Sonic: "We have monopoly, twister, scrabble, don't wake daddy except the daddys missing." Stan: "Hi son." Tails' Dad: "Looks like you found him." I can't with Tails' dad. I just can't.
Manic: don't worry dad, I could just cook you a bowl of cereal Mr. Hedgehog: you have got to be kidding me Sonic: yeah Manic, maybe he like burnt Frosted Flakes 'cause they're GREAT! Vector: STOP SHOUTING, I'M EATING!
“Abandoned? You think you were abandoned?!? HAH! That’s hilarious! For all the birthdays, Christmas’, thanksgivings,and graduations you were gone, ABANDON THIS!!!!” Greatest part of the special.
I just love how casual Sonic and Eggman are when they're in the middle of a battle and it's Christmas Eve. It just goes from "I WILL CRUSH YOU, TINY RAT!" to "See you tomorrow! Don't forget to bring plenty of treats!"
@@corphicks3764 Yeah. I remember there was a whole movie about a Christmas in World War 1. I don't remember the name of it, but it was a huge deal and the people involved it took EXTREME care with it due to it's actual impact in the war and history as a whole.
What really surprised me this year was how genuine and heartfelt the story was. The comedy was still great, but the story with Sonic’s dad and how they all handled it was great
Or eaten by a shark, Swept away to the north pole by lighting the water heater through the roof, almost swallowed by a snake, crash into the snow with his house or tackled by Dr Robotnik at the end of the last Christmas video. 😅 Yep, pretty tame this time ey?
@@nicholascurrin6193 Sonic's dad looks like my dad. He is the greatest wotherfricker ever and tries to connect with me only when i did something cool. And he always want to get something from me! And 15 years it like that (or less, cos he live with us a bit). If i met him, he'll got a big facepunch like Sonic's dad get from Aleena!
@@Iwillhavevengeance This particular video game, *"Shadow the Hedgehog" (2005)* ...on either the *Nintendo GameCube,* *PlayStation2,* or the original *Xbox* console (2001-2006). I'd personally go for the Xbox version.
That could be something Comic's Uncle Chuck would say if he was in this universe. Uncle Chuck is Sonic's grandpa from two shows and the Archie Sonic comics pre and post reboot. He's a gentle soul that needs more recognition than the other SatAM Sonic characters.
WakkaSeta No he was retconned to be Sonic’s literal uncle instead of grandpa. Heck, I think it would be better if Sonic found out his dad wasn’t his dad and he got his smooth moves from his “Uncle”. Undertale fans would call him a “Duncle”.
fun fact: in a comic explaining the origin of sonic's power, a man by the name of Ovi Kintobor had been experimenting on hedgehogs, one experiment went wrong thus creating sonic but also mutating Ovi into Dr. Robotnik
- Mama would you like something to drink? -Uh, some tea my boi - what kind? - Hibiscus. I don't know why but i simply could not stop luagh. The vioces in this are all just so fun to listen too.
Agreed. He’s one of those characters you just LOVE to hate. He -Abandoned his family -Treats his kids like trash -Insults others (including the aforementioned kids and their friends) And is an overall greedy, narcissistic douchebag.
Omg, I just love Tails’ dad. He’s so pure and so kind. I really like his personality and how he is so caring. The Prower family is possibly the best family.
As a Sonic fan, is it weird for me to claim the Christmas With Sonic series as my "personal tradition"? I may not be a subscriber (to any UA-cam channel, I rarely use my account only to comment) but for the last 7 years, the one thing I always look forward to every December is Bp's latest Christmas With Sonic video while enjoying the old ones every December. Thats not to say I don't enjoy any of the other content on the channel, such as the Zombies, Scared Stupid and other videos which I like, but when something is habitual on an annual basis thats something of a tradition. So Steve, I just want you to know that you are a contribution to my Christmas traditions. And I like to believe there are thousands more who feel the same way I do. Merry Christmas
Everyone watches the Hallmark Christmas movies. I don’t. I lay down in bed and wrap myself up in a nice blanket and watch these every night. You guys always make the holidays so much better. 💜
This is my Christmas tradition. Watching my favourite characters from my favourite video games celebrating the holidays together as one big happy family.
Honestly, this was worth the wait. It expanded the story even more by adding Sonic’s father, and the fourth-wall breaking jokes genuinely made me laugh. Seriously a great video for this Holliday. Thanks as always and Hooba Dooba!
Man, when is Uncle Chuck coming down for Christmas? Like he shows up in a Santa outfit, "Hey everyone, I made my escape from the retirement home! Wait. There's too many Father Christmas, here."
Well, While this was cool, with them making Sonic have a bad father, I do more prefer Jules the Hedgehog, as he actually cared about him, and the reason he wasn’t around was because he was Roboticized, with his free will taken from him.
I was expecting the typical ending where sonic would forgive his dad but instead i was pleasently surprised and loved it and i loved how we dont ever see his face
Not a single Sprite Cranberry joke Good job. Edit: *I just realized the connection between what Sonic's Mom said in the first Christmas with Sonic and this one.* Edit: *You know what I just need to rewatch all of them now. It's legit been a year.*
The Award to most Disrespectful Father Goes to.....Stan The Hedgehog For Leaving His Family, Insulting his two sons, and selling sonic out as Christmas merch
Sonic: All right. We've got Monopoly, Twister, Scrabble, Don't Wake Daddy--except the dad's missing. Stan: Hiya, son! Sonic: *Drops board games.* Tails's Dad: Looks like you found him.
Where's Omega at these parties? Sonic: Hey Shadow, why doesn't Omega come with you and Rouge? Shadow: Oh, he doesn't celebrate Christmas. Sonic: Figures, he's a robot. Shadow: Oh no, Omega's Jewish. Sonic: WHAT?! Cut way to Omega singing Hava Nagila
Sonic's dad: So, where are you from with that funny accent? Minnesota? Wisconson? Tails dad: Canada! Sonic's dad: Ahhh! Figures! Tails dad: So sorry, eh. lol
“Ma” Man, that is something beyond all of us. Beautiful. Seriously, great job on this! I love the series, and it’s great to see it back! Plus silver didn’t get mauled by a bear this time
I was hoping to see Sonic’s dad get mauled by a bear too since Silver seems to be bad luck free this time. That would have been even funnier and satisfying to see that jerk get wrecked for all he did to his family
"...Besides the fact that we don't age..." (Haha. True.) “Don’t Wake Daddy, ‘Cept the Dad’s missing... - Hiya son~ - Looks like you found 'em." (Tails' dad is great!) "You botanic-haired pea-brain!" (Sonic, eat a snickers.) "So sorry, eh?" (MY HOMELAND GOT RECOGNITION?!) "Mama, would you like something to drink? - Yeah, some tea. - What kind? - Hibiscus." (10/10 line.) "Gimme that biscuit!" (Sounds like Mrs. Robotnik, alright.) "Are you okay, Mrs. Robotnik?! - No! The biscuit got cold!" (This had me laughing for 3 minutes.)
and here we have an example of an amazing work featuring sonic the hedgehog made by the fans. Also, I can relate to both sonic and Sonya, and I'm more than certain that my mom can relate to Aleena.
oh man, I enjoyed this one, especially When Sonic's mom started to get all vicious because of stan. The father got what he deserved in the end though, by his wife! Damn, now I know never to make her angry or face her Christmas wrath. Nice work again on another Christmas with sonic!
Ahhhhh I love how despite all the shitty cartoons who tell kids to forgive abusive people just gets thoroughly "fuck you"ed in this short! It's beautiful and thank you, Balenaproductions for not spreading the bs about forgiving abusers. Overall, I really do love these shorts and how much time and dedication you put into them! They're wonderful and cheesy - just how Sonic should be. Now... I'm ready for 2019 :3
I laughed at myself after I realized that I had the same face of Sonia, Manic and Tails after Aleena closed the door and came back angry. 😅 Aleena can be more dangerous than Eggman
She reminded me of my dad when my mom tried to slide back into me and my brother's lives after 10 years of ignorance, and neglecting to pay the child support. That was 6 years ago, now my dad has full custody and we're still trying to teach my bro about common sense.
8:41 Alternative version. Stan: "no offense buddy, but the turkey could have been in there a another 4 hours." Shadow: "how dare you." Stan: "huh?" Shadow: "how DARE you insult my cooking!!!" Stan: "h-hey there buddy, calm down." Shadow: "Do you know who I am? I`m Shadow the hedgehog, THE ULTIMATE LIFEFORM!!!!!! YOU SHALL PAY FOR THAT INSULT, AND YOU WILL PAY IN BLOOD!!!!!!!!!!!" Shadow grabs Stan by the throat, rams him through the house and into the backward. Shadow: "CHASO... BLAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Would you like to see Christmas with Sonic Return? Join me on Patreon for as low as $1.00 a month!
Note to self: add Vanilla the rabbit & Sonic's Mother to Smash Bros Ultimate, we need more sega characters people !!!
reanimated or a new special?
“Don’t Wake Daddy, ‘Cept the Dad’s missing-“
“Hiya son~”
“Looks like you found him”
Tails’ Dad is a treat lemme tell ya
He is the best
he is the greatest
Tails' dad is duh best!!!
Tails' dad is best dad
That's why I love Ted
Sonic: "We have monopoly, twister, scrabble, don't wake daddy except the daddys missing."
Stan: "Hi son."
Tails' Dad: "Looks like you found him."
I can't with Tails' dad. I just can't.
Xeno Gamer Tails’
It's Tails'. But gotta admit, it's funny.
Nobody can't when it comes to Tails' dad.
Leave it to a dad to make a joke like that
Silver: Guys Stop! Ur upsetting the Baaaaaby
Sonic: if you don't like it, don't eat it!
Proceeds to eat the table cloth
Manic: don't worry dad, I could just cook you a bowl of cereal
Mr. Hedgehog: you have got to be kidding me
Sonic: yeah Manic, maybe he like burnt Frosted Flakes 'cause they're GREAT!
“Abandoned? You think you were abandoned?!? HAH! That’s hilarious! For all the birthdays, Christmas’, thanksgivings,and graduations you were gone, ABANDON THIS!!!!” Greatest part of the special.
That was hilarious
@Joshua Hill you gotta admit, he deserved it
She is a goddess
@@NotH111 a lot
Also at that point Aleena reached her limit
And for the first time. Silver does not get hurt
Other than the door slamming in his face, which I have to say, it probably the most chill out of ALL the things he has gone through 😹
Happy for ya silver
He did get a door slammed in his face but other than that he was fine.
So he getting a door slam on his face doesn't count?
@@abbyroble8506 well, Vector did rub his snot on Silver later in the vid...
I love how Sonic and Eggman go from rivals to friends as soon as it was Christmas Eve.
business is business. after work its all good
It's basically the epitome of a Christmas cease-fire!
We need more games where Eggman and Sonic team up
It's like Mario and Bowser when it comes to karting and board games
I always love these so much. 💖
Me too! And everyone watching I bet 💝
Who doesn't? They're amazing and festive!
Oh my gosh, it's Jakeneutron!!
I just love how casual Sonic and Eggman are when they're in the middle of a battle and it's Christmas Eve. It just goes from "I WILL CRUSH YOU, TINY RAT!" to "See you tomorrow! Don't forget to bring plenty of treats!"
Yes, I loved that part😂
Looool and the smash bro sound made it awesome.
This also actually happened in a couple battles in ww2, and maybe ww1
@@corphicks3764 Yeah. I remember there was a whole movie about a Christmas in World War 1. I don't remember the name of it, but it was a huge deal and the people involved it took EXTREME care with it due to it's actual impact in the war and history as a whole.
So true I love
Yet another classic!
Thank you brother! Merry Christmas!
Hi, Mikey!
where was 2017 or did i miss it
pls make feliz navidaddy 2
@@YeetTheFloridaMan they just did a postcard last year.
What really surprised me this year was how genuine and heartfelt the story was. The comedy was still great, but the story with Sonic’s dad and how they all handled it was great
I just realized... This is one Christmas Silver took part in where he Didn't get attacked by a bear.
It was hilarious the way he screamed hysterically out of fear
The only real bad thing was being Vector’s snot rag at the end
True.. but he did got smacked on his face by a door
Or eaten by a shark, Swept away to the north pole by lighting the water heater through the roof, almost swallowed by a snake, crash into the snow with his house or tackled by Dr Robotnik at the end of the last Christmas video. 😅 Yep, pretty tame this time ey?
Don't jinx it, he may get attacked by two of them next time
Sonic: except the dad is missing
Tails’ Dad: looks like you found him
Tails’ dad is my spirit animal.
Sonic’s dad is worse than eggman
And that’s saying something
@@nicholascurrin6193 Sonic's dad looks like my dad. He is the greatest wotherfricker ever and tries to connect with me only when i did something cool. And he always want to get something from me! And 15 years it like that (or less, cos he live with us a bit). If i met him, he'll got a big facepunch like Sonic's dad get from Aleena!
Am I the only one who'd love to see a spin-off starring Tail's dad?
What?!? He disrespected Shadows cooking?!? Toss that heathen out into the snow!
Honestly shocked that Shadow didn't chaos spear his ass
Yeah but alreena beaten him to it.
He's lucky I didn't throw him in the oven after saying that.
Bayonetta: FEED HIM TO THE DEMONS!!!!!!
Sonic and Shadow both have daddy issues. Stan left his family in his Christmas and Black Doom tried to destroy his home where Maria lives.
So you played Shadow the hedgehog.
Ps2 or NGC version ?
@@Iwillhavevengeance This particular video game, *"Shadow the Hedgehog" (2005)* ...on either the *Nintendo GameCube,* *PlayStation2,* or the original *Xbox* console (2001-2006).
I'd personally go for the Xbox version.
@@icegoldcool9932 yes
Stan: Have I ever let you down before?
Me: Yeah for his entire life ya jerk
“He may have been your father boy, but he wasn’t your daddy.”- Yondu
That could be something Comic's Uncle Chuck would say if he was in this universe.
Uncle Chuck is Sonic's grandpa from two shows and the Archie Sonic comics pre and post reboot. He's a gentle soul that needs more recognition than the other SatAM Sonic characters.
GoldPrines2468 I think so to
I thought post reboot Uncle Chuck was retconned into not being Sonic's family member anymore?
No he was retconned to be Sonic’s literal uncle instead of grandpa.
Heck, I think it would be better if Sonic found out his dad wasn’t his dad and he got his smooth moves from his “Uncle”.
Undertale fans would call him a “Duncle”.
GoldPrince2468 cool
"Are you guys crazy?!"
"Heeey.. the doctor couldn't prove it..."
A lot of good comedy in this. Very well done.
lel was roasted by himself
What does that mean?
I don’t get it
12:40 Sonic's Mom for smash ultimate as dlc
Just get the dad too, and then she'll be unstoppable 😂😂
Cody Holley She’s Gonna Be Op
Andrew 1010 HAHAHAAH
I wish I could hire Shadow as my personal chef for free
SapphireSonicfan I didn't expect you to see you on A Christmas for Sonic video, let alone a BalenaProductions video.
We all need a Shadow chef in our lives
And you should hire silver as something to cuddle and help you sleep ^^ ^_^ 😇😸😻😽😸😸😸
And you should hire omega and infinite as body guards
Also that would be called slavery...the color doesn’t help either...
I honestly love how in the beginning Sonic and Eggman were enemies and seconds later they were friends. That was hilarious! 😂
That's the power of Christmas magic for you.
thats because the truce
That's why they are frienenemies XD
Eggman is more of a father than sonic’s actual dad
I Like Everything could you imagine you literal WORST ENEMY being there for you more than your father
fun fact: in a comic explaining the origin of sonic's power, a man by the name of Ovi Kintobor had been experimenting on hedgehogs, one experiment went wrong thus creating sonic but also mutating Ovi into Dr. Robotnik
It shows. Where else did he get "botanic haired pea-brain?"
@@rogersstinson4019 oops forgot about gamma too
This is the only sonic fan fiction that I actual felt emotionally invested.
What kind of..
Cause this one doesn't take itself very seriously, and it's actually competently written.
Lise it's not 10/10 it's 10/100000000000000000000000000000000000
Ghosts of the Future was pretty emotional for me.
Sonic: Are you okay, Mrs. Robotnik?
Mama Robotnik: NO!! The biscuit got cold!
EDIT: Holy shit how did this get that many likes?!
Best of the all to making comedy.
Press 'f' to pay respects for biscuit🙏
@@kendallcarroll3735 f
- Mama would you like something to drink?
-Uh, some tea my boi
- what kind?
- Hibiscus.
I don't know why but i simply could not stop luagh. The vioces in this are all just so fun to listen too.
Ha ha foni 😂
Because the way she says it makes her sound like shes saying "a biscuit".
funny how its also used for weight loss and high blood pressure
- With biscuits.
"You should be ashamed of yourself!"
Vector says, in a wall of pies.
Vector sure loves pies more then money
That’s what’s called irony Shy Guy
Whew. This got me irrationally angry. You struck a nerve with that dad. The character worked exactly as intended. Well done on that writing.
I can really relate....
He’s one of those characters you just LOVE to hate.
-Abandoned his family
-Treats his kids like trash
-Insults others (including the aforementioned kids and their friends)
And is an overall greedy, narcissistic douchebag.
2:43 “besides we don’t age” HAHAHA
I actually don’t age, so I wanna say this to my friends
That's explain why we don't hear or speak of their age in the chronology of the games
Well if Doom Patrol can get away with it why not you?
We were up 32 hours straight making sure this arrived in time for Christmas so I hope you enjoy ❤️
Riana Dorsey oh we will. You and Steve deserve to rest
I love it 😍
we really enjoyed!
I literally can’t stop rewatching this. It was amazing. Loved It!!👍🏾
We do and thanks you.
Omg, I just love Tails’ dad. He’s so pure and so kind. I really like his personality and how he is so caring. The Prower family is possibly the best family.
He is truly the best.
I always watch this in the summer for some reason
As a Sonic fan, is it weird for me to claim the Christmas With Sonic series as my "personal tradition"? I may not be a subscriber (to any UA-cam channel, I rarely use my account only to comment) but for the last 7 years, the one thing I always look forward to every December is Bp's latest Christmas With Sonic video while enjoying the old ones every December. Thats not to say I don't enjoy any of the other content on the channel, such as the Zombies, Scared Stupid and other videos which I like, but when something is habitual on an annual basis thats something of a tradition.
So Steve, I just want you to know that you are a contribution to my Christmas traditions. And I like to believe there are thousands more who feel the same way I do.
Merry Christmas
No, it is a Christmas classic
im gonna start doing that now
Don't worry, you're not alone. I've been doing that since the first one.
I feel you ... although I do like how they mentioned they skipped a year.
I feel exactly the same way because I'm starting to do same the thing
Everyone watches the Hallmark Christmas movies. I don’t. I lay down in bed and wrap myself up in a nice blanket and watch these every night. You guys always make the holidays so much better. 💜
Lynae Clark that’s what I do most of the time
Yep, Same.
This is my Christmas tradition. Watching my favourite characters from my favourite video games celebrating the holidays together as one big happy family.
I don't even have cable anymore
Stan: He even says your famous catchphrase!
Me: Hah, what, gotta go fast?
Doll:Hooba Dooba!
Me: *Spits our egg nog
I don’t get it
@@jessieovendale5821 its a reference to sonic zombies
AutisticAnxiety I get it now, I recently watched Sonic Zombies
Haha haha
So Sonics dad is the narrator of Sonic Zombies?!
Who’s watching a “Christmas with sonic” marathon sometime before Christmas
It me
seatheous robloxian I was doing it on Christmas Eve
I am
I do it every year
Honestly, this was worth the wait. It expanded the story even more by adding Sonic’s father, and the fourth-wall breaking jokes genuinely made me laugh. Seriously a great video for this Holliday. Thanks as always and Hooba Dooba!
Man, when is Uncle Chuck coming down for Christmas?
Like he shows up in a Santa outfit, "Hey everyone, I made my escape from the retirement home! Wait. There's too many Father Christmas, here."
Oh, man. Uncle Chuck showing up would be amazing!
And when would Bernadette and Jules be in here?
@@sunswift Bernadette is Aleena. That, or she's Aleena's sister.
@@mitchfletcher2386 perhaps they can be sister's
"It's not even a story worth telling"
That explains why the new Christmas with Sonic Episode didn't appear back in 2017.
excuse that makes me want to die tbh-
I hate that they didn’t tell it.....
Lol forth wall joke
Maybe it was super gay & dumb like Silver
I wanted to have a episode in 2017
I was pissed of when it didnt happen
now whenever I look at the night sky imma hear Eggman's mom
Apparently the biscuit had its own voice actor.
@Emma Teare Look in the credits.
@@luthergames6930 "Are you okay mrs. Robotnik?"
@@lukespillman1313 No the biscuit is cold
Who knew Eggman had so much class, letting sonic go on Christmas eve
In the words of eggman in sonic lost world “I’m a complicated guy”
He's a mad scientist not a monster
He'll destroy him any day of the week (except Christmas).
R.I.P The Biscuit
It got cold
I also appreciate the "werehog" scream, great work to everyone who participated in this.
2:55 lol you can just see shadow in the background in a forklift carriying pies for vector(presumably)
polyguy 3 I saw it too
Only the ultimate lifeform could bring a forklift and alot of pies into a house
Sonic having daddy issues somehow makes total sense for the character. I’d love if Sega did something like that
Stan basically is Sega in my eyes
Well, While this was cool, with them making Sonic have a bad father, I do more prefer Jules the Hedgehog, as he actually cared about him, and the reason he wasn’t around was because he was Roboticized, with his free will taken from him.
@@thedominion4626 More like Yuji Naka now since he through Mr. Oshima under the bus a few months ago.
@@thedominion4626sega’s awesome! Stan is Nintendo.
Archie Sonic’s dad is a robot if that helps.
Mama Robotnik is literally the BEST character. XD
I lost it when she said"Gimme that biscuit!"
I'm warming up to her.
Then she sat on him while holding the biscuit in her hands
everyone do NOT take any biscuits from Ms. Robotnik!
Hooba Dooba
"Hooba dooba!"
This really butters my biscuits.
Shutup and bring me a biscuit
Abramplays MC everytime Mama RObOtNiK says biscuit take a shot
Bubby is so adorable even when he says Muh
“You should be ashamed of yourself!”
*Has all of the pies*
The tails voice actor sounds really accurate, but at times sounds like Christopher from Sonic X. But just a few times.
I think it sounds really good as well. He's voiced by SonicSong182. So yeah. She does a really good job voicing him.
I all ways hate that character Chris
@@RoseCadenza yep
SuperLuigiJake me too
ForteRosé It’s awesome that she also hosts the Ask the Sonic Heroes
I really like Tails' Dad, definitely how I would have imagined him to be like. 🙂
Me too
What with the puns
Even though tails’s parents were in Archie
Except in the comics he is a war hardened officer that tried to over through Sally's brother.
@@totally_fred Oh, I've seen that... long ago.
I was expecting the typical ending where sonic would forgive his dad but instead i was pleasently surprised and loved it and i loved how we dont ever see his face
I really like what they did with Sonics siblings. The characters are more defined and enjoyable compared to their other appearance in underground.
It's also nice to see that relationship with their mother, which they didn't have in SU.
"It was over when HE walked through the door"- A roast from Sonic The Hedgehog
Can Tails’s dad be the whole group’s dad now?
Me: I'm tired maybe I should take a nap....?
Balenaproductions: *Realeses christmas re-union*
_ Flinch _ same 😂😂🤣🤣
"Mama, would you like some tea?"
"Ah, some tea my boy.".
"What kind?"
"The biscuits."
I don't know why I laughed so hard.
Giro and Karin she did.
That’s the joke
Yay! Silver didn't get mauled by a bear this year!
yea thank god i like silver hes weak but not a terible cak
Silver is not weak though, he almost killed sonic if it wasn't for amy
But, YAY HE'S NOT ATTACKED BY A BEAR!😁 thank goodness
Don't worry! There's always next year! XD lol but yeah. Good to see the bears are finally sticking to hibernation this year.
Whoever wrote Queen Aleena's character, absolutely stunning. Best portrayal of her ever! 💙
FINALLY ALEENA GOT TO PUNCH SONIC'S DAD!!!! He got what he deserved! >=3
Funny. In the comics Sonics dad is actually a heroic war hero who would do everything to protect his family
This imposter is not sonics father
@@rivaraptor4277 alternate universe =P
That was awesome!
The voice actor for Aleena has changed so much since the first Christmas With Sonic and I can only say she’s gotten exponentially better
Ey you get it.
I'm Workin' on it
That gives me an idea... Christmas with Sonichu! :-D
Not a single Sprite Cranberry joke
Good job.
Edit: *I just realized the connection between what Sonic's Mom said in the first Christmas with Sonic and this one.*
Edit: *You know what I just need to rewatch all of them now. It's legit been a year.*
Yes! I have to go and watch them all as well.
Sprite Cranberry is tasty though...
*WaNna sPriTE crAnbERry?*
@@milkandcookies1116 its the most THIRSTIEST time of the year
The Award to most Disrespectful Father Goes to.....Stan The Hedgehog For Leaving His Family, Insulting his two sons, and selling sonic out as Christmas merch
That guy is not a father
Sega already does that
I don’t even think Stan is a Hedgehog, he might be human like Eggman if you really look at his figure
@@hydrobazooka he is a hedge
I meant hedgehog
Sonic: All right. We've got Monopoly, Twister, Scrabble, Don't Wake Daddy--except the dad's missing.
Stan: Hiya, son!
Sonic: *Drops board games.*
Tails's Dad: Looks like you found him.
Manic: Hey... the doctor said he couldn’t prove it.
Silver: Oh! I’m Glad I’m not in there, Huh Bubby
Bub: Ma.
Thx for the likes guys! Its the most I have gotten!
@@mix3k818 NO!
@@chrisketchum8042 why not?
What could PAWSsibly go wrong?
I can't stop laughing at the fact that Eggman was SO CLOSE to killing Sonic, but then let him go because it's Christmas Eve! Comedy gold, Steve!
Hahaha, yes, Eggman never will kill Sonic.
Honestly this series has been the best, and seeing how Sonic’s Mom handled her husband, for everything he’s done, was satisfying and well needed.
I wonder if Aleena will find a better husband and remarries
@@MerSorax2007 yes
@@MerSorax2007 If she does, I hope she’ll find a man who treats her and her kids a lot better than Stan did, because they deserve better
Sonic: don’t wake daddy, except the dad is missing
Sonic dad: Hiya son
Welp u found the dad XD
Tails dad: that’s my line...
@@ComicWriter-ml3qt this is a whole year ago lmao
@@EmeraldFunker yep but we’re still binging
hes called stan
Ms. Robotnic and silver, are probably the funniest characters in all these Christmas Animatics. I love their voices XD 😂🤣👌
Sonic: Don’t wake daddy- except the dads missing
Stan: Hya son!!!
Mr. Prower: Looks like you found him
Where's Omega at these parties?
Sonic: Hey Shadow, why doesn't Omega come with you and Rouge?
Shadow: Oh, he doesn't celebrate Christmas.
Sonic: Figures, he's a robot.
Shadow: Oh no, Omega's Jewish.
Sonic: WHAT?!
Cut way to Omega singing Hava Nagila
This is my head cannon now.
Steve should add that if he does another Christmas with Sonic.
fruitbat422 omg yes, that NEEDS to happen
this means that gamma is african american
fruitbat422 hahaha I seriously hope that happens
Sonic's dad: So, where are you from with that funny accent? Minnesota? Wisconson?
Tails dad: Canada!
Sonic's dad: Ahhh! Figures!
Tails dad: So sorry, eh.
The Person I died laughing when he said Minnesota, cause that's where I'm from. 😂
Its Wisconsin.
@@Shadows5815 True dat, Packers! 😂
Miles Loves The Hype wait.. do you live in Wisconsin?
@@Shadows5815 I live on the other side of Wisconsin 😂 Close to where Tail's dad is
Mission failed, we'll get em' next time.
"yeah mannic maybe he would like Burnt frosted flakes cause their grrreat!" Bro I'm dead
Man, that is something beyond all of us.
Seriously, great job on this! I love the series, and it’s great to see it back! Plus silver didn’t get mauled by a bear this time
I was hoping to see Sonic’s dad get mauled by a bear too since Silver seems to be bad luck free this time. That would have been even funnier and satisfying to see that jerk get wrecked for all he did to his family
He does get crushed by Mrs. Robotnik.
@@awesomeman2176 yes
@@awesomeman2176 yes
Getting mauled by the bear is more than the guy deserves.
"Hooba Dooba!" Aah good times, good times...
Sonic's mom:69%
Sonic's dad:999%
**Then a Falcon punch**
Luigi didn’t you see? It was her final smash.
For a second, I thought Sonic's dad was going to get a redemption arc.
Glad they finally accepted Silver into the group though. :D
You win some you lose some
TV:"Introducing the 2019 HOOBADOOBA CAR."
5:14 jeez manic that's a very harsh roast
I want a version where it's Black Doom coming in for Christmas.
How about a version of Knuckles' Christmas
Black doom would be a funny one 😂
He’s dead. 😂
I wonder how Shadow would react to that 🤔
I also wonder how Shadow would react if Maria Robotnik The Hedgehog came in for Christmas.
"Don't worry dad, I could just cook you a bowl of cereal" It really do be like that, huh?
It do be like that sometimes
I absolutely loved this! Amazing job to all involved!
"Special thanks:Ryan Drummond"
Have you ever reached out to him for a guest appearance in a Christmas special? That would be incredible!
"...Besides the fact that we don't age..." (Haha. True.)
“Don’t Wake Daddy, ‘Cept the Dad’s missing... - Hiya son~ - Looks like you found 'em." (Tails' dad is great!)
"You botanic-haired pea-brain!" (Sonic, eat a snickers.)
"Mama, would you like something to drink? - Yeah, some tea. - What kind? - Hibiscus." (10/10 line.)
"Gimme that biscuit!" (Sounds like Mrs. Robotnik, alright.)
"Are you okay, Mrs. Robotnik?! - No! The biscuit got cold!" (This had me laughing for 3 minutes.)
“Maybe he’d like burned Frosted Flakes because their great” I am pleased
and here we have an example of an amazing work featuring sonic the hedgehog made by the fans.
Also, I can relate to both sonic and Sonya, and I'm more than certain that my mom can relate to Aleena.
I can sorta relate too now
I binged the entire series today and I can't get enough. It's wholesome and funny and it's a joy to watch. Thanks for the laughs, and Merry Christmas!
What are YOU doing here boy?
Also marry chistmas! 😄
Tails Dad needs to be a canon character in the games
@Riley Mertens The Fox I’m calling him Amadeus, which was his name in the Archie Comics.
@@taylormansonshadicstorm9008 I believe he's in the credits as "Ted Prower" edit is that I spelled it wrong
@@ryofox493 yeah, I realised that.
@@ryofox493 Well, Amadeus, is the name of Tails’ Dad In the Archie Comics, so that’s just what I prefer to call him.
oh man, I enjoyed this one, especially When Sonic's mom started to get all vicious because of stan. The father got what he deserved in the end though, by his wife! Damn, now I know never to make her angry or face her Christmas wrath. Nice work again on another Christmas with sonic!
I like how they address that they didn’t make one last year
Sonic's mom is my favorite character now she knocking Stan out was hilarious
8:27 Shadow speaking French is my weakness...
This was better than any Christmas film ever made
I did not expect to see Manic light up with so much joy in this reunion. Bless him.
8:03 was that really necessary Shadow
Tbh I lost it when he blew the horn I was NOT expecting that
Ahhhhh I love how despite all the shitty cartoons who tell kids to forgive abusive people just gets thoroughly "fuck you"ed in this short! It's beautiful and thank you, Balenaproductions for not spreading the bs about forgiving abusers.
Overall, I really do love these shorts and how much time and dedication you put into them! They're wonderful and cheesy - just how Sonic should be.
Now... I'm ready for 2019 :3
Tails’ dad is from Canada? That’s actually really cool!
What's cool about it? Are you from Canada? If so than yeah it'd be cool to me too.
@@DreamerFromTheDepths nope. from Russia.
i thought he was from hawaii
2 things:
1. Sonic's father is a jerk!
That guy deserve to be a evil stepfather
I laughed at myself after I realized that I had the same face of Sonia, Manic and Tails after Aleena closed the door and came back angry.
😅 Aleena can be more dangerous than Eggman
Yeah, but at least she's only dangerous after bad things happen.
@@DreamerFromTheDepths yeah. Agreed.
She reminded me of my dad when my mom tried to slide back into me and my brother's lives after 10 years of ignorance, and neglecting to pay the child support. That was 6 years ago, now my dad has full custody and we're still trying to teach my bro about common sense.
8:41 Alternative version.
Stan: "no offense buddy, but the turkey could have been in there a another 4 hours."
Shadow: "how dare you."
Stan: "huh?"
Shadow: "how DARE you insult my cooking!!!"
Stan: "h-hey there buddy, calm down."
Shadow: "Do you know who I am? I`m Shadow the hedgehog, THE ULTIMATE LIFEFORM!!!!!! YOU SHALL PAY FOR THAT INSULT, AND YOU WILL PAY IN BLOOD!!!!!!!!!!!"
Shadow grabs Stan by the throat, rams him through the house and into the backward.
Shadow: "CHASO... BLAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Meanwhile: Sonic actually agrees with Sjadow for once.