Hello. Thank you for this channel, and thank you for offering good goats, and thank you for the effort that was made for this channel to be successful. I want to ask about the quality of this type of good goat in any country, how many liters of milk are produced daily and how many babies give birth in each pregnancy. And I also want to know what the sale price of each part is, because I want to know the sellers to buy 200 units of this kind. I do not want to make a farm for the production of milk and cheese, and thank you for working with us .. Please answer and thank you ....
Ses super intéressant j'aime beaucoup votre vidéo
Bon travail......$$$$$
مشاء الله الله يبارك ويزيد إن شاء الله.
Pasar informasion sovre programas para cuaguila
ماشاء الله
حلم حياتي امتلك مزرعة بها حظيرة للماعز الحلوب مثل هادي . لكن الحلم بعيد 😢😢😢😢😢😢
أختي كل شي قريب عند الله
ابدي بشي بسيط وربك الرزاق
Allah karm
Hello. Thank you for this channel, and thank you for offering good goats, and thank you for the effort that was made for this channel to be successful. I want to ask about the quality of this type of good goat in any country, how many liters of milk are produced daily and how many babies give birth in each pregnancy. And I also want to know what the sale price of each part is, because I want to know the sellers to buy 200 units of this kind. I do not want to make a farm for the production of milk and cheese, and thank you for working with us .. Please answer and thank you ....
Acho muito bonito criação de cabras. sou brasileiro
والله اني اعيش بنوزلندا وأحلم يصير عندي مزرعه الله كريم
Un video sin explicación, es como trabajar con un sordo mudo
Madjid Farida Madijd Farida A kecske viselkedése
J aime les baiiie ! Je prefere sa a la cloche ! Du clocher qui me pete led couille !!#
silly music
Écœurant 🤮
Comment pouvez-vous séparer les petits des mamans?!