Voting Coalitions and Director's Law

  • Опубліковано 4 сер 2009
  • The Robin Hood Myth: Dr. Milton Friedman explains why most government programs designed to help the poor ultimately benefit the middle-classes at the expense of the very people they were intended to help. This is Director's Law of Public Income Redistribution. Friedman also explains why the middle-classes receive no net benefit and may be worse off due to a fallacy of composition.
    Read George Stigler's article in "Chicago Studies in Political Economy"‎ (Page 106):
    Video excerpts from:
    Milton Friedman Speaks: Lecture 02, "Myths That Conceal Reality"
    Milton Friedman Speaks: Lecture 05, "What Is Wrong with the Welfare State?"


  • @CapitalismPrevails
    @CapitalismPrevails 11 років тому +6

    Filled my quota for listening to Milton Friedman today until another day.

  • @user-vo6jd7fu4n
    @user-vo6jd7fu4n Рік тому

    your videos are very good and have a wide message thank you

  • @Mightfox
    @Mightfox 11 років тому

    Thanks! I'll check it out.

  • @quinnrasta
    @quinnrasta 11 років тому +1

    Watch "Market Failures" on youtube. He admits free markets cant solve all problems, just that they are better than the alternative. He states that just because the market forces cannot do it, doesn't mean government can.

  • @Sivels
    @Sivels 14 років тому

    he speaks in a funny way.. I like his defense of the free market, there should be many more like him today

  • @bluefootedpig
    @bluefootedpig 13 років тому

    @Sivels We have a few. Ron Paul, Jesse Venture are both very strong on that line of thinking. Also, many that run for lower offices have this view, but they need votes as their party only pulls at best, 10% of the votes. Nothing will change as long as nothing changes.

  • @miiiikku
    @miiiikku 14 років тому

    I hate how people take his words litterally. He speaks of economy as separated system from the rest of the world but in reality there are so much more elements and goals. Every scientest has to talk about his field as separated from the rest of the world, so principally there is nothing wrong what he is saying, just how people understand him.

  • @bluefootedpig
    @bluefootedpig 13 років тому

    @kja5 The national debt is just some bits in a computer somewhere. Just like our paper money has 0 in actual value. We all play monopoly every day.

  • @bluefootedpig
    @bluefootedpig 13 років тому

    @Chris4lap If only I could find that bit, and flip it... if only... wait! i saw a documentary on this called tron. I'll go research it :P

  • @Chris4lap
    @Chris4lap 13 років тому

    @bluefootedpig Yeah sure and greece's financial crisis can be fixed by changing "some bits in a computer somewhere". Despite last year's 110 billion euro bail-out and the introduction of harsh austerity measures, the country has been unable to balance its books. Now, with a second bail-out under negotiation, the country's financial problems are threatening the credibility of the entire eurozone. GO FIND THAT COMPUTER SOMEWHERE AND FIX THE BITS!!

  • @kja5
    @kja5 14 років тому

    These days it is SPEND SPEND SPEND! The national debt is just a meaningless number that can be added to indefinitely, right?

  • @ManiTati
    @ManiTati 12 років тому

    "enlightened Americans"
    lol. omg the oxymoron x)

  • @Mightfox
    @Mightfox 12 років тому +1

    Global equilibrium by leaving everything to market forces? lol, not a convincing video at all, does nothing to actually tackle the problems of programs and solutions, just some loose talking points to create some emotional impact with a light intellectual veneer. I have not read/watched more from him, however.