@@belyahu98 they lied to you its all propaganda. why you guys trick yourself. what is the present condition of the country. its divided and each tribe is fighting . solve first this problem and then talk about africa. ' ye reasua arobat ....ye sew tamasilalech..haaaaaaa .
What is funny about this debate is, While Ethiopia run by Tribial federalism poetics system, they are traying to make Universal Ethiopia History. Kelele.... Ye yefeterew be minden new?? 😂😂😂. If they have confidante, let make presidential election after destroying kelele boundary.
Do we see who could speak with full confidante and has afraid of speaking thire own opinion in this debate? The Oromos speak with confidante to change the landscape of Ethiopia history and AMHARA AND TIGRIAN guest speaker are suppressed and reluctant to speak thire own mind. If they do speak the truth, they all know they will end up like poetical activist TADIOS TANTU. aye.... Bale Gize? 😮. Amhara and Tigere knows thire history and rich culture, it is OROMO socity don't thire own and have inferior complexity like a deasese. The so called professor history guy does he has intilectual degnity? It is easy to observed he is under some sort of operasion.
excellent massage and evaluation thank you all of you!!! long life for our country Ethiopia 🇪🇹 ❤️ 💙 ♥️
በእኔ በኩል የዛሬው በእምዬ ኢ/ያ ላይ ለውይይት የተሰባሰቡቱ በልቤ ውስጥ እንደሽማግሌነቴና እንደአገር አገር ወዳድቴ የኢትዮጵያ አንድነት ሲናፈቅኝ ዛሬ በእነዚህ ክቡራን እግዶች ልቤን ቀሰቀሰው እባካችሁ ሃሳባችሁ ቅዱስ ነው በርቱ በርቱ !!!❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤!!!
I love this. We need to do more
ይህን መስል አስተማሪ፣ ባለቤት አድራጊ፣ተጠያቂ፣ተመልካች፣ተሣታፊ---- የሚያደርጉ አስላሳይ እንድንሆን የሚረዳ ጣፋጭ ዝግጅታችሁን አለማድነቅ አይቻልምና በርቱልኝ ይብዛላችሁ እላለሁ ወንድማችሁ አብርሃም❤❤❤❤
በጣም ጥሩ ነዉ እንደተባለዉ ዋጋ ያስከፍላል ግን ከስር በጥናት እየደገፉ በማይቋረጥ መልኩ በዘላቂነት በካሪኩለም ተቀርጶ ሀገርን ፣ ትዉልድን ፣ ማህበረሰብን ፣ ሀይማኖትን ፣ ባህልንብቻ የጋራም ሆነ የወል ትርክቶቻችንን ማትረፍና መጠበቅ ይኖርብና እላለዉ አመሰግናለዉ ።
The case of Indo Lusian reconstruction of porto- Semitic Ethiopia and roots offers us glimpse of the Ethiopia and culture of its true identity.
I am crying for help to Mr TADIOS Tantu
The CEO of Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation is a multi-tasking person who has made a big difference in TV programs GO FORWARD
Mesatef indet new
ዛሬ ኢቲቭ ላይ ሣቢ ነገር አገኘሁኝ !
እናመሰግናለን ውድ ኢትዮጵያውያን ....... ሚያወዛግቡ ትርክቶችን/ታሪክ መሳዬችን አጥርተን ምንተወውን ትተን ምናጠናክረውን ይዘን አንድነታችንንና መከባበራችንን አብዝተን ከፈጣሪያችን ጋር ከራሳችን ጋር ተስማምተን ወደ ፊት በ ክብር መቀጠል አሁን ነው ጊዜው .......
በትልቁ የሰዉ ልጅ መገኛ ዝቅ ብሎ የሉሲ(ድንቅነሽ) መኖሪያ የነበረችን ሀገር ኢትዮጵያን የ3,000፣ የ1,468፣ የ150፣ የ100...... ወዘተ ታርክ ባለቤት ናት ማለት ከባድ ነዉ። እዉነትም ሀገራዊ ትሪክት(National Naratives) የለለን መሆኑን በግልፅ ያሳያል። እጅግ በጣም የሚያሳዝነዉ ደግሞ አሉን ፣ የጋራችን ነዉ፣ የኩራታችን ምንጭ ናቸዉ በምንልባቸዉ ታርኮቻችን አልመግባባታችን ነዉ። ትሪክት ይገነባል ያፈርሳልም። ታሪክን ለትምህርት እንድሁም ለስራ መጠቀም ብልህነት ነዉ። ኢትዮጵያ🇪🇹
Because of semitic words in English Ethiopian geez - Ameharic languages not Genetically related semitic family
Amhara and Tigrian History & culture is Coridor development. Lool
Aye belegizwoch..... I am crying for help to Mr TADIOS Tantu
አቶ ጌትነት: ሀሳቤ በዚህ ፕሮግራም ላይ አይደለም።
አንድ ጉዳይ ገርሞኝ ነው። በላይ በቀለ የሚባል ሰው በምን ተጨባጭ ምክንያት ነው መልሳችሁ ያስገባችሁት ለማለት ነው። በራሱ ቲክቶክ እና በአለምነህ ዋሴ ቲዩብ የሚዘግበውንስ እየሰማችሁት ነው? ለሚፈጠር የፖሊሲና የመርህ ጥሰት ሀላፊነቱን የሚወስደው ማን ነው?
የኢትዮጵያ ካንሰር ሆኖ የተቀመጠው ዋናው ነገር ታሪክ ፀሐፊዎች ናቸው ይህም ስለሚያውቁት አካባቢ በማጠንጠንና መንግስትን በማገልገል የነበሩ ታሪክን በሬ ወለደ ተርከው የአንድ አባት ልጆችንን ያጫርሳሉ
አበባው የሚባል ጫታም ሆዱን ለሞላለት ሁሉ ይሰግዳል
Etewalehu seteric yeneber kut kifu tirict yemeel fitlefit eski tametu yehon...?
Wa aymeslegnemina tetebikugn...? Yenema gize saiwesd berire indet...?
Gin balehubet yasatefugn..?
Well. ETV is government owned media tool. It is not public owned media.
ይተዉ እንጂ ዶ/ር አረጋዊ! ታሪክ ግንብ ነዉ ምንም ማድረግ አይቻልም እንዴት ይላሉ? የተጣመመ ግንብና የዉሸት ታሪክ ፈርሰዉ እንደገና ተስተካክለዉ ይሰራሉ። እርሶ ሰዉዬ ጡረታ መዉጣት አለብዎት። ዘባራቂ ነዎት።
ድከሙ ሲላችሁ በጀት እና ጊዜ ሰጣችሁ።
Abyssinia new simua be wishet ager aygenebam atifiru . ethiopia yetebalechiw be 1941. ethiopia ende hager 100 amet bihonat new.
This is coming from the victim of ignorance
@@belyahu98 kkkkkkk ignorance is your problem , go and read the books.
@@tewodroszewld9427 who is the powerhouse in Africa?
@@belyahu98 they lied to you its all propaganda. why you guys trick yourself. what is the present condition of the country. its divided and each tribe is fighting . solve first this problem and then talk about africa. ' ye reasua arobat ....ye sew tamasilalech..haaaaaaa .
Ere besemame.... Ye Legos chiger yehe new???? 😂😂😂
What is funny about this debate is, While Ethiopia run by Tribial federalism poetics system, they are traying to make Universal Ethiopia History.
Kelele.... Ye yefeterew be minden new?? 😂😂😂.
If they have confidante, let make presidential election after destroying kelele boundary.
Basically this the motives of destroying Amhara and Tigrian Indentity and accept Oromonisation narration. 😂😂😂😂
Kelele bounder poetical yezew, Ethiopian history bilew yemetale. Aye Oromoooo. 😂😂😂
Do we see who could speak with full confidante and has afraid of speaking thire own opinion in this debate? The Oromos speak with confidante to change the landscape of Ethiopia history and AMHARA AND TIGRIAN guest speaker are suppressed and reluctant to speak thire own mind. If they do speak the truth, they all know they will end up like poetical activist TADIOS TANTU. aye.... Bale Gize? 😮. Amhara and Tigere knows thire history and rich culture, it is OROMO socity don't thire own and have inferior complexity like a deasese. The so called professor history guy does he has intilectual degnity? It is easy to observed he is under some sort of operasion.