My experience is that Miracle Grow Potting Soil comes with LOTS of fungus gnats, so I stopped using it. If you look it up, there are tons of complaints. I spent all winter trying to grow flowers indoors and ruined many pots, tons of seeds, and never got anything but a bunch of flies. Tons of money and time wasted = so hurtful.
Happy frog soil for starting seeds, then move up to Fox farms Ocean soil. Add quality vermi tea Called Boogie Brew Check out master marks program. Check out growing your greens
I thought I was going crazy I repotted all my plants this year and now I have a Gnat problem. I did used miracle Grow and now I'm regretting it. I'm so upset
The cheapest, easiest and organic way to combat fungus gnats is using "neem cake" which does come in a powder. Simply mix it in your potting mix or if your plants are already potted, mix a couple spoons of it into the top of your pot. Neem cake is the husks left over from the neem oil production. It's a natural 100% organic pesticide and also a fertiliser. Been used in India for thousands of years. I added it to my plants 2 years ago during a huge fungus gnat explosion (my 1 bed apartment looks like a horror movie, gnats all over the walls and ceilings 🤮). The neem powder fixed it and I've been gnat free ever since. I always add some whenever I'm making up new potting mix as standard additive 🙌🏼🙏🏼
This. I amend everything with neem cake and sprinkle cinnamon on the top dressing. Literally everything. Pumpkins, morning glories, peace lilies, echeverias, tomatoes, blueberries, cactus. No more spraying with neem oil or alcohol, no adding peppermint soap and hydrogen peroxide solution, it just keeps away all the pests. I have a pachyveria glauca outside right now with a huge flower stalk on it that would normally be an aphid magnet, not a single bug on it. No mealybugs in my shavianas at all, no fungus gnats in my waffle plants, nothing. Slugs and snails won't crawl on dirt that smells like neem either.
@@columbusohman hi. The instructions for use of BTI Granules as mosquito killer I brought at local nursery state "apply 0.01 to 0.025 g to 1 litre of water for flowerpots vase.....Or 1.4 g per sq m of surface for roadside ditches... 4 table spoons of BTI per one gallon (= 3.78 litres) of water work out to about 1 table spoon per 1 litre of water. 1 table spoon of BTI Granular should be much heavy than 0.01/0.025g? It is too light. Was the instructions given on the bottle a typo error? Should I use 1 table spoon per 1 litre of water for my micro lotus plants? Will this kill my lotus plants?
Here is how I got rid of a plant that was infested with fungus gnats. I got a bucket just bigger than the pot the plant was in, filled it with water then submerged the entire pot in the bucket, all the soil fell away from the roots of the plant along with all the larvae, I let the plant soak for about an hour, when it was done I repotted the plant in new healthy soil and began watering from the bottom up instead of from the top down. I also placed a layer of small rocks (about an inch deep) completely covering the top layer to make access more difficult for the gnats to get to the soil. It worked very well, and I no longer have a gnat problem. Thanks for doing the research & sharing what you leaned on the other products! If I ever find myself with fungus gnats again, I may try it! 🌱
Diatammaious earth does kill them but it dries them out slowly, It removes the moisture from them and you would have to reapply it after a few days! It's very safe and food grade is also great for food storage!
I have used food grade/safe for humans/pets diatomaceous earth. I used cinnamon in outside planters; cinnamon can be toxic; problem for my cat. I think the Neem cake sounds best. Some issues with smell. BUT it is very effective.
Excellent video, Nicole! You mirrored almost perfectly my personal experience over more than a year with fungus gnats twice invading my indoor organic cannabis grow room. I tried every remedy you mentioned plus neem oil sprays and drenches with the ONLY winners being re-potting into fresh soil (scorched earth method) or a combo of yellow sticky traps (in pot and drain pan) and Mosquito Bits used for EVERY watering. Thanks for putting this out there for those who have not yet gone to battle with these little champions ... it will save them sooooo much time, worry and money! Be safe -
Oh yes, the amount of money I spent on these products was ridiculous! And I'm sure others do the same thing. Thanks for your kind words, I'm glad you liked the video :)
Thank you for the actually explaining the ratio for soaking the Mosquito Bits in your water! Everyone recommends them but never really shows how much to use/how long to soak it. Super cool of the company's VP to personally respond, makes me feel more confident in using their product!
Cinnamon is not a good idea. It retards root growth and can cause root burn. It's really not good for your plants. Need cake tea is the best approach. Source: I've been growing indoor plants for 20+ years and had tried ALL the methods prior to Neem cake application.
Thanks for doing the research on the mosquito bits! I bought them to use for my house plants but after reading the warning label, I was too scared to even open the bag. Now I feel confident in using them! I really appreciate it!
I own 100 houseplants and want to be 100% organic with them and for my household. Your video assured me more than anything else that this product was okay to use! I had ordered these bits and was turned off by the warning labels. Thank you SO much for your thoroughness.
I use living soil and was concerned about harming it so Nature's Living Soil told me the best thing is BT! I use the mosquito bits directly in the soil when transplanting and when watering I buy BT concentrate and add to the water. The concentrate is much cheaper in the long run. I use the bits to slowly release the BT in the soil. I have never tried soaking them as the video shows.
The video was NOT too long; you gave all the information needed without wasting time. Thank you for the time and thoughtfulness you took to share your research. Very useful indeed! Just found out that mosquito bits contain a dormant bacteria (activated when wet) that will kill the larvae as they ingest the bacteria.
Hi! You can also save money on those traps by buying avtub of this stuff called tree tangle foot. Cut your own poster paper and apply stuff with a brush. Lasts forever.
I agree with your procedure. Thank you for your review of those methods . Glad to learn the recipe for mosquito bits. I bought a new plant end of February and 2 weeks later just as COVID lock down happened, fungus gnats took off. Since I was not able to get anything to treat them right away, they spread to all my 30 plants. Sigh. Finally, I got Mosquito bits. Used 2 Tablespoons per 1/2 gallon hot water. Let container with mixture sit until ready to water over the weekend, Strained it and watered. Did it 3 weeks in a row. Then 4th week, watered plants with mixture of 1 cup hydrogen peroxide and 3-4 cups water. Then the next 3 times repeated with mosquito bits ‘tea’. I also used the yellow sticky traps (cut strips of it and stuck the strip on a chopstick then pushed chop stick into plant pot). My infestation was so terrible, it took a few months to completely eradicate the gnats. I even repotted about half my plants. ( I put old soil in a disposable pan, soaked it with boiling water. Then let it dry out . Then mixed with some new soil for repotting. I didn’t have enough new soil to repot everything.)Finally I think I am clear. Oh on one stubborn plant I did also use Bonide Systemic household insect control powder as a last resort. (Sprinkled it on top of soil and watered thoroughly.). Only used that once. I wouldn’t use it on edibles or with kids/pets in house. Product made me a little nervous but I was getting desperate. Sure makes me hesitant about buying another plant. I live in a small apartment, no place to isolate a new plant. Boy are those gnats pesky little things. Sorry Mother Nature.
Absolutely brilliant video. I loved how you juxtaposed various methods and as a ADHD plant owner, I have to try everything to keep them alive. Thanks for being so informative and making your content mostly about the topic rather than ads.
By far the best video on how to properly use mosquito bits. I make my water luke warm add my bits, let it sit for a day in sealed bottle and shake vigorously before watering. I have been doing this for about a month . Just checked my newly placed yellow traps and found only a few, most traps were clean, considering I have about 50 houseplants. I also use neem oil spray and cover the top of my soil with perlite and cinnamon. Hope this helps someone.
I tried all the things you did for my house plants. Mixed cinnamon into the dirt, apple cider mix didn’t get 1 gnat. Next step was the mosquito bits. I have gotten a lot with the yellow sticky traps. Seeing all those little flies, helps feel something is helping! Thanks for the letter with directions-writing that down!
I just sprinkle the mosquito bits on top of the soil and water as usual. This has been working for me, plus I use the sticky traps. This method is the only thing that has worked for me. I swear by mosquito bits!! Like you, none of the other methods that seem to work for others, didn't work for me, like using cinnamon. Thanks for the info in this video.
I watched your video before starting my first batch of seedlings. My sister is ahead of me on starting and had a big problem with the gnats. Well, what I did was your recipe and added THAT water to my starting compost soil; it's been two weeks and ABSOLUTELY NO GNATS! Oh, and I do have seedlings growing! Thank you so much for all of your research and sharing this!
I found your video to be the most informative of all the videos I’ve watched and to be put in simple terms. Also, you have a good speaking voice. You’d be good reading audio books. Thank you for the info. Sick to death of dealing with these things.
Thanks for the video! I’m sure you already know this 2 years later, but “diatomaceous” is pronounced like “diatom” and “-aceos” (like in “Cretaceous.”) It’s named after diatoms, which are microscopic creatures that have tiny skeletons made from calcium carbonate, which diatomaceous earth is made from.
I've tried several of the remedies you covered in your video with the same results. I have been dealing with a nuisance amount of gnats but I'm about to start growing flowers from seed and have heard gnats love seedling soil. Just yesterday I was gifted a container of mosquito bits and yellow sticky traps. I feel more confident moving forward after watching your video. Thank you so much for sharing. 💚💚💚
Apple cider vinager with a little sugar and a drop or two of Dawn dish soap in a shallow dish or 8oz glass (ie. stemless wine glass) works great for catching gnats. Works best with no dirty dishes in the sink. I've been using it for years. It always works. Mason jars are too big to use. Gnats love sweet & sour but they don't like the smell of dishsoap so only use a small amout of Dawn just to break the surface tension. Your video was very helpful. I recently bought the mosquito bits to try on house plant soil and will try your water solution recipe. I recently bought a small mosquito zapper that I can use in the house. It works well on the gnats.
I also contacted the company for the same reason and I was told that they sell on an industrial level so if exposed to large amounts of the dust at one time, there could potentially be an issue. I am using it as a preventative measure since I am bringing in plants from outside and am hopefully coming to the end of my fight with the Phorid Fly. I also love the sticky paper. Gives me a read on the size of my problem. I have also invested in bug zappers. But probably the biggest thing I am doing for the long term is to plug up the drains in my sinks to keep shut down another major breeding grounds. When I do this I add water, vinegar and soap. I am happy to say the sinks and tubs have been acting like a humungous trap AND stopping the propagation of these flies in the drain. I am hoping the mosquito bits work well. This is the first time using them. I did the soak method. But I am also laying pellets on the surface. Got to get this one under control! But I have to add, just came across this video showing how laying the bits on top of the soil can cause mold:
I appreciate you so much. I found that the bits are the ONLY thing that works on these little buggers. They are really relentless, but the bits do work. I wish more people knew about them, because the gnats ruined my plant life for about a year until I found this. Thank you.
THANK YOU!!! I just started my house plant adventure and propagation as well. When propagating the soil must be moist. I now just started seeing the fungus gnats. Thank you so much for your hard work! I can't wait to watch your other videos too.
Thank you for the kind words Velvet! Yes... it's impossible to dry out the soil when propagating. Hope you're able to get rid of the gnats!! let me know how it goes:)
Thanks for all of the information. I found them in my seedlings. Brought soil in from outside to start my garden babies. Now, these things. I just will go get these Mosquito Bits and be done then. Again, thanks for all the trial and error stuff you did for all of us. Love and plants
I put those bright yellow sticky traps into a jar of raw apple cider vinegar with a little dish detergent and the fungus gnats are being baited by the aroma and as a result getting stuck to the traps. The problem you had is that growing veggies outside in the much-needed Sun requires daily watering in the summer. Especially tomatoes. My situation is from what I was allowing to happen with my exotic pet substrate indoors.
i had a severe infestation of fungus gnats because I did not know I should not use garden soil for inside pots. I found your post extremely useful. I discovered by accident that watering your plants through a watering system that delivers the water lower in the pot naturally minimizes the fungus gnats. I had installed a watering system to water my plants while on vacation. It came with drippers that are inserted into your pots at least 3 inches deep. This system minimized the gnat infestation. Afterward I read that putting perlite on top of the soil might prevent them from breeding. I’m not sure they are eradicated but my sticky traps are not getting populated with flies recently so the jury is still out.
Omg! I’m going thru fungus gnat infestation too. I have tried everything including use of an organic powder I purchased on Etsy. The recommendation of Mosquito Bits is new to me so I will try it. Thank you.
Try Nematodes. They can be bought at most plant nurseries in the form of a sponge soaked with them. You simply get them wet and water your plants. They eat all the eggs and larvae of fungus gnats as well as other insects in the soil. Ive only ever had to dose the soil with nematodes once. Years later...No fungus gnats.
Thank you, now I'm brave enough to use it (just bought it today). I appreciate your teaching us how to use Mosquito Bits and what works and what doesn't. Glad I found your channel!
Cinnamon is an absolute fail! The sticky traps not only catch the adults (hopefully before they breed) but they also a the best way to monitor the level of infestation. This is probably the best video I have seen on fungus gnats. Other creators seem to want to just regurgitate all of the ineffective methods just for the sake of putting out content.
I used one part hydrogen peroxide 3% to 4 parts water and have been successful at eradicating the fungus gnat problem. I was concerned about the mosquito bits,so I went with the hydrogen peroxide. Took a couple waterings,but problem solved.
I mix finely crushed vermiculite with my seed starter mix. I also mix peroxide into my spray bottle. My seeds are germinating faster than usual and no fungus gnats. Last year however was a disaster. I wasn't using vermiculite or peroxide.
you are my gnat control hero! had used the bits before, a looooong time ago, but caring for my neighbor's plants in my place... oh my. gnats started showing up. i couldn't remember how to use the bits and your tutorial is better than what i remember doing a couple of years back (making a mess!). thank you for the SpeCiFiC instructions. the company has SO many labels and warnings, etc., why they don't just put the directions that they gave to you on the container is boggling, lol.
As a preventive I've found bottom watering my plants really helps from getting fungus gnats. But if you already have them they're a nightmare to eradicate.
@@t.e.burgos3263 I take a bucket or dish & put water in it then put the plant in it & it will suck up the water from the bottom of the plant leaving the top layer dry which will prevent getting fungus gnats. I also got a moisture meter from Amazon for about $10 so that I can know exactly when my plants need water which helps for me since I bottom water. Hope that makes sense
@@t.e.burgos3263 bottom watering is when you place your pot in a bigger tray and let the water get wicked into your soil/medium. Top watering is like rain or watering with a hose. The water goes on top of the soil and trickles through. Hope this helps.
Very, very well explained as to the effectiveness and claims regarding the different methods. I watched this while nodding at all the things I've tried too. I haven't tried the bits yet but I have used hydrogen peroxide with a lot of success alongside the sticky traps. I will definitely consider the bits if the infestation returns or gets at all worse. Thanks for making this.
I came to the same conclusion. I use BTI (mosquito dunks), neem meal sprinkled on top of soil and the sticky traps only to check my progress. I find the sticky traps are only good for checking population size. They dont do enough to actually combat the gnat issuse
I am so grateful for you taking the time out to explain everything and its effects. My patio garden plants were effected after the hurricane. So many fungus gnats arrived out of nowhere. I'm now going to take back what's mine! IT'S REVENGE TIMMMEEEE! lol Blessings to you
I am also grateful. I think I know where mine came from. Are you ready for this? I switched from very expensive kitty litter to clay. I never had gnats with my old kitty litter and have had indoor cats for 34 years of my life. Never had a gnat. I think the gnats are in the clay. I am returning to expensive kitty litter.
I used cinammon on top of my soil as of three days ago, and immediately saw results! No gnats in sight. I checked each of my plants carefully before/after the cinnamon was placed on the soil, and yes there were gnats before the application but not after. So far, so good. Also dried out the soil of the plants that can handle that. My fern for example, obviously needs to stay moist, and I did not dry it out --- still no gnats there, either. I wonder if the gnats I had were not yet under the soil for long?? Maybe I had a lot less of the pests than you did in your video at the time?? Hmm...
Glad it worked for you! Keep me updated on the results. Yeah I had probably like 20-30 infected plants, it was bad - I definitely needed something more powerful.
You’re lucky! I’ve never once had cinnamon work for me with regards to pests. Now it seems to help with some of the mold that can develop on soil, but those pests are immune to it!!
DE works great. (Die-at-tom-ace-shus) Thanks Nicole, been through this myself, and ended up with DE. You didn't use enough, there needs to be a layer on top of or mixed heavily into the top 1" of soil. It won't harm plants even if you add a ton, plants can grow in it, although the PH may be a little high without adjustment. I add about an inch (dry, it will shrink back when it draws water from the soil) to the top of 4-6 gallon containers and water with PH 6.6 solution and have great plants. Add after watering and it will stick down, making it easy to dump a trowel (or spoonful) and spread out in a heavy layer. You will see the gnats stop dead, the next day they will be gone. Unless they have a 2nd hiding place, check seldom used sink drains and add a little bleach to clean them out. It does work when wet (despite having the consistency of chalky mud) as the Gnats and larvae cannot pass through the treated layer, even when wet. Once it dries out, fluff it up again with a fork or garden tool and it's good to go. (mostly a cosmetic thing, but I like my plants looking neat) Adds silica to the soil as well, just re-apply liberally every few weeks and you'll be gnat free. Get the big bag, you can get a 4lb bag for under 10bucks at the blue or orange stores, or online. The bag will last a long time. The little bottles are a waste of money. Happy gardening!
So DE works even when wet? I hear arguments both for and against it working when wet. I've been reapplying every time I water my plants, which is not only a pain, but I wonder if that is overkill.
Thankyou so much. I have a terrible problem with gnats only mine are biting ones. I wasn't sure if DE would work even when wet. I just found them in the tract of my door. They are driving me insane. I would rather normal non biting fungus gnats than these demonic little bastards. 😢
I've never had biters myself, that sounds bad. Hopefully they have the same reproductive cycle in which case the DE should work on them as well as it does on regular fungus gnats. If had biters, I'd throw BT (Mosquito bits or concentrate in your water) at them as well. Lately, I've been adding Mosquito bits to any newly mixed soil as a preventative and water with BT treated water every month or so just to make sure the soil is active with the BT. Don't forget to let the surface to dry back between waterings if you can, that helps a lot too. Good luck with your 'demon fly' exorcism!
Thank you for going all out with researching this product. When I saw pesticide on their web page I was not going to buy it. But now I will. I hope they give you free product for life.
Got rid of mine, assumed they were gnats, read something about putting fine sand on top of the potting mix which apparently blocks them from getting in/out of the soil. Also sprayed plants with soapy water. I got the sand from a nearby construction site.
I read about the fine sand! I think that's ideal for houseplants. Vegetable plants are a little trickier I think. Thanks for being my second comment on this brand new channel :)
It is a great idea to put fine sand or playground sand on top, but you would need at least 1 inch of it, what this does is basically kills the larvae as it moves through the sand. The only issue is, putting that much sand on top starves the roots of oxygen, and if they gnats have no access to the top soil, they can and will search to find their way through the drainage holes. Careful for those of you thinking of using sand, just trying to save everyone some headache and labor =D
I have another food safe way of controlling fungus gnats. Spread a 1/2" layer of Perlite over the top of your potted plant soil leaving ZERO gaps. The COMPLETE coverage of the soil is key. Anytime you water, smooth over any gaps your watering may have created. The secret here Is that the Perlite to the gnats is like broken glass. While it might be only 1/2 inch to's many "feet" for them crawling over broken glass. I once had a large infestation of the critters and this trick did it. One more thing ,you will need the yellow sticky stuff to catch any "escapees".
In addition to that I placed a night light by my plant that was infested with these gnats and placed one of those yellow sticky things up against the light and caught a lot immediately.
I've been using mosquito bits for a decade. Because most potting/container/raised bed soil isn't sterilized (BTW miracle gro is the worst imo) so my first watering is with the MB. Never used the sticky traps for fear it would catch a butterfly, bee etc. I read to soak 24 to 48hrs and have been using it that way ever since. It's amazing stuff. Dunks you can crumble up and spread those around in the yard to help keep the skeeters away...which is the reason for the name.
@@thishyna I think all bagged soil is at risk of these gnats especially if the bags are rained on and don’t dry out. You can still get rid of the gnats it’ll just take a week ur 2 to get them under control. Also a correction on soaking the Bits. You only need to soak them for an hour to get the benefits. I use a large spaghetti bottle w/about 3T of Bits then skim or use a sieve to remove them. Put the lid back on after straining and shake the jar bc the good stuff sinks to bottom. Then pour about a 1/4 cup to one gallon water can with sprinkle head. AFTER you’ve watered your plants then Apply to top of the soil. You don’t need much just make sure you wet the top, no need to deep water. Do that about every5-7 days and they’ll be gone. I had a really bad infestation with them and it only took 2 watering and poof, gone. This is also safe for inside house-plants too. It really works! I got mine on Amazon. The big 30oz is about $17 if I remember right. Hope this helps.
I use a spray bottle filled with rubbing alcohol, and spray directly on the soil and it works fast. Spray a light mist once or twice and they are done for!
Thanks for being so thorough and sharing your information with all of us plant lovers. I've been using hydrogen peroxide and it's working but I'm using a lot. I'm going to try mosquito bits next.
Personally I watered my plants daily with it for maybe 3-4 weeks and now, I water them maybe once or twice a week with it just to ensure there's no comebacks. All it takes is 1 gnat to birth a whole new generation!
Thank you I just started using Mosquito Bits and Sticky Traps. I am on my second watering. I have a Spyder plant and a Philodendron the gnats are in the Philodendron more than the Spyder. I made a teabag from fish tank filter bags, the ones with the zipper. If you let it sit for a few days it really smells and I understand Neem Cake does too. I am hopeful that this will work. I was very glad you picked the Bits. Good Video.
Mosquito Bits: Yellow sticky traps (you can also cut these up to make smaller ones): ALSO... I have an Instagram! Woohoo! To follow my balcony adventures, be sure to check out. @NicolesLittleCorner on IG :)
I’ve ordered Mosquito Bits, i am using more than one month and i usually put them on water and waited for 45 mins and then i water my plants. IT DOESN’T WORK! I can see there’s again more and more fungus gnats! 😭😭😭
Firstly thank you for not having music drowning out your tested info. Apparently in Canada we can not get mosquito bits only mosquito dunks that are supposed to be the same. They do work. I tried cinnamon too but same as you it did not. Bottom watering helps but the critters will also crawl in the pots drainage holes and lay eggs there too. Top dressing the soil with washed sand and or marbles or small pebbles or decorative rock does prevent them getting into the top of the soil. Putting those in the drain trays can stop them going into the drainage holes. No fly pest strips are less costly and bigger than sticky traps and catch thousands of the flyers. Can you top dress the soil with the .osquito bits to residually water in?
"How is this organic if there's all these warning labels on this". This is a major fallacy I see people fall into that is potentially super dangerous - this idea that "organic" somehow means "safe". Often, what you can get that is organic will be much more safe than long chain petrochemicals and a lot of stuff that's synthetic. It doesn't mean "organic = safe". Rattlesnake venom is organic. Opium is organic. Turpentine, a powerful solvent, comes from pine trees and is organic (when extracted using an organic method). Cyanide is also organic and found in some seeds to deter things from eating them (and will kill you if you eat enough), and there's plenty of organic plants and things in nature that you just can't eat or touch because they are also deadly. I use natural and organic gardening practices, and I don't at all mean to diss on it or your video. I'm just looking to clear up the idea that "organic" means safe, because while it can mean that in many cases, it doesn't necessarily or always, and i've seen some people do some really dangerous things with organic chemicals because "it's natural it won't hurt you", but that's not how it works. Anyway sorry to rant, great video and recommendations. thanks.
Cinnamon worked for me in my green house. I had 125 pots of mixed veggie seedlings in the green house which was always most and warm inside and no fungus or gnats. Again used only cinnamon and it worked.
Thank you so much for this info! New Sub! =) I purchased the mosquito bits and I wasn't sure how much to use for 1 gallon of water. Seems like everyone was just placing the bits on top of the soil but then the bits would mold. Do you use boiled water?
Hi Gisele! I usually add 2 or 3 tablespoons of Bits to a gallon of water the night before (and then water the plants with it in the morning). Hot water is great, but I'm not sure if it matters if it has enough time to soak. Getting rid of the fungus gnats takes a little while but eventually they will stop being born :) Thanks for subscribing!
@@NicolesCorner I read that you can use hot water, smaller amount, not one gallon, and let the Mosquito Bits brew, then add this "tea" to the rest of the water.
Ahhhh finally! Nicole, ( I’m Nicole :). Thanks for the solution and the thorough research on the safety of Mosquito Bits! I have a plant in danger and I’ve been trying to save it. Finally a solution as I said! Enjoy that organic garden!
I used the Bits today and sprinkled on top of soil and in drain trays. Within 5 hrs after watering them in I could only see 1 gnat when normally there were several. I read many comments that the tea didn’t work for them. I didn’t want to mess around with mixing as I have many seed flats a few house plants and treated all except newly planted with domes. We will see and I believe it will do the job. I’ve heard some say it may mold, I can deal with that, gnats I cannot as they are killing my non stop begonias and probably damaging others as well.
Thanks for the video. Trying to get rid of fungus gnats myself. I have noticed the gnats will go under the pots through the drainage holes so they avoid the top layer of soil/diatomaceous earth mix. I ended up getting neem cake to water with but if it doesnt work to get rid of the problem, I will certainly try mosquito bits.
Hurray!!!! I find the sticky sheets effective too. I found insect glue to make my own AND I ordered BTI - the format / brand is Mosquito Dunks, which look like donuts that will have to be chunked up. I heard from another channel that the Mosquito Bits (Dunks too) can be dried out after using and then used again. You might want to try that, if supplies get scarce. I certainly empathize with you. I tried indoor gardening last year and was absolutely plagued by fungus gnats. If you make soil unappetizing to them, or in the case of hydroponics, don't have any organic soil, they will lay their eggs on the foliage of plants or on this lids of hydro totes. That turned me off the whole hydro gardening thing. I'm back to dirt in pots, which just doesn't seem to be as disgusting. But, that close up shot in your video at 3:00? I'd change my mind if I EVER saw the larvae wriggling around like that. I'm not above using Raid, alcohol, Spray Nine to destroy fungus and the gnats. SOME of my plants even survive such annihilations campaigns. :S I never thought I'd use BTI. I certainly wouldn't use nematodes!!!! But, I think BTI is safe and I'll still be disinfecting afterward. I think we all know by now that micro-organisms can cross species. As for nematodes? They are Ascaris - ROUND WORM!!!
Thank your for doing the research and for your very clear presentation of the results! I'm curious whether Mosquito Bits are recommended primarily for top-watering. I had a bad infestation two years ago and used them with bottom-watering, with poor results. Since then I have primarily relied on prevention, keeping my potting soil in covered containers before use, yellow sticky traps for monitoring, plus small oscillating fans where I have tomato and pepper seedlings starting. A flaw in this plan is that the otherwise high-quality indoor/outdoor potting soil came with fungus gnats in it, even when I purchased a small bag that was always kept indoors. Fortunately my other methods are helping keep the problem small this year, but I am also trying out Miracle Gro Indoor Potting Soil as a top-dressing, which definitely never contains fungus gnats and lacks ingredients they love. I have also been using it on long-term indoor plants which seems to work well too.
At this stage, I want to thank you for this video and for explaining the pros and cons of different methods (without all the over-the-top self-promotion too!). I have now ordered these tools, I'll let you know how I get on. Thanks!
Thank you for giving us a real solution that works! I appreciate the way you described how the gnats were everywhere - even in your face! That has been my exact experience. It seemed that even after the gnats were gone I was still feeling a sensation from “phantom” gnats since they flew over me for so long. Thankfully, that is going away. Thank you!
I agree with everything you said, I followed the exact same steps and nothing worked, not the diatamaceous earth, not the vinegar and dish soap, not the potato slices, the sticky traps helps trap the adults that help! thank you for this video! I will try the mosquito bits
So glad I ran across this video. These buggers reeked havoc on my seedlings over the year. I tried everything. Thanks so much for sharing. I already have this stuff and Sm making immediately
Um…………this is prob more than a little overly dramatic but……I LOVE YOU!!!!!!! Friggin thank you SO MUCH!!!! How tf have I never heard of this stuff EVER….not ONCE!? So yeah….may every side of your pillow be the cool side from now through eternity 🤗
I use diatomaceous earth in my new bag of potting soil. Majority of all potting soil will come with the fungus gnat larvae in it so I open the new bag, I put in a good amount of diatomaceous earth and mix it around and seal the bag back up and let it sit for a few days before using it. It’s important to treat the soil before repotting(from my experience). Then I do what you’re doing, sticky traps for the adults and I water with mosquito dunks. I will be using mosquito bits soon but I couldn’t find any but the dunks work as well. This process has been working for me. There’s still a few here and there but they should be gone in a few weeks
I have a huge gnat problem right now and I am going to try the mosquito bits and sticky paper. I have been using a neem oil spray and has not seemed to help. Several times a day I use my shark cordless vacuum and vacuum around windows and lights and plants but that just gets rid of some adults. Thank you for the great video.
My experience is that Miracle Grow Potting Soil comes with LOTS of fungus gnats, so I stopped using it. If you look it up, there are tons of complaints. I spent all winter trying to grow flowers indoors and ruined many pots, tons of seeds, and never got anything but a bunch of flies. Tons of money and time wasted = so hurtful.
what potting soil do you use now? i have this problem 🤧😂
@@jaslinn black gold is good too. Or Bonsai Jack for cactus and succulents 👍
Happy frog soil for starting seeds, then move up to Fox farms Ocean soil. Add quality vermi tea Called Boogie Brew Check out master marks program. Check out growing your greens
I thought I was going crazy I repotted all my plants this year and now I have a Gnat problem. I did used miracle Grow and now I'm regretting it. I'm so upset
Potting Mix is better.
The cheapest, easiest and organic way to combat fungus gnats is using "neem cake" which does come in a powder. Simply mix it in your potting mix or if your plants are already potted, mix a couple spoons of it into the top of your pot. Neem cake is the husks left over from the neem oil production. It's a natural 100% organic pesticide and also a fertiliser. Been used in India for thousands of years. I added it to my plants 2 years ago during a huge fungus gnat explosion (my 1 bed apartment looks like a horror movie, gnats all over the walls and ceilings 🤮). The neem powder fixed it and I've been gnat free ever since. I always add some whenever I'm making up new potting mix as standard additive 🙌🏼🙏🏼
Where do you buy it?
I've mixed 100% neem oil with water and dawn soap. Poured amount in bucket of soil mix until clumpy only. Have not seen any Gnats with my new sprouts.
@@leewillis2908 probably Amazon would have it. Just guessing.
This. I amend everything with neem cake and sprinkle cinnamon on the top dressing. Literally everything. Pumpkins, morning glories, peace lilies, echeverias, tomatoes, blueberries, cactus. No more spraying with neem oil or alcohol, no adding peppermint soap and hydrogen peroxide solution, it just keeps away all the pests. I have a pachyveria glauca outside right now with a huge flower stalk on it that would normally be an aphid magnet, not a single bug on it. No mealybugs in my shavianas at all, no fungus gnats in my waffle plants, nothing. Slugs and snails won't crawl on dirt that smells like neem either.
Finally! A source that tells you the bits to water ratio! Everyone always says to use bits but never says how much. Thank you!!
The ratio is on the back of the package I bought at my local nursery: 4 tablespoons to one gallon of water.
@@columbusohman hi. The instructions for use of BTI Granules as mosquito killer I brought at local nursery state "apply 0.01 to 0.025 g to 1 litre of water for flowerpots vase.....Or 1.4 g per sq m of surface for roadside ditches... 4 table spoons of BTI per one gallon (= 3.78 litres) of water work out to about 1 table spoon per 1 litre of water. 1 table spoon of BTI Granular should be much heavy than 0.01/0.025g? It is too light. Was the instructions given on the bottle a typo error? Should I use 1 table spoon per 1 litre of water for my micro lotus plants? Will this kill my lotus plants?
You can just sprinkle the bits on ur soil and pour water on them.
@@CleverCheetah i seen a video where someone said they mold if you do that
Why would anyone need to tell you. The ratio is on the bloody packet....
the fact that he emailed back to ya sold me
Will be buying, because I need it.
But, was very impressed by the company response. (Maybe a sponsor for you)
Yes, I agree! I stopped right there and ordered from the link provided. Really appreciate that!
Here is how I got rid of a plant that was infested with fungus gnats. I got a bucket just bigger than the pot the plant was in, filled it with water then submerged the entire pot in the bucket, all the soil fell away from the roots of the plant along with all the larvae, I let the plant soak for about an hour, when it was done I repotted the plant in new healthy soil and began watering from the bottom up instead of from the top down. I also placed a layer of small rocks (about an inch deep) completely covering the top layer to make access more difficult for the gnats to get to the soil.
It worked very well, and I no longer have a gnat problem. Thanks for doing the research & sharing what you leaned on the other products! If I ever find myself with fungus gnats again, I may try it! 🌱
Most comprehensive video on this that I have seen, with real info, not just cookie cutter rehashed stuff. Thank you!
Diatammaious earth does kill them but it dries them out slowly, It removes the moisture from them and you would have to reapply it after a few days! It's very safe and food grade is also great for food storage!
I have used food grade/safe for humans/pets diatomaceous earth. I used cinnamon in outside planters; cinnamon can be toxic; problem for my cat.
I think the Neem cake sounds best. Some issues with smell. BUT it is very effective.
It doesn't touch adults. The flies lay eggs in the dirt. Then the eggs turn into grubs or maggots and the d earth shreds the grubs like broken glass.
Excellent video, Nicole! You mirrored almost perfectly my personal experience over more than a year with fungus gnats twice invading my indoor organic cannabis grow room. I tried every remedy you mentioned plus neem oil sprays and drenches with the ONLY winners being re-potting into fresh soil (scorched earth method) or a combo of yellow sticky traps (in pot and drain pan) and Mosquito Bits used for EVERY watering. Thanks for putting this out there for those who have not yet gone to battle with these little champions ... it will save them sooooo much time, worry and money! Be safe -
Oh yes, the amount of money I spent on these products was ridiculous! And I'm sure others do the same thing. Thanks for your kind words, I'm glad you liked the video :)
Thank you for the actually explaining the ratio for soaking the Mosquito Bits in your water!
Everyone recommends them but never really shows how much to use/how long to soak it.
Super cool of the company's VP to personally respond, makes me feel more confident in using their product!
I'm glad you liked this! And yes, that e-mail from the CEO was actually really helpful.
Good luck with your fungus gnats :)
The same with the dunks, which are not working for me.
The instructions are clearly printed on the bottle as to how much to use and how long to soak!
That is what I use as well, works great. I think the secret to mosquito bits is to make a “tea” with it and then water your plants.
If you're using cinnamon, you need to mix it in the soil as if it's a cake. Sprinkling it on top will not work for an already severe infestation.
Cinnamon is not a good idea. It retards root growth and can cause root burn. It's really not good for your plants. Need cake tea is the best approach. Source: I've been growing indoor plants for 20+ years and had tried ALL the methods prior to Neem cake application.
Finally! Someone that speaks about solutions for vegetable plants!! I thought I had a lost cause but you gave me hope. Thanks a lot!
Thanks for doing the research on the mosquito bits! I bought them to use for my house plants but after reading the warning label, I was too scared to even open the bag. Now I feel confident in using them! I really appreciate it!
This is probably the most honest video I've seen on gnat problem. Thank you. I already use the yellow stickies but will combine with mosquito bits.
I own 100 houseplants and want to be 100% organic with them and for my household. Your video assured me more than anything else that this product was okay to use! I had ordered these bits and was turned off by the warning labels. Thank you SO much for your thoroughness.
Yes I was initially worried too but they’re safe :)
Me too!!
I was also worried about it due to all the warning labels. I’m definitely more ok with using it now
I use living soil and was concerned about harming it so Nature's Living Soil told me the best thing is BT! I use the mosquito bits directly in the soil when transplanting and when watering I buy BT concentrate and add to the water. The concentrate is much cheaper in the long run. I use the bits to slowly release the BT in the soil. I have never tried soaking them as the video shows.
What is BT
The video was NOT too long; you gave all the information needed without wasting time. Thank you for the time and thoughtfulness you took to share your research. Very useful indeed! Just found out that mosquito bits contain a dormant bacteria (activated when wet) that will kill the larvae as they ingest the bacteria.
Hi! You can also save money on those traps by buying avtub of this stuff called tree tangle foot. Cut your own poster paper and apply stuff with a brush. Lasts forever.
Covering the top layer of my plants with sand has helped me… I will also add this
I agree with your procedure. Thank you for your review of those methods . Glad to learn the recipe for mosquito bits. I bought a new plant end of February and 2 weeks later just as COVID lock down happened, fungus gnats took off. Since I was not able to get anything to treat them right away, they spread to all my 30 plants. Sigh. Finally, I got Mosquito bits. Used 2 Tablespoons per 1/2 gallon hot water. Let container with mixture sit until ready to water over the weekend, Strained it and watered. Did it 3 weeks in a row. Then 4th week, watered plants with mixture of 1 cup hydrogen peroxide and 3-4 cups water. Then the next 3 times repeated with mosquito bits ‘tea’. I also used the yellow sticky traps (cut strips of it and stuck the strip on a chopstick then pushed chop stick into plant pot). My infestation was so terrible, it took a few months to completely eradicate the gnats. I even repotted about half my plants. ( I put old soil in a disposable pan, soaked it with boiling water. Then let it dry out . Then mixed with some new soil for repotting. I didn’t have enough new soil to repot everything.)Finally I think I am clear. Oh on one stubborn plant I did also use Bonide Systemic household insect control powder as a last resort. (Sprinkled it on top of soil and watered thoroughly.). Only used that once. I wouldn’t use it on edibles or with kids/pets in house. Product made me a little nervous but I was getting desperate. Sure makes me hesitant about buying another plant. I live in a small apartment, no place to isolate a new plant. Boy are those gnats pesky little things. Sorry Mother Nature.
Absolutely brilliant video. I loved how you juxtaposed various methods and as a ADHD plant owner, I have to try everything to keep them alive. Thanks for being so informative and making your content mostly about the topic rather than ads.
By far the best video on how to properly use mosquito bits. I make my water luke warm add my bits, let it sit for a day in sealed bottle and shake vigorously before watering. I have been doing this for about a month . Just checked my newly placed yellow traps and found only a few, most traps were clean, considering I have about 50 houseplants. I also use neem oil spray and cover the top of my soil with perlite and cinnamon. Hope this helps someone.
I tried all the things you did for my house plants. Mixed cinnamon into the dirt, apple cider mix didn’t get 1 gnat. Next step was the mosquito bits. I have gotten a lot with the yellow sticky traps. Seeing all those little flies, helps feel something is helping! Thanks for the letter with directions-writing that down!
I hope you were able to tackle the gnats!
I just sprinkle the mosquito bits on top of the soil and water as usual. This has been working for me, plus I use the sticky traps. This method is the only thing that has worked for me. I swear by mosquito bits!! Like you, none of the other methods that seem to work for others, didn't work for me, like using cinnamon. Thanks for the info in this video.
Sure thing! I'm glad it's been working for you. Fungus gnats really are the worst...
I watched your video before starting my first batch of seedlings. My sister is ahead of me on starting and had a big problem with the gnats. Well, what I did was your recipe and added THAT water to my starting compost soil; it's been two weeks and ABSOLUTELY NO GNATS! Oh, and I do have seedlings growing! Thank you so much for all of your research and sharing this!
That's awesome to hear! I had no fungus gnats this year either :) DId a little preventative watering with the BTI, like you.
I found your video to be the most informative of all the videos I’ve watched and to be put in simple terms. Also, you have a good speaking voice. You’d be good reading audio books. Thank you for the info. Sick to death of dealing with these things.
I appreciate you covering what ateps didn’t work
Thanks for the video! I’m sure you already know this 2 years later, but “diatomaceous” is pronounced like “diatom” and “-aceos” (like in “Cretaceous.”)
It’s named after diatoms, which are microscopic creatures that have tiny skeletons made from calcium carbonate, which diatomaceous earth is made from.
You just saved my sanity and lemon tree. Thank you!!!!
I've tried several of the remedies you covered in your video with the same results.
I have been dealing with a nuisance amount of gnats but I'm about to start growing flowers from seed and have heard gnats love seedling soil.
Just yesterday I was gifted a container of mosquito bits and yellow sticky traps. I feel more confident moving forward after watching your video. Thank you so much for sharing. 💚💚💚
Apple cider vinager with a little sugar and a drop or two of Dawn dish soap in a shallow dish or 8oz glass (ie. stemless wine glass) works great for catching gnats. Works best with no dirty dishes in the sink. I've been using it for years. It always works. Mason jars are too big to use. Gnats love sweet & sour but they don't like the smell of dishsoap so only use a small amout of Dawn just to break the surface tension. Your video was very helpful. I recently bought the mosquito bits to try on house plant soil and will try your water solution recipe. I recently bought a small mosquito zapper that I can use in the house. It works well on the gnats.
I also contacted the company for the same reason and I was told that they sell on an industrial level so if exposed to large amounts of the dust at one time, there could potentially be an issue. I am using it as a preventative measure since I am bringing in plants from outside and am hopefully coming to the end of my fight with the Phorid Fly. I also love the sticky paper. Gives me a read on the size of my problem. I have also invested in bug zappers. But probably the biggest thing I am doing for the long term is to plug up the drains in my sinks to keep shut down another major breeding grounds. When I do this I add water, vinegar and soap. I am happy to say the sinks and tubs have been acting like a humungous trap AND stopping the propagation of these flies in the drain. I am hoping the mosquito bits work well. This is the first time using them. I did the soak method. But I am also laying pellets on the surface. Got to get this one under control!
But I have to add, just came across this video showing how laying the bits on top of the soil can cause mold:
I appreciate you so much. I found that the bits are the ONLY thing that works on these little buggers. They are really relentless, but the bits do work. I wish more people knew about them, because the gnats ruined my plant life for about a year until I found this. Thank you.
THANK YOU!!! I just started my house plant adventure and propagation as well. When propagating the soil must be moist. I now just started seeing the fungus gnats. Thank you so much for your hard work! I can't wait to watch your other videos too.
Thank you for the kind words Velvet! Yes... it's impossible to dry out the soil when propagating. Hope you're able to get rid of the gnats!! let me know how it goes:)
@@NicolesCorner i think I got rid of them already! I don't think I had a huge problem yet though... yah!
@@NicolesCorner the gnats are gone!! Mosquito bits and being extra careful on watering helped completely!
Thanks for all of the information. I found them in my seedlings. Brought soil in from outside to start my garden babies. Now, these things. I just will go get these Mosquito Bits and be done then. Again, thanks for all the trial and error stuff you did for all of us. Love and plants
I put those bright yellow sticky traps into a jar of raw apple cider vinegar with a little dish detergent and the fungus gnats are being baited by the aroma and as a result getting stuck to the traps. The problem you had is that growing veggies outside in the much-needed Sun requires daily watering in the summer. Especially tomatoes. My situation is from what I was allowing to happen with my exotic pet substrate indoors.
i had a severe infestation of fungus gnats because I did not know I should not use garden soil for inside pots. I found your post extremely useful. I discovered by accident that watering your plants through a watering system that delivers the water lower in the pot naturally minimizes the fungus gnats. I had installed a watering system to water my plants while on vacation. It came with drippers that are inserted into your pots at least 3 inches deep. This system minimized the gnat infestation. Afterward I read that putting perlite on top of the soil might prevent them from breeding. I’m not sure they are eradicated but my sticky traps are not getting populated with flies recently so the jury is still out.
Omg! I’m going thru fungus gnat infestation too. I have tried everything including use of an organic powder I purchased on Etsy. The recommendation of Mosquito Bits is new to me so I will try it. Thank you.
Try Nematodes. They can be bought at most plant nurseries in the form of a sponge soaked with them. You simply get them wet and water your plants. They eat all the eggs and larvae of fungus gnats as well as other insects in the soil. Ive only ever had to dose the soil with nematodes once. Years later...No fungus gnats.
@@__-pl3jg Never heard of that but I’ll try it. Thank you.
Thank you, now I'm brave enough to use it (just bought it today). I appreciate your teaching us how to use Mosquito Bits and what works and what doesn't. Glad I found your channel!
Hey Nicole. Neem cake also works great. Used similar to how you use mosquito bits.
Cinnamon is an absolute fail! The sticky traps not only catch the adults (hopefully before they breed) but they also a the best way to monitor the level of infestation.
This is probably the best video I have seen on fungus gnats. Other creators seem to want to just regurgitate all of the ineffective methods just for the sake of putting out content.
I used one part hydrogen peroxide 3% to 4 parts water and have been successful at eradicating the fungus gnat problem. I was concerned about the mosquito bits,so I went with the hydrogen peroxide. Took a couple waterings,but problem solved.
I mix finely crushed vermiculite with my seed starter mix. I also mix peroxide into my spray bottle. My seeds are germinating faster than usual and no fungus gnats. Last year however was a disaster. I wasn't using vermiculite or peroxide.
When I tried this, I killed the plants
you are my gnat control hero! had used the bits before, a looooong time ago, but caring for my neighbor's plants in my place... oh my. gnats started showing up. i couldn't remember how to use the bits and your tutorial is better than what i remember doing a couple of years back (making a mess!). thank you for the SpeCiFiC instructions. the company has SO many labels and warnings, etc., why they don't just put the directions that they gave to you on the container is boggling, lol.
This is the best information I've heard EVER on plant pest eradication!! Thank you for sharing!!
I use that diatomaceous power under my cupboards and oven. Since it’s not disturbed, it works well! Keeps bugs from hiding out.
As a preventive I've found bottom watering my plants really helps from getting fungus gnats. But if you already have them they're a nightmare to eradicate.
Yes... absolutely! Hope you don't have any!
What does bottom watering mean?
@@t.e.burgos3263 I take a bucket or dish & put water in it then put the plant in it & it will suck up the water from the bottom of the plant leaving the top layer dry which will prevent getting fungus gnats. I also got a moisture meter from Amazon for about $10 so that I can know exactly when my plants need water which helps for me since I bottom water. Hope that makes sense
@@t.e.burgos3263 bottom watering is when you place your pot in a bigger tray and let the water get wicked into your soil/medium. Top watering is like rain or watering with a hose. The water goes on top of the soil and trickles through. Hope this helps.
Very well done. Just what I needed to hear. Right in the middle of my extermination. What a pain in the ass these little beeps have been.
Very, very well explained as to the effectiveness and claims regarding the different methods. I watched this while nodding at all the things I've tried too. I haven't tried the bits yet but I have used hydrogen peroxide with a lot of success alongside the sticky traps. I will definitely consider the bits if the infestation returns or gets at all worse. Thanks for making this.
I appreciate how much work you did to help others get rid of those pesky fungus gnats 😠 Thank you for making this video😊
I came to the same conclusion. I use BTI (mosquito dunks), neem meal sprinkled on top of soil and the sticky traps only to check my progress. I find the sticky traps are only good for checking population size. They dont do enough to actually combat the gnat issuse
Thank you for your comprehensive presentation.
We live in Florida and this is truly helpful.
I am so grateful for you taking the time out to explain everything and its effects. My patio garden plants were effected after the hurricane. So many fungus gnats arrived out of nowhere. I'm now going to take back what's mine! IT'S REVENGE TIMMMEEEE! lol Blessings to you
I am also grateful. I think I know where mine came from. Are you ready for this? I switched from very expensive kitty litter to clay. I never had gnats with my old kitty litter and have had indoor cats for 34 years of my life. Never had a gnat. I think the gnats are in the clay. I am returning to expensive kitty litter.
Thank you! So far this is the best video I've seen about getting rid of fungus gnats.
Aw thanks!
I used cinammon on top of my soil as of three days ago, and immediately saw results! No gnats in sight. I checked each of my plants carefully before/after the cinnamon was placed on the soil, and yes there were gnats before the application but not after. So far, so good. Also dried out the soil of the plants that can handle that. My fern for example, obviously needs to stay moist, and I did not dry it out --- still no gnats there, either. I wonder if the gnats I had were not yet under the soil for long?? Maybe I had a lot less of the pests than you did in your video at the time?? Hmm...
Glad it worked for you! Keep me updated on the results. Yeah I had probably like 20-30 infected plants, it was bad - I definitely needed something more powerful.
Maria Sullivan did you use regular powder cinnamon and I wonder if sticking cinnamon sticks directly into the soil would work as well and less messy ?
You’re lucky! I’ve never once had cinnamon work for me with regards to pests. Now it seems to help with some of the mold that can develop on soil, but those pests are immune to it!!
DE works great. (Die-at-tom-ace-shus)
Thanks Nicole, been through this myself, and ended up with DE. You didn't use enough, there needs to be a layer on top of or mixed heavily into the top 1" of soil. It won't harm plants even if you add a ton, plants can grow in it, although the PH may be a little high without adjustment. I add about an inch (dry, it will shrink back when it draws water from the soil) to the top of 4-6 gallon containers and water with PH 6.6 solution and have great plants. Add after watering and it will stick down, making it easy to dump a trowel (or spoonful) and spread out in a heavy layer. You will see the gnats stop dead, the next day they will be gone. Unless they have a 2nd hiding place, check seldom used sink drains and add a little bleach to clean them out. It does work when wet (despite having the consistency of chalky mud) as the Gnats and larvae cannot pass through the treated layer, even when wet. Once it dries out, fluff it up again with a fork or garden tool and it's good to go. (mostly a cosmetic thing, but I like my plants looking neat) Adds silica to the soil as well, just re-apply liberally every few weeks and you'll be gnat free. Get the big bag, you can get a 4lb bag for under 10bucks at the blue or orange stores, or online. The bag will last a long time. The little bottles are a waste of money. Happy gardening!
So DE works even when wet? I hear arguments both for and against it working when wet. I've been reapplying every time I water my plants, which is not only a pain, but I wonder if that is overkill.
Thankyou so much. I have a terrible problem with gnats only mine are biting ones. I wasn't sure if DE would work even when wet. I just found them in the tract of my door. They are driving me insane. I would rather normal non biting fungus gnats than these demonic little bastards. 😢
Oh yeah i got them from a bought bag of soil. I brought my plants into the house and that is when it started. 😢😢😢
I've never had biters myself, that sounds bad. Hopefully they have the same reproductive cycle in which case the DE should work on them as well as it does on regular fungus gnats. If had biters, I'd throw BT (Mosquito bits or concentrate in your water) at them as well. Lately, I've been adding Mosquito bits to any newly mixed soil as a preventative and water with BT treated water every month or so just to make sure the soil is active with the BT.
Don't forget to let the surface to dry back between waterings if you can, that helps a lot too.
Good luck with your 'demon fly' exorcism!
Thank you for going all out with researching this product. When I saw pesticide on their web page I was not going to buy it. But now I will. I hope they give you free product for life.
Fungus gnats are like the real life version of the "Replicator" bugs from Stargate SG-1 🦟🦟 🤣
They are literally the worst.
Best description of fungus gnats I've seen ever
Thank you so much for sharing your research and experience. You video was incredibly helpful. I hope you're outside enjoying your balcony oasis
Got rid of mine, assumed they were gnats, read something about putting fine sand on top of the potting mix which apparently blocks them from getting in/out of the soil. Also sprayed plants with soapy water. I got the sand from a nearby construction site.
I read about the fine sand! I think that's ideal for houseplants. Vegetable plants are a little trickier I think. Thanks for being my second comment on this brand new channel :)
It is a great idea to put fine sand or playground sand on top, but you would need at least 1 inch of it, what this does is basically kills the larvae as it moves through the sand. The only issue is, putting that much sand on top starves the roots of oxygen, and if they gnats have no access to the top soil, they can and will search to find their way through the drainage holes. Careful for those of you thinking of using sand, just trying to save everyone some headache and labor =D
I have another food safe way of controlling fungus gnats. Spread a 1/2" layer of Perlite over the top of your potted plant soil leaving ZERO gaps. The COMPLETE coverage of the soil is key. Anytime you water, smooth over any gaps your watering may have created. The secret here Is that the Perlite to the gnats is like broken glass. While it might be only 1/2 inch to's many "feet" for them crawling over broken glass. I once had a large infestation of the critters and this trick did it. One more thing ,you will need the yellow sticky stuff to catch any "escapees".
In addition to that I placed a night light by my plant that was infested with these gnats and placed one of those yellow sticky things up against the light and caught a lot immediately.
THANK YOU for being so concise and informative!
Thank you so much for this video. Means a lot, all the research. Appreciate you!
Glad it was helpful! The fungus gnats were literally on my mind 24/7 until I got rid of them haha.
I've been using mosquito bits for a decade. Because most potting/container/raised bed soil isn't sterilized (BTW miracle gro is the worst imo) so my first watering is with the MB. Never used the sticky traps for fear it would catch a butterfly, bee etc. I read to soak 24 to 48hrs and have been using it that way ever since. It's amazing stuff. Dunks you can crumble up and spread those around in the yard to help keep the skeeters away...which is the reason for the name.
wish I had read this earlier lol I just used miracle grow and it gave me a gnat problem. Never had one before that!
@@thishyna I think all bagged soil is at risk of these gnats especially if the bags are rained on and don’t dry out. You can still get rid of the gnats it’ll just take a week ur 2 to get them under control. Also a correction on soaking the Bits. You only need to soak them for an hour to get the benefits. I use a large spaghetti bottle w/about 3T of Bits then skim or use a sieve to remove them. Put the lid back on after straining and shake the jar bc the good stuff sinks to bottom. Then pour about a 1/4 cup to one gallon water can with sprinkle head. AFTER you’ve watered your plants then Apply to top of the soil. You don’t need much just make sure you wet the top, no need to deep water. Do that about every5-7 days and they’ll be gone. I had a really bad infestation with them and it only took 2 watering and poof, gone. This is also safe for inside house-plants too. It really works! I got mine on Amazon. The big 30oz is about $17 if I remember right. Hope this helps.
I use a spray bottle filled with rubbing alcohol, and spray directly on the soil and it works fast. Spray a light mist once or twice and they are done for!
Awesome!!! Glad to hear about another working method
I like the simplicity of this video. It's amazing.
I'm glad you enjoy it :)
Thanks for being so thorough and sharing your information with all of us plant lovers. I've been using hydrogen peroxide and it's working but I'm using a lot. I'm going to try mosquito bits next.
Glad it was helpful! Hope you get rid of the gnats soon!
It works. Your combo knocked them out in 3 days.
Woohoo! Glad to hear. Keep watering with it though because they can make a comeback.
Personally I watered my plants daily with it for maybe 3-4 weeks and now, I water them maybe once or twice a week with it just to ensure there's no comebacks. All it takes is 1 gnat to birth a whole new generation!
I’ve been thinking about doing the same! I’m looking forward to seeing what other great tips you share 😍
Yay, 2 comments from Hannah! I just subscribed to your new channel too :)
Thank you I just started using Mosquito Bits and Sticky Traps. I am on my second watering. I have a Spyder plant and a Philodendron the gnats are in the Philodendron more than the Spyder. I made a teabag from fish tank filter bags, the ones with the zipper. If you let it sit for a few days it really smells and I understand Neem Cake does too. I am hopeful that this will work. I was very glad you picked the Bits. Good Video.
Mosquito Bits:
Yellow sticky traps (you can also cut these up to make smaller ones):
ALSO... I have an Instagram! Woohoo! To follow my balcony adventures, be sure to check out. @NicolesLittleCorner on IG :)
Best solution video yet for this problem! THANK YOU! I’ve watches so many videos and it’s so much talk and no good solutions. Thank you! ❤️
I’ve ordered Mosquito Bits, i am using more than one month and i usually put them on water and waited for 45 mins and then i water my plants.
I can see there’s again more and more fungus gnats! 😭😭😭
45minutes is NOT enough time for the mosquito bits to mix into the water. Put the mosquito bits into luke warm water for 24hours and then water.
You sure your dealing with fungus gnats & not root aphids?
@@PositiveRaincloud So the VP of Mosquito Bits company doesn't know how they work? lol He said soak 30 - 60 minutes
Didnt work for me either. And i used neem oil at the same time and still didnt work
@@SshhhTrouble I’ve still on my plants and i dont know how to get rid of it 😭
Firstly thank you for not having music drowning out your tested info. Apparently in Canada we can not get mosquito bits only mosquito dunks that are supposed to be the same. They do work. I tried cinnamon too but same as you it did not. Bottom watering helps but the critters will also crawl in the pots drainage holes and lay eggs there too. Top dressing the soil with washed sand and or marbles or small pebbles or decorative rock does prevent them getting into the top of the soil. Putting those in the drain trays can stop them going into the drainage holes. No fly pest strips are less costly and bigger than sticky traps and catch thousands of the flyers. Can you top dress the soil with the .osquito bits to residually water in?
"How is this organic if there's all these warning labels on this". This is a major fallacy I see people fall into that is potentially super dangerous - this idea that "organic" somehow means "safe". Often, what you can get that is organic will be much more safe than long chain petrochemicals and a lot of stuff that's synthetic. It doesn't mean "organic = safe".
Rattlesnake venom is organic. Opium is organic. Turpentine, a powerful solvent, comes from pine trees and is organic (when extracted using an organic method). Cyanide is also organic and found in some seeds to deter things from eating them (and will kill you if you eat enough), and there's plenty of organic plants and things in nature that you just can't eat or touch because they are also deadly.
I use natural and organic gardening practices, and I don't at all mean to diss on it or your video. I'm just looking to clear up the idea that "organic" means safe, because while it can mean that in many cases, it doesn't necessarily or always, and i've seen some people do some really dangerous things with organic chemicals because "it's natural it won't hurt you", but that's not how it works.
Anyway sorry to rant, great video and recommendations. thanks.
Cinnamon worked for me in my green house. I had 125 pots of mixed veggie seedlings in the green house which was always most and warm inside and no fungus or gnats. Again used only cinnamon and it worked.
Thank you so much for this info! New Sub! =) I purchased the mosquito bits and I wasn't sure how much to use for 1 gallon of water. Seems like everyone was just placing the bits on top of the soil but then the bits would mold. Do you use boiled water?
Hi Gisele! I usually add 2 or 3 tablespoons of Bits to a gallon of water the night before (and then water the plants with it in the morning). Hot water is great, but I'm not sure if it matters if it has enough time to soak. Getting rid of the fungus gnats takes a little while but eventually they will stop being born :) Thanks for subscribing!
@@NicolesCorner I read that you can use hot water, smaller amount, not one gallon, and let the Mosquito Bits brew, then add this "tea" to the rest of the water.
Ahhhh finally!
Nicole, ( I’m Nicole :). Thanks for the solution and the thorough research on the safety of Mosquito Bits!
I have a plant in danger and I’ve been trying to save it.
Finally a solution as I said!
Enjoy that organic garden!
I like your t-shirt❤
thank you :)
I used the Bits today and sprinkled on top of soil and in drain trays. Within 5 hrs after watering them in I could only see 1 gnat when normally there were several. I read many comments that the tea didn’t work for them. I didn’t want to mess around with mixing as I have many seed flats a few house plants and treated all except newly planted with domes. We will see and I believe it will do the job. I’ve heard some say it may mold, I can deal with that, gnats I cannot as they are killing my non stop begonias and probably damaging others as well.
Die-at-o-mayshus earth.
DE is worthless against fungus gnats. It literally does nothing to gnats and soon as you water it it’s worthless
Thanks for video. The Nats are a horrible problem and I am so excited to try this. Plus, the bonus of killing mosquitos.
You just saved me a lot of trouble doing many remedies and a lot of money! THANKS!
Sure thing ☺️
Thanks for sharing your experience, Nicole. I will definitely try the mosquito bits this weekend.
Thanks for the video. Trying to get rid of fungus gnats myself. I have noticed the gnats will go under the pots through the drainage holes so they avoid the top layer of soil/diatomaceous earth mix. I ended up getting neem cake to water with but if it doesnt work to get rid of the problem, I will certainly try mosquito bits.
That letter was so helpful. I have been using the bits the wrong way. Thank you soooooo much.
Hurray!!!! I find the sticky sheets effective too. I found insect glue to make my own AND I ordered BTI - the format / brand is Mosquito Dunks, which look like donuts that will have to be chunked up. I heard from another channel that the Mosquito Bits (Dunks too) can be dried out after using and then used again. You might want to try that, if supplies get scarce. I certainly empathize with you. I tried indoor gardening last year and was absolutely plagued by fungus gnats. If you make soil unappetizing to them, or in the case of hydroponics, don't have any organic soil, they will lay their eggs on the foliage of plants or on this lids of hydro totes. That turned me off the whole hydro gardening thing. I'm back to dirt in pots, which just doesn't seem to be as disgusting. But, that close up shot in your video at 3:00? I'd change my mind if I EVER saw the larvae wriggling around like that. I'm not above using Raid, alcohol, Spray Nine to destroy fungus and the gnats. SOME of my plants even survive such annihilations campaigns. :S
I never thought I'd use BTI. I certainly wouldn't use nematodes!!!! But, I think BTI is safe and I'll still be disinfecting afterward. I think we all know by now that micro-organisms can cross species. As for nematodes? They are Ascaris - ROUND WORM!!!
Thank your for doing the research and for your very clear presentation of the results!
I'm curious whether Mosquito Bits are recommended primarily for top-watering. I had a bad infestation two years ago and used them with bottom-watering, with poor results. Since then I have primarily relied on prevention, keeping my potting soil in covered containers before use, yellow sticky traps for monitoring, plus small oscillating fans where I have tomato and pepper seedlings starting.
A flaw in this plan is that the otherwise high-quality indoor/outdoor potting soil came with fungus gnats in it, even when I purchased a small bag that was always kept indoors. Fortunately my other methods are helping keep the problem small this year, but I am also trying out Miracle Gro Indoor Potting Soil as a top-dressing, which definitely never contains fungus gnats and lacks ingredients they love. I have also been using it on long-term indoor plants which seems to work well too.
Thank you for the detailed vid
Mosquito bits was the most effective way for those that want to skip
Thank you so much for this. I have been looking everywhere for this exact type of solution
At this stage, I want to thank you for this video and for explaining the pros and cons of different methods (without all the over-the-top self-promotion too!). I have now ordered these tools, I'll let you know how I get on. Thanks!
Thank you for giving us a real solution that works! I appreciate the way you described how the gnats were everywhere - even in your face! That has been my exact experience. It seemed that even after the gnats were gone I was still feeling a sensation from “phantom” gnats since they flew over me for so long. Thankfully, that is going away.
Thank you!
Facts. I use Mosquito Bits as well. No more problems with Knats. Highly recommend 👍
I agree with everything you said, I followed the exact same steps and nothing worked, not the diatamaceous earth, not the vinegar and dish soap, not the potato slices, the sticky traps helps trap the adults that help! thank you for this video! I will try the mosquito bits
So glad I ran across this video. These buggers reeked havoc on my seedlings over the year. I tried everything. Thanks so much for sharing. I already have this stuff and Sm making immediately
Um…………this is prob more than a little overly dramatic but……I LOVE YOU!!!!!!! Friggin thank you SO MUCH!!!! How tf have I never heard of this stuff EVER….not ONCE!? So yeah….may every side of your pillow be the cool side from now through eternity 🤗
Thank you. I have been using sticky traps in my grow tent for years, but super happy to purchase the other item to help!
I use diatomaceous earth in my new bag of potting soil. Majority of all potting soil will come with the fungus gnat larvae in it so I open the new bag, I put in a good amount of diatomaceous earth and mix it around and seal the bag back up and let it sit for a few days before using it. It’s important to treat the soil before repotting(from my experience). Then I do what you’re doing, sticky traps for the adults and I water with mosquito dunks. I will be using mosquito bits soon but I couldn’t find any but the dunks work as well. This process has been working for me. There’s still a few here and there but they should be gone in a few weeks
I have a huge gnat problem right now and I am going to try the mosquito bits and sticky paper. I have been using a neem oil spray and has not seemed to help. Several times a day I use my shark cordless vacuum and vacuum around windows and lights and plants but that just gets rid of some adults. Thank you for the great video.
Thank I discovered my soil was contaminated with these I'm getting both of these products today! Thank you!!
Thankyou for the thorough research. I don’t have as many as you, I’ll try the traps, cinnamon and potatoes