My girl, come with me, My girlfriend, come with me, Down by the river, in that white suit, My girl come with me! But the star is there on the water glittering star there on water glitters? No, it's a wreath on your head, This isn't a star that glitters in the water. My girl, come with me, My girlfriend, come with me, Down by the river, in that white suit, My girl, come with me! Is this the month that's there with the dew lying the moon that lies with the dew? No, these are the best places, in soft, dew grass This is not the moon that lies with the dew. My girl, come with me, My girlfriend, come with me, Down by the river, in that white suit, My girl, come with me!
Res je lepa pesem. Vlado Kreslin je izvrsten izvajalec.:)
Najboljša pesem
res lepa pesem rada jo poslusam in Vladkota Ivanka iz Kanade😀😀😀
Beautiful song OMG..
Ta je meni neki posebnega,... ker v Beli krajini imamo Kolpo in me spominja na lepe dni ob njej!
Grande Vlado,ti ho visto al concerto a luglio 2018 Ronchi dei Legionari(Go),spettacoloso!!!
Nocoi igramo za vas
Vlado legenda!
Ta pesem je super in obožujem jo
Ja Vlado je poet s prelepimi verzi.
Bravo za cudovito pesem
vlado je car...poleg ostalih komadov je to dokazov tudi s tem
super pesem!
Lep komad je ta in zelo mi je všeč
zelo lepa pesem
Lepooo ... izredno lepo...
super!!! Vladek je le en ;-)
Prlečka dekle je šla stran od mene.:( Pogrešam jo ampak komad pa vseen zažiga. Bravo Lado spomini ostajajo:)
Zvok je tako dober da kmalu predober :D
iiiooo a smo slovenci res tok redkobesedni, da na en dobr komad (k ma 9,894 ogledov) damo sam 2 komentarja?!
mravljinci 🐜 vsakic 💟💟
lepa pesem
zakon !
My girl, come with me, My girlfriend, come with me, Down by the river, in that white suit, My girl come with me! But the star is there on the water glittering star there on water glitters? No, it's a wreath on your head, This isn't a star that glitters in the water. My girl, come with me, My girlfriend, come with me, Down by the river, in that white suit, My girl, come with me! Is this the month that's there with the dew lying the moon that lies with the dew? No, these are the best places, in soft, dew grass This is not the moon that lies with the dew. My girl, come with me, My girlfriend, come with me, Down by the river, in that white suit, My girl, come with me!
Za razliko od ameriške mularije namesto kreganja po internetu rajši poslušamo muziko?
Ni res
glasba, ki pomirja dušo, ima vsebino,ki boža, vabi kam , da jo ponovno poslušaš...
v našem pevskem zboru pojemo to pesem LOL
ko sem kušnil prvo deklino je v ozadnju igrala ta pesem...
Ko bom kušnil 'tapravo' deklino bo v ozadju igrala ta pesem...
Hahahah, you're both so full of shiet..
Ful lepa.
Jaka Mohar ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
+Jaka Mohar :)
Jesus Doesn't Want Me for a Sunbeam
Nikol Konc komentarjev. Vlado... Za ples... Na poskok, je reku Bedanc. NIKOLI KONČANA ZGODBA
omg kok smešno!
Tvoje besede tečejo kot reka, polna globine in čustev, ki poslušalca popeljejo na potovanje skozi tvoj ustvarjalni um.
2 sta odšla brez dekleta...
Hahahaha zadni del je od rolling stonsov - gimme shelter:D
spomimnja me na neko mojo pesem
glasba za dušo...
Symphaty for the devil*
ja seveda....sympathy for the devil je.
mi v glasbni soli js to bobnam
Car David Čestitke!
Kok je ta model Vrh pevcev pojma nimate!!!@