The best answer was from New Mexico, the rest repeated like parrots "freedom", "free", "the land of the free".... as if in the rest of the world no any other country would live in freedom. It is like saying "we have water and electricity in the United States".... so??
Miss New Mexico gave the best answer
Just by adding race, gender, socioeconomic standing in her answer, Miss Texas distanced herself from the pack. Well done!
Miss New Mexico is the exact resemblance of Miss Puerto Rico Deborah Carthy Deu who won Miss Universe that year... check it out!
efectivamente paecen hermanas
New Mexico should have won
Такое ощущение что выбирали по причёске
The best answer was from New Mexico, the rest repeated like parrots "freedom", "free", "the land of the free".... as if in the rest of the world no any other country would live in freedom. It is like saying "we have water and electricity in the United States".... so??
New Mexico should have won