Sword in the moon trailer



  • @ChosunNinja
    @ChosunNinja 11 років тому +2

    According to Japanese historians...Korean fought with Swords during the Imjin war periods ( Japanese invasions of Korea (1592-1598) . And Japan even stole the Great Sword of General Yi Soon Shin and they never could find in all of Japan another great Sword like it?
    Japan's record know this and not the Muyegobotongji.

  • @SoLalbUs
    @SoLalbUs 12 років тому

    To all the Asian people here, you should all stop those silly arguments. Asian countries were always interrelated both in terms of traditions and in terms of business. Japanese Katanas originally come from the Chinese Dao sabers, the philosophies (the three ways), are common to all 3 major Asian countries, the writing was Chinese characters (local systems came later), there is to much in common to argue in this manner. And the given film is awesome so just relax and enjoy the movie.

  • @raysetiger285
    @raysetiger285 13 років тому +1

    man this movie looks like it has some amaising sword fighting in it. I really want to see it now

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 14 років тому

    It is a woman older than 40 years old to watch a Korean TV drama in Japan.
    The Japanese youth does not watch a Korean drama at all.
    In Japan, "IRIS" of Yi Bienghong is televised now.
    As for the audience rating, the past best is 5%.
    Only people of Japanese Yamagata which is photography place watch it.
    It is a beginning that the armed forces of Hideyoshi brought the red pepper used for Korean kimchi into Korea.
    It was brought into Japan by a Westerner.

  • @vandanajsmalik
    @vandanajsmalik 12 років тому +1

    dude i must say m so impressed with ur research (specially on Katana) and facts that i almost forgot the movie trailer... i love korea tooooo

  • @ChosunNinja
    @ChosunNinja 11 років тому +3

    Therefore, the Japanese treasures in the National Museum and the first edition Swords came from where again?
    KOREA gave Japan it's metal and Sword technology. ITS THE TRUTH AND IT"S WONDERFUL how Korea shared to Japan!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 13 років тому +1

    Pekutyong and the slave ran away from discrimination against Korean severe social position from the ancient times and stowed away to Japan.
    (An ancestor of the owners of my client is such one, too)
    It continued even after Japan annexed Korea.
    After WW2, the Korean commandeered as a worker to Japan by the nation general mobilization method was let leave to Korea.
    However, 247 people who refused return home stayed in Japan.
    This is mentioned in the issue of the Korean racial group

  • @vvvviperrrr
    @vvvviperrrr 12 років тому

    Chokuto (the sword North China equestrian people was using).
    Warabiteto (the sword used in the Japan north).

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 14 років тому

    Rain (Pi) which is an actor of hollywood movie "NINJYA ASSASIN" which you like starring.
    He is called "1yen, Pee" in Japan.
    The reason.
    The Korean newspaper reported that "the ticket of the concert of Rain in Japan was sold out on the same day".
    In fact, it is different.
    Several thousand pieces tickets remained unsold for Japanese yahoo auction.
    The lowest price as for 1yen is because was it.

  • @Pixel3
    @Pixel3 15 років тому +1

    Just finished watchign it and I can say it was an awsoem movie.

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 14 років тому

    There are 100 generals in Korea.
    However, they cannot train a soldier as one.
    (YU Songron. One of the prime ministers of Korea dynasty.
    An ancestor of Ryu Siwon which is current Korea actor)

  • @SoLalbUs
    @SoLalbUs 12 років тому

    @hekoka ..and the people who lived on the continent came from the North Korean end crossing the land (the Sea was either frozen or there was an actual continues layer of soil which disappeared later, I don't remember exactly), and coming to the territory of contemporary Japan. They said to have intermingled with the natives giving rise to people who later started to identify as Japanese. Some of the major families bore Korean last names. True also that there was big cultural exchange among all 3

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 14 років тому

    In other words the reason is because you notice that you do the act that oneself is attacked by many people.
    (Martial artist, teacher of religion, historian, etc)

  • @grubriella
    @grubriella 13 років тому

    And to the person saying that the Chinese and Japanese hate the Koreans, I'm sure they do. But the Chinese loathe the Japanese more than Koreans.
    Another fact, even if there are arguments going on around what happened during the world war, you gotta admit, that being colonised is a pretty shit feeling. Not just Korea, but China was divided amongst European powers and Japan. And a lot of Asia was colonised by the Europeans, then the Japanese kicked them out and took control.

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 14 років тому

    A Korean claim.
    A daughter of the Wuning King of Kudara became the wife of the cousin of the Emperor.
    A woman born as from there 200 years later( the sixth generation ) is mother of the Emperor Kanmu.
    Therefore the Japanese Emperor is Korean lineage.
    The Wuning King of Kudara lived as a hostage in Japan.
    A wife of the Wuning King is a Japanese.
    China and the Japanese historical materials are denied in Korea.

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 14 років тому

    "We are the races which are the most excellent in the world"
    "We are the nations who are the politest in the world"
    A Korean such education is discriminatory.

  • @SoLalbUs
    @SoLalbUs 12 років тому

    @hekoka You misunderstood me like most people who replied to my comments here. I didn't say the Japanese took the already existing Katana sword from the Chinese (Koreans were not even mentioned by me in relation to that weapon), what I did say is that the design and certain, I repeat, CERTAIN properties of the weapon were already existent in China in a weapon known as the Dao Saber. Also the first major families in Japan had Korean last names. There's a theory when the Sea of Japan was dry land,

  • @ChosunNinja
    @ChosunNinja 11 років тому

    Make sure you appreciate who provided Japan these ideas and concepts. This way you will never claim Korea is the culture thief or does it have envy for a Nation which it shared with. Then you will actually become a honest human being.

  • @SoLalbUs
    @SoLalbUs 12 років тому +1

    @hekoka Also, to you it might not matter where the weapon originates but to me it does, since I am not Japanese and my ego is not in question here, but only pure historical and evolutionary curiosity as far as the weapon is concerned. So we might just leave it at that.

  • @aktf14
    @aktf14 14 років тому

    @YoshimitsuNamu i dont know about this movie since i havent watched it but you shouldnt make ignorant assumptions on nonexistant facts.Korea has its own rich and unique culture that you surely never took the time to look in to. so yes, in conclusion, lets part history from a fictional film and stop the unneccessary racist comments.

  • @vvvviperrrr
    @vvvviperrrr 12 років тому

    @armatulo KATANA isn't Dao sabers.
    Chokut (the sword North China equestrian people was using).
    Wrabitet (the sword used in the Japan north).
    The one these two swords were fused is KATANA.
    These two swords were fused in Japan 1300 years ago.
    A lot of KATANA has been exported to South Korea and China 800 years ago.
    KATANA (800,000) from Japan was exported.
    Korean people insists that they produced KATANA imported from Japan.

  • @AonnrecordsBlogspot
    @AonnrecordsBlogspot 12 років тому


  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 13 років тому

    Therefore the armed forces of Hideyoshi let soul fall in one month after striking Pusan.

  • @Vadion12
    @Vadion12 14 років тому

    @BuffonMusa I know samurai didnt exist in Korea, thats why I found it weird that this is a movie set in ancient Korea but they are using Katana in some scenes

  • @Kombatooficial
    @Kombatooficial 15 років тому

    If needed you can buy this movie in Brazil!!

  • @Vadion12
    @Vadion12 14 років тому

    @FricknLuvMyLife actually the japanese language has roots based in ancient Korean blended with ancient chinese so I guess they did take that aspect at least

  • @SoLalbUs
    @SoLalbUs 12 років тому

    @hekoka No one is arguing about the fact that Katana is a state of the art cold weapon. But with all the puffed and buffed nationalism which Japanese often tend to present (which is not a bad thing if expressed in a reasonable and tolerant manner), they can't argue with historical facts, that Korea is their mother and many of their inventions and cultural elements come from China and Korea alike. In fact, very few things are purely Japanese, most is borrowed and transformed to be unique.

  • @SoLalbUs
    @SoLalbUs 12 років тому

    @vvvviperrrr You didn't really understand what I was saying. I never said the Katana has originated in Korea, all I did say that I have a research work at home which was conducted by Russian Sinologists for the Russian government and which shows with all the proof and detail the history of the Katana blade which originates from the Chinese Dao Sword that existed prior to the Katana. The research is pretty authentic and shows all the dates and charts which you can compare and they make sense.

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 13 років тому

    Korea became independent by the Japanese victory by the Sino-Japanese War from China.
    (Shimonoseki Treaty)
    Korea became the country called "the large Korea emperor country" thereby.

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 14 років тому

    This is korean SFmovie.
    In Korea, it was a vulgar act to sweat by labor.
    Therefore the general, the farmer, the craftsman were looked down upon by civil officers.
    monk of the Buddhism was social position less than a slave.
    Quality that was necessary to become a general in Korea was to be the blood relative of the civil officer not ability and the meritorious services in war of martial arts.

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 13 років тому

    In Korea, direct from the Europe; was not governed.
    However, Korea was a Chinese dependency.
    Therefore the clothes of the Korean King were the things which showed a Chinese local government official.
    Korea was the country which hardly had interchange with the country except China.
    And the Korean King was accepted by approval from Chinese King.
    China was ruled by the U.K.

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 13 років тому

    "Independence gate" are built by "renovation society".
    And "迎恩門" of then is destroyed.
    The Korean King met a Chinese messenger at "迎恩門" till he became independent by Japan.
    In the the welcomers, the King of Korea had to gain King in the forehead three times ground of the King for a Chinese messenger.

  • @SoLalbUs
    @SoLalbUs 12 років тому

    @vvvviperrrr Here you people go again, completely missing the point of what I just said - this is Korean,.. no Koreans are lying, it is Japanese... The origin of the Katana is from the older Chinese sword, I got enough books on weapons history and martial history of Asia from independent sources which are non Asian and got no interest in falsifying this information. The scholars did a research project for the Russian government which means it is serious scientific and historic work.

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 13 років тому

    The quantity of storage of the fuel of Korea force seems to be a share for one month. (Actually, it seems to be thereunder)
    When North Korea invaded and attacked to the south, the south may be gained control of in one week.
    By the Korean War, Korea was gained control of by the north (the Chinese food force) to the Pusan neighboring in one week.
    If there were not the Chinese strategy change and United States Armed Forces, the King of your country was Kim Irsong.

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 14 років тому

    It is the introduction video of the movie here.
    The discussion come to a video of MUNETOSHI.

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 13 років тому

    When King of Korea heard the news that the armed forces of Hideyoshi struck Pusan in Imjinwar, it is said that the Korean King and the aide ran away from the royal palace at the very beginning.
    And the most of the sword of the arsenal of the royal palace got rusty, and it seems to have been nonuse.
    And, in Korea until the 20th century, kenjutu and the martial art, the act to sweat such as the labor were what the nation (a slave and a farmer) of vulgar social position did.

  • @catar6
    @catar6 13 років тому

    good movie

  • @darkveroth
    @darkveroth 11 років тому


  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 14 років тому

    You do not need to worry about it.
    A Korean newspaper reports it, and Rain is unpopular with them at least.
    A Korean claps his/her hands. The video that the world grimaced.
    You cannot understand the meaning of this video.
    He lost his Japanese fan in this.

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 14 років тому

    The staff of Rain distributed a ticket to a passerby free in front of the concert day, the concert hall.
    This is the famous story that the Korean knows.
    The fans who arrived to his concert seem to have been gathered in the seat in front of the stage regardless of the price of the seat for a video shoot this year.
    Therefore I do not show a total picture in the concert hall on his concert video.

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 13 років тому

    A Korean introduced the column of the Taiwanese newspaper the other day.
    The country called Japan spoiled oneself and opened Asia from European rule.
    Japan is our mother.
    The reason why China and Korea criticize Japan is that they are still influenced by thought before the modernization.
    There is the reason why Korean most want to run away from Korea for there.

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 14 років тому

    One child injured the bleeding large quantity in a traffic accident.
    The member of the church of parents and them of the child assumed that it was against teaching of Christ and refused a blood transfusion to the child.
    Because it was not got the consent from a family imposed duty on by a law, as for the doctor, it was not possible for treatment to the child.
    The child died from loss of blood.

  • @ChosunNinja
    @ChosunNinja 11 років тому

    The Emperor of Japan also claims to be Korean also. So I guess Korean shared even through the Japanese Imperial history and it's bloodlines!
    Gets better and better with each and every TRUTH!

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 14 років тому

    You say with your channel.
    "This is an entertainment video"
    Therefore, you must not say the following thing.
    "This is Korean tradition ninjutu"
    "I say only a true thing"
    "This is martial arts". "
    "This is the right history"
    The, change, you should say in this way.
    ”This is entertainment.
    It is not genuine Ninjya martial arts.”

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 14 років тому

    As for you, you go to the library before shouting that "this movie is a historical fact".

  • @alterTrinityfang
    @alterTrinityfang 13 років тому

    @LilDas187 Korea doesn't really have a weapon art to call thier own so they learned the japanese and chinese sword... look at the Hwarang(soldiers) they are using Jian (chinese strait sword)

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 14 років тому

    I think that it is the thought from Korean old times.

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 13 років тому

    Even if 247 people put it in Korea, it is people looked down upon as low-class people by a Korean.
    It is October, 1944 that the nation general mobilization method applied to only a Japanese was applied for the Korean.

  • @blaqlocust
    @blaqlocust 4 роки тому

    Where can I purchase this movie? Or what website has it please?

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 13 років тому

    There is the first of Zainichi now.
    As for most of their children, it is done education as the Korean in a school for Koreans.
    The Korea government should deprive it of nationality as their Korean refusing duty as the Korean nation.
    The life of Zainichi is received warmly than the Japanese.
    If Japanese Government will make them a right same as other foreigners, the Korea government criticizes Japanese Government as racial discrimination.
    Japan does not need zainichi.

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 13 років тому

    Korea is the only country where publication is considered to be the editing of the textbook by the government in the capitalism nation.
    This is what a country of socialism and the communism does.

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 13 років тому

    It seems to have been written that "Korea modernized by Japanese support" with the Korean textbook until about 1970.
    The current Korean textbook seems to write that "Japan blocked the Korean modernization".
    40% of the Korean history textbook are partial, besides, to boil the history of modern times.
    And the current Korean textbook writes that "Tangun existed".
    Tangun is the founder of Korea race created between female bear and God.

  • @consoleman09
    @consoleman09 13 років тому

    @taihuu25go The difference is, Japan can't export arms where as Korea can. And Korea don't have article 9 like constitution like Japan have. U.S will be leaving Korea by 2014 and completely out by 2020, this was seal deal back in 2006. However, due to growing threat from China, S.Korea will remain close ally to U.S. Japan & S.Korea isn't much different in importing fuels.

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 14 років тому

    The reason why you commented here is because people in favor of you disappeared.
    This movie is fiction.
    The historical fact does not matter, and this is produced.

  • @consoleman09
    @consoleman09 13 років тому

    @taihuu25go Btw, these went to japan after WW2 are S.Korean nationals. All Zainichis are foreign passport holders. If Japan doesn't want them just kick them out, then no problem for you and Japan.

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 14 років тому

    Do you intend to teach an action in this movie to your student as kenjutu of Korean traditional Ninjya?
    You insist that Ninjya was in Korea.
    It is the SF which you made.
    And this is your favorite phrase.
    "I am a humble human being with honesty". "This is SF itself.

  • @SoLalbUs
    @SoLalbUs 12 років тому

    @vvvviperrrr Some fellows here are best to learn some proper English. I shall repeat it once more to all those who are having difficulty understanding. I never said Russians got anything to do with the Katana. I only mentioned an Academic research made by Russian military intel' which exammins among many different things Katana's origins and shows that it Originates from a Chinese sword called the Dao Saber. Katana's design and certain properties were already existent in China prior to Japan.

  • @consoleman09
    @consoleman09 13 років тому

    @taihuu25go You must know there is clear difference between zainichi and S.Korean nationals, zainichi are 3rd generation long term permanent resident, they holds Korean passport but they don't speak Korean. They're not Korean anymore, so Japanese govt should re think about turning them into naturalized Japanese. Korea doesn't need them either because they don't have royalty to Korea.

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 14 років тому

    Korea appeals to the foreign countries for a Korean political message using a movie and sports.
    Last year.
    In an international formula race, the Korea team wrote a message to the body of the car.
    "Dokto is a Korean territory"
    The Korean team was warned of by the sponsor of the race. When "Korea does not delete a political message, Korea forbids participating in all races"

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 13 років тому

    30% of the member of YAMAGUCHI-GUMI seem to be zainichi.
    ChosonNinjya employed a member of Yamaguchi and threatened a Japanese.

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 13 років тому

    It is a natural right that we participate in the Japanese government as the Korea nation.
    Japan which does not admit it is racial discrimination.
    In addition, it is profanity for the Korean to give other foreigners a right to participate in Japanese politics.
    In other words. As for ZAINICHI, there is not the will to contribute to in the Japanese future, but insists that I give the Japanese above-mentioned right.

  • @ScolopaxJJ
    @ScolopaxJJ 12 років тому

    we all know korea didnt have swordfighting and the only connection they had with swords was a double sword dance made by a woman.
    the thing is nobody takes away kendo from the japanese. and kendo will always be the true essence of swordfighting. the thing is though. nobody can take away the fact that korean people have the right to have their own style of kendo. now if they say its ages old nobody is gonna believe them anyway.

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 14 років тому

    My Japanese mother said.
    "You must not tell a lie"
    Your Korean mother seems to have said to you in this way.
    "You tell a lie, and it is not your crime to insult Japan"

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 14 років тому

    Period, he who waited for writing a postscript from Hojo spied on Japanese military affairs training and the state of the town.

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 14 років тому

    @ChosonNinja Unfortunately, about the fact of the history, many historical facts agree between Japan and China.
    Even a Chinese happens for a Korean lie.
    The Chinese government has been already angry at the Korea government having registered a Chinese classic with UNESCO as Korea original culture.
    The reason why you commented here is because people in favor of you disappeared.
    This movie is fiction.
    The historical fact does not matter, and this is produced.

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 14 років тому

    Probably, in Japan, it is the movie which was not shown.
    In current Japan, the kung fu movie is unpopular. The overseas movie is not in Japan if I can cry by an interesting movie in Japan.
    (It is not a problem so much that a Japanese is drawn badly)And it is a characteristic that the Hong Kong flick has much expression that I exaggerated from old days.

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 13 років тому

    Now. Korean former officer who received commendation from Korea force is confined in Korea by the Korea government.
    He traveled in the world after having retired from the armed forces. And it was the world and a big difference of the history recognition with Korea that he felt.
    The person who is confined by the Korea government .

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 14 років тому

    It is a 王仁 (wani) Chinese.

  • @Galenin
    @Galenin 15 років тому

    I own the dvd and the only language options on it are german and korean ...

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 13 років тому

    When Noh Muhyong was the President, Korea assumed U.S.A. a hypothetical enemy.
    (It is the beginning that U.S. forces ran over and killed girls' high school characteristics by car as for the cause)
    The Korean military affairs experts pointed out that it was a wrong policy.
    Noh Muhyong was a fool.
    U.S.A. takes the same treatment that Japan took from Korea.

  • @consoleman09
    @consoleman09 13 років тому

    @taihuu25go Btw, zainichi issue is not Korea's responsibility, it's japan's responsibility. If japan doesn't want them then just deport them.

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 14 років тому

    As for Rain, it is caused five suit in U.S.A.
    From the Hawaiian court of law, he is commanded to do payment of 8,000,000 dollars.
    (There seems to be the American promoter who went bankrupt because of him)
    It is rare that he works in U.S.A. because the movie which I appointed him as did not sell. The copying of MJ does not work.

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 13 років тому

    I vote for the person who seems to make Japan better.
    The Japanese was not going to discriminate against Zainichi.
    But Zainichi insists on not receiving zainichi warmly than other foreigners and a Japanese for Japan when it is racial discrimination.

  • @grubriella
    @grubriella 13 років тому

    How does a movie trailer turn into such a heated argument?
    Getting references, for your arguments, from Wiki and UA-cam won't make you look smart, and or correct.
    Simple fact, East Asians hate each other for a lot of stupid shit that happened way back when. Lot of the stuff aren't worth arguing over on the internet. I as an East Asian think it's really childish.

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 13 років тому

    There is the responsibility in Korea which cut them off politically.
    The Korea government makes a demand to the Japanese Government.
    "The Japanese Government give zainichi which is a citizen of Korea the Japanese right to vote", and please do not think that Korea is unrelated to zainichi.

  • @consoleman09
    @consoleman09 13 років тому

    @taihuu25go they're not Korea's concern, do what ever Japanese got wish to do. If they're acting as Korean national but as part of Japan then they should rethink about taking up Japanese citizenship.

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 14 років тому

    @ChosonNinja Unfortunately, about the fact of the history, many historical facts agree between Japan and China.
    Even a Chinese happens for a Korean lie.
    The Chinese government has been already angry at the Korea government having registered a Chinese classic with UNESCO as Korea original culture.

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 14 років тому

    I talk at your level.
    We said for you.
    "Stop teaching people a lie"
    Your answer
    Why does the Japanese say to me that I stop teaching people a martial art free?
    The Japanese is jealous of my becoming famous as Ninjya.
    Because a Japanese is a seggie, the Japanese criticizes me without a reason.

  • @vvvviperrrr
    @vvvviperrrr 12 років тому

    @armatulo WARABITETO  蕨手刀← net retrieval.
    Is what the Russian says all correct?
    Did the Russian make KATANA?
    Is only the Russian's research correct?
    KATANA fused WARABITETO (JAPANESE 蕨手刀) and CHOKUTO and was born.
    WARABITETO is a sword in a Japanese northern part of the fifth century.

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 13 років тому

    Now. U.S.A. has the authority of Korea force in the battle in the Korean Peninsura.

  • @MsRadovan
    @MsRadovan 11 років тому

    Thanks God I am from USA, the sickest artificilal nation in the world, cheers from EU

  • @brandonjasengnou01
    @brandonjasengnou01 13 років тому

    korean were samurai's too? Wow, what a surprising..

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 14 років тому

    The Japanese and the American showed historical materials for the lie that you told.
    However, you say to people when "make the words that I said a hint, and you search a document"; was able to hold it.
    Korea is the country where fiction becomes the historical fact.
    The Korean knows a difference with the historical fact by the present, too.

  • @Vadion12
    @Vadion12 14 років тому

    a korean samurai movie...interesting

  • @SoLalbUs
    @SoLalbUs 12 років тому

    @vvvviperrrr I didn't understand what you met by the Russian history belonging to Koreans, I think you made some grammar mistake in that sentence and tried to say something else really. But if you ask why Russians researched Asian weapons? Well this research was done for the Russian military and it examined the history of Asian martial arts, weapons and preparation techniques of soldiers in the Chinese Empyrial army at the time of Chi Zhiguan (my spelling of his name might not be accurate).

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 13 років тому

    By the way, it is an action in Japan of ZAINICHI got rid of by the Korea government.
    We are victims taken by all the members Japan.
    We promise the loyalty to the Korea government as a Korean.
    We obey a Korean law and duty as a Korean.
    (But we refuse the duty of the tax payment to Korea and the draft)
    We are Koreans. Therefore, there is not the duty according to a Japanese law.

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 14 років тому

    Current Republic of Kora is unrelated to Kudara.

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 13 років тому

    The Koreans who lost a place to come back through are under the protection of Japan and come to live.
    It is ZAINICHI.

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 13 років тому

    The Japanese Government appeals for the early return home of the Korean for GHQ.
    However, the return home work stops by the outbreak of the Korean War.
    And they take a fishing boat away from the fishermen of the Korean, and many Koreans rush to Japan to get away from war.
    (By the way, I murdered fishermen)
    Korean War was over.
    Japan was going to reopen the return home work of the Korean.
    However, the Korea government refused the return home of such people.

  • @SoLalbUs
    @SoLalbUs 12 років тому

    @vvvviperrrr As far as Koreans go as a nation, I have nothing but positive things to say about them from personal experience, and everyone I know who had some sort of interaction with Koreans has only good things to say. I got Korean friends, and they are very cultured and kind people, something I can't say about all the Chinese I met for example (although there're many very nice and intelligent Chinese people as well), as for Japanese I met very few of them so can not say much.

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 13 років тому

    Korea is a socialism country.
    Therefore the Korean textbook publishes only the government.
    Only a thing convenient for the government is mentioned in it.

  • @consoleman09
    @consoleman09 13 років тому

    @taihuu25go This is according to Japanese, not according to other East Asian who have been gone through Japanese atrocities, basically Japanese removed Korea's elites with them being new elites. Let me put this way, would you happy if Korea invaded Japan and called it we have liberated you from American? Btw, Korea was never under European control.

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 13 років тому

    According to the book which Japanese Korea race group published in 1985, many Koreans came to Japan by free will.
    In the reason why Zainichi came to Japan, the reason that there was the least is "forcible escort".
    According to the issue, work and the reason that there was much next to studying abroad are "others".
    This means stowing away.

  • @consoleman09
    @consoleman09 13 років тому

    @taihuu25go that's like saying you want japan to have caste system, so you want to have elites at top (ex-samurai & aristocrats) then Japanese as 2nd class, then zainichi as lowest class. I thought Japan is democratic society not feudal society. As I pointed out before, zainichi issue is NOT Korea's responsibility, ask them to convert to Japanese citizen or kick them out.

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 14 років тому

    You say in this video.
    Miyoshi Isa was Korean Kunoichi.
    And this is mentioned in a Japanese reliable record.
    Of course many people who watched your video roared with laughter.
    And the people thought about where you found the idle talk.
    And it was written in "the Japanese history" in the Web site of Ashida Kim.
    You say on your video as the historical materials that can trust it.

  • @consoleman09
    @consoleman09 13 років тому

    @taihuu25go No, they're democratic country, N.Korea is socialist nation. S.Korea is more liberal than Japan according to Newsweek's report. Japanese govt distorted history text book which is ironic isn't it?

  • @cwhitetigerc4464
    @cwhitetigerc4464 4 роки тому

    2020 ?

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 13 років тому

    The Korea government please impose duty as the Korean on zainichi.
    zainichi does not have the Japanese right to vote.
    However, zainichi has the right to vote in the Korean presidential election.
    They refuse duty as the Korean, but they are concerned with the Korean government.

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 14 років тому

    In Korea, the person is discriminated against in a figure and a color of the skin, a native place country.
    (The testimony of plural foreigners in the Korean TV program)
    Probably he will be abused by a passerby if Josh traveled to Korea when "you do not go out of the house because you are annoying to people".
    (Traveler's diary by the physically handicapped person who stepped on the wheelchair which traveled to Korea.)

  • @taihuu25go
    @taihuu25go 13 років тому

    The Korea government refused their return home.
    They who were a stowaway refused to become a Japanese.
    Japan cannot force naturalization to Japan for them.
    After the third of zainichi, I am naturalized in Japan for self-will.
    (Even if it is parting with his family)
    As for many of reasons to be naturalized in to their Japan, "I dislike Korea of the principle of discrimination"