Why Did The Ottoman Empire Fall?

  • Опубліковано 3 жов 2024


  • @alisahinnnn
    @alisahinnnn 2 роки тому +12

    The Main reasons ottomans collapsed are
    1- After explorations they lost control over spice market, even tho in suleiman the magnificents reign they were able to maintain their trade power in the region after his death they slowly lose their dominance to Portugal and Netherlands.
    2- This is not studied enough and a less known reason, the long war with Austria (1593-1606) the importance of the war is, due to need of rifle man in the front Ottomans started to conscript local people from Anatolia and they lift the ban of production of fire arms by ppl, so people of Anatolia started to produce guns and ottomans gave those rifles to conscripts and sent them to front. But this affected the production in Anatolia since men being sent to front. After war ended those men came back home with guns and they decided to rob ppl and loot villages with their brand new guns, and they started a rebellion called Jelali Rebellions the amount of destruction they caused is so severe that ottoman economy and a vital system called Timar system are collapsed. Ottomans never really recovered from this for a 150 years.
    3- Wars against Russian-Austrian Alliance, these wars were very costly to the ottomans already crumbling economy.
    4- Janissary army & Ulema’s (religious institution of the empire) opposition to every reformation attempt, they even murdered a Padishah Osman II for trying to modernize the empire. So ottoman modernization is started late.
    5- Failed Siege Of Vienna and The Great Turkish War, in this war a holy league formed against ottomans and they lost nearly all of Hungary to Habsburgs,
    6- You didn’t mentioned these up there but mentioned Lepanto 😂 Lepanto was a humiliating defeat to the ottomans but they actually recovered from that very fast, they even built a Bigger navy quickly, but the effect of that defat was Ottomans tried to avoid naval battles after that,

  • @trooperffc
    @trooperffc 3 роки тому +9

    Because they all do at some point. Simple as that

  • @MizanQistina
    @MizanQistina 3 роки тому +6

    Ottoman Empire fall after the West colonized India and SEA in which the ancient sea trade route where the Arabs become the middle man for spice trade. When the West cut of this trade, Ottoman no longer become dominant, don't get revenue and slowly fall.

  • @zahirhussain5913
    @zahirhussain5913 2 роки тому +1

    Pl go through this history ;
    ( i ). " The main reason for Ottaman success , however , was the development of stable and permanent institutions of government that transformed a tribal polity into a workable state ".
    ( ii ) " The Ottamans utilized all human resources in their emirate and quickly learned skills in bureaucracy and diplomacy ........ They also did not slaughter every Christian in their path ; rather , they encouraged the Christian inhabitants of the countryside and the towns to join them . Islamic law and tradition declared that enemies who surrendered on demand should be treated with tolerance .
    ( iii ). " The Christians of Bithynia were obliged to pay the ' harac ' , or capitation tax , for the privilege of being tolerated , but this was no more burdensome than the taxes they had paid to the Byzantine government , which had neglected their interests . Once they had made the decision to surrender or defect , the Byzantine population resigned to their fate ". " Some Christians converted to Islam upon joining the Ottamans ; however, this was not demanded . Many local Christians even participated in Ottaman raids against Byzantium ". BOOK : Encyclopaedia of the Ottoman Empire . AUTHOR : Gabor Agoston and Bruce Masters . Edition : 2009 page -109 .
    "Existing sources , such as the 25th century Ottoman census records , suggest that the earliest converts to Islam in the Balkans came from the ranks of the Balkan nobility and military elite that could supply the Ottomans with the manpower ............. BOOK : Encyclopaedia of the Ottoman Empire . AUTHOR : Gabor Agoston and Bruce Masters . Edition : 2009 page -146 .

  • @Riftrender
    @Riftrender 2 роки тому +6

    Anatolia should have been split between greece armenia lebanon and assyria.

  • @jpeg1991
    @jpeg1991 Рік тому +2

    9:08 What word has been censored here? Rethink?

  • @georgejcking
    @georgejcking 2 роки тому +2

    ALL empires Fall!!!!!! Nothing lasts forever!!!!!!

  • @trooperffc
    @trooperffc 3 роки тому +2

    Same reason apple destroyed nokia, netflix destroyed blockbusters, cd s destroyed casette players and mp3 destroyed cds:))) adaptation and ignorance with power.

  • @vinodpaul9596
    @vinodpaul9596 3 роки тому +1

    Why are you showing stock footage of ancient roman soldiers. The legions were disbanded

    • @boke75
      @boke75 10 місяців тому


  • @flaviopitanga65
    @flaviopitanga65 Рік тому

    The countries they invaded still hate them to these days

  • @flaviopitanga65
    @flaviopitanga65 4 місяці тому

    Not missed at all

  • @sajidkaleem735
    @sajidkaleem735 3 роки тому

    You didn't mention the siege of Vienna

    • @abdullahassaffah
      @abdullahassaffah 18 днів тому

      After suleiman qanuni siege if Vienna ottoman were not only strong but he damaged the walls so bad they were never able to fix recover those walls the second siege was a disaster due to the ottoman general underestimating overconfident and a lazy siege where he couldn't even finish off or destroy the already damaged wall that was were the true ottoman decline was confirmed

  • @zahirhussain5913
    @zahirhussain5913 2 роки тому +1

    Pl read this peace message:
    " The Ottamans set such a good example as pacific conquerors that they won the confidence of many former Byzantine subjects . For example , when Nicaea fell , Orhan allowed all who wanted to leave the city to depart freely , taking with them their holy relics , but few availed themselves of the chance . No reprisals were taken against those who had resisted , and the city was left to manage its internal affairs under its own municipal government . BOOK : Encyclopaedia of the Ottoman Empire . AUTHOR : Gabor Agoston and Bruce Masters . Edition : 2009 page -109 .

    • @Eazy-ERyder
      @Eazy-ERyder Рік тому +1

      Yeah....so GOOD an "example" as to commit barbaric GENOCIDE upon an entire people. That will NEVER be forgotten

    • @zahirhussain5913
      @zahirhussain5913 Рік тому

      How Christian Romans ruled their Empire ?
      " During the 960 AD , Crime (in Constantinople ) was rife , especially in the dark and crowded quarters . Prostitution flourished , one visitor primly asserting that just as Constantinople exceeded other cities in wealth , so it excelled them in vice.
      Various attempts had been made by the authorities to stamp it out , including the creation of a sanctuary for those who wanted to escape exploitation . It was much more common , however , for emperors to be numbered among the clients than among the rescuers of prostitutes."
      " In around 1200 , a riot began over the arrest and flogging of a thief. The crowd were incensed because they knew that the man had been acting on the no order of a corrupt prison governer, John Lagos , who set his charges free by night to steal and then took a cut of the proceeds ".
      Book : CONSTANTINOPLE capital of byzantium
      AUTHOR : Jonathan Harris
      page : 131, 139
      EDITION 2007
      " Constantinople itself is squalid and fetid and in many places afflicted
      by permanent darkness, for the wealthy overshadow the streets with
      buildings and leave these dirty, dark places to the poor and to
      travellers. There murders and robberies and other crimes of the night are committed.People live untouched by the law in this city,
      for all its rich men are bullies and many of its poor men are thieves. A criminal knows neither fear nor shame, for crime is not punished by law and never comes entirely to light.'
      "By the time of Justinian we know that the Mese, the 'Middle Street' that ran
      through the city from east to west, was a busy daily market - and that 'more than 500 prostitutes' conducted their business there according to
      Book: TASTES OF
      the cuisine of a
      legendary empire
      Author : Andrew Dalby
      Edition : 2010
      p - 38 ,60
      " Constantinople had many brothels - the most famous were located in side streets near the Forum of
      Constantine. Foreign visitors were shocked by the vice they saw in the streets, especially the
      prostitutes who openly worked the streets. The Crusaders expressed dismay at them and then
      patronized them. The city regulated prostitution under the city prefect and they were taxed.....One can assume women also worked independently as
      sex workers throughout the city. They also worked privately in the neighborhoods of the city, living in
      shacks right alongside churches. One account says they could be very noisy - you could hear them in
      the local church during services - which indicates drinking was probably going on there, too. The church seems to have ignored the trade..... Some of the annual religious holidays associated with specific saints had devolved into excuses for drunkness , ribaldry and licentiousness......Ode of Deuil, who visited Constantinople for 23 days in 1147 with the French King, Louis VII and his wife Eleanor of Aquitaine, reports : Constantinople is Christian in name, not in fact.
      Source : " Daily life in 12th century Constantinople"
      Author: Bob Atchison

    • @zahirhussain5913
      @zahirhussain5913 Рік тому

      Ukraine conflict reminds us about 1453 AD Constantinople siege.
      1. In place of zelensky, there was Constantine- XI then.
      ( Both rulers ruled over orthodox Christian. Some may say zelensky is Jew but constantine was orthodox.
      In fact, Constantine didn't follow people's belief ie orthodox. Similarly, zelensky also doesn't follow people's belief ie orthodox.)
      2. In place of pope ( to create war ), there is NATO, EU.....
      3. In place of membership in catholic world in the name of 'union of churches' ( carrot and stick policy ) , there is EU and NATO membership.
      4. In place of weapons and manpower supply to Constantinople by catholic pope, now western catholic dominate world.
      5. Breach of trust by catholic world towards Constantinople, the same breach of trust by Western catholic dominate world.
      6. Both constantine and zelensky became hostile towards their neighbour for sake of non trustworthy powers miles away.
      7. Both, the constantine and zelensky, developed enmity towards good and reliable persons ie Mehmed-II and Putin.
      But, one can see major difference ie in the generosity of Mehmed-II while entering Constantinople.

    • @zahirhussain5913
      @zahirhussain5913 Рік тому

      Jews under barbaric Christian Empire :
      " The Jews in Galata often petty restrictions , such as not being allowed to ride on horseback , and occasional harrasment from their neighbours:
      ''' For their condition is very low and there is much hatred against them , which is fostered by the tanners, who throw out their dirty water in the streets before the doors of the Jewish houses and defile the Jews quarter. So, the Greeks hate the Jews, good and bad alike, and subject them to great oppression, and beat them in the streets and in every way treat them with rigour.'''
      There were even some examples of officially sanctioned persecution, as under Romanos I Lekapenos ( 920-44 ). There was, however, never anything in byzantium along the lines of the savage pogroms perpetrated against the Jews in England, Germany, and elsewhere in western Europe at the time of crusades."
      BOOK : CONSTANTINOPLE capital of byzantium
      AUTHOR : Jonathan Harris
      EDITION : 2007
      page : 135

    • @zahirhussain5913
      @zahirhussain5913 Рік тому

      Jews under civilized Ottoman rule :
      Among the few inhabitants of Constantinople ( after victory of Constantinople in 1453 by Mehmet-II, Ottoman Sultan) to have survived the Turkish seizure of the city were the Jews of the Balat quarter. Not long after the appointment of Gennadius ( the priest, first patriarch of Orthodox welcomed by Mehmed, after fall of Constantinople in 1453 ) or perhaps at the same time, Mehmed also selected a chief rabbi to preside over all the Jewish congregations of Turkey. His choice fell on Moshe Capsali, a man of piety and learning, founder of a celebrated family of scholars; Elijah Capsali, who in the sixteenth century wrote a Hebrew history of the Ottoman Empire that is still awaiting publication, may have been descended from him. The sultan, we are told, even made him a member of the imperial council
      (divan) , where he was honored by a seat next to the mufti, thus gaining precedence over the Greek patriarch; furthermore, he delegated to Cap￾sali certain political powers over the Jewish congregations of Turkey. It was Moshe Capsali who assigned the taxes to be paid individually or collectively by the Jews, appointed officials to collect them, and transmitted
      the proceeds to the sultan's treasury. He also possessed penal authority over all members of the Jewish community and the right to confirm the appointment of rabbis. In a word, he was the head and official representative of the Jewish community in the Ottoman Empire.
      Under the Conqueror, if the accounts of Jewish contemporaries are to be believed, Turkey was a paradise for the Jews, who were cruelly oppressed in Western Europe. Jewish emigrants from Germany were overjoyed at the favored position of the Jews in Turkey. They were free to
      live and trade as they pleased. There was no "golden penny" to pay, no crown taxes amounting to a third of their fortune. They could dispose freely of their property and dress as they saw fit, in silk and satin if they wished. Their enterprise found rich sources of profit, though it is true that they were soon obliged to limit their activities to commerce and moneylending. In 1454 Isaac Sarfati, a Jew born in Germany of French descent, sent a circular letter to the Jews of the Rhineland, Swabia, Styria, Moravia, and Hungary in which he spoke with enthusiasm of the fortunate conditions of the Jews under the Crescent in contrast to their yoke under the Cross, and encouraged his coreligionaries to leave the "great torture chamber" and come to Turkey. The years that followed witnessed a massive emigration of Jews to the Turkish paradise, especially from Germany. Certain countries, Italy in particular, prevented their Jews from leaving."
      " There can be no doubt about Mehmed's religious tolerance. If even a part of what Isaac Sarfati wrote from Turkey in his circular letter of 1454 to the Jews of Central Europe about the favorable situation of his
      coreligionaries under the Crescent was true, Mehmed's empire must have been a paradise for non-Moslem subjects (reaya) , especially Jews. Turkey, Sarfati wrote, was a country where nothing was lacking. Every man could spend his life unmolested under his fig tree and his vine. In judging this letter with its invitation to emigrate to the Ottoman Empire, we must not, of course, forget that the situation of the Jews in Central Europe
      in the middle of the fifteenth century was particularly wretched, that they were subject to incessant persecution, and that measured by these condi￾tions, Turkey, where no one was molested for his faith, could promise a truly blissful life. It must also be borne in mind that in his commercial undertakings and his fiscal policy, Mehmed preferred to rely on the help of Jews, including his physician Maestro lacopo, whom he sometimes, to the dissatisfaction of the Moslems, employed as his financial adviser. But
      also in Christian quarters, as it is more than once confirmed, each man could "seek salvation in his own way," complete religious freedom prevailed, and no one incurred serious difficulties because of his faith. There can be no doubt that the Christian inhabitants of places far from the seat of government were often oppressed and unjustly treated, but it is equally certain that this was not the work of the supreme authorities. The truly magnanimous treatment of non-Moslems in the Ottoman Empire under Mehmed can in large measure be attributed to his indulgence and mildness in religious matters, qualities which were in all likelihood closely
      related to his own liberal ideas on religion."
      Book: Mehmed the
      conqueror and
      his time
      Author: Franz
      Edited: William C
      Translator: Ralph
      Edition: 1978
      Page: 106,107,412

  • @MarkCobbin
    @MarkCobbin Рік тому

    Edom will not survive. It will be utterly destroyed.

  • @learndidgeridoo8047
    @learndidgeridoo8047 3 роки тому


  • @papazataklaattiranimam
    @papazataklaattiranimam 3 роки тому +1


  • @ddiver2200
    @ddiver2200 8 місяців тому


  • @khaartoumsings
    @khaartoumsings 2 роки тому +1

    A lot of British Empire propaganda on 'ere

  • @poultrydiseaseandtreatmentapp
    @poultrydiseaseandtreatmentapp 3 роки тому
