Lucky I was going over all the gas stuff for the boiler since I touched it.......It started with leaks at the boiler shut off valves....... Decided to pull the whole line and just plug it at the 1 1/4 tee .....
Gas plumbing/piping is my fav =).......Most stuff is hand tight long as you use really good teflon tape (yellow)rated for gas or pipe dope or both wont have a problem =)
Scary stuff going on there. That is not a small gas leak. That valve breaking off is nutty too.... Good luck with it all bro. Don't hurt yourself!
Lucky I was going over all the gas stuff for the boiler since I touched it.......It started with leaks at the boiler shut off valves....... Decided to pull the whole line and just plug it at the 1 1/4 tee .....
I kinda had the sensitivity up too high and learned a lesson in setting it up =) but there was a leak on 1 side of the tee.......
Braver than i am. I don't mess with gas. But sometimes you just got to take care of things and get it done!
Gas plumbing/piping is my fav =).......Most stuff is hand tight long as you use really good teflon tape (yellow)rated for gas or pipe dope or both wont have a problem =)