I didn't see any drainage holes for your Adansonii. They like to be damp, but not standing in water. My go to soil mix is equal parts Cactus soil, Orchid bark, & Perlite. Everything else looks really good.
Thank you for the suggestion! I have a hard time knowing if the adansonii is underwater or overwater sometimes. I’m experimenting with no drainage right now. Probably shouldn’t be experimenting on a plant I have limited experience with XD
I love your houseplants! Thanks for sharing, friend!
I didn't see any drainage holes for your Adansonii. They like to be damp, but not standing in water. My go to soil mix is equal parts Cactus soil, Orchid bark, & Perlite. Everything else looks really good.
Thank you for the suggestion! I have a hard time knowing if the adansonii is underwater or overwater sometimes. I’m experimenting with no drainage right now. Probably shouldn’t be experimenting on a plant I have limited experience with XD
It looks like it is getting to mush water
I agree! I was definitely overwatering it. It’s my first adansonii :)