My wheels go backwards and my tines go forwards when engaging the forward handle and the opposite when pulling on the small reverse handle. it was pre assembled. How can I change to correct way?? thank you. I have the 212 earthquake viper model.
Hello your Victory Tiller is intended to operate as you have described. The tines spin in a counter rotating (CRT) for extra sod busting power. You can control your speed with the drag stake. The reverse lever reverses both the tines and the wheels but when in reverse the tines are off the ground.
Thankfully these are posted since I received none with mine
My wheels go backwards and my tines go forwards when engaging the forward handle and the opposite when pulling on the small reverse handle. it was pre assembled. How can I change to correct way?? thank you. I have the 212 earthquake viper model.
Hello your Victory Tiller is intended to operate as you have described. The tines spin in a counter rotating (CRT) for extra sod busting power. You can control your speed with the drag stake. The reverse lever reverses both the tines and the wheels but when in reverse the tines are off the ground.