All we like sheep have gone astray there is none righteous no not one he who is without sin cast the first stone this is why Yahusha came. For Sinners not the righteous. So if you are righteous or self-righteous. You don't need forgiveness. Or if you confess your sins and forsake them. We find compassion from our creator Yahuah. Remember when we are pointing the finger. We got three pointing back. We need to look at ourselves and judge ourselves and repent. Because when Each one of us individually stand before the Creator it's just going to be mono and mono.
Compassion from God is He gave his only begotten Son (Jesus Christ) on the cross. Pay the price for sin of the world. Enough though you did not died on cross. You will have Jesus Christ nature (holy) be like Him. You must be born again. You didn’t eat fruit of tree of life. But you have Adam nature sinfulness. So being holiness (Child of God) is the opposite of it. No more sacrifice for sin.
Hez ekiel Walker? 😳👀
That's hilarious yall make it up as yall go lol
All we like sheep have gone astray there is none righteous no not one he who is without sin cast the first stone this is why Yahusha came. For Sinners not the righteous. So if you are righteous or self-righteous. You don't need forgiveness. Or if you confess your sins and forsake them. We find compassion from our creator Yahuah. Remember when we are pointing the finger. We got three pointing back. We need to look at ourselves and judge ourselves and repent. Because when Each one of us individually stand before the Creator it's just going to be mono and mono.
Gay is sin, n the Word of God is right. It judges and corrects. His Wife accused him and who knows better than Jesus and a Wife?
Compassion from God is He gave his only begotten Son (Jesus Christ) on the cross. Pay the price for sin of the world. Enough though you did not died on cross. You will have Jesus Christ nature (holy) be like Him. You must be born again. You didn’t eat fruit of tree of life. But you have Adam nature sinfulness. So being holiness (Child of God) is the opposite of it. No more sacrifice for sin.
Beware of your appearance of your life. How you are living your life. You are resenting the Most God.
Heh Zekiah
Heh Zeekey
Just STOP Just STOP!!