Labai patiko reportažas :) , gabūs ir gyvi žmonės buvo!!!... na o mes sėdime prie kompų, ir dedamės visažiniais, prarasdami savų sričių profesionalumus ir įgūdžius ..
I am one of his decedents. Currently, we all live in the US from emigration of Antanas' three daughters. My grandmother (his oldest daughter) has told me countless stories and their escape, his capture, death, etc. It's easy to sit back and talk about what may have happened, or you could ask someone related to him. ANBO does not stand for "Antanas wants to be airborne" or whatever one of his book stated. It was for his name and my great grandmothers. I'm tired of updating his wiki from turds
If you guys want the real story of Antanas, maybe you should ask his decedents, not through out conjecture and hearsay from others. My grandmother is his eldest daughter, still alive and kicking today in the U.S. She and her two sisters (and mother) made it successfully here, and raised children.
Your Great grandfather was a very inginuitive man. I wonder what plans he had for further development of this Anbo 8 and any other aircraft he might have had. Sad that the enemy got him. Never forget never forgive the Soviets! Hand Salute RIP. It would be interesting to make a video of a comparison between the Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian made Military Aircraft.
lietuva tarpukariu neturejo garsa irasinejancios kameros kiek zinau sake per laida Poziuris, bet jau turejo spalvotas kameras... o ANBO 8 tai yra kiekvieno lietuvio garbinga praeitis... :) padeka uploaderiui.
@DrSniperLT Spitfire? Juokauji? Ne labiau, nei TU-95 gali priminti F-15. Nors jei viskas, kas skraido (įskaitant paleistą batą) tamstai apibrėžiama terminu "kažkoks ten lėktuvas" - tada gal.
Na, gintaras drėbtelėjai išminties, kaip su lopeta. Be ironijos. Galbūt tu supainiojai su J.Dobkevičiumi? 1934 metais A.Gustaičio trijų Anbo IV eskadrilė atliko legendinį skrydį aplink Europą, o ne pasiekė greičio rekordą. Brig. gen. inž. A.Gustaitis nesivaikė rekordų, o siekė patikimumo konstrukcijose, paprastumo pilotavime,ekonomijoje, žodžiu mastė ūkiškai, paprastai.
Antanas was my great grandfather. I'm so happy to see video of his planes flying. I didn't think I'd ever see one fly! Thanks for posting.
Antanas Gustaitis was a great man.
Labai patiko reportažas :) , gabūs ir gyvi žmonės buvo!!!... na o mes sėdime prie kompų, ir dedamės visažiniais, prarasdami savų sričių profesionalumus ir įgūdžius ..
I am one of his decedents. Currently, we all live in the US from emigration of Antanas' three daughters. My grandmother (his oldest daughter) has told me countless stories and their escape, his capture, death, etc. It's easy to sit back and talk about what may have happened, or you could ask someone related to him. ANBO does not stand for "Antanas wants to be airborne" or whatever one of his book stated. It was for his name and my great grandmothers. I'm tired of updating his wiki from turds
If you guys want the real story of Antanas, maybe you should ask his decedents, not through out conjecture and hearsay from others. My grandmother is his eldest daughter, still alive and kicking today in the U.S. She and her two sisters (and mother) made it successfully here, and raised children.
Your Great grandfather was a very inginuitive man. I wonder what plans he had for further development of this Anbo 8 and any other aircraft he might have had. Sad that the enemy got him. Never forget never forgive the Soviets! Hand Salute RIP.
It would be interesting to make a video of a comparison between the Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian made Military Aircraft.
grazus lektuvas. Vercia didziuotis, kad ir kaip menkai tas vienas lektuvelio sukurimas beatrodytu.
lietuva tarpukariu neturejo garsa irasinejancios kameros kiek zinau sake per laida Poziuris, bet jau turejo spalvotas kameras... o ANBO 8 tai yra kiekvieno lietuvio garbinga praeitis... :) padeka uploaderiui.
Labai primena spitfire :)
Labiausiai man patiko "neadekvatumas" ir "ar supratom vienas kita". :)
spalvotai ar ne priklause ne nuo kameros o nuo joje naudotos juostos, genijai.:D
Mano prosenelis, Pulkininkas Rapšys skraidė šitais lėktuvais
Na paieskojus informacijos, supratau kad teoriskai buvo imanoma nufilmuoti spalvotai, nes 1935 Kodak pristate pirma tokia kamera :)
100% kad spalvos dabar uzdetos :)
Na tiek jak 50/52 ir jak 18 buvo sukurti po karo. Todel galima teigti kad Anbo VIII buvo lektuvas pagal kuri kure siuos du lektuvus. :)
irodyk kad 1939 metais jau turejom spalvota kamera?
Whoops, spell check messed up his name.
Faktas vienas kad is taves kino kritiko nebus :p
Kas dėl "spalvotos kameros"-liūdna,kad lietuviai tokie tamsūs.AGFA spalvota kino-foto juosta Vokietijoje tada jau buvo paplitusi.
@DrSniperLT Spitfire? Juokauji? Ne labiau, nei TU-95 gali priminti F-15. Nors jei viskas, kas skraido (įskaitant paleistą batą) tamstai apibrėžiama terminu "kažkoks ten lėktuvas" - tada gal.
Nu taigi ziurejau video, matei ir tai jokia apgaule :p o jeigu reikia info daugiau naudok google arba wikipedia
Tikrai ne dabar, uzdetos. Kadrai autentiski 100proc
Na, gintaras drėbtelėjai išminties, kaip su lopeta. Be ironijos. Galbūt tu supainiojai su J.Dobkevičiumi?
1934 metais A.Gustaičio trijų Anbo IV eskadrilė atliko legendinį skrydį aplink Europą, o ne pasiekė greičio rekordą. Brig. gen. inž. A.Gustaitis nesivaikė rekordų, o siekė patikimumo konstrukcijose, paprastumo pilotavime,ekonomijoje, žodžiu mastė ūkiškai, paprastai.
Na, taip youtubeje neiprasta matyti, kazkokius prasmingus komentarus, kokie dazniausiai buna forumuose.
Gal ides kaip premium lektuva i world of warplanes ;E
pastuh as tapaty pagalvojauxD
War Thunder, plox
Filmuota jau buvo spalvotai.
Tik kazkodėl garsas dingo, arba befilmuojant neįrašė.