Wings of Fire Hero OC Pause Game - OC Maker

  • Опубліковано 18 жов 2024


  • @MrMunendradixit
    @MrMunendradixit 15 днів тому +2

    Ice wing
    (Enemy)Powerful animus
    Broke a curse
    Ice kingdom
    Loving positive smart
    Destructive self doubtful

  • @teresamccarron8091
    @teresamccarron8091 8 місяців тому +3

    The story of Fallen Tree will probably be written down in history books for older dragonets, or just adult dragons in general. Fallen's egg washed up after being abandoned by her mother in the sea of Pantala. Luckily for her, she landed on the caring and laid-back land of the Rainwings: The Rainforest. A Rainwing by the name of Justice took her egg in, watching it hatch just months after he saved it. Fallen had a Hivewing body, something no rainwing had ever seen besides Pineapple, the Rainwing who was famous for saving Pantala all those years ago, which was recognised immediately by him. He offered to take it back over to Pantala, but Justice said that he and his mate, Apple, would raise it as their own. As Fallen grew, they became a caring, compassionate, and calm dragon with a tiny destructive side. But they were distrustful and angered easily when provoked. Her aggressive behaviour got her exiled from the Rainforest, much to the dislike of Justice and Apple. She went on to explore the world, finding the Sandwing Kingdom. They had an unjust and vicious queen by the name of Rattlesnake, who was the daughter of Lizard, who was the Daughter of Sunny, who was the daughter of, well everyone usually knows the rest from there. After doing more research, she figured out that in Lizards rule, for some diabolical reason, she made it so anyone, even commoners from the Scorpion den, could challenge the throne. Fortunately for her, Rattlesnake hadn't removed this rule yet. When Rattlesnake found out she was enraged and tried to kill Fallen. Fallen used her information on the animals of the Scorpion den to lead her into a snake nest. A DragonBite Vipers nest. Rattlesnake was killed by the Vipers before she even got a chance to attack Fallen. That's usually where the story ends in books, saying she had a perfect happily ever after as soon as the queen died, but no, that is not where the story ends...
    To say the Rainwings were the warriors they were during Pythons rule was a stretch, but they were still pretty strong and decided to force Fallen back to the Rainforest. While stuck in the rainforest, she searched up Pantala in scrolls and read about it _constantly._ One night, she packed all her scrolls into a small pouch and some healing herbs in another. As she left, she looked at her father, asleep on a leaves patch, one last time before sneaking out and flying off, tears streaming down her face at the fact she was abandoning the only dragon who loved her. The real reason she was sneaking out to a journey across the sea she might never come back from, though, was probably a bit different from what you thought. You thought she wanted to escape the rainforest and see her true homeland. Well, that was partly the reason, but there was a bigger one. She wanted revenge. Remember how i said she was destructive? Well, as she grew older and learned more about her past, that destruction turned to Vengeance. Vengeance on her mother for abandoning her. Vengance on the Rainwings for kicking her out and then forcing her back in. Vengance on Pineapple who didn't return her egg to Pantala. She was full of blind rsge as she beat her wings, looking back once at the only only she had ever known before flying off.
    It was a couple of weeks before she arrived at Pantala, but the entire time, she was filled with blind rage. She stormed into the tree-filled lands on the continent, demanding every Hivewing, every Leafwing she could find about who her parents were. Her mother was a large Hivewing called Maggot, her father being a soft Leafwing with the name of Oak. They welcomed her with open talons, but she immediately demanded on why they abandoned her egg, knowing the dragonet inside could die. They told Fallen that they didn't want to abandon her. They were forced to. Wasp had just escaped, and everyone was on the look for her. She immediately targeted Maggot and Oak. She threatened them, saying she would kill them both and their egg if they didn't throw it into the ocean. Oak and Maggot searched and searched the ocean for Months after they threw away Fallen, but because Justice had already taken her egg, she was nowhere to be found. When she heard the true story she had began to cry. She couldn't believe that she was going to kill her mother, who had loved her very much, all because of Wasp. Because Wasp had already died of old age, this was when she lived on Pantala for the rest of her life, not really caring to visit the Rainwings who ruined it.
    And there you have it, written by Fallen Tree herself, this is her true life story. Definitely not what the scrolls make it out to be. Oh well, at least one traveller currently knows. If you're wondering 'well why only one?' Well, Fallen only made one copy, so please, if you get this scroll, share it! Share is all around the world! Let everyone know the true story of Fallen Tree.

  • @AveRagePerSonnnn
    @AveRagePerSonnnn Рік тому +2

    Huntsman spider is a hive wing. He had no one working against him (unless it was the leaf wings during the whole breath of evil uprising.) He never became a hero but instead lives his life trying to make books. He lives in wasp hive and when queen wasp was defeated he was finally free. He was a guard. He never had his mind free so when he was freed he went and started making books, lots of books until almost a who library could be filled with them :D

  • @thatequine-trovert6956
    @thatequine-trovert6956 Рік тому +3

    Nightwing, a sibling, a curse, Phryrria , Mud Kingdom, Positive, self doubtful

  • @Ella-s8p
    @Ella-s8p 2 місяці тому +2

    meet sky a skywing (yes i know that sky is a real dragon but i was not feeling creative) solider from the new Pantala base at lake scorpion. she is on a secret mission to darkstalker's evil ghost from starting a war between the nightwings and the skywings, she stoped a war before and isn't afrade to do it again...
    to be continued

  • @renth3m
    @renth3m Рік тому +2

    Tribe : (to make more sense, i spun until i got a pantalian dragon and used it aswell) Sandwing/Hivewing
    Enemy : Sibling
    Reason : Saved a Queen
    Live : Pantala
    Home : Forest
    Trait : Assertive
    Bad trait : Lustful
    decided to name them Eleodes, their dominant tribe is Hivewing. They have Sandwing like posture, and have a barb. They also picked up sandwing colors, besides faint dark tan markings, and they have hivewing wings with the bat like sections. These hivewing wings are very good at flight, being able to spread sections to catch themself and fold them to beat fast enough to quickly hover. They are a very gifted flier and they live alone, wishing for a partner.
    Their timeline is set during the tree wars. They are a bit depressed, and have lived alone basically their entire live in a jungle densely populated by deadly plants. For the first two years of her life, they lived with a sibling, both of them being abandoned. This sibling was older and larger then her, and beat her. They killed their brother by blending a poison they had become immune to into his tea. The poison killed him in his sleep, and Eleodes cremated him with their fire. They still have their brothers ashes in a black jar.
    Eleodes learned to live around the most dangerous and carnivorous plants, while becoming immune to some poisons. They consume these mid deadly plants, giving them a somewhat poisonous bite, like the Nightwings.
    One day, the leafwings and hivewings got into a spat, and chased the Queen of the Leafwings out into their jungle. The Queen, Queen Datura, was badly injured, and crashed near their jungle. They saved Datura and took care of them, falling inlove in the process. Datura took roughly 5 months to heal completely. Despite them wanting them to stay, Datura had to go back to her kingdom. As a token of gratitude, Datura gave them a beautiful and expensive bracelet. It was made of silver, studded with diamonds, gold, and dragonfire stones. it had intricate patterning of trees, leafs, and plants on it. Eleodes is never seen without their bracelet, and even sleeps with it.

  • @styxgxy
    @styxgxy Рік тому +18

    The story of Vesuvius and Pompeii are stories that have been told for as long as anyone can remember. These brothers, both princes of the SkyWing royal family, were somehow suspected for the murder of General Gyrfalcon. Vesuvius, the prime suspect, was so filled with rage that he took his anger out on the kingdom, massacring the central SkyWing kingdom. Pompeii, who was spared, was afraid of anything bad that could happen in the future, and, killed both his brother and himself.But, that's not how it actually goes. Pompeii, craving power, the actual murderer of Gyrfalcon, and the last living SkyWing animus,(known to no one but himself and his brother)had first cursed his brother to do what he did in the first place. Then, once he was sure his brother was dead and he was dying of injury, he placed a resonating curse upon the kingdom, vowing for them to have a twisted dictator as their ruler once every 100 years. nearly 1000 years later, and the SkyWing kingdom is and has been suffering under the rule multiple horrible leaders. Right now, they're under the rule of Catfish, the most insufferable SeaWing you've ever met. How did a SeaWing become the king of the SkyWings? Catfish was a wandering merchant, searching for money and power. The previous SkyWing queen, Queen Jewel, took a liking to him when he visited the SkyWing palace, eventually making him one of her most trusted advisors. From there, Catfish murdered the queen in cold blood and took over the throne, manipulating multiple of the tribe to guard him and be on his side. Bird, The queen's sister, was horrified by this. She panicked and fled the castle, plotting for a way to end Catfish's reign. She went to the librarian and oldest SkyWing alive then, Tawny, for support. Tawny, 115 years old, informed her that the same thing happened 100 years ago. Tawny told her that he had heard from the oldest dragon at that time, Hawkeye, that there had been the same event another 100 years ago. Bird connected the dots, and, decided to break the curse the best she could, even if by herself. Will she be successful?

  • @AudreyArnett-si3ss
    @AudreyArnett-si3ss Рік тому +2

    Skywing, powerful animus, solved a mystery, they live in Pyhrria (of course they do!)
    Here's my second time: Mudwing, a daughter, they saved a princess, they live in Pyhrria (of course!)

  • @Willow-TheHarpy0
    @Willow-TheHarpy0 Рік тому +24

    Solar was a Sandwing who's family abandoned her when she failed her single mission: serve the queen for one month, she was an embarrassment to the family, eventually after being abandoned, she found a mate, Armadillo. They had three dragonets; two girls, Rose and Flicker, they also had one boy, Soundwave. They moved to the rainforest because they had heard that the dragons there had lots of sun, but while there, they discovered that there were other sand wing refugees that had been abandoned along with a Missing soldier, and a very lost looking Seawing. One day while Solar was out exploring she stumbled upon a tree with a hole big enough for a very large dragon, or dragons. Solar flew down it as it was surprisingly hollow and met some startled Night wing guards. They guided her to a place where the officials could decide what to do with a stray Sandwing. The queen said she could stay if Solar could find a cure for a horrible disease on the volcanic Island. Solar accepted this and was shaking talons with the queens daughter, whom the queen spoke through, when Amarillo came.crashing towards them and almost stung the princess before he realised that his wife wasn't being harmed, and he fell into into the lava as he stopped himself from poisoning the princess. Solar was torn by the fact that her husband was now just a few ashes sinking into the lava. The princess was startled an astonished as Solar cried beside the pool of heat that had just consumed her love. She felt like she could now only try to help dragons that were in pain from losing others and that was exactly what the Plague was doing to the Nightwings. So she flew back through the tunnel to find her children, but they where gone, her daughters were Dragon-napped while Soundwave had run away thinking his mother had run from them. As soon as he found out his father was dead, he blamed the Night wings and his mother. Solar was defeated, but that didn't mean she couldn't help the Nightwings, so.she researched the Plague for years and finally, she had the cure. After giving the medics the recipe for the cure, she started helping the Nightwings in other ways, battle plans, food distribution, etc. Meanwhile,Soundwave was plotting for a way to get revenge on his mother and the Night tribe. He knew his mother couldn't have made it to that kingdom as she did so he ventured the rainforest till he found the tree tunnel. Solar was alerted that a Sandwing wished to see her, Solar was.confused but followed the guards to where Soundwave was wait ing for her. Soundwave was crazed after living in the fantasy that his mother had plotted with the Night wings to kill his father and was vengeful. He had been waiting for this moment for years. Soundwave asked for a moment and the guards left them alone thinking this was just an old friend of Solar's, little did they know the hate Soundwave had for his own mother. As soon as we they were alone, he lunged at his mother, but with self defense, Solar kicked him across the room, he threw his dagger at her, hitting Solar on her right arm, she hissed in pain and sadly didn't realise this was her son after all these years, she thought her children where killed and had no idea her daughters where alive and her son was plotting against her for over 23 years. And she stabbed him through the chest and let him fall into the lava, with his last seconds he whispered 'its me, Mother...' Purposely leaving his always stressed and worried mother with enough guilt that she committed suicide and Soundwave had died in the progress but still accomplished his mission. Nobody knows what happened in that room on that day but all the Nightwings mourned the death of the dragon that freed them from the Plague.
    Canvas, thanks for inspiring this story. I know I probably got some grammar wrong and can tell I repeated words a bit to frequently, but I hope you all enjoyed, have a nice day!

    • @avacornthelastponybender8583
      @avacornthelastponybender8583 Рік тому +1

      Three Moons.....😧

    • @UCantSeeMe2011
      @UCantSeeMe2011 Рік тому +1

      Nice story

    • @canvas4708
      @canvas4708  Рік тому +3


    • @falamadur
      @falamadur Рік тому +2

      this is just a story

    • @canvas4708
      @canvas4708  Рік тому +2

      @@falamadur each story is beautiful and unique and it's really up to who reads it if they like it so I won't judge you but please don't judge the others about what they like

  • @ZiggyTheGirzzly
    @ZiggyTheGirzzly 9 місяців тому +2

    Tribe: IceWing.
    Who’s working against them: an enemy.
    How they became a hero: she saved Pyrrhia.
    Continent: Pyrrhia.
    Home: Ice Kingdom.
    Best traits: Determined, smart, strong.
    Worst traits: aggressive, disagreeable, moody.

  • @Wonders_horse-life
    @Wonders_horse-life Місяць тому +1

    deer is a mudwing hero that worked against her mother. she is a hero because she made an antidote for a deadly illness. she lives in Pyrrhia but one day she want to see if there are more islands. her home is in queen scarlets palace. her best personality traits are positive fast flyer and easy going. her worst personality traits are very emotional and over sensitive. I really like this oc I might make her come to life and make art of her

  • @redwoob
    @redwoob Рік тому +1

    Here’s mine!
    Tribe: Leafwing
    Enemy: A queen
    How they became a hero: Gave up their powers to save someone/something
    Continent: Pyrrhia
    Home: rainforest
    Personality (good): Determined, assertive, strong
    Flaws: Emotionless, secretive, destructive

  • @LizNeveau
    @LizNeveau Рік тому +2

    this a blind nightwing named starseeker who can see the futch almost as well as clearsight she told her friends and the thoght the futch would happen because of her and the turned aginst her so she decide she would have to save pyrrhia herself, even with her smart, loving, determinded persanality, since her friends betraide her she has become wary of other dragons and when she dose run into any she tends to be quite secrtive as she silintly trys to save the world.

  • @opraplazgamz
    @opraplazgamz 2 місяці тому +1

    Who’s working against them:A Protagonist
    What they did to be a hero:They saved Pyrrhia
    Home:Pyrrhia, In the Diamond Spray Delta
    Best Personality Traits: Poised, Honest, Compassionate, Assertive, Balanced, Easy going
    Worst Personality Traits: Self doubtful, Moody, self-conscious
    (This is my OC!)

  • @K0ala246
    @K0ala246 Рік тому +3

    Tribe: SandWing.
    Who's working against them: Someone unknown.
    How they came to be a hero: They rescued a prince.
    They live in: Pyrrhia.
    Home: The desert kingdom (possibly scorpion den??).
    Their best personality traits: Smart, determined, strong.
    Flaws: Moody, self doubtful, aggressive.
    Name: Adenium.
    Colour palette: Pale yellow scales (almost white), pink tinted wings and underbelly, white wings and underbelly.

  • @phoenix_WC.
    @phoenix_WC. Рік тому +1

    Beetle is a very patient but destructive Hivewing, who lives in the Jewel Hive. Her friend, a Silkwing was secretly planning against her and captured the Hivewing queen. Beetle, being patient, waited for the perfect moment to strike her friend after finding out. And ended up saving the Hivewing queen.

  • @HomeSleepAway
    @HomeSleepAway Рік тому +2

    Tribe: Rainwing
    Work Against: Someone Unknown
    Became hero by: Banished an evil monarch
    Lives/home: Pantala, yellowjacket hive
    Personality/Traits: Positive, strong, & easy-going
    Worst traits/Flaws: Lustful, Self-conscious, & Distrustful

  • @mossywossygtag
    @mossywossygtag Рік тому +2

    rainwing who is a hero for saving pyhria and a queen is working against her they live in pyhria in the kingdom of sand she is very smart and poised shes disagreable and lustful
    i think i just got glory

  • @LicoriceCookie117
    @LicoriceCookie117 Рік тому +1

    Lore: She was washed up at a different continent and found a place to live as it was her new home. She had a friend from pryhirha who was working against her, she was known to be a hero for defeating the villain. Genes might be different at Pantala when she has her own dragonets.
    -(Tribe) Icewing
    -(Works against) A friend
    -(They became a hero) They defeated the villain
    -Lives in Pantala, Wasp Hive
    -(Personality) Imaginative, Patient, Kind
    -(Bad Personality) Fearful, Worried, Controlling

  • @jeanettewilliams2351
    @jeanettewilliams2351 10 місяців тому +2

    Dawn is a Rain-Sandwing hybrid who is the daughter of Prince Scorch and Princess Drizzle. Scorch is the son of Queen Thorn and Prince Smolder and is a animus.
    Drizzle is the Daughter of Queen Anemone and Tarmarin and is also a animus. The queens both agreed it was a excellent experiment to breed two animus dragons to get the outcome. Me. Because of this, I am a very powerful animus. At a young age, she could already cast spells with her mind. Because of this outcome, her friend, Pebble, a fellow animus, was conspiring against her. Pebble used her magic to cast a deadly curse against the world and Dawn, using her magic, could somehow overide a animus spell that said "I enchant this pebble to when it falls on the ground, or make contact with the ground, a deadly curse with spread and affect anyone Dawn the animus loves, and stay this way, no matter the spell." Dawn cast a spell with a cool affective technique called pure terror and yelled " Make this curse end, No matter the spell." And using a unknown aspect of animus magic. She now lives at a palace in the sand kingdom near the sea, earning it the name of the "Beach Palace." Her main trait is that shes Assertive. Her worst trait is that shes Self-doubting of herself.

    • @jnetwill
      @jnetwill 9 місяців тому

      I love it!❤

    @A_ZILLIONWORMS Рік тому +5

    Lanoauh is a rainwing who rescued queen battlewinner, turning a protagonist against her. She is loving, balanced, lustful, and overly awkward. She lives in a treehouse on the shore of the Diamond spray delta, spending her time lounging in the sun and eating fruits from her garden.

  • @randomfurry7721
    @randomfurry7721 Рік тому +2

    Against a protagonist
    They caught a thief
    Lives in Pantala (Bloodworm Hive)
    Bold and assertive, but
    Stubborn and moody
    epic what should i name them lol

  • @jaythebaka
    @jaythebaka Рік тому +2

    -protagonist is working against them
    -they saved pyrrhia
    -they live in pyrrhia in a scavenger den for some reason
    -very emotional
    I don’t really get why a protagonist is working against them but whatever

  • @CYK0_505
    @CYK0_505 Рік тому +3

    A powerful animus
    They gave their lives saving someone/something
    Nightwing island
    The year was 6052, Duskwalker was his name. Fighting was like a game. He never backed down from one, if a dragon wanted to mess with him… so be it. He had the power of seeing only bad things, and reading emotions. He was 5 years old, and was born on a blood moon, and a full moon that was sort of covered by some clouds. His father was dead, died of sickness. His mother was annoying, he never wanted to be around her. He had two friends though that kept him sane. Riddler, and sharpsight. Riddler liked making quotes, and using them to defend herself in fights, she’s a sandwing. Sharpsight was more quiet, and he was a mind reader, everyone always joked about his name and how he wasn’t even a seer, he’s a nightwing.
    They lived on the nightwing island, the volcano was estimated to erupt in the next 200 years or so. So they were safe for now. The land was lush and green, the volcano had kinda become a mountain.
    There were no animus dragons in ages, if there was they were usually defeated, hidden, or just a nice dragon who didn’t really want to hurt anyone. He hoped there were no hidden ones, or else he would have to slaughter it! It was almost time to go to Jade Mountain Academy, only 5 days left.
    To be continued because I gtg! :D
    It was 3 days until they were going to the academy now. Riddler was chill about it, but Sharpsight was nervous. Sharpsight was sure something bad would happen, Duskwalker could tell, he knew Sharpsight could see into his dreams and see what was probably going to happen. He couldn’t stop having these horrible dreams of a future of him and his friends getting killed. Each time he fell asleep the dream haunted him, his big sister or his mom came into the room at night yelling at him to shut up because he would always talk/yell in his sleep. If his friends were staying the night, then they would wake him up and ask him if he was alright. His sister Darknight was sometimes pretty protective, but she was also extremely annoying. His mother Witheringsoul was usually at her job, she was an assassin. She never cared much for her children, she became even more fearsome when their father died.
    One more day until they had to go to the academy now. The dreams got worse and worse, but he became a bit more used to it. He had 2 bags packed with his things, a bracelet, horn ring, a tail ring that looked like a snake curling around his tail, toothbrush, toothpaste, a few satchels, and his fathers old black silk cape with stars/constellations on it.

    • @canvas4708
      @canvas4708  Рік тому +1

      Can't wait for more!

    • @CYK0_505
      @CYK0_505 Рік тому +1

      @@canvas4708 thx, I am gonna right now!

  • @Foam_Woa
    @Foam_Woa Рік тому +2

    A Nightwing named Starsight who solved a mystery that confused dragons throughout Pyrrhia. Recently, queen dustdevil (A queen sandwing in my story) had started a bounty for her due to Queen dustdevil being heavily related to the mystery. They were born under the mountain, with no parents to guide them but traveling skywings. They have very well leadership but are also extremely reckless.

  • @Jay-nq4yh
    @Jay-nq4yh 8 місяців тому +1

    Tribe - RainWing (ooo my 2nd fav tribe!)
    The Antag - an enemy (I have a very bad idea, as always)
    What I Did - gave their life saving someone/thing (oooo so I get to write a dramatic death scene? Yessssss)
    Where I Lived - Pyrrhia (my autocorrect is mad at me now)
    My Former Home - Diamond Spray River (ooo another beautifully awful idea is forming)
    Personality Trait(s) - loving and calm (okay good. Now my ideas are clicking into place)
    Flaw(s) - gossipy and worried (I just realized that I’ve been yapping about lore and ideas and I still haven’t told anyone what it is…)
    Name - Iridescent
    Antag’s Name & Tribe - Canyon (SkyWing)
    Thanks for reading my thing, and the idea I had was what if Iridescent sacrificed her life to save Canyon, despite the fact that Canyon was always trying to work against her? It fits with the loving trait, at least. Idk, I spent that whole time yapping about like it was some grand idea…

  • @BethanWright-go4me
    @BethanWright-go4me 5 місяців тому +2

    The story of Midnight was something that would be remembered for all time.
    When the young dragon was barely out of her egg, she was put on an enchanted piece of driftwood and she floated out to sea. She had one thing with her: a magical jade necklace that could make her turn into a completely different dragon. She was eventually found by a group of sympathetic SilkWings in Cicada Hive, who were startled by how she looked like Clearsight, but didn’t put that against her. After she was old enough to fly, a good chunk of SilkWings who knew her decided to run away with her after one of them told the Queen of their location, hoping to be rewarded.
    They fled to the very coast of Pantala, and built up a new remote life in a place that sort of looked like the Summer Palace, and was more well hidden than Wasp thought. After almost a year of searching, she gave up.
    As the SilkWings didn’t know what the naming schemes were for NightWings, they simply named her ‘Midnight’.
    One day, as Midnight was sneaking around Wasp Hive undetected, she spotted a faint glow coming from below the base of the Hive. She knocked out the guards, transformed herself to look like Wasp and entered.
    She found an amber and blue SilkWing sobbing in a corner with chains, and was about to scream when she saw her, but made her hush and turned herself back to normal. The dragon seemed shocked at first, and when she melted her chains that was only personified. They darted out of the room, but she was caught by guards. Fortunately, it was night, and almost impossible to see her, and the dragon spun some silk to cover their eyes as they escaped.
    Once they were safe, the dragon introduced herself as Monarch, the old Queen of the SilkWings. Everyone was shocked, but welcomed her back once they heard the full story.
    Wasp got word of this, and sent a search party out. Midnight stationed herself by the entrance to their hiding place, knocking out any guards alone, disguising herself as them and saying there was nothing there. Eventually, Wasp’s very limited patience ran out, and she gave up.
    She was never caught and lived to 120 dragon years before passing away in her sleep.

  • @ashleafwing1706
    @ashleafwing1706 2 місяці тому +1

    I cannot for the life of me comprehend how an imaginative, gossipy rainwing with daddy issues would break a curse

  • @imagoober-k6s
    @imagoober-k6s 3 місяці тому +2

    Power animus is against them
    Solved a mystery
    Lives in diamond spray delta in Pyrrrhia
    Overly awkward

  • @birdalotl
    @birdalotl Рік тому +1

    I actually made an OC in another pause game which i didn’t make a full story for and it fits PERFECTLY in this scenario-like how-
    (paragraph one is mostly the story in the other pause game, of course i changed some things)
    Dewdrop is the Leafwing princess. [Tribe: Leafwing] She was born in the poison jungle, with the SapWings. [Lives in Pantala] She is minty green with icy-blue eyes, darker green wings, brown horns and boot-like leg scales with another boot-like thing around the tail, and flashy golden flecks like Sundew. When she was just born, her leaf-speak half-older sister (around 5 yrs at the time) tried to strangle her with poisonous plants when she was alone. When her older sister (Rune, dark green-almost black scales with hypnotic purple eyes and almost completely golden wings and horns with lighter green claws and snout with a darker gold tail tip) was caught, she ran away and was never seen again. The queen forbade anyone from talking about her again.
    [Enemy: Your sibling]
    (This paragraph is the part i’m adding)
    Because of the plants, Dewdrop acquired a scar snout, along with a long scar that rang along her torn ear to the end of her neck, and two intersecting torso scars meeting at her back, each on one side, and a very scratched-up tail. She grew to be very insecure about these scars because of some mean LeafWings (Smoke, Haze, Cobweb, Splash and Hazelnut) that mocked her for them. This also grew to make her self-doubtful, and shaped her personality as quiet and very secretive. She also learned to be calm and not lash out when someone made fun of her, because the last time she tried it she got a nasty bruise back. She’s also naturally smart.
    [Pos traits: Calm, smart, quiet. Neg traits: Self-doubtful, self-conscious, secretive. I paused thrice.]
    But one day, her calm attitude couldn’t hold back her temper when Splash was being the biggest d**k ever and even tried to take her beloved diary, the only thing that kept her sane and helped her escape from reality. She had tried to tell her mother, the queen, about her bullies, but Queen Topsoil seemed to be ignoring her. One swipe, and Splash was sent crying into the forest, a trail of blood following him. Dewdrop was shocked by her own act and rushed to her house, but before she could enter she heard a voice; “You have violence in you. Splash deserved that, didn’t he? No need to be afraid. Let that violence out…”
    She shook it off, believing it to be part of her imagination. When she emerged from her treehouse the next day, she was cornered by the rest of Splash’s gang. They threatened her, saying that Splash now had a huge ugly scar across his face and they would never forgive Dewdrop. They started repaying the scar and almost did really serious damage before Dewdrop fled and flew all the way to Dragonfly Bay before passing out from pain,
    exhaustion and blood loss.
    [Home in Pantala: Dragonfly Bay]
    She fell a long way and luckily landed in the sea, so she could survive. She woke up a week later in a dark cave with one single purple lamp in it, barely giving off any light at all. Her sister entered the room, looking like a Nightwing in the condition of the cave. Dewdrop had never learned about Rune nor the reason she got her scars. Rune told her Dewdrop’s history and told the motives behind the attempted murder. Dewdrop recognized Rune’s voice as the voice outside her home. Rune said that from the moment the tribe discovered she had leafspeak they kept using her. They forced her to do things way beyond her age, and the only person who would make a stop to this was Queen Topsoil. After her husband died shortly after Rune was born she was extra protective and made sure they weren’t too hard on Rune. But when Dewdrop was born, all her attention was focused on the egg, and not enough one Rune, which made her trainers go ten times harder. It got so bad that one time she actually blacked out, both because of the stress and because of all the plants. She figured it was her sister’s fault that all this had happened and tried to strangle her. Dewdrop felt a bit sorry. Rune said that she needed to get revenge on the tribe and had Dewdrop accompany her. Together they hatched plans, with each Dewdrop becoming more and more uncomfortable. When the time finally came, Dewdrop argued with her sister whether the tribe deserved this or not. Rune said that Dewdrop was the only other person who’s tribe wronged her and now she was betraying Rune. She was eventually forced to come along. Dewdrop learned she was wanted for hurting Splash and ‘running away to commit more crimes’. She decided to betray Rune and to not help her on the revenge quest. But Dewdrop was discovered by a few guards and the queen. They were all furious and when Rune completed her master plan, to set the jungle on fire, they ran away and helped everyone but Dewdrop and ended up dropping her into the fire. With her dying breath, Dewdrop caught Rune in the middle of making deadly plants kill all the escaping dragons and making the fire spread and dragged her into the flames with her. They both died, and the tribe was shocked about what Dewdrop did. [They died to save something] She died a hero and the tribe honored her but in the end she never won, forced to sacrifice her life for the tribe that never did any good to her.

  • @norastewart1002
    @norastewart1002 Рік тому +1

    Eclipse is a Silkwing/nightwing hybrid, who has a powerful animus working against her. She was called a hero for saving the Silkwing queen from Wasp’s dungeons. She lives in Yellowjacket hive, and she is bold, smart, and kind, but also reckless.

  • @LizNeveau
    @LizNeveau Рік тому +2

    (Tribe) sandwing,
    (Working against them) someone unknown,
    (Why their a hero) because they stopped a war,
    (They live in) pyrrhia,
    (Their home) on the edge of the Sky and sand kingdoms,
    (Personality good) compassionate, loving and creative,
    (Personality bad) they are over secretive and stubborn,
    (I named her) Sahara

  • @ScpDrRisha
    @ScpDrRisha Рік тому +2

    NightFeather is a nightwing who lives in teh sky Kingdom of Pyrrhia. Peril Hates her because she became the popular one in jade academy. She has Mind-reading and able to see the future. She also saved Pyrrhia along with Kinkajou and Foeslayer Inorder to defeat Darkstalker. She is a fast-flyer and can be gentle although whne Angered she can be very malicious and self-doubtful. She has blue scales due to being hatched on two full, blue moons. She has a pale purple underscales and shading from her back to her tail (blue to black). She has silver horns, green eyes and a stern face. Aswell as a black upper head.
    (I'll upload a video of me drawing her)

  • @thumpernovember
    @thumpernovember Рік тому +1

    Black-iye was a Nightwing who an Icewing princess was working against.Black-iye was paitient and emotional,and was a hero for saving the Icewing prince who Seal,the princess,loved.Black-iye was happy,and single,because she was aroace.She lived in Pantala,in the Yellowjacket Hive.She lives there because some of the dragons from Phrryia moved there.

  • @Beanie_Boo_Magic
    @Beanie_Boo_Magic Рік тому +4

    I'm a Hivewing, who is very kind, but also has many secrets. My father has been working against me, doing evil things. I then solved the mystery who stole from the queen and killed the princess. Like I said earlier, it happened to be my father. My father always seemed strange, and I barely knew him since only my mother and I lived in the Cicada Hive in Pantala, not him. I'm also very honest and sensitive.

  • @awkward_bean8426
    @awkward_bean8426 Рік тому +2

    Oblivion is a Nightwing from Pyrrhia who “lived” in the ice kingdom her whole life as prisoner for her parents crimes. As she grew up she and prince Terminus became enemies and the prince tried multiple times to kill her but the Queen wouldn’t allow it as she had grown close to Oblivion and treated her as a subject. Oblivion’s best personality trait is her poised attitude which deeply frustrates prince Terminus. Her worst personality trait is her malicious intents but most of the time she brushes them off… most of the time. Oblivion would soon be attacked and almost killed by Terminus and his friends where she had a magic awakening and her seal was breached. She ended up accidentally killing Terminus’s two friends but she escaped before other Icewings could come drag her off to prison or simply kill her. Terminus vowed to kill her himself and went searching for her… (holy crap I did not mean to write a whole FANFIC geez- but thanks for this video!)

    • @canvas4708
      @canvas4708  Рік тому +2

      Cool OC!

    • @awkward_bean8426
      @awkward_bean8426 Рік тому +2

      Thank you! Love your channel btw, you should definitely make more of these pause challenges! Their so fun and boost creativity!

    • @canvas4708
      @canvas4708  Рік тому +2

      @@awkward_bean8426 Tysm and alright, just rn I'm making a WoF Tribe Quiz x3

    • @awkward_bean8426
      @awkward_bean8426 Рік тому +2

      Sounds awesome! Can’t wait to watch :>

    • @canvas4708
      @canvas4708  Рік тому +2

      @@awkward_bean8426 Thanks, it should be up by next week x3

  • @JustARandomWeirdoOverHere
    @JustARandomWeirdoOverHere 11 місяців тому +1

    Monarch is a silkwing, they fought against a animus touched prince to be evil(lots of hints to my lore for this oc challenge channel), but ended up saving him from the curse, they now live in Pyrrhia, Diamond Spray Delta as they want to have a peaceful life, they are bold, compassionate, and imaginative but they also are distrustful, self-doubtful and destructive, the once evil prince and Monarch are now friends and visit each other, Monarch also visits Pantala to see her family and friends from her home, you can visit her any time.

  • @OrchidRBLX
    @OrchidRBLX Рік тому +4

    -(Tribe) RainWing
    -(Works against) A sibling
    -(They became a hero) They freed/saved a queen
    -Lives in Pantala, Tsetse Hive
    -(Personality) Smart, fast flyer, bold
    -(Bad personality) Self doubtful+Fearful

  • @lissyfeh4549
    @lissyfeh4549 Рік тому +1

    Dawn is a SkyWing with several children, one of which being a son named Dusk. He attempted to take over Pantala, but Dawn managed to stop him. She lives in the sea kingdom, and is patient and self conscious.

  • @Sky_Children_of_Light
    @Sky_Children_of_Light 6 місяців тому +1

    Vine is a Leafwing, a powerful animus is against them. they broke a curse and they live in Pantala, in cicada hive and are compassionate, smart, assertive and calm, yet self conscious and worries a lot

  • @WafflyWaffles33
    @WafflyWaffles33 Рік тому +1

    A sea-ice hybrid, living in Pyrrhia, who became the hero by saving a queen. Their Best trait is being imaginative and their worst is being emotionless,
    Wow I literally just got Albatross

  • @V1brxnt_Pupp3ts
    @V1brxnt_Pupp3ts 2 місяці тому +1

    Onyx( not the one from WoF!!) is a SandWing- but born in the Rainforest, their family later moved on to Pantala and now lives in a village in DragonFly Bay! He had a evil Prince that was once thought to be her friend. >:(
    She saved Queen Hazel. Here's how: So there was a animus IceWing,(the prince!) who's not VERY powerful, but still has some tricks. Onyx was at a very young age- almost 4 yrs old. The prince's name was Prince Polar. Polar thought since Onyx was only 3 at time, she could keep a secret. Well- WRONG! Onyx is a smart, imaginative, determined, strong, bold, and positive! . SInce she's very smart and determined, she told Queen Hazel regardless. Prince Polar was caught shortly after. His intentions were to over throw Queen Hazel and become king of the LeafWings, regardless of his tribe and gender. He wanted to be the first male king since King Catfish (go check out @callisto.s_clawz Its amazing!!)
    Even though Onyx is determined and imaginative, she can sometimes be emotionless- Actually most of the time! at times, he can reckless and make choices without thinking straight. She can be overly akward and talkative XD. But when she needs to protect something thats VERY important to her, she will go *WILD*, causing her to be very aggressive. She can also be selfish, but that is very rare.
    etxra bc yes.
    Onyx has a mate that is a RainWing, his name is Hyrax!
    They had 3 healthy dragonets....Exept one is blind- Her name is Cauli/Cauliflower.
    The had a son and another daughter named, Okapi (female)
    And Taipan! Both of them are very welcoming and jolly to Cauli!!
    They are very close siblings and love each other very much, they help cauli get across everything too!
    Cauli is blind, but brave, kind, and imaginative- Like her father! But Bold and determined like her mother!
    Taipan is very smart, overly akward and sometimes... a bit fearful
    Ok a LOT fearful.
    Okapi is a happy and very jolly! She has mostly rainwing features, like shooting venom, but tail barb- The other two look like Sanwings but diff color palettes. But don't get the wrong idea, she can agressive- When she needs to

  • @enderskunk7515
    @enderskunk7515 10 місяців тому +1

    A smart, calm, compassionate Rainwing healer, (that secretly doubts himself on every patient and is always secretly convinced that they will die, even though they rarely do) that somehow ended up in Hornet Hive, where he cured some illness (sorry, about no details here, I hane not yet read arc 3), which some princess apperantly did not like...

  • @ItzIris-d6p
    @ItzIris-d6p 24 дні тому +1

    -tribe: Hivewing
    -a queen was working against them
    -saved pantala
    -currently lives in pyrrhia but was from pantala
    -good traits: good leader, smart
    -bad traits: stubborn, disagreeable
    -current home: rainforest
    Sounds familiar

  • @dinosaurr_.
    @dinosaurr_. Рік тому +1

    Skyfyre was a very gentle yet secretive skywing, She had an unknown person working againts her, she freed the queen and was recognized as a hero. All though Skyfyre hated being a hero whenever she is recognized shes always gets treated like shes the queen, she wanted to be normal like the others Skyfyre lived in the sky kingdom

  • @sorviar
    @sorviar Рік тому +1

    Tribe: Nightwing
    Who is working against them: Someone unknown
    How they became hero: Broke a curse
    Where they live: Pyrrhia
    Their home: Scavenger Den
    Best personality traits: Bold
    Worse personality trait: Moody

  • @catandrobbyflores
    @catandrobbyflores Рік тому +2

    This gave me a Seawing from the mud kingdom, so I decided this is my Queen Seafoam from the first pause video I watched on this channel. So, she is loving but very self-conscious. She was an animus of some great power but gave it all up when her kingdom was threatened to be destroyed by a terrible storm. She poured all her power into a spell to calm it. A fellow animus named Kraken now torments her rule because he was meant to be her mate, but she chose the Icewing Permafrost instead after Permafrost risked his life through the storm to evacuate her kingdom. The jilted Kraken vowed to take her kingdom and make her his one day, but so far, Permafrost and Seafoam have managed to foil his plans.

  • @lordbreloom2211
    @lordbreloom2211 Рік тому +1

    A Seawing who lives in the Kingdom of Sand, Who Freed a Queen to be a hero. This Seawing is Bold, Calm, and Balanced but is also Reckless and Fearful (I guess this can be the Hero to my Sandwing Villan)

  • @tamaramisue9219
    @tamaramisue9219 Рік тому +1

    Nightwing: their father is working against at them, they live in the sky kingdom on Pyrrhia she is a hero for sacrificing her life for someone else, her best traits are. She is smart, patient, and a fast flyer. Her worst traits are she is fearful, overly awkward and distrustful.

  • @glassducks
    @glassducks Рік тому +1

    -freed a queen
    -lives in pyrrhia
    -off the coast by the scavenger den by the mud kingdom
    -is easy going but can be a bit moody

  • @HuihanHuang
    @HuihanHuang Рік тому +1

    Midnight a Nightwing whose enemy is a powerful animus saves pantala and also lives there in jewel hive she is gentle, calm, positive,stubborn, very awkward, an self doubtful

  • @naturalpuddle9038
    @naturalpuddle9038 Рік тому +2

    Storm is a Rainwing female(I stoppped twice because I don't know what a Silkwing is)an enemy was working against her and she became an hero by solving a mystery.She lives in Pyrrhia and Skywing's Queen invited her in her Kingdom to stay there a few years because the mystery she solved included Skywings.
    She's determinated,gentle and poised(I stoppped three times).But she's also aggressive,gossping and disagreeable.

  • @ashleyjamesen9176
    @ashleyjamesen9176 Рік тому +2

    Ater he saved a Hivewing princess who fell in love with him.When she challenged her mother for the throne he was the first to realize that her mother was cheating and having his mother help her so he ran in and held off his mom Intel she claimed the throne.His personally is kind an gentle on the outside but on the inside he is over secretive and malicious.When the new hivewing queen found out this she sent him to a place where he could learn how to be his true self.when he came back he saw his mother trying to kill the new queen.He new he would have to kill his mom and he did at the cost of never being able to use his flame silk never again.

  • @DUCKLNGstar
    @DUCKLNGstar Рік тому +1

    A sand wing who lives in the scavenger den who gave their life for a nothers the dragon that hated them was a princess they where brave and patient but emotionless 😢

  • @xtangleburrx9586
    @xtangleburrx9586 Рік тому +1

    Python is a Rainwing dragonet. She made an enemy of a powerful Icewing Princess, the first Icewing to have Animus abilities in centuries. She saved Pantala when the Princess got greedy and hungry for power, and was deemed a hero. She likes the fame, but tends to keep hidden. Despite her connections to Pantala and her adoration from it's residents, she prefers to live in Pyrrhia, in the Ice Kingdom to keep an eye on the Princess, who wasn't punished for her crimes and remains a threat. She's positive, smart, bold, a fast flyer, and calm. However, she's reckless, awkward, malicious when she wants to be, and stubborn.

  • @mayaober7777
    @mayaober7777 Рік тому +1

    ShadowSprinter was a nightwing who’s sibling was working against him. ShadowSprinter is known for finding a way to break a powerful curse. He lives on Pyrrhia near the mudwing kingdom. ShadowSprinter is easy going, compassionate, and positive. His flaws are that she can be a little controlling at times

  • @ItsWrenly
    @ItsWrenly Рік тому +1

    Flytrap was a high military official in the PoisonWing Village, and is regarded as a hero for helping to take down the Breathe of Evil. Nowadays, she lives near the remains of Yellowjacket Hive, and hopes to one day turn in into somewhere where SilkWings and other tribes can live freely. Unbeknownst to her, someone is working against her from the shadows. She is assertive and honest, and reckless and lustful.

  • @ImABudgieLover
    @ImABudgieLover Рік тому +3

    My character:
    -daughter is working against them
    -broke a curse
    -lives in pantala
    -poison jungle
    -distrustful (because their secretive + mysterious)
    EDIT: I have put the story as a reply to this comment if you wish to read it!

    • @ImABudgieLover
      @ImABudgieLover Рік тому +3

      FateReader and his daughter NightSoar, an evil duo that fled from pyrrhia and is now living in the poison jungle of pantala. FateReader has abandoned his evil ways, now using his powers to live as a fortune teller. His daughter however was stunned, insulted of his change and left him. NightSoar put an awful curse on a great tree in the poison jungle, causing the fruit from it to emit awful smogs that would kill anyone who smelt them. FateReader was always accused of faking his fortunes due to him being very mysterious, causing people to mistrust him. He was accused of this curse and was banished. Before leaving however, he sealed the smog back into the fruits. The fruits were then destroyed. Using his wits, he discovered his daughter was the one behind this. She was banished, but is still alive, living near beetle lake.

  • @Nyx_Moonz
    @Nyx_Moonz Рік тому +1

    Tidal is a SeaWing who’s best friend is working against them. To become a hero they broke a terrible curse on both Phyrria and Pantala. They live in Phyrria, in the shore of the rainforest. They are extremely imaginative, although over secretive.

  • @MoonThatTherian
    @MoonThatTherian 11 місяців тому +2

    Darkness is a dark purple RainWing whos evil father is working against her. To be a hero she solved the mystery of WoodWings (Fan made tribe) powers. She lives in Pantala, in a jungle full of dangerous creatures. Her best personality traits are: Loving, Gentle, Honest and Smart. Her worst personality traits are: Self-Doubtful, (Over) secretive, Fearful and Worried. She ended up saving the world from her father.
    Thanks for reading,

  • @AxalochiXx
    @AxalochiXx Рік тому +1

    Cryofreeze is a IceWing who has a powerful animas working against him. He is known for rescuing a princess. He lives in Pyrriah, in the Kindom of the Sea. His best personality trait is that Cryofreeze is gentle and easy going. His worst personality trait is that he is over secretive and childish

  • @zacktherandomweirdo
    @zacktherandomweirdo Рік тому +1

    Bone is a Sandwing, Horsefly a Mudwing dragoness is a friend turned enemy, the one working agaisnt him, he was dubbed a hero after he rescued a mudwing princess who he is now being a bodyguard to, he lives in Pyrrhia in the mudwing kingdom, his two biggest qualities are that he is smart and imaginative, his two biggest flaws however is that he is controling and self-conscious.

  • @TheIslandgirly
    @TheIslandgirly Рік тому +1

    Terracotta or 'Terra' for short is a warm brown Mud-wing with a light underbelly and amber dapples along her wings whos sibling was stolen as an egg and ever since then they swore to find their sibling, alongside her other two sibs with Terra as the bigwings they all set off to find their lost sib. now they wander all over phyrria and as they do so they take many requests either to make money or just for the fun of adventure while they search, they have created quite a reputation for themselves at this point and even got involved with the Sky-wing royalty after saving one of the princes, although they do travel almost everywhere they always enjoy coming back to possibility or the village where they hatched in a marshy area close to the ocean.
    Abzue is calm, smart and always very sociable happy to meet new dragons.
    Terra assumes one of her old friends to have stolen the egg of her sibling, a sea-wing named Abzue.
    Terras siblings are a stocky grey-ish brown male Mud-wing named Ripple And a smaller more lithe lighter amber colored female with small dapples of white along her wings.

  • @Jason_grace_former_praetor
    @Jason_grace_former_praetor 5 місяців тому +2

    Dust is a sandwing the person working against him is a powerful animus he became a hero by saving pyrrhia he lives in the sand kingdom his best traits are that hes bold a fast flyer and hes calm but his worst traits are hes self doubtful, distrustful and reckless

  • @Moonwiing
    @Moonwiing 3 місяці тому +1

    Silkwing who fights a Sandwing dragonet who has been dubbed as a villain in Pantala, but this had proven to be false, and they ended giving their life to saving the dragonet, being dubbed a hero for doing so. They used to reside near Lake Scorpion, the home now occupied by the Sandwing dragonet. They were balanced, kind and a fast flier, though they were secretive and sometimes malicious, whilst the Sandwing is positive, smart and strong, though they are childish and distrustful.

  • @Remlit-
    @Remlit- Рік тому

    Weaver was a Slikwing who lived in the Diamond Spray Delta and tried to stay hidden, time to time she would get seen, but most of the time she wouldn’t. She was very imaginative and would space out. She is also overly awkward and hated talking. Her enemy was the daughter of (insert random name here) She gave up her life to save her friends she had made.

    • @canvas4708
      @canvas4708  Рік тому

      I like your OC, you chose a nice name for them btw.

  • @eyeofthestorm819
    @eyeofthestorm819 2 місяці тому +1

    I am an easygoing yet destructive IceWing with a sibling working against me. I caught a thief and became a hero. I apparently live in the Kingdom of the Sea?

  • @StarryDragon
    @StarryDragon Рік тому +1

    Meet Spicebush! (Butterfky type) She is a Silkwing/Rainwing who lives on an island just off coast of Pantala. She had a sister who always worried about things, and in the middle of a "think" of hers she died during a battle with a Mudwing. Her sister, Malachite, (another butterfly type), was shy and douted herself. Although Spicebush was very confident. They had nothing in common, Spicebush was more silkwing than rainwing, and Malachite, was more rainwing. Spicebush, grew up with no wings, she banished an evil dragon named Tiger, he was plotting to kill the queen once he got high enough in the army. He became first in command, then he stuck. Tiger was stopped by Spicebush, when she used her flamesilk to torture him till' he stopped. He did not die, and is now banished from Pantala. He found a home on another continent called, Helithia. (HEL-EE-th-EE-ah) Spicebush still wasn't safe though. Her daughter had been friends with Tiger, and now HATED Spicebush, she plotted an assasaination! It almost worked, Spicebush dodged just in time. She still didn't have wings yet, but somehow she could still use silk. As the knife went past her head the flamesilk engolfed her, and she was protected from it's flames. Her daughter, Speckledwing, was furious, but there was a hivewing hiding nearby, that reported this to the silkwing queen. Speckledwing was throw in prison, and hated by many. When Sipicewing woke up, she had the most bright colored orange and reddish wings ever seen! They even GLOWED. No one knew what was wrong with Spicebush or WHY there was something different about her. She could change her eye color, and scales color, but not the insides of her wings where they were like the cloth on flags. Yes, her wings were really REALLY soft. But, she seemed other than that, only silkwing. No, venom or anything, until..... one day........ Venom cam out of her mouth like FIRE instead of coming from her FANGS. It didn't even hurt her. It just, came out! She didn't even try. She was throwing up from a disease, and the venom came out, so she tried shooting it at a canvas, and she realized it was GREEN not like most rainwing's venom. It painted the canvas, sort of like silk weavings and fire put together. She had become famous in the tribe for stopping Tiger. She also eventually found a cure for the disease she got when she found out her venom breath ability. The plant was only Marigold flower leaves. She lived a happy live, and when dragons tried giving her awards, medals, or jewlry, she just said: "I don't need that. Thank you though."

  • @LizNeveau
    @LizNeveau Рік тому +2

    im realy injoying this so you know what i made another!

    • @canvas4708
      @canvas4708  Рік тому +2

      Thank you so much!! ❤️ 💖

  • @LizNeveau
    @LizNeveau Рік тому +2

    this is my 2ed oc a rainwing i named parket she is working agisnst her sister who is a priness like her who is ploting aginst their mothers throne she lives on the edge of the rainforest in pyrrhia she is compashonit, imagntive, balanced but she is also self douting fearful for her tribe, and family she is also worried

  • @UNICORNIXtheyoutuber
    @UNICORNIXtheyoutuber 8 днів тому +1

    Nightwing: Bravesong
    Enemy(the queen): Queen Nightshade
    She caught a thief and almost gave her life to save her queen
    Where they live now: She travels to Pantala to escape the paparazzi. She lives in the Poison Jungle.
    Personality: Strong, brave, kind, loyal, very emotional

  • @Cami-gj3pc
    @Cami-gj3pc Рік тому +1

    Working against:sibling
    Hero cuz:they stopped a war
    Lives in:pyrriha
    Lives in:the scorpion den
    Personality:balenced,smart,destructive,and fearful

  • @ursomajor5607
    @ursomajor5607 5 місяців тому +1

    Enemy: a son
    They game up their powers saving someone
    Lives near Diamond Spray River
    Balanced but aggressive

  • @amelie_books
    @amelie_books Рік тому +2

    Some notes so that I can plan a backstory!
    -Saves Pantala
    -Prince works against them
    -Lives on Pantala, Poison Jungle
    -Assertive, good leader (I went twice for a rich personality)
    -Stubborn, reckless (Went twice again)
    -Hivewing mate (prince)

  • @sydneywignall-ly2zt
    @sydneywignall-ly2zt Рік тому +2

    Gypsy is a female SilkWing ( The daughter of Luna and Swordtail ) , with an unknown dragon working against her. She was declared a hero when she solved a mystery. She lives on Pantala in Cicada Hive with her family. She is determined, smart, kind, imaginative, a fast flyer, and positive. She is also pretty reckless, stubborn, and childish. ADDED THING: Gypsy’s mate is a male LeafWing named Aspen❤

  • @Doggo_animationsreal
    @Doggo_animationsreal 4 місяці тому +1

    Canvas you are the BEST!!!❤

  • @Thegreatestrandoever
    @Thegreatestrandoever Місяць тому +1

    The story of Whiplash the seawing is one no one will ever forget on the continent of pyrrhia. It starts as whiplash visited the nightwing kingdom and met a powerful animus named conquer. Conquer had cast a spell on whiplash so that if he ever died, whiplash would die too. Whiplash had always been a worried, positive, kind dragon but with conquer the hate roared inside him. In the end, whiplash knew what he had to do so he grabbed a narwhal spear and stabbed conquer in the heart. Conquer was dead but whiplash felt pain in is talons. This is it. He thought and then whiplash felt a Crack and dropped to the floor. The Seawing queen saw what happened and wrote this scroll. And that, is the heroic story of Whiplash the seawing.

  • @Mels_cherubbb
    @Mels_cherubbb Рік тому +1

    Beluga is a female Seawing who’s brother, Perch was working against her. She stopped the war between the SeaWings and MudWings (the war I made up) And Queen Lagoon loves her dearly for it. She fled to Pantala during Prince Albatross’ reign of terror after the massacre on the summer palace. Her home in the hornet hive is pleasant, but being away from her friends and family is the hardest part of all. Her SilkWing friend, Brimstone loves her for being compassionate, loving, poised and positive. But Brimstone is also aware of her fearfulness, moods, akwardness and teasing ways.

  • @stonewonk
    @stonewonk Рік тому +1

    Tribe is Seawing/Skywing Hybrid. A queen is working against him ( Queen Cardinal of the Skywings ((OC))), and they broke the Seawings and Leafwings from a curse made by a leafwing/seawing hybrid many centuries ago. They live in Pantala, in Yellowjacket hive. They are calm, smart, a fast flier, and positive/optimistic. However, they are sometimes self-doubtful, a tiny bit stubborn, and OVERLY awkward.
    Added stuff.
    Salmon is a large, bulky hybrid with reddish-pink scales and a grey-red beak. Their gills and fins are pale and their claws are webbed. They cannot breathe fire, but they can blast temprature-changing water out of their mouth like a scauldron from HTTYD. They are a famous chef in Yellowjacket Hive, and probably the best. He is extremely rich, his wife is a Hivewing named Honeyjacket, who is expecting two dragonets. They have a pet jaguar named Rosette, who is very kind and tame. His self-doubtfulness gets combatted by his wife's politeness and confidence. He lives a good life.

  • @abigaylelandry4968
    @abigaylelandry4968 Рік тому +1

    Maroon is a Silkwing who left Pantala and went to Pyrria to escape her mother who was working against her. She's a hero for saving Pantala. She lives at the Diamond Spray River. Her best personality traits are that she's imaginative, patient, and bold. Her worst personality traits are that she's reckless, aggressive, and self doubtful.

  • @ChonkyToad
    @ChonkyToad Рік тому +2

    Leaf is a Leafwing who was raised in the Sky Kingdom, and later moved to sanctuary. One of Rubies daughters (Making up some non-cannon stuff) wanted Leaf gone because she was a dangerous weird-ling. Once Sunset (Rubies daughter) became Queen, she had a tyrannical rule. When Leaf met the refugee leafwings, she knew she could do more with her powers. She teamed up with Sunsets imprisoned heir, Hawk and Sunsets brother, Cliff. Using Leafs assertive personality (Wich also means she is pretty emotionless otherwise), Cliffs hope for peace, and Hawks bravery, they took down Queen Sunset and locked her away forever.

    • @canvas4708
      @canvas4708  Рік тому


    • @ChonkyToad
      @ChonkyToad Рік тому +1

      @@canvas4708 Thanks

    • @jonathanbrady7261
      @jonathanbrady7261 Рік тому +1

      I think Sunset is a Skywing in Darkstalker book :)

    • @ChonkyToad
      @ChonkyToad Рік тому +1

      @@jonathanbrady7261 Yeah, but it is cannon to have multiple dragons have the same name. (E.G Crane is a Mudwing Queen and Clays sister). Also, I have no brain and can't think of anything else lmao

  • @TheKoiCatDragon
    @TheKoiCatDragon Рік тому +1

    Tribe: SilkWing
    Working against them: A friend
    What they did: Stopped a war
    Lives: Pyrrhia
    Home: Sky Kingdom
    Best traits: Fast flyer, good leadership, smart
    Worst traits/flaws: Childish and emotionless

  • @Sky_blue-1
    @Sky_blue-1 4 місяці тому +1

    Rime the icewing is working against a powerful anumis. She saved pantala. She lives in pantala. Her home is wasp hive, she's positive, kind, compassionate, strong and a fast flyer. But she's self doubtful and reckless.
    She does live in pantala it is a fact for rime.

  • @SilverScroll
    @SilverScroll Рік тому +2

    Tribe: Sandwing
    A Queen is working against them and they gave their lives saving someone/something.
    Residence: Pantala - Wasp Hive
    Personality: Positive, but secretive, distrustful, reckless and lustful
    Ooohh, this feels like a challenge to write! A confident _paranoid optimist_ who is obsessed with someone he yearns for but feels he can't trust, in the capital of a far-away foreign land, with an enemy powerful enough to justify his paranoia and secrecy. And yet willing to throw it all away, his own life that he worked so hard to protect, to save what he values even more than that, possibly even surprising himself.
    A tragic, unexpected hero.

  • @thegemofgems9
    @thegemofgems9 Рік тому +1

    Frostbite is an Icewing. His friend, Plankton, is working against him. He is a hero for saving Queen Snowfall from Planktons assassination attempt. He lives in Pyrrhia. He lives Under the Mountain (where the Dragonets of Destiny hatched). Despite his name, he is actually compassionate, loving, and honest. But he is stubborn and reckless.

  • @haddisteffen2897
    @haddisteffen2897 Рік тому +1

    Quill was a well known Seawing prince. He was known for being assertive and controlling, he was also the oldest prince. But he had a hatred for anumis dragons, constently persicuting them, until one animus named Tide finally had enough. Tide cursed the royal family, making it so no one in the family would ever have ofspring. devistaded, Quill went to the talons of peace and trained under the mountain to become strong. eventuly he returned to the underwater palece and broke Tide's curse, bringing peace bake to the kingdom, that is, until Albitross betrayed them.

  • @SadieSieglinger
    @SadieSieglinger 6 місяців тому +1

    The scroll of Cherry Blossom and Amanita is as old as time. These leaf wing siblings were inseparable, amanita, being cherry blossoms older brother, had to babysit cherry blossom, she was a playful young soul who cared about her brother more than anything in the world. they lived in the jungles of pantala in a more dangerous spot than most of it but whenever danger came around they’d play around with it, instead of fighting back or running away they’d tease whatever was dangerous. Even though these two were inseparable, they had very different personalities, amanita was a calm, gentle yet stubborn dragon, while Cherry blossom was an extremely loving and kind yet emotional dragon. Cherry blossom like to play a game they called ‘be the hero’ it wasn’t a very creative name but it worked, in be the hero one of them would pretend to be in danger, the other tried to save them, cherry blossom always wanted to be the hero. Once she got to be an old dragonet she wanted to travel, and that’s what they did, they went all the way to pryrrhia where they settled into a new home in the rainforest. Her being a leaf wing would be strange to rain wings and mud wings so they kept secret. every once in-a-while they’d sneak into the mud wing territory and see what they’re scheming. It was going great, they were each being themselves. They loved pranking the rain wings every time they come by, they were too lazy to notice anything though. One night they were playing and hanging out when all of a sudden a sand wing comes out from the shadows, he was much older, bigger, and stronger, than amanita and cherry blossom, but cherry blossom and amanita were more confused how he was in the rain forest than scared however they were still trying to get ready to put up a fight, when all of a sudden his tail came crashing forward aiming for amanita’s heart but at that very moment cherry blossom pushed amanita out of the way letting the venomous tail reach her heart. she started getting woozy but she told amanita to run away, he didn’t budge but a minute later he picked cherry blossom up and flew away. Once they were home the poisoned gash in cherry blossoms heart had more black spread through her scales. Amanita tried to help cherry blossom but he knew the only antidote was cactus juice but you can only find it in the kingdom of sand but that was too far away to get too in time, it was too late. cherry blossom was laying down and her final words were ‘I love you amanita, I wanted to be a hero for so long, I finally am one, I know my time is up but I beg of you to be a hero too, bye’ amanita then said ‘I promise I will save lives, I promise I will be a hero’ a few seconds later she lay there motionless next to her brother, Amanita was wet with tears. he knew cherry blossom wanted him to be a hero, so that’s what he became, he rescued any dragon he could and wouldn’t forget his promise, years later at the age of 11 he passed away in a fight to rescue 3 young dragonets. he made sure that those dragonets were safe before the dragon he was fighting with cut a huge gash through his throat. amanita and cherry blossom were hero’s and always will be.” I hope you liked my scroll if you do can you please like, I spent over 30 minutes on this bye.

  • @voidarzegon3083
    @voidarzegon3083 Рік тому

    -ok so mudwing
    -ooo a powerfull animus >:)
    -they gave their lives saving someone/something D: omg thats so sad!
    -diamond spray river
    -loving oh i like that one ^^
    -overly awkward tbh you're calling me out with this one haha ;P
    now this was a lot of fun as always ^^
    i loved the music that you picked for this vid btw!
    and as always have a great day ^^ oh and its 1 past midnight over here so i may need to go to bed :P

  • @Ascensionshypnosis
    @Ascensionshypnosis Рік тому +2

    Name: dreamwalker
    Tribe: night wings
    Dragon working against her: a Sky wing named secretary
    Heroic deed: they banished an evil monarch
    Location: pyrrhia
    Home: The last known location of the hero Dreamwalker is one of the remote islands in the sea kingdom and it is believed that she still resides there
    Best traits: imaginative, loving, kind and determined
    Worst traits: overly secretive, malicious, lustful, and childish
    Story: Dreamwalker was born under a rare occurrence A lunar eclipse and a blue mood which gave her the ability to enter other’s
    dreams and Control their dreams Although dragon has to be in a 100 foot radius for her to be able to enter their dreams. Blackberry was a rain wing prince he killed his siblings and mother and became a tyrannical ruler of the rain wings and threatened world war Dreamwalker was his closest advisor and childhood friend but she plotted against him to end his tyrannical rule before anyone else got hurt but alas Blackberry fell in love with her Blackberry asked Dreamwalker to be his queen and promised that they would rule the continent together Dreamwalker did Love BlackBerry but he was evil she loved the nice blackberry so she refused she told blackberry that she loved him when he was nice but then BlackBerry said something she never expected “ I did it for you.. “ she was shocked and asked “ what? “ “ I did it for you! I wanted to show you that I was the best and that I was not just another useless prince “ Dreamwalker stood there in shocked silence “ y- you didn’t need to do this to impress me “ “ well it’s too late anyways “ Blackberry replied looking at the ground in sorrow “ it’s not too late you can be good again this is your chance “ Dreamwalker said hopefully holding his claw is hers “ well do you have a plan? “ Blackberry said sadly “ I think I just might “ Dreamwalker explained the plan: The plan was that BlackBerry was going to be defeated by Dreamwalker in a fight and run away into the forest and the played out perfectly after a few weeks of celebration Dreamwalker disappeared into the night one day meeting her lover on the Island A few years pass and Dreamwalker and blackberry have one dragonet a little hybrid named nightshade

  • @thatequine-trovert6956
    @thatequine-trovert6956 Рік тому +1

    Icewing, a enemy, found a cure for an illness, ice kingdom, some how, compassionate, worried

  • @Swifty-y1o
    @Swifty-y1o Рік тому +1

    Cadelle is a Hivewing born during the bloodthirsty reign of Queen Wasp. As soon as she could, the young Hivewing confronted Wasp and was quickly banished with no excuses. She created a new group whose home was found through the weeds of Lake Scorpion. For as long as possible Cadelle forgot the Hivewings and ruled the Outsiders merrily. Until a dragon as blue as ice claimed to hold powerful magic. They battled endlessly, but the Outsiders managed to win, all thanks to the young Hivewing Cadelle. She was then beheld a hero, and proceeded in her plan of stopping the Hivewings' meticulous plan. After succeeding and safely migrating to Pyrrhia and seeking shelter with the mysterious Rainwing tribe, but quickly claimed their own land in the Diamond Spray Delta. If it weren't thanks to Cadelle's compassionate and dedicated nature, then the Silkwings would have been forgotten from existence. Despite being an upheld and truly loved hero throughout Pantala, even up to death, the Hivewing was never able to find a true, loving mate due to her truly aggresive trait. Yet the Silkwings would always cherish her like their own kind.

  • @sinka_f4rw4sp54
    @sinka_f4rw4sp54 Рік тому +1

    3:00 It is surprising that those children who will read "Wings of Fire" on Wiki Fandom and books, they will think that Queen Wasp is single, and because she has no husband she has become a villain, and the artists have a rebuttal to this.
    And by the way, even in every movie, cartoon or book, the villain is able to have a family, sooner or later it will be.
    But at the expense of the Wasp, I liked that she found among her warriors the one from whom she would give birth to a future successor, and it would be Vespa. Goliath at this is very beautiful, Wasp found herself a good husband.

  • @Lesserafimslays
    @Lesserafimslays Рік тому +1

    Princess Hurricane was a seawing-icewing hybrid working against her father (King Slush) she saved Queen Icestorm (she was icewing Queen in this timeline) she lives in pyrrhia (though y’all should know that) she lives in the kingdom of the sea (though sometimes she goes to the ice kingdom for a while) Hurricane is very kind though she is very destructive because her uncle enchanted her bracelet to let her control water

  • @FriendofOwls.and.Titans
    @FriendofOwls.and.Titans Рік тому +1

    Seal is a seawing who banished an evil monarch, but his mother was in favour of the monarch so she now works against him. He lives peacefully on the coast of the Kingdom of Sand. He is smart and positive but he is stubborn and quite awkward.

  • @Wyvern_Editz-xx3sk
    @Wyvern_Editz-xx3sk Рік тому +1

    Tribe: SkyWing
    Who’s working against them: their father
    what they did to be named hero: banished an evil monarch
    Home: Claws of the Clouds mountain
    Best and worst personality traits: calm but fearful

  • @jnetwill
    @jnetwill 9 місяців тому +2

    Tribe- Nightwing
    Working against them- A friend
    Why there a hero- They gave up their powers saving someone/something
    Home-Pyrrhia- Rainwing Kindom
    Best traits-Assertive
    Worst traits-Self doughtful
    5 likes for a backstory! ❤

    • @canvas4708
      @canvas4708  9 місяців тому +2

      Liked! x3

    • @jnetwill
      @jnetwill 9 місяців тому +1


    • @canvas4708
      @canvas4708  9 місяців тому +1

      @@jnetwill it's alright ^^

  • @meganselvy3034
    @meganselvy3034 7 місяців тому +1

    Tribe: leafwing
    Enemy: a protagonist
    How she became a hero: saved pantala
    Live: pantala
    home: bloodworm hive
    Best Personality: strong, gentle, and bold
    worst personality: reckless, likes to make fun of others, and stubborn

  • @Silver_Spiritz
    @Silver_Spiritz 7 місяців тому +1

    Amaryllis is a dark leaf-green, reflective golden-flecked scaled female dragon with dark hazel-brown eyes and unusual dark reddish-black spine tips, as well as wingtips. She had had an arch-nemesis, a SeaWing named Azure (Female, powerful animus, royal family, appearance like Anemone) and their summarised full story will be revealed depending on my mood :P. She saved the whole of Pantala from an unknown thing because I'm lazy, and lived in Pyhrria but went over to Pantala as she was curious where her origins were from. She lived under the mountain, silently hoping she could finally turn 3 and be released from her commanding parents' grip. Amaryllis has always been patient, calm and a good leader (Paused thrice, somehow they all match). However, she's also pretty gossip-loving (yeah), controlling and aggressive to those she dislikes/doesn't know.

  • @dull_demon4717
    @dull_demon4717 Рік тому +1

    - Tribe: Seawing
    - Working against them: Someone Unknown
    - Heroic deed: Caught a thief
    - Home: Pyhrria, Scavenger den
    - Good Traits: Easy going, Balanced & Determined
    - Bad Traits: Self-doubtful, Emotionless & Overly Secretive
    i wonder if this is another situation like wren & sky.

  • @kelleyhammond4701
    @kelleyhammond4701 Рік тому +1

    Alaska was a normal seawing prince who happened to be an animus and had grown up in bloodwork hive, Though once a fire broke out he enchanted the hive to be no longer flamible but after that spell he had made a curse along with it, Sonhe would have to never chast another he got rid of his magic for good atleast that's what he thought though when an powerful animus had came to pantala and desided to try and rule the hivewings home he had to figure a way to save his home. He gathered a group of five to six dragons to help him defeat the animus with being kind, Loving and his good leadership skills but he also found it hard to get some of the team to listen to him and over time he became more aggressive and controlling, now he and the group that is bound to fall apart must stick together and defeat the animus.
    It's been a long time since I did this, It felt nice