HDF5 infrastructure in DUNE - Barnali Chowdhury, Argonne National Laboratory - HUG24

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
  • From the 2024 HDF5 User Group Meeting (#HUG24) held August 5-7, 2024 in Chicago, IL.
    HDF5 infrastructure in DUNE - Barnali Chowdhury, Argonne National Laboratory
    The Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE), is expected to begin operations in the late 2020s. DUNE will make discoveries of the unknown neutrino mass ordering and precise measurement of neutrino mixing parameter of CP violation. In a single experiment, DUNE will enable a broad exploration of the three-flavor model of neutrino physics with unprecedented detail. DUNE will consist of a modular far detector (FD) located at SURF in South Dakota, USA, and a near detector (ND) located on site at Fermilab in Illinois. Recently, DUNE has begun using the Hierarchical Data Format (HDF5) to record raw data from two prototypes, ProtoDUNE Horizontal Drift (HD) and Vertical Drift (VD), for its data storage applications. Dedicated I/O modules are developed to read the HDF5 data from these detectors into the offline framework for reconstruction, directly and via XRootD. DUNE’s large-scale offline data uses streaming via XrootD to take advantage of CPU at sites without large data stores. The event reconstruction software of DUNE Near detector (ND) relies heavily on AI/ML applications and High Performance Computers (HPCs). Choosing HDF5 makes it well-suited for the AI/ML workflow in HPC. In collaboration with HEP-CCE, DUNE is exploring different HDF5 formats optimized for GPU and developing strategies to incorporate HDF5 in the detector simulation chains of DUNE far detector.
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