Gli dei si disinteressano - Luciano Canfora

  • Опубліковано 16 жов 2024


  • @fiorenzopinna82
    @fiorenzopinna82 2 роки тому +6

    Il titolo ha molto poco a che fare con la sostanza della conferenza

    • @Aenar_Targaryen
      @Aenar_Targaryen Рік тому +2

      Non so perché ma tutti questi podcast sono così devi andare alla cieca 😂😂 io li sento tutti e via 😂

    • @lucaventricelli1249
      @lucaventricelli1249 9 місяців тому

      Che i titoli siano così approssimativi è imbarazzante se si fa paragone con il livello culturale dei medesimi .. qualcuno potrebbe dedicarsi a rivederli o no? Non è corretto verso il docente e, al contempo, verso i fruitori.

    • @tt60able
      @tt60able 5 місяців тому

      @@lucaventricelli1249 Se ne approfittano perché i docenti non hanno il tempo di controllare i loro plagiatori (Lo fossero almeno al 100%!!! ) Invece, soprattutto di questo non ti puoi neppure fidare. Magari si diverte pure a prenderci in giro. E' forse un pubblicitario che studia come imbrogliare gli ignoranti?

  • @aldosperti9440
    @aldosperti9440 4 місяці тому

    Non riesco ad ascoltarlo...cambio canale...

  • @tt60able
    @tt60able 5 місяців тому

    A parte il titolo sbagliato, chi mi garantisce che chi parla sia Luciano Canfora? Comunque è una vergogna che You tube permetta a chiunque di copiare i video altrui, senza citare dettagliatamente le fonti con almeno un link al video originale. Al contrario ( e al 100% questo canale che definirei Attila) stravolge i titoli e nasconde qualsiasi indizio per risalire all'originale. VERGOGNA!!!

  • @IKnowNeonLights
    @IKnowNeonLights Рік тому

    Every system in the known physical existence works in a very exact and similar way. This way is best understood in a guaranteed scientific method, as the laws of thermodynamics. In a allegorical form on the other hand, I would like to offer a possible explanation.
    The ancient period, referred as the Greek civilization, with its particular location defined as the Mediterranean is exactly this, a particular system in similarity with almost all other systems, and I believe it has been completely overlooked, so much so, that it's overlooking mishap, has made possible for the history to repeat over and over again.
    Whatever the system is, if in being, and existing, that system does so in a very simple and uniform way with all other systems. This way is..... In being there is the whole system, with and within (depending on relation), there are also (from one to more than one) extremely strong points with and within the system (which any system cannot do without). Often known as the core, or week points, (if attacked) of the system.
    An example is!!! Take any body of life and alive including humans. The brain, heart and possibly some other points with cause the failure of the system in a very quick way. The whole body in being on the other hand, can maintain the system going for as long, and in as many possible combinations that it can relate to.
    This method of functioning applies to any known physical in being system, in fact this method applies to any possible system, even none physical.
    Sparta and Athena have this function in being (throughout all periods in relation to this part of the world's civilization).
    Sparta represents the core points, that if in existence on their own, without a huge system represented by Athena as the Greek civilization, once failed through a successful attack, the whole system, (civilization fails) in a very quick way.
    While Athena represents (the whole system as the Greek civilization) and if attacked, while having (strong points as cores, Sparta) will sustain a considerable level of attacks, (all depending on the overall levels of its strength as a overall system).
    Same principle applies to begin as a system not under attack. The overall system Athena (the Greek civilization) can interact with more ease, just like a body with many other systems without losing any of its core existence and the overall being as a system, while the core points (Sparta), on the other hand, cannot, if it is in being as the core part of the system, without losing its existence of being a core part of a overall system. It can only do so, if it changes into a overall system itself.
    It would mean, similar to, if the heart or the brain of a body began to be involved in the direct function of the skin.
    If that happens, two possibilities are in existence, the overall system fails together with the core's, or the overall system has a transplant and changes the core's very quickly.
    It is also the reason why (democracy as a principal of interaction) applies more and only to Athena, while the (unmoved oligarchy system applies to Sparta).
    Because the overall system has more ways of interaction that would not bring it's end in strong and quick ways, while any possible core, has almost no ways of interaction unless achieved through the overall system itself.
    That is the problem for any system that is not physical and by default of being, uses the same method.
    When the core is compromised directly, or the overall system is compromised in many weak points, and neither side is in a cooperation mode, possibly in many cases in opposition mode, then no matter the result the overall system that gave origins to both will stop in being.
    It the reason why Troy fell, it also the reason why Alexander was very successful, it also the reason why Rome fell, (well technically has had many transplants of possible core's), it is also the reason why the three religions that are closely connected in theology, have begun and will go through the same way (if truly connected), it also the reason why the concept of family often fails, friendships, relationships, contact's, the judicial system in cooperation with the social structure of any country works in the same way, etc etc etc.
    There is a way, and that involves the direct contact as a core, or as a overall system all in one. Meaning if it fits for the system to adopt the core in being as a method, then the whole system adapts to that, if it fits the system to adopt the overall, all system in being as a method, then the core adapts to that. (But the location and most importantly the function of each has to be clearly unambiguous, and strongly declared.) In doing so both, the core and the overall system benefit in a maximum way, from either mode.
    Known as compromised or uncompromised system, fight or flee, or your usual basic instincts. Take the same method and look at it involving a soul within a body, and a human in being nature becomes undisputable.

  • @Arcimengo1
    @Arcimengo1 2 роки тому

    Effettivamente è più un viaggio nelle forme di governo delle civiltà classiche

  • @Arcimengo1
    @Arcimengo1 2 роки тому

    E dei fattori della Storia