The Legions Imperialis bases aren't 40mm, they're on 25mm bases. As for the little nubs between the models' feets, I don't like them, but hoping they'll be easy enough to trim off.
I didn't see the poll, but I am HYPED for legions imperialis! I've always loved the scale of Titanicus, and Titanicus was by far the best actual game that Games Workshop have put out in years. It felt like it was designed from the start to be enjoyable and fun to play first, and to sell miniatures second, unlike basically all of the other main-line GW games. The main part that really excites me, is being able to own armies and models at a fraction of the cost that it'd cost me for the normal heroic scale size minis, and when you get a good game of titanicus on board with all the terrain, the scale really makes the battle feel... epic. A problem I've always had with 40k is the scale is all wrong; The amount of troops and tanks involved at the relative distances always felt more like small skirmishes rather than the all-out epic battles of the stories and lore, but Titanicus and soon Legions will give me that; battles of armies of reasonable numbers across a sprawling sector of city or barren wasteland, slugging it out, with the god-engines present, able to wipe out entire cityblocks in a blink of an eye! I suppose it isn't totally surprising though, because I've always enjoyed the specialist games more than the mainline series in terms of game-play, despite having much more 40k than anything else. Kill team, Necromunda, Blood Bowl, Titanicus, all games I much prefer to the main ones!
@@unpotatoedsalmon best place to look is finding it in stock in random, small, Local Game Stores (LGS) that happen to not be well known so have it in stock. Luckily, I know of a few shops that have some of it in stock, whether its single boxes of individual units, or the big release box, and they're all small LGSs. That, and they tend to be cheaper than GWs prices! I bought from a Wayland Games originally on preorder 2 weeks before, but on release day, they turned around and said "Oops, we don't have it in stock, you'll have to wait for an unknown time" so I refunded, and found it down at my LGS for almost the same price!
I'd be interested to see how other games do in a poll with a "who cares?" option in it. I suspect that option would do rather well for all games other than 40k... Legions Imperialis seems to share quite a lot of DNA with the 1991 edition of Space Marine, stuff like the orders is taken right from that edition of Epic, for instance. I really enjoyed Epic back in the day, being able to have a large army containing both tiny and huge models is quite appealing.
I would be curious to see that quiz for The Old World. I don't know if I'm in the same boat as the rest of the community, but Games Workshop has basically eroded all my hype for The Old World.
@@TheLordofMetroids I am glad that boomers get a new rule book to play with their old fantasy armies, but I am not paying GW prices for ancient models because they aren't invested in the game, so neither am I.
@@JanitorScruffyyeah. Honestly if they revealed everything at once i might be into it, but for like a year they have been like "heres a 20 year old mini, we stopped making because they sold worse than paint. You didn't buy it before, but hopefully you'll buy it now." It got really old, really fast.
@@TheLordofMetroids yeah GW seems to think that the only way to make money is to drip feed with everything hoping you will buy it as it comes out in the hopes that what you really want might be coming down the line.
@@trovarion He created the Solar Auxilia range as a side project while working at GW and they decided to add it to HH. But he left GW in 2015 to work on new things.
I totally agree! I only play xenos for 25 years in 40k and so there is no faction for me in legion imperialis. Epic was really nice because of those dimensions where eldar jetbikes zoomed 36" over the board which was representing increadible speed. If there was a new 40k epic with eldar or tyranids I would be totally hyped!
I suspect that releasing a full epic scale game for 40k with the level of support for all of the factions that would expected by the community would strain even GW's resources. Maybe if Legions Imperialis does well GW will start to release others factions in the same scale, but doing it all at once would be challenging and I can imagine the community backlash if several popular factions were missing at launch would harm the game's reputation. At least with 30k nobody's surprised if only marines are supported - getting the Solar Auxilia in the box too is almost a pleasant surprise.
the ridiculous amount of space marine content and players in normal tabletop is already annoying enough. whey would I want to play a setting that is basically all space marines?
@@anotherzingbo as long as no one is buying it with the expectation that they even might start doing xenos. All signs indicate it will be limited to 30k only.
I think people fail to realize that 30k is the safest option. Having this game being 40k to start with would be a MASSIVE risk, this is them testing the waters to see if the market for epic is even there. IMO honestly people who shit on it for being 30k are fools. If they ever want a new 40k epic game, this needs to sell well enough. And by no means did they ever say they won't expand into other armies, in fact quite the opposite. With possibly Custodes, Daemons, and Mechanics coming out later. So if you like marines are Auxillia, maybe just buy a model or two to see how you like painting at that scale. It will support the game, and eventually we might see it brought into 40k
yeah I have no interest in Horus Heresy stuff. Normal tabletop is already mostly space marines. why have a setting thats basically all space marines? lets make it extra boring!
It's a weird decision and quite the commercial gamble. In other words something you try when you have wiggle room in your production line - not when your manufacturing capacity is completely maxed out by more popular IPs and you're entering a holiday season.
My biggest let down is that the game is about the Horusy Heresy. I’m a craftworld player and like many of us I came back into the hobby during lockdows. I always wanted to get some Aeronatica Imperials eldar models, but it was never a priority compared to building my 40k army, and now I can’t get them anymore.
Yeah thats the biggest issue. Like the lore describes the Tyrnids bloting out the sky with bodies. I would love to see the Hive Fleet in all its glory, But for some reason Games Worship sided to not have the Nids here.
@@aaron1037 I actually met people that completely switched to 30k because they didn’t want to play with or against anything that wasn’t a spacemarine. Guess is time to 3D print some eldar space-ship then.
@@Astronometric meanwhile for me I just don't like seeing more than half the armies I play against being blue or green Space Marines. Like I get it You want to play The cool Space Marines, but at least pick something that isn't the main characters. Part of why I like AOS a lot more now. I've never played against the same general list twice in a row.
@@TheLordofMetroids I think people fail to realize that 30k is the safest option. Having this game being 40k to start with would be a MASSIVE risk, this is them testing the waters to see if the market for epic is even there. IMO honestly people who shit on it for being 30k are fools. If they ever want a new 40k epic game, this needs to sell well enough. And by no means did they ever say they won't expand into other armies, in fact quite the opposite. With possibly Custodes, Daemons, and Mechanics coming out later. So if you like marines are Auxillia, maybe just buy a model or two to see how you like painting at that scale. It will support the game, and eventually we might see it brought into 40k
The concept of epic and hearing the potential “re-release” of it is what brought me back into the hobby HARD after playing plastic grey-necrons through high school. Im incredibly hyped for the release but also Pretty Bummed it doesnt have any xenos armies yet, but I’m holding out hope! Im worried about the local scene however, considering I bought into underworlds without any games happening nearby, so that was a bummer.
I am pretty sure LI is marine vs marines is because that is how Epic started out with the original Space Marine. I am sure if this is successful we’ll see a Codex Titanicus expansion.
You are just wrong about the infantry, but thats okay. the hwole point is that it is a massive scale battle, and infrantry is a big part of that battle.
The Shaltari from Dropzone Commander have to be one of the most creative sci-fi aesthetics I've seen. So damn cool. Would love to see you paint some. Come on, Jay, you know you want to make an army for yet another game... :P
I’m really excited for Legions Imperials myself because I just love seeing the tiny Titian’s and Dreadnoughts and be able to field an entire army in just one box. I can see how anyone who isn’t interested in space marines would be bummed out about it being 30k. I’m a Tau player myself but I can appreciate some space marines. Yes I would love some epic scale Tau but I can settle with the tiny space marines instead because they still look cool to me.
Well, I like the idea that they are bringing back smaller scale minis to play huge battles with, I'm with everyone else on not wanting to just have loyalist vs traitors. Fictional wargames (not counting Star Wars), really seem to live or die based on the quality and variety of factions to chose from. That's probably the reason why both the Starship Troopers and Aliens games didn't really go anywhere, limited factions. Most games try to ship with at least 5-6 different factions, each with stuff that makes them different from the others.
Really hyped for it. I’m a 1 system guy usually middle earth but this is really pulling me in. Really looking forward to it and the models look fantastic
Привет, Джей! Наверное было бы интереснее: 1) подставки были на один отряд - со съёмными миниатюрами (на магнитах); 2) размеры отрядов ограничены правилами (чем мощнее юнит - тем их меньше по количеству на подставке); 3) сделать сапёров (в жетонах с цифрами вклеить магниты - наступил - подбросило - значит подорвался на мине); 4) имеют значение стены, зенитки, укрепления, противотанковые рвы и т.п.; 5) для крупных юнитов (титанов и рыцарей) оборудовать места для пехоты прямо на броне, то есть рыцарь или титан выполняют роль осадной башни. Успехов!
Wait, you did a poll on an audience about a game system that has not been around for 20 years on a channel that mainly covers the flagship game system and the results were exactly as they should have been?
Being 30k is a huge turn off for me. I'm worried that it's gonna sell so poorly they won't even bother trying a proper 40k Epic version. If they'd started with 40k I reckon people would be a lot more hyped. I don't think I've come across a single person saying they're hyped for this.
The game is 70% the old ‘space marine’ game from the 80s. Which is a good thing! Lots of people already have the titans and the aircraft, so adding infantry and tanks isn’t overwhelming. What really makes the game is the terrain. Ive bought into this big time. It’s true combined arms. If it does well (it’s mostly sold out on the GW website currently), I’m sure they will expand it to 40k races. And by the way, the bases for the infantry are only 25mm, not 40mm.
I was a little iffy myself on Legions Imperialis but after watching the Battle Report WH+ posted with actual gameplay on a 3x3 board, the game looks really fun! Definitely picking up a couple starter sets
Not really excited for this, and the price point to have an army plus painting and assembling the smaller models would be a pain unless you plan to dip everything in washes/oils.
I mean, small models paint fast. I can paint 3 stands of infantry to a decent standard in less time than it takes to paint even a single 32mm space marine
As a wargamer Im looking forward to playing large story driven games with Legion Imperialis. Ive played several really good games in mirco armor and with the scale allows such a massive scope of battlefields.
The problems with Epic 30k are a few fold, People who like the setting (Meeeeee) already have one or (Me again) numerous 30k armies in normal scale, they aren't ready to have another one of their games be abandoned in a few years. The people who like epic already have an epic army, either a classic army or they have 3d printed an army because GW abandoned the game they liked once before and have been playing with home brew already. The people who would be interested in epic but haven't touched it want xenos and chaos stuff in epic so 30k is no dice for them. The rules sound fun and I think people will be interested in the rule books, and I personally like that it has plastic titans (I am not spending 4 truck payments on a Reaver for 30k), but I don't like beakie marines that much so I would be 3d printing my own marines instead of buying this box.
I think people fail to realize that 30k is the safest option. Having this game being 40k to start with would be a MASSIVE risk, this is them testing the waters to see if the market for epic is even there. IMO honestly people who shit on it for being 30k are fools. If they ever want a new 40k epic game, this needs to sell well enough. And by no means did they ever say they won't expand into other armies, in fact quite the opposite. With possibly Custodes, Daemons, and Mechanics coming out later. So if you like marines are Auxillia, maybe just buy a model or two to see how you like painting at that scale. It will support the game, and eventually we might see it brought into 40k
@@Naco-ic9qz I mean, how would that be a risk? Just make 3-4 units per army... you don't need every single model in the 40k range. Also, aeronautica imperialis already has many xeno flyers so you don't need ti resculpt those. Not every faction would have a titanic unit tho, like necron or aeldari... but that's fixable with time
I disagree, but I feel like your points are definitely things that a lot of other people will agree with. I love the look and 30k is exciting to me. I get to mess about with stuff from the books I love. I can field much more stuff, much more quickly and have exciting interactions with vehicles that usually don't fit into my army in the numbers I'd like. I'm excited to get the models and have a go.
I even loved x-wing 2nd edition when it first dropped. They had some struggles with trying to get the game to continue at that point when we all had what we needed on launch, but the game was super solid. Then AMG got ahold of it and murdered it.
Two things holding me back with LI. Incredibly expensive, and placed in 30k. When you look at what it costs to field a tabletop game (that's actually an epic army on both sides) it's a punch in the gut. 30k? Come on GW. People love 40k. Stop with the HH marine on marine orgy. I collected just about all of the Epic stuff from the 90's. It was easy. An affordable small box came with a full infantry detachment. A blister pack of tanks came with a full squad for about $6. The army boxes came with terrain, titans, tanks, and infantry that truly came in epic numbers.
I was ready for this when it was due out this year, it being pushed back has chilled me out a bit. I like that I can integrate my Adeptus Titanicus models straight in though. With the starter box set & my adeptus titanicus I should have a formidable force !
I just want to make and paint some giant tiny stompy robots. Without paying over £1,500 for just one warlord. So for me, I will be enjoying a few small big bois.
Tiny titans exist for years. Even new plastic kits from Adeptus Titanicus have already became old. And Battletech of course... Hundreds of 'big stompy robots'.
Legions Imperialis is the first GW game I’ve actually been excited about in …. A long time. Since Necromunda let me down, I haven’t cared about anything GW really. But this, I am excited about. I do wish it was Epic 40k, but I’ll take what I can get
Until I can field a Epic scale Manta and deploy ALL the troops, suits and tanks they are supposedly carries, I am not interested in the Legions Imperialis.we are making things super tiny already, I don't want to squint just to read tiny dot of the colour on the mini, just to figure out if that is mine or my opponent's. I want shapes, themes of other races.
Super excited for the return of Epic. And dont be stressed about it being 30k. If the game is successful I can see them bringing in Chaos, Xenos and a more modern day take. This is exactly what they did with the original release.
I’m actually really excited for this. My dad, rip, collected model trains. While he mainly collected O scale he had a bunch of N scale. The N scale ones were my favorite. I’m exited that there will be a tiny line now for GW. The gameplay also looks really fun.
Dropzone Commander does have the Behemoths which are huge resin models (compared to the infantry/vehicles). Biggest difference between Dropzone and Legions is price - £45 vs £120 for the starter set and even the Behemoths are only (!) £95 - plus monorails.
I’m interested in legion imperialis but I’m really wanting to wait for the Mechanicum so I can run a forge world force. Or atleast ally them in to a legion Also as a Knights player I’m fine with the giant model of the Warlord being at knight scale because that means I can actually reasonably afford and play one now in a Titan legion
i honestly dont think it will last for a few reason, 1 its only HH which limits who will be interested in it, and 2/3 is its pric (prices i think hurt both arinautica and the titian game) and its going to be competing again classic epic which has a vary large 3rd party and 3d printing scene that produces models for much cheaper. also the rules just look like updated epic rules so not that much difrent then old epic or net epic. basicly i think thay are trying to get into a corner of the hobby that was already saturated and has huge options other then GW which will hurt them long term on such a nitch game.
Meanwhile, one of our local stores has people preordering LI at about the same amount as 10th edition and I'm all aboard. I already love Titanicus, have a bunch of aeronatucia models, and already have an entire epic sisters army I plan to proxy in.
I'm pretty hype about it. It's the only way I'd like to play the horus heresy era. The scale just makes more sense considering how huge the legions were. Im a xenos player in 40k so it's pretty cool getting to play the legions.
I didn't know about the pool but I will be getting into it hard. I understand the reason why people don't care. I don't care about space marines or solar axillery. But I figure I will play and build armies for both hoping they eventually expand to 40k. If they don't when the game dies I will go to epic and get recasts/3d prints of models for that and I will already have some armies for the game. And honestly limiting it to HH kills off so much interest for so many people, I hope GW realizes that if they expand it to 40k it will blow up in popularity so even if it doesn't sell incredibly well there is reason to keep expanding.
I'll probably get a warlord titan or something because they will absolutely be cheaper and easier to store and paint than the full-sized model. Other than that I'm still getting into regular 40k.
@@quintu5 Yeh, the legions titans are already out. They're the exact models released for Adeptus Titanicus (a warlord is about 2/3rfs the height of a 40k knight).
From the battle reports I‘ve seen, it seems the game combines a lot of things from 40k 5th edition and dropzone commander - 2 of my favourite games. I‘m hyped!
as someone who play Adeptus Titanicus, its an easy ease into the game. The Warmaster titan is a pretty model to paint and display (not sure if LI will have a statblock or formation with it)
Well, LI is on its starting Point. As a long time Epic Player i was very biased on how can this turn out. But Models Types aside, which will be dropping as time goes by, I am pretty sure that at least 2 more Factions will arrive: Custodes and Mechanicum. Because of this I am eager to get more of it on table. Maybe there will be also the Fan Community which supported Epic since GW left it.
For your statement on the Flesheater Courts. Should they be pulled out of the Vampire Counts? YES! Why? Because if you wanna go horde, you can already chose to go either skelly or zombie, no need for a third take on yet another 'the same' horde. Also, them Ghouls re ba far, not elite enough ro compete with Wights, let alone Vampires. So for once, I fully agreed with GW. They should be scrapped or become a faction on their own. They NEED new models, bad. This may be GW testing the waters. Last year, they also released, limited edition, a Ghoul King on a throne, absolute BOSS of a model.
Its a bit of a niche in a niche, dont see it selling like horus heresy or 40k, plus personally there is a ton of stls online that cover 30k, 40k hell even fantasy and at that scale detail doesnt really matter and it uses like zero resin
I played Zone for years! The current iteration of the rules are a mess, sadly. But V1.1 and the Beta of 2nd Ed were really good games. Infantry is extremely important in DZC. Your dropships were carrying APCs full of troops, your light dropships were rapid troop deployment. You, depending on faction, probably fielded 4 squads on average. A typical squad is 10 dudes, so 40 soldiers on average along with your armor support. I was really excited for Legions, but in typical GW fashion they’ll probably price me out of interest.
Agree, I do not like the second edition at all. But! Dropzone is the perfect tactical level game for Dropfleet. Only when playing both of them in the linked system you can feel planetary invasion.
Dropzone commander is all about the infantry. But, not neccessarily as in "send inn hordes", but as in the game resolves around them. Infantry can capture objectives, and in alot of missions are the only ones capable of doing so. So you want some cheap objective hunting infantry to do that. But, they're slow at a massiv 2"! movement speed. So they need transports. And they're squishy, so they need to hide in buildings or risk dying. So, you want things to deal with infantry in buildings, deal with their transports and of course deal with what's going to deal with your anti infantry and anti air stuff. It's great, i love it. Few dice, loads of terrain. Bases are optional for some of the bigger stuff. Some do it to hover vehicles to give them hover effects etc. It's a great game and i'd recommend it to anyone.
I have 21 Adeptus Mechanicus titans plus a bunch a knights. LI lets me scale up a game to include a bunch of them. My usual AT opponents are getting LI and have printed net epic armies. So we can play large games from day 1 with titans and knights galore. The main advantage of 8mm scale is you can play a whole battle not just the tip of the spear that 40k/30k usually is.
I want you to know that "teeny weeny space mariney" absolutely murdered me, so thank you for that one. Anyway, I think I'm too much of a xenos-lover to get into Legions Imperialis. I do like my slightly less Chaos-y 30k CSM, but not enough to build a whole army.
Once again saying if you want a vehicle based epic game please play Adeptus Titanicus, I and most of the people who've played it that I've spoken to agree it's about the best game GW makes. It's very well designed and because theres only about a dozen different units each only having a handful of weapons, it allows for quite a lot of complexity without it being overly crunchy and super complicated, they really feel like titans theyre big and strong and hard to kill but they arent just bullet sponges, but also the guns have room to be strong and scary without just wiping stuff off the board in one go. It's just really good and sounds like the kind of thing you might be looking for. Also a Warlord Titan is not really close to the size of an Imperial Knight, its much closer to the size of the armiger knight, maybe 2/3 the height of a full knight.
The only fathomable way I get into Legions Imperialis is if they do the entire 30k line teeny tiny and cheap. Really, I just want a thumb-sized Daemon Fulgrim.
I'm getting it. It's honestly crazy how many mainly 40k UA-cam channels are saying this type of thing. It's not your type of thing, that's fine. It sold out day one, so it's obviously selling and people like it. Wondering why people like things that you don't like (jimmying your jams) is an odd thing to say. Are 40k fans not allowed to like other things? Can GW not make something else? I've read every HH book and I love the idea of this game. Enjoy 40k at nauseum it that gets your jams Jimmied :) Certainly will get you more clicks on videos no doubt, so I understand your pessimism.
Speed paint your Konflikt ‘47 stuff in the style of Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2, that’ll get your numbers up. Plus it would be an awesome way to play a “historical wargame” in a non historical way that would really sync with your audience. Who else here loves Red Alert 2?
GW leaves free money on the table every day they don't come out with great crusade rules for 30k. Then boom Eldar and Orks and they can maybe sell some other new aliens for too much money.
One, the price is about on average for GW, 2. They reason they chose HH was because they dont need to make 20 factions to make people happy, they can make 2 factions and 99% of people are happy. You can't do that with 40k
@theepicspacemarine8684 >on average ...based on what? Amount of plastic? No. A handful of Micro Machines and a book do not justify this price. Amount of units? Also no, if they did that it would be an even worse ripoff than it already is. Do you perhaps mean, charging about $200 to $250 for a box set regardless of what's inside it? If so, then that's right on. As for why they choose the era, you're also right on. They know they can get away with selling you the same Army twice, not offer any variety, and dumb simps will defend them. >99% of fans are happy I don't know that, and neither do you. It seems to me that there are a lot of people who are not happy with this. If they don't like 30k, 40k exists. But for Epic scale? They just won't play it. Lost sales for GW. Every time they want to sell new models in 40k, they put out a new army. There's 26 factions. That's ridiculous. But they keep making them because they keep selling. So you mean to tell me that they couldn't put out a couple extra factions worth of Micro Machines? I just think they didn't have a lot of faith an Epic, it's just a quick cash grab for them that they're going to abandon a couple years down the road. All the happy fans you're talking about are going to be sad when that happens. Or if they're *really* dumb simps, they won't learn their lesson, and will just move on to the next product.
I believe 40K Epic WILL come in Future releases. When AT18 was released in 30K era the creators said that if it was successful there will likely be further developments into other settings like 'Rise of the Beasts' era for Orks and Eldar, and others down the line - but Imperial on Imperial makes it easy to produce the initial wave of models and get things started. As it happens they've gone with full Epic beyond just Titans, but I believe the same plan is behind it all, and eventually we will get there. Just look at the support given to Bloodbowl and Necromunda - that's what they'll do for Epic if we all stick with it...
The original epic was cool because it had all the races. It was a more manageable way to pay huge battles as Apocalypse was just a cool idea that couldn't execute well for average players. You also got to use larger stuff that would never be used on a normal table, like mega titans and even larger tanks and air vehicles.
I liked Epic back in the day, but part of that was the xenos armies. Orks and tyranids in particular added a lot of fun to the setting. I would love to play some epic, but it needs to be 40k not 30k.
Legiones Imperialis seems like a perfect game for resin 3d printing to be honest. At that scale most consumer resin printers should have an easy time getting some detail in there. My biggest issue is them releasing it as a Space Marine versus Guard (effectively) box. With The End And The Death Part 2 releasing just a couple of weeks ago making this Loyalist versus Chaos would have been a better box. Call the box The Siege of Terra and tie it in with the books. Put a little Sanguinius and Angron in there and a Lions Gate terrain bit. That's how I woulda did it.
Can't get anymore models. Was given the base Imperialis set for Christmas, managed to get hold of a couple boxes Kratos tanks, box of Rhinos, a Thunderhawk and Auxilia bombers. All done, complete, now nothing available. So, that's that, all painted, all ready and no more avaiable
It has to have some type of a fanbase for GW to have made the molds to get them made. I know I want it to get past the box set stage and get to individual releases because I want to buy some Epic scale Titans to use as proxies for Dreadnoughts. Also, your old world comment, I know about a half dozen people who stopped buy/playing warhammer after Old World was blown up to make AoS
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The Legions Imperialis bases aren't 40mm, they're on 25mm bases.
As for the little nubs between the models' feets, I don't like them, but hoping they'll be easy enough to trim off.
It’s true
I think the bases being flatter in LI makes people real confused about what the scale actually is
By the way i just epic.
Bro should get his facts straight before ragging on something...
@@uh1066hastingsI didn’t get the feeling that that was his only issue with the game.
I didn't see the poll, but I am HYPED for legions imperialis!
I've always loved the scale of Titanicus, and Titanicus was by far the best actual game that Games Workshop have put out in years. It felt like it was designed from the start to be enjoyable and fun to play first, and to sell miniatures second, unlike basically all of the other main-line GW games. The main part that really excites me, is being able to own armies and models at a fraction of the cost that it'd cost me for the normal heroic scale size minis, and when you get a good game of titanicus on board with all the terrain, the scale really makes the battle feel... epic. A problem I've always had with 40k is the scale is all wrong; The amount of troops and tanks involved at the relative distances always felt more like small skirmishes rather than the all-out epic battles of the stories and lore, but Titanicus and soon Legions will give me that; battles of armies of reasonable numbers across a sprawling sector of city or barren wasteland, slugging it out, with the god-engines present, able to wipe out entire cityblocks in a blink of an eye!
I suppose it isn't totally surprising though, because I've always enjoyed the specialist games more than the mainline series in terms of game-play, despite having much more 40k than anything else. Kill team, Necromunda, Blood Bowl, Titanicus, all games I much prefer to the main ones!
It sold out almost everywhere I checked so people are very excited for it.
Ive been struggling for weeks trying to pick up minis, the websitr keeps runnjng out hours after they restock
@@unpotatoedsalmon best place to look is finding it in stock in random, small, Local Game Stores (LGS) that happen to not be well known so have it in stock. Luckily, I know of a few shops that have some of it in stock, whether its single boxes of individual units, or the big release box, and they're all small LGSs. That, and they tend to be cheaper than GWs prices!
I bought from a Wayland Games originally on preorder 2 weeks before, but on release day, they turned around and said "Oops, we don't have it in stock, you'll have to wait for an unknown time" so I refunded, and found it down at my LGS for almost the same price!
I'd be interested to see how other games do in a poll with a "who cares?" option in it. I suspect that option would do rather well for all games other than 40k...
Legions Imperialis seems to share quite a lot of DNA with the 1991 edition of Space Marine, stuff like the orders is taken right from that edition of Epic, for instance. I really enjoyed Epic back in the day, being able to have a large army containing both tiny and huge models is quite appealing.
I think a "who cares?" option might do well even for 40k. Not everyone who wargames is into 40k.
I would be curious to see that quiz for The Old World. I don't know if I'm in the same boat as the rest of the community, but Games Workshop has basically eroded all my hype for The Old World.
@@TheLordofMetroids I am glad that boomers get a new rule book to play with their old fantasy armies, but I am not paying GW prices for ancient models because they aren't invested in the game, so neither am I.
@@JanitorScruffyyeah. Honestly if they revealed everything at once i might be into it, but for like a year they have been like "heres a 20 year old mini, we stopped making because they sold worse than paint. You didn't buy it before, but hopefully you'll buy it now."
It got really old, really fast.
@@TheLordofMetroids yeah GW seems to think that the only way to make money is to drip feed with everything hoping you will buy it as it comes out in the hopes that what you really want might be coming down the line.
Including the Auxilia is a winning move. But it pains me that scaling down Edgar Somorowski's incredible sculpts removes almost all of the detail
Wait, what did edgar sculpt? Is he working at forgeworld?
@@trovarion He created the Solar Auxilia range as a side project while working at GW and they decided to add it to HH. But he left GW in 2015 to work on new things.
@@AeromatterYT ah ok, i am not up to date. Thanks for the update!
Legion imperialis actually looks sweet…ALSO, did anyone see that MANTIC is doing full scale epic via a kickstarter
@@Lewismarty1it will be released early 2024
Whoop whoop yea I did!!!!
I saw that but I prefer skirmish games and I'm already happy with Deadzone.
Yep. I'll be backing... Hope they support Veer-myn
I totally agree! I only play xenos for 25 years in 40k and so there is no faction for me in legion imperialis. Epic was really nice because of those dimensions where eldar jetbikes zoomed 36" over the board which was representing increadible speed. If there was a new 40k epic with eldar or tyranids I would be totally hyped!
I suspect that releasing a full epic scale game for 40k with the level of support for all of the factions that would expected by the community would strain even GW's resources. Maybe if Legions Imperialis does well GW will start to release others factions in the same scale, but doing it all at once would be challenging and I can imagine the community backlash if several popular factions were missing at launch would harm the game's reputation. At least with 30k nobody's surprised if only marines are supported - getting the Solar Auxilia in the box too is almost a pleasant surprise.
Honestly just play the Epic Armageddon fan-ported rules, it is still fun.
the ridiculous amount of space marine content and players in normal tabletop is already annoying enough. whey would I want to play a setting that is basically all space marines?
@@anotherzingbo as long as no one is buying it with the expectation that they even might start doing xenos. All signs indicate it will be limited to 30k only.
Actually, they DID reveal new Epic Tyranids. But that video was quickly taken down.
My complete disinterest in 30k extends to legions imperialis. It definitely would be completely different if it was 40k epic.
I think people fail to realize that 30k is the safest option. Having this game being 40k to start with would be a MASSIVE risk, this is them testing the waters to see if the market for epic is even there. IMO honestly people who shit on it for being 30k are fools. If they ever want a new 40k epic game, this needs to sell well enough. And by no means did they ever say they won't expand into other armies, in fact quite the opposite. With possibly Custodes, Daemons, and Mechanics coming out later. So if you like marines are Auxillia, maybe just buy a model or two to see how you like painting at that scale. It will support the game, and eventually we might see it brought into 40k
Honestly just play the Epic Armageddon fan-ported rules, it is still fun.
yeah I have no interest in Horus Heresy stuff. Normal tabletop is already mostly space marines. why have a setting thats basically all space marines? lets make it extra boring!
@@ZectifinI think the appeal for me is the ability to incorporate larger armies and play out larger campaigns.
This. Marines vs marines is the most boring type of game imaginable for me.
It's a weird decision and quite the commercial gamble. In other words something you try when you have wiggle room in your production line - not when your manufacturing capacity is completely maxed out by more popular IPs and you're entering a holiday season.
My biggest let down is that the game is about the Horusy Heresy. I’m a craftworld player and like many of us I came back into the hobby during lockdows. I always wanted to get some Aeronatica Imperials eldar models, but it was never a priority compared to building my 40k army, and now I can’t get them anymore.
Yeah thats the biggest issue.
Like the lore describes the Tyrnids bloting out the sky with bodies. I would love to see the Hive Fleet in all its glory, But for some reason Games Worship sided to not have the Nids here.
The marine fatigue is real. I'd have liked a real mini waaaagh without having to buy a bungalow to store the models
@@aaron1037 I actually met people that completely switched to 30k because they didn’t want to play with or against anything that wasn’t a spacemarine. Guess is time to 3D print some eldar space-ship then.
@@Astronometric meanwhile for me I just don't like seeing more than half the armies I play against being blue or green Space Marines.
Like I get it You want to play The cool Space Marines, but at least pick something that isn't the main characters.
Part of why I like AOS a lot more now. I've never played against the same general list twice in a row.
@@TheLordofMetroids I think people fail to realize that 30k is the safest option. Having this game being 40k to start with would be a MASSIVE risk, this is them testing the waters to see if the market for epic is even there. IMO honestly people who shit on it for being 30k are fools. If they ever want a new 40k epic game, this needs to sell well enough. And by no means did they ever say they won't expand into other armies, in fact quite the opposite. With possibly Custodes, Daemons, and Mechanics coming out later. So if you like marines are Auxillia, maybe just buy a model or two to see how you like painting at that scale. It will support the game, and eventually we might see it brought into 40k
The concept of epic and hearing the potential “re-release” of it is what brought me back into the hobby HARD after playing plastic grey-necrons through high school. Im incredibly hyped for the release but also Pretty Bummed it doesnt have any xenos armies yet, but I’m holding out hope! Im worried about the local scene however, considering I bought into underworlds without any games happening nearby, so that was a bummer.
It's a HH game, don't hold your breath for xenos. In fact, I'd cross my fingers that this got actual support from GW, unlike HH did.
Where did you get the idea that any of the infantry is gonna be 40mm??
I am pretty sure LI is marine vs marines is because that is how Epic started out with the original Space Marine. I am sure if this is successful we’ll see a Codex Titanicus expansion.
Starting a newsletter? That's really old-school. I like it.
You are just wrong about the infantry, but thats okay. the hwole point is that it is a massive scale battle, and infrantry is a big part of that battle.
The Shaltari from Dropzone Commander have to be one of the most creative sci-fi aesthetics I've seen. So damn cool. Would love to see you paint some. Come on, Jay, you know you want to make an army for yet another game... :P
I’m really excited for Legions Imperials myself because I just love seeing the tiny Titian’s and Dreadnoughts and be able to field an entire army in just one box. I can see how anyone who isn’t interested in space marines would be bummed out about it being 30k. I’m a Tau player myself but I can appreciate some space marines. Yes I would love some epic scale Tau but I can settle with the tiny space marines instead because they still look cool to me.
Li has been what I've been looking forward to for months now
See I don't care about it because it's HH, not Epic 40k, I'm sure many others would agree, if it were Epic 40k it'd sell
Well, I like the idea that they are bringing back smaller scale minis to play huge battles with, I'm with everyone else on not wanting to just have loyalist vs traitors.
Fictional wargames (not counting Star Wars), really seem to live or die based on the quality and variety of factions to chose from. That's probably the reason why both the Starship Troopers and Aliens games didn't really go anywhere, limited factions. Most games try to ship with at least 5-6 different factions, each with stuff that makes them different from the others.
Really hyped for it. I’m a 1 system guy usually middle earth but this is really pulling me in. Really looking forward to it and the models look fantastic
Привет, Джей! Наверное было бы интереснее: 1) подставки были на один отряд - со съёмными миниатюрами (на магнитах); 2) размеры отрядов ограничены правилами (чем мощнее юнит - тем их меньше по количеству на подставке); 3) сделать сапёров (в жетонах с цифрами вклеить магниты - наступил - подбросило - значит подорвался на мине); 4) имеют значение стены, зенитки, укрепления, противотанковые рвы и т.п.; 5) для крупных юнитов (титанов и рыцарей) оборудовать места для пехоты прямо на броне, то есть рыцарь или титан выполняют роль осадной башни. Успехов!
Wait, you did a poll on an audience about a game system that has not been around for 20 years on a channel that mainly covers the flagship game system and the results were exactly as they should have been?
Being 30k is a huge turn off for me. I'm worried that it's gonna sell so poorly they won't even bother trying a proper 40k Epic version. If they'd started with 40k I reckon people would be a lot more hyped. I don't think I've come across a single person saying they're hyped for this.
30k sucks.
@@skazkatzroy3444 I mean, that's just your opinion
The game is 70% the old ‘space marine’ game from the 80s. Which is a good thing! Lots of people already have the titans and the aircraft, so adding infantry and tanks isn’t overwhelming. What really makes the game is the terrain. Ive bought into this big time. It’s true combined arms. If it does well (it’s mostly sold out on the GW website currently), I’m sure they will expand it to 40k races. And by the way, the bases for the infantry are only 25mm, not 40mm.
I love these videos but I need more visual references like when you do a review for upcoming releases
would be nice, yeah
Very much so
I was a little iffy myself on Legions Imperialis but after watching the Battle Report WH+ posted with actual gameplay on a 3x3 board, the game looks really fun! Definitely picking up a couple starter sets
The way this ep was shot the lights were reflecting just above your head. It looked like a fae or druid crown and I loved it.
Horus Heresy 2.0 just came out. I would be interested in this IF it was a 40k game.
I'm bored of 30k
Not really excited for this, and the price point to have an army plus painting and assembling the smaller models would be a pain unless you plan to dip everything in washes/oils.
Imagine trying to airbrush a guardsman that small.
Or even worse, a grott.
I mean, small models paint fast. I can paint 3 stands of infantry to a decent standard in less time than it takes to paint even a single 32mm space marine
As a wargamer Im looking forward to playing large story driven games with Legion Imperialis. Ive played several really good games in mirco armor and with the scale allows such a massive scope of battlefields.
The problems with Epic 30k are a few fold, People who like the setting (Meeeeee) already have one or (Me again) numerous 30k armies in normal scale, they aren't ready to have another one of their games be abandoned in a few years. The people who like epic already have an epic army, either a classic army or they have 3d printed an army because GW abandoned the game they liked once before and have been playing with home brew already. The people who would be interested in epic but haven't touched it want xenos and chaos stuff in epic so 30k is no dice for them.
The rules sound fun and I think people will be interested in the rule books, and I personally like that it has plastic titans (I am not spending 4 truck payments on a Reaver for 30k), but I don't like beakie marines that much so I would be 3d printing my own marines instead of buying this box.
I'm actually really excited for LI.
Fielding huge armies always makes my brain tingle so an easier way to do that appeals to me
I won't take it because I really don't care about the heresy or marines in general...
they should have made this for 40k with xenos ngl
I think people fail to realize that 30k is the safest option. Having this game being 40k to start with would be a MASSIVE risk, this is them testing the waters to see if the market for epic is even there. IMO honestly people who shit on it for being 30k are fools. If they ever want a new 40k epic game, this needs to sell well enough. And by no means did they ever say they won't expand into other armies, in fact quite the opposite. With possibly Custodes, Daemons, and Mechanics coming out later. So if you like marines are Auxillia, maybe just buy a model or two to see how you like painting at that scale. It will support the game, and eventually we might see it brought into 40k
@@Naco-ic9qz I mean, how would that be a risk?
Just make 3-4 units per army... you don't need every single model in the 40k range.
Also, aeronautica imperialis already has many xeno flyers so you don't need ti resculpt those.
Not every faction would have a titanic unit tho, like necron or aeldari... but that's fixable with time
Having only 4 units per faction would absolutely suck ass on release. When they release armies, they should have a good range@@vittoriodicredico5985
I disagree, but I feel like your points are definitely things that a lot of other people will agree with. I love the look and 30k is exciting to me. I get to mess about with stuff from the books I love. I can field much more stuff, much more quickly and have exciting interactions with vehicles that usually don't fit into my army in the numbers I'd like. I'm excited to get the models and have a go.
X-Wing 1.0 really was something special, everything around the wave 9/10 era was just so goddamn good
I even loved x-wing 2nd edition when it first dropped. They had some struggles with trying to get the game to continue at that point when we all had what we needed on launch, but the game was super solid.
Then AMG got ahold of it and murdered it.
Two things holding me back with LI. Incredibly expensive, and placed in 30k. When you look at what it costs to field a tabletop game (that's actually an epic army on both sides) it's a punch in the gut. 30k? Come on GW. People love 40k. Stop with the HH marine on marine orgy. I collected just about all of the Epic stuff from the 90's. It was easy. An affordable small box came with a full infantry detachment. A blister pack of tanks came with a full squad for about $6. The army boxes came with terrain, titans, tanks, and infantry that truly came in epic numbers.
30k is where it started and where it belongs. I wouldn’t play 40k epic.
I was ready for this when it was due out this year, it being pushed back has chilled me out a bit. I like that I can integrate my Adeptus Titanicus models straight in though. With the starter box set & my adeptus titanicus I should have a formidable force !
I just want to make and paint some giant tiny stompy robots. Without paying over £1,500 for just one warlord. So for me, I will be enjoying a few small big bois.
Tiny titans exist for years. Even new plastic kits from Adeptus Titanicus have already became old. And Battletech of course... Hundreds of 'big stompy robots'.
@@Haroith Battletech mechs look like shit lol
I'm so excited for LI. I just want to play out proper warhammer scale battles.
Legions Imperialis is the first GW game I’ve actually been excited about in …. A long time. Since Necromunda let me down, I haven’t cared about anything GW really. But this, I am excited about. I do wish it was Epic 40k, but I’ll take what I can get
When you try to sleep at 5am, but bro releases another vid
It sold out on the UK store btw
Until I can field a Epic scale Manta and deploy ALL the troops, suits and tanks they are supposedly carries, I am not interested in the Legions Imperialis.we are making things super tiny already, I don't want to squint just to read tiny dot of the colour on the mini, just to figure out if that is mine or my opponent's. I want shapes, themes of other races.
Old epic models luckily weren't multipart models designed to get prices high and building results shitty
Super excited for the return of Epic. And dont be stressed about it being 30k. If the game is successful I can see them bringing in Chaos, Xenos and a more modern day take. This is exactly what they did with the original release.
Jay : *finishes the titan*
Battlefleet remake when GW. My favorite game they stopped supporting.
I might get some Legions Imperallis minis if they add the Mechanacum, but right now it just doesn't appeal to me.
I’m actually really excited for this. My dad, rip, collected model trains. While he mainly collected O scale he had a bunch of N scale. The N scale ones were my favorite. I’m exited that there will be a tiny line now for GW. The gameplay also looks really fun.
Are these the right scale to use a model train set as a battlefield?
If so, that's actually really cool.
Dropzone Commander does have the Behemoths which are huge resin models (compared to the infantry/vehicles). Biggest difference between Dropzone and Legions is price - £45 vs £120 for the starter set and even the Behemoths are only (!) £95 - plus monorails.
The flesh eater courts are something I’m waiting for WHEN, not if, but WHEN they revamp the faction
I’m interested in legion imperialis but I’m really wanting to wait for the Mechanicum so I can run a forge world force. Or atleast ally them in to a legion
Also as a Knights player I’m fine with the giant model of the Warlord being at knight scale because that means I can actually reasonably afford and play one now in a Titan legion
i honestly dont think it will last for a few reason, 1 its only HH which limits who will be interested in it, and 2/3 is its pric (prices i think hurt both arinautica and the titian game) and its going to be competing again classic epic which has a vary large 3rd party and 3d printing scene that produces models for much cheaper. also the rules just look like updated epic rules so not that much difrent then old epic or net epic. basicly i think thay are trying to get into a corner of the hobby that was already saturated and has huge options other then GW which will hurt them long term on such a nitch game.
IMO Legions Imperialis is just a catalyst for bigger things, then gradually expand into 40k.
No, that's wrong.
It would be right if Legions actually sold, but from the tone of the community that doesn't really look like it's going to happen.
they literally said this is not happening.
@@dirtyhandskevthey said they have no _current_ plans. Plans can change.
Meanwhile, one of our local stores has people preordering LI at about the same amount as 10th edition and I'm all aboard. I already love Titanicus, have a bunch of aeronatucia models, and already have an entire epic sisters army I plan to proxy in.
I'm pretty hype about it. It's the only way I'd like to play the horus heresy era. The scale just makes more sense considering how huge the legions were. Im a xenos player in 40k so it's pretty cool getting to play the legions.
"Teeny weeny space mariney? Commissar! You’re up!”
👍👍 can't wait to play, *L'imp*
My favorite thing about EOB videos is how Jay figures out to shove the Patreon plug in XD it makes me giggle every time
My main friend I play 40k with is Tyranids only, if it was 40k setting we would totally play. Alas, the Horus Heresy timeline is not for us
Another amazing video, but what we all really want to know is if the baneblade is painted?!?!?
I didn't know about the pool but I will be getting into it hard. I understand the reason why people don't care. I don't care about space marines or solar axillery. But I figure I will play and build armies for both hoping they eventually expand to 40k. If they don't when the game dies I will go to epic and get recasts/3d prints of models for that and I will already have some armies for the game. And honestly limiting it to HH kills off so much interest for so many people, I hope GW realizes that if they expand it to 40k it will blow up in popularity so even if it doesn't sell incredibly well there is reason to keep expanding.
I'll probably get a warlord titan or something because they will absolutely be cheaper and easier to store and paint than the full-sized model. Other than that I'm still getting into regular 40k.
I wonder if Legions Titans will roughly natch the size of a Dreadnaught. Might be a fun alternative sculpt.
Aren't the Titans for Legions not the same from the Adeptus Titanicus game. So there are references already available?
@@quintu5 Yeh, the legions titans are already out. They're the exact models released for Adeptus Titanicus (a warlord is about 2/3rfs the height of a 40k knight).
oh really? Welp my bank account will hate me.@@stingray4567
"Teeny Weeny Space Mariney"? I just spat my coffee all over my desk and laughed out loud, genius!
Hey Jay, you know what'd bump up the numbers for the year? The '223' individual models of Legions Imperialwhogivesafug?
Like the idea but nah....might use the models for Resin Table diarama with valleys represented by the wood.....or in some Xmas tree decorations
From the battle reports I‘ve seen, it seems the game combines a lot of things from 40k 5th edition and dropzone commander - 2 of my favourite games.
I‘m hyped!
as someone who play Adeptus Titanicus, its an easy ease into the game. The Warmaster titan is a pretty model to paint and display (not sure if LI will have a statblock or formation with it)
Well, LI is on its starting Point. As a long time Epic Player i was very biased on how can this turn out. But Models Types aside, which will be dropping as time goes by, I am pretty sure that at least 2 more Factions will arrive: Custodes and Mechanicum. Because of this I am eager to get more of it on table. Maybe there will be also the Fan Community which supported Epic since GW left it.
I'm super interested in Legions Imperialis, honestly
OK that's it dude, that's too good - this game is officially known as Teeny-Weeny-Space-Mariney from now on XD
For your statement on the Flesheater Courts. Should they be pulled out of the Vampire Counts? YES!
Why? Because if you wanna go horde, you can already chose to go either skelly or zombie, no need for a third take on yet another 'the same' horde.
Also, them Ghouls re ba far, not elite enough ro compete with Wights, let alone Vampires.
So for once, I fully agreed with GW. They should be scrapped or become a faction on their own. They NEED new models, bad. This may be GW testing the waters. Last year, they also released, limited edition, a Ghoul King on a throne, absolute BOSS of a model.
Its a bit of a niche in a niche, dont see it selling like horus heresy or 40k, plus personally there is a ton of stls online that cover 30k, 40k hell even fantasy and at that scale detail doesnt really matter and it uses like zero resin
Warmaster is absolutely gorgeous now! Thanks for 3d-printers!
I played Zone for years! The current iteration of the rules are a mess, sadly. But V1.1 and the Beta of 2nd Ed were really good games. Infantry is extremely important in DZC. Your dropships were carrying APCs full of troops, your light dropships were rapid troop deployment. You, depending on faction, probably fielded 4 squads on average. A typical squad is 10 dudes, so 40 soldiers on average along with your armor support.
I was really excited for Legions, but in typical GW fashion they’ll probably price me out of interest.
Agree, I do not like the second edition at all. But! Dropzone is the perfect tactical level game for Dropfleet. Only when playing both of them in the linked system you can feel planetary invasion.
I do, Jay, I do.
I must have missed the poll because I'm well up for it! 😁
Dropzone commander is all about the infantry. But, not neccessarily as in "send inn hordes", but as in the game resolves around them.
Infantry can capture objectives, and in alot of missions are the only ones capable of doing so. So you want some cheap objective hunting infantry to do that. But, they're slow at a massiv 2"! movement speed. So they need transports. And they're squishy, so they need to hide in buildings or risk dying.
So, you want things to deal with infantry in buildings, deal with their transports and of course deal with what's going to deal with your anti infantry and anti air stuff.
It's great, i love it. Few dice, loads of terrain. Bases are optional for some of the bigger stuff. Some do it to hover vehicles to give them hover effects etc. It's a great game and i'd recommend it to anyone.
I have 21 Adeptus Mechanicus titans plus a bunch a knights. LI lets me scale up a game to include a bunch of them. My usual AT opponents are getting LI and have printed net epic armies. So we can play large games from day 1 with titans and knights galore. The main advantage of 8mm scale is you can play a whole battle not just the tip of the spear that 40k/30k usually is.
some of us are looking forward to imperialis
I want you to know that "teeny weeny space mariney" absolutely murdered me, so thank you for that one.
Anyway, I think I'm too much of a xenos-lover to get into Legions Imperialis. I do like my slightly less Chaos-y 30k CSM, but not enough to build a whole army.
Once again saying if you want a vehicle based epic game please play Adeptus Titanicus, I and most of the people who've played it that I've spoken to agree it's about the best game GW makes. It's very well designed and because theres only about a dozen different units each only having a handful of weapons, it allows for quite a lot of complexity without it being overly crunchy and super complicated, they really feel like titans theyre big and strong and hard to kill but they arent just bullet sponges, but also the guns have room to be strong and scary without just wiping stuff off the board in one go. It's just really good and sounds like the kind of thing you might be looking for.
Also a Warlord Titan is not really close to the size of an Imperial Knight, its much closer to the size of the armiger knight, maybe 2/3 the height of a full knight.
The only fathomable way I get into Legions Imperialis is if they do the entire 30k line teeny tiny and cheap. Really, I just want a thumb-sized Daemon Fulgrim.
I'm getting it. It's honestly crazy how many mainly 40k UA-cam channels are saying this type of thing. It's not your type of thing, that's fine. It sold out day one, so it's obviously selling and people like it. Wondering why people like things that you don't like (jimmying your jams) is an odd thing to say. Are 40k fans not allowed to like other things? Can GW not make something else? I've read every HH book and I love the idea of this game. Enjoy 40k at nauseum it that gets your jams Jimmied :)
Certainly will get you more clicks on videos no doubt, so I understand your pessimism.
Speed paint your Konflikt ‘47 stuff in the style of Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2, that’ll get your numbers up. Plus it would be an awesome way to play a “historical wargame” in a non historical way that would really sync with your audience. Who else here loves Red Alert 2?
I find their lack of Orks disturbing. Ullanor, Ullanor, Ullanor, ere we go!
GW leaves free money on the table every day they don't come out with great crusade rules for 30k. Then boom Eldar and Orks and they can maybe sell some other new aliens for too much money.
@@JanitorScruffyA knight-sized "The Beast"? I'd buy that for a dollar.
@@zieg0r Beeg Ork, innit?
I really wanted epic scale Necrons, I'm really baffled as to why they made this 30k. Also, the price is absurd.
One, the price is about on average for GW, 2. They reason they chose HH was because they dont need to make 20 factions to make people happy, they can make 2 factions and 99% of people are happy. You can't do that with 40k
@theepicspacemarine8684 >on average
...based on what? Amount of plastic? No. A handful of Micro Machines and a book do not justify this price.
Amount of units? Also no, if they did that it would be an even worse ripoff than it already is.
Do you perhaps mean, charging about $200 to $250 for a box set regardless of what's inside it? If so, then that's right on.
As for why they choose the era, you're also right on. They know they can get away with selling you the same Army twice, not offer any variety, and dumb simps will defend them.
>99% of fans are happy
I don't know that, and neither do you. It seems to me that there are a lot of people who are not happy with this. If they don't like 30k, 40k exists. But for Epic scale? They just won't play it. Lost sales for GW.
Every time they want to sell new models in 40k, they put out a new army. There's 26 factions. That's ridiculous. But they keep making them because they keep selling. So you mean to tell me that they couldn't put out a couple extra factions worth of Micro Machines? I just think they didn't have a lot of faith an Epic, it's just a quick cash grab for them that they're going to abandon a couple years down the road. All the happy fans you're talking about are going to be sad when that happens. Or if they're *really* dumb simps, they won't learn their lesson, and will just move on to the next product.
@@joelkurowski7129 I am referring to 99% of HH players playing the same factions
@@theepicspacemarine8684 there's only two factions in 30k anyway, this is a ridiculous comment.
I care about Legions Imperialis. Really pumped for it actually. Kinda wish it was 40K but I love the Horus Heresy setting too.
It so smoll. It so cute, Neeed.
I fucking died at 'teeny weeny space mariney' thank you
I believe 40K Epic WILL come in Future releases.
When AT18 was released in 30K era the creators said that if it was successful there will likely be further developments into other settings like 'Rise of the Beasts' era for Orks and Eldar, and others down the line - but Imperial on Imperial makes it easy to produce the initial wave of models and get things started.
As it happens they've gone with full Epic beyond just Titans, but I believe the same plan is behind it all, and eventually we will get there.
Just look at the support given to Bloodbowl and Necromunda
- that's what they'll do for Epic if we all stick with it...
The original epic was cool because it had all the races. It was a more manageable way to pay huge battles as Apocalypse was just a cool idea that couldn't execute well for average players. You also got to use larger stuff that would never be used on a normal table, like mega titans and even larger tanks and air vehicles.
I liked Epic back in the day, but part of that was the xenos armies. Orks and tyranids in particular added a lot of fun to the setting. I would love to play some epic, but it needs to be 40k not 30k.
I only want it 30k.
"No Juice" is a perfect way to describe it.
Legiones Imperialis seems like a perfect game for resin 3d printing to be honest. At that scale most consumer resin printers should have an easy time getting some detail in there.
My biggest issue is them releasing it as a Space Marine versus Guard (effectively) box. With The End And The Death Part 2 releasing just a couple of weeks ago making this Loyalist versus Chaos would have been a better box. Call the box The Siege of Terra and tie it in with the books. Put a little Sanguinius and Angron in there and a Lions Gate terrain bit.
That's how I woulda did it.
I for one am really excited for old world as is basically my entire FLGS
Can't get anymore models.
Was given the base Imperialis set for Christmas, managed to get hold of a couple boxes Kratos tanks, box of Rhinos, a Thunderhawk and Auxilia bombers.
All done, complete, now nothing available.
So, that's that, all painted, all ready and no more avaiable
100% sure it's a quick cash grab, it will be released and then abandonned to never be updated.
It has to have some type of a fanbase for GW to have made the molds to get them made. I know I want it to get past the box set stage and get to individual releases because I want to buy some Epic scale Titans to use as proxies for Dreadnoughts. Also, your old world comment, I know about a half dozen people who stopped buy/playing warhammer after Old World was blown up to make AoS