bath chat: journals

  • Опубліковано 16 січ 2025


  • @ImNotAMuggleDuh
    @ImNotAMuggleDuh 6 років тому +67

    something about your videos always makes me feel like I've just come back from a day at the beach and the whole house smells like sunscreen + coconut. also really enjoyed the finsta discourse!!

  • @Sophie-ce3xx
    @Sophie-ce3xx 6 років тому +4

    i've been journalling continuously since 2015 and fun fact! inspiration to start journalling again was from eden's on being 17 video! i need to journal to work through all of my feelings and also reflect on everything that happened during the day :)

  • @itsleviosaa
    @itsleviosaa 6 років тому +2

    i have a little physical journal but i don't write in it as consistently as i would like to. i love using it for lists. i also have a peach account and thats more for random thoughts like "wow i just saw a strange thing on the internet". i find both really helpful. i like journalling and processing before i make big decisions or grapple with huge emotions. but also i'm a sagittarius so its hard to stick to that. but shoutout to journals and meditating!

  • @livvilovesmacbarbie
    @livvilovesmacbarbie 6 років тому +2

    My journal is physical and similar to nesha I like to include drawings, photos, bracelets from events, ect. At one point in my life my journal was mainly sad/upsetting accounts from my day but i have now recognized the importance of expressing joy and gratitude. I love my journal!

  • @kaitlynlane9143
    @kaitlynlane9143 6 років тому +4

    This. This I need. 🥰 I literally just broke down last night because I didn’t know how to Journal or anything and I basically made a journal entry based around how I didn’t know how to journal

  • @Lidiabayne
    @Lidiabayne 6 років тому +3

    I’ve kept a diary since I was seven and this video reminded me to write in it today. I consider those notebooks my most valuable possessions because if everything else fails, if the internet fails, if my hard drive fails, if my brain fails, I have a physical record of who I have been for the last 14 years.

  • @anne-mariechicoine5973
    @anne-mariechicoine5973 6 років тому +3

    That was an incredible discussion, I really agree about your vision of journaling

  • @nicolerosito2357
    @nicolerosito2357 6 років тому +3

    I've kept some sort of a journal since I was about 12. However, i was very aware of the fact that my parents, mostly my dad, felt at liberty to read my journals if they saw them lying around in the open. Because of this a lot of my journals are written in coded language or only hint at the things I am writing about without ever being conclusive. Also, I was most heavily into journaling at the points in my life when my mental health was at its worst. At this point my mental health is doing pretty good and I dont feel this desperate burning need to write down my thoughts and feelings. I still keep a journal, but it gets filled much more slowly and I mostly use it to plan and make to do lists.

  • @echodobrz
    @echodobrz 6 років тому +13

    I've always wanted to get into journaling because I tried as a kid and couldn't keep up the pace. Also, I recently re-read Perks of Being a Wallflower, and realized that I want to keep track of my high school memories. In a week I'll be starting my Sophmore year, and I think this video was the final push I needed. I'm off to find a notebook!

  • @august3799
    @august3799 6 років тому +2

    i have the same flowers in my Kitchen Vase! solidarity!

  • @mealswithmazzi2650
    @mealswithmazzi2650 6 років тому +4

    You have inspired me so much as a poet and person, and you've encouraged me to explore and try slam poetry (and I absolutely LOVE it).

  • @achilleus9918
    @achilleus9918 6 років тому +6

    I've kept a journal since I was nine :) actually longer than that, my mum used to write for me and I'd dictate, when I was five - just a sentence or two about my day, and I'd draw pictures. It was adorable. But book one was when I was nine and I was just writing for myself and it wasn't very emotional but gradually I started to write more about how I felt - I have fifteen years and 77.5 journals full of teenage angst and drawings and collage and poetry and all sorts. Lists of songs I'm listening to, to-do lists, magazine clippings, rants about what I'm angry about, things I want to say to people but can't/won't, paintings, song lyrics, I used to write gratitude lists a lot... I sometimes post pages online or even flip-throughs but that's not my intention when I write, and if I do share things there's a lot I cover up with post-it notes. I can't even fully explain WHY I journal now, it's just such an intrinsic part of me now to record my life and write/paint things out.

    • @elise4466
      @elise4466 3 роки тому

      that sounds beautiful, if you do flip throughs anywhere i would love to see but i understand that journals are ultimately quite personal

  • @lexiwhitehead5727
    @lexiwhitehead5727 6 років тому +1

    so many good thoughts about this video!!!! first, bath chats are so wholesome and refreshing i love them. i've kept a physical journal since 8th grade but i used it the most during sophomore year when I was suppperrr emotional and i wrote every time i was feeling any intense emotion, whether it was good or bad. i'm trying to get back into journaling now (senior year) i just bought a new one but have mostly been using it to just keep track of things

  • @Heatherakasuppie
    @Heatherakasuppie 6 років тому +2

    Just yesterday I wrote in my journal for the first time since march! But I also decided that I probably wouldn't write another journal after this because, at 22, and I have many unfinished journals that I allotted for one specific year and then gave up on!!! I don't know how to work my mind around letting go of the structure I try to put into place for myself with these journals.
    When I was in my early teens I definitely was also heavily impacted by dear America! But as I grew up the format changed, but still feels very rigid...I always kinda feel and think that writing is something I could do, but I'm so harsh in myself and so often find myself at a loss for any kind of word that I just give up.

  • @laurynbr00ke
    @laurynbr00ke 6 років тому +2

    I've kept a journal since I was in 10th grade or so. I love having a place to store my thoughts and memories. I'm gonna take on your journal for 10 minutes and start meditating because I'm really going through it. Love the chats! ❤

  • @denisecheeseman339
    @denisecheeseman339 6 років тому +2

    Such a good reminder to write it out!!!especially since I’ve been dealing with so much anxiety starting senior year of college 🙃 thanks as always

  • @heatherhattle4893
    @heatherhattle4893 5 років тому +1

    I have kept the same diary since January of 2012. It's a zwipes notebook and I pop in and out of writing in it. I think it is interesting since I have been writing in it for so long there are snippets of my life. Many of the snippets don't revolve around big events in my life but just moments in time I wanted to document or felt the need to write down my feelings. Lately, I've been incorporating a different style into my journal closer to bullet journaling but it has only been half successful.

  • @fcayhr
    @fcayhr 5 років тому +1

    this video is so interesting n there's so many things to reflect upon, im overwhelmed! ive decided to journal about it

  • @emmaf8264
    @emmaf8264 6 років тому +2

    i LOVE this. i always love dialogue on journals. they’re so important to me. i keep leuchtturm 1917, tho i also started using a mini of theirs and i may convert to the smaller size. so lovely.

  • @breezedampsy7694
    @breezedampsy7694 6 років тому +1

    I've kept a journal since I was ten and have regularly filled about 3-6 books a year. I love including dialogue, because I think it creates such a sense of when you were writing, how people were speaking and not just how you were interpreting it. Lately I have also been including little instax photos which feels like a nice way to include some visuals. I've always had a bit of an issue with morning pages though, the idea that one time of the day is more valuable to write at, or that if you aren't writing the way other "writers" write you are doing it wrong makes me feel pretty frustrated. If they work for you that's great. I am very much not a morning person, and forcing myself into a particular way of writing in the mornings tends to make me feel frustrated and annoyed for the rest of the day.

  • @latestranger
    @latestranger 6 років тому +3

    I keep a physical journal, which I started when I was I twelve or thirteen (I'm 23 now) in anticipation of my first NaNoWriMo. I don't write fiction anymore, but it gets shit out of my head before bed. I've filled six or eight of them in that time, and how often/ how much I write varies a lot depending on various factors in my life. It's totally stream of consciousness, without anything like paragraph breaks. I leave a blank line between days, and I write out the whole date in words in the left margins at the start of each day, just to get my hand moving. I also end each entry with the same line. It's changed a few times, but it's mostly to ritualise finishing writing, because I'm the sort of person who needs that signal that I've finished; I can't just leave something at a random point.

  • @MollyLikovich
    @MollyLikovich 6 років тому +1

    This is one of my favorite videos of yours, thank you 💜

  • @simnum
    @simnum 6 років тому +5

    I genuinely gasped out loud when i saw the notification

  • @faridagohar6516
    @faridagohar6516 6 років тому +3

    Rhiannon makes me want to be a better person

  • @vewytan
    @vewytan 6 років тому

    I would love a video about free writing 😃

  • @MegaRambit
    @MegaRambit 6 років тому +1

    I keep a journal (in the form of cheap notebooks) but I always throw them away. I have a lot of issues with self hatred (I'm starting therapy soon) and don't... Like to be reminded of who/what I am. I'm hoping that will change.

  • @M7ri3ll3
    @M7ri3ll3 6 років тому +2

    You are so beautiful we miss your channel :((

  • @datesims
    @datesims 6 років тому +2

    i have a semi-public online journal blog, then i have an entirely private online journal blog, but i also have a physical journal that i write actual Diary Entries in. currently i'm considering getting a new one, because i got into the habit of only journaling when i was like, reeling so writing in it just to be like "yea y'know i'm actually pretty good today" feels off and i want a diary where i can both write honestly and fully about trauma And just have some days where i'm like "i ate a good grilled cheese sandwich today :-)" without feeling like one is a betrayal of the other.
    i don't even remember when the last time i wrote in that journal is i haven't even looked in it for awhile 🙃

  • @remedywithin
    @remedywithin 6 років тому +2

    I’ve been made fun of for keeping a journal... They called it a diary but I honestly just prefer journal. I actually prefer to keep a physical one and push myself away from the web and everything internet related. But I do enjoy how quickly I can search for a word when I feel stumped. Physical writing seems a bit more difficult but completely more satisfying! But yeah... I think I should possibly try the (10min writing sprints) but them extremely tasking.
    What does everyone recommend for building or (flexing) their grammar muscle? Read more or.... ? Peace and Love!

  • @Flipthedead
    @Flipthedead 6 років тому +1

    I was seventeen when I started journaling. i jotted whatever I was feeling most of it is embarrassing and not elegant but three years into it I notice a tremendous improvement. I'm not writing out of depression or confusion like I know how to channel that thing and make the best of it. writing is a skill so i study great craftsman like eyedea,capital STEEZ, Flatbush zombies, cage,MF DOOM, RZA, Carl Jung, Organ Nash,Eric Jong, Ruth ozeki,katja Rudolph, (I named off a bunch of rappers and authors I enjoy) and this helps.i having nothing els to say. I think I wanted to shout out my idols tbh but thanks if anyone decides to read.

  • @jungkookspuberty637
    @jungkookspuberty637 6 років тому +1

    How old is she

  • @eden
    @eden 6 років тому

    @ me next time