@@Master.Baiting_to_you I’m really feeling great getting rid of unused clothes and using the channel to perhaps guide some followers who may wanna buy clothes to a clothes page is not something ur gonna make me feel bad for lol
@@Master.Baiting_to_youur hella embarrassing imagine being so bored with your life you choose to be negative over someone doing absolutely nothing wrong
I like the idea that Sara actually isn't in her house, she just breaks into different filming locations and that's why her videos are quick so she can get out before she gets caught :P Edit: Wow thanks for all the likes!
Liv - Actually it does make sense! Adderall helps people who need it calm down but if you don’t need it then you become very hyped up. If I’ve heard correctly, it’s one molecule away from being meth. Sooo yeah. Fun fact. 😂
I feel like the background noise made it more authentic and actually more relaxing for me cuz it feels like it's actually like a hair salon by a road like on a main street. Idk I feel like it really helps make it feel real.
11:22 was a super tingly moment because as soon as you whispered “hold still” all the noise stopped in the background (not that I ever minded it being there in the first place) and it was such a cool moment :)
Have to say that acting, triggers and tingle wise you've got some of the best asmr videos out there. There is too much focus now on camera/ editing quality and people trying to sexualise asmr for views, your just throwing out straight up old school asmr which is a rare now a days, please keep it coming.
I’m sorry if I’m very grumpy in this video LOL I’m just really starting to get agitated with the sounds from outside, I’ve had to re film so many videos and change physical locations today so many times and it’s impossible to escape! The frustration is now starting to get to me and it’s hard for me to be myself when filming, I’m not very confident in the videos I’m uploading today but I really hope it’s just in my head, and you enjoy them :) x
Great video and you seem very confident in the videos and I've never noticed the background noise in any of your videos, you work hard for where you are now so don't let anything get you down
Clicked for the shirt, honestly really nice video. It feels like your kidnapper is cutting your hair and she's asking you to stay quiet lol, but I enjoyed it.
The background noise outside doesn’t really bother me as much, it actually makes me feel like it’s more real and authentic which is what I love about your content
I use a lot of the hair cutting ones to help me sleep, I struggle with flashbacks during sleep and having hair cutting videos knocks me out for hours which is so relieving, thank you for making this.
I’ve been going to the same hairdresser for like 15+ years since I was a teenager. Same girl, who was a couple of years above me at school, has been cutting my hair for the past 10 years. It would be weird at this point if I didn’t talk back to her 😅
When Sara said don't talk, instantly reminded me of when my mum tried to regularly cut my hair for school. She'd tell me to shut up because she needed to focus and not give me a bald spot LMAO.
I keep coming back to this, it is my all time favourite. Have watched this probably at least 40 times. And yet I still only today realized that the video goes much further than the calculator part…I always fell asleep before. 😄
I've been having terrible insomnia but your ASMR got me to sleep, so thank you for that! I bet you're a great friend because you're a very unusual person and I'm sure all your friends count themselves blessed to have you in their lives.
I don’t know how I came to this video but I’m thankful that I did. Please do not stop making these videos... I never know how such regular activities could be so relaxing to watch
Personally in my opinion the sounds in the back ground that you didn’t like I really love because it fits in the line of a hair cut as if we are at a hair salon. It could be construction or cars driving by. Anyone else know what I mean?😂
Usually hair cut RP do nothing for me, but the way you switch from whisper, to soft talking, and change triggers without over doing one or the other really worked for me. Excellent job.
Weirdly enough, I've got lots of tingles from this vid. I think because it wasn't too staged, the rushing and the background noise played nicely into it. It's like when I was kid and I was usually the one sitting there wanting to fall asleep while my friend was playing the main character in pretend. It kind've reminded me of that in a good way. Awesome job just going for it👍
Yesss I was always the supporting character in my friends pretend play, which I was fine with because I'd always experience ASMR from them even before I knew what it was ♥️
Wow! everything weird or odd about this as well as it not being professional, or having a high production value, is what makes the PERFECT asmr. also the background noise is relatively calming and nice! Glad i've come across you! EDIT: i also dislike the trimmer sound. made up trimmer noises were great!
@@MissManganese first time I heard of lofi asmr I thought it was asmr with lofi on the background and I was super disappointed when I clicked on a video and lofi didnt start playing ☹ i was so excited about lofi on the background.....ok enough ranting, I love your vids they're currently the only ones that give tingle plus they're actually entertaining, too.
"Are you sure you didnt want any colours?" "I would love to try blu.." "You sure you sure you sure?" "No like I've always wanted blu.." "Okay im not going to force you" "😭🥺😭🥺" *cuts your ears off*
I don't mind the background noises at all, in fact i actually like them! (as long as it's not super loud like yelling or a siren). And a lot of times the background noises you think are so loud don't get picked up by the mic so we don't end up hearing them or they'll be really quiet, so don't worry about it too much!❤️
am I the only one who thought she filmed that while her barber was on a break? like, I’m out for 5 min, don’t do anything strange and here we are (positive tone all throughout)
the tapping on the leather type thingy at the beginning was actually amazing!!! also! this video was great! like the background noise really didn’t effect a lot
hey, just found your channel and you're JUST what I like the most in asmr. don't worry about the noises, they didn't even bother most of your viewers. you're doing great! new subscriber 💙✨
I think I've watched this like 7 times already, it's my favorite still over the past month! If you were thinking about doing another one like this PLEASE DO !!! (:
Btw check out my depop if u wanna help me clear some stuff out! :p @missmanganese or link in description ❤️😅
hi sarah i just want to say that i have been fowling you for so long
Milking the audience... This wouldn't be needed if you stayed on the right place 😝💨
@@Master.Baiting_to_you I’m really feeling great getting rid of unused clothes and using the channel to perhaps guide some followers who may wanna buy clothes to a clothes page is not something ur gonna make me feel bad for lol
@@Master.Baiting_to_youur hella embarrassing imagine being so bored with your life you choose to be negative over someone doing absolutely nothing wrong
I like the idea that Sara actually isn't in her house, she just breaks into different filming locations and that's why her videos are quick so she can get out before she gets caught :P Edit: Wow thanks for all the likes!
Hahahahah this made me laugh
This is gold XD
@@MissManganese you didn't deny that though 😂
Naughty 😋
Or shes the owner of the store
the background noises are soothing. it makes it more realistic, real life is never quiet. don’t stress about it!!
Yeah... Like she was soooo stressed that she almost gave a fuсk about her audience 😂
A hairdresser that tells me not to talk to her?!
Omg hahahhaha
this is amazing
Alternative title: *giving bigfoot his first haircut but 15 minutes before his wedding.*
@@gleebers2611 to late soldier they ruined it
@@919Nelly it’s at 420 now lol
@@kasonberry8862 i was the 500th like
@@lindsey8492 it's at 569 now and I'm not gonna ruin it
@@_Who_Am_I it’s almost at 666 now don’t worry
I like to imagine its fast-paced because she broke into a hair salon to do this
Bruh this video became so much better after I read this comment
absolute legend of a POV
This comment is top tier, golden
Copied commenttt
@@flutterasmr186 Wdym-
Everybody gansta until the British girl with scissors says “don’t talk back to me”.
😭bruh LMAO
shes Albanian but ok
WAIT she’s albanian???? I’m shoookkkkkkk
@@greyLeicester she’s a British citizen
Her : Shhh
Me : but I didn’t say anything
Her : don’t talk back to me
I feel like im in school😭
Which part was that?
@@feaustajewel3213 1:08
@@virthent thank u
@@anshurathore1043 thank u
i want her to do this to a wig and show us the wig after, i don’t know why-
Dazzle Dazzle no, like, actually cut it this fast
That poor wig
good idea
or she can show u air LMAO-
"Cut your beard a bit.."
Me, a female: y e s
You forgot “ cringe gacha girl “
yo now that I think about it i was the cringe one with a roblox pfp 💀 sorry for being mean lol i was 11
@@SilvaStreamer6130 says the dude with the white knight roblox pfp
@@oiwhottfudoin9887 uh dude it’s not I made this character in a arsenal skin creator dumbass
@@SilvaStreamer6130 please try not to be rude to others for things they partake in doing. If they like gatcha thats fine.
@@SilvaStreamer6130 people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones
from now on i'm just going to randomly hang up and say "k enough of that" every time i have a phone call
@@maxsalmon4889 No wonder I'm having so much bad luck today lol
Ok ima do it to because I’m rolling on the ground from this
no one:
not a soul:
me to my barbie dolls when i was 7 and wanted to be a hair stylist:
I used to get mad at the dolls for literally " moving" and then I would throw them across the room
that’s hella gnarly
@@User08090 LMAOOO I had this Bunny and Gorilla that has seen every corner of the old house cause it used to get launched by me everywhere
StellaLikesCake let me guess you were saying “GIVE ME YOUR FRICKING MONEY “.... I have a lot of time for memes
I come back to this iconic video since it came out and it's almost three years old.. Time goes by so fast.. So proud of where you've come Sara 🥰
Same here. Lol. I love coming back to earlier content sometimes, I’ve been here since the beginning and the transformation and growth is amazing!!❤
@@TheBeardedPhoenixI agree it is so sweet to see how far she has come!!
I'm surprised she didn't charge us for the amount of air we breathe
like u.s healthcare
This girl is all over the place, lol. I like it.
Renegade Music never done adderall
Sara Manganese ASMR it’s adhd medicine I believe so his/her comment really does not make sense....💀
Liv - Actually it does make sense! Adderall helps people who need it calm down but if you don’t need it then you become very hyped up. If I’ve heard correctly, it’s one molecule away from being meth. Sooo yeah. Fun fact. 😂
Chloe Noel oh my god! Lol 😂 Well thanks for the fact 🤣🙃
Renegade Music lol just my fault for not bein educated my bad
Thanks you so much sara, for the tingles! Merry christmas, heres the thing i can afford for you :)
thankyou so so soooo much. theres a new feature allowing me to see all the contributions now in one place so i only saw this now :( im sorry
why do i enjoy this more than the really quiet ones that are like “so how was your day?” when this one’s like “DONT MOVE AND BE QUIET” lmao
I think it has something to do with being asked to follow instructions, similar to the physical exam role plays.
@@wetjerry8201 ooo maybe
@@jjbugnohfdutrx1031 lmao
I’ve watched this like 6 times.
I’m practically bald now.
I watched this like 200 times
Now I don't have head anymore
Minecraft Platinum Fireworks OH GOD-
Yawn. Comedy is really hard to master, isn't it?
A Very Private Life what?
@@kheelani4700 I was referring to the posters above you. It was a lame joke to begin with and then they made it only worse.
I feel like the background noise made it more authentic and actually more relaxing for me cuz it feels like it's actually like a hair salon by a road like on a main street. Idk I feel like it really helps make it feel real.
“I used 3 pairs of scissors, 3 pairs of scissors, 3 pairs of scissors... not 1, not 2, not 3”
Hmm yes not three is just reverese phycolagy making us know its three. Idk what I'm saying rn
It’s actually 1.5 x 2 not 3
@@Failed_Omurice ahh that’s makes sense
I read this as she said it 😂
As soon as I got done reading this the part of the video came on
the salon owners looking at the cameras like:
The fact that shes snipping the scissors in the air is giving me anxiety 😅😅
plot twist:its cuz we bald but she don't want to offend us so shes like trying to give us the message by cutting in the air
OMG that's so funny cause that literally happened, my sister owns the salon and she was watching me through the CCTV app like.. huh ? hahahaha
@@anshurathore1043 of course!
As a bald guy, these videos help me relive my younger days. I miss haircuts so much.
then grow hair
@@LOVEDlVE you do not understand how alopecia works
Go to a hairdresser and ask for a nice cut, just do the same i did in GTA last week
@@nic2538 bro I got 4 stars I can’t be showing my face in the barber shop
@@thesoundtherapist2127 well damn i didnt know u had alopecia
Sara: Stay still
Me: okay
Sara: Don’t talk back to me
Me: I-
Sara: Shhhh
Me: But I-
Sara: *SHHHHH*
I was deadass thinking “bruh i aint even move”
I fr be sara😂😂
11:22 was a super tingly moment because as soon as you whispered “hold still” all the noise stopped in the background (not that I ever minded it being there in the first place) and it was such a cool moment :)
Me too :))
I am not Steff Curry to drink from the sink bruv
Stop yaping
i love how honest you are in your videos it’s really refreshing
Have to say that acting, triggers and tingle wise you've got some of the best asmr videos out there. There is too much focus now on camera/ editing quality and people trying to sexualise asmr for views, your just throwing out straight up old school asmr which is a rare now a days, please keep it coming.
This is super sweet I’m so glad you view my ASMR in that way, I totally agree with what you said. Thank u so much for watching, MUCH LOVE 💜
I imagine this is my hairdresser after 17 cups of coffee.
hanse81 my hairdresser is my friends mom so I have seen her with a cup of coffee ☕️
I would be happy
3:01 “I’m not happy with this” bruh it’s my hair 💀
I’m sorry if I’m very grumpy in this video LOL I’m just really starting to get agitated with the sounds from outside, I’ve had to re film so many videos and change physical locations today so many times and it’s impossible to escape! The frustration is now starting to get to me and it’s hard for me to be myself when filming, I’m not very confident in the videos I’m uploading today but I really hope it’s just in my head, and you enjoy them :) x
It's all good, keep being you🤟🏽
You don't need to "refilm" I think. Just if it's noise - then do "clap" or something to have point in "voice wave" and cut it
No problem Sara you are being to hard on yourself x
No worries. You make lovely videos !
Great video and you seem very confident in the videos and I've never noticed the background noise in any of your videos, you work hard for where you are now so don't let anything get you down
"I'm not gonna force you, no."
*Snips aggressively with scissors*
"Are you sure you don't want any color?
Are you sure?
Are you sure?
Are you sure?
Are you sure?
Ok, I'm not going to force you."
Kinda terrifying, lol
This is soooo different from the other roleplay, i can’t even explain why , but i love it !
Thankyou! So much love x
You're everything i ever wanted from asmr, haircut roleplays, scissor noises, fast-paced sounds and random movements. Truly a blessing
much love :)
most asmrist talk so much like just get to the tingles 😭
them: cut your beard a bit🥸
me a female: yes pls it’s getting very long😪
Maam ur name is hannah bigshart I wouldnt be surprised if you have a whole ass goatee
@@oliolioli7984 this made me laugh uncontrollably oml
@@oliolioli7984 i did but they shaved it for me it had to get 5 people on the job
Her: “cut your beard a bit”
Me with my few hairs on my chin: 😏
Thanos how you get here?
@@flakerbacon9863 His chin
Me who is in an awkward state of puberty and only has a weird mustache: 😏
@@piratesna7424 me who would be there but I shave:😏
@@Failed_Omurice me who has parents who are f**king crazy and won’t let me shave😏
Clicked for the shirt, honestly really nice video. It feels like your kidnapper is cutting your hair and she's asking you to stay quiet lol, but I enjoyed it.
Hahahaha that could have been another title ! Thanku for watching :)💜
I remember this being the first video I watched of her! It’s amazing to see how much she’s grown since then 🤩
I live on a semi-busy road so the noises in the back don’t phase me at all. It makes me more relaxed actually :)
Awhh thank u so much :) always makes me feel better hearing that , much love x
Never, ever, ever, ever change the microphone you're using.
i just use my phone! no mic hahah
@@MissManganese that's honestly what makes it so good
@@MissManganese I was going to comment the same thing. Really? What phone are you using?
@bellejht asmr aaye thanks!!
Wow, the sound quality is amazing indeed 😍. I thought she used a mic
As an American, your accent is really nice and relaxing!
@@realharlow mas tu achas que um gringo vai entender quando tu dizes "concordo" nn deves tar bem gajo
@@hutao2233 🤣sla respondi atoa.
5:15 when you go to kill a bug and it starts flying
I can't unsee it
The background noise outside doesn’t really bother me as much, it actually makes me feel like it’s more real and authentic which is what I love about your content
I use a lot of the hair cutting ones to help me sleep, I struggle with flashbacks during sleep and having hair cutting videos knocks me out for hours which is so relieving, thank you for making this.
Im loving this channel! I get really frustrated when i watch slow asmr videos so this channel is perfect for me
Me too ! And thank you so much ! X
It’s like getting my hair cut at an insane asylum when the patients find scissors lol I loved it 😂🖤
Lol 😂
I'm over here trying to sleep, and you've got me laughing my heart out😂😂😂😂
I gotta be honest even with the outside sounds and everything the video is actually really good
fastpaced is a understatement she cut my ear off and i didnt even feel it
The background noise actually helps me with tingles just a fyi lol
Hahahahaha that’s good to know, makes me feel better hehe
ME TOO LOL like too """clean""" sounds always sound so weird to me,,,
The sound of the bracelet alongside everything else is my fav part! I rewatch this video all the time and fall right to sleep
My fringe right now: ↘️↪️↙️⬆️🔄
Wtf is fringe
Another word for bangs
jtatum a fringe is what Australians and Europeans call what Americans call bangs.
@@MissManganese ohh ok
I know same 😂😂😂😂
Sara: Hold still
Every bone in my body: 🤸🏾♂️🏃
It’s got the unintentional quality of ASMR videos before the term asmr was even a thing, I love it x
My hair before : 👩🏻🦳 My hair after: 👱🏻♀️
this was the first ever video i saw of miss manganese and it still makes me fall asleep
u reached 1M views I’m so proud 🥺
Thankyou 💜😭
Now she's on 2.1M, it's been a year and I still revisit her old videos to sleep and read funny ass comments.
@@shawoff3732 2.4mil now 🥳
@@ameliaa18 yaya it's goin' great. 😌
2.5 million now💪
thank you (:
No offense but who the f makes a smiley this way (: ?
@@angrypaprika4667 thank you!!!
:D idk why
@@angrypaprika4667 psycopaths.....? Hhhh
8:24 "I don't actually like the sound of these things so I'm gonna make up the sound"
Me realizing I went to the wrong barber-😐
The perfect barber 😈👍🏼
do people actually talk back to their hairdressers? i mean like this might be my anxiety talking but i would never! so horrifying..
Yeah, I have a hard time asking for a correction if they mess up my order at McDonald's, I could never talk back or something
I’ve been going to the same hairdresser for like 15+ years since I was a teenager. Same girl, who was a couple of years above me at school, has been cutting my hair for the past 10 years. It would be weird at this point if I didn’t talk back to her 😅
@@emrys6559 lmaooo me too
Lol Lol *talks back* hair dresser:* harsh snip 💁*
my hairdresser is my mom's friend so i mess with her all the time when she is doing my hair 😂😂
When Sara said don't talk, instantly reminded me of when my mum tried to regularly cut my hair for school. She'd tell me to shut up because she needed to focus and not give me a bald spot LMAO.
I keep coming back to this, it is my all time favourite. Have watched this probably at least 40 times. And yet I still only today realized that the video goes much further than the calculator part…I always fell asleep before. 😄
tro gits por qualpv 2021 e outros pv de lol sou mike a multpo
Omg me toooo
omg i love when i finally get to a new part of my favorite asmr video it’s like a prize lol
When you said dont talk back to me. I got scared ngl
Lol 😂
When a woman with scissors near my face says something, I nod and comply.
Navy Ninja Gaming I- wise advice
This is literally me at 3am cutting my hair for no reason other than being sad lmao but I
Omg me
To be honest, I find the sounds outside relaxing. It would make sense if you fall asleep listening to them every night
This ain't an insult or anything but I'm genuinely willing to let someone cut my hair like this irl just to see the monstrosity that is the result.
Instead of cutting ur hair they would cut ur ears off...
5:15 she looked like she saw a ghost 😂❤
oml she does loll
😂 adorable
Yh and then just sprays it wiv the holy water 😂😂😂
ThePinkPhantom or she saw the ghost of one of the people she killed so she could get into the salon without getting caught
I've been having terrible insomnia but your ASMR got me to sleep, so thank you for that! I bet you're a great friend because you're a very unusual person and I'm sure all your friends count themselves blessed to have you in their lives.
I don’t know how I came to this video but I’m thankful that I did. Please do not stop making these videos... I never know how such regular activities could be so relaxing to watch
Thank you so much, much love 💜
The razor sounds with your mouth was actually a very good idea. I love them and they gave me the tingles.
Personally in my opinion the sounds in the back ground that you didn’t like I really love because it fits in the line of a hair cut as if we are at a hair salon. It could be construction or cars driving by. Anyone else know what I mean?😂
Usually hair cut RP do nothing for me, but the way you switch from whisper, to soft talking, and change triggers without over doing one or the other really worked for me. Excellent job.
Weirdly enough, I've got lots of tingles from this vid. I think because it wasn't too staged, the rushing and the background noise played nicely into it. It's like when I was kid and I was usually the one sitting there wanting to fall asleep while my friend was playing the main character in pretend. It kind've reminded me of that in a good way. Awesome job just going for it👍
Yesss I was always the supporting character in my friends pretend play, which I was fine with because I'd always experience ASMR from them even before I knew what it was ♥️
@@KiwiBirb63 😄Back then I also didnt know what ASMR was but I never fought to be the main character,lol
@@ashlouw5350 you get it, I love it ! 😊💕
the fact that this video still gives me tingles even after watching millions of times 😴🥱
1) The fact that you’re wearing a Sepultura t-shirt...hellz yeah! And 2) Your accent is gorgeous! I could listen to you talk all day!
Lol not gonna lie, first thing to make me tingle in A WHILE. :3
Yay!!! Thank u so much for watching :)
i’ve seen this so many times i get tingles from KNOWING what’s coming...
“whilst we’re at it” the tingles from that phrase i had to rewind so many times 😴
Time stamp pls
Mersstw Stynr 6:49 :))
it’s at 0:41 as well!
Wow! everything weird or odd about this as well as it not being professional, or having a high production value, is what makes the PERFECT asmr. also the background noise is relatively calming and nice!
Glad i've come across you!
EDIT: i also dislike the trimmer sound. made up trimmer noises were great!
Thank u so much !!!! I also dislike super high production !!! There’s just something about lofi :) much love x
@@MissManganese first time I heard of lofi asmr I thought it was asmr with lofi on the background and I was super disappointed when I clicked on a video and lofi didnt start playing ☹ i was so excited about lofi on the background.....ok enough ranting, I love your vids they're currently the only ones that give tingle plus they're actually entertaining, too.
you know she's a good arms artist when she can give you tingles without headphones !!!
When she said “actually I don’t think they have any hair because I cut it all off” I got hella scared.
I read this thinking ummm wait what and then she said it right after 😭anxietyyy
@@thai415 same, i read comment just before she said it, snd it hit, lmao
This has to be my favorite one. It's something about scissors and the accent you have. My tingles have tingles
Honestly this video changed everything fr I know a lot of people who found this video and now love you. Good shit
Love from aus 💛💚
"Are you sure you didnt want any colours?"
"I would love to try blu.."
"You sure you sure you sure?"
"No like I've always wanted blu.."
"Okay im not going to force you"
*cuts your ears off*
3 years ago ? yeah this aged well . still funny 😭
damn I feel like Harlequin is giving me a haircut
Wow this popped back up on my recomended😂 this was my first ever video I saw of miss manganese.
2:12 subtitles gone wild
haha oml
I turned on the subtitles just to see this, and did not disappoint
8:34 good callouts there. Definitely would make the warzone squad
This made me chuckle
bruh 😂
Under rated comment
My ultra favorite sound is when she started brushing the screen. It was heavenly 😇! I hope she uploads a brushing only video 😩
I don't mind the background noises at all, in fact i actually like them! (as long as it's not super loud like yelling or a siren). And a lot of times the background noises you think are so loud don't get picked up by the mic so we don't end up hearing them or they'll be really quiet, so don't worry about it too much!❤️
Super relaxing
this video just broke my tingle immunity of about 2 years this is incredible thank you omg
Ma'am I don't have a beard- MA'AM PLEASE AHHHHH!!!
how can i explain this... i literally subbed within the first 7 seconds, i had neeeever done that
OMG yes! Thank you :)
Chaos AD is my favorite Sepultura album.. also thanks for the asmr.. cheers from the US!
Was scrolling to see a comment about the sepultura shirt, finally found it, beneath the remains is the best for me though.
am I the only one who thought she filmed that while her barber was on a break? like, I’m out for 5 min, don’t do anything strange
and here we are
(positive tone all throughout)
the tapping on the leather type thingy at the beginning was actually amazing!!! also! this video was great! like the background noise really didn’t effect a lot
You’re so kind Thankyou!
Also I keep trying to figure out what exactly makes me love this video so much, but I can’t pinpoint it. It‘s just SO GOOD!
1:11 every teacher even when you say “yes ma’am”
hey, just found your channel and you're JUST what I like the most in asmr. don't worry about the noises, they didn't even bother most of your viewers. you're doing great! new subscriber 💙✨
I need a longer version of this. This is the best brushing I have ever heard
I think I've watched this like 7 times already, it's my favorite still over the past month! If you were thinking about doing another one like this PLEASE DO !!! (:
I will i promise :)💜