Scofield The Cyrus of the Zionist movement

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • In our third episode in the Zionist study, we look at the life of a man some see as a hero and some as a villain. C.I. Scofield
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  • @thenzlander7605
    @thenzlander7605 5 місяців тому +10

    Hating Israel and hating Jews is not the same thing.

    • @Churchhistorypodcast
      @Churchhistorypodcast  4 місяці тому

      If someone hates the only Jewish nation it's a pretty good bet they hate Jews. You could disagree with a choice the nation of Israel makes, but a Christian can not hate Israel and also claim to worship the God of Israel. You can't claim to be a follower of the Lion of Judah while hating Judah.

    • @jw8284
      @jw8284 3 місяці тому

      Zionism is a 19th century Protestant heresy that existed nowhere in the first *eighteen hundred* years of the Church's history. Loving your neighbor -- i.e. not bombing him into oblivion, indiscriminately killing his women and children, and putting him in a concentration camp so you can occasionally "mow the grass" -- that is at the heart of historic Christianity's teachings. Unfortunately, Evangelicals seem to have forgotten that of late...

    • @txt4r
      @txt4r 2 місяці тому

      @@Churchhistorypodcast Jesus hated jews
      that is why they took him out

    • @thenzlander7605
      @thenzlander7605 2 місяці тому

      ​@@Churchhistorypodcast Christians can't hate anyone!

    • @magicw7338
      @magicw7338 26 днів тому

      ​@@Churchhistorypodcast Maybe it's impossible if you conflate the Israel described in the bible with them modern state of Israel. Western Zionism has it's history deeply in anti semitism , look into the Balfour declaration as an example, western government supported zionism as a means to remove Jews from Europe. Many practicing orthodox Jews oppose the state of Israel.

  • @av2827
    @av2827 2 місяці тому

    Wow. Nice historical breakdown but to say that those who criticize and strongly disagree with Scofield hate him and hate the Jewish people and those love Scofield love the Jewish people is extremely unfair and dishonest.

  • @davejaeckel7835
    @davejaeckel7835 6 місяців тому +3

    Nice Schofield history lesson. The points on his salvation helped me see his life more clearly. I have been studying him to better understand the rise of dispensationalism, which I now see as false doctrine after years of searching the scriptures as commanded in Acts 17.
    I don't hate those who call themselves Jews, they need the Gospel too, without it they are not God's chosen people (Gal 4:28-31, 1 Peter 2:9-12). Only those in Christ are the seed of Abraham and heirs of the promise (Gal 3).
    I believe Schofield was mislead by false doctrine. I don't see him as a person who willfully tried to deceive people, rather, a man who was trying to atone for his sins by his own effort instead of submitting completely to the Lord. It doesn't seem he had sound teaching and pride blinds us to false doctrine and creates a desire to prove our value to others. His lack of care for his first wife and children throughout his life is a strong indicator he had pride and refused to take responsibility for his actions. He was an unwitting pupet used by Satan to sow seeds of deception in the church as was Darby- a man of great arrogance and pride.
    Perhaps you could do a video on the history of the Jesuit Priests? They introduced dispensationalism to sow confusion into the Protestant Reformation.
    See Ribera and Bellatmine
    And also the book:
    The Coming of Messiah in Glory and Majesty
    Volume 1, published in London, 1827.
    It can be found here:
    Priest #1 Primary author
    Manuel Lacunza
    Used Jewish Pen Name:
    Juan Josafat Ben-Ezra To hide his true identity and to gain acceptance by Protestants.
    Priest#2: Primary promoter
    Edward Irving (Preliminary Discource)
    Edward Irving also taught Dispensationalism before 1827 at the Albury Conferences in London, where John Nelson Darby attended.
    Darby learned about Dispensationalism at the Albury Conferences in the 1820s. He then began promoting it in Europe and America.

    • @anthonybennett5335
      @anthonybennett5335 2 місяці тому

      Well done @davejaekel7835, absolutely correct and carefully and nicely put. Dispensationsilm is so wrong on so many levels. Maybe you have a bit too kind on Scofield, he went against God's Word in so many ways. His theories had a Jesuit origin. The Papacy is the Antichrist;
      Daniel 7
      2 Thessalonians 2
      Revelation 13, 18 & 18

  • @writerdudesjs
    @writerdudesjs 4 місяці тому

    I'm a Jewish believer, and I am thankful for Christian dispensationalists like Cyrus Scofield and for others who reached out to me in love and patiently brought me to an understanding and love for Jesus, the Jewish Messiah. How different are those who preach replacement theology and who treat Jewish people with contempt and whose antisemitism creates a barrier between Jesus and Jewish people like me. How grateful I am to God that He brought me to Himself through dispensationalist Christians! I also thank you for making this excellent video!

    • @Churchhistorypodcast
      @Churchhistorypodcast  4 місяці тому

      This comment made my day!! I am so happy you came to this wonderful understanding. Thank you so much for this encouragement.

    • @mikerak6283
      @mikerak6283 4 місяці тому +7

      Judaism is obsolete. Dispensationalism is heresy.

    • @majortom6382
      @majortom6382 3 місяці тому +3

      Nice little piece of propaganda right there 👍

    • @Warntator
      @Warntator 16 днів тому

      if you were a true believer you would be telling the truth about your wicked race, like Brother Nathanael