. There is indeed a full 2k list guide that's built around the core example given in this guide! ^^
I will have it up and live tomorrow as I need to edit it together. :)
I can't say I've put too much thought into a 1k version of the list, but I do like that idea as a challenge, and I will see what I can do! ^^ Hehe.
@@LakeyWargames I'll stay tuned!
I hope you like the list I have planned to share! :) I'd also love to hear what you came up with and see how they compare afterwards if you'd like to share Brian! :)
@@LakeyWargames Absolutely
Keep the content coming!
Thanks for watching Thedoubleop! There will be lots more like to come for sure! :D
I have a question for you. I know, late to the game. But im starting an escalation league soon with NH and found your channel. Geeat stuff man.
Anyway. What is the feasability of putting Reikenor in the mix? His warscroll spell does as many MWs on average as Lady O's. Albeit not as cibsustently due to dispells. But hes fast enough to probably keep pace with the Lady O/Awkrach combo. And he brings a consistent +3 to cast with him and a soft anti-wizard/priest ability. Allowing you to maybe forego the Midnight Tome and take something that plays into supporting the other half of your army. Is it a points issue? Am i overlooking some bad aspect of Reikenor?
Thanks so much, I'm glad you're enjoying the video! :) I'm sorry for the late reply. This is a great comment and I wanted to make sure I could sit down and reply properly! ^^
Reikenor is a very great warscroll for all the reasons you've listed. The bonus he gets to casting is amazing and it's a shame he is only a 1 cast wizard because with everything going for him. I think I'd almost make him an auto take if he could also do multiple spells. I used to run him all the time in 2nd edition and tbh his role, what he does and compared to other units in the book hasn't really changed in competition so he still does everything he did.
Buuuut that said, the reason I think you don't see him all too much over the others right now is purely just the way the scoring works in the core game and road bumps in other ways. To cast a spell from him, you need to first cast it. So you could fail the roll or worse miscast. Then you need to not be unbound, then you need to make rolls from the Terminexus as to not fluff it. Where as the tome for that once per turn can just auto it out and all you need to do is roll for the Terminexus. So it cuts out all the middle men for the turn you really need it.
This also couples with the current state of scoring and battle tactics. At the competitive level at the top you need to be getting your tactics everyround to max out points to give yourself the hope to win. One of those right now in the GHB is cast a spell and not have it unbound. Again with the tome you just auto it out so not only will you get the Terminexus guaranteed but also you can sure up your BT for the turn with 100% chance of success.
Of course the Tome is just once per game but that's all you need to auto score your BT aswell as land your spell the first time. After that the Guardian of Souls is the same 1 cast wizard as Reikenor. Sure you're without the extra casting but also you don't need to be hurting yourself in the process for the 1 spell of choice and spectral lure is an amazing support spell which no one else has access too. Buuut, more importantly is also the only unit in our book that can be used as an Antor Locust. Which depending on your list building/grand strat choice can be more valuable in itself.
I'd also say that you could have them all but it's just a matter of points at the moment so it's tricky. You can totally use Reikenor in place of a Tome GOS but it will require building around it. I don't think it's just a case of one is outright better than the other. More so just you need to lean into the style of the one you choose. Don't forget the big bubble of +1 to wound from the GOS which is great if you have a block or two of troops in your list. But wouldn't be any good if your list was say, all hexwraiths. Where Reikenor would shine more with his speed. :)
These are just a few things that come to mind and I hope they help you see that both sides have upsides. It's just from a consistency, scoring and utility point due to the core rules + GHB the GOS fits multiple styles more hense why it is so popular. Reikenor is great but you'll have to work too him and is less plug and play. :)
Thanks mate, some nice ideas here. Really need to ensure those squishy enemy heroes die otherwise the counter attack will be harsh. Not sure how good this list will be against Sera-nofun as they are casting on +3/+4. If we dont go first there might not be any heroes left.
How do we stay outta range of spells with umbral? Pray they miscast or give us first!?
Oh for sure, it's why I recommend pulling the trigger on the combination around turn 2 because by then the other units in your list will have moved up and will now be getting stuck in and making problems for the enemy army on multiple fronts when suddenly you teleport across and hit em hard with this at the same time! ^^
Of course like any game, scenario, list and faction you're facing up against will cause you to have to adapt slightly where needed. :)
Sera-nofun! haha I like that! ^^ They're rough regardless but there's a few tricks we can use to try and limit the damage they cause us.
First one is as you said, pray to the dice gods for some luck hehe. Second one is one you'll see alot in this GHB but having some Mrymourn Banshees laying about in your list is a fantastic way to block some straight up targeting spells they might throw your way. Thirdly I would make the use of the vanishing phantasms ability. If you want a key component of your list to not be hit you can just take them off the table and bring them down where needed later on. For those left behind after all this best to hide behind the nearest Spirit host! ^^ lol.
Hope this helps! :)
Droping Olynder even on turn 2/3 is quite risky and I'm not sure if it is worth to kill a 5-6 wound champ for such risk. Of course depends on enemy faction if it has no range attack or strong magic which can get rid of us it's okay but if it's opposite I would hardly see it going well versus average Joe.
The next thing I'm not so sure about is that if it's worth to deal d6mw (3 on average) at a cost of 460 pts (with small risk of doing nothing on a roll of 1) when instead we can just cast Malevolent Maelstrom endless spell (with Reikenor for +3 casting) and in more safely manner deal 2 mw on average in huge radius (3 to all wizards).
To be honest emerald host + mortalis + for example 10 crossbros is enough to take out 5-6 wounds hero and disturb your enemy movements.
Additionaly, we don't have solution for 14+ wounds monsters. For example Vlodz would be hard to bite here even if you move with our fisherman deal x mw he will heal 6 wounds in combat + maybe earlier he will use heroic recovery (on average another 2 healed wounds).
Awesome reply Adrian! Love some of these points of concern and I really appreciate the constructive feedback and break down of some alternative ideas. :D
I agree with the risk factor. Unfortunately that is one of the things as the player you really have to make the judgement call on. As you said enemy list/positioning/their tactics will play massively into when you decide to pull the trigger on this combination. The other thing is you have to remember that at turn two/three you're going to be hitting the enemies lines for combat so you have to make sure you're playing into that also. So for example in the enemy lines they have a 20 man unit backed up by a hero. You can teleport Lady O into the backfield as per the combination. Assassinate the small hero and then slam into the 20 man unit with whatever else is in your list, be that Reapers, Hexwraiths etc. Then Lady O will be under less threat from said big unit and you're giving your opponent the choice of where to concentrate focus or to split their army to deal with both.
If the enemy has heavy shooting then they're going to get you on the approach regardless. Again you just have to make sure you're using your list as a whole machine in unison when you decide to teleport in and put that pressure on the enemy to give them tough calls.
The nice thing with this tactic is aslong as you have the CP accessible then you're always safe to get out of a tight spot or go after something. It's why I like taking the Dreadblade also so you can bring Spirit hosts along for the ride. Then Lady O will be able to have that 4+/3++ shrug and unless the enemy really focus you then you just teleport out next turn and do it somewhere else. Her healing is pretty insane if you throw it into a weaker unit and she can pretty much full heal off of 1 wound enemies if they don't one shot her. Maelstrom is a nice spell for sure but banking on the spell with so much strong anti magic users around means you won't be able to rely on it. Sure you can midnight tome it once per game but after that you have to try and get it casted again. Although you make a great point on how much cheaper it is. Also you can quite easily hit yourself with it when the fighting gets thick mid to late game. But also remember the points invested into Lady O she will be doing more for you than just the D6 mortals. With her other supporting abilities aswell as Awlrach can teleport other units to key objectives if the need arises and do other things for you than just this combo alone.
That's a great little combo on the host + mortalis + crossboos I like that alot. :) You could always fit both ideas together though. ^^ hehe. Send them after the little hero A and she can go for little hero B or whatever other threats you might need. :)
The ZLoZD is always tough, especially with the glow up they got in the newer SB book. I think best bet is to always try and bait them keep them busy feeding screens etc and path blocking unless you can really hammer it all in. But against other monsters with less sustain like a Mawcrusher. You can do so much damage. D3 + D6 + 1 + D3 + D3 + D3 mortals all triggering on a 2+ is nothing to sniff at (Mortalis, Lady O, Arcane bolt, Hexwraith charge hits, Black Coach charge hits, Emerald Host) Then of course you'll do a few more wounds in combat. Only one of those D3s and the single MW is from spells that might not go off but the others are all on you to get off and easy requirements within the confines of the units you already are using so can really pile in that hurt when needed. :)
I know none of it's a given and you could roll the lowest wounds possible but in a game with dice that's just how it goes sometimes IMO. I'm not saying that this is the only way to play but I really do believe in the potential behind having this combination in your back pocket and it has been serving me personally very well which is why I wanted to get it out there for others to build off of. ^^
Thanks again for a wonderful debateful comment! :D
@@LakeyWargames wow I didn''t think I will get such a huge response :p. Nicely written, I might not be a fan of Olynder (not as a model because it's great) for this price.
Last week I had a game against sbg and went with olynder, coach, reikenor, both endless spells + emerald and it done the work so game finished in second round with crushing win but I had good rolls and despite all those mw it felt as I don't have any real hammer and everything is so delicate. Probably next week I'm going to play against KO and I don't see such delicate list against them (probably I don't see anything good against them atm to be honest but I will try to hunt those easier to kill units and just get more points as I don't see a chance in normal exchange).
It's really hard to not put a Krulghast and at least one torment to the list :
Haha apologies if it was too much, I just really enjoy talking AoS and seeing/sharing ideologies with other players to help give new life to ideas and increase the knowledge in the player base. ^^ Thank you, your points are all very valid and also well constructed! :D
That's totally awesome and also very fair, it's one of those swing and a miss sometimes. With the D3s it makes a massive difference rolling three or four of them getting all 3s or 1s. So I understand the power swing and it certainly feels bad when it's the latter hehe. But as you've said above when it goes off it is very nice. It's why with a full list in this style I like to try and cramp as many in as possible to hopefully stop that bad feeling when a couple of rolls go low for damage. But yeah it's nice when you have another bigger unit to follow it up. ^^
I hope your game vs the KO goes well for you though and I'd be more than happy to hear about how you get on after if you want to share it! :)
Yeah I know what you mean. The Nighthaunt book has so many awesome possibilities and utility heros it's one of those where you want them all but they just don't all fit sadly aha.
I like the look of that list you have going there sounds like a really nice balance! I think I may have to try and give Maelstorm more of a chance. I've been loving Gravetide alot lately but at the same points I might switch them out and see how it goes. :)
Could you make this work in 1000pt?
It's certainly possible to run versions of this at 1k for sure. But I feel it makes it rather skewed due to not having much else on the table and you'll either make a feel bad moment for your opponent because you can do some brutal damage out of no where. Or you'll bounce right off of them and get swept up on the counter turn.
For example I have a list at 1k where I take Lady O with spirit hosts and a GOS with midnight tome aswell as the Terminexus in emerald host and it either slaughtered very key units and broke the enemies army turn 1 from the underworld + the unstoppable cast and other times I've done 3 mortal wounds and Lady O got killed turn 1 after dropping in. :')
So although it's totally possible, I'm not sure I would say its optimal and also not something to bring to a casual/friendly game unless that's the sort of thing your opponent is agreeing to face off with. :)
I played this tactic against nurgle and what can i say. I doesnt work so well 😂
Aye BoOtz, I'm afraid if you run mortals into a ward save heavy army you're just playing a % game at that point and have to submit your chances to lady luck and the other dice gods they fail more often than not aha.
Still though cutting out the armour save step and going straight to wards is nicer than dealing with both.
It's just the rough counter to this combination but vs the whole range of armies out there. This can/will do wonders. :)