They are so sweet! Nathan and Felix are very charming and precious. Would have love to see them on the show from the start, but thinks like this happens. It’s so good to see them now and getting to know more about them. Thank you! ❤
Ray's body language & expressions seem awkward when the topic of his 🍸came up. Hope it won't be an issue 4 the lovely couple down the road. Thanks 😊 again 4 giving my comment a shot out🙏!
I apologize if this is not relevant to the video, but I would like to share my thoughts on something Ray said in the first episode of boyscation. He said that a straight man simply hasn't met a man he falls for, and a gay man (like himself) just hasn't met a woman he falls for. This implies that sexual orientation is a choice, but I don't think that's true. Sexual orientation is an integral part of a person's identity and isn't influenced by external factors like who they meet. Ray’s statement can invalidate the identities of LGBTQ+ individuals and may even encourage some parents to try the harmful practice of conversion therapy. While I enjoy boyscation and appreciate the progress it represents for the LGBTQ+ community, it's important to be mindful of the power of our words, especially when we're in the public eye.
Yeah I noticed this too. Maybe some people are indeed like that but it's dangerous to make generalizations. I was surprised that segment got aired - at less than 30 seconds into the first episode, it was likely watched by many.
@@danlojolo Can you just imagine what the older generation would think if they saw a strong statement like this on TV? They would probably still hope that someday a gay man would meet a woman and "turn straight."🤦
Nathan 斯文、有禮貎、乖仔、笑容燦爛可愛! 亦希望Felix可以喺this channel more air time - 對佢印象好好,希望可以對佢再加深認識!
Ray 同 Kenny 真係好Sweet 啊😍真係令我期待愛情了😌
Ray同Kenny 真係透過節目一齊左:OOO, 仲要拍完到而家都仲係一齊, 恭喜呀! 希望每個仔仔都開心生活, 未搵倒另一半GE, 快D 搵倒另一個!
Ray&Kenny侧脸都好似样了 “好有夫妻相”ray对Kenny好嘀 我好欣赏Kenny斯文得来煮嘢食又咁叻 祝福你哋
Felix is great ,gentle & talent. He is very good at asking questions which we wanted to know. He can be a MC /host of a program.
Kenny係個暖男 Ray要好好珍惜呀🥰🥰🥰
雖然係最後一集 talk show
好喜歡 Kenny 好純真 ray要 好好 珍惜 這段情 祝福你哋 白頭到老 情不變❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Kenny&Ray好sweet呀💕 继续幸福满满甜蜜满满啦
Nathan 都好靚仔
Ray and Kenny 這一對係冇諗過既、❤☺️☺️☺️、但 Andrew 嗰對就知道唔會 work out
Looking forward to season 2
Ray❤️ Kenny
Love from India 🇮🇳
Can't wait to hear the sweet love story of Ray and Kenny!
5:59 Ray 同Kenny 神同步😳一起舉杯飲、一起放下個杯😂
好鍾意Kenny & ray ❤️
我看過節目後,認識到同性戀的朋友和普通人一樣 渴望愛情,也渴望有人陪伴。祝福他們都找到互相心怡嘅對象結伴同行,漫步人生路!❤🫰
Thank you
The sweetest couple!
Ray & Kenny forever 🥰🥰🥰
Ray依家太瘦喇,如果肥返D會靚仔D 尤其塊面
They are so sweet! Nathan and Felix are very charming and precious. Would have love to see them on the show from the start, but thinks like this happens. It’s so good to see them now and getting to know more about them. Thank you! ❤
I missed what happened to Ho Ho...did they ever explain his exit and felix and Nathan's entrance?
看到这里发现Felix性格好好 主理人好有眼光👏 当然其他仔仔也不差😊
Thanks! Felix is so nice and good ga! 😊
星期一晚10:00見,一樣喺呢個Boyscation UA-cam Channel !
Ray & Kenny so sweet ❤️
Gay is so common all over the world. Fully support your show. Enjoy watching it. And I look forward to watching new series in future.
Thanks so much!
Nathan 真係好正!!
好乖仔 🥹
Nathan同Felix已經有喺12個仔仔齊人嘅主題曲啦,你有冇去Boyscation IG睇過啊?
俾Kenny详细讲讲Ray醉酒会点哈哈哈哈哈 7:15想知😯
Finally. Waited too long for one episode 😂
be the first here
@@2047gc9 what’s up GC9. Hope you are well 😎
Ray 太瘦了,面骨明顯咗,Kenny要谷肥返Ray 呀!
阿Ray都几矜贵啊 7:11 哈哈哈哈哈
Sweet ❤️
😢Carson ❤
(特登隔咗咁耐先說)王生:你之前講過一定要有一對配到其實唔一定講裏面,如果到頭來真係配對唔成功咁咪第二季囉;就唔好做太多,以上就是這個意見。〔建議〕第二是希望如果真係做第二季除咗世界各地合作之外這個頻道播放/之前說的開個小台/其他電視台播放等。第三之前說過的不再重複~!這一句講多次支持咗lgbt+ 十幾年;全家都直嘅,希望今年成功舉辦延期嘅同志運動嘉年華日。。。
究竟仔仔裡面有幾個公主啊? 雍容華貴是不是比較適合用來形容貴妃級? 以後可以叫Ray做「話貴妃]😂
Ray's body language & expressions seem awkward when the topic of his 🍸came up. Hope it won't be an issue 4 the lovely couple down the road. Thanks 😊 again 4 giving my comment a shot out🙏!
相比kiss嗰吓,我更加鐘意 6:01
Nathan is very quite attractive overall tbh 😎👍🏼
Good choice Vinci 🎉
Yes just because they didn’t join from the beginning, not as much chance for audience to know them thoroughly.
Nathan有啲似Andrew, 比較斯文,怕醜同Pure. Felix真係有做主持潛質,好識講嘢同問問題,之後嘅live或者其他節目都希望佢哋兩個多啲出嚟
觉得Nathan 都好man
Hope Andrew can accept Louis. Louis very suitable for him.
But i heard that Andrew and Carson already not together
We cannot judge whether a couple is compatible based on looks or temperament alone.
Didn’t Andrew said he already has someone and that guy also came on the set? Louise also confirmed he is seeing someone.
我想知Nathan有冇同跳舞老師真係有下文 🤔🤔
Ok sure can talk about
@@wongvincivinci thank u Vinci~ and can u please talk this question with Andrew and Louis when they come here?
I apologize if this is not relevant to the video, but I would like to share my thoughts on something Ray said in the first episode of boyscation. He said that a straight man simply hasn't met a man he falls for, and a gay man (like himself) just hasn't met a woman he falls for. This implies that sexual orientation is a choice, but I don't think that's true. Sexual orientation is an integral part of a person's identity and isn't influenced by external factors like who they meet. Ray’s statement can invalidate the identities of LGBTQ+ individuals and may even encourage some parents to try the harmful practice of conversion therapy.
While I enjoy boyscation and appreciate the progress it represents for the LGBTQ+ community, it's important to be mindful of the power of our words, especially when we're in the public eye.
Yeah I noticed this too. Maybe some people are indeed like that but it's dangerous to make generalizations. I was surprised that segment got aired - at less than 30 seconds into the first episode, it was likely watched by many.
@@danlojolo Can you just imagine what the older generation would think if they saw a strong statement like this on TV? They would probably still hope that someday a gay man would meet a woman and "turn straight."🤦
係咁兜圈,已經第2集都冇講catry係米gay, nathan有冇食住上?
@@wongvincivinci 下輯揾Catry同埋街健Marco做班底
本尊在🤭 ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 #boyscation 👍🏻
Kenny is bottom or top?