  • Опубліковано 19 січ 2025


  • @joseramos-wt9sr
    @joseramos-wt9sr 9 місяців тому +9

    I figured Jugg would compare better to Master Yi rather than Yasuo.

  • @jakoblexow
    @jakoblexow 9 місяців тому +3

    You deserve way more subs. love your humor

    @JAPSICLE 9 місяців тому +8

    I think the main difference between LoL Champions and DOTA heroes is how their kits are made. LoL makes their champions skills synergize with each other. In DOTA, the skills seem clunky because most of the time they need other heroes to compensate for what they lack in their kit.

    • @anghoangnguyen9581
      @anghoangnguyen9581 8 місяців тому

      "LoL makes their champions skills synergize with each other" that means you need to learn a combo, do it, if they dont die, u do, and come back. in dota 2, u need to read the situation and use skills and items to get what u want

    • @Staklihen
      @Staklihen 20 днів тому

      @@anghoangnguyen9581 Synergies aren't the same thing than Combos. Take a look at Briar. Briar's Q and E have a synergy with her's W and ultimate but she isn't a combo focused champion. You loose control with your W and your ultimate and you can use the Q to change targeting priority and you can use the E to end earlier the loss of control, but you can also use the Q and the E without bieng under the effect of the W or the effect of the ultimate.
      Some LoL champions have a combo focused playstyle and you can do combos with a lot of champions but it's not because you can do a combo that you must do a combo. You can also use your skills outside of combos for various things, depending of your Champion.

  • @lorenzovillabroza9278
    @lorenzovillabroza9278 13 днів тому

    Solid content bro im gonna give you a well deserved subscribe

  • @vladmatei7171
    @vladmatei7171 9 місяців тому +2

    my brother in Christ
    it looks like ur better at dota than league
    maybe u came from dota to league
    but the game was pretty good
    but u didnt maximize E on yas, expecially on minions, you could ve easily 1v2 those guys multiple times , and 1v1 naut , just stick on him with E on minions and auto and q him to death, cuz of lethal tempo so good into tanks, naut bad midlaner and player

    • @moritz0814
      @moritz0814 9 місяців тому

      same in dota, seems like hes playing both games just for fun...

  • @vladmatei7171
    @vladmatei7171 9 місяців тому +2

    hello goat
    remember me

  • @alejandrohe08
    @alejandrohe08 9 місяців тому

    Love the idea of the video, very refreshing to see healthy comparison between the two games and also the humor is really good
    I also play both games and think people should appreciate the differences

    • @AxehnWHY
      @AxehnWHY 8 місяців тому

      very true I agree

  • @fnmfk
    @fnmfk Місяць тому +1

    Shadow fight 2 music there at 0:20

  • @JoelAguilarCerna
    @JoelAguilarCerna Місяць тому

    Jugg was too broken so they nerfed him, that is why you cannot use his first with his últ and viceversa, you cannot tp either when ultimate. Back in the days Jugg used to be really OP because of that.

  • @omega7057
    @omega7057 9 місяців тому

    some respectful content between the two communities, as it should be

  • @hooklife2750
    @hooklife2750 Місяць тому

    Если смотреть с позиции "Ооо крутилка и всё?" или "просто вард ну ок" то Есуо может и будет выглядеть лучше на фоне Джаггернаута, а и вообще, я бы сравнил Ясуо с новоиспечённым Кезом, но не суть.
    Расскажу о Юрнеро. Bladefury это не просто кнопка с уроном, таковым он является в ранней игре по большей части. По мере игры это его основная save кнопка позволяющая сносить безопасно вражеские башни не боясь словить контроль (потому что автоатаки под bladefury проходят по строениям), позволяющая безопасно телепортироваться, и тому подобное, поскольку способность дает эффект Bkb. Эту способность нельзя бездумно нажимать, без него высок риск умереть из за способностей. Можно конечно собрать героя в магический урон, но это уже опционально. Вард вкупе с блейдфури дает отстоять лайнинг в относительной безопасности не давая лишний раз умереть, поэтому резонно иногда не прокачивать криты. Так же вард позволяет Джаггернауту в одиночку побеждать Терзателей, позволяет всей команде стоять под эффектом fortification во время которого Т3 башни бьют по нескольким целям одновременно и имеют немалый урон, да и банально подлечить загулявшего союзника бывает полезно - главное управлять этим вардом и не подставлять его. К слову о критах, помимо уменьшенного базового времени атаки, криты это второе что повышает потенциал автоатак Джаггернаута, это всё в сумме очень хорошо усиливает его ультимейт, который является второй save кнопкой дающая герою полную неуязвимость. Это пожалуй самый сильный ультимейт среди всех керри героев, и по совместительству его легче всего законтрить, начиная блинками и заканчивая лотусом, но помнится что сфера Линка от omnislash не спасает. Тем не менее в конце видео мы видели что его обошли Еулами - предметом за 2000 тысяч золота. А в основном Джаггернаут это герой автоатаки из за больших перезарядок его способностей.
    Не знаю как в Лоле, но в Доте, каким герой ни казался простым, будь то у него направленная способность на которое лолеры постоянно воняют, на деле это не так. Это можно понять по примеру того же Джаггернаута, чьи способности я пытался объяснить в этом комментарий, ведь у него есть аж 2 способности, позволяющие увернуться от направленных способностей, но это уже зависит от реакции игрока на Джаггернауте, хотя на деле это несложно. В Доте существуют более изощренные способы увернуться от разных способностей, так что сложность простых на первый взгляд способностей обусловлен навыком игры твоего оппонента, на что ты в свою очередь не влияешь.
    А Ягермастер хороший герой, играйте за него.

  • @Rave-cat-official
    @Rave-cat-official 9 місяців тому +1

    You shoed upload more i relly like your content

  • @anghoangnguyen9581
    @anghoangnguyen9581 8 місяців тому

    jug's q is strong in the early game but it's not meant to be a damaging tool imo, it can help u with normal stuns, and a good farming tool as well, no need to start with q and then ulti. BTW jug's play style is auto attack, using q to dodge stun, ulti to dodge dmg and deal some dmg as well (agha so u have another one with shorter CD), healing ward to help u and your team to push, he's so well rounded, he dont need a full combo to kill people like in League, he can do anything if u understand him

    • @annov
      @annov  8 місяців тому

      They changed his q now its not that good in early game. Main problem with jugg is that if his playstyle includes auto attack, then he needs either an ability that closes the gap like how it is with PA, weaver, slark, AM and Monkey King etc. or have an ability that stuns/roots/slows like PL, slarder, naga, luna, TA, Wraith king etc. and trust me he does not need a healing ward. Main reason why no damage focused heros have it is because they dont need it.

    • @anghoangnguyen9581
      @anghoangnguyen9581 8 місяців тому

      @@annov some people buy blink for him, or in most case, use vision advantage in dota or enter team fights later, it's still a team game tho, and i still prefer the idea of dota than "you need to execute a full combo with this champ, if u do, you can kill people, if you dont, you die, or go back and wait", I feel like League is just a bunch of gimmicks, u need to learn and land a combo, that's it

  • @wuivretriskel1139
    @wuivretriskel1139 19 днів тому

    You should compare Master Yi/Juggernaut, and Yasuo/Kez.

    • @annov
      @annov  18 днів тому

      Yi is gona be with ember that makes more sense to me.

  • @LeoZoro13
    @LeoZoro13 5 місяців тому

    I don't see too many wards on the map. Where's ur support?
    U need wards and dust for the invisible hero's
    Also if u wanna counter evasion hero's u need mkb
    And if an enemy hero is using ghostspec
    Jus go for nulifier it's easy to tackle heroes but u need a good support for most of the time
    Cuz late game jugg is can solo 1v5
    It's jus my personal experience
    But the main thing is to have fun
    Happy gaming 😊

  • @Weigazod
    @Weigazod 7 місяців тому

    Both Yasuo and Juggernaut have one thing in common. They are characters that emphasise on the attack while running play style. Yasuo replenish his energy bar. Meanwhile, Juggernaut's entire skill kit is to support the nimble playstyle.
    Jug's Q can be used defensively and offensively. Initially, it poses a visual threat to the enemy with that spinning blade. It is to force enemies to run away while you damaging them. It is exceptionally useful ability to chase down low-health targets. Against full-bar enemies or as the instigating ability, I don't think it would work very well. At lv 1, back in the day, Jug can just get a pair of boots and kill most lv-1 heroes with just his Q because his opponent always ran away when they saw his Q and they are alone with him. However, any big strong lv-1 hero can shrug that off immediate and stand their ground against him. I usually depleted Jug's health bar with my underlord back in dota 1 at lv1 just by standing and hitting him. My dps matched very closely to Jug's Q. However, this doesn't mean his Q is bad. His Q is AOE so it has more application in creeping. Moreover, Jug is an-item dependent hero especially with the current balance. Therefore, in early game, his Q is a stronger damage-dealing tool than his normal attack. The strongest aspect of Jug's Q is its spell immunity property so I saw a few people saved his Q for when they had to retreat to avoid being CC-ed. Overall, you will have to use his Q effectively.
    Jug's E is an interesting skill. If you knew the original balance back in dota 1, you will notice that his E is one of the several critical strike-based passive in the game. The other passive of this vein are Wraith King's critical strike and Chaos Knight's critical strike. Both of these critical strike, however, have low proc-chance. Meanwhile, Jug's E is focusing on improving proccing probability. The reason for this is to make it more reliable to deal a crit than to make an unreliable high-damaging gamble. More importantly, it means you can apply the chasing play style better. Hit enemy once then run a bit into the enemy's traveling trajectory then hitting them again. His E is also to help him transitioning into late game by improving the effectiveness of items on his auto-attack. In short, in early game you rely on his Q to deal damage but slowly transition to his auto attack with his E being the central part of that while his Q is saved for reserve to be used in retreating or chasing or dealing with groups of enemies.
    Healing Ward is the next ability that emphasizes on this play style. Since the ward can follow you, it allows you to be more reckless with tower-diving and also for running away.
    His ultimate used to be magical damage because it allows him an early game power-boost to get more kills. Since Jug is an item-dependent hero, this ultimate is essentially vital to secure his mid game where enemies become too tanky for his Q to finish off. Anyway, his ulti is to secure a kill and win a solo. It is not to kill a team. If you don't use it correctly, you are bound to suffer just as how you were on the receiving in of that fountain dive.
    To sum it up, Jug's normal fighting routine is mostly his Q or his auto attack. Into mid and late game, it turns mostly his auto attack (could be different depending on the item build too) while his Q, W, and ultimate are reserved for situational uses. This is different from Yasuo when you need to spam his skills to quickly reduce the enemy's health bar.

    • @Staklihen
      @Staklihen 20 днів тому +1

      Yasuo's Flow isn't Energy. Yasuo's skills have no cost. Yasuo generates Flow for every 59 / 52.5 / 46 (based on level) units he travels by any means. At「 100 stacks 」and upon taking damage from an enemy champion or monster, Yasuo consumes all Flow to grant himself a shield for 125 − 600 (based on level) that lasts up to 1 second.

  • @GoResearchStopBeingStubborn_
    @GoResearchStopBeingStubborn_ 9 місяців тому +1

    DOTA🎉 *X* LOL🎉

  • @Lastofhiskind-00
    @Lastofhiskind-00 8 місяців тому

    Compare jug to master yi. Both have healing skills.

  • @xrodrockx2100
    @xrodrockx2100 7 місяців тому

    I choose AP Master Yi

    @MUHAMMADHASSAN-th2nb 7 місяців тому

    Why both bf and mom tho 😅.

  • @scientist368
    @scientist368 22 дні тому +1

    nah all dota heroes are better than the lol trash
    you are just not good at playing them.
    sven and sk were trash top. they should have rekt you

  • @rafeol
    @rafeol 8 місяців тому

    Eu te amo