25:38 as declarer is playing south for the CK, and dummy has the 10 of clubs, playing the CJ can't ever work; declarer will just take a club finesse. The small club is better for hiding the position - though actually it doesn't matter either way really, as South should have CJ on HCPs, the odds of them upgrading a poor 9-count 6331 vul being very slim. Well played by declarer.
love these!!! please share as many as you can.
Really enjoyed this... excellent stuff.
Many thanks to Nick for the commentary.
25:38 as declarer is playing south for the CK, and dummy has the 10 of clubs, playing the CJ can't ever work; declarer will just take a club finesse. The small club is better for hiding the position - though actually it doesn't matter either way really, as South should have CJ on HCPs, the odds of them upgrading a poor 9-count 6331 vul being very slim. Well played by declarer.
Excellent extra analysis here. Thanks