Ayahuasca Retreat in Sacred Valley Tribe (Cusco)

  • Опубліковано 5 жов 2024
  • Ayahuasca Retreat in the Sacred Valley Tribe in Cusco, Peru with Diego Palma. 3 Ayahuasca Ceremony, deep integration and medicine songs.


  • @robertdemeter5793
    @robertdemeter5793 2 роки тому +11

    When I was a young boy in the late 1970s the Earth was so beautiful and magical, just waiting to be explored. Then useless control - driven bible - toters tried to tell me it wasn't by trying to convince me the Earth is a very dark place and the only chance I had to get out was some guy that never existed to save me. I never listened to them. I saw how bible - toters were totally Miserable creatures full of Apathy via their needless and useless need of their Ego to ' Control' others. Years later in Ayahuasca ceremonies, Mother Aya showed me all the reasons why that is. "If it's not Shamanic, it's not Spiritually Organic." .. Period. Thank. You Mother Ayahuasca, infinite endless Gratitude !! Infinite Joy !! Nature is my church, and Rock N' Roll and Heavy Metal music (and a touch of psychedelic trance) is my religion ! : -)

  • @robertdemeter5793
    @robertdemeter5793 2 роки тому +14

    " With Ayahuasca it will be difficult because you are faced with the most frightening thing that exists, you are faced with Your-Self. And most people don't want this, that's why we keep ourselves so busy with distractions outside ourselves: we read, follow gossip, media, watch tv, movies, go to church, follow fake saviours, follow fashion, follow jobs, follow groups, follow politics, follow sports, we have phones, we travel, look for hobbies, we twitter, follow the crowd, we are always lying to ourselves in the mind, because we don't want to be facing ourselves, that would be terrible. So with Ayahuasca this is what you have to deal with, which is your-Self at that point"~ Fabian Piorkowsky ( Ayahuasca shaman and spiritual master)
    Ayahuasca will never give you what you want, that is your ego-based mind. What Ayahuasca always Always gives you is what you need , which comes from the infinite intelligence of Nature and the Universe, for your Soul."
    Time is total illusion in Spiritual reality.
    "Your reality is limited for the reason that your own understanding about the Universe is limited and incomplete. People are not afraid of the unknown as much as they are afraid to lose the old false identity illusion beliefs they have created for themselves & everything behind it. That are all lies of Ego-attachments. The stupidity of your fear of death and your attachment to life and time causes all your greed, separation, selfishness, delusions, prejudices, ignorance, blindness to Nature, and self-hatred."- The infinite Universe :-)

  • @robertdemeter5793
    @robertdemeter5793 2 роки тому +9

    Who is Robert ? The answer is there is no Robert, as the "I" is total illusion. as there is no me just as there is no such thing as You = infinite love and joy !. As Eye have become ONE with infinite Angels of Light that connect all the stars in the infinite Universe and danced with them which makes all the stars move and dance !! And eye have become the joyous blissful balls of light of infinite love flowing through infinite strings through the infinite Universe that connects EVERYTHING that you cannot see

  • @robertdemeter5793
    @robertdemeter5793 2 роки тому +10

    Thank - You Mother Ayahuasca !! Endless Infinite Gratitude !! Nature is my church, and Rock N' Roll and Heavy Metal music ( and a touch of psychedelic trance) is my religion ! :- )

  • @robertdemeter5793
    @robertdemeter5793 2 роки тому +7

    Ayahuasca Art will teach you a lot about this beautiful planet, Nature, The Universe, yourself, and the heavenly realms, as all is One. As there are infinite worlds of infinite beings of endless Magic. The Serpent in Ayahuasca art is your ego, the talking snake in scriptures is nothing more than that voice in your head, your mind chatter. Which is not you, as you are not your thoughts, you never were. All beliefs of the human thinking mind are lies, as all beliefs come from past/future in the illusion of time. The hummingbird is constantly depicted in Ayahuasca art, as is the dragonfly, Crow and Raven birds, as well as the butterfly, and has a lot of magical meanings of Spirit.
    And the condor that's very prevalent in Ayahuasca art from many artists? Condors prefer to live in the high mountains, to fly in the skies above the cordilleras. They symbolize the highest elevation, above limitations and obstacles.
    They are, above all, the symbol of the transpersonal; they integrate the wisdom of those who have died, those who have no ego. They are the symbol of spiritual ascension, of communication with the spirits, with what is subtle. They are the winged representatives of Ayahuasca.
    The condor is the symbol of creative power, the incarnation of timeless philosophy; his majestic flight suggests the process of life itself, of creative eternity, whose ever-living works are made up of births and deaths.
    The eagle is the symbol of the sun, but the eye of the condor is the sun; it symbolizes the hidden light of the great emptiness. It is the master of weather, of thunder and lightning, of wisdom, of new vision, of prophecy, of illumination. The condor has the ability to shift through dimensions of Spirit seamlessly.
    The condor is without doubt the king of the skies, but ultimately he is a servant, a simple gardener, the instrument of the art of renovation, of cleanliness and purification; new productions need new spaces, which are fertilized from the disintegration of the old, of the spirits of the dead. Wisdom, prudence, calm, reflection, discretion, intuition, vision, prophecy, messenger of the divine - these are the attributes of the bird.. The Black Jaguar is the land Spirit animal representative of Ayahuasca. Which frolics in the Amazon rainforest, the lungs of the Earth. Representing your Breath.
    Hence why the interior of your lungs looks just like a forest of trees.
    Plants breathe out what humans breathe in and vice versa. Everything in Nature on this magical planet has higher meanings to the Self both physically but much moreso Spiritually. As Nature is extremely multi-dimensional and has much higher meanings to the Self that the vast majority of humans are totally blind to. The Heavens can only be entered through Nature by going deep within and activating all that is within. The humans that hate the Earth in their darkness have no Self-awareness whatsoever. They are totally separated from Spirit as Nature is extremely multi-dimensional.
    When you walk through a forest or in Nature, the heavens are right there in front of you, simply in a higher dimension. You cannot access it as you have not gone within yourself to activate and connect all that is within you. If you do not go within, you will always be without ..... as truth is always paradoxical.
    The planet herself is multi-dimensional as there is a 5th dimension Mother Earth of Light that is connected to the 3rd dimension physical Earth where no pain , and no duality , and no time can exist, infinite paradise. All the Spiritual teachings are in Nature, not in fake human churches or in a completely useless bible. All human churches ( religion) are total liars.
    The jaguar is the land Spirit animal representative of Ayahuasca. And the Condor is the winged representative of Ayahuasca, hence why you see jaguars and condors depicted in a lot of Ayahuasca Art. It is so hilarious how this pathetic society lies about everything.
    Children are actually brainwashed to believe that a Lion is king of the jungle, when nothing could be further from the Truth. Lions don't even live in the jungle, their habitat is the flat plains. Lions cannot survive in the jungle, . Jaguar has always been the King of the jungle as it is the most conscious Spirit animal in the jungle with the least ego. Lions on the other hand have an ego of self-image, Jaguars do not, as it's the King.
    Hence why Jaguars have the ability to interact with the higher dimension Spirit worlds of the magical plants, and there is no creature that can defeat a Jaguar in the jungle, not even a 30 foot Anaconda Serpent in it's own element of the swamp. A jaguar can defeat a crocodile in the swamp with relative ease. A Lion would be lost with an Anaconda and crocodile in the swamp, but not a Jaguar as a Jaguar is so conscious it can see three and four steps ahead. The Condor is the same thing, it is the bird with the least ego of self-image, which is why it is the highest flying bird that can shift between Spiritual dimensions seamlessly. And by far the smartest and most Spiritually conscious bird in existence on this planet. Not the Eagle.
    Ravens and Crows are magical Spirit birds that come into your life to tell you it's time to face your ego and all your darkness within you, as it is the only way to the Light and experiencing True Healings. Meanwhile, christians will call them the "devils" birds. LOL !
    That is only a very small sample of the infinite beauty of Nature that Ayahuasca will teach you in your ceremonies, as every plant, every being and animal, every mineral in Nature, every particle, has infinite meanings of Spirit in the higher heavenly realms that the mind can never understand. As it's all infinite Magic as everything is connected in endless beauty and wonder ! Even sand you find on beaches has much higher meanings in the heavenly realms that the mind cannot understand, only the Soul can .
    Don't expect human schools or any of your totally fake and ridiculous churches to ever teach you these things, as your education system is not an education system at all. It is an indoctrination system to make you as unconscious, psychologically and emotionally repressed and suppressed, Spiritually bereft, and as dumb and stupid as humanly possible....it's simply the Truth. :- )

  • @robertdemeter5793
    @robertdemeter5793 2 роки тому +5

    Pablo Amaringo, Ayahuasca Shaman and Artist said about Spiritual journeying- "It is only when the person begins to hear and see as if he were INSIDE the scene, Not as something presented to him, that he is able to discover many things. There is nothing that he is not able find out. I saw how the world was created, how everything is full with life, how the Great Spirits intervene in every aspect of Nature and make the Universe expand. I was like a tourist, always asking the Spirits what is this and what is that, asking them to take me from one place to the other, demanding explanations for everything. The world is multifaceted, so mysterious and unfathomable that it is beyond imagination. I also understood that human beings will never be happy until they realize their connection with the Spiritual dimensions.” -- Pablo Amaringo (Ayahuasca Shaman and famous Artist). :-)

  • @robertdemeter5793
    @robertdemeter5793 2 роки тому +4

    The absolute truth is, The ONLY biblical verse you will ever need in this lifetime is the following - ' Ask the Plants of the Earth and they will Teach You ' - Job 12 - 8

  • @robertdemeter5793
    @robertdemeter5793 2 роки тому +5

    ' And into the forest (For - Rest) I go, to lose my mind and find my Soul.' - John Muir. ' The clearest way into the Universe (`Spirit) is through a forest wilderness. ' - J. Muir ;- )

  • @robertdemeter5793
    @robertdemeter5793 2 роки тому +15

    Letter from Mother Ayahuasca - "My dear ones, my lost children of darkness and light. I come from your present and future past, from all that you have been, and from your hopes and dreams. I have been calling you for a long time, but your ears were deaf to my song. Perhaps you have found your way to me after a dark night of the soul. I cannot promise to deliver you into the light, I can only show you the doors that you have always avoided by your fears, everything from that point is up to you. I can sit with you, for a while, as you learn to light your own candles. And it is possible that your night will get darker still, and that you will need to carry many candles before the dawn appears.I am the flesh and the spirit of the sacred wisdom of the earth, of the plants, animals and birds, of the moon and of all the stars, which I reflect back to you in your own visions. I am the Holy Spirit. I am the stuff of dreams and visions and Light, even though sometimes in me you can see only your own nightmares. I am the mirror of your soul, I am the mirror of the soul of ages, and the soul of the ageless. When you behold me, you enter the realm of the bardo, of your own symbolic death; the death of your Ego, the death of all your stories about yourself that blind you. And in that realm it is not external beings that you will see - (although at some point after several ceremonies with me, after I help you shed all your illusions and fears, I will allow you to meet the Angels and enter the heavenly realms) . What you encounter are your own heights and abysses, your shadows and projections. Your creations.
    I am the mirror that is calling you to stop running and to turn around. To face your own evasions and to witness the countless ways in which you've learned to hide. So that you can better know yourself. In the end, you must become your own healers and shamans. I will make you work like you have never worked before.
    The only real journey that ever really existed, that can exist, and the only real journey that will ever exist, is the journey deep within yourself. This is where I take you.
    My sacrament will be the most difficult and challenging experiences of your life, yet nothing in the Universe can ever be more rewarding. I can only walk with you, for a while, and hold your hand. But the journey is yours to make. And it is a journey you must repeat. It will take you from illusion to reality, from the consensus trance of a mad society, to the sanity and stillness of your heart. And from the death of lifetimes of quiet desperation, to the immortality of an instant.
    Let us share our visions, together.
    My dear children, the rooms in your house are a chaos. The house of your soul and the house of the earth on which you tread your feet, not lightly. I cannot put those rooms right for you. I cannot be a mother/father that admonishes you, with a stern voice of authority, to clean your rooms, under the threat of punishment or the promise of reward. That is not how Mother Holy Spirit speaks. I can tell you, with a voice that echoes the vibrations of love and understanding, and the melancholy of quiet sorrow: look at the huge mess you have made. Are you happy dwelling in this chaos, where it is difficult to encounter yourself? Difficult to find your belongings, where all your toys lay scattered and buried under the rubble of madness and folly? Can you not see that if you choose to clean your own rooms, not because of any compulsion or promise, but just so, for yourself, and in this present moment, which is all you can ever know of time, then you will be able to breathe better, to move around more easily, and to learn how to play? Once more. There are so many lost treasures beneath the mess you have made.
    I reveal the doors within yourself to Find them.
    My dear ones, my lost children of darkness and light. You see the cosmos as a stage on which the drama of good and evil is played out. You dream of a sword of light that would conquer and vanquish all the darkness. And you have made the whole world into a projection of the battlefield of your own Soul. You fight, endlessly, against the monsters and demons within yourselves. But those demons are the wounded inner children of your past, they are your pains and your defenses, they are the voices that could not emerge into the light and learned to live in forgotten caves. They are your insanity. They are you. And those others who you rage against, because of their ignorance, and immorality and ugliness… they are also you. Lay down your weapons and embrace your enemies, the enemies that live within you.
    Haven't you understood - no battle is ever won. They are not even fought. The battlefield only reveals your own folly and despair, and victory is the illusion of philosophers and fools.
    My dear ones, Let us share visions, together. I am the Spirit of Spirits. I am the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit of the Universe. This moment is all you can ever know of time." - Mother Ayahuasca.
    "Fear of Self means you never live"
    Although each persons experience on Ayahuasca is unique, there are some commonalities that show up again and again. These include:
    -experiencing pure love and wisdom.
    -entering another realm more real than what we experience day-to-day on earth (in other words the 5th and 7th dimensions of Spirit that is everywhere all the time, far beyond our 3rd dimensional physical existence, yet the higher dimensions are right here all at the same time, and most importantly, these dimensions are within you !)-realizing we are all one (separation is total illusion, and how everything is connected is impossible to describe because it's infinite connections. The only way to know it is to experience it, and BE IT ).
    -fear of death eliminated, as you realize this is a temporary existence for your soul to grow and learn.
    -everything is conscious.
    -entering a realm where space and time no longer exist, everything is infinite and in the ‘now’. (the infinite now of the 5th and 7th dimensions of light, where no time and no illusions can exist)
    -experiencing unconditional love through every cell of your being, on a level we don’t have words to describe.
    -having access to all information in the universe instantly. Realizing we in our human bodies will never fully grasp all there is, reality is far more complex than we could ever imagine.
    -reliving past experiences of your life (and sometimes past lives as you are connected to Soul memory, not the mind memory of your false ego), first from your perspective, then from the other persons perspective. We get to feel how we made them feel. This is for us to learn, not as a punishment.
    -there is no punishment in this realm, even if you have a ‘bad’ experience. The ayahuasca is teaching you a valuable lesson, it’s up to you to learn from it.
    -digging up past traumas buried deep in our subconscious, bringing them to the surface and helping us face them and get over them.
    -a love for all living beings (people and animals). Many people eat less meat, go vegetarian/vegan or eat more fruit and vegetable following the experience.
    -giving up on the material world, many people change their field of work to one that help others rather than focusing on making money for oneself.
    -realizing that we are not here to accumulate money or physical possessions, we are here to help one another, love one another and grow.
    -during the experience the ego is removed, revealing your true self.
    -realizing everything is energy vibrating at different frequencies.
    -feeling of your pineal gland (3rd eye) being sore for a day or two after, like a muscle worked out for the first time.
    -meeting other beings far more intelligent than any human and being able to telepathically communicate with them.
    The truth is, All the ascended masters in every religion were Shamans, who had many direct Spiritual experiences with Sacred Entheogen Plants. Since the first religion the "Rig Veda" of India. The divine sacred Plant Entheogens are our true teachers, always have been and always will be.
    What I absolutely love about Ayahuasca is she has such a perfect Universal design to only pull in people who have an extremely deep love for Truth. The Spiritual Warriors. She leaves out the insincere who have too short of a barrier of courage. She has such a perfect barometer and threshold for every human being on the planet. In other words, if a religious person who has been totally brainwashed by all the lies of churches, sees the ceremonies are done at night, and sees some snakes in some Ayahuasca Art, and sees it will be difficult at the beginning to face their Ego, they will immediately run away by their silly superstitions and illusions. Totally owned by all their fears. LOL. And totally ignoring the enlightenment and infinite revelations aspect later. Becoming absolute Truth to them is not worth it. And then on the other hand, someone who is into the occult garbage and into dark energies, will not want to take Ayahuasca either, because they will learn that Ayahuasca eventually leads to Enlightenment. LOL ! Truth is ALWAYS Paradoxical !!

    • @robertdemeter5793
      @robertdemeter5793 2 роки тому +4

      The absolute truth is, The ONLY biblical verse you will ever need in this lifetime is the following - ' Ask the Plants of the Earth and they will Teach You ' - Job 12 - 8

    • @aceiam4370
      @aceiam4370 2 роки тому +1

      Oh dear it almost made me wanna cry

    • @armidafrankini3744
      @armidafrankini3744 Рік тому


    • @robertdemeter5793
      @robertdemeter5793 Рік тому

      @@armidafrankini3744 You most certainly are that.

    • @robertdemeter5793
      @robertdemeter5793 Рік тому +2

      @@armidafrankini3744 You want to talk about lies ? Subconsciously the ppl of your reli gion hope for dooms day and total destruction on the planet/all life. No other group on earth thinks/feels that way.

  • @aure0220
    @aure0220 4 роки тому +3

    Gracias Milagros y Diego! Los llevo para siempre en mi corazón.

  • @seanoduinn1222
    @seanoduinn1222 Рік тому

    Enjoyed this video,thank you

  • @jimmyvasquez5355
    @jimmyvasquez5355 4 роки тому +1

    Excelente video....👍👍👍

  • @feliciasokol
    @feliciasokol 6 років тому +5

    what’s the name of the song the woman sings around 11:00 (parvati jaya jaya?)

    • @varun_vibing
      @varun_vibing 4 роки тому

      Felicia Sokol Kali Jaya by Sacred Valley Tribe. You can find it on Soundcloud.

  • @hahanicebroskie
    @hahanicebroskie 5 років тому +3

    I'm feeling the Devine.

  • @zephyr9078
    @zephyr9078 4 роки тому +4

    The old gods are returning.

    • @robertdemeter5793
      @robertdemeter5793 2 роки тому

      What ? That is false. By ' returning ' you're implying that mankind was somehow left stranded. The truth is, The infinite magic never left. What happened was gov't manufactured re. - lgion. And humanity go conned.

  • @natalias7796
    @natalias7796 6 років тому +2

    Hello where would we sign up for this retreat?

  • @mooban1000
    @mooban1000 2 роки тому

    Very very nice video 😁😎✨
    New subscriber 👍🙏✨

  • @Krzysztof_Kasprowiak
    @Krzysztof_Kasprowiak 4 роки тому +2

    Anyone knows where I can find the "song" from 0:51?

  • @milford8485
    @milford8485 2 роки тому


  • @shahrazattspata1946
    @shahrazattspata1946 5 років тому

    Great video , is this Arkana Retreat ?

  • @sacredvalleytribe8045
    @sacredvalleytribe8045  6 років тому +1

    Thanks to Raul Correa in Vimeo for this beautiful video.

  • @Widderic
    @Widderic 2 роки тому +1

    I think I'd rather try it by myself than with a bunch of strangers.

    • @robertdemeter5793
      @robertdemeter5793 2 роки тому +1

      Why is that ? What are you hiding ? What are you shameful of ? As ultimately, there is no such thing as ' strangers ' in the infinite multi - dimensional universe of Spi. - rit. As all is One. ;- )

    • @Widderic
      @Widderic 2 роки тому

      @@robertdemeter5793 I'm an open book. I've just always liked tripping by myself, it allows me to go off and get lost and do whatever I want. I've had some pretty wonderful DMT breakthroughs alone. That last hit can be difficult though!

    • @robertdemeter5793
      @robertdemeter5793 2 роки тому

      @@Widderic First of all, Eye strongly recommend looking up ' Ayahuasca Manifesto ' , and spend a couple days reading it over a few times. It's from Mother Ayahuasca herself.

    • @robertdemeter5793
      @robertdemeter5793 2 роки тому

      @@Widderic DMT opens the inner screen for your visionary experences, however the Vine in the mixture is the teacher, the guide and works with Shamans through you. Ayahuasca ( the vine) is the divine mother holy spirit of all nature and creation. There are infinite good reasons why shamans hold Ayahuasca ceremonies for tens of thousands of years, and don't sit around smoking DMT..

    • @robertdemeter5793
      @robertdemeter5793 2 роки тому

      @@Widderic Moreover, I've seen a good number of people come in with Ayahuasca who have smoked DMT before, and when they leave they'd mention something like - ' I wish I drank Ayahuasca sooner before the dmt, it's just whole other levels. ' And their intuitions are justified. DMT alone is more conducive after one has partaken in ten Ayahuasca ceremomies, far more clarity. I understand DMT is more accessible and readily available, however it doesn't change that fact. With that said, much love to you my friend !!! ;- )

  • @MadnomadM
    @MadnomadM 6 років тому +1

    Which retreat is this affiliated with? 🙏🏼

    • @tanyamani1287
      @tanyamani1287 4 роки тому

      It's called sacred valley tribe one hour by car from cusco

    • @Test-x9k
      @Test-x9k 5 місяців тому

      Bald dude running the group is super creepy ...these types will ruin the medicine for you.

  • @juanjo984184333
    @juanjo984184333 4 роки тому

    Hola quisiera ingerir la ayahuasca, vivo en cusco donde puedo hacer contact

    • @viridianaamparan7667
      @viridianaamparan7667 4 роки тому

      Te paso un correo o la pagina de Sacred Valley Tribe, esta en Pisac como a 20 min de Taray @t

  • @anacrismusic
    @anacrismusic 4 роки тому +1

    Anyone know the song at the 4:12 mark?

    • @Vmpyra
      @Vmpyra 3 роки тому

      Om Tibet by Rarvi Ramoneda

  • @innovative1578
    @innovative1578 5 років тому

    Any shamanic master for ayahusaca guide in india

    • @nishihashtag2518
      @nishihashtag2518 4 роки тому

      Ayahusaca ceremony is going to be held in Goa soon (as is happening there since many years). Ref: atmanspirit.com/ayahuasca-in-india/

  • @pirro64200012
    @pirro64200012 2 роки тому

    Haux! Haux! 🙏🌈

  • @armidafrankini3744
    @armidafrankini3744 Рік тому +1

    I met Peruvians who do this stuff and they were once into heavy drugs. They just go from one drug to another.

    • @simionenaclably9280
      @simionenaclably9280 Рік тому +1

      christians love only 2 things. lying and stealing

    • @simionenaclably9280
      @simionenaclably9280 Рік тому +1

      thats why u cant post on my husbands uploads. cuz u know he will prove u wrong about everything. u cant do it cuz narcissists alwayz run and hide

    • @simionenaclably9280
      @simionenaclably9280 Рік тому

      u cant go deep within cuz demonz cant cuz you need outer control by your narcissism by beliefs and thats why the outer world is so dark to you. but angels did all the hard work of going deep within activating all that is within thats why angels see the outer worlds as infinite beauty, endless light and magic, perfection

    • @simionenaclably9280
      @simionenaclably9280 Рік тому

      my husband has a link in his videos shows christians have a higher rate of divorce than atheists do. haha!

    • @simionenaclably9280
      @simionenaclably9280 Рік тому

      how come that focus on the family christian show on public tv isnt helping you? haha!

  • @mrbarone9143
    @mrbarone9143 5 років тому

    where is this retreat

  • @armidafrankini3744
    @armidafrankini3744 Рік тому +1

    Even Peruvians know this is a scam.

    • @robertdemeter5793
      @robertdemeter5793 Рік тому +1

      Simi just alerted me that you spammed 4 comments here. LOL at your total anger and self - resentment. Explain why you're completely incapable of spending 10 seconds to post just once on any of my uploads ? I am inviting you, openly. Come. What's the problem ?

    • @robertdemeter5793
      @robertdemeter5793 Рік тому

      Christians believe in the lies of death the most, hence why you've killed more than all the other religions combined, and many times over. Truth is ALWAYS Paradoxical.

    • @robertdemeter5793
      @robertdemeter5793 Рік тому +1

      I died LOADS of times in Ayahuasca ceremonies over the years. As there is no such thing as Death. Death is infinite liberation and re-integration of the infinite ONENESS of infinite joy and beauty ! So who is that narcissistic control - driven christ to claim ONLY he can give eternal life and ONLY he can die for you ?

    • @robertdemeter5793
      @robertdemeter5793 Рік тому +1

      The truth is, you will incarnate in your next life to exactly that which you hate and judge the most, as ALL is One. As that is one of the ways the infinite multi - dimensional Universe of Spirit/Nature teaches, and is infinitely more intelligent than you. As love is the only truth. You control absolutely nothing but your own sad demise in your extreme narcissism. You christians think you know things, however in reality you only know total and complete self- hatred.

    • @simionenaclably9280
      @simionenaclably9280 Рік тому +1

      how come u promote so much confusion? u said to robert before that we are not supposed to know anything. how come you feel knowledge, understanding, and growth is evil? why do you want humanity to be confused all of their lives?

  • @armidafrankini3744
    @armidafrankini3744 Рік тому +1


    • @simionenaclably9280
      @simionenaclably9280 Рік тому

      your life and your beliefs are a scam

    • @simionenaclably9280
      @simionenaclably9280 Рік тому

      like my husband says: Before you judge things you have no clue about, you'd be very wise to read the " Ayahuasca Manifesto ' , it's close to 50 pages. And learn something for once.

    • @simionenaclably9280
      @simionenaclably9280 Рік тому

      And like robert says: Your D N A codes have over 100 trillion times more info than the worlds most sophisticated computer storage systems. Ayahuasca unlocks that info.

    • @simionenaclably9280
      @simionenaclably9280 Рік тому

      And like robertico says: all the religions say to activate all 7 of your chakras inside u cuz that is the only way to ascend and ayahuasca's been proven to do that scientifically in studies. its in roberts natures magic list on my chanel

    • @simionenaclably9280
      @simionenaclably9280 Рік тому

      And like robert says: The word Satan comes from Saturn in the ancient astrological texts, which always represented the left-brain ego of duality of thoughts(illusions), thousands of years before any bible. As thoughts are blind to truth as it can only label and blame at the surface of images and can never know infinite essences of Spirit. And it is why churches tell you to blame a devil that doesn't exist for your misfortunes, because then you're gripped with countless illusions and self-deception in the illusions of blame in "victim consciousness", which is the lowest form of consciousness that exists in the Universe. Just look at rappers like Eminem singing about being a victim over petty silly things and see his rage, christians are the same. Once you've been caught in victim consciousness the ego-mind seeks control (illusions), beliefs, rage, narcissism and all sorts of darkness and blindness. Look at people with their silly need to prove only their God is the right one in the Universe. It's total insanity and blindness.
      So the devil is simply thoughts you need to separate from. Which is your ego. Because you cannot go within if you're thinking or believing anything, as all thoughts and beliefs are outwardly, not inwardly. All thoughts come from the left brain, and that is why you see so many statues of ascended masters in different religions with their right hand up and left down, like Shiva in hinduism, or Ganesh, and Buddha etc.
      And why jesus said- "if you want to catch fish cast your nets on the right side of the ship". As ship always meant mind in the scriptures, and fish means wisdom. Of course Jesus never existed as everything he said came from other deity's in older religions. The right side of the brain can only open up by sacred power plants.
      Churches are nothing more than government mind-control mechanisms.
      Your spine looks like a snake. When you walk and sway your shoulders your spine waves just like a snake on the ground. If you do not activate all the chakras along the spine you will never Spiritually Ascend and Fly, but instead you will continue to stay on the ground weaving to the countless lies of churches and society and having your mind owned by their lies. Your spine, your nervous system is loaded with Spiritual information that Ayahuasca unlocks. Which every religion tells you to do, including the bible in Revelation 5:1 where it says- "He saw a Truth hidden within, and on the backside (Spine), sealed with 7 seals". Moreover in Genesis where Jacob said he saw God face to face and he called the place "Pineal", the pineal gland 3rd eye chakra.
      The talking snake in scriptures is thoughts, which is that voice in your head, your ego, your mind chatter, absolutely hates any idea of going deep within because who you think you are is a total lie. But you need to keep all your beliefs and pain because you brainwashed yourself that it's your identity.
      Devil is thoughts, your ego, all your beliefs, who you think you are. Your stories about yourself that are all lies. Your perceptions and opinions.
      And God in 5th dimension is Soul, that's who you really are.
      The 5th dimension of no Time, as at the speed of light time does not exist which is Soul and the eternity of the infinite NOW. Eternity is not in the future as the lies of the mind thinks.
      As the mind (ego) is blind to everything. (hence why it's the devil )
      The challenge is being able to face all your lies and darkness in the 4th dimension, you are in the 3rd dimension and you want to ascend to the fifth, but all your darkness is in the 4th dimension because that's where the teachings are.
      So with Ayahuasca time slows down VERY slowly, she is shutting down the left side of your brain (your ego and who you think you are disappearing over several hours). And your mind cannot pinpoint how time is slowing down or where its coming from, feels like the doors of the Universe are closing in on you, so you face all your fears and darkness naturally, not just this lifetime but through multiple lifetimes through the Universe,
      Ayahuasca is Light bringing you to NO TIME of 5th dimension heavenly realms, but you must DIE (Ego - Death) and let go of all your beliefs (which is aggression, as all beliefs are lies of the Self through the devil which is your thoughts), and let go of all who you think you are as in reality who you think you are is total illusion.
      The following link shows Ayahuasca activates and aligns all Seven chakras within You -
      So you see how ridiculous people who follow religion are that go to war to fight for their God when they are only fighting themselves (DEVIL of the mind of beliefs), as you cannot WILL or fight your way to Spiritually Ascend by silly beliefs, that is impossible, it is all about letting go and dying (dying of the Ego) and dissolving into the heavenly realms.
      And this takes place in the 4th dimension in your darkness as Ayahuasca is totally dismantling you into nothingness. As everything can only be found in the total nothing, when there is nothing left of you. So anything you've heard from people speaking about how difficult it is to take Ayahuasca, this is what's happening. As you're fighting yourself in the countless lies of your mind, running and hiding afraid of the light, and as you see how terrified you really are of the light, how everything about you was a total lie all along, all your darkness deep within you overpowers you wave after wave of your masks and dark mirrors, sadness, self-deceptions and self-deceit is all revealed.
      As there is no such as "other" in true spiritual reality, as All is one. How you view the Earth is how you view yourself as Mother Earth is the perfect mirror of the Self.
      Falling into the deep abyss of your self created darkness. All your labels of your mind being removed one by one as you run and hide in your deep shame.
      Falling falling deep into the Earth as Mother Earth devours you. While showing all your lies.
      As that is what light does, it reveals. Hence why Ayahuasca is 100% Light.. Ayahuasca is not dark, people are dark. She just reveals everything you need to face.
      As the 5th dimension light and beauty and the infinite love in the 5th dimension is so powerful, Your ego cannot survive that. Fear is not allowed in the 5th and 7th and higher dimension heavens of light. Beliefs are fear based and not allowed. So Ayahuasca is breaking you down making you face all your deepest fears that your mind cannot see, shows you all your demons that you created that you're afraid to face, that you must surrender and die to ..
      But your mind lies to you and tells you to fight demons, because you are thinking, when that is false. As you always become exactly what you fight. That is a perfect law in the Universe. Enemies do not exist in true spiritual reality, you are always and forever your own worst enemy.
      You created all the demons that you see in the world, it is all Within you. As we are all creators. The Demons are Not coming from outside you as the lies of the christian church teaches. They tell you that to deny any Self - accountability and self - responsibility. And to place you in the "victim" role, and nothing is darker than that... The stupidity of your Ego needing to be "Saved" as a VICTIM by a guy who never existed, when your ego is a total lie in the first place, is all absolute lunacy.
      Christians speak of demons the most, because they have the most demons within them !! Isn't that obvious ? As Truth is always paradoxical !!
      ALLOW all your demons to devour you in Ayahuasca ceremony, which they can't do when you are in full surrender, and when you die with Ayahuasca, and let go of all control, then you ascend to the 5th dimension to meet God, which is who you really are all along, you just forgot, as you will be taken out of mind memory and into Soul memory with Ayahuasca
      As God is everything, everywhere you look and infinitely more that you can't see. It is not a person as the lies of churches tell you. So with Ayahuasca you will BECOME everything, as the only way to truly KNOW something is to BECOME it via Direct Spiritual Experiences. Not by silly beliefs of the Ego - mind.,
      Humans believe their Soul is within them, but that is false, for 99% of humans their Soul is outside them. Until they face all their darkness in the 4th dimension, only then can the 5th dimension Soul be re-integrated into the body. And infinite joy and Consciousness the rest of your days.
      There is much more with Ayahuasca but that is a short summary.
      The bottom of the Egyptian Pyramid is square meaning thoughts, as all thoughts are either past or future and separated from Light of infinite Now of eternity/spirit. There are no 90-degree angles in Nature or boxes, and no parallel lines, that is because Nature (Spirit) is free, but thoughts (beliefs) are prisons.(squares), the ego is a total lie.
      The bottom square of the ego mind is facing downwards. As all beliefs of the mind are lies.
      The 4 ascending sides of the Pyramid is your higher 4-chakras that will ascend you after you face your lower 3 chakras with Aya (which is your darkness and hells).
      The solar plexus chakra, your 3rd chakra, which is your transition point, is an extremely vital and often overlooked chakra. Too many people focus on the pineal gland chakra and that is a mistake, as it can create alot of confusion when your other chakras are unbalanced. You must work on your bottom 3 chakras FIRST, where Ayahuasca will take you over your first few ceremonies .
      And that's why the Pyr-a-mid is so beautiful, because Pyr means Fire , and Mid means middle = Fire in the middle
      The solar plexus chakra is right at the middle of your body which is the transition point to your Spiritual Ascension and Resurrection (or rather INsurrection !)

  • @armidafrankini3744
    @armidafrankini3744 Рік тому

    demonic and satanic for sure

    • @simionenaclably9280
      @simionenaclably9280 Рік тому

      cristianity is the definition of narcissism

    • @simionenaclably9280
      @simionenaclably9280 Рік тому

      thats why its only bible thumpers who post hateful comments on the thousands of beautiful ayahuasca testimonial videos from people on youtube. cuz you cant take our true spiritual joy. youre only looking to control and demean at every turn in your narcissism. all the rest of the comments from people are loving energy based from all over the world

    • @simionenaclably9280
      @simionenaclably9280 Рік тому

      and thats why like my husband says: it takes a bible thumper between 30 to sixty ayahausca ceremonies to ascend and access the infinite heavens that are everywhere. all other groups it takes far less. example it takes a hindu or buddhist just 3 to 5 ceremonies to ascend. even an atheist requires less than half the ceremonies it requires you. cuz you are the darkest within you with the darkest beliefs

    • @simionenaclably9280
      @simionenaclably9280 Рік тому

      like my husband says: commit to ten ayahausca ceremonies and experience dying yourself through ego death and experience your spiritual ascension. only then will you realize nobody can die for you and how ridiculous and silly the church is

    • @simionenaclably9280
      @simionenaclably9280 Рік тому

      cuz only then will you fully realize how da rk it is for someone else to die for you. Robbing and stealing your divine spiritual experiences of death. because death doesnt exist in true reality