🇺🇸100% VA Disability Exemptions by State ALABAMA :: www.revenue.alabama.gov/property-tax/homestead-exemptions/ ALASKA :: veterans.alaska.gov/real-estate/ ARIZONA :: dvs.az.gov/sites/default/files/2022-05/Arizona-State-Veteran-Benefits-Guide-2021-10a.pdf ARKANSAS :: portal-assets.ark.org/28/files/COSL%20Veterans%20Guide%20to%20Property%20Taxes.pdf#:~:text=%28a%29%20%281%29%20%28i%29%20A%20disabled%20veteran%20who%20has,and%20personal%20property%20owed%20by%20the%20disabled%20veteran CALIFORNIA :: www.boe.ca.gov/proptaxes/dv_exemption.htm COLORADO :: vets.colorado.gov/property-tax-exemption CONNECTICUT :: www.bristolct.gov/128/Veteran-Exemption DELAWARE :: finance.delaware.gov/disabled-veterans/ FLORIDA :: floridavets.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/FDVA-Benefits-Guide.pdf?v=2020 GEORGIA :: veterans.georgia.gov/disabled-veteran-homestead-tax-exemption HAWAII :: dod.hawaii.gov/ovs/benefits-and-services/ IDAHO :: tax.idaho.gov/taxes/property/homeowners/veteran-benefit/ ILLINOIS :: tax.illinois.gov/localgovernments/property/taxrelief.html INDIANA :: www.in.gov/dva/state-of-indiana-benefits-and-services/property-tax-deductions/ IOWA :: dva.iowa.gov/benefits-assistance/benefits KANSAS :: www.ksrevenue.gov/perstaxtypeshs.html KENTUCKY :: revenue.ky.gov/Property/Residential-Farm-Commercial-Property/Pages/Homestead-Exemption.aspx LOUISIANA :: legis.la.gov/legis/ViewDocument.aspx?d=1286130 MAINE :: www.maine.gov/revenue/taxes/tax-relief-credits-programs/property-tax-relief-programs/property-tax-exemptions MARYLAND :: veterans.maryland.gov/maryland-tax-benefits/ MASSACHUSETTS :: www.mass.gov/doc/guide-to-real-estate-tax-exemptions-for-qualifying-veterans/download MICHIGAN :: www.michigan.gov/-/media/Project/Websites/treasury/MISC_8/PA161of2013DisabledVeteransExemption.pdf?rev=8f649a53908e47ed8e25cbbd2fbb5df1 MINNESOTA :: www.house.mn.gov/hrd/pubs/ss/ssdvhve.pdf MISSISSIPPI :: www.msva.ms.gov/state-benefits MISSOURI :: dor.mo.gov/taxation/individual/tax-types/property-tax-credit/ MONTANA :: montana.servicenowservices.com/citizen?id=kb_article_view&sysparm_article=KB0013224 NEBRASKA :: revenue.nebraska.gov/PAD/homestead-exemption NEVADA :: www.clarkcountynv.gov/government/assessor/exemption.php NEW HAMPSHIRE :: www.dmavs.nh.gov/veterans-services NEW JERSEY :: www.nj.gov/treasury/taxation/lpt/lpt-disabledvet.shtml NEW MEXICO :: www.nmdvs.org/state-veteran-benefits/ NEW YORK :: veterans.ny.gov/property-tax-exemptions-veterans NORTH CAROLINA :: www.milvets.nc.gov/benefits-services/veterans-property-tax-relief NORTH DAKOTA :: www.tax.nd.gov/tax-exemptions-credits/property-tax-credits-exemptions OHIO :: tax.ohio.gov/static/government/bulletin23.pdf OKLAHOMA :: tax.ohio.gov/static/government/bulletin23.pdf OREGON :: www.oregon.gov/DOR/forms/FormsPubs/veteran-spouse-exemption_310-676.pdf PENNSYLVANIA :: www.dmva.pa.gov/Veterans/Benefits/Pages/RETX.aspx RHODE ISLAND :: municipalfinance.ri.gov/sites/g/files/xkgbur546/files/documents/data/exemptions/Veterans-Senior-Exemptions-Report.pdf SOUTH CAROLINA :: dor.sc.gov/resources-site/publications/Publications/Property-Exemptions-for-Vets.pdf SOUTH DAKOTA :: vetaffairs.sd.gov/benefits/State/Property%20Taxes.aspx TENNESSEE :: www.tn.gov/veteran/veteran-benefits/tn-state-benefits/homeowners/property-tax-relief-for-disabled-veterans.html TEXAS :: comptroller.texas.gov/taxes/property-tax/exemptions/disabledvet-100-faq.php UTAH :: veterans.utah.gov/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/benefitBookletRedesign2021.pdf VERMONT :: tax.vermont.gov/sites/tax/files/documents/FS-1003.pdf VIRGINIA :: www.dvs.virginia.gov/benefits/real-estate-tax-exemption WASHINGTON :: www.dva.wa.gov/veterans-their-families/veterans-benefits/housing-resources/property-tax-relief WEST VIRGINIA :: www.wvseniorservices.gov/Portals/0/pdf/HomesteadExemption.pdf WISCONSIN :: dva.wi.gov/Pages/benefitsClaims/Financial-Tax-Benefits.aspx WYOMING :: wyo-prop-div.wyo.gov/tax-relief DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA :: otr.cfo.dc.gov/release/veterans-homestead-deduction-starts-october-1-2022
17 днів тому
See Below for ALL the States. Here in Montana this is what you'd get. Free of property tax up to an assessed value of 350K, access to Commissary and PX at Maelstrom AFB with 100%, 2 vehicles free of registration fees and both with Disability plates.
I thought this was a multifamily home video as a 100% disabled veteran. Damn. I was so excited for this video. We need one for multifamily. (Lemme know if you already made one)
@@valoantips WOW, You actually made it! 🐐…Hey I’m in the market and I’m not really feeling my current agent. It’s kinda weird when i know more than she does about VA loans. I’ll be in touch. I’m in Sandy springs, Georgia & I’m looking to invest in a decent area 2-4 units.
Just buy a house in Texas. It's 100% tax-free. If you're 100% percent disabled veteran and they have the highest tax rating for homes in the united states
Property taxes here in Texas are definitely one of the highest in the country unfortunately but you’re right. If you’re 100% disabled none of that matters.
That’s true but it’s not allowed to be grossed up on the va loan analysis. When we gross up non taxable income it’s solely to decrease the DTI. The lender then has to go take the amount that was grossed up and back it out on the va loan analysis so it would bring you back down to where you actually are. I didn’t use it at all because I wasn’t using DTI, I was only doing things based on the va loan analysis.
And it is not exactly 2 years if you have a bankruptcy, if you have a bankruptcy, you have to come up with the 20% down if you do AV. A loan, if you had a bankruptcy and it was included in the v. A loan from a previous house and they lost money
That’s incorrect. Chapter 7 is 2 years Chapter 13 is 1 year If you had a VA foreclosure you can use second tier entitlement if you have enough remaining.
I used the VA loan to buy my first triplex 14 months ago. I am looking to refinance out of the VA loan, so I can use my full entitlement on another multi family. Should I refinance into a conventional loan or FHA? How did you stack so many doors so fast? My goal is 50 doors in the next 10 years.
You won’t be able to refi into an FHA loan if you’re not already in one. So your only option if you want to refi out of the VA loan you’d be going conventional. You’ll also need to have equity in the property of at least 20%. Refinancing out of the VA loan in a short period of ownership can be very difficult. You might have to wait longer before doing that or leave it in the VA loan and use another loan to buy the next property.
So if I’m permanently tdiu, on year 6…and will be paid at 100% rest of my life. So how am I looked at? 80% or 100%? When it comes to being service connected?
Need to live in the DMV because of kids and can't move from the area , that being said, with 100% P&T disability and a family you can barely afford a 1 bedroom condo. Actually there might be only 1 or 2 I've seen. Our wages seem to be for renting and doesn't match the cost of living
I’m not sure what you’re looking for in the DMV area but I think having a good team on your side could help you see what’s really possible there. Best of luck! 🙏
I wonder if its basing it on taxable income and not total income. Because if you're 100% disabled you're guaranteed to make over 32k annually just in disability income. It wouldn't make much sense in that case.
In California 100 percent doesn't even buy a room with a toilet. Median home price 1,000,000 so how can a 100 percent vet buy a home. All the homes your showing are 1 story flat how much for 2 stories in San Antonio?
🇺🇸100% VA Disability Exemptions by State
ALABAMA :: www.revenue.alabama.gov/property-tax/homestead-exemptions/
ALASKA :: veterans.alaska.gov/real-estate/
ARIZONA :: dvs.az.gov/sites/default/files/2022-05/Arizona-State-Veteran-Benefits-Guide-2021-10a.pdf
ARKANSAS :: portal-assets.ark.org/28/files/COSL%20Veterans%20Guide%20to%20Property%20Taxes.pdf#:~:text=%28a%29%20%281%29%20%28i%29%20A%20disabled%20veteran%20who%20has,and%20personal%20property%20owed%20by%20the%20disabled%20veteran
CALIFORNIA :: www.boe.ca.gov/proptaxes/dv_exemption.htm
COLORADO :: vets.colorado.gov/property-tax-exemption
CONNECTICUT :: www.bristolct.gov/128/Veteran-Exemption
DELAWARE :: finance.delaware.gov/disabled-veterans/
FLORIDA :: floridavets.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/FDVA-Benefits-Guide.pdf?v=2020
GEORGIA :: veterans.georgia.gov/disabled-veteran-homestead-tax-exemption
HAWAII :: dod.hawaii.gov/ovs/benefits-and-services/
IDAHO :: tax.idaho.gov/taxes/property/homeowners/veteran-benefit/
ILLINOIS :: tax.illinois.gov/localgovernments/property/taxrelief.html
INDIANA :: www.in.gov/dva/state-of-indiana-benefits-and-services/property-tax-deductions/
IOWA :: dva.iowa.gov/benefits-assistance/benefits
KANSAS :: www.ksrevenue.gov/perstaxtypeshs.html
KENTUCKY :: revenue.ky.gov/Property/Residential-Farm-Commercial-Property/Pages/Homestead-Exemption.aspx
LOUISIANA :: legis.la.gov/legis/ViewDocument.aspx?d=1286130
MAINE :: www.maine.gov/revenue/taxes/tax-relief-credits-programs/property-tax-relief-programs/property-tax-exemptions
MARYLAND :: veterans.maryland.gov/maryland-tax-benefits/
MASSACHUSETTS :: www.mass.gov/doc/guide-to-real-estate-tax-exemptions-for-qualifying-veterans/download
MICHIGAN :: www.michigan.gov/-/media/Project/Websites/treasury/MISC_8/PA161of2013DisabledVeteransExemption.pdf?rev=8f649a53908e47ed8e25cbbd2fbb5df1
MINNESOTA :: www.house.mn.gov/hrd/pubs/ss/ssdvhve.pdf
MISSISSIPPI :: www.msva.ms.gov/state-benefits
MISSOURI :: dor.mo.gov/taxation/individual/tax-types/property-tax-credit/
MONTANA :: montana.servicenowservices.com/citizen?id=kb_article_view&sysparm_article=KB0013224
NEBRASKA :: revenue.nebraska.gov/PAD/homestead-exemption
NEVADA :: www.clarkcountynv.gov/government/assessor/exemption.php
NEW HAMPSHIRE :: www.dmavs.nh.gov/veterans-services
NEW JERSEY :: www.nj.gov/treasury/taxation/lpt/lpt-disabledvet.shtml
NEW MEXICO :: www.nmdvs.org/state-veteran-benefits/
NEW YORK :: veterans.ny.gov/property-tax-exemptions-veterans
NORTH CAROLINA :: www.milvets.nc.gov/benefits-services/veterans-property-tax-relief
NORTH DAKOTA :: www.tax.nd.gov/tax-exemptions-credits/property-tax-credits-exemptions
OHIO :: tax.ohio.gov/static/government/bulletin23.pdf
OKLAHOMA :: tax.ohio.gov/static/government/bulletin23.pdf
OREGON :: www.oregon.gov/DOR/forms/FormsPubs/veteran-spouse-exemption_310-676.pdf
PENNSYLVANIA :: www.dmva.pa.gov/Veterans/Benefits/Pages/RETX.aspx
RHODE ISLAND :: municipalfinance.ri.gov/sites/g/files/xkgbur546/files/documents/data/exemptions/Veterans-Senior-Exemptions-Report.pdf
SOUTH CAROLINA :: dor.sc.gov/resources-site/publications/Publications/Property-Exemptions-for-Vets.pdf
SOUTH DAKOTA :: vetaffairs.sd.gov/benefits/State/Property%20Taxes.aspx
TENNESSEE :: www.tn.gov/veteran/veteran-benefits/tn-state-benefits/homeowners/property-tax-relief-for-disabled-veterans.html
TEXAS :: comptroller.texas.gov/taxes/property-tax/exemptions/disabledvet-100-faq.php
UTAH :: veterans.utah.gov/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/benefitBookletRedesign2021.pdf
VERMONT :: tax.vermont.gov/sites/tax/files/documents/FS-1003.pdf
VIRGINIA :: www.dvs.virginia.gov/benefits/real-estate-tax-exemption
WASHINGTON :: www.dva.wa.gov/veterans-their-families/veterans-benefits/housing-resources/property-tax-relief
WEST VIRGINIA :: www.wvseniorservices.gov/Portals/0/pdf/HomesteadExemption.pdf
WISCONSIN :: dva.wi.gov/Pages/benefitsClaims/Financial-Tax-Benefits.aspx
WYOMING :: wyo-prop-div.wyo.gov/tax-relief
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA :: otr.cfo.dc.gov/release/veterans-homestead-deduction-starts-october-1-2022
See Below for ALL the States. Here in Montana this is what you'd get. Free of property tax up to an assessed value of 350K, access to Commissary and PX at Maelstrom AFB with 100%, 2 vehicles free of registration fees and both with Disability plates.
I thought this was a multifamily home video as a 100% disabled veteran. Damn. I was so excited for this video. We need one for multifamily. (Lemme know if you already made one)
Next week Wednesday I will have one for you!
Here is that video I promised.
@@valoantips WOW, You actually made it! 🐐…Hey I’m in the market and I’m not really feeling my current agent. It’s kinda weird when i know more than she does about VA loans. I’ll be in touch. I’m in Sandy springs, Georgia & I’m looking to invest in a decent area 2-4 units.
@@valoantips ABOUT TO WATCH NOW❗️🔥🐐
Just buy a house in Texas. It's 100% tax-free. If you're 100% percent disabled veteran and they have the highest tax rating for homes in the united states
Property taxes here in Texas are definitely one of the highest in the country unfortunately but you’re right. If you’re 100% disabled none of that matters.
Illinois you need to be 70% disabled to get 100%
Good video bro but one thing you forgot is VA disability income is non-taxable and lenders can "gross-up" that income by 25%.
That’s true but it’s not allowed to be grossed up on the va loan analysis. When we gross up non taxable income it’s solely to decrease the DTI. The lender then has to go take the amount that was grossed up and back it out on the va loan analysis so it would bring you back down to where you actually are. I didn’t use it at all because I wasn’t using DTI, I was only doing things based on the va loan analysis.
And it is not exactly 2 years if you have a bankruptcy, if you have a bankruptcy, you have to come up with the 20% down if you do AV. A loan, if you had a bankruptcy and it was included in the v. A loan from a previous house and they lost money
That’s incorrect.
Chapter 7 is 2 years
Chapter 13 is 1 year
If you had a VA foreclosure you can use second tier entitlement if you have enough remaining.
do you have link for va mortgage calculator?
This is my favorite one to use right now. I think its the most accurate.
Great video ❤
Thanks for watching. I'm glad you liked it!
@@valoantips no problem! So you are a loan officer correct??
@syrentertainment135 yes
@@valoantipsperfect! Thank you
I used the VA loan to buy my first triplex 14 months ago. I am looking to refinance out of the VA loan, so I can use my full entitlement on another multi family. Should I refinance into a conventional loan or FHA? How did you stack so many doors so fast? My goal is 50 doors in the next 10 years.
You won’t be able to refi into an FHA loan if you’re not already in one. So your only option if you want to refi out of the VA loan you’d be going conventional. You’ll also need to have equity in the property of at least 20%. Refinancing out of the VA loan in a short period of ownership can be very difficult. You might have to wait longer before doing that or leave it in the VA loan and use another loan to buy the next property.
So if I’m permanently tdiu, on year 6…and will be paid at 100% rest of my life. So how am I looked at? 80% or 100%? When it comes to being service connected?
Need to live in the DMV because of kids and can't move from the area , that being said, with 100% P&T disability and a family you can barely afford a 1 bedroom condo. Actually there might be only 1 or 2 I've seen. Our wages seem to be for renting and doesn't match the cost of living
Some areas are tough to get by with just VA Compensation.
I’m not sure what you’re looking for in the DMV area but I think having a good team on your side could help you see what’s really possible there. Best of luck! 🙏
How does getting a quadplex with three occupied tenants factor in.
You can use 75% of potential rental income to help with qualifying.
So this is not including Pension?
Correct. That’ll be another video. This is just VA disability.
@@brianharrington-ws2kj I’m working on a video showing SSDI and pension with VA disability
Arizona you need to make less then 32K (sucks)
As a T&P 100%, AZ gives no break on property taxes?
I wonder if its basing it on taxable income and not total income. Because if you're 100% disabled you're guaranteed to make over 32k annually just in disability income. It wouldn't make much sense in that case.
In California 100 percent doesn't even buy a room with a toilet. Median home price 1,000,000 so how can a 100 percent vet buy a home. All the homes your showing are 1 story flat how much for 2 stories in San Antonio?
There are plenty of 2 story homes in San Antonio under $300k
What is your name and your company’s name I will be reaching out soon
My name is Joshua Payne. You can contact us via our website www.VALoanTipsUSA.com