Wings of Fire Pause Game - Villain Descendant OC

  • Опубліковано 18 жов 2024


  • @ZoeyBerry-e5y
    @ZoeyBerry-e5y Рік тому +23

    Mom-Queen scarlet. Shy secretive . Not animus. Has a cursed necklace . Name : Victoria . Will make a story at 10 likes. Edit: time for story
    Victoria was sad when her mom kidnapped the dragonlets of destiny. Victoria would love to read scrolls about them, so one night, her mom gave her a cursed necklace she would see Preil with Clay giving him a snack she would fly over, but then Preil would grab her by the mouth like her curse did it and she now could barely talk "ok I will go" Victoria would say to Preil and flys to her room the next day she would watch the fights from her room then she'd see Glory fire venom at Scarlet and their would be caos she would stay in her room hiding a couple years later she gets inroad into a school it's pretty cool their she would usually be studying and that's were the story ends for now

  • @canvas4708
    @canvas4708  Рік тому +49

    Jaune is a nearly all-black Sandwing as her black markings coat most of her body, including frill and tail. If it weren't for her scorpion tail and frill, many would mistake her for a Nightwing. But after all, no one knew it but she was indeed part Nightwing. She hadn't the powers of a Nightwing or looked anything like one, except her horns were straighter like a Nightwing's. Her markings were just quite a bit larger and different to her mother's. They were the standard Sandwing markings, making her believably not look like a hybrid to most. Her mother Blister kept her all but hidden from all society, as she was too caught up with war and seeking power that she hardly saw her mother. When her mother found out she was with egg, she couldn't have been more displeased. She already had to battle for the throne. Now, even if she won the throne, she would still have to fight for it in a couple year's time. Still, she had a plan if her dragonet turned out to be a daughter.
    Everyone, even Queen Coral noticed a change in the female Sandwing and soon word spread in the Seawing Kingdom that there was going to be a Sandwing dragonet. The Sandwing Dragonet was egg came right on time, on the estimated day. The egg was large. in the Kingdom of the Sea. None knew that Morrowseer was Jaune's father.
    Morrowseer and Blister met at the place that many years later, Kestrel would perish. Rain splattered onto rock, the night sky was starless, crow-black. Blister showed him the egg. Morrowseer insisted the dragonet was named Jaune. He said it was essential for her future. Blister rolled her eyes, but she said nothing. When Blister asked him to take her in, he immediately accepted. He told her they could use her.
    At this, Jaune's mother furrowed her brow. She was useless. What on earth could they use her for? When Blister was about to hand him the egg, he nudged it back to her.
    "Not now." he told her, "In two year's time."
    Blister growled, "We can't wait two years." she hissed, "Take the egg now or not at all. Raise it as a Nightwing and never let it know it's a Sandwing or that it's my daughter."
    Morrowseer shook his head, "Two year's time." he repeated again.
    Their relationship had always been a secret, their child had to be, too. She couldn't risk of a Nightwing-like dragonet hatching from the egg and being showed off to the world. Everyone wanted a Sandwing dragonet. A hybrid couldn't possably rule after her. No. He had to take her.
    "Take her to the Sandwing Kingdom. Let them raise her." Morrowseer said, before flying off.
    How could he be so careless? Blister growled. I would be killed if I go there as well as any Seawing who would dare to try. There was nothing for it, she would have to hide her daughter for two years.
    The egg was hidden in a deserted watchtower hidden by undergrowth on an abandoned island in the Kingdom of the Sea. The dragonet hatched and her mother tended to her whenever she could. A year went by, then two. Three years, four, then five. Still, no one came.
    Over time, Blister ignored what Morrowseer had said. She lied to the Seawings that the egg wasn't strong enough and hadn't survived the hatching. No one knew of the Sandwing princess living in the deserted watchtower. Joune's mother spent more and more time in the Summer Palace every week until there came a time when Jaune was alone for at least two weeks.
    The young Sandwing knew of Queen Oasis' tragic story, as she read the scrolls her mother had given to her all the time. Blister had given her daughter the scrolls in the belief that it would convince her to side with her when she was older. Although, it did no such thing. It only strengthened Jaune's passion for treasure and trinkets, her hate for scavengers and her love for her grandmother. Somewhere deep in her heart, Jaune believed that her grandmother was alive. Blister had taken a ring on a chain necklace from her mother's treasure after her death and had given it her her daughter when she turned 2. She wore the ring around her neck on the thin silver chain, never taking it off.
    When she first wore it, every now and again the black ring made her eyes glow blue like the shimmering runes on it. After some time, the shimmering glitches lasted longer and grew more intense until one day, a day before Jaune turned 3, the glitch knocked her out. No one knew the ring was cursed, but it chose a holder 'till the end of time and it had chosen Jaune to be it's keeper.
    Since then, Jaune's eyes were permanently blue. She wasn't yet aware of the powers the ring possessed and it didn't affect her. The brightest night, the five-year-old Sandwing began to grow agitated. It had been four weeks since her mother last came to see her and it was with a sour, fed-up expression like she wished her daughter didn't exist.
    Jaune looked up at the stars, "Grandmother." she breathed as she stared up at the moonlight sky, Oasis was the only dragon she ever felt she could truly look up to, she wished she could have known her, "What should I do? I can't stay here any longer."
    Just then, she spotted shapes flying past the watchtower. They weren't Skywings or Sandwings. They weren't even Seawings. They were black. Jaune rested her chin on the edge of her window and drifted off to sleep.
    She woke the the harsh flapping sound of large wings. Before her stood a black dragon. Jaune jumped up, glaring at him fiercely as she pointed her black barbed tail at the serious-looking dragon.
    "Get away!" she hissed.
    The dragon grinned, "You have potential." he grinned.
    "Go, or I'll rip you to pieces!" Jaune growled.
    The dragon hopped into the watchtower, "Did anyone ever tell you who named you?"
    Jaune loosened her muscles, lowering her tail. She shrugged.
    "I did." he smirked, showing his teeth as he smiled wider, "I'm Morrowseer."
    Jaune tipped her head, her bright blue eyes glistening in the sunlight.
    Morrowseer growled, "Hasn't your mother told you anything!? I'm your father."
    "You mean the dragon that neglected me for all these years?" she hissed.
    "I was delayed." he muttered dryly, rolling his eyes, "I have come to take you back with me."
    Jaune hesitated, looking around her. The deserted watchtower, the only place she ever knew. This was her whole world. Was she ready to go beyond it? With a dragon she just met who claimed to be her father?
    Jaune sighed, as she flew off into the pool of blue sky she clutched the ring tightly in her talons. She hoped she had done the right choice. What would her mother think? It didn't matter. She had to think of herself.
    🔥💎PART 2💎🔥
    Jaune flew behind Morrowseer until the sky went pitch dark. With hardly any stars to guide them, the two flew on. Jaune wasn't about to complain to this tough dragon so without a word, she kept flying.
    Morrowseer stared up at the sky, all the moons were no moons that night. He cleared his throat, 'You are much different than I imagined you . . .' he started, speaking solemnly.
    Jaune looked up from fiddling with her ring, 'I do?'
    'At least Blister did something right.' he huffed, 'How much did she show you?'
    'Of what?' Jaune asked, confused, 'I know about all our tribes history and the whole map of Pirriha-'
    'Of the world outside the watchtower.' Morrowseer's gruff voice broke from in front of her.
    'She sometimes took me to the Kingdom of the Sea . . .' Jaune paused, fiddling with her ring again, 'I was presented to the Queen and her family. No one more, I wasn't allowed to see anyone else, really . . .'
    'Do you know where the kingdom is?' Morrowseer asked, his voice getting curiously suspicious.
    'No . . .' Jaune said slowly, unsure how much she could reveal to the strange black dragon, 'Mother always blindfolded me whenever we'd go out. To "stop me from escaping." She always said I was too smart to be let loose.'
    'Sounds like her.' Morrowseer said, smiling gently.
    'You will come with me and do as I say.' he told Jaune sternly, his voice more serious than before.
    'I don't do as I'm told.' Jaune muttered, a fire burning inside of her heart, 'I never listened to anyone. Especially in the Sea Kingdom.'
    There was a short silence before being broken by Morrowseer's ringing chuckle, 'You are like your mother . . . but worse.'
    Jaune tilted her head in confusion, unsure what her father meant before going on, 'When mother was having the most BORING talk with the Seawing Queen, I slipped away. There I saw Whirlpool. He was a worker for the Queen, the only other dragon I could meet. He was yelling at an orange Seawing . . .'
    'Huh, he must have lived near the coral reefs.' Morrowseer muttered.
    'I went to go see him.' Jaune continued, 'I yelled at his "father" for being cruel and gave him a good gash on his chest. The Seawing actually thanked me . . .' a smile lit up on Jaune's face.
    'Where you'll go, you will meet plenty of Seawings . . .' Morrowseer promised sinisterly, 'All kinds of dragons. It is time for your destiny, child.'
    Morrowseer pointed his talon down to a land below. A land blurry from the skies, coated with ash. Lava spurted from mountain-like mounds, 'This is the Nightwing Island.'
    Smoke filled Jaune's vision as she landed, 'This way.' Morrowseer grunted, leading Jaune through a maze of tunnels that lead to an empty cave, 'Stay here. Don't wander off or leave the cave. I'll be back.'
    And at that, Jaune's "father" disappeared down the tunnel, fading into the shadows.
    🔥💎MORE FOR Part 2 & Part 3 COMING SOON!💎🔥

    • @SonOfHestia
      @SonOfHestia Рік тому +1

      Nice! Why do I get the feeling that despite being an animus related to the biggest, most notorious dragon in existence, my oc would be terrified of yours?

    • @_Astol_
      @_Astol_ Рік тому +1

      Oooooo, Cool Canvas! I am making mine now!
      (the time this was sent)

    • @canvas4708
      @canvas4708  Рік тому +2

      @@SonOfHestia Idk, maybe it's 'cause of her eyes (turned blue from the cursed ring) or maybe it's her foretold future, her "purpose". I got really interesting stuff planned for her in Part 2. Geez, her eyes kind of remind me of Peril's.

    • @canvas4708
      @canvas4708  Рік тому +1

      @@_Astol_ I'm glad you like it, this must have taken like an hour to write. (maybe two xD)

    • @SonOfHestia
      @SonOfHestia Рік тому +1

      @@canvas4708 Or maybe your just scary. And technically half a part of my tribe.

  • @Randomstuffytiscool
    @Randomstuffytiscool Рік тому +3

    Dad -darkstalker she is calm rude and cunning she looks up to darkstalker has animus powers and inherited a enchanted book

  • @darealfibbert
    @darealfibbert Рік тому +2

    Descended from: Chameleon
    Personality: Calm, Clever, Sweet and Secretive
    Animus?: Yes, but not with the powers (???????)
    Looks up to: A Hero
    Inherited Object: Magical Book

  • @imagoober-k6s
    @imagoober-k6s 3 місяці тому +2

    Looks up to their father
    Has a cursed key

  • @Whiteout.0
    @Whiteout.0 11 місяців тому +2

    EclipcedSkies is a desendint from Darkstalker. He is Bloodthirsty, Arrogant, and Talented as well as granted the gift of anims magic from desending from his father. He looks up to being like his father, to conquere the whole of pyrriria from his fathers side.
    He had been gifted a key from someone he did not know, wich turned out to be the queen, queen diamond of the icewings, for part revenge agenst her son and her grandson. The key, now a necklace agenst EclipcedSkies's scales, has had a curse wich first of all, cannot get thrown away/destroyed, and second of all, took away his aminus magic. He had planned to get revenge one day, dispite losing his magic, and his father who had dissapeared after him and his mother flew away to agate mountain together, him and her not either coming back.

  • @JustanOCdrawer
    @JustanOCdrawer Рік тому +2

    To lazy to write out an entire story
    Descendant of Darkstalker
    Personalities: Strong, Talented, Violent
    Animus: Yes
    Looks up to: Historic ruler
    Passed down object: A cursed Book

  • @MegicTheGriffin
    @MegicTheGriffin Рік тому +20

    I am a Descendant of Queen Wasp. Bloodthristy yet sweet and calm, was born animus but because of the cursed key that was inherited, my powers disappeared. I look up to her Mother.

    • @canvas4708
      @canvas4708  Рік тому +6

      Cool, I like it. Your OC's personality is story material. They're sweet and clam but then, when you least expect it. . . they turn on you! Idk what to expect with a blood thirsty dragon that's also sweet and calm.

  • @LesbianAhhhLabyrinthRat
    @LesbianAhhhLabyrinthRat 11 місяців тому +2

    Gazelle is a mostly pale gold SandWing with diamond patterns and triangle patterns on her wings. She's an animus-born descendant of Vulture who is quiet and clumsy. She often looks up to her father, Lion, for advice or ideas on what she would use her animus powers for. She has a necklace, which is enchanted.

  • @ornightchid
    @ornightchid Рік тому +2

    This is my first oc from this video, it is a descendent of Vulture, His name is Dingo, he is Rude,Violent and Poised, he is an animus and has an enchanted book,he looks up to his older brother named Cactus, who is a good guy but Dingo is different and can't seem to be kind and friendly like Cactus, he has tried to be a good guy but his animus magic is too powerful and it's starting to be the only thing he cares about, Cactus tried to stop him, but now cactus is now stone because Dingo got angry and lost control, now there is nothing stopping him with the despare and greed in his violent dark heart.

  • @jnetwill
    @jnetwill 9 місяців тому +2

    Parent- Darkstalker
    Personality traits-Poised, Talented, and secretive.
    Animus?- yes( born)
    Role model- Friend(Princess Pebble)
    What they inheiritated- Ring- Enchanted.
    5 likes for a backstory!!❤

  • @adderfriends3478
    @adderfriends3478 Рік тому +5

    Silvertear is a Icewing/nightwing hybrid here "Villan?" desendant is Arctic! Silvertear is very cheerful, Clever and clam she was born with animus powers! she inherited a cursed necklace and she looks up to here friends

    • @canvas4708
      @canvas4708  Рік тому +2

      Nice OC, LOVE her name.

    • @artisticbirdies
      @artisticbirdies Рік тому +2

      i thought arctic wasnt a villian, since he didnt do anything villian like. just was a horrible father thats all. ohhh and darkstalker and whiteout would be your OC's sibling xD noice

    • @canvas4708
      @canvas4708  Рік тому +2

      @@artisticbirdies Well, it depends as Arctic is the OC's descendant.

    • @canvas4708
      @canvas4708  Рік тому +3

      @@artisticbirdies I personally look at him both ways, he should and shouldn't be on here. But I needed more villains to make it more interesting

  • @somethingnewtooyoutube
    @somethingnewtooyoutube 5 місяців тому +2

    Name: Emerald/Or Princess Emerald.
    Mom: Queen Scarlet.
    Personality: Shy, poised, can be violent.
    7 = She was born a Animus!
    She looks up to her mother a lot, and also a best friend of hers named Faith.
    She inherited a magical gold ring with a red ruby on it, and a enchanted blue leather book.
    This was a lot of fun ^^!

  • @JustARandomWeirdoOverHere
    @JustARandomWeirdoOverHere 11 місяців тому +1

    Gilla is a descendent of Burn, they are Rude, Selfish, and somehow calm, they aren’t animus and look up to a brother (that is probably animus), their brother gave them a enchanted necklace that protects them, no matter what and it also gives her the power of 100 dragons when necessary, she keeps it to herself and never lets anyone else even breathe on it except her(and probably her brother), she is a pure sandwing and hates any sandwing hybrid, much like her descendant, she has a weird obsession with imposing her enemies, but not with showing off heads, she just stares into her enemy’s soul when she meet them, it works 75% of the time. Any time she finds something very beautiful, she keeps it to herself and makes sure nobody else can see it, except her and her brother, it’s probably the one dragon she cares about.
    Note:she’s like a mix of burn and blaze, the brother’s name is anubis

  • @artisticgarbage708
    @artisticgarbage708 Рік тому +10

    Notes: (Mother) Queen Wasp, (Personality) poised, clumsy, quiet, (Number) 70, artificial animus, (Idol) Mother, (Magic item) enchanted ring
    Cynips is a small, angular HiveWing with pale golden brown scales with a dusting of black along her back, shoulders, and the top of her head as if soot had been dumped over her. She has large black eyes identical to Wasp's, yet somewhat warmer. She wears a ring shaped like a spider with legs that wrap around her finger and a drop of amber in the abdomen that contains a fossilized fly. She also wears a pair of rings on her upper and lower snout horns with a chain connecting the two.
    Cynips' existence was kept a secret from nearly the whole kingdom. At the time of her bearing, she was marked as an orphan. As her hatching approached, Wasp took her to be hatched in privacy, and from a young age Cynips was well aware of her high status as a Princess. She was, though, sworn to secrecy and under frequent supervision. She was assigned a private teacher and rarely permitted to leave the Queen's chambers, and so rarely met dragons her age. She only ever had one dragon to truly look up to, Queen Wasp herself.
    Cynips idolized her mother her entire life. From how she imitated and followed her down to the slight accent she put on, one would think she'd be just another link in the chain of horrid HiveWing royalty. However, under it all, Cynips was desperate to please. She'd make brief journeys outside the hive to escape the pressure of everything. On one short-lived visit to the beach, she dug up a ring, the spider ring she'd grow highly attached to. Little did she know, but this object had been enchanted. It's wearer was granted the power of an animus. However, for moons, she'd just consider the ring a fun accessory.
    It was an accident that she found out at all, when she'd uttered that a treestuff pillar should hit a rather noisy SilkWing protestor on the head. She'd thought it was purely a coincidence that the loose pillar had fallen. But when she felt a cold shock in her chest, she knew it had to have been more. In the moment, she'd felt off, yet intrigued. That night, she'd spoken to many items in her quarters, telling them to move or float into her hand. By the end of it, though, she couldn't help but think something was wrong. So she went to her sole confidant, Wasp.
    She kept the moving items under wraps, of course. She had no idea how her mother would try to use the idea. And something about bringing this up felt wrong to her. Besides, Wasp showed little mind to her daughter's concerns. It felt so wrong to the HiveWing not telling her mother everything on her mind, but this was a situation too worrying to speak of.
    And so she took to the library. She read anything she could find about magic, from fictional fairytales, to tales of Clearsight's home continent. Here, she found the very word she'd been looking to describe her newfound power, 'Animus.' She looked from there, learning the reason behind that strange feeling in her chest. With every spell cast, a bit of her soul was lost. At that moment, the ring around her finger felt very tight.
    She couldn't keep things secret from Wasp, Clearsight knows she'd tried. So she panicked. The more she tried to remove the ring, the more it's 'legs' dug into her finger. She gave up, panic turning to silent terror. Nothing could be kept from the Queen forever, so she'd just have to stay quiet for most of it. She vowed not to use the ring's granted magic, aside from one simple spell on her horn rings. "I enchant this accessory to make the spider ring, and my very existence, forgettable for all dragons." She hesitated before disappearing. "However, any dragons I tell my real name, Cynips, will remember me as if I'd never been forgotten." These were the last words she muttered before fading into a distant memory in the minds of all who knew her.
    Decades passed. Wasp had almost completely forgotten she'd even had a daughter. Cynips had only left small hints around the palace that she'd ever existed. When her mother was overthrown and imprisoned, only then did Cynips finally visit her in person once more. Animus magic was gone. The ring had loosened, but her final enchantment held true. She'd sorely missed her mother, hurt to see the now-Ex-Queen in such a sorry state. Taking a deep breath, she spoke, "Hello mother. I know you may not remember me, but my name is Cynips. I've missed you."

  • @ZirconiaGacha
    @ZirconiaGacha Рік тому +3

    Okay so I want to multiple from different villains, details for one here:
    - Dragonet of Blister
    - Sweet, poised, and secretive
    - Animus powers they weren't born with
    - Looks up to a ruler in history
    - Enchanted necklace (note I'm not using blessed or cursed, it's both in my mind)
    Ceja is a young female SandWing (well, kind of), who is the daughter of ex-princess Blister. She doesn't like her mother at all, as it caused her a whole lot of trouble later in life. Blister wouldn't want competition for the throne even if she did win the war as the NightWings promised her she would, so she would have to get rid of Ceja somehow. But at the same time, the dragonet could be of use later, so Blister would have to have her out of the way, but on call if she wanted her again. So she consulted her war allies, the SeaWings, who gave her a necklace for Ceja that would hide her as a SeaWing until Blister took it off her. Ceja is obviously not happy about the situation of having to live underwater until her mother actually wants her, but at least it can be reversed, right? Then Blister dies, essentially trapping her in SeaWing form and Ceja stays on the beaches to be in the sand, but also close to water. Her SeaWing form is also an animus, but she doesn't use the magic at all.
    Details 2, electric boogaloo:
    - Dragonet of Darkstalker (kinda? I have my own idea for how on this one)
    - Shy (with trust issues)
    - Animus powers at birth
    - Looks up to a few heroes
    - Cursed key
    Whitebreaker is a young male NightWing, born blind. He had an... interesting... upbringing, considering he grew up in what's best described as a Darkstalker cult. He liked to sneak out of the old Night Kingdom, where he was usually kept with the other dragonet of the older members, and rather preferred to roam outside despite it being dangerous. Then it came out to him, in front of everyone else in that cult environment, that he was born an animus. Just like Darkstalker was. As such, Whitebreaker was declared his second coming and given that cursed key. Noone saw it as a curse except Whitebreaker, as it not only gave him the prophecy and mindreading Darkstalker had, but also gave him blood ties to the ancient (and evil, as he found out on his various escapades) dragon. So pretty much if he took a DNA test, Darkstalker is his biological dad now whether he likes it or not. Whitebreaker doesn't understand most of his new abilities, such as foresight due to being born blind (he literally has not seen anything in his life and now he gets to see things randomly that may or may not happen) and not knowing about how animus magic even works. The fact he's now partway IceWing changed what he looks like, now having patches of white scales along with his normal dark green, as well as turning his blood a dark blue shade. Whitebreaker eventually broke out and completely went off the radar, but still hasn't quite gotten used to everything yet.
    - Dragonet of Queen Wasp
    - Quiet and talented
    - Not an animus (I skipped it this time because I already have to animi here-)
    - Looks up to his father
    - Enchanted ring
    Ensifera is a male Hive-Silk hybrid (3/4 Hive, 1/4 Silk), and son to Queen Wasp herself. She didn't know at the time that her king was half SilkWing (he either hid it well, or it just wasn't as obvious), but Ensifera had obvious SilkWing heritage even in the egg. As such, she didn't pull her usual mind control egg-sting because she didn't know how SilkWings quite reacted to the stuff. He hatched with wings, but still did go through a metamorphosis and gained silk-spinning abilities later on. Honestly I have no idea what to do with the rest of this-

    • @ZirconiaGacha
      @ZirconiaGacha Рік тому

      You know what? I like this challenge, I'm going to stop by one in a while and do it again. I'll obviously reply to my own comment so I'm not spamming too much of the space, but here's round 4.
      - Dragonet of Orca
      - Secretive and quiet (after
      - No animus powers
      - Looks up to a brother
      - Enchanted book
      Everyone knows the tale of headstrong Orca, who challenged her mother too soon to be able to win. Isle knew these stories too, and was glad that her mother had won the battle to keep the throne.
      *Until that all came crashing down.*
      She visited the royal hatchery alone one day, admiring the statue that her older sister had contributed before she was killed in the duel. But something was off. There was a crack in its chest that was too straight to be an accident or age, and when Isle swam closer to look at it the statue revealed a hidden compartment. How had this not been found by anyone until now? And why was it specifically her that found it? Inside was a single book, seemingly in good condition despite being untouched for years. Isle took the book and left to her own room to read the contents, not noticing the statue close behind her.
      When she was alone, she finally opened the book and was shocked by the contents of the first few pages.
      "I don't expect you to know how this book was inside my statue in the royal hatchery, or why you specifically have it. My name is Orca. You've likely heard of me before, whether from my mother or any of my siblings. But this book contains secrets I only want you to know. First, if you are reading this, I am your mother, not Coral. I left you in the royal hatchery to believe that, as it was a safer place than anywhere else. Second, I enchanted this statue myself. I hid my animus magic, mainly so Coral wouldn't try to use me to wield it. The hidden compartment will not open when anyone else but you is watching the statue, so it will stay out of sight of anyone else. And lastly, the rest of the book. The book is enchanted as well. All the rest of the pages are blank, and there is a reason. The book directly controls the statue's actions, and writing on those pages will have an effect. Use it wisely."
      And that was it. Isle was Orca's daughter instead of Coral's, and now she had this book. So she hid it. Only Isle knew where it was, and no one else would know.

  • @redwoob
    @redwoob Рік тому +1

    Ancestor: Chameleon
    Personality: Bloodthirsty, selfish, cunning
    Animus?: Yes, were given the magic
    Who they look up to: A hero
    Object: Cursed book

  • @Surfsideparadise4life
    @Surfsideparadise4life 7 місяців тому +2

    Fennec is a descendant of Vulture. (I got 8 which is NOT animus, but is also single digit, so born animus? I'm confused) Fennec was hatched an animus, but her powers vanished when she was given a mysterious cursed necklace. Chameleon (For some reason I can't come up with, lol) wanted revenge on Vulture (Don't know why) and sacrificed his last remaining bit of scroll to curse a necklace for Fennec. This necklace gives her paranoia, as well as terrible nightmares. She is unable to remove the necklace. Fennec is rude, bloodthirsty, and clever. She looks up to her older brother.

  • @BumbleArtsLikesWarriors
    @BumbleArtsLikesWarriors Рік тому +3

    Eagle (villian descendant oc)
    Notes: I am a descendant of Ex-queen Scarlet. I am cunning and bloodthirsty. My number was 7. So I am an animus. I look up to my sister (Jewel). I inherited a cursed necklace.
    Eagle have scales the exact same colour scales as her mother. Slightly darker wings. Sharp yellow eyes like her mother’s. She has sharp straight horns and sharp spikes.
    Scarlet was pacing. Her egg was due to hatch on the brightest night and it was the biggest egg in the hatchery. She ordered extra guards on the night before the brightest night to make sure that it wasn’t taken.
    Hivitur stole the egg earlier than usual since the talon’s spies knew about their being extra guards. They told the guardians to steal the egg a night earlier. The Skywings, Burn and her Sandwings were expecting the talons the next night. So Hivitur went in under the moons grabbed the biggest egg that was due to hatch in two nights.
    ~Shortly after the egg was stolen~
    Scarlet walked into the nest to check on her egg. Her neck craned around as she scanned the red, orange and yellow eggs. When she reached the area for the royal eggs she saw 1 egg, but it was red-gold like her king. Her female egg was orange. She stomped out of the hatchery lots of smoke rising from her nostrils as she hissed. The orange guard with amber eyes looked up at her nervously. “Your majesty, are you alright?” She asked nervously “You seem really mad.”. Scarlet snapped her head towards the guard. “The stupid brainless talons stole my egg!” Scarlet snapped. She recognized the dragons guarding the hatchery. The she one was Commander Falcon and the male one was Genaral Tornado. “Would you like us to send out a search party immediately?” Genaral Tornado asked quickly “The theif can’t have gotten far.”. Scarlet turned her gaze to Genaral Tornado who fiddled with his talons nervously. “Yessssss” She hissed sharply.
    I’ll do the first few chapters is I get 5 likes on this comment.

  • @curlala
    @curlala Рік тому +1

    Hyena grew up in a harsh life. It mostly was spent in a castle hidden from public. And she was rarely visited by her mother blister. She never knew why her mother hid her but I guess it is what it is. One day her mother offered her to go with her to the seawing place to finally introduce her to someone. Now this is we’re the story picks up.
    (Gonna write a story tomorrow probably)

  • @thegemofgems9
    @thegemofgems9 Рік тому +17

    Sandstorm is the descendant of Princess Burn. He is calm, quiet, and strong. She was born an animus. He looks up to Scorpion, his father. He inherited a magical necklace. 5 likes and I will give him a backstory.

    • @thegemofgems9
      @thegemofgems9 Рік тому +1


    • @JustARandomWeirdoOverHere
      @JustARandomWeirdoOverHere 11 місяців тому +2

      Oh hey! We got the same descendant! And I did like, too bad, when you hit five make the backstory… please? ;)

  • @payenappeule
    @payenappeule Рік тому +6

    Descendant of Chameleon, sweet and violent, is animus (i got 7), has an enchanted necklace and looks up to their mother. Ill make a character inspired from that

  • @Addybabble
    @Addybabble Рік тому +9

    Remora (or Molly) has descended from Albatross the famous SeaWing animus who went insane. Just by looking at her you can see that she is a relative because they look almost identical, except the giant scar across her face which was given to her by her mother, Orca, when she first found Molly existed. She is a shy and secretive dragon who doesn't tell anyone about her past. One day Queen Coral found her, it was the same day of Orca's death and she had gone into her daughters room to collect some items for the funeral. There she found Molly trembling, she had watched Orca die and even though Orca was never a good mother she was still horrifically scarred by the event. Coral tried to comfort her and said she would take care of her, but Coral had other plans. She took Molly to meet Blister and after they found out she was an animus Blister requested her be sent to live in the desert. This is where Molly spent most of her childhood endlessly working for Blister and becoming more than just her animus. In fact Blister took a liking to her and started being more relaxed on her animus magic 'training' (Molly did the same tactic of acting like she needed training and that she was terrible at using her powers.) Blister started treating her like her daughter and one day took her to a meeting with Morrowseer. This was a mistake and Morrowseer requested she came to live on the volcano with him but Blister refused to give her up. Morrowseer said if Molly didn't go with him then Blister would be killed.

  • @LeslieKube
    @LeslieKube 4 місяці тому +1

    Alluaedia(Named after a type of cactus) Was left behind by her mother Cobra with no where to go she left the scorpion den she wandered for days without food or water it had been a week before she found the woodlands she wandered the area soon finding water to drink she had never had so much water it felt so good a stick cracked behind her. She jumped up. A figure appeared walking up to her and introduced themself. Finding out her name was Princess Bloodfang part of the Devil tribe (Oc tribe) Alluaedia did the same and told Bloodfang her story. They became best friend and Bloodfang have given her an enchanted necklace to make her an animus. Soon they met Clam a seawing in search of a new life. Life was perfect until another 2 sandwing came.
    Alluaedia is blood thirsty clever and rude she looks up to Bloodfang
    Can you guess who the 2 sandwings are (guess in comments) Will say when have 3 guesses more if you want to guess

  • @canvas4708
    @canvas4708  Рік тому +8

    This is my 2nd OC from this video. This is Whirlpool's son, I'm calling him Octopus. Octopi's poised, talented and rude, omg I love him! He looks up to his brother who perished at Blister's claws for "disobeying her" - he had stood up to her when she threatened his younger brother, costing him his life. Whirlpool had done nothing to stop the vicious Sandwing for the Queen didn't seem alarmed in the slightest. Octopus's brother had always worn an enchanted key that was passed down to him, the key necklace was enchanted with a special magic, protecting him from deadly harm. Imma maybe ship him with Jaune later on.
    Here's his story:
    Octopus is an orange Seawing with light purple/violet specks and the webs on his talons and back. His neck spines are dark orange and his underbelly as well as his light-up scales are a bluebell colour. Octopi's eyes are a light blue that appears nearly light purple in some lighting.
    His older brother, (his only brother - to whom he looks up to) is named Fin. Fin was a navy blue seawing with lime green webs and dark blur makings. His eyes were grass green and his spines were slightly darker. Fin had green specks on him, as well.
    Fin and Octopus's mother - Oyster - was a dark gray Seawing with blue gray webs and slightly darker spines. Her markings were light blue as well as her light-up scales. But the only thing Octopus remembered of her was her kind, bright yellow almost golden eyes. The young Seawing could hardly remember her, only her song when he was curled up beside her. Over time, Fin (though loving his mother more than anything) began to grow apart from her. Though not showing it, Oyster was suffering from a deadly illness that she only told Whirlpool and her oldest son.
    With the fear of his mother dying, Fin began to grow away from his mother, hoping that this way he'd suffer less grief. But that didn't stop him from falling into grief's shadow when his Oyster's health took a tole for the worst. Oyster had left the family when Octopus was only six moths old, she hadn't even spent a year with her new son. At her death, Fin grew overprotective of his younger brother and Whirlpool blamed himself and fell into a silent depression. He thought that he hadn't cared for his mate well enough when she had gotten sick at first.
    The once happy family fell into darkness and Octopus never remembered the days when the family laughed and played and sang. No one in the family remembered Oyster's words as she lay on her deathbed, "Do not grieve, I beg you. Live on with the joy and love I have given to you. This is not goodbye, my boys." she nuzzled Octopus who lay asleep in a pouch his father wore, "I will see you again someday. Go on with making a joyous life for yourselves, that is my only wish. . ."
    Oyster's wish never came true and since that moment, the family only continued to fall apart. Oyster could only watch as throughout the course of time, Whirlpool became more and more dedicated to his work and less and less to his sons. No one ever sang like they used to, or laughed. Fin always told stories of Oyster to young Octopus. But something struck in Whirlpool one night as Fin told stories of their mother to Octopus, it could have been grief coming back to him, it could have been anger, it could have been exhaustion with overworking himself or him mind but whatever it was it drove Whirlpool to storm over to his sons.
    Fin chuckled as Octopus lay down in his arms, ". . . Yeah, and she used to-" Fin's face turned serious as he heard stomping headed towards them, he knew it was Whirlpool. He stormed into their room. Octopus looked up from his brother, turning from his back onto his belly, looking confused.
    "You have me." he sighed with a growl.
    "But your almost never here." Fin scowled.
    "I work so hard for you." Whirlpool felt guilt ripple within him like waves, they both knew he was lying.
    "That doesn't mean you're better than mother." Fin muttered.
    " You would starve without me!" Whirlpool was furious, was that really what his sons thought of him? Oyster's necklace caught his eye, dangling from Fin's neck. For a moment, as he looked up from it and looked into Fin's eyes, he was sure he saw Oyster staring back at him. He was his mother in so many ways it made Whirlpool sting.
    With an angered growl, he slashed his claws over Fin's snout as he tried to push his vision of Oyster out of his head. Fin yelped as blood leaked from his nose, he shuffled back as Octopus jumped up, staring at Whirlpool with horror.
    Oyster's voice rang in his head blocking everything else out, "What have you done?" her calm voice was stiff and cold, he pushed the voice out of his head with an angered snort. He stared at Fin who rubbed his snout viggerously, within seconds, the blood disappeared and the wound faded away.
    Whirlpool gave a low growl, "The key." he thought, casting a dirty look at Fin before shooting a dry look at both his sons.
    Without another word, Whirlpool stormed out of the room, regret jabbing his belly like knifes. Would this really make him feel better about himself?
    I'll add more soon!!!💙

    • @superplayz759
      @superplayz759 Рік тому +1

      Nice story! but I have a question. do you like whirlpool as a charecter?

    • @canvas4708
      @canvas4708  Рік тому +1

      @@superplayz759 Not really, 10% of me does. But I think characters like him are essential for the story, all characters have a purpose.

    • @superplayz759
      @superplayz759 Рік тому +1

      @@canvas4708 I feel like that too! i feel like whirlpool is so underrated!

    • @canvas4708
      @canvas4708  Рік тому +1

      Now that I think of it, I actually sort of like him, too.

    • @superplayz759
      @superplayz759 Рік тому +1

      @@canvas4708 fiunally your someone who agrees!!!

  • @bluyu
    @bluyu Рік тому +1

    Bluethorn, the Hivewing/Silkwing hybrid
    - Descendant of Queen Wasp
    - Shy, clumsy, sweet
    - Not an animus
    - Looks up to their friends
    - Possesses a magical book
    - Has a tendency to feel extremely guilty for things he did not do

  • @8_BlackOut_8
    @8_BlackOut_8 Рік тому +2

    Descendant of: Blister
    Personality: Cunning, Bloodthirsty, Calm
    Animus abilities: Acquired at some point
    Looks up to: Mother (Blister ig)
    Inherited object: Magical Necklace
    Hmmmm… sounds like a fun villain oc, imma do it-

  • @ashleyjamesen9176
    @ashleyjamesen9176 5 місяців тому +2

    This dragonet is descended from Darkstalker he is arrogant, violent, bloodthirsty, and clumsy he was born a animus he inherited a enchanted necklace. He looks up to his dad who sells enchanted items.he seems bloodthirsty and violent on the outside how he really is calm and overprotective of those he cares about he also very helpful he will help his dad set up his shop before leaving for a few months to see his friends who are from different tribes. His name is Darkflame because of his fire is such a dark shade of red.

  • @Mels_cherubbb
    @Mels_cherubbb Рік тому +2

    My villain descendant!
    Who I descended from: Chameleon
    Personality traits: Poised, clumsy and sweet
    Am I an animus? Yes. I was born that way
    Who I look up to: a hero
    enchanted object I inherited: necklace
    Overall description:
    Sunflower of the RainWings is a poised, clumsy and sweet animus-born dragon. Her great, great grandfather, chameleon wanted to pass down the last few remnants of him before he died; so he left an enchanted necklace to pass down for generations to come. And so, sunflower’s mother, mango, passed down the enchanted to sunflower. She looks up to general palm tree of the rainwings; her hero. Sunflower thinks she is heroic, strong and wise. She wants to be like her.
    Idk if any of this is accurate, so correct me if I’m wrong!

  • @teresamccarron8091
    @teresamccarron8091 Рік тому +1

    Mother- (former) queen wasp
    Personality- bloodthirsty-strong-cunning
    Magic- (somehow????) Born animus
    Look up to- a ruler in history
    Enchanted gift- necklace enchanted with immortality
    Name- deathwatch
    Gender- female
    Ill be writing a story about this one soon! Deathwatch sounds interesting.

  • @Jason_grace_former_praetor
    @Jason_grace_former_praetor Рік тому +2

    A descendant of queen scarlet emerald is a shy sweet talented young Skywing he is an animus and was born that way but because his mother queen garnet did not allow anyone to harm him he looks up to peril as he sees her as a hero he has an enchanted necklace made from bluest sapphires in the whole continent
    Now story time
    Emerald walked the halls of the palace the servant bowed when he passed by his sapphire necklace brightly shone in the darkness of the morning not many dragons liked him for two reasons he was an animus and those were supposed to be killed two because his great-grandmother was queen scarlet he had one friend tho Redspot a white orange and muted red silk wing that was an animus too! “Hey red spot “he would say every morning “fine” he said as redspot tackled emerald “what was that for?” He giggled as he got up just then a crash he scrambled to the window and saw mudwings and nightwings bombing the palace! He grabbed redspot and ran then he saw his twin citrine holding his younger brother cardinal and running toward the basement, even the basement was comfy and and fit for royals there were servents emeralds siblings and redspot his mother was probably directing her troops just then the basement door creaked who was it!?
    20 likes for part 2!

  • @canvas4708
    @canvas4708  Рік тому +6

    More of Jaune's story!💛🖤 | (Couldn't add more there 'cause I reached the limit xD so I'll just have to do it here)
    Jaune slipped silently off the bed, crouching down in the midst of the thick shadows, for once being glad that most of her scales were black. She closed her eyes, pricking her ears to hear what was going on. She heard voices near the cave entrance, she wasn't sure what they were saying, but she knew that one of them was Morrowseer though he was talking with someone else . . .
    Jaune was sure she heard them saying something about "being quick" and "meeting someone" . . . where they trying to kill her? A moment of silence flickered by and Jaune felt the presence of another dragon in the cave as Morrowseer left. Why was Morrowseer leaving random dragons in the cave and then abandoning them?
    The dragon's words echoed in her head, "Wait! . . ."
    Wasn't that what she had said? She wasn't sure what came over her but as Jaune stood up slowly from the shadows, a word slipped out from inside her throat, "Hello"
    The dragon jumped back with a yelp.
    In front of her stood a dragon that looked strikingly similar to Blister - her mother - with black striped light golden scales and a pale underside. Jaune looked into the dragon's eyes as she looked at the dragon's starry black frill and wings like that of a Nightwing from the corner of her eyes.
    Scab hissed, taking an aggressive stance. "Who are you?" She demanded.
    "My name is Jaune." she replied, feeling thrill rush through her that she wasn't alone.
    "I’m a hybrid of a Sandwing and Nightwing." she blurted, too eager to be formal.
    "Yeah, I can see that." the dragon said coldly, refusing to meet Jaune's gaze, "I’m- uh, my name is Scab."
    "So, you're the dragon Morrowseer wanted me to meet?" she asked.
    Jaune nodded, sitting down. Her long, sleek tail curled inwards, "But I’m afraid we don’t have much time to introduce ourselves. So let’s get to that. Where are you from?"
    Scab hesitated, "The Scorpion Den." She finally replied. "It’s a, uh, village . . . thing-"
    "I know what it is." Jaune interrupted, feeling pride rush through her as the words rang through her lips. She knew all the places of Pyrrhia . . . that mattered anyways . . ."I grew up in the Seawing Kingdom, with my mother. Then I got taken away . . ." Jaune paused, tapping her chin thoughtfully as she remembered her past childhood, for some reason, the more time she spent away from her tower in the Seawing Kingdom, the more she fel the memories of her past fading from her mind and she wasn't sure why.
    "Are you new here?" she asked after a while.
    "To the volcano? No, TOTALLY not. I have never even heard of this place, ever. I don’t think I’ve ever even left the Scorpion Den in my life. That is, until now.” Scab added with a chuckle, "By the way, why are we even here? Like, why did it have to be a volcano?"
    "This is the NightWing kingdom." Jaune replied.
    Scab’s eyes widened. "This, is the NIGHTWING KINGDOM? The NightWings live on a VOLCANO? WHY IN PYRRIAH WOULD THEY WANT TO LIVE HERE?" She shouted with disbelief.
    Jaune jumped, wide-eyed. "It’s a long story." Jaune said with a light chuckle as she slowly calmed herself from Scab's surprising reaction, "Anyways, uh, oh! You were from the Sandwing kingdom?"
    "Yes? Why?" Scab replied.
    "Wait . . ." Jaune looked down and tapped her talons repeatedly against the stone ground, deep in thought. She kept muttering the flood of thought racing from her head all at once, "You grew up in the Sand Kingdom, I was raised in the Sea Kingdom, mother said . . ." She trailed off, her mother had told her about another Sandwing princess once, though not much though she always said that *she* was the "second worst thing" that ever happened to her when she was annoyed with Jaune in her training and Jaune always *did* wonder about what was the worst thing . . . 'Wait!' she cried out inside of her head with a gasp shortly following her trail of thoughts.
    "What? What is it?"
    Jaune felt her muscles tense for a moment. Had she said that ALL out loud? It didn't matter, "Scab, haven’t you realized yet?" she cried.
    "Realize what? Wait . . ." Scab paused to think, then her eyes widened.
    "Scab!" Jaune grabbed Scab by the talon as she looked into her eyes, excitement flickering inside of her so hard she could hardly contain it, "We're sisters!"

  • @Hopelessrylee1
    @Hopelessrylee1 Рік тому +2

    I am descendent of Artic, Im poised and sweet, I am an animus and I look up to a hero lastly I have the necklace/magical.

  • @amelie_books
    @amelie_books Рік тому +2

    Notes so I can make up a backstory-
    -daughter of Darkstalker
    -bloodthirsty, clever, secretive
    -animus powers that she was not born with
    -looks up to best friend, their partner in crime
    -magical ring

    • @canvas4708
      @canvas4708  Рік тому +2

      Oh no, bloodthirsty, secretive and clever is never a good sign for a villain's descendant . . .

  • @Flame_melon
    @Flame_melon Рік тому +3

    Prince Stratus is a dark red and dark orange male Skywing dragonet and Queen Scarlets great grandson, Cliffs son. He is often shy and selfish, he can also be violent towards other dragons, though he loves animals. He looks up to his older sister who has always been determined to be queen one day, he thinks of her as everything he’s ever wanted to be, brave, smart, a great leader. He has animus magic though he has no idea he has it and thinks he is going crazy. When he was younger, a dragon gave him a ring he felt he had a strange connection to, he became so obsessed with it that he wouldn’t take it off. Ever since then, he has been getting strange dreams with no explanation all featuring a kind dragon who called himself Ravine. He had these dreams for years, getting to know Ravine very well, they became best friends, but Ravine had secrets, he had been trapped in the ring hundreds of years and he needed Stratus’s help if he ever wanted to escape, but doing that could lead both of them to certain doom.

  • @arctichare6548
    @arctichare6548 5 місяців тому +1

    Fennec is the daughter of Blister. Nobody realized it, but when Blister went into hiding, she had met a SandWing that’d caught her eye. But then later Blister got bored of him, and later killed him. Later in the war, she figured out that she was with egg. When Fennec was five, Blister had found a beautiful buried key in sand on one of the islands in Bay of a Thousand Scales. Blister had asked Coral to make Anemone enchant the key to protect the wearer from any type of harm or animus spell. Blister was going to use it for her own selfish needs, but then realized that any of her sister’s army’s could find Fennec and use her as blackmail. So she gave it to Fennec as a necklace and told her to never take off. Fennec is secretive, talented, and cunning. When the Dragonets of Destiny came to the Sea Kingdom, she helped Blister try to manipulate Coral into executing Webs, but of course it failed. After Blister died, Fennec came across Vulture in the Scorpion Den. They both related to hating Queen Thorn, and came to be great friends.

  • @ashleyjamesen9176
    @ashleyjamesen9176 Рік тому +2

    The oc is a descending from darkstalker and got a enchanted necklace and ring the dragon is bloodthirsty violent and rude and looks up to in this au darkstalker and is a strong animus and was born with his powers

  • @despairfilledidiot6179
    @despairfilledidiot6179 Рік тому +2

    Voidwatcher, born out of a secret affair Morrowseer and her mother before Morrowseer began seeing Secretkeeper. She’s extremely shy and clever, but has a violent and blood thirsty side to her if you earn her anger. She tries to stay away from her father’s “legacy” and looks up to Glory, seeing her as a hero, someone to admire and look up to, as she’s helped save her tribe and the continent. Her mother gifted her an enchanted book from the collapsed portion of the volcano before she died, but she’s unaware of what it does, and honestly, she doesn’t want to know. She doesn’t bother it, she ain’t stupid.

  • @DemonTheHiveWonk-wr5ls
    @DemonTheHiveWonk-wr5ls Рік тому +2

    My oc, Starslayer is related to Morrowseer who is strong, cheerful, and cunning. When they first found out their animus powers, they started showing it off to everyone he knew. Some dragons would fear him because they would receive a big punishment if they just ignored him as he showed off his powers. Although he is very mean to those around him, his sister, Visionkeeper, she gets picked on by Moonwalker, which really makes Starslayer get on his nerves. He likes using his powers to make the ones picking on his sister feel the same fear and pain. When his mother and father died, they received a key that was animus touched. He soon realized the key was for a mysterious, bloody notebook. It revealed the notes of the great and only Albatross. The notes showed all of his animus touched items and how he did it. Two of them that really got his attention was the chef's knife and the spear Albatross enchanted. He set the book of his desk and walked into his kitchen. He snatched the knife, "Make this knife kill whoever I want by their name and by thinking of their image." Starslayer whispered to the knife. "Moonwalker." And then the knife flew off.

  • @kristenrinkenberg1269
    @kristenrinkenberg1269 Рік тому +1

    Mom :Queen wasp. Rude calm talented and clever: Animus . looks up to mother: necklace enchanted .

  • @Shadow-animations
    @Shadow-animations Рік тому +2

    My character!:
    -I am a descendant from Morrowseer.
    -I am a Talented, Clever, Sweet and Blood Thirsty dragon. (Blood Thirsty could probably be a trait I got later on when I make the story!)
    -I am an animus somehow, and keep my powers.
    -I look up to a hero.
    -I inherited a magical ring, that allows me to move anything with my mind, basically telekinesis.
    My story!:
    I am a Night Wing dragonet named Stargazer! Although I am a descendant from Morrowseer, people still accept me and like me, since I am also related to Moonwatcher. I still look up to my great, great grandmother, as she saved helped the world from Darkstalker! One day my grandpa gave me this strange ring... I didn't know why he gave it to me, but I still wore it every day. Then came my fifth birthday, the day everything went wrong. *Someone is trying to kill us.* I'm not sure why, but I get strange tingles in my head that make me hear things that aren't there, but I'm sure I heard one saying: "Tonight will be the night that I FINALLY erase their bloodline!". I was in a state of panic, my headache intensifying and my talons quivering to the sound of light footsteps on the stone floor. Then a strange Ice Wing popped their head into our cave, and blew some kind of frost-breath-thingy at my father, turning him to ice. "D- DAD!" I yelped, everyone turning to face the frozen statue of what used to be my father. I exploded into a rage of fury and fear, all squishing together inside me, until the Ice Wing flew upwards against the ceiling, blue blood pouring from their mouth with their bones completely snapped. But wait... that's what I wanted to do to him. Everyone in the cave sat still with terror and shock, with my grandpa chuckling. *Why is he chuckling?* I thought to myself. *Shouldn't he be in fear like the rest of us?* "Grandpa?" I asked, "What just happened?". "You did that, Stargazer. You killed him," He replied, "That ring allows you to manipulate anything, to move it break it, whatever you want! All you have to do is imagine it.". My pupils shrunk. *I did this?! Nonononononono.* I went to bed that night, crying. I just wanted this dart to turn the assassinator's mother to ice! Then, the dart flew up and sped out of the cave. *What just happened?...* I was too tired to try to figure it out, so I went to sleep.
    Hope you liked it! Sorry about it being long, hehe.
    Edit: the ending was kinda trash, lol.

  • @BintedBogo
    @BintedBogo Рік тому +4

    Fulmar is a descendent of prince arctic. He is a born animus with an enchanted key, a past icewing animus’ gift. He is bloodthirsty and secretive, yet clumsy. He didn’t grow up in the ice kingdom, as his parents were locked out of the ice wall as punishment for committing heavy treason. As the sandwing succession war was going on when he was born,his parents went into hiding for protection.
    Edit: I did the challenge again, heres the results!
    Combustion is a descendent of flame. He is strong,clumsy and bloodthirsty. He wasn’t born an animus, but has an enchanted key which gives him the same abilities as a dreamvisitor. He looks up to queen scarlet, and despises ruby.

  • @Cinder_on_paws
    @Cinder_on_paws Рік тому +4

    1 ex queen scarlet
    2rude,strong and cheerful
    3. Number: 80 (not animus
    4 a sibling ( a brother)
    5 a cursed necklace
    Yw for playing

  • @meganselvy3034
    @meganselvy3034 9 місяців тому +1

    I descende from whirlpool😭
    Shy, cheerful, Calm (how?)
    Born animus
    I look up to my friends!
    I got this magicl book!

  • @amelie_books
    @amelie_books Рік тому +3

    Secretwhisperer is a descendant of Darkstalker with animus powers that she was born with. She is bloodthirsty, clever and secretive. She looks up to her best friend, Dreamcatcher, and inherited a magical ring that was enchanted by Darkstalker

  • @marjoriegoeller9890
    @marjoriegoeller9890 19 днів тому +1

    1. Orca
    2. Calm, Sweet, and Poised
    3. Born animus, got rid of her powers
    4. Looks up to her sister
    5. Inherited an enchanted necklace

  • @EverestTheFrostWing
    @EverestTheFrostWing Рік тому +2

    DragonBite is a descendant of Blister.
    she is a strong, clever and violent dragon.
    She was born an animus.
    She looks up to a ruler in history- (scarlet, preferably)
    She has a magic necklace that makes her invisible when she pleases.
    I think she makes sense as blisters descendant

  • @normal_spirit_in_elysium
    @normal_spirit_in_elysium Рік тому +2

    Did this twice for two allied villainous characters:
    *Scoria* is the great-granddaughter of Vulture/daughter of Rattlesnake. Her scales are a dusty grey speckled with darker shades and sandy yellow accents. She has three skull tattoos trailing down her neck representing the three dragons she's killed. She's shy, arrogant, and poised, as she's training to be an assassin. She knows that timing is everything, and finishes everything she starts. She looks up to her friend/ally Downpour. She inherited an enchanted key from her great-grandfather, which she wears on a bracelet chain. It has the power to open any lock.
    *Downpour* is the daughter of Anemone. She has shiny cobalt scales and periwinkle wings. Her luminescent scales glow purple, and her sail is larger than average. She's rude, clever, and secretive. She was born with animus magic, but had it taken away by Turtle in fear she would become a threat. She looks up to her older sister Thalassa, who is seemingly perfect and admired. She inherited Anemone's pearl harness, which she can use as a sort of lasso.

  • @Moonwiing
    @Moonwiing 3 місяці тому +1

    Descendent of Chameleon, blood thirsty, clever and rude, was born an animus, looks up to their fellow rainwing and night wing friends who were cast out of the rainforest, even if they were born a seawing(Chameleon could turn into other tribes so this makes sense), and they inherited a magical key which allows them to unlock any door they want to.

  • @UrLocalDemidork
    @UrLocalDemidork Рік тому +1

    I am a descendent of Morrrowseer
    , I am quiet shy and clumsy, I was born an animus but because of the cursed book,my powers disappeared, I look up to my older sister :)

  • @Minaisragen
    @Minaisragen Рік тому +2

    Moonglow is a descendant of Albatross. She is described as cheerful,strong and quiet among (us) the other dragons. And looks up to her mother,Stalagmite who always cheered her up and stayed by her side no matter what,and got inherited a enchanted necklace who makes her able to shapeshift (ripoff version of chameleon's power)

  • @jaceytran
    @jaceytran Рік тому +2

    Iceberg is a descendant from Prince Arctic from the Icewings. He is arrogant, calm, and clever. He is the last animus other than Arctic in the Icewing tribe. He was one of Arctic’s and Foelslayer’s eggs. Unluckily, he was one of the 2 eggs that were an Icewing and not Nightwing animus.
    The other egg that was an Icewing was his sister, Snow, but unfortunately she was not animus, just like him. They were abused their entire childhood until one day, Iceberg found out he was animus. Suddenly, his life shined with potential, but his sister was still not animus. One day, while Iceberg was practicing his magic with Darkstalker, a Skywing jumped out of nowhere and attacked them.
    Luckily, Darkstalker saved both of them and ripped off the Skwing’s wings. Iceberg was horrified, but also glad that he didn’t die and ever since then, he has looked up to Darkstalker, his hero. But, only a month later, Darkstalker was put in a deep, forever sleep. And when the tribe was ready to move away, Iceberg and Snow refused to leave him.

  • @denisadenning2002
    @denisadenning2002 3 місяці тому +1

    Descendant of blister. Persona: poised,clumsy,sweet. They were born an animus. They look up to their father and they inherited a magic key.

  • @lordbreloom2211
    @lordbreloom2211 Рік тому +1

    Descendant of Whirlpool Who is Quiet, Sweet and Clever. They were Born Animus, and look up To A Hero, But Inherited a Cursed ring

  • @legendarybluepegasus2687
    @legendarybluepegasus2687 7 місяців тому +2

    My Wings of Fire OC is a female sandwing named Barb. Years ago during the sand wing war the ex princess burn fell in love with another Sandwing named Black Tail. There were both very happy together. until one day Burn found out that Black Tail was sent by Queen Glacler to spy on Burn and her army. Black Tail confessed that he was a spy but he actually did fell in love with her, Burn doesn't believe him and murdered him right then and there. Next she ordered Smolder to take the egg far away and smash it, Smolder took the egg somewhere far away from Burn Stronghold but he didn't have the heart to smash a helpless egg. So instead he took the egg to the Scorpion Den and leave the egg near someone's doorstep. Years later Barb grew into a beautiful dragon with blonde and black scales. Although she can be rude to others now and again inside she's actually a very sweet dragon. Barb has many friends in the Scorpion Den but her closest friend, the one she looks up to is Six-claws despite her not being a Outclaw herself she always offers to help him with anything he needs. After the war and after Thorn settled into her new Stronghold, the queen invited the Outlaws to the stronghold and Six-claw wanted Barb to come to. Once they arrived Barb was finally able to meet the Queen, Queen Thorn gave Barb some of her new treasures, a ring, her way of saying thank you for always supporting and helping the Scorpion Den and the Outlaws. Once Barb flew back to the Scorpion Den she discovered that the ring she has in her claws is in fact enchanted. The Ring Of Truth a powerful ring that knows all the answers knowing what type of power she has she asks the ring to tell her who her real parents are and that's when she found out that her mother was the evil princess Burn. She was shocked and horrified about the news but despite all of this she decided to keep this new discovery a secret, afraid of what her kingdom would think if they knew who she was descended from

  • @rikz42
    @rikz42 Рік тому +2

    Secretkeeper is a descendent of Prince Arctic, secretive,clever and clumsy, born with animus magic,he looks up to a hero and they inherited A magical book

  • @VeeScree
    @VeeScree Рік тому +1

    sea lion is a descendent of whirlpool, she is shy, calm, but cunning. She was born with animus powers and she is grateful that she still has them. she looks up to her best friend and has an enchanted ring that she never takes off.

  • @Shadziland666
    @Shadziland666 11 місяців тому +1

    Shard and Shatter are two female dragonets who descended from Queen Diamond. They are identical twins,but have different personalities. Shard is arrogant,secretive and poised while Shatter is clumsy,quiet,and sweet. Although they seem different,they both are selfish,rude,and bloodthirsty. They both aren’t animus’s which makes everyone question how they’re related to Queen Diamond. They both look up to each other,how sweet. Shard has an enchanted ring which she rarely takes off. The ring grants her the ability break any object and reconstruct it at her will. Only inanimate objects,not dragons,animals,or humans cause that’s too op. Shatter inherited a cursed ring that could allows her to have any abilities of any tribe of dragons. The price is that if she uses it too much,she will start to decay and use it more and more. Also I wanted twins cuz I wanted to.

  • @-hawk-963
    @-hawk-963 Рік тому +2

    Slate is a cheerful,Clever,secretive Skywing That is a decentant of Queen Scarlet, Slate was surprisingly born animus unfortunately kinda used his powers TOO much that now he’s gone crazy. While not going crazy Slate looked up to his sister ALOT cleverly one day slate found a magical ring and he still was kinda smart enough that he KNEW he was gone crazy he had enchanted the ring to let him be immortal and stop going crazy.

    • @canvas4708
      @canvas4708  Рік тому +2

      This is an interesting character

  • @Ice-Rain_Wing
    @Ice-Rain_Wing 8 місяців тому +1

    Secrethoarder is the secret sibling of Moon, and son of Morrowseer. Secrethoarder’s traits are secretive, shy, and violent. He also secretly enchanted a ring by Darkstalker’s scroll for him to be an animus. Secrethoarder looks up to his friend, Fatespeaker who he secretly hung out with. Sadly, he died in the volcano trying to run after his dad.

  • @v3dragonfire984
    @v3dragonfire984 Рік тому +1

    Prince Sulfurbronze, Queen Scarlet's great-nephew is a sandwing/skywing hybrid animus.His personality is a strange blend of quiet,cheerful,and also violent.He looks up to the Dragonets of Destiny and Jade Winglet fondly, as they were great heroes unlike the villian he was descended from.His royal gaurd Maurias gave him an heirloom (enchanted amulet) made of skyfire and nightwing teeth as a young dragonet.He is happily engaged to a decendant of Whiteout named Forlorn,a rain/night/ice tribrid male.(I had fun doing this and I finally get a decent backstory for my WOF Roblox skywing oc!) 😁

  • @TaroMM2
    @TaroMM2 4 місяці тому +1

    Constellation is a dark and black nightwing descendant Morrowseer. She is shy and quiet, though she can be quite rude. She is animus, though she was not born with those powers. She looks up to her father and wants to become as fierce and strong as him. She has an enchanted necklace around her neck that her father gave her for birthday. Even if she’s only a dragonet, she wants to explore the world and love great adventure.

  • @deboraluz27
    @deboraluz27 Рік тому +1

    Vespid is a hive-rain hybrid descended from queen wasp
    she is quiet, bloodthirsty and secretive, often seen skulking in a corner, planning her next attack or reading a book about dragon anatomy
    She can shoot venomous spikes out of her tail and back aswell as having the ability to camouflage her scales, making her an exellent spy and assasin
    She looks up to her father, who was the one that raised her and trained her to be as deadly of an assasin as she could be
    She posesses an enchanted key that was gifted to her by her mother before she left, it allows her to unlock any lock, gate, box or eaven a dragon's mind if she tried hard enough

  • @artisticbirdies
    @artisticbirdies Рік тому +6

    Jewel is a skywing, her mother is ex Queen Scarlet, but the father is unknown. she is very arrogant, but talented as well, although quite secretive, but yet bloodthirsty. she's only alive because she isn't an animus, otherwise Scarlet would've killed her by now. she discovered a magical book in a library once, and everything she writes in it comes true. Jewel is a lot like her mother in ways, and plans on assassinating Queen Ruby, as revenge for taking Scarlet's place, (or so they thought) but really she just wants to take it for her self.
    ive made 2 other OC's from this challenge, and drawn both of those other OC's.
    Edit: forgot to mention, Jewel is the only name i could think of tbh, and no its definitly not like theres a hivewing called Jewel ;_;

  • @randomfurry7721
    @randomfurry7721 Рік тому +3

    Descended from Scarlet. Sweet, cunning, and talented, and is an animus (1). Looks up to a past ruler (Scarlet? 🤨), and has inherited a cursed key.

    • @canvas4708
      @canvas4708  Рік тому +3

      The ✨cursed key✨ what does it do?

    • @randomfurry7721
      @randomfurry7721 Рік тому +2

      I'll have to figure that out :'D

    • @Octavia_Goetia_666
      @Octavia_Goetia_666 Рік тому +1

      @@canvas4708 maybe it makes her loyal to Scarlet like Peril’s necklace

    • @canvas4708
      @canvas4708  Рік тому +1

      @@Octavia_Goetia_666 Yeah, but Peril had a necklace?

    • @pinklights9712
      @pinklights9712 8 місяців тому +1

      @@canvas4708 Yep! In Peril Rising, Scarlet made Chameleon enchant a necklace (using Darkstalker's scroll) to make Peril completely loyal to Scarlet, lose her firescales, and forget Clay! These attributes were lost, however, when Peril removed the necklace.

  • @lightbulbII2763
    @lightbulbII2763 2 місяці тому +1

    Iguana is the daughter of chameleon and some other unknown rainwing sometime after chameleon lost darkstalker's scroll.
    Iguana is cheerful but shy, And also sweet. She's an animus, but hides it because if she told her father, he would most likely abandon her. She also just doesn't like being an animus in general. (she was born an animus) She looks up to queen glory (I got a hero) because of her natural queen paths and actual royalty. Unlike the queens before Glory who Iguana hates.
    She has a cursed necklace that her father gave her that makes her always trust him and never want to take it off.

  • @jellyham8910
    @jellyham8910 Рік тому +2

    I got a descendent of queen scarlet (yay), my oc is not an animas, my oc is rude, selfish, and strong, my oc looks up to friends and siblings, and the magical object is a ring.

  • @SecretLifeOfSharChar
    @SecretLifeOfSharChar Рік тому +3

    Blusta is a Sandwing descended from Vulture. She is cursed by a key so other dragons see her as a monster. She was very calm, strong, and bloodthirsty in the past, she became very animus when she was cursed but not animus in the very past. Blusta used to look up to their kind and loving mother but after their curse they changed and killed their mother for " Fun". They then looked up to Vulture, their descendant. Backstory later?

    • @canvas4708
      @canvas4708  Рік тому +2

      Blusta is such an interesting name, I like it ^^

  • @BethanWright-go4me
    @BethanWright-go4me 5 місяців тому +1

    Cerastes was a young energetic and rightfully fierce young SandWing. Her mother, Blister dropped her off at the Scorpion Den when she was one, and wished to never see her again. She is rather smart, and figured out early on that she was magic. She looked up to the first SandWing Queen, who I’ll call Caracal. She was a wise and merciful ruler, something Cerastes wanted to be. Blister left her with a cursed book, and when Cerastes opened it, it cursed her to see shadows and have terrible visions. She hates her power, and lives alone near an abandoned oasis.

  • @OrchidRBLX
    @OrchidRBLX Рік тому +2

    Name: Silvia
    Tribe/type(s): HiveWing/SandWing (HYBRID)
    Lives at: Pantala near Poison Jungle (Doesn't live near any HiveWings instead lives with LeafWings and is raised by them).
    Villain related to: Chameleon
    Personality: Shy, calm and quite
    Was BORN a Animus
    Looks up to father
    Has a magical necklace and a cursed key
    Name: NeonStars
    Tribe/type(s): NightWing/LeafWing
    Lives at: Pyrrhia in the Sand Kingdom because both of her parents died and she lives with her SandWing mother (at least she thinks she is her REAL mother. She travels to Pantala sometimes with her (step) mother).
    Villain related to: Ex Queen Scarlet
    Personality: Sweet, calm and quite
    NOT a Animus
    Looks up to: A hero (Queen Glory)
    Has a: Enchanted necklace

  • @Spirit_the_ghostwing
    @Spirit_the_ghostwing Рік тому +3

    Hybrid or Single tribe?:Hybrid yes Night/sea
    Born animus?:yes (got 1)
    Ascended from?:DARKSTALKER(I don’t know how but I ain’t complaining)
    Looks up to?:Past ruler (darkstalker because why not)
    Enchanted or Cursed item?:Enchanted key (she uses the key for evil she can transform into any dragon she wants can change color,change tribe ect.)

  • @Pikminthusiast
    @Pikminthusiast 10 місяців тому +1

    This is in the time where the Dragonet Prophecy, Jade Mountain Prophecy and Lost Continent Prophecies have been considered historical and had happened approximately three thousand years ago. So technically Chameleon is this OC’s ancestor.
    Sunflower is a RainWing female 7-year old dragonet with primarily yellow scales that fades to a lime-green to her talons and tail. She was brown-grey seed-like spots along her body and dark brown wing and frill membranes. She has green-yellow eyes and a darker golden head with grey claws, horns and spikes. She is a descendant of Chameleon. She has a sapphire bracelet that she stole from a jewellery store, and a short but dangerously sharp knife attached to it that she can shrink it into the bracelet to hide. She also has a topaz earring from her friend.
    She lives in the rainforest and has the natural cheerful personality, has a longer sun time. This is because she is usually more active at night when the RainWings are asleep. She fully recognises her cheerfulness, but will use her venom intentionally, however no RainWing has seen her do that. She is more clever than other RainWings, and is very secretive. She has many secrets that she keeps to herself with her life, nobody but her knows them. She may become violent when somebody figures out her secrets and tries to spread them, and kills them to remove all possible evidence of dragons knowing it. She is a villain. She can quickly make up stories and lies, so she likes to make mysterious stories. Her overall goal is to gain powers from all tribes by making a lab so that she can find a way to make dragons lose their abilities and give it to her, so she can manipulate everyone’s memories to rule the world.
    Sunflower possesses a key that has been cursed by an unknown NightWing animus thousands of years ago. It enables her to see any dragon’s memories, unless the key is touching the dragon. If it is in contact to their chest, it lets them change the memories, whether it be forgetting them, adding them or making extremely major changes. This lets her manipulate her victims, including the dragons who think are friends with her. Even if a dragon sees Sunflower kill a dragon, she can simply erase them by putting the key to the dragon’s chest. She sees the memories like animations or pictures if they are faint or old. Once the key touches the dragon, Sunflower will be able to access newer memories of that dragon, but cannot change it unless the key is on their chest. The curse on the key makes Sunflower lose some of her own earliest memories, but can restore them if she is reminded of them.
    Sunflower looks up to her friend named Elegance. She is slightly more skilled and older than Sunflower, and has more experience. She is a thief, and steals for her own survival. She does not know about Sunflower’s secrets, but only knows that she makes mystery stories revolves around her occupation. Elegance gave the topaz earring to Sunflower. Elegance is very agile and swift, and when she steals she usually takes small amounts of things so dragons don’t notice that she stole from them. Elegance has forest-green scales with spots of other colours all over her body, making her blend into her natural environment without her camouflage. She is merciless, as she will immediately kill dragons who try to stop her from completing her theft by spraying venom to their eyes.

  • @XxNight_WolfiexX
    @XxNight_WolfiexX Рік тому +1

    Blister - sweet, strong, shy - not an animus - looks up to my father - inherited a magical key.

  • @Thistlez-4
    @Thistlez-4 Рік тому +3

    Drowned is a almost white-blue seawing born an animus, she descends from princess/queen anemone and she was smart arrogant and secretive.she had white wings and webs and a slightly pink underbelly, her eyes where purple. She looked up to her sister Jade, and her goal in lfe was to someday become queen, but she killed her sister and mother and some dragonets she knew because of her animus magic and ended up in prison at her young age, soon she managed to eacape and her entire tribe died. i love this so much 👏👏

    • @canvas4708
      @canvas4708  Рік тому +2

      Loved reading this and I'm happy you like my pause game

  • @DuskTheSpiderSilkWing
    @DuskTheSpiderSilkWing 10 місяців тому +1

    Wayfinder is the descendant of Darkstalker. She quite selfish but also very calm and cunning. She inherited Darkstalkers animus magic, she looks up to her older brother Shadowfall. Without knowing she inherited a cursed necklace!

  • @USA_is_okay
    @USA_is_okay Рік тому +1

    Raven is a kind, clumsy, and strong nightwing. She is desended from darkstalker and is an animus. She was given animus powers by her freind Eye-eye, a rainwing with animus powers. She lives on Pantala. She owns a cursed key that if it is touched to a dragons scales it can tell you their deepest secret.

  • @Nyxzdragonzz
    @Nyxzdragonzz Місяць тому +1

    Kimotø of the NightWings is a descendant of Darkstalker. Kimotø has a secretive, cunning, talented personality. Kimotø is not an animus, yet wears an animus touched shoulder band his mother gave him (since she was an animus) before her death. Since then, he has always looked up to his mother from heaven.

  • @haddisteffen2897
    @haddisteffen2897 Рік тому +2

    Twilight Is a calm, rude and selfish animus born Night-wing decended from Darkstalker. She has a bit of white specks around her eyes and along her back. She is redish black with aroura like star patterned wings. She looks up to her father, BloodMoon who gave her a cursed-necklace

  • @Silly468
    @Silly468 Рік тому +2

    I am a descendant of Queen Scarlet. I am bloodthirsty, clever, and aggressive. I was born an animus. I inherited a magical key, which I don't know what the purpose of it it yet. I look up to Queen Scarlet.

  • @Cinnawill
    @Cinnawill Рік тому +1

    Crystalline is an Icewing who is the descendant of Queen Diamond. She is cheerful and talented but rude and secretive. She is an secretly an animus but the Icewing kingdom does not know about it. She looks up to her brother, Everest as he is very brave yet kind. She has an enchanted key who was given to her by her mother, Crystal, Snowfall’s sister.

  • @-BugFangz-.
    @-BugFangz-. 2 місяці тому +1

    Peregrine is a small female Skywing. Shes a decendant of Queen Scarlet(Scarlet being her like.. great-great grandmother or something..). Shes rude, calm, and secretive. She was born an animus, but she wears an enchanted ring that seals away her powers(I think that counts-). She has a sister, whom she looks up to a lot

  • @FriendofOwls.and.Titans
    @FriendofOwls.and.Titans Рік тому +1

    Princess Bobtail is a green seawing with a bit of dark teal patterning mixed in with some pinks, named after the Bobtail Squid. She is about a year older then Tsunami. Before Orca had challenged her mother, she (In my au she challenges her mother when she's 12) met another dragon, his name was Starfish and he was a strange pink seawing. She ended up having an egg with him but was too preoccupied to care. She enchanted the statue to let her egg live, and placed it in the royal hatchery, she was raised as if she was Coral's child, and everyone (Including Coral) thought she was.
    Princess Bobtail is a calm, quiet and talented dragon. She inherited her grandmothers love of writing and she loves all things art. She is very good at them and is also a skillful fighter. Little did anyone know, she was also born an animus, like her mother. The animus test shocked Coral, and scared her a bit, with her resemblance to Orca. Coral came to see that Bobtail wasn't planning on taking the throne anytime soon. She looks up to Sunny for how she dealt with being underestimated and how she remained positive. Bobtail inherited a ring from Orca, Coral said it would be better for her to have it because keeping it on Coral gave her too much sadness. The ring lets her see and feel through other dragons eyes, without their knowledge.

  • @jelenasehovac3640
    @jelenasehovac3640 Рік тому +1

    desent from queen scarlet, rude, calm and clumsy, she looks up to her mother, has a magical key, anddddd that's all! WOW THAT WAS FUN LOL!!

  • @dumnani
    @dumnani Рік тому +1

    Blake is a night wing descented from darkstalker, he is very secretive arrogant and shy. Since he is very secretive he never showed of his animus powers and rarely used them. He looks up to his father The Darkstaler. Blake always obeyed his fathers orders before he started going evil and was therefore enchanted a golden necklace.

  • @CrabRang00n
    @CrabRang00n Рік тому +1

    A descendant of Anemone, selfish, violent, and quiet. She wasn’t born with animus powers, but somehow received them later in life. She looks up to her brother and inherited a cursed book.
    I can’t wait to flush out this character! This was a great pause game, I hope you make more in the future!

  • @ZephyrWCUE
    @ZephyrWCUE 3 місяці тому +1

    Dusk is the grandson of Ex-Queen Blister. He is a clever, cunning, and sometimes violent young male. Dusk is an animus, however, he was not born with these mysterious powers. He is a bit confused on how to use them… Deep down, he wants to use them for evil, to rule over his tribe! But on the other claw… he feels confused and lonely. He also wants to use them for good, to help his tribe. He looks up to his deceased older brother, who was an assassin for his tribe. He was courageous and strong. He also inherited a cursed object from his brother after he died… A necklace. He wears it everywhere he goes, but doesn’t know the secrets that are hidden deep inside its past…

  • @explodingdragonstudios
    @explodingdragonstudios Рік тому +6

    Sandstorm is a descendant of ex queen burn whom has a cursed necklace. Growing up, she looked up to her sister scorpion and had a calm yet kind personality. Their mother died when sandstorm was young to the war and since then, they’ve been hunting down her killer… will they succeed? You’ll have to find out 🙃

  • @Blue_drawsw0f
    @Blue_drawsw0f 4 місяці тому +1

    Mirage's father, Vulture was.... an interesting dragon. But she helped him no matter what. When she was older she left him with her friends, soon finding a necklace. Her friends say she acted different after she started wearing the necklace, almost like it was controlling her. They managed to remove it a few times and Mirage pleaded them to help her. A... dragon in her dreams. Mirage disappeared one day, coming back as an animus. She started looking up to the ex skywing queen, Queen Scarlet. Mirage always fought with her friends before leaving them aswell. She has had breakdowns from seeing black figures of famous dragons who lived many years ago. Dragons have called her rude and strong, also clever.

  • @goddessdeedeebubblesofimag7789

    1: Chameleon. I can see this fitting pretty well with anything Pyrrhian.
    2: Quiet, cheerful, clumsy. Huh.
    3: 100....? 1! Animus!!! but they weren't born with it...................
    4: They look up to a friend! sweet!
    5: oop- looks like they inherited a cursed key..........
    So I could be looking at basically any Pyrrhian tribe here, thanks to Chameleon's kooky little scroll piece. My character probably doesn't even know about Chameleon, and has probably only vaguely heard of one of his non-Rainwing personas at best. That is, if they're anything but a Rainwing. They could still be Rainwing. Hell, they could be a hybrid.
    They are quiet, yet cheerful and clumsy. They probably don't talk much, but always smile and stumble around, being supportive of their friends that they really look up to. They're probably on the younger side of things, probably knowing few dragons outside of their friend group. Perhaps one of their friends is older and sort of like a bigwings?
    or perhaps they _are_ a bigwings and I'm looking at a Mudwing? or at least a Mudwing hybrid? But if they're a hybrid, all their siblings would be a hybrid, too. Would that make them outcasts or weirdos? I don't know.
    But one day, they find an odd key somewhere, in the mud if I follow through with the whole Mudwing thing. The key is what gives them their animus magic, but the curse factor is that with every use, that lost strip of soul is sent to a small box the key is linked to. This box and the key follow the same/a very similar design, and are nowhere near each other on Pyrrhia. Unlocking the box will restore that soul, but there might be a cost. Idk [what] yet though. The most basic I can think of is "if you unlock the box, you get your soul back, but you lose your magic".
    This potentially paints a story. A young Mudwing grows up with/looks up to her siblings, when one day she finds an odd key. Ever since she picked it up with her talons, she could feel them tingle. She somehow obtains an incentive to keep the key, and eventually things happen that lead to her, her siblings, or both to find the box before it's too late.
    Oh, and I guess none of them know who their father is, but Mudwings don't necessarily care about that, anyway.

  • @niko1323
    @niko1323 Рік тому +1

    Darkstalker talented bloodthirsty and strong. Animus #7. Looks up to father and has a magical key.

  • @eileencaglee
    @eileencaglee Рік тому +6

    cheerful, rude, talented
    70 (non-born animus made one later in life)
    looks up to a sister
    Kelp is a beautiful dark green SeaWing,he has dark blue eyes, he is the youngest of Queen Corals kids. His mother gave him a ring that was supposed to help him be smart, apparently, he didn't believe that for a second.
    The story starts at...
    "KELP!" His mother called 'Why am I the only boy that mom remembers' he thought
    "Come on you have to be tested if your an animus or not" She said
    "Coming Mother" he replied as he ran after his mother
    They swam through the ocean and got to the island
    Kelp wasn't expecting anything special to happen to him...
    When it was his turn...
    the cocunut flew out of his hands... he looked at the cocunut shocked
    His mother whisked him away...
    Part 2 even though we’re at 4 likes
    Queen Coral brought him to the SeaWing palace and said “Don’t let anyone know about your powers, if people know, they know, if they don’t, don’t tell them”
    “Why, you told everyone about Anonme’s powers”
    “I was stupid then, it’s for your own safety”
    She gave Kelp a ring,”This will keep your soul safe against all spells you cast”
    “o-ok” Kelp said overwhelmed
    "You’re going to be taught how to be a responsible amisus by Turtle and Anemone”
    “Wait, what about Jade Moutain you said I can go there”
    “Not until you prove to me that you’re responsible”
    ‘No fair, she’s treating me different because I’m the youngest’ Kelp thought
    “Go to bed, it’s late…” Queen Coral said as someone yelled
    “SOMETHINGS HAPPENED TO AUKLET” the guard yelled in a hurry
    “i-i’m so sorry i didn’t mean too-“
    “SHUT UP, now if you don’t find her within the next day i will- i don’t k kw what i will do, but it’ll be bad”
    “wait mother i can just-“ kelp cut off quickly remembering what his mother just told him
    “can what?” she asked
    Kelp grabbed a fishing net and said “find auklet and bring her here, unharmed”
    Then the fishing net flew up swiftly and went out of the room
    Queen Coral looked at Kelp in shock, “w-wow you’re better than i thought”
    “d-don’t tell anyone what you saw” kelp told the guard
    The guards eyes glazed over for a second then came back to normal
    before kelp could react there was a woosh of current and the net came back
    The net had a whimpering, bleeding, bruised Auklet
    “what happened”
    Kelp and Queen Coral said at the same time
    Auklet stood up the saidwith a whimper “…”
    “i-i have no idea” auklet said
    “i was chasing a little fish when everything went dark…”
    “MY POOR LITTLE BABY, i’m never letting you off your harness again!” Queen Coral exclaimed
    “mom! i’m almost 5!! i’m to old to be on a harness”
    “Kelp, do you think Auklet should be on a harness” Queen Coral said looking him dead in the eye
    “um-i-uh.. i’m really tired i’m going to go to sleep” he said quickly before rushing out of the room
    Kelp could feel his mother’s eyes glaring at him and he quickly walked to his room
    Kelp was laying down on his bed of sea weed when a thought came into his mind
    ‘what does this ring truly do, mother said it’s to keep my soul safe… but i don’t know how much i trust that…’
    He tried to slip it off, but it stayed there, he remembered it was to big at first… like it has tightened within the first few minutes.
    He started to panic “Get off of me ring” he whispered to the the ring, it didn’t move, it started getting tighter.
    “no, no please stop” he exclaimed
    suddenly it stopped, “what was that” he said, out of curiosity he said “what are you enchanting to do, write it down on this scroll”
    the ring moved off his talon, he couldn’t move… like he had been enchanted, it was only for a brief moment until the ring got back on his talon
    he walked over to the scroll and it said…

    • @canvas4708
      @canvas4708  Рік тому +1

      Where did she take him???

    • @eileencaglee
      @eileencaglee Рік тому +1

      @@canvas4708 you’ll see 😜

    • @canvas4708
      @canvas4708  Рік тому +2

      @@eileencaglee I'll wait . . .😶‍🌫

    • @eileencaglee
      @eileencaglee Рік тому +1

      @@canvas4708 I’m gana make it now bc i’m bored

    • @eileencaglee
      @eileencaglee Рік тому +1

      @@canvas4708 next parts up

  • @Tabitha_On_Paws
    @Tabitha_On_Paws 6 місяців тому +1

    The royal descendent of Albatross, Starfish is a sea wing as young as 1 with bright hues of gold-ish yellow on her fins and wings, dull light blue scales and underbelly. She is innocent and sweet, quite not understanding of the world and strives towards the rainwing kingdom. She admires some queen in the rainwing kingdom, which she had heard from to be cunning but nice! (Heh, not telling you) she was given an ‘enchanted’ necklace later on.

  • @kaelynyx
    @kaelynyx Рік тому +1

    descendant of: diamond
    personality traits: bloodthirsty, clever, selfish
    looks up to: mother
    inherited: cursed necklace

  • @falamadur
    @falamadur Рік тому +1

    flame is their grand pops
    shy strong quiet
    he looks up to his dad
    he got a magic necklace (nice)

  • @aidenl.6702
    @aidenl.6702 Рік тому +2

    My OC was born from Morrowseer and looks up to their brother. Though not an animus, they are quite talented with help of an enchanted necklace given by their brother. They are poised and can be a bit rude at times.

  • @qihan1033
    @qihan1033 Рік тому +1

    My decant is anemone then for my other thing I got rude poised and then I got sweet

  • @Nico_fan11
    @Nico_fan11 Рік тому +1

    well... albatraoz sweet number-50 and it looks up to parent the father

  • @rosenevin6979
    @rosenevin6979 Рік тому +1

    I am descended from Albatross. I am arrogant, violent, and bloodthirsty. I am not an anamis. I look up to my older sister. I wear a cursed ring that curses me to never speak or take it off, and it is indestructible.

    • @canvas4708
      @canvas4708  Рік тому +1

      OMG!!! WHAT A CURSE!!!😱😱😱😱😍😍🤩I love itttt! It's bone-chillingly thrilling!

  • @The_Tortured_Poets_Department1
    @The_Tortured_Poets_Department1 8 місяців тому +1

    A descendant of Darkstalker! Quiet and clever, not born as an animus (but is), looks up to her sister, and as an enchanted book!

  • @Firebird-ef5zn
    @Firebird-ef5zn Рік тому +1

    Nightglider is a descendant of Queen Battlewinner. She's quiet, calm, and clumsy. she was born with Animus magic. She looks up to her big brother, starhunter. she inherited an enchanted necklace that allows her to see and talk with the ghosts of past nightwing royalty, though she doesn't know it's the necklace that allows her to do so.