Lew Ashby the fact that sty doesn’t know that zen lucio brig is run a lot rn and you don’t need a main healer is why people who are actually good shit on him all the time
Just because he was trying his best doesn’t mean it was good. Don’t blame his team, he wasn’t playing very well. Picked Zen when he should’ve went main healer, ignored the doom fist several times and got punished, used trans while walking from spawn into point, before anyone had taken any damage yet.
Noncery Mike but his team was still absolutely dog shit!? He was much better than they were and it’s also probably really hard to progress when these are the types of players you play with
@@floofvy5740 no silver. I know what I am talking about. I have been in bronze,silver and gold. People in bronze have no awareness and bad aim. Silver is almost the same. People in gold use their ult when they don't need it.
Well I am pretty sure that if Sty says that this is the lowest ELO game ever in OA that we have a 500 sr or less game here.. Itr reminds me of my start of season 5 games (where I placed after a horrific season 4 as a D.Va player) in 650sr... Currently I am flex maining on Moira, Mercy, McCree, Pharah and D.Va and Orisa... Got to Gold in late S10 and placed eversince in Gold... Currently I am 2250 SR Gold (Mid-Gold)
@@Amrich1999 Personally I've never been in silver, at the moment my SR sits at 2560... but I've been in gold and by far the biggest problem in gold games is grouping up. There is always someone who wants to push in ahead of everyone else. Bad ult economy is a close second though.
@AR Records the fact that he actually turned around to kill the turrets quiet quickly(even though they are placed in awkward places in the first place) makes me think he can be in gold lol
I feel bad for this poor kid tbh, he was actually doing pretty good and trying his best. Yeah he's not playing perfect, but a lot of Sty's advice he was actually using pretty decently aside from taking on a main healer. With a gaming experience like that, I'd be surprised if this guy keeps giving OW a chance rather than just abandoning ship.
honestly for me (im only plat-low diamond) if i see my team is throwing or just not coordinating, i just leave the game. I've just made the decision that im not going to waste my time like that anymore. Some nights its one and done. Sometimes its only a hour or so, but Im not going to suffer through it anymore and thats where i think most people are at atm.
@@Midaspl Yeah, was thinking about maybe editing the comment to between 250 and 750, but for some reason I didn't. (Can't edit right now because I am currently on phone and I commented via the account on my laptop)
@@xseveredsaintx It does if for some unfathomable reason you made different accounts for the two devices... Check the difference in capitalization and different color icon in front of the name...
lmao honestly bro, nobody in bronze should be talking any trash or being mean to each other. They should be the most friendliest teammates ever. Like you guys are bronze bro the absolute lowest how could you talk trash to anyone else in bronze? I dont get it lmao
Because 99% percent of people in any tier think they belong 2-3 tiers higher. Therefore the average bronze player thinks of themselves as gold or platinum and of their peers as n00bz/plebs. We're all guilty of it at some point. Currently, I'm stuck in a freefall through silver. It could be team comps when I'm getting gold healing medals as 76 with a Moira and a Mercy on team. Or, it could be me. I consider myself worthy of high silver but maybe that's just bias.
I know the feeling. When I have silver or gold kills on Lucio and meddling in damage (and everything else) it's a good indicator the problem is not me. Particularly with 3 or 4 dps.
@BB Hoody first of all the two don't necessarily equate. Second of all there are enough dps thinking they are pulling that kind of b's that just aren't. I don't need to be adding to that
A tip for the future, you're talking about being out of position, you were talking about comboing ults. In lower elos there are certain things you should focus before even talking about that. When people are in lower elos they miss the most fundamental bases on the games. For example Reinhardt didn't grasp the concept of being a main tank, he thought he had his shield up and that was enough... In gold you should focus on certain aspects, in silver more fundamental things and in bronze even more fundamental things, especially in very low bronze. Imagine you're teaching a little kid. You probably will teach him the alphabet before you're telling him which letter comes with what and what does that mean. You're already teaching them words before teaching the alphabet. You're talking about team comps, in lower SR that's not the most important thing, because even if you have good and stable comps it won't do anything good if they don't have the fundamental aspects of the game
@@LWylie It was an analogy obviously. I meant that he should be teaching them simple stuff, and he's going for stuff way too advanced for low bronze players
I disagree with many of the comments here. I don't think there is anything embarassing about being bad at the game. Fun matters. If you're good but don't have much fun anymore and force yourself to play it is more of a waste than playing this game for hundreds and hundreds of hours and still being bronze, but enjoying the game.
words of wisdom mate :D if ppl dont play games for having fun than they should not play them becuz not having fun leads to being frustrated all the time: hence throwers XD
I think the problem is, when you're in bronze, you're usually not having fun playing comp b/c of bad decision making or team comp or what not. The fun is when the team is gelling well and smoothly smoothly. The other stuff is just frustrating if you're trying to win.
What if youre good and having fun (because thats how it is) and i dont think its fun when you are bronze and everyone is smurfing any you just getting spawntraped it isnt so fun
I couldn't watch this through to the end because i flinched every time the frames tanked. I have never seen a low elo player like that make callouts as well as this poor child. In high silver to low gold on PC you don't get callouts like that sometimes. I hope he get's a new computer for Christmas poor guy.
I played Mercy and the lowest I ever been was bottom 1200sand managed to drag myself to low silver. Got a new PC that was meant to play games, would get 60 FPS without too much of an issue, then my WIFI upgraded, then won a legit gaming mouse and easily climbed out of silver to just plat through placements alone and am now sitting at 2600s. I assumed I was a bad player, and while i'm not the best i'm not /bad/, having a bad laptop is a huge handicap and makes it impossible to really get higher than low gold.
Tbh, that has nothing to do with mercy; what are you going to do with a gaming mouse on mercy? Fly to teammates faster? And that's natural, your mercy is improving every time you play. Equipment doesn't mean anything.
@@xdsuper ..are you serious??? Bad equipment as mercy means lower beam juggling quality, more guardian angel lag (thinking you fly to teammates then suddenly jerking back), unable to rez, switching weapons is literally impossible and dont you even dare think about firing your blaster.
Zen main here: the biggest problem with this guy is that he is a DPS Zen. You need to change that. Step one: always have harmony and discord on someone. Later you can worry about who but eg in this case Pharah was the first choice since she cannot get healed from Lucio. Step two: Die less often, eg by making sure that you have people in front of you, ie never be the front line. Step three: Group up with someone. Even if all the other players are at different places you can at least be with someone else. Here stick to Brig.
Doom is a smurf nay not be very high but his name is thanos and hes playing doom he also knows the slam uppercut primary fire combo which if he was 500 Sr or whatever he would not execute
That's just bull. Most people that play Doomfist knows the skills. It's positioning, timing and teamwork that's lacking down where I am, not mechanical skill. To claim that "Bronze players don't know uppercut / primary combo is just delusional.
Either smurf or going to climb rapidly. Main problem in bronze, every other game has smurfs. I played on my wifes account in bottom 500 and am diamond just to get her out of that range and was losing lots of games to insane players.
The funny thing is that a similar thing with Doomfist happens in gold: it's not necessarily that no one can aim to kill him but they'll just look up in terror and not even try to shoot him.
Increasing your fps is a major game changer. Especially if you're playing hit scan characters. I notice a massive improvement when I obtained a stable 300 fps with a 240 hz monitor. But that's on the extreme end and not really necessary. Key thing is to have stable 60-144 fps and keep it stable and consistent. If it fluctuates, it's just as bad as having a low fps. You can have 200fps, if it dips to 100 and goes to 120, then 170, then 130, and continuously moves like that, cap your fps to 100 to avoid that fluctuation. Closing window browsers that you have opened during game play or any program you may have running will help as well to avoid fluctuation.
As a bronze noob I'm learning more about the game watching these Heroes videos than I do watching your advanced ones. You're able to switch your advice down to commentating on basic gameplay and team comp which few videos do
I used to be in low bronze, I placed bottom 500 my first season. I understand what it is like to play at this low of a tier in the game. Now I bounce between high silver and low gold. It reminds me of myself in a way even though I am a DPS main in these clips. A trip of nostalgia almost to see the aim and the random chit chat.
This poor kids parents might not want to, or might be unable to afford a better computer. They are quite expensive. However, this kid is my spirit animal. He's doing a way better job than anyone else on his team.
Attention all Overwatch players...Tracer needs your help to defeat all the bronze Blackwatch players. In order to that she need your credit card number, the three digits on the back and the expiration month and year. But be quick! So she can claim the legendary golden loot box!
That player actually is pretty good at mechanical skill for bronze. I'd say that if he got a better computer and told his team not to feed every once in a while, he could make it to gold or at least high silver.
So I decided to check my fps since I never thought to do that before, and it turns out it was stuck at 30. My PC isn't a beast but it's certainly not shitty either, so I was surprised, until I realized I had it set to cap at 30 for some reason. When I changed it to display based it was like playing the game for the first time again, it was INSANE.
So this may be a bad idea but for people who are in bronze or silver, maybe even gold, should have a section in the hero details called "Hero Responsibility" this would give players a hint as to what their hero is best at. Like how sty said Zen isnt a main support, that should be listed, or how sty said Doomfist is for killing people on their own, that could be listen instead. Just to help people get an idea of their role so they can build better comps.
I’m in diamond & this Zen has better aim than me. That’s why I play Lucio, Rein, and ez shit, because I’m too lazy to swap my sensitivity from max to something more comfortable
lol you were right this was a treat especially at the end with the screen freaking out lol. I did learn something though because I'm Paddy in a sense. I get triggered by bad team mates and then just fall flat. Thanks for the advice I will definitely be working on that. P.S. I'm stuck mid to high bronze....
This was great i loved this video, I was sad when the first round because I thought it ended but I forgot it was two rounds so I get to watch that doom destroy again XD
Hello Sty! Quick question, what do you think of the amount of smurfs on console? I know you play PC so you may not know but you can create an OW account to play on WITHOUT having to buy the game again, so basically every game there is a smurf and I think it is an issue, thank you for reading and have a great day!
FPS can also be improved by changing the game's Resolution drop-down, the third top option in the Video tab. Scroll up on this list to select a lower pixel resolution. Make sure to choose an option with a star "*" next to it, because that one will have the same aspect ratio as your monitor. also choose the highest number displayed in the parenthesis "()", as that will be the highest FPS your monitor can support. Also note that changing the pixel resolution will also change your sensitivity
No dude your just trash if your in bronze or can’t climb. 144hz can help and so can ping and better peripherals but it won’t make you better, it will only make good players better. You can get masters or t500 with a cheap mouse and 60 FPS. Don’t blame other things for your trashness.
How would this video show anything. It's just a super low bronze match, which usually is chaotic and full of people who don't understand what they are doing at all.
I was the doom on other team I was Smurfing lol but I am high gold on main. I dive into enemy team bc they r shit. I don't do what I did here in my actual rank lol I'm not stupid.
When I started, I played on a POS laptop and spent a couple seasons around 700SR. Bought myself a decent desktop and got to plat in 2 seasons. Equipment really does make a difference.
Well, his game stutters a lot yes, he shouldn't play aim based heroes, or aim intensive heroes, like Zenyatta. If he was playing Mercy he would be fine, or even Moira would work nicely
We say get good all the time, but honestly how is someone supposed to climb in this Elo when 8 out of 10 games are just like this one. He would have to be at the very least gold level dps player to somewhat carry this mess and coach his team through each match. I imagine low elos to be a special type of hell for anyone who wants to climb.
I'm pretty sure we're hearing the game audio through the player's mic. It's actually surprisingly clear but it explains why the other players are pretty hard to hear.
"This doesn't mean we're gonna laugh at these people!" (audibly giggling)
"So we've got this.. really.. bad.. budget GOATS comp *holding back laughter* let's go"
Lew Ashby the fact that sty doesn’t know that zen lucio brig is run a lot rn and you don’t need a main healer is why people who are actually good shit on him all the time
@@griffindc Thing is though this low on ladder there's no way they can play well without a main healer 90% of the time.
@@ReiMeiMayonaka ^
Just wanted to comment. :D
"There is no Reinhardt protecting me"
He sounds like he is shouting from the point of another map
MACKS time stamp?
@@jakecard981 10:00
Sounds like he left his mic 2 doors down and just didn't notice.
From horizon lunar colony.
Omg 😂😂
This dude on Temple of Anubis while Rein is holding the point from the inside of Illios Well
Sty, you’re not supposed to submit your own game footage.
Ooooooooooooo burn!
sick burn
Shh don't expose him like that
playing on low fps is like playing blind, you just have to guess where everyone is
@@RykerWasTaken only if you played with normal fps so you can guess, if you started with low fps you have to play a long time to understand
they should not go through the same entrance everytime.
same with bad wifi
true that
I played for a year with only 15-30fps and somehow I was able to keep myself at gold with so much strugle.
Nowadays going at plat with better pc .v.
Frame by frame analysis
fuck you ahahhahaha
Total of 3 frames analysed
Shhhhh the adults talking
overwatch mobile leaked
Don't you guys have phones??
it comes free on the blizard phone
Really ambitious to play Zen at 5 FPS and against a Doomfist. If i do say so myself.
It's about 15 to 20 fps. Trust me I sometimes play the game at 20 fps
More like 20ish FPS
Basically an 8 year old playing on a PC that's older than he is.
He playing on high graphics with no fps
I had a rig that age, played much better than that XD
eddebrock lol
My friend is 9 and hes in masters
walk how do you run ow
Pouring one out for this dude, he was trying his best but everything was just stacked against him from a toxic teammate to an unchecked doomfist
Just because he was trying his best doesn’t mean it was good. Don’t blame his team, he wasn’t playing very well. Picked Zen when he should’ve went main healer, ignored the doom fist several times and got punished, used trans while walking from spawn into point, before anyone had taken any damage yet.
Noncery Mike but his team was still absolutely dog shit!? He was much better than they were and it’s also probably really hard to progress when these are the types of players you play with
Who Else Dies When That Teammate Said “Why Are You Talking Into A Paper Bag?” 😂
@Gabriel Angelo D.va ain't even OP lmao
Still more communication than plat on console
Otogibanashi ps4 overwatch is horrible
Otogibanashi I’m embarrassed that bronze players have more communication then any team that I’m on (I’m high plat on console)
Just get out of plat
Most people on PC have a headset. Most on console doesn't.
More communication than gold on PC. Gold seem to be where people who don't speak hang out, but they are really good if someone speak.
This poor Zen is at least a silver, give this kid a better computer
I’d say at least gold even. Poor child
@@floofvy5740 no silver. I know what I am talking about. I have been in bronze,silver and gold. People in bronze have no awareness and bad aim. Silver is almost the same. People in gold use their ult when they don't need it.
Well I am pretty sure that if Sty says that this is the lowest ELO game ever in OA that we have a 500 sr or less game here..
Itr reminds me of my start of season 5 games (where I placed after a horrific season 4 as a D.Va player) in 650sr...
Currently I am flex maining on Moira, Mercy, McCree, Pharah and D.Va and Orisa...
Got to Gold in late S10 and placed eversince in Gold... Currently I am 2250 SR Gold (Mid-Gold)
@@Amrich1999 Personally I've never been in silver, at the moment my SR sits at 2560... but I've been in gold and by far the biggest problem in gold games is grouping up. There is always someone who wants to push in ahead of everyone else. Bad ult economy is a close second though.
@AR Records the fact that he actually turned around to kill the turrets quiet quickly(even though they are placed in awkward places in the first place) makes me think he can be in gold lol
I didn’t know we could play overwatch on a washing machine
I thought it was a toaster, it burns out fast
Laughable, but it can run on a three year old machine witch at the time was'nt even a high end config.
The vid quality was also bronze level LUL.
A washing machine doesn’t have an impossibly loud fan my dude 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
You can play it on everything nowadays, even your refrigerator
I feel bad for this poor kid tbh, he was actually doing pretty good and trying his best. Yeah he's not playing perfect, but a lot of Sty's advice he was actually using pretty decently aside from taking on a main healer. With a gaming experience like that, I'd be surprised if this guy keeps giving OW a chance rather than just abandoning ship.
And the settings look quite high
Hehe I run the game every thing low on a literal tablet. I'm building a gaming pc end of this year tho
@@ethanaw9272 how much fps u get?
@@oliverrelic9546 around 40-60fps
honestly for me (im only plat-low diamond) if i see my team is throwing or just not coordinating, i just leave the game. I've just made the decision that im not going to waste my time like that anymore. Some nights its one and done. Sometimes its only a hour or so, but Im not going to suffer through it anymore and thats where i think most people are at atm.
This video makes me feel like I'm getting a virus
Dang thanks for the likes
Pawls Coronavorus
Pawls this aged well
*coffin dance in the distance*
6:15 "Turn off the tips you don't need that." Bronze player who's probably between 500 and 1000 sr: "Are you sure about that?!"
I'd say below 500.
@@Midaspl Yeah, was thinking about maybe editing the comment to between 250 and 750, but for some reason I didn't. (Can't edit right now because I am currently on phone and I commented via the account on my laptop)
Bowie Oosterholt switching devices doesn’t remove being able to edit your own comment. I can edit my comments regardless
@@xseveredsaintx It does if for some unfathomable reason you made different accounts for the two devices... Check the difference in capitalization and different color icon in front of the name...
lmao honestly bro, nobody in bronze should be talking any trash or being mean to each other. They should be the most friendliest teammates ever. Like you guys are bronze bro the absolute lowest how could you talk trash to anyone else in bronze? I dont get it lmao
Because 99% percent of people in any tier think they belong 2-3 tiers higher. Therefore the average bronze player thinks of themselves as gold or platinum and of their peers as n00bz/plebs.
We're all guilty of it at some point.
Currently, I'm stuck in a freefall through silver. It could be team comps when I'm getting gold healing medals as 76 with a Moira and a Mercy on team. Or, it could be me.
I consider myself worthy of high silver but maybe that's just bias.
I know the feeling. When I have silver or gold kills on Lucio and meddling in damage (and everything else) it's a good indicator the problem is not me. Particularly with 3 or 4 dps.
@BB Hoody yeah... No.
@BB Hoody first of all the two don't necessarily equate. Second of all there are enough dps thinking they are pulling that kind of b's that just aren't. I don't need to be adding to that
Or any rank
Think it helps if you don't play underwater aswell
A tip for the future, you're talking about being out of position, you were talking about comboing ults. In lower elos there are certain things you should focus before even talking about that. When people are in lower elos they miss the most fundamental bases on the games. For example Reinhardt didn't grasp the concept of being a main tank, he thought he had his shield up and that was enough... In gold you should focus on certain aspects, in silver more fundamental things and in bronze even more fundamental things, especially in very low bronze. Imagine you're teaching a little kid. You probably will teach him the alphabet before you're telling him which letter comes with what and what does that mean. You're already teaching them words before teaching the alphabet. You're talking about team comps, in lower SR that's not the most important thing, because even if you have good and stable comps it won't do anything good if they don't have the fundamental aspects of the game
Pedro Silva - im an english teacher. We teach words before the alphabet
Well said. Im in silver and i come across people who dont know some basic things even about heroes they play
Positioning is a fundamental aspect of the game. Combos are advanced for bronze, but positioning and group up are fundamentals.
Laurence wylie I think he meant in the sense of writing or reading I'm not a teacher but that's how I took it
@@LWylie It was an analogy obviously. I meant that he should be teaching them simple stuff, and he's going for stuff way too advanced for low bronze players
19:28 - You still use the ammo if you cancel Zen's alt fire.
might be so, but you still cancel the animation, which makes rate of fire faster rather than fireing at nothing
also gonna check out your channel
ftr you don't regain the ammo but you cancel the fire animation so you can begin to shoot again more quickly
Also you won't give away your position so blatently.
I think he meant not to load up all those shots if none of them were going to go anywhere
I disagree with many of the comments here. I don't think there is anything embarassing about being bad at the game. Fun matters. If you're good but don't have much fun anymore and force yourself to play it is more of a waste than playing this game for hundreds and hundreds of hours and still being bronze, but enjoying the game.
words of wisdom mate :D
if ppl dont play games for having fun than they should not play them becuz not having fun leads to being frustrated all the time: hence throwers XD
Don't care about my rank, but I'm also not enjoying the game. Most of my comp games are a waste of time.
@@vane909090 Get a life, stop wasting your and other peoples time playing this game.
I think the problem is, when you're in bronze, you're usually not having fun playing comp b/c of bad decision making or team comp or what not. The fun is when the team is gelling well and smoothly smoothly. The other stuff is just frustrating if you're trying to win.
What if youre good and having fun (because thats how it is) and i dont think its fun when you are bronze and everyone is smurfing any you just getting spawntraped it isnt so fun
I couldn't watch this through to the end because i flinched every time the frames tanked. I have never seen a low elo player like that make callouts as well as this poor child. In high silver to low gold on PC you don't get callouts like that sometimes. I hope he get's a new computer for Christmas poor guy.
Bronze goats = Broats
Bradley White Love it
I played Mercy and the lowest I ever been was bottom 1200sand managed to drag myself to low silver. Got a new PC that was meant to play games, would get 60 FPS without too much of an issue, then my WIFI upgraded, then won a legit gaming mouse and easily climbed out of silver to just plat through placements alone and am now sitting at 2600s. I assumed I was a bad player, and while i'm not the best i'm not /bad/, having a bad laptop is a huge handicap and makes it impossible to really get higher than low gold.
Tbh, that has nothing to do with mercy; what are you going to do with a gaming mouse on mercy? Fly to teammates faster? And that's natural, your mercy is improving every time you play. Equipment doesn't mean anything.
@@xdsuper Mercy *does* have a blaster, you know that?
@@xdsuper ..are you serious??? Bad equipment as mercy means lower beam juggling quality, more guardian angel lag (thinking you fly to teammates then suddenly jerking back), unable to rez, switching weapons is literally impossible and dont you even dare think about firing your blaster.
Sty, bad boy "You know you can just melee to cancel your alternate fire so you don't waste ammo" Ammo is consumed as you charge the alt fire mate
But if you fire it earlier doesn't it use less ammo?
@@SergeofBIBEK yes
It's useful for masking the sound thats about it
Overwatch Coaching - Zenyatta tries his best against a gold-smurfing doomfist
I'm hysterically crying at the aspect ratio changing and Sty just going WOOAAHH WHAT'S GONE ON? 29:12
Takadaroba yea and it was even absolutely in line with the prior performance so it was very believable that that person‘s PC just spasting out
Im still laughing, at 2 am,,,
Every time the zen got hit with the doom solo ult I lost it, especially when he said “again” in such a small defeated voice
Zen main here: the biggest problem with this guy is that he is a DPS Zen. You need to change that.
Step one: always have harmony and discord on someone. Later you can worry about who but eg in this case Pharah was the first choice since she cannot get healed from Lucio.
Step two: Die less often, eg by making sure that you have people in front of you, ie never be the front line.
Step three: Group up with someone. Even if all the other players are at different places you can at least be with someone else. Here stick to Brig.
GurgleGurgleBlahBlah you forgot the most important one: don’t play on a potato
Ah yes u forgot that one
Doom is a smurf nay not be very high but his name is thanos and hes playing doom he also knows the slam uppercut primary fire combo which if he was 500 Sr or whatever he would not execute
Hes also really low leveled another sign of a smurf/alt account
pretty common tbh
That's just bull. Most people that play Doomfist knows the skills. It's positioning, timing and teamwork that's lacking down where I am, not mechanical skill. To claim that "Bronze players don't know uppercut / primary combo is just delusional.
Either smurf or going to climb rapidly. Main problem in bronze, every other game has smurfs. I played on my wifes account in bottom 500 and am diamond just to get her out of that range and was losing lots of games to insane players.
AlphaFitness account sharing can get you banned tho right?
The match was over when everyone else picked dps. If OW had a /surrender vote function, that would be the time to use it :P
I really want to send him a 2080 sli pc, he'll probably become the next jjonak.
You can send me it instead, I stopped playing because I can't be loaded into maps anymore, my computer sucks that much
Why the fuck would you wanna SLI 2080's lmao.
@@notfunnyperson3496 buy a used pc, problem solved
Ill take it
That doomfist doesn't play at all like a bronze player
Utsuro Hako might be a Smurf, at most he's a gold player
Nah. He just plays like a Doomdist player. :P
Glad someone said it
That doomfist is not good 🤣😂
He should be dead 95% of the times he engaged. Going 1 v 4 and winning isn’t something normal in higher ranks.
The funny thing is that a similar thing with Doomfist happens in gold: it's not necessarily that no one can aim to kill him but they'll just look up in terror and not even try to shoot him.
3:10 I died
*why are you talking inside a paper bag*
Hes not the worst player
His team just stuck I was stuck in the same position in season 6
In bronze it’s just rng if u get a good team
Pretty much your screwed if your in bronze
Bronze isnt hard to get out of
It took me so much sweating and at least 4 seasons of slow ranking higher throw placements to get to silver
Imagine being so bad you’re unironically being below 500 SR.
King Ping Bell yeah i’m fucking garbage and i just literally can’t go below plat how is this sr possible
@@4-U-CITYGIRL odd felx but ok
LOL so bad it just says >500.
On console even me throwing would keep me in diamond.
pretty much everyone in this sr range has some sort of "handicap". That means very low fps or some sort of hardware issues.
Increasing your fps is a major game changer. Especially if you're playing hit scan characters. I notice a massive improvement when I obtained a stable 300 fps with a 240 hz monitor. But that's on the extreme end and not really necessary. Key thing is to have stable 60-144 fps and keep it stable and consistent. If it fluctuates, it's just as bad as having a low fps. You can have 200fps, if it dips to 100 and goes to 120, then 170, then 130, and continuously moves like that, cap your fps to 100 to avoid that fluctuation. Closing window browsers that you have opened during game play or any program you may have running will help as well to avoid fluctuation.
Poor kid... I feel bad for kids who's parents can't afford decent enough PCs...
@@JoeSmoe1 console costs at least like 250$
@@bodacious12 a PC that can play overwatch is at least $400-500 if you want 60 fps with a 3 core chip and a 2 gb graphics card
@@JoeSmoe1 lol what my laptop is 300$ and plays it at 1080p 60fps
@@bodacious12 specs.. go. or i call bullshit
As a bronze noob I'm learning more about the game watching these Heroes videos than I do watching your advanced ones. You're able to switch your advice down to commentating on basic gameplay and team comp which few videos do
18:00 zen has spaghetti arms confirmed
I used to be in low bronze, I placed bottom 500 my first season. I understand what it is like to play at this low of a tier in the game. Now I bounce between high silver and low gold. It reminds me of myself in a way even though I am a DPS main in these clips. A trip of nostalgia almost to see the aim and the random chit chat.
I’m having flashbacks to when I could only get 20fps, and consistently had 200 ping HELP!!!
Fuuny if you could swap those numbers you would have a time of your life
This poor kids parents might not want to, or might be unable to afford a better computer. They are quite expensive. However, this kid is my spirit animal. He's doing a way better job than anyone else on his team.
Attention all Overwatch players...Tracer needs your help to defeat all the bronze Blackwatch players. In order to that she need your credit card number, the three digits on the back and the expiration month and year. But be quick! So she can claim the legendary golden loot box!
What do i do?
If this was properly written I would have laughed.....if only...
this would've been funny if you wrote it right lol
Epic_Gamer678 X delete that it's a scam
@@dudefortunate5522 r/whoosh
Imagine being killed by a Zen who is running Overwatch in Powerpoint.
I am here before the thumbnail
I just wanna give this kid a pc, he deserves it and wasn't doing a bad job. Idk if he reads this but keep it up, champ
That player actually is pretty good at mechanical skill for bronze. I'd say that if he got a better computer and told his team not to feed every once in a while, he could make it to gold or at least high silver.
So I decided to check my fps since I never thought to do that before, and it turns out it was stuck at 30. My PC isn't a beast but it's certainly not shitty either, so I was surprised, until I realized I had it set to cap at 30 for some reason. When I changed it to display based it was like playing the game for the first time again, it was INSANE.
Feelsbad for this guy, we can't judge him while he's playing on this fps
I feel bad for this Zen player. He tried and he kept his composure when his teammates tilted and threw the entire game.
Jeez, it felt like I was watching a slideshow at times. Time to upgrade your PC, bro!
Hes probably playing an a laptop
Ya he’s playing ana’s laptop
There are not enough heals in the world to keep Paddy alive.
Basically this is 100% under 500sr I’ve been there before and this is it
years later but I'm hoping this guy got a better pc and climbed out of bronze. I'd want him as an off support in my team lol
He could have way better fps by having lowest graphic, and disable the limit of 30 fps in settings
So this may be a bad idea but for people who are in bronze or silver, maybe even gold, should have a section in the hero details called "Hero Responsibility" this would give players a hint as to what their hero is best at. Like how sty said Zen isnt a main support, that should be listed, or how sty said Doomfist is for killing people on their own, that could be listen instead. Just to help people get an idea of their role so they can build better comps.
I’m in diamond & this Zen has better aim than me. That’s why I play Lucio, Rein, and ez shit, because I’m too lazy to swap my sensitivity from max to something more comfortable
You play on max???
Civil Kwedix I'm in gold and sometimes I peak in plat and his aim is better than mine
Moving your mouse 1mm will make you do like 20 360s lol
Do you even aim than?😅
lol you were right this was a treat especially at the end with the screen freaking out lol. I did learn something though because I'm Paddy in a sense. I get triggered by bad team mates and then just fall flat. Thanks for the advice I will definitely be working on that. P.S. I'm stuck mid to high bronze....
Move communication in the first 5 seconds than my 1900 sr silver games.
Silver lol its basically bronze but better pc spec
But I play on console. :(
@@ryanshadow507 oh lol me too
Ps4 or Xbox1
@@ryanshadow507 ps4
This was great i loved this video, I was sad when the first round because I thought it ended but I forgot it was two rounds so I get to watch that doom destroy again XD
I went to the doctors because my eyes were bleeding after this
This kid is a future team leader for sure. He sounds so young and educated on mechanics like he's plat. Loving it. Great job kiddo!
Hello Sty! Quick question, what do you think of the amount of smurfs on console? I know you play PC so you may not know but you can create an OW account to play on WITHOUT having to buy the game again, so basically every game there is a smurf and I think it is an issue, thank you for reading and have a great day!
Its big oof, I have 5 accounts but only play 2 so i have 4 alt accounts rn
Yeah, console diamond is hell. Everyone on your team just continuously dies to "thiccwidowsmurfxxx22" over and over again and they never goddamn learn
Yeah sty here I don’t know what to say because I’m on PC and I don’t understand ok sty out
@@jdkdjddjddjdjdjdjdjdf7836 relatable
just get gud
"Why does it sound like you're talking into a paper bag?"
I died.
This really hurts to watch, both gameplay wise and frame rate wise.
This is the most hilarious overanalyzed I’ve ever seen
This player is pretty good, I wonder what his real rank would be if he had a decent PC
FPS can also be improved by changing the game's Resolution drop-down, the third top option in the Video tab. Scroll up on this list to select a lower pixel resolution. Make sure to choose an option with a star "*" next to it, because that one will have the same aspect ratio as your monitor. also choose the highest number displayed in the parenthesis "()", as that will be the highest FPS your monitor can support.
Also note that changing the pixel resolution will also change your sensitivity
Doomfist like the boogy man in that game.
HEY Do this more!
Seeing your analysis of low level play is very insightful
Bronze=1fps Top 500= 300fps
Poor people= Bronze Top 500= Rich people :( feels bad man
Pay to win :(
@@weeblord6848 so true, i also forgot... the better internet wins :(
bullshit but sure
No dude your just trash if your in bronze or can’t climb. 144hz can help and so can ping and better peripherals but it won’t make you better, it will only make good players better. You can get masters or t500 with a cheap mouse and 60 FPS. Don’t blame other things for your trashness.
I have an average of 20-25 fps and I'm diamond. It's possible, man.
This season is the first one where I'm learning to play properly and trying to get out of bronze is insanely frustrating at times
this Zen is not that bad for a bronze player imo, he really needs to upgrade his gaming rig
19:35: He will lose the ammo anyways, it's consumed while charging, not while firing.
I think this guy need to lower the graphics settings, it doesn't look like he's playing on the lowest or medium etc
This man’s PC has been carved from an enormous slab of cheese
here so early that im watching in 360p
So was the person in the video
Weird flex but ok
Me too
The enemy doomfist is definetly a smurf, he actually knows how to do combos
when someone asks me why is overwatch dying, I'll show them this video.
Brian Falcón I’ll show them brigitte
How would this video show anything. It's just a super low bronze match, which usually is chaotic and full of people who don't understand what they are doing at all.
If you're still triggered by brig then that's a you problem and you deserve to stay low in your rank
@@floridaman5524 actually rarted. This video was before the nerf dude.
Says we’re not gonna laugh at the beginning of the video laughs through the whole video this was basically a montage of stars laughter
Doomfist is 1000% smurfing lmao
I was the doom on other team I was Smurfing lol but I am high gold on main. I dive into enemy team bc they r shit. I don't do what I did here in my actual rank lol I'm not stupid.
@@TheosDeorum great job managing to beat a child with a bad computer.
@@emperor_ivan no problem it's my pleasure
Any Hero:Uses ultimate.
Stylosa:This hero has the best Ultimate in the game
This takes years of practice 29:12
The aspect ratio shift?
When I started, I played on a POS laptop and spent a couple seasons around 700SR. Bought myself a decent desktop and got to plat in 2 seasons. Equipment really does make a difference.
What sr was that game though 😂😂
I love these videos Sty, please don't ever stop making them.
I like this new PowerPoint presentation, sty! Gives a very unique perspective. Keep it up ;)
If U have more then 50fps and ur ranked that low there is just no excuse
I got to high master playing with 25-30 fps
Most of the time I think people that are in bronze don't play comp. Probably that's why.
Well, his game stutters a lot yes, he shouldn't play aim based heroes, or aim intensive heroes, like Zenyatta. If he was playing Mercy he would be fine, or even Moira would work nicely
Evil telling lies
I get around 100 FPS and im in bronze but that’s just because I’m bad
We say get good all the time, but honestly how is someone supposed to climb in this Elo when 8 out of 10 games are just like this one. He would have to be at the very least gold level dps player to somewhat carry this mess and coach his team through each match. I imagine low elos to be a special type of hell for anyone who wants to climb.
I even can't watch this x.x
9:38 I hear this often.. but I hear it more in the delivery room than in my OW games
like how u say it's minimum 30fps and this is like 5fps lmao.
Il literally stoped one second before he said "this is not your computer falling apart" to check if the video is playing with 30fps
Imagine being lvl 500 and your bronze
I once saw a 5 star gold border in bronze on qp lfg
@@matthewredmond6034 yikes
How embarrassing!
Trust me I've seen worst
ive saw silver, gold, and platinum borders before in bronze! its sad lol.
I'm pretty sure we're hearing the game audio through the player's mic. It's actually surprisingly clear but it explains why the other players are pretty hard to hear.
Hmm, what if, just a thought.... you don't have the money for a good pc?
explosivecreeper98 then you cant expect to be an amazing pro OW player without one
@@xSoHappyxIMVU lol, ouch. So true
explosivecreeper98 haha just save up as much as you can
That laptop he's playing on seems to be on its breaking point. You can tell if it's a laptop is when you can hear the fans in the mic ... mostly.