I was positively surprised with this episode. Raph's dream sequence is the most amazing thing this show offered us (sorry, Banjo Spider, i still love you). my wierdest, most scary dream was about a deformed, headless guy in a t-shirt casually watching Kelly Family on tv.
So the Turtles have now fought "Jason Voorhees" and "Freddy Krueger" 2003 turtles are lookin a lil less badass haha and also Loved the Leatherface Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3 reference :).
I noticed that each dream beaver was a color of a ninja mask. Blue, orange, red, and purple. They all seemed to parallel one of the turtles personalities as well, and that was the beaver they got it their dream.
Haven't seen the episode yet but as soon as you started describing the dream beavers I immediately the thought of those bears from form the RPG I played with my brothers and cousin.
My scariest dream was actually a recent one that I got after reading an article in Weird NJ volume two. The article was about a highschool that was abandoned in the 1920's and during its final years, the quarterback on the school's football team died from a broken neck during the game. Ever since that day his spirit had been haunting the school and anyone who challenged him would die from a broken neck right then and there. Because I was in Jersey at the time I was really freaked out by it and that may have triggered my nightmare. In my nightmare, I was laying in my bunk and staring out the window when a shadowy figure with glowing red eyes appeared out of nowhere and stared right at me. The figure was in my camper too and out of fear I turned away and hid my head under the covers. I then felt a pressure on either side of me and when I looked to see what it was, it was the figure reaching for my head and ready to snap my neck. Panicked, I put my hands on either side of my head and begged for my life. Then my dream went from scary to weird when, the figure, in response to my begging, started acting like someone who didn't get ketchup from McDonald's in the drive-thru when he had asked for some. Then out of nowhere a semi-robotic girl who looked like she had just stepped out of an anime came and challenged him to a fight to make him stop killing people. The two fought for a bit and the shadowy figure swallowed the robot girl whole and transformed into what could only be described as Captain Planet wearing Mega Man's helmet and the costume from the box art of MM's first game with small screens all over his chest and abdomen. After his transformation, we appeared in front of the Hall of Justice (from the Justice League comics or Super Friends) and he started flying above a huge crowd of people as the screens on his body showed footage of him playing football. Just then, Wonder Woman appeared and said to him "You have no right to kill people just because of an accident that cost you your life. And what gaul you have to show off in front of people and expect praise in spite of your criminal acts". After that the robot girl from earlier popped out of the guy's chest but, she was a cat and then I woke up. My brain is kind of weird.
Andre, you're on point with that "these episodes where all meant as a Halloween countdown" thing. The next episode after "In Dreams" is called "Race with the Demon" where Casey and Donnie have to deal with a supped up hot rod possessed by mutated demon. That'll be the last of the "Monster Movie" episode as the next episode after that is "Spirit Quest" where the turtles go on a meditative spirit quest to better themselves, hopefully to prepare themselves for the big battle for New York.
Oh Andre, the chainsaw in "In Dreams" was clearly a reference to The Texas Chainsaw Franchise. It even said "The Saw Is Family" on the actual chainsaw, a clear reference to the 2nd and 3rd movies. Also, with the meteor thing, I instantly thought of Chronicle. :P
+Howard Casto andt he Voicce Actor is Bill Mosely from Texas Chainsaw Massacre II. He also appears in a lot of Rob Zombie films and usually loves making cameos in horror films.
I thought when leo got the powers from the meteor they were referencing that 2k episode where mikey gets sucked into another dimension and meets their superhero counterparts. where that version of leo (graviturtle) can fly. But I never thought about meteorman till you pointed it out Andre. the nerd in me is very pleased today. :D
Great video Andre! For some reason the part where you just flat out wrote "Bebop and Rocksteady" for Zeck and Steranko made me really laugh, though the "Missing since Season 2" part made me sad. :c I really want them to go back, if only just for an episode, so we can see what's been happening with Karai and Splinter! Of course they're just gonna save that for his big reunion with the turtles, since that's TV for you, but eh. It'd be nice is all.
This episode holds a special place in my heart cause it's the most current kiss Donnie has received from April. This was at the beginning of season 3 and now we're at the beginning of season 4...hasn't had a kiss since this episode. WTF?!
The scariest thing that I have ever dreamt were these two dreams (had them about one or two years apart) where I was being strangled by a spectral woman; fortunately, I know how to handle specters and managed to banish them by (in my dream) raising my left hand, which has my Mala (Buddhist meditation beads) wrapped around the wrist (I always wear it, so it's no surprise that it's in my dreams), and chanting the Amida Nembutsu. Also, I'm glad you mentioned the Terror Bears, I would hate for them to go unrecognized.
The scariest thing i've seen in my dreams was I was on my computer and suddenly a file looked corrupted and broken popped up, when I tried to close it out BEN showed up and screamed at me... This may seem stupid to some people but what freaked me out the most was how real everything seemed. My dreams aren't normally like that so it was SUPER FREAKY!!!
I really enjoyed this episode, in fact, this was one of my favorite of the horror themed episodes this season. In the dreams all of the Dream Beavers were uniquely terrifying (except Dave) and it was really cool to see the Turtle's different dreams (I especially loved Leo's big anime fight, Raph's heavy metal concert in Hell, and the shout out to the comic). And it was really funny too, I seriously laughed every time they said "SHUT UP DAVE!" and the plot twist ending was also pretty funny. So overall great episode but... I'm starting to miss New York.
I'm amazed you didn't mention them being almost baked like pizzas. reminded me of the 90 series episode "Cowabunga Shredhead" where I believe michelangelo and shredder switch bodies and all the turtles are in a pizza about to be cooked in the same way.
I had this weird dream where a squid creature was giving a Small World presentation to one of my school teachers and then it flew into a vent and the room suddenly smelled good. I had this scary dream which was Disney-related. I was in a Toontown set and there was a house of cards and Donald Duck people walking around. I went into this air vent and there was a duck guy sitting on top of my head. We flew upward and the duck turned to look at me, but its eye sockets were pitch black and water was coming out of them. THAT SCARED THE MUTAGEN OUT OF ME!
Yeah, I noticed the Evil Dead parallels but I thought they'd save that for next time in their horror film season. All that's left then is Hellraiser but the description for next episode leaves mostly Ghost Rider thoughts in my mind since it's devils and vehicles themed.
Let's see, some of the scariest things I've seen in my dreams... 1. A gypsy lady beating a fat dude with a crowbar, there was graphic blood and gore everywhere. 2. A giant weasel attempting to eat me and my friend, he had a knife. 3. A pirate who was walking out of a tavern, I later learned that he was out to kill me. 4. A blonde headed lady that wanted to kill my dog. She claimed herself as 'The Dog Raider' and tried killing her in my own home. Literally, she had this vicious dog that she kept as a pet and it attacked my dog in the dream. She also tried shooting it, and tried killing it with an injection of something. 5. A tyrannosaurus that tried eating my family and I (there were also compsugnathus - a kind of small dinosaur - and they slipped through the crack in my bedroom door and nibbled at my ears and ate my fingers.
I love season 3! It's a good change from the always dark and empty streets of NY. The horror themed eps are great and the jokes are hilarious. Even the camera angles are sometimes different to accommodate the overall horror theme of an ep, there are some really nice shots!
Also this episode ended just like Season 4's Halloween episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, where the fear demon is manifested and it's less than a foot high... and that was the last season Seth Green played as Oz! References galore! :)
OMIGOSH Casey getting attacked by the guy with the chainsaw during the shop scene was EPIC! I loved all the close-up action! However, I did kinda voice my outrage (Screamed .-.) when the guy had sawed directly into Casey's bat twice, and then they cut to an outer shot and you see Casey's bat in perfect condition. LOL XD
I loved how the Beavers come to the real world and they're just kind-of tiny. It's just sort-of like 'ehh, what do you expect? They're beavers', lol! And then the guy's just like, "Ok, that seems about right. I'm going to just sleep for 20 weeks now. Uhh, I mean, Episodes!" *falls over*
The scariest dream I've had recently was being in bed and seeing someone behind the door to the room. I got up to investigate and a freaky lady grabbed my arm from behind the door. I woke up to my wife holding my arm because I was starting to flail around in my sleep. Crazy how you interpret real world events and feelings within the dream world.
You know ...after they announced the Dream Beavers at Comic con I said to myself "When Andre gets around to reviewing that episode, he is going to open by singing Dream Weaver but replace Weaver with Beaver" ...and it was just as awesome as I thought it would be.
aint it awesome I love Halloween TV I wish there was a show that was basically Halloween TV all year round they are a bit cheesy but SHUT UP DAVE! ok you get the point.
while being sick I literally dreamed of coughing out my lung (which is somewhat possible) so I went to the doctor and had to get 3 shots in 3 consecutive days, I felt better later but it still hurt. and your Halloween marathon idea seems pretty plausible so... DAMN YOU MICHAEL BAY!!
I basically add this to my hype train list because both Robert Englund and John Kassir are coming to a local con soon, so this is surprisingly ideal watching fodder
Is it just me or is raph more agreeable and nicenice around leo? I think he might be feeling guilty or something for not being by Leo's side when he got hurt.
This episode was cool. Kinda disappointing that the Cryptkeeper guy (Whose name I can't remember) didn't do the Cryptkeeper voice, which is even more disappointing since the voice he did end up using could've been done by a lot of people. But it was really fun, and I like the Dream Beavers. I like that Dave doesn't end up siding with the good guys cause the group made fun of him and crap like that, cause that would've been SO cliché. But I hope the Dream Beavers return, especially since Dark Beaver's (Or was it Dire) fight sequence with Leo was really sweetly animated. Maybe have them under the control of the Rat King since they're rodents too, giving the episode a bigger twist then "Oh no, he's controlling Splinter again" And the scariest thing I've ever dreamt was a zombie invasion, with a weird scarecrow looking guy that was in pain and run over, shouting "Donkey!"........yeah, don't ask.
I really like the mushroom spewing spores episode, maybe because of my fascination for mushrooms. Hahah. I have many horror-like dreams, so here's one of them: I was waiting in line outside with 2 people I knew for a venue to open its doors for a concert. It was a very long line that rapped around a huge building with solid walls that made the line to get inside. I heard screaming a few ft. away from where I stood and suddenly people were trying to clear out of the way and backup against the wall. There was a big, talk kid just smashing other peoples heads into the walls and into others heads. It felt so real because of the color of the blood, brains and cracked skulls of the people all over the floor, the silence of the people just looking in horror and everyone wanting to just rush out of line to get out or climb the walls. I somehow quickly flashed to me at home watching a news report about it and turns out this kid wasn't taking his med.s for a disease he had.
That is true, but they can always have Leo heal between episodes, or an episode when Donny makes a good medicine (not the one he made the first time), and not all of these side episodes, I dont mind a few, but they've had like 4 in a row :/
DaedricKnightSlayer I also want them to get back into the main plot too. It literally felt like forever ago since we've been in New York City. We need to know what's happening to all our favorite mutants! Not so much the humans. We already know what happened to them. Mutant Kraang blobs.
Scariest thing I ever saw in a dream was everyone on Earth being replaced by robot duplicates and coming after me. My depraved mind ceased being scared after it conjured up a lightsaber. Thanks, mind!
I love getting all these halloween themed episodes in November. I think it's awesome. I do kinda wish that they would try to make their own horror stuff though instead of JUSt referencing a bunch of horror movies and whatnot that we grew up with as kids.
The scariest dream I had when I was little was that I was sleeping inside my car then I saw a spaceship land down in front of me. I ducked my head under the covers then when I looked up I saw the Coneheads being played by Dan Akyrod and his female costar who did them from SNL and the coneheads movie only they appeared way more terrifying and they trying to get in. The dream ended there. Also I too have the same TMNT RPG book you mentioned. :) When I first saw the dream beavers I couldn't help but wonder if they were a reference to the Scare Bears as well.
first of all, great recap Andre! I loooove watching them but is it possible to make most of your recaps as soon as this one? I hate watching the show and then waiting forever to see you reviewing it. p.s my worst dream was that you stopped making videos
The scariest thing I saw in my dreams, was about this short animated film called "Bunny". It's animated by blue sky (The people who made Ice age, rio and epic). It was included on the Ice age special edition dvd. It was basically about this creepy looking bunny who's husband dies, and she is all alone. She gets pestered by this moth (Which I am terrified of) whilst she is baking a cake. She gets sick of it, whacks it and it falls into the cake mixture. Then she cooks it. If this wasn't disturbing enough, she awakens in her kitchen with the oven rattling. For some reason, she opens it and crawls inside and goes into this blue dimension type thing where all the dead moths are and she grows wings and flies away... then the picture if her and her husband a MOVES and looks at you all funny. I used to see scenes of this in my dreams and get chased by the bunny and stuff. Keep in mind I was about 3 when I saw this :(
I think the scariest dream I ever had was when blood was endlessly flooding out of my earlobes. I was panicking so badly, I remember waking up with one of my ears feeling weird, not to mention with my breathing going at the same rate as it was in my dream.
I keep having these weird recurring Back to the Future dreams where I'm playing the computer game, only there's this freaky sequence involving a cabin in the woods where apparently Marty has to rescue Doc.
I expected this to be a throw away episode but I found myself enjoying it a lot! Love all the references and the fact that they're getting into some crazy things like the ghost from A China Town Ghost Story and now referencing another dimension other than Dimension X. This could be slowly opening a door for the Fugitoid\Triceraton space threads!
Thank you, I'm not the only one that heard the name Dream Beavers amd just had to cross it with Dream Weaver. I had the TMNT RPG that he mentioned and while I never got to play it. I just loved reading alot of those paper RPG books as there just interesting bit of world building in many of them.
The Dream Beaver episode was cool, bu really weird. My favorite part was the Death Metal band turtles in Raph's dream. I'm ready for the Turtles to head back to NYC.
My jae dropped on the part where the turtles were in a meat locker and Mikey was holding onto a hallow turtle shell. I was like, they made this for kids? I was thinking that what happend to the Insane in Membrane episode from the 2003 episode (check that out if you haven't Andre) would happen to this one because this one was pretty freaking disturbing. Especially Raph's dream. That being saod this is probably one my favorite episodes yet. This stuff wasn't just "kiddie scary" in my opinion. The stuff theu did with the animation was pretty cool too. I hope to see more episodes like this.
I can't believe how I actually LIKED this episode. Heck, i might watch it again, which is something I can't say for most of season 3 so far. Scariest thing I've seen in a dream: I do recall one time I was being chased through the woods by a decapitated floating head with rows of sharp teeth. That freaked me out a lot.
Is it just me or the animation for this season was improved? For some reason I think the show is lookig so much better this time around (not that it looked bad before). I'm loving the references in these last few episodes.
You know, you could re-titled these recent epsiodes as legit sounding horror/monster movies. Within the Woods = Soiled Grounds A Foot Too Big = It Followed Me Home Buried Secrets = Mother Knows Best The Croaking = Frogageddon In Dreams = Dreams of the Dammed Race With the Demon = Race Like Hell
I think its more appropriate for them to have Halloween episodes in November then Christmas stuff out everywhere in the stores on November 1st. I'm also wondering how long have the Turtles been out in the woods? News of an Alien Invasion of New York would have at lest reached them by now and people around them would have started to talk.
i didnt even know robert england was voicing in this episode BUT i did totally get the freddy kuegar reference of the beaver during the episode so it totally awesome that they were able to get that reference accross XD
When I was 13, I had a dream Where bugs were in my ear, my sister tried to get them out but they went inside and started banging on my ear drum, I woke up at that point, I woke up crying and panicking, I was scared for a whole year.
I agree with that theory. Scariest dream: Giant cockroach covered in shadows that end the dream with the evilest "heh heh" dramatic music and everything. haven't had that dream since I was a kid though...
The third season has been pretty horror-themed so far, right? It's interesting. And as soon as the shopkeeper said something along the lines of the beavers having unlimited powers as long as they are in the dream world, I knew what was going to happen. Didn't expect them to be so small and cute, though.
Hey André, ever noticed that in the 1980s TMNT they had parody to Pee Wee Herman named Mr Ogg and a parody of Freddy Kruger, named Creepy Eddy. Now the latest TMNT have the voice actors Paul Reuben's who played Pee Wee, and Robert England who played Freddy Kruger. Astoundingly parallel.
After being a little disappointed with last weeks episode this one has really made up for the "haunted woods" season we have had so far. It feels like the wackiest episode so far (at least that I can remember) and despite their name the dream beavers are really fun villains who pose a real threat and I hope we get to see them again. But still this season so far feels like we're just getting filler and I'm getting more and more eager for them to go back to new york and sort out the Krang once and for all. A great episode, one of the best, but please lets get back to the sewers.
notice the fur of beaver is as the turtles mask and the nightmare theme can be sometime hear and dark beaver who more like Freddy isn't voiced Robert eugland.
Bill Moseley is also Chop Top in Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, and the chainsaw is the same chainsaw from Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3, with the whole "the saw is family" inscription on the chainsaw.
I've enjoyed all the horror themed episodes . Thing is, I find horror a really interesting genre - but I'm too wimpy to watch actual horror films. So TMNT season 3 so far has been a very happy medium for me.
Things I liked : Dave Beaver...! Mikey's dream.. looked like a candyland. Yum! Also the part where Casey gets attacked with a chainsaw was way interesting to watch. The scarest thing I've dream was of me getting runned over with a RV and then a week later going a RV road trip in real life. (Talk about future sight) Ive also had dreams similar to Rafael's before (snakes and all)... minus the heavy metal music though..and minus the being on drugs part too.
I died. 😂😂😂😂
I was positively surprised with this episode. Raph's dream sequence is the most amazing thing this show offered us (sorry, Banjo Spider, i still love you).
my wierdest, most scary dream was about a deformed, headless guy in a t-shirt casually watching Kelly Family on tv.
Oh, and Andre!!! You forgot to mention a "Smooth Donatello" moment....
So the Turtles have now fought "Jason Voorhees" and "Freddy Krueger" 2003 turtles are lookin a lil less badass haha and also Loved the Leatherface Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3 reference :).
@B WRLD 1) this is from 8 years ago lmaooo & 2) quotation marks my guy, indicating facetiousness
Bernie's chainsaw saws "The Saw is Family" is a reference to Texas Chainsaw Massacre III
You pulled a Nostalgia Critic. "You know, for kids!"
Good job. XD
Dave is the dream beaver version of Michaelangelo
I noticed that each dream beaver was a color of a ninja mask. Blue, orange, red, and purple. They all seemed to parallel one of the turtles personalities as well, and that was the beaver they got it their dream.
Haven't seen the episode yet but as soon as you started describing the dream beavers I immediately the thought of those bears from form the RPG I played with my brothers and cousin.
My scariest dream was actually a recent one that I got after reading an article in Weird NJ volume two. The article was about a highschool that was abandoned in the 1920's and during its final years, the quarterback on the school's football team died from a broken neck during the game. Ever since that day his spirit had been haunting the school and anyone who challenged him would die from a broken neck right then and there. Because I was in Jersey at the time I was really freaked out by it and that may have triggered my nightmare.
In my nightmare, I was laying in my bunk and staring out the window when a shadowy figure with glowing red eyes appeared out of nowhere and stared right at me. The figure was in my camper too and out of fear I turned away and hid my head under the covers. I then felt a pressure on either side of me and when I looked to see what it was, it was the figure reaching for my head and ready to snap my neck. Panicked, I put my hands on either side of my head and begged for my life. Then my dream went from scary to weird when, the figure, in response to my begging, started acting like someone who didn't get ketchup from McDonald's in the drive-thru when he had asked for some. Then out of nowhere a semi-robotic girl who looked like she had just stepped out of an anime came and challenged him to a fight to make him stop killing people. The two fought for a bit and the shadowy figure swallowed the robot girl whole and transformed into what could only be described as Captain Planet wearing Mega Man's helmet and the costume from the box art of MM's first game with small screens all over his chest and abdomen. After his transformation, we appeared in front of the Hall of Justice (from the Justice League comics or Super Friends) and he started flying above a huge crowd of people as the screens on his body showed footage of him playing football. Just then, Wonder Woman appeared and said to him "You have no right to kill people just because of an accident that cost you your life. And what gaul you have to show off in front of people and expect praise in spite of your criminal acts". After that the robot girl from earlier popped out of the guy's chest but, she was a cat and then I woke up. My brain is kind of weird.
Andre, you're on point with that "these episodes where all meant as a Halloween countdown" thing.
The next episode after "In Dreams" is called "Race with the Demon" where Casey and Donnie have to deal with a supped up hot rod possessed by mutated demon.
That'll be the last of the "Monster Movie" episode as the next episode after that is "Spirit Quest" where the turtles go on a meditative spirit quest to better themselves, hopefully to prepare themselves for the big battle for New York.
I love that Mikey wrote "insert pizzas here" on Leo's face
Oh Andre, the chainsaw in "In Dreams" was clearly a reference to The Texas Chainsaw Franchise. It even said "The Saw Is Family" on the actual chainsaw, a clear reference to the 2nd and 3rd movies.
Also, with the meteor thing, I instantly thought of Chronicle. :P
Black Nerd Comedy the saw was referencing Texas chainsaw massacre 3. The saw even says "the saw is family" just like tcm3
truwho82 Oh cool, good eye!
also evil dead ..the guy is dress like ash
Black Nerd Comedy Thanks for actually replying lol I just watched Cinemassacre's Monster Madness and that was part of it so it was fresh in my mind :P
Yeah I was going to chime in just to say it... pretty obvious reference considering they actually have several close ups of the inscription.
+Howard Casto andt he Voicce Actor is Bill Mosely from Texas Chainsaw Massacre II. He also appears in a lot of Rob Zombie films and usually loves making cameos in horror films.
I thought when leo got the powers from the meteor they were referencing that 2k episode where mikey gets sucked into another dimension and meets their superhero counterparts. where that version of leo (graviturtle) can fly. But I never thought about meteorman till you pointed it out Andre. the nerd in me is very pleased today. :D
Great video Andre! For some reason the part where you just flat out wrote "Bebop and Rocksteady" for Zeck and Steranko made me really laugh, though the "Missing since Season 2" part made me sad. :c I really want them to go back, if only just for an episode, so we can see what's been happening with Karai and Splinter! Of course they're just gonna save that for his big reunion with the turtles, since that's TV for you, but eh. It'd be nice is all.
This episode holds a special place in my heart cause it's the most current kiss Donnie has received from April. This was at the beginning of season 3 and now we're at the beginning of season 4...hasn't had a kiss since this episode. WTF?!
The scariest thing that I have ever dreamt were these two dreams (had them about one or two years apart) where I was being strangled by a spectral woman; fortunately, I know how to handle specters and managed to banish them by (in my dream) raising my left hand, which has my Mala (Buddhist meditation beads) wrapped around the wrist (I always wear it, so it's no surprise that it's in my dreams), and chanting the Amida Nembutsu. Also, I'm glad you mentioned the Terror Bears, I would hate for them to go unrecognized.
The scariest dream I've ever had was like, you know that book, 'I am Legend', it was like that but with feral ghouls from Fallout.
The scariest thing i've seen in my dreams was I was on my computer and suddenly a file looked corrupted and broken popped up, when I tried to close it out BEN showed up and screamed at me... This may seem stupid to some people but what freaked me out the most was how real everything seemed. My dreams aren't normally like that so it was SUPER FREAKY!!!
I really enjoyed this episode, in fact, this was one of my favorite of the horror themed episodes this season. In the dreams all of the Dream Beavers were uniquely terrifying (except Dave) and it was really cool to see the Turtle's different dreams (I especially loved Leo's big anime fight, Raph's heavy metal concert in Hell, and the shout out to the comic). And it was really funny too, I seriously laughed every time they said "SHUT UP DAVE!" and the plot twist ending was also pretty funny. So overall great episode but... I'm starting to miss New York.
I'm amazed you didn't mention them being almost baked like pizzas. reminded me of the 90 series episode "Cowabunga Shredhead" where I believe michelangelo and shredder switch bodies and all the turtles are in a pizza about to be cooked in the same way.
I felt that the darker twist was instead them themselves were the pizza, not just a giant pizza tossed onto them
I had this weird dream where a squid creature was giving a Small World presentation to one of my school teachers and then it flew into a vent and the room suddenly smelled good.
I had this scary dream which was Disney-related. I was in a Toontown set and there was a house of cards and Donald Duck people walking around. I went into this air vent and there was a duck guy sitting on top of my head. We flew upward and the duck turned to look at me, but its eye sockets were pitch black and water was coming out of them. THAT SCARED THE MUTAGEN OUT OF ME!
Yeah, I noticed the Evil Dead parallels but I thought they'd save that for next time in their horror film season. All that's left then is Hellraiser but the description for next episode leaves mostly Ghost Rider thoughts in my mind since it's devils and vehicles themed.
Y'know...for children!
And now I have "Dream Weaver" in my head. Thanks, Andre!
Man, Ninja Turtles, I love your references and homages, but can we get back to what's going on with Splinter, Karai, and Shredder's group already?
Let's see, some of the scariest things I've seen in my dreams...
1. A gypsy lady beating a fat dude with a crowbar, there was graphic blood and gore everywhere.
2. A giant weasel attempting to eat me and my friend, he had a knife.
3. A pirate who was walking out of a tavern, I later learned that he was out to kill me.
4. A blonde headed lady that wanted to kill my dog. She claimed herself as 'The Dog Raider' and tried killing her in my own home. Literally, she had this vicious dog that she kept as a pet and it attacked my dog in the dream. She also tried shooting it, and tried killing it with an injection of something.
5. A tyrannosaurus that tried eating my family and I (there were also compsugnathus - a kind of small dinosaur - and they slipped through the crack in my bedroom door and nibbled at my ears and ate my fingers.
I love season 3! It's a good change from the always dark and empty streets of NY. The horror themed eps are great and the jokes are hilarious. Even the camera angles are sometimes different to accommodate the overall horror theme of an ep, there are some really nice shots!
Srsly, NY is NOT that empty!
renard w
It is tho, but maybe that's because the turtles only come out at night and that's why you don't see anyone on the streets.
***** I mean IRL; Turtles NYC is awfully... Deserted...while IRL NYC never sleeps.
renard w Ohh like that, well yeah you're right no doubt! But I was talking about the cartoon only of course.
The turtles finding the trap door in the episode with april's mom felt very "Evil Dead" as well.
Great Review Andre! But the meteor scene from Leo's dream remind me more of Chronicle. Keep the good work!
Good as always Andre! I liked that Game Theory reference!
Also this episode ended just like Season 4's Halloween episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, where the fear demon is manifested and it's less than a foot high... and that was the last season Seth Green played as Oz! References galore! :)
OMIGOSH Casey getting attacked by the guy with the chainsaw during the shop scene was EPIC! I loved all the close-up action! However, I did kinda voice my outrage (Screamed .-.) when the guy had sawed directly into Casey's bat twice, and then they cut to an outer shot and you see Casey's bat in perfect condition. LOL XD
I loved how the Beavers come to the real world and they're just kind-of tiny. It's just sort-of like 'ehh, what do you expect? They're beavers', lol! And then the guy's just like, "Ok, that seems about right. I'm going to just sleep for 20 weeks now. Uhh, I mean, Episodes!" *falls over*
dracocrusher LOL This episode pretty much rocked socks xD
Did anyone notice the chainsaw had the phrase "the Saw is Family" engraved on the blade??? Chainsaw Massacre reference anyone?
Lucy Herrick Whoa O_O
The scariest dream I've had recently was being in bed and seeing someone behind the door to the room. I got up to investigate and a freaky lady grabbed my arm from behind the door. I woke up to my wife holding my arm because I was starting to flail around in my sleep. Crazy how you interpret real world events and feelings within the dream world.
You know ...after they announced the Dream Beavers at Comic con I said to myself "When Andre gets around to reviewing that episode, he is going to open by singing Dream Weaver but replace Weaver with Beaver" ...and it was just as awesome as I thought it would be.
I was expecting that at least two of these beavers were call Daggett and Norbert in honor to the Angry Beavers
Halloween Episode in November? OMG! The Turtles just pulled a Simpsons.
James Watkins Ha ha, yep!
aint it awesome I love Halloween TV I wish there was a show that was basically Halloween TV all year round they are a bit cheesy but SHUT UP DAVE! ok you get the point.
while being sick I literally dreamed of coughing out my lung (which is somewhat possible) so I went to the doctor and had to get 3 shots in 3 consecutive days, I felt better later but it still hurt.
and your Halloween marathon idea seems pretty plausible so... DAMN YOU MICHAEL BAY!!
I basically add this to my hype train list because both Robert Englund and John Kassir are coming to a local con soon, so this is surprisingly ideal watching fodder
Is it just me or is raph more agreeable and nicenice around leo?
I think he might be feeling guilty or something for not being by
Leo's side when he got hurt.
That intro was amazing. When will Andre realise an album god damn it?
Hahaha haha! Dude you had me cracking up at the end. I have enjoyed that episode but those beavers were scary and crazy.
This episode was cool. Kinda disappointing that the Cryptkeeper guy (Whose name I can't remember) didn't do the Cryptkeeper voice, which is even more disappointing since the voice he did end up using could've been done by a lot of people. But it was really fun, and I like the Dream Beavers. I like that Dave doesn't end up siding with the good guys cause the group made fun of him and crap like that, cause that would've been SO cliché. But I hope the Dream Beavers return, especially since Dark Beaver's (Or was it Dire) fight sequence with Leo was really sweetly animated. Maybe have them under the control of the Rat King since they're rodents too, giving the episode a bigger twist then "Oh no, he's controlling Splinter again"
And the scariest thing I've ever dreamt was a zombie invasion, with a weird scarecrow looking guy that was in pain and run over, shouting "Donkey!"........yeah, don't ask.
I really like the mushroom spewing spores episode, maybe because of my fascination for mushrooms. Hahah.
I have many horror-like dreams, so here's one of them: I was waiting in line outside with 2 people I knew for a venue to open its doors for a concert. It was a very long line that rapped around a huge building with solid walls that made the line to get inside. I heard screaming a few ft. away from where I stood and suddenly people were trying to clear out of the way and backup against the wall. There was a big, talk kid just smashing other peoples heads into the walls and into others heads. It felt so real because of the color of the blood, brains and cracked skulls of the people all over the floor, the silence of the people just looking in horror and everyone wanting to just rush out of line to get out or climb the walls. I somehow quickly flashed to me at home watching a news report about it and turns out this kid wasn't taking his med.s for a disease he had.
Its like they are avoiding the actual story plot. They've done nothing about or make plans for Shredder, Kraang, Splinter, etc.
They're waiting for Leo to heal and training
yeah... I like these horror movie episodes but I really want to know what's happening in NY...
That is true, but they can always have Leo heal between episodes, or an episode when Donny makes a good medicine (not the one he made the first time), and not all of these side episodes, I dont mind a few, but they've had like 4 in a row :/
DaedricKnightSlayer I also want them to get back into the main plot too. It literally felt like forever ago since we've been in New York City. We need to know what's happening to all our favorite mutants! Not so much the humans. We already know what happened to them. Mutant Kraang blobs.
100% agree :)
Scariest thing I ever saw in a dream was everyone on Earth being replaced by robot duplicates and coming after me.
My depraved mind ceased being scared after it conjured up a lightsaber.
Thanks, mind!
This is probably the best episode of S3 so far, although I'm wondering when will we focus on Shredder and the Krang again. Maybe until Leo is better.
I LOVED Raphael's dream! Mikey banging on the drums with his chucks was hilarious to me.
I love getting all these halloween themed episodes in November. I think it's awesome. I do kinda wish that they would try to make their own horror stuff though instead of JUSt referencing a bunch of horror movies and whatnot that we grew up with as kids.
The scariest dream I had when I was little was that I was sleeping inside my car then I saw a spaceship land down in front of me. I ducked my head under the covers then when I looked up I saw the Coneheads being played by Dan Akyrod and his female costar who did them from SNL and the coneheads movie only they appeared way more terrifying and they trying to get in. The dream ended there.
Also I too have the same TMNT RPG book you mentioned. :) When I first saw the dream beavers I couldn't help but wonder if they were a reference to the Scare Bears as well.
I would like to see the turtles in a 90's sitcom type opening. The Too Many Cooks TMNT edition song made me laugh so hard...
first of all, great recap Andre! I loooove watching them but is it possible to make most of your recaps as soon as this one? I hate watching the show and then waiting forever to see you reviewing it.
p.s my worst dream was that you stopped making videos
The scariest thing I saw in my dreams, was about this short animated film called "Bunny". It's animated by blue sky (The people who made Ice age, rio and epic). It was included on the Ice age special edition dvd. It was basically about this creepy looking bunny who's husband dies, and she is all alone. She gets pestered by this moth (Which I am terrified of) whilst she is baking a cake. She gets sick of it, whacks it and it falls into the cake mixture. Then she cooks it. If this wasn't disturbing enough, she awakens in her kitchen with the oven rattling. For some reason, she opens it and crawls inside and goes into this blue dimension type thing where all the dead moths are and she grows wings and flies away... then the picture if her and her husband a MOVES and looks at you all funny. I used to see scenes of this in my dreams and get chased by the bunny and stuff. Keep in mind I was about 3 when I saw this :(
I think the scariest dream I ever had was when blood was endlessly flooding out of my earlobes. I was panicking so badly, I remember waking up with one of my ears feeling weird, not to mention with my breathing going at the same rate as it was in my dream.
I keep having these weird recurring Back to the Future dreams where I'm playing the computer game, only there's this freaky sequence involving a cabin in the woods where apparently Marty has to rescue Doc.
i dont really have a phobia, but the scariest thing ive ever dreamed was being in a justib beiber concert.
I expected this to be a throw away episode but I found myself enjoying it a lot! Love all the references and the fact that they're getting into some crazy things like the ghost from A China Town Ghost Story and now referencing another dimension other than Dimension X. This could be slowly opening a door for the Fugitoid\Triceraton space threads!
God, i love your reviews, and now i can't get that song out of my head XD
Thank you, I'm not the only one that heard the name Dream Beavers amd just had to cross it with Dream Weaver. I had the TMNT RPG that he mentioned and while I never got to play it. I just loved reading alot of those paper RPG books as there just interesting bit of world building in many of them.
Your singing its...wonderful. Also if u feel like it could you do a review on the Sonic Boom TV SHOW episodes?
I always love watching these they are hilarious
The Dream Beaver episode was cool, bu really weird. My favorite part was the Death Metal band turtles in Raph's dream. I'm ready for the Turtles to head back to NYC.
My jae dropped on the part where the turtles were in a meat locker and Mikey was holding onto a hallow turtle shell. I was like, they made this for kids? I was thinking that what happend to the Insane in Membrane episode from the 2003 episode (check that out if you haven't Andre) would happen to this one because this one was pretty freaking disturbing. Especially Raph's dream. That being saod this is probably one my favorite episodes yet. This stuff wasn't just "kiddie scary" in my opinion. The stuff theu did with the animation was pretty cool too. I hope to see more episodes like this.
I was thinking the same thing. Especially with that whole scene of them about to be beaver food
I gotta admit, the ending to this week's episode was absolutely hilarious.
Also, is it bad that I kinda want a plush of Dave Beaver?
Awesome video! Will you please review Sonic Boom? Either Translate This or The Sidekick. Whatever works best. Or just any episode of the TV show.
This episode was so awesome, *especially* the dread beaver dream sequence. So awesome.
I can't believe how I actually LIKED this episode. Heck, i might watch it again, which is something I can't say for most of season 3 so far.
Scariest thing I've seen in a dream: I do recall one time I was being chased through the woods by a decapitated floating head with rows of sharp teeth. That freaked me out a lot.
Is it just me or the animation for this season was improved? For some reason I think the show is lookig so much better this time around (not that it looked bad before).
I'm loving the references in these last few episodes.
You know, you could re-titled these recent epsiodes as legit sounding horror/monster movies.
Within the Woods = Soiled Grounds
A Foot Too Big = It Followed Me Home
Buried Secrets = Mother Knows Best
The Croaking = Frogageddon
In Dreams = Dreams of the Dammed
Race With the Demon = Race Like Hell
More like: Taste Like Italian!
GOSH DARN IT ANDREA! You're hard to love, but you're even harder to hate.
Oh, I loved this episode! So dark, so great, so close to dying. When you're 21, you prefer the dark episodes.
I think its more appropriate for them to have Halloween episodes in November then Christmas stuff out everywhere in the stores on November 1st. I'm also wondering how long have the Turtles been out in the woods? News of an Alien Invasion of New York would have at lest reached them by now and people around them would have started to talk.
I have to say the writing for this series is freaking amazing. This may be the best TMNT series ever. We just need Usagi Yojimbo!
I love it when the beavers kept calling Donnie salty. It was kind of creepy.
I really want to know what all the beavers had against Davebeaver. I loved Davebeaver! He was adorable! XD
Right before watching this review: "If Andre doesn't sing a Dreamweaver parody, I will be extremely disappointed." Ya never let me down, brotha. XD
i didnt even know robert england was voicing in this episode BUT i did totally get the freddy kuegar reference of the beaver during the episode so it totally awesome that they were able to get that reference accross XD
This episode was pretty awesome
When I was 13, I had a dream Where bugs were in my ear, my sister tried to get them out but they went inside and started banging on my ear drum, I woke up at that point, I woke up crying and panicking, I was scared for a whole year.
I agree with that theory.
Scariest dream: Giant cockroach covered in shadows that end the dream with the evilest "heh heh" dramatic music and everything.
haven't had that dream since I was a kid though...
You just HAD to reference "Too many Cooks" didn't you Andre!? To quote homer simpson: "D'OH!"
The third season has been pretty horror-themed so far, right? It's interesting.
And as soon as the shopkeeper said something along the lines of the beavers having unlimited powers as long as they are in the dream world, I knew what was going to happen. Didn't expect them to be so small and cute, though.
Its around Halloween I guess.
Hey André, ever noticed that in the 1980s TMNT they had parody to Pee Wee Herman named Mr Ogg and a parody of Freddy Kruger, named Creepy Eddy. Now the latest TMNT have the voice actors Paul Reuben's who played Pee Wee, and Robert England who played Freddy Kruger. Astoundingly parallel.
The scariest thing I've ever saw in my dreams was being attacked by Weeabos, *shudder * the horror.
I'm soooooooo glad I'm not the only one who was reminded of Meteor Man.
I watched the CRAP out that movie when I was a kid.
Tonight the beavers dine on turtle soup
After being a little disappointed with last weeks episode this one has really made up for the "haunted woods" season we have had so far.
It feels like the wackiest episode so far (at least that I can remember) and despite their name the dream beavers are really fun villains who pose a real threat and I hope we get to see them again.
But still this season so far feels like we're just getting filler and I'm getting more and more eager for them to go back to new york and sort out the Krang once and for all.
A great episode, one of the best, but please lets get back to the sewers.
I loved Dave! He was the Dream Beaver Mikey.
"Dream Beavers" - I sang that too! So... The chainsaw scene... I was literally like "What the hell??". I was not expecting that. Haha
notice the fur of beaver is as the turtles mask and the nightmare theme can be sometime hear and dark beaver who more like Freddy isn't voiced Robert eugland.
Bill Moseley is also Chop Top in Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, and the chainsaw is the same chainsaw from Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3, with the whole "the saw is family" inscription on the chainsaw.
Lol that game theory reference at the end made my day
It was a pritty cool episode ...also I liked your lil game thorey reference there :p very slick
Black Nerd Comedy Mat Pat gonna be all over this. Now I kind of want to hear him do a play cousin outtro.
I've enjoyed all the horror themed episodes . Thing is, I find horror a really interesting genre - but I'm too wimpy to watch actual horror films. So TMNT season 3 so far has been a very happy medium for me.
My reoccurring nightmare was I was in love with my kille!crazy right sounds like a twilight book?
The scariest thing I've ever seen in my dreams was me getting mutated my shredder into a giant poison dart frog.
I loved it. It was spooky. Loved Dave. I laughed at the end when the beavers showed up in the real world.
Things I liked : Dave Beaver...! Mikey's dream.. looked like a candyland. Yum! Also the part where Casey gets attacked with a chainsaw was way interesting to watch.
The scarest thing I've dream was of me getting runned over with a RV and then a week later going a RV road trip in real life. (Talk about future sight)
Ive also had dreams similar to Rafael's before (snakes and all)... minus the heavy metal music though..and minus the being on drugs part too.
After watching this episode I just want to learn how to laugh maniacally.