Craig Armstrong - Mt Eden Dubstep - Escape (Remix)

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024
  • Epic melodic and chilled listening.. Enjoy
    Free Download:
    Hey I have remastered a few of my tracks so heres a free download link to them


  • @MoreTrenMoreMen69
    @MoreTrenMoreMen69 9 років тому +39

    I miss the days of 2009, golden year of dubstep.

  • @savagehippie1453
    @savagehippie1453 8 років тому +27

    If you are depressed you are living in the past, if you are anxious you are living in the future, if you are at peace, you are living in the present, enjoy every moment!

    • @savagehippie1453
      @savagehippie1453 7 років тому +1

      gimp i Skip to the present, let your heart be free for a night, not free to someone, but free to yourself, let yourself be you, and be okay with you, you are the most important person in your life, so live like it, be your own ro-model, I hope for the best in people like you, cause I was like you, it hurts, it's dark, it's unromantic, it's a horror which never surprises, just deepens into a spiral of ego death, pick yourself up my homie,live to the best you possibly can, because what is life worth if we spend it looking to the beautiful horizon with gloom within our hearts, we are one, peace and love, happiness be upon you :)

    • @savagehippie1453
      @savagehippie1453 7 років тому +1

      gimp i Hope you don't mind the following wall of text, but I quite possibly know exactly what your feeling, so heres my story.
      When I was lets call it 8 years old, I had just finished grade 2/3 I believe, I was carefree, happy as hell, not a problem in my life, I was one of the "cool kids" for that time, everybody got on with me, my schoolwork was always a breeze, 90% easy peez for any subject(and yes of course grade 2/3 is not hard lol but regardless)life was good, I was a naughty bastard yea, got into some sort of shenanigan almost daily, but so what, anyways, grade four comes along and my parents send me to aftercare, I meet a girl named Jana, we hit it off immediately and instantly start exploring the realm of kisses and romance and blablabla, to me this was really special, I had had nothing go wrong in my life yet to any large extent, long cringey romance story short, I was in love with this girl, at like 10 years old, which sounds absolutely stupid, and she ended up dumping me the exact day a new just as handsome dude came into the school, and started dating him, I felt betrayed, spiteful, and those emotions grew into an unhealthy obsession which would end up taking over a good 5-7 years of my life, during the first 3-4 I would try to talk to her or emotionally damage her in any way I could, and even try to force her back into my life, as a form of revenge, and also a hope for a second chance in grade 4 I was introduced to weed and ciggarrretes, the very next year I was smoking half a box a week, but I also had my first proper experience with weed, I finished a full 6-8 centimeter thin royal swazi joint, best feeling I had ever had, from that day on even until today as I write this, I am a proud pothead lol...then grade six came along, I was basically degraded from this average young bright happy kid, into this downtrodden, crazy phsychopathic ganjahead brat in everyones eyes, and so I started to deeply care about everyones thoughts about me, so I became the class clown, never doing homework because I was always crying afterschool about how crap things went, cracking jokes in class and having a completely different motive as to become a "cool kid" again so that I could have some sort of pride back of what I used to, I wanted that happiness back, that care-free innocent happiness, however this was not to be...and so the entire sixth grade year I spent doing sweet buggerall, left me coming out with something I didn't think I would've ever needed, a major wake up call, I received my results that I had failed, and the next year I was standing in the lines of the class before me, it was terrible, but having this wake up call helped me too realize I need to get over myself, at this point and throughout the rest of my second year, I had already developed social anxiety and quite a severe depression, had tried to kill myself a couple times even, and the only thing that kept me going was my family, my circle of best friends who stuck with me the whole way with up's and downs, and the hope of getting better, in grade 8,9 and 10 I was still suffering from social anxiety, however the depression of my first and to this day only true girlfriend had long since worn off with the help of unlocking empathy through the use of weed and just in general trip my f'ing balls of moments in life, but the anxiety I could deal with to an extent, if I didn't have anything to say I simply showed physically that I was uncomfortable and didn't speak, but with my best friends and family who I knew very well at this point, I could be comfortable with and speak on hours for end at times, I still had panic attacks and such, but with them I knew I could trust them and that I had a chance of getting better...and so all this boils down to one night, one year ago, when I was 18 years old, I went for my second time to a rave with my friends after the first time not yielding too much, we danced we drank and all, however, I had hoped for more, not just drinking and crap, I was 18 and I didn't even have a proper birthday or a party that year, my parents as always were constantly fighting with my dad always threatening to kick me out of the house, at one point at roughly two in the morning, I was sitting on a bench by myself after losing my friend in the crowd going to go get us drinks, and the most beautiful chick wearing an awesome poncho with a great tan and figure comes and plonks down next to me with a rough sigh, looking fussed out and blown off, we met eyes a couple times, and after politely darting my eyes away as a sign of I don't wanna intrude I was just intrigued kind of motion, I took a look once more, she gave a heartwarming smile, and lay her head on my lap, we stayed like that for a good hour and a half until the tent managers of the dance decided to close up that certain venue, after exchanging pleasantries and her pecking my hand while I stroked her golden beach blonde hair, she fell asleep, totally at rest, not a nervous bone in her body, and so the staff came and told us to move it, we walked a little and I gave her my jacket because she was a little chilly, then another guy came up next to her and said something something, and she started to distance herself, I kept an eye on her trying every now and then to make eye contact or speak to her, but she basically ignored me and walked into another venue with my jacket which was a pristine genuine leather jacket gifted to me by my grandfather, so I followed her and she dumped it on the ground in the middle of the crowd, didn't even look back once, I grabbed it quite pissed off at her rudeness and left to go sit at a bench close to where we were, and I just thought to myself, why does this happen again, what have I done wrong, why am I being punished with this loneliness for so long, and then I heard a hello from behind me, I figured it was just someone else calling somebody they knew so I didn't pay too much attention, then I heard it again and I knew it was towards me from behind, I get up and look back and there were 2 in they're late twenties/early thirties chicks, so I went and sat by them and we chatted, they asked me why was I all by myself and was I enjoying my evening, I said yeah and that I had lost them throughout the night, so they invited me to come party with them, we walked unto that same venue and then the one girl offered me a capsule, pink with glitter, now I am actually a rather headstraight guy in the sense of knowing what is a safe situation or not, and in this situation, if it were just any random person and I didn't like the look of them, I would've said no and left, I'd heard enough of hard drugs to make me never want to touch them, but this night with the prior circumstances in mind, I decided, at that moment, fuck it, I've done things by the safe sure way almost all my life, if I end up dying tonight because if I wanted to bring myself back to something better than what I was before and it all gets wasted down to nothing but a report of another kid dying at a festival or something like that, screw it, at least I tried living for once, in this capsule was (apparently) very pure MDMA and I had also only asked her what it was after it was down my throat, within ten minutes my heart rate had increased and all my muscular fatigue was gone, that night my heart was filled with such euphoria, I felt connected for once to something that was real, something I had always hoped would be a real thing you know, that love for other people in general, and these girls showed me that in one night, not through sex or some other crap, but through empathy and kindness, it took them seeing that I was having a rough time and basically field nursing my vibe at the time, to show me what is worth living for and why I was always so sad and lonely and such, it took them to show me that there was still hope for even just humanity in general, now of course I didn't believe all people were bad, but I just had never realized the underlying distrust and judgement I had in my heart for just regular people who were all only trying to figure out what they really needed and wanted and that was inner peace, after this weekend of full on dancing and tripping on MD and meeting these absolutely awesome people who introduced me to a second family basically, not a typical family you would think of but a global family, I was honestly a changed person, my social anxiety, absolutely minimal since then, and depression? Completely gone, I now live a decent life again, a happy life of which I before had taken for granted, and for that I am ever grateful, this is just my way of givng back and helping I hope my story was of some value to your intellect and of that ofr others good luck, and don't ever lose hope :)

    • @savagehippie1453
      @savagehippie1453 7 років тому

      gimp i check my handouts?

    • @annabortion3702
      @annabortion3702 7 років тому +1

      SavageHippie great story btw glad you've found happiness again

    • @savagehippie1453
      @savagehippie1453 7 років тому

      Thanks man :)

  • @lillix88
    @lillix88 14 років тому +9

    never thought "escape" could sound like this! A M A Z I N G!!!!

  • @blackflip23
    @blackflip23 14 років тому

    In the dark..drikin nice hot tea..nd just makes me soo calm nd i can drift away...DUBSTEP and DnB

  •  Рік тому +1

    Have any of you found this on Spoty? I was listening to this back in 2009-2010 .... still love it!!! EPIC!!!

  • @Mtedenofficial
    @Mtedenofficial  14 років тому +4

    thanks mate finally found the name to this song shhsh

  • @hurculesss
    @hurculesss 14 років тому

    Just started listening to dubsteb, i think i found new kind of music i like.

  • @cexyles222
    @cexyles222 14 років тому

    the perfect breed of song.

  • @jpelentrides456
    @jpelentrides456 14 років тому

    one word...BRILLIANT!

  • @poddennis
    @poddennis 13 років тому

    how could u not like this song..

  • @AsuranAark
    @AsuranAark 13 років тому

    ahhh. Saw movies.

  • @awakeandbaked
    @awakeandbaked 14 років тому

    ohhhh mt eden, never fail to impress.

  • @r3neg851
    @r3neg851 13 років тому

    this is .... wow ... i cant find any words to discribe.. thanks to homerj for showing

  • @gilmargvf93
    @gilmargvf93 13 років тому

    When December 21, 2012 gets here, I'm gonna put this song on repeat and listen all day long waiting for the world to end. :D

  • @reverseperstalsis
    @reverseperstalsis 14 років тому +1

    this guy is like a bass alchemist!!!!
    Praise thy bass god that is Mt EDEN

  • @milkkk717
    @milkkk717 14 років тому

    I love Mt Eden!! from Czech Republic! yea :) tuneee...

  • @Valentino319
    @Valentino319 14 років тому

    best dubstep everrr!!! veeeerry EPIC!!!

  • @EscalationFilms
    @EscalationFilms 13 років тому

    So. Much. Win.
    What a perfect song.

  • @Luke7ube
    @Luke7ube 14 років тому +1

    I love this, Mt Eden is already a legend.

  • @Zaytion
    @Zaytion 14 років тому

    it's time to sit down and revaluate your awesomeness!

  • @gtsgamer
    @gtsgamer 14 років тому

    gives me chills the INTRO

  • @vlaydros
    @vlaydros 14 років тому

    Love from Canada

  • @Scr1b3n3r12
    @Scr1b3n3r12 14 років тому

    i just went to heaven by listening to this....

  • @Xero3g
    @Xero3g 14 років тому

    My mind just exploded.
    Into a million little pieces.
    Then time froze.
    And everything came back together.

  • @Fyridor
    @Fyridor 13 років тому

    I had to write this essay for my English class. I decided to listen to this Dubstep and due to that, I wrote an epic.

  • @SolicioA
    @SolicioA 14 років тому

    Thats so true, If u make it someday for a real CD, I will definitely go and buy it, real respect, so underground yet one of my real favorite music.

  • @charlieninja23
    @charlieninja23 14 років тому +1

    want this on at my funeral! :]

  • @xSEBROCKxstfu
    @xSEBROCKxstfu 14 років тому

    One word: AWESOME!

  • @Traditz
    @Traditz 14 років тому

    This is great for my ears.

  • @TheGoldstandard86
    @TheGoldstandard86 14 років тому

    Epic...I expect nothing less from mt. eden

  • @jhennylol-s1o
    @jhennylol-s1o 14 років тому

    absolutely brilliant....

  • @Peevot
    @Peevot 14 років тому

    Can't get enough of Mt Eden.

  • @MehtaV2
    @MehtaV2 14 років тому

    Mt Eden = LEGEND!!

  • @servyne
    @servyne 14 років тому

    You have a talent, keep up the fantastic work and you will reach the last door of the path you chose to walk. I have faith in it, so trust your might.

  • @trapizoid
    @trapizoid 12 років тому

    I call this WORLD DOMINATING music

  • @Travers95
    @Travers95 9 років тому +45

    RedKeyMon brought me here! :D

  • @1997SilverSurfer
    @1997SilverSurfer 12 років тому

    ALDA ich bekomme da so ein mega geiles feeling wenn ich das lied an höre das ist richtig hammer

  • @CarolLbn
    @CarolLbn 14 років тому

    I ♥ this song .!

  • @MegaTommy70
    @MegaTommy70 14 років тому

    BEST EVER...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @Corbin76
    @Corbin76 14 років тому

    Purely Amazing

  • @blarg7457
    @blarg7457 14 років тому

    This is absolutely amazing

  • @freaking1122
    @freaking1122 14 років тому

    This song is EPIC !

  • @mrdokicatu
    @mrdokicatu 8 років тому +7

    add to workout song playlist :D

  • @vampyratexd
    @vampyratexd 14 років тому

    You are the reason why I'm getting into Dubstep other than the soundtrack for the movie Snatch

  • @creg234
    @creg234 14 років тому

    i want this to be played at my funeral!!!

  • @lovethebeat1
    @lovethebeat1 14 років тому

    I love it. Simple as that.

  • @mousey451
    @mousey451 14 років тому

    This tune is so special =)

  • @Jduhbs
    @Jduhbs 14 років тому

    Escape, Sierra Leone and Hide and Seek, this is true music, he actually takes time and does his own stuff, not like most of the music today, where it is a bunch of people glorifying, sex drugs and guns like the majority of today's music is. But this is just amazing :D

  • @Hymensintact
    @Hymensintact 14 років тому

    This Is so good I shed ONE single tear of 100% concentrated WIN! the tear belongs to the artist...... DESERVED!

  • @XxFighter4
    @XxFighter4 14 років тому

    just amazing.

  • @MegaSpikeymikey
    @MegaSpikeymikey 12 років тому

    First dubstep song I ever heard. Memories :D

  • @maximus8633
    @maximus8633 6 місяців тому

    When COD montages had music like this. Take me back

  • @oraclexv
    @oraclexv 14 років тому

    OMFG MY FAV SO FAR!!!!!!

  • @Eggomywaffles11
    @Eggomywaffles11 14 років тому

    Love this music

  • @potta77
    @potta77 14 років тому

    hell of a tune

  • @cassiepatch
    @cassiepatch 14 років тому

    go you good things - masterpiece .. love your stuff and thanks for sharing

  • @nukitss
    @nukitss 14 років тому

    lol i voted thumbs up before the song started cuz i know its very good !!

  • @jimbojoneys
    @jimbojoneys 14 років тому +1

    Changed my perception of the genre, this is deep, soulful dub. a lot of passion behind your music man. props

  • @dajan88
    @dajan88 14 років тому

    dude i swear it's incredible..!! nice tune

  • @UnicyclistRemi
    @UnicyclistRemi 14 років тому

    I totally like these relaxing tunes

  • @christolyonnais
    @christolyonnais 13 років тому +2

    Very Good

  • @flithydub
    @flithydub 14 років тому

    this song is like life being stuckked in to yaa .
    tooo sikkk ♥

  • @Finnpr1
    @Finnpr1 14 років тому

    What a track...

  • @tallisado
    @tallisado 14 років тому

    Stellar tune

  • @RobBosman06
    @RobBosman06 14 років тому

    Ahhh...u still amaze me :) this is outstanding and so relaxing

  • @fredy3108
    @fredy3108 14 років тому

    dude..... you and B-complex are the tops of talent

  • @Judothrow5
    @Judothrow5 14 років тому

    Dear god, this song doesn't stop playin in my head.

  • @mousey451
    @mousey451 14 років тому

    This song is just truely Amazing!

  • @dnbneverstops
    @dnbneverstops 14 років тому

    Amazing music. Easy top 5 prod in dnb/dub. Keep it up

  • @Squamifer
    @Squamifer 14 років тому

    I have z-550 and this song are the best for this bass omg =) Thank you for this Song
    Mit Eden BEST

  • @RawFrequency
    @RawFrequency 14 років тому


  • @Rebel2Geek
    @Rebel2Geek 7 років тому

    Omg!! Love his music...

  • @dinofreak10
    @dinofreak10 12 років тому

    Mt Eden is a museum :)

  • @ender613
    @ender613 14 років тому

    Mate, that was righteous.

  • @acidparanoia
    @acidparanoia 14 років тому

    Amazing! All your work is AMAZING!!

  • @KoolAidBeans
    @KoolAidBeans 14 років тому

    Dude I could imagine this song in the movie Avatar. Epic.

  • @evondnb
    @evondnb 14 років тому

    i think i wont Listen anyone else then Mt eden. love ya.

  • @roflhahaha
    @roflhahaha 14 років тому

    AMAZING! made my day by far

  • @pategotskillz
    @pategotskillz 14 років тому

    this song owns

  • @MrFoolishWaise
    @MrFoolishWaise 14 років тому

    sooooo goood...

  • @Londrino
    @Londrino 14 років тому

    this is so awesome, 5 stars

  • @Aspire5545
    @Aspire5545 12 років тому

    masterpieces, a goddamn masterpieces

  • @Syntexz
    @Syntexz 14 років тому

    That is amazing.

  • @TeQuiiLaSHoTZz
    @TeQuiiLaSHoTZz 14 років тому

    powerful tune

    @EXPKTNO 14 років тому

    i love you....its so Freakin GOOD! i dont know anyone that mkaes this music so good!ahhh

  • @iWh1tey
    @iWh1tey 11 років тому +1

    Thats all the people want to hear.. The Dubstep.

  • @JBoTHD
    @JBoTHD 13 років тому

    Freaking Amazing.

  • @Taiizetsu._Fukuda
    @Taiizetsu._Fukuda 5 років тому +2

    El primer dubstep que he escuchado :")

  • @thekittensin
    @thekittensin 12 років тому

    most epic dubstep ever

  • @MmmBur
    @MmmBur 14 років тому

    Love, lovee this!

  • @falala243
    @falala243 14 років тому


  • @RHHaynes
    @RHHaynes 14 років тому

    This is so sick

  • @protosociety
    @protosociety 14 років тому

    its art ...

  • @WrsL4D2
    @WrsL4D2 14 років тому

    amazing. nuff said

  • @chris311281
    @chris311281 14 років тому

    This is the meaning of the word "EPIC"

  • @TimmeyMaster
    @TimmeyMaster 12 років тому

    SOOO!! GEIL!!

  • @Prs321
    @Prs321 3 роки тому +1

    2020 to 2021still epic

  • @ajy9999
    @ajy9999 14 років тому

    this song is wicked tight man!!!!!!

  • @SuperShadowPanther
    @SuperShadowPanther 13 років тому

    This is so epic, can make a hell of a vid with this tune wowzors

  • @nerodym
    @nerodym 14 років тому

    I normaly listen to hip hop und other rap stuff but i just love this song :)