If you have both Potassium Metabisulphite and Sodium Metabisulphite. 1/4 tsp each for 6 gallons of fermented wort. That should kill that yeast. Then add your fruits. Works like a charm. Also, I use S04. It's a beast and really brings out those esters.
I can still smell the coconut baking in the oven
That was a good day. It spelled awesome.
If you have both Potassium Metabisulphite and Sodium Metabisulphite. 1/4 tsp each for 6 gallons of fermented wort. That should kill that yeast. Then add your fruits. Works like a charm.
Also, I use S04. It's a beast and really brings out those esters.
I use the same yeast and that’s a good trick to get rid of that yeast before the fruits go in. I'll give it a try sometime.
Would you recommend adding the fruit puree in a secondary fermentation vessle then?
Possibly. I added it right to my primary fermenter. Maybe a secondary or in the keg, if you keg your beer.