Bravo,Mr.Zakayev! There are still honourable Chechens,thank you for brave warriors in resisting Putin and assisting Ukraine and the world. My respect to you. You don’t have to guess what this man is thinking,he speaks truth.
There is only this batallion of chehens against Pussia, the rest of chechens love Pussia, everyday around 6.000 chechens flee from Chechnya because they love Pussia to much bro 😭😭constant pursuits and killing of chechens in Chechnya, in Europe, in Turkey, Qatar etc etc., all because we to much love Pussia 😭😭 and the west is also helping Pussia to fund chechens all over the world and hand them to Pussia, where as Pussia than kills them, why? because chechens love Pussia to much 😭😭 this is how you've been brainwashed by your local media, aren't you?
Dear Chechen fighters: The world community is with you as we are with Ukraine. Sadly, though, I think most of the world's countries just didn't know very much about Russia's criminal and catastrophic takeover of your country - and then Georgia - and then the Crimea - and now Ukraine. But now we do. . As you know, when you help Ukraine in Russia's unlawful war on the peaceful Ukrainian people, so will you be helping yourselves. As Akhmed Zakayev said, "Putin is the problem of the entire international community." . I have lived my entire adult life in the small and peaceful northern California town of Sebastopol. Thus I've been aware of that other town, so far away, with whom we shared the name (or almost): the beautiful Sevastopol, on the Crimean Peninsula, in the Black Sea. It was shocking, then, when Russia annexed the entire peninsula. But you guys there, in that part of the world seemed to just kinda shrug it off so... . But now you guys in that part of the world are roaring back, and countries around the world are behind you! . We want Ukraine to repel Putin. SLAVA UKRAINI! . And (now that we know) we want you to reclaim your ancestral home, too. Chechen: Ӏожалла я маршо Romanized: Joƶalla ya marşo DEATH OR FREEDOM! . Ukraine and Chechnya: TOGETHER TO VICTORY! TOGETHER TO FREEDOM! . (I also found and listened to your moving anthem: Шатлакхан Илли, Şatlaqan İlli, "Shatlak's Song".) .
Now we do. Some of us will be there to the end as well. Believe in your values and freedom to discard the wrong values, and freedom to hunt down the monsters so distant beyond the ever-plentiful broken-minded psychophants. What a mess they give the world, happening wherever the psychopaths establish and rule a hierarchy. And it is always first established through massive campaigns of killing. Thus they kill so many ordinary, passive people who gained wise mastery over the land in harmony with the rest, simply in fair daily work order by which they all would survive and thrive as truly productive contributors to society. A peaceful, thriving order until discovered from afar...
Спасибо вам братья, прошу пощения за тех людей в политике которые своим малодушием убавляет ваш вклад, но уверен что после этой войны за освобождение Ичкерии ринуться тысячи добровольцев с боевым опытом которые сотрут всю ту нечисть позорящий ваш народ
Посольство Китая опубликовало список государств, которые были подвергнуты бомбардировкам Соединенных Штатов Америки после Второй Мировой войны: • Корея и Китай 1950-53 (Корейская война) • Гватемала 1954 • Индонезия (1958) • Куба (1959-1961) • Гватемала (1960) • Конго (1964) • Лаос (1964-1973) • Вьетнам (1961-1973) • Камбоджа (1969-1970) • Гватемала (1967-1969) • Гренада (1983) • Ливан (1983, 1984) (поражение целей на территориях Ливана и Сирии) • Ливия (1986) • Сальвадор (1980) • Никарагуа (1980) • Иран (1987) • Панама (1989) • Ирак (1991) (война в Персидском заливе) • Кувейт (1991) • Сомали (1993) • Босния (1994, 1995) • Судан (1998) • Афганистан (1998) • Югославия (1999) • Йемен (2002) • Ирак (1991-2003) (совместно войска США и Великобритании) • Ирак (2003-2015) • Афганистан (2001-2015) • Пакистан (2007-2015) • Сомали (2007-2008, 2011) • Йемен (2009, 2011) • Ливия (2011, 2015) • Сирия (2014-2015) В списке более 20 государств. Китай призвал “никогда не забывать, кто представляет настоящую угрозу миру”. Были возмущения от западного сообщества в отношении США? Были громкие обличающие вопли? Были санкции по отношению к США хоть когда-то? Вся эта лицемерная мировая кодла сидит тихо, засунув язык в одно место, когда США кошмарит страны, словно заправский бандит. Ни тебе возгласа, ни тени упрёка. Сайт Мрiя | UA-cam | Телеграм
Bravo,Mr.Zakayev! There are still honourable Chechens,thank you for brave warriors in resisting Putin and assisting Ukraine and the world. My respect to you. You don’t have to guess what this man is thinking,he speaks truth.
There is only this batallion of chehens against Pussia, the rest of chechens love Pussia, everyday around 6.000 chechens flee from Chechnya because they love Pussia to much bro 😭😭constant pursuits and killing of chechens in Chechnya, in Europe, in Turkey, Qatar etc etc., all because we to much love Pussia 😭😭 and the west is also helping Pussia to fund chechens all over the world and hand them to Pussia, where as Pussia than kills them, why? because chechens love Pussia to much 😭😭 this is how you've been brainwashed by your local media, aren't you?
Take your meds
Be quiet. Please.
Thanks Mr.Zakayev and friends and all chechen fighters who fighting against russians and khadirov' followers.
Dear Chechen fighters:
The world community is with you as we are with Ukraine.
Sadly, though, I think most of the world's countries just didn't know very much about Russia's criminal and catastrophic takeover of your country - and then Georgia - and then the Crimea - and now Ukraine. But now we do.
As you know, when you help Ukraine in Russia's unlawful war on the peaceful Ukrainian people, so will you be helping yourselves. As Akhmed Zakayev said, "Putin is the problem of the entire international community."
I have lived my entire adult life in the small and peaceful northern California town of Sebastopol. Thus I've been aware of that other town, so far away, with whom we shared the name (or almost): the beautiful Sevastopol, on the Crimean Peninsula, in the Black Sea. It was shocking, then, when Russia annexed the entire peninsula. But you guys there, in that part of the world seemed to just kinda shrug it off so...
But now you guys in that part of the world are roaring back, and countries around the world are behind you!
We want Ukraine to repel Putin.
And (now that we know) we want you to reclaim your ancestral home, too.
Chechen: Ӏожалла я маршо
Romanized: Joƶalla ya marşo
Ukraine and Chechnya:
(I also found and listened to your moving anthem: Шатлакхан Илли, Şatlaqan İlli, "Shatlak's Song".)
Now we do. Some of us will be there to the end as well. Believe in your values and freedom to discard the wrong values, and freedom to hunt down the monsters so distant beyond the ever-plentiful broken-minded psychophants. What a mess they give the world, happening wherever the psychopaths establish and rule a hierarchy. And it is always first established through massive campaigns of killing. Thus they kill so many ordinary, passive people who gained wise mastery over the land in harmony with the rest, simply in fair daily work order by which they all would survive and thrive as truly productive contributors to society. A peaceful, thriving order until discovered from afar...
Well said .. Finns know .. Chechens know .. Georgians know .. Syrians know ... etc etc etc
Glory to Ukraine!
Разом до перемоги 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦
Спасибо вам братья, прошу пощения за тех людей в политике которые своим малодушием убавляет ваш вклад, но уверен что после этой войны за освобождение Ичкерии ринуться тысячи добровольцев с боевым опытом которые сотрут всю ту нечисть позорящий ваш народ
Russia zindabad
Sorry brother
I’m Indian 😂
В женском туалете в аэропорту Лос-Анджелеса установили писсуары. Так держать!
👉 Мюсли Лаврова
Посольство Китая опубликовало список государств, которые были подвергнуты бомбардировкам Соединенных Штатов Америки после Второй Мировой войны:
• Корея и Китай 1950-53 (Корейская война)
• Гватемала 1954
• Индонезия (1958)
• Куба (1959-1961)
• Гватемала (1960)
• Конго (1964)
• Лаос (1964-1973)
• Вьетнам (1961-1973)
• Камбоджа (1969-1970)
• Гватемала (1967-1969)
• Гренада (1983)
• Ливан (1983, 1984) (поражение целей на территориях Ливана и Сирии)
• Ливия (1986)
• Сальвадор (1980)
• Никарагуа (1980)
• Иран (1987)
• Панама (1989)
• Ирак (1991) (война в Персидском заливе)
• Кувейт (1991)
• Сомали (1993)
• Босния (1994, 1995)
• Судан (1998)
• Афганистан (1998)
• Югославия (1999)
• Йемен (2002)
• Ирак (1991-2003) (совместно войска США и Великобритании)
• Ирак (2003-2015)
• Афганистан (2001-2015)
• Пакистан (2007-2015)
• Сомали (2007-2008, 2011)
• Йемен (2009, 2011)
• Ливия (2011, 2015)
• Сирия (2014-2015)
В списке более 20 государств. Китай призвал “никогда не забывать, кто представляет настоящую угрозу миру”.
Были возмущения от западного сообщества в отношении США?
Были громкие обличающие вопли?
Были санкции по отношению к США хоть когда-то?
Вся эта лицемерная мировая кодла сидит тихо, засунув язык в одно место, когда США кошмарит страны, словно заправский бандит. Ни тебе возгласа, ни тени упрёка.
Сайт Мрiя | UA-cam | Телеграм