Lens Change - Cressi Big Eyes Evolution

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024


  • @KergeKacsa
    @KergeKacsa 4 роки тому +5

    I’ve met with the same problem, you’ve written, but finally found a solution!
    When you try to click the frame to its place, do NOT leave the starting pin last! Do it before the two pins next to your nose, and leave those two last.
    This way it’s easier. Not easy, but easier at least.

    • @celebrating108
      @celebrating108 2 роки тому +1


  • @mareshop
    @mareshop  4 роки тому +3

    If you find it hard to secure the last frame clip, try to replace the optical lens more centered in the fitting space. As they are a bit thicker than the standard lenses, if not perfectly centered the frame could be very hard to fit.

  • @HerbCaudill
    @HerbCaudill 2 роки тому +2

    OK in my struggle to get the frame back on, I read all these comments, and was horrified by the suggestion of using my TEETH, but in the end that was the only thing that worked. Basically, at each tab that you can't get in with your thumbs, bite down gently but firmly, increasing the pressure until it snaps in. Ideally there's just a single tooth on each side of the lens - canines work best for this. You might have to put a disconcerting amount of mask & skirt into your mouth. I'm sorry to give you this terrible information but this is what worked for me. 😬😅

  • @adaml99a
    @adaml99a 6 років тому +6

    Literally the hardest thing to fit ever. In the end, the only way I could do it is to use my teeth!

    • @86Aidan86
      @86Aidan86 5 років тому +1

      Teeth is what finally did it for me on that last damn clip. Thanks for the tip.

  • @Schamitt
    @Schamitt 5 років тому +2

    today, finally, after about an additional hour of fighing, i.e. putting the plastic cover on, removing it, putting it on, removing it, putting it on, several times with the optical lense, several times without any lenses, several times using the not optical lenses which are quite thinner than the optical ones, finaaaaaaaaaaaaaly I made it: click, clack, .... engaged. The biggest technical struggle I had ever had!!!

    • @86Aidan86
      @86Aidan86 5 років тому +1

      I feel like we are veterans and no one who has not changed the lenses of this mask can ever understand what's it like to have been there!

  • @MrRptm67
    @MrRptm67 7 років тому +2

    Thank you for sharing this I just fixed my Mask.

  • @86Aidan86
    @86Aidan86 5 років тому +4

    This video is lies, either they removed the plastic clips to make it look easy or those lenses will fall right out. This lens change is a nightmare. It's doable but very fiddly. Stay patient, and once the clip is aligned used a clamp or bite down hard where the hard plastic is.

  • @Schamitt
    @Schamitt 5 років тому +2

    This is not reflecting the real world! Fitting the lenses is really a struggle. By now I have been fighting like about 30 minutes with the lenses... with no luck. Will try it again tomorrow. Why don´t Cressi/MareShop doesn´t offer the service to put the lenses on? If it is so easy? Well... tomorrow... I will try again...

  • @O2Venture
    @O2Venture 7 років тому +3

    I've tried for more than 6 mths. I could not refit one side of the lens. It just would not clip into place. He made it look easy with just a press and it secure. Absolutely not my case. I've to use tools & alot of brute force to secure the clip. Cressi is not responding.

  • @celebrating108
    @celebrating108 2 роки тому

    READ KergeKacsa's TIP!!! WORKED FOR ME! "I’ve met with the same problem, you’ve written, but finally found a solution!
    When you try to click the frame to its place, do NOT leave the starting pin last! Do it before the two pins next to your nose, and leave those two last.
    This way it’s easier. Not easy, but easier at least."

  • @antonellomala3962
    @antonellomala3962 4 роки тому

    questo video è completamente fasullo, in realtà e molto più difficile e bisogna fare leva ogni gancetto, senza esagerare altrimenti si rompe il gancio e poi è ancora più difficile rimettere la mascherina (telaietto), perchè i ganci fanno molta resistenza per rientrare nella loro sede, alla fine se ci riuscite la vostra maschera avrà qualche graffio in più e c'è da sperare che non entri l'acqua.

    • @mareshop_eu
      @mareshop_eu 4 роки тому

      Salve Antonello, il video è realizzato con le foto ufficiali del servizio tecnico di Cressi. Noi come rivenditori offriamo anche il servizio di installazione su richiesta e il procedimento che seguiamo è esattamente questo.
      Per smontare la cornice non serve fare leva su ogni gancio, solo sul primo e poi si toglie la cornice semplicemente tirandola con delicatezza.
      Per poter rimettere la cornice, le lenti devono essere perfettamente centrate, altrimenti non si aggancia. Per evitare graffi, è sufficiente usare strumenti in plastica o ricoprire quelli in metallo con un panno.
      Se entra acqua, la procedura non è stata eseguita correttamente, la lente non è centrata o è rimasto qualcosa fra le lenti e il supporto (polvere, peli, ...).
      Se ha difficoltà, qualsiasi rivenditore ufficiale Cressi può installare per lei.

    • @antonellomala3962
      @antonellomala3962 4 роки тому

      Buongiorno, il cambio delle lenti è stato difficile, ma ne è valsa la pena, la maschera funziona benissimo, idem il respiratore (alpha ultra dry) sono pienamente soffisfatto

  • @sergiotani1928
    @sergiotani1928 4 роки тому

    posso venire a montarle da voi ?
    siete di rimini ?

    • @mareshop
      @mareshop  4 роки тому

      Salve Sergio, non effettuiamo il servizio di montaggio, mi spiace.