Unassuming Cue Bid

  • Опубліковано 19 вер 2024
  • This is a bid of the opponents suit, when your partner makes a suit overcall. It shows support for your partner's suit and an interest in game (something like 10-12 pts). It frees up a direct jump to 3 of your partner's suit to be used as a weak bid with 4-card trump support.


  • @d95mback
    @d95mback 3 місяці тому +1

    At 20:10 you should definitely raise to the level of the fit even with 0 points. The logic is that if you have a fit, the opponents probably do to, and if you have 0 points they will make at least game so try to make it hard for them. In this case you prevent north from rebidding 2cl and 2di.

  • @nlord45
    @nlord45 5 місяців тому

    Thank you for responding to my comment.

  • @SmileyEmoji42
    @SmileyEmoji42 2 місяці тому

    IMHO it could be right to support partners overcall to the 2 level even with almost nothing but the 8+ card fit since
    1) most bidding systems cannot easily reach a penalty double at the 2 level
    2) Your opponents will almost certainly score better by carrying on bidding as they can almost certainly make game if you are really weak and your partner was not strong enough for a strength double.
    3) If your suit is spades then you definitely want to do it as it forces the opponents to the 3 level. If your suit is diamonds then it is probably better passing.

  • @armantookmanian1938
    @armantookmanian1938 Рік тому

    In competitive auctions, TLOTT usually does a good job of defining the level to which we can safely bid, By adding this cuebid to your partnership agreement, as Advancer you will have an additional bid available (P, X, new suit, raise, jump raise, raise to game, and cuebid); this allows for refining or redefining the single and double raise, assigning more nuanced meanings to each, resulting in providing a better description of your hand when responding to partner's overcall.

  • @armantookmanian1938
    @armantookmanian1938 Місяць тому

    At 22:52 EW can only make 3S - North leads to South's A&K of clubs. South reads North's hi-lo signal and gives him a club ruff, who then takes his heart A.

  • @d95mback
    @d95mback 3 місяці тому

    We play this bid as general strength (game possible) without stoppers in opponents suit (otherwise could have bid NT). It's also the only non-forcing bid available.

    • @d95mback
      @d95mback 3 місяці тому

      Also, the initial overcaller can use a cue bid. For instance on the hand at 16:58 east would respond 3cl showing more than minimum but lacking a stopper and having only a five card heart suit. West has 8 losers but the diamond suit is pretty good so perhaps try 4 hearts. Otherwise 3 hearts.

  • @nlord45
    @nlord45 5 місяців тому

    What about using the first suit bid of the opponents to show a limit raise and the opponent’s second suit to show an opener or better to your partner’s Overcall suit. 25:05