Twins are great. However, twinzer fins are better. It’s a twin fin with a small canard fin, close in front of the twin fin. They are like a upright twin fin which are easier to turn but a upright twin can lack drive. Due to the small canard fin, the increased fin area gives it more drive than a upright twin and also has control as twins can spin out. The canard fin cleans up the turbulence before water hitting the main fin (twin). Twinzer fins are like the speed of a twin fin but also have the drive of keel and a bit of control like a truster. A happy medium of a twin/keel and thruster. I haven’t tried one yet but a mini Simmons type board for ours waves would be a good alternative to a log/mid length such as a 5’0 or 5’2 or 5’6 depending on your height and or if you prefer more rail line. Apparently they catch crap waves due to the width which is wide throughout nose to tail but still able to turn due to the small length. A bit of a up yours to a mid length and or a log where you can catch 1 ft waves and turn easily. I got go..I’m desperate for a piss too 😂
Twins are great. However, twinzer fins are better. It’s a twin fin with a small canard fin, close in front of the twin fin. They are like a upright twin fin which are easier to turn but a upright twin can lack drive. Due to the small canard fin, the increased fin area gives it more drive than a upright twin and also has control as twins can spin out. The canard fin cleans up the turbulence before water hitting the main fin (twin). Twinzer fins are like the speed of a twin fin but also have the drive of keel and a bit of control like a truster. A happy medium of a twin/keel and thruster.
I haven’t tried one yet but a mini Simmons type board for ours waves would be a good alternative to a log/mid length such as a 5’0 or 5’2 or 5’6 depending on your height and or if you prefer more rail line. Apparently they catch crap waves due to the width which is wide throughout nose to tail but still able to turn due to the small length. A bit of a up yours to a mid length and or a log where you can catch 1 ft waves and turn easily.
I got go..I’m desperate for a piss too 😂