The Story of Tim and Steph, Thanksgiving 2019

  • Опубліковано 6 вер 2024


  • @eileen1820
    @eileen1820 4 роки тому +174

    My husband left our family about 7 years ago. Being a woman raising sons has been scary many times. God 100% had His mercy on me and it was, as with your story, by the power of the Holy Spirit, we became fully Catholic. It was literally Divine intervention. The Catholic Faith and TLM us raising my sons with me. My children are teens and are completely devoted to the Faith. It's only through the power of the Holy Spirit bc trust me...I was LOST. I was completely overwhelmed and ridden with anxiety and a sense of terror the moment I woke up. It was awful. Life without living the Faith is just awful. I am SO thankful to God. I am teaching my sons how to be "Alpha Males (lol I know)" and to never indulge impulses. Men MUST lead. Feminism is trying to destroy God's order. God and His goodness and righteousness will always prevail. 😊

    • @lawrencekeenan9234
      @lawrencekeenan9234 4 роки тому +17

      You are extremely strong and a great role model for your boys. Every strong man came from a strong woman 🙏🏻 GOD BLESS and keep it up.

    • @eileen1820
      @eileen1820 4 роки тому +6

      @@lawrencekeenan9234 Aww that is so, so sweet of you to say. Thank you so much, Lawrence! Your kindness reminds me of Christ's boundless goodness and mercy. Thank you again! ☺

    • @JamesExcell-InterJex
      @JamesExcell-InterJex 4 роки тому +6

      @@eileen1820 It is quite beautiful that you still led your boys to Christ. His Mercy is Ever-Abundant. Thank you for your gifts!

    • @eileen1820
      @eileen1820 4 роки тому +1

      @@JamesExcell-InterJex Thank you for your very kind words!!

    • @Jan-Maggie
      @Jan-Maggie 4 роки тому +6

      Eileen D My husband left me and our 5 sons. It was very hard but the Lord saved us.

  • @ThatCrazyCatholicMom
    @ThatCrazyCatholicMom 4 роки тому +59

    My husband and I knew each other 6 months before we got married. Dated 3 months, engaged 3 months. 16 years, 7 kids later... so happy we got married quickly and young.

  • @skypilot7162
    @skypilot7162 4 роки тому +68

    My wife and I first went out in February of 2009 and I proposed in July the same year. I had a five month military deployment, then we were married in May of 2010. Was pretty quick by worldly standards and I definitely heard about if from all my worldly-wise friends. We’re almost to the ten year mark and have four children and counting, so I think we’ve been alright for it.

  • @eileen1820
    @eileen1820 4 роки тому +75

    Stephanie is so pretty and charming! Aww she's just lovable.

  • @FrDavidC
    @FrDavidC 4 роки тому +75

    Tim and Steph, thank you ever so much for this video. I wish I could show it to every member of my parish. So many couples and families are languishing in the dark valley of the feminist revolution, without an understanding of gender roles, without an understanding of how to make families work well and grow in faith and holiness. You have shown well how to turn tragedy into triumph and a means to deepen your faith. Bravissimo!

    • @mcdermop1
      @mcdermop1 4 роки тому +1

      God bless you and your parishioners, Father! May Our Lady and St Michael protect your souls!

  • @MrAquinas1
    @MrAquinas1 4 роки тому +66

    As a baby boomer, who suffered through the silly sixties where I thought civilization had no future, I am now old. But it is heartening to always witness the younger generations having good people and knowing especially of their service to the Church. God Bless.

    • @knowledgewillincrease7508
      @knowledgewillincrease7508 4 роки тому +1

      there is no future.. We are in the End Times.. I see the Rapture soon.

    • @shaunsaega
      @shaunsaega 4 роки тому

      @@knowledgewillincrease7508 that's just straight up despair bro. And rapture is not even Catholic.

  • @time-out-tuti-fruti5142
    @time-out-tuti-fruti5142 4 роки тому +6

    My husband and I knew within 3 weeks and were unofficially engaged. We waited 3 months to tell people because we knew they’d think we were crazy. We married in the first anniversary of meeting! Just celebrated 25 years of marriage and 7 wonderful children!

  • @hamalot100
    @hamalot100 4 роки тому +36

    Being a single Catholic man myself, it’s nice to see such a strong capitol C Catholic couple. Thanks for sharing and I look forward to future videos referring to Catholic relationships.

  • @jeannevincent6505
    @jeannevincent6505 4 роки тому +26

    My brother and his wife had an incredibly similar experience. Their daughter was born with severe spina befida. Not expected to live, my niece survived nine years under the incredible care of my sister-n-law. My brother was expected to institutionalize his daughter. He had a long distinguished career in the Air Force and was getting advanced degrees. They took their daughter camping even though she was paralyzed, could not speak, and had to be fed babyfood. They took her to England where my brother spent three years getting his doctorate. My niece's shunt failed in England and she died. My brother was in the final stage of finishing his thesis. Why do I tell you this long story? It is because I do not think the couple would have survived without the example of my incredible parents. They had six children , the last daughter was Down Syndrome. My mother had to play single mom when my dad went to Vietnam. We were born into the Catholic faith. My dad venerated my mother, and when the hospital would not let my mother see my sister when she was born and recommended the baby be institutionalized, my parents told them there was no way they would leave without the baby. Moral of the story: commit to the marriage, bear whatever burdens come your way. It will not be easy, but the Lord will carry you. It made all of my family more compassionate human beings, and we are still there supporting each other as siblings even though we are so different in character and temperaments. God Bless You. Thank you for being true warriors for the faith.

    • @lawrencekeenan9234
      @lawrencekeenan9234 4 роки тому +4

      Being one of thirteen children in a Catholic family, It sounds similar to my parents. My father loved my mother more than anything, and my mother loved and respected my father as much as humanly possible. True power couple 😉

    • @supermiraclemom5793
      @supermiraclemom5793 3 роки тому +1

      These are beautiful stories! Thank you so much for sharing!

  • @SummaGirl1347
    @SummaGirl1347 4 роки тому +4

    Your daughter is truly blessed. I was born disabled from a birth injury much like your daughter's and my parents never got past the anger stage of grief. Even at the very end of her life, my mother was still looking for someone to blame for the fact that she didn't get the child she wanted. My father was continually trying to "fix" me until I turned 40, and he finally gave up. My life would have been SO different had I had parents like you.

  • @alphb58
    @alphb58 4 роки тому +13

    I once heard someone say God only gives special kids to special people. You are truly blessed with Abbey, thank you for giving this testimony. It's very faith building. God bless you & family.

  • @BoaConstrictor126
    @BoaConstrictor126 4 роки тому +6

    I wish I had parents or family members like Timothy Gordon and his wife. My family abandoned me after I was formally diagnosed with autism. I wouldn't even be dependent on them for life but needed extra support to get started and have been struggling to pick myself up and get on my feet ever since. Lord willing I will be confirmed in the Catholic Church this Easter and I'm lucky to have a Catholic community. I'm so glad I watched this video because now I know I don't have to have a lot of money or wait for perfect circumstances to begin my desire to get married. Unfortunately I might have to be in a reverse role in the beginning and be a stay at home husband at first but I will do all I can to fulfill the traditional role and be a provider should God grant me my desire to be a husband and lead the stable family I've always wanted

  • @jamesmerone
    @jamesmerone 4 роки тому +33

    Steph can get pretty spicy on Twitter. Absolutely love it. Don't be afraid to do more videos with her. I aspire to have a relationship like this one day.

  • @piab5903
    @piab5903 4 роки тому +34

    Your story is a testimony of an unwavering faith in God!

  • @LizziesAnswers
    @LizziesAnswers 4 роки тому +51

    Happy Thanksgiving!!! Yaayyy thank you Steph for coming on!

    • @RulesForRetrogrades
      @RulesForRetrogrades  4 роки тому +9

      Thanks Lizzie!

    • @catholictraditionalist8309
      @catholictraditionalist8309 4 роки тому

      Hi Tim, ... Taylor Marshall has shied away from having traditional Catholics that hold the sedevacantist position on his show. He and others, like Trent Horn of 'Catholic Answers', seem to not want to cross that line so that they won't be seen as being on the fringe. However, I suspect that you're different and that you're more open to allowing other traditional Catholics to express why they hold to a particular belief. Especially if they're able to back up their beliefs with Catholic teaching. If you're looking to set your show apart from the rest of the UA-cam Catholic community, then I urge you to invite traditional Catholics that believe Pachamama Francis does not presently hold the papal office due to his many heresies. After the Amazon synod, many traditional Catholics are no longer against the prospect of the sedevacantist position. Instead, they themselves are beginning to question whether Francis is Catholic or not. Therefore please invite the traditional Catholic brother Peter Dimond of the Most Holy Family Monastery onto one of your future shows. You can find his contact info by going to his website which is VaticanCatholicDOTcom. Please also consider inviting the traditional Catholic apologist, Mr Gerry Matatics, onto one of your future shows. 'Catholic Answers' no longer had him continue as one of their apologists when he notified them that he accepted the sedevacantist position a few years ago. Mr Matatics contact info can be found on his website which is gerrymataticsDOTorg. Both br Dimond and Mr Matatics would have no problem with you challenging them on their views. They'd be happy to explain why they believe the way they do, and they'll be able to cite numerous Catholic teachings which backs up their position.,.. Thanks, and keep up the good work of the Lord. Your show is awesome!

    • @catholictraditionalist8309
      @catholictraditionalist8309 4 роки тому

      L GH,.. my comment was directed to Mr Gordon. But since you responded, then I will respond by correcting your misunderstanding of the sedevacantist position. The sedevacantist argument is simply that we're in an extended interregnum period whereby the seat of Peter has been vacant ever since 1958. There's been many interregnum periods throughout the 2,000 year history of the Church. Therefore, by your false logic, the gates of hell had prevailed each and everytime there was an interregnum period. ,.....Also, by the way, it's been universally accepted by theologians of the Church that Jesus words in Matthew 16:18 is referring to heretics prevailing against the Church. Therefore if you, LGH, correctly recognize Pachamama Francis has engaged in heresy, but incorrectly believe it's possible for him to hold a commanding office over all the Church, even though he's a heretic, then it is you that is claiming the gates of hell have prevailed.
      Both the doctors of the Church and infallible Catholic teaching says it's impossible for any heretic to hold office within the Church, because heretics are outside the Church. Catholic teaching also says that the heretic deposes himself ipso facto without the need for any official declaration/sentence. This would mean that if Francis is presently in heresy, which he is, then the man does not hold any command over the Church because he is presently outside the Church.
      Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum (#15), June 29, 1896: ” it is absurd to imagine that he who is outside can command in the Church.”
      St. Antoninus, Summa Theologica: “In the case in which the Pope would become a heretic, he would find himself, by that fact alone, separated from the Church. A head separated from a body cannot, as long as it remains separated, be head of the same body from which it was cut off. A pope who would be separated from the Church by heresy, therefore, would by that very fact itself cease to be head of the Church. He could not be a heretic and remain pope, because, since he is outside the Church, he cannot possess the keys of the Church.”

    • @AveChristusRex
      @AveChristusRex 4 роки тому +2

      @@MsHopeH The Chair of Peter being vacant (a state of sedevacante) happens between every true pope's taking the Chair after his predecessor. The Sedes simply argue that this period of sedevacante endures, since the men considered popes since (insert date of choice here) are not canonically elected, and thus no one occupies the Chair currently.
      However, it's both not the reason they're wrong and the clue to why they are: they don't consider these men not to be popes because they weren't elected (i.e. the only grounds historically for not considering a pope pope), they consider them to have lost their papal office or to never had it because they are 'heretics.'
      The statements they cite from papal documents or doctors of the Church amount to truisms about the objective case of things (the laity can't objectively judge the a pope's intentions as heretical) or out of context quotes, completely ignoring near words or phrases which qualify or discount their use of them.
      E.g. "In the case in which the Pope would become a heretic, he would find himself, by that fact alone, separated from the Church. A head separated from a body cannot, as long as it remains separated, be head of the same body from which it was cut off. A pope who would be separated from the Church by heresy, therefore, would by that very fact itself cease to be head of the Church. He could not be a heretic and remain pope, because, since he is outside the Church, he cannot possess the keys of the Church." (St. Antonius)
      At best, this is speaking about the objective state of things, not something we can judge about. I can't say Pope Francis 'is a heretic' just because he says something materially heretical. Even if I'm personally convinced he is also subjectively a heretic-something I personally am-we don't have the authority or sure enough knowledge to declare such to be the objective case.
      It's also never infallibly taught that a pope, once he becomes a heretic, loses his bishopric or position as successor of Peter. "It's absurd" is an opinion (a weighty one, since it comes from a pope) but it doesn't qualify for a teaching of the Church on faith and morals about which there is to be no question without pain of mortal sin, or which infallible.
      God bless.

  • @OisinMcHugh
    @OisinMcHugh 4 роки тому +20

    Amazing story.
    Thanks guys. Keep up the good work
    Our Lady of Victory, pray for us.

  • @omri.omricat
    @omri.omricat 4 роки тому +13

    Great traditionalist couple and parents!What an inspiration to us married Catholics!

  • @audoremus
    @audoremus 4 роки тому +8

    I love that Michael O’Brien is a part of your story. His books changed me and saw me through suffering and darkness. His characters made me know I wasn’t alone.

  • @jamesagnew6512
    @jamesagnew6512 4 роки тому +16

    She gets so giddy when she talks about you saying you are in love with her. That's pretty awesome.

  • @chrissys5785
    @chrissys5785 4 роки тому +41

    Thank you for sharing your story. I just had a miscarriage and it feels like my husband and I are on different planets. Loved hearing your story . Happy American Thanksgiving.

    • @OisinMcHugh
      @OisinMcHugh 4 роки тому +11

      I'm so sorry to hear that. I will pray to our Lady for you

    • @marlenetaruris6590
      @marlenetaruris6590 4 роки тому +1

      Ohhh praying for you Chrissy, so sorry to hear about your miscarriage.

    • @johnharkness6304
      @johnharkness6304 4 роки тому +1

      Praying for you Chrissy, keep your spirits up.

    • @Fatme009
      @Fatme009 4 роки тому +1

      Oh that is sad news... but be sure you will meet your baby in Heaven, I'll pray for you and your husband. May God bless you

    • @CastilleCastillac
      @CastilleCastillac 4 роки тому +5

      I will pray with you. Say the rosary if possible together (even in several moments). So that this hard time will not affect your couple (I assumed sacramentally married)
      Madame, Saint Margaret Costello, is the one God granted to exauce her prayer for children. Ask her help for all the future children. Every will be ok. Don’t forget that all grace came from Our Lord through Our Lady.(the Saints ask her to pray for them)

  • @elspethsilverstar6136
    @elspethsilverstar6136 4 роки тому +6

    The great thing about you guys is you just obviously a good pairing, as if you're made for each other. It's good to see God brings the right people together for the right reasons, and it gives people hope in a world where there are so many unholy alliances.

  • @Lala7777belle
    @Lala7777belle 3 роки тому +1

    Our daughter with special needs was born in March 2008 - I wish I had found you sooner! God bless your beautiful family ❤️

  • @28bull
    @28bull 4 роки тому +3

    WOW. !979 I was a poor small town cop who was taken underwing by a couple of ADAs that encouraged me to go to law school. My Dad had worked in the steel mill and heavy industry took a hit and he lost his job. I could not ask him for any help. I was cramming five shifts, doubles on Saturday and Sunday and one random nightwatch as needed. I did not even know that I was poor until I got to law school. I felt that I had it tough. Tim you inspired me today. God Bless the Gordon family.

  • @eileen1820
    @eileen1820 4 роки тому +15

    Beautiful Catholic Couple and Family ✝

  • @gracepilgrim7765
    @gracepilgrim7765 4 роки тому +12

    God bless Steph and Tim - powerful testimony!

  • @moresmaiorum9691
    @moresmaiorum9691 4 роки тому +6

    ...did not think I would listen through this, not normally my kind of video..... but I couldn’t stop listening. You two are awesome. Thank you for sharing your very personal-and beautiful- story.

  • @kevinmarshall59
    @kevinmarshall59 2 роки тому +1

    My dad's parents had seven kids and their third son, my uncle Joe, is deaf and autistic. While my grandparents didn't go through that kind of trauma, a lot of their lives were devoted to making sure my uncle Joe was taken care of. While my uncle Joe can't communicate very well, even with sign language, my mother told me of a story where my twin sister and I were crawling around at the top of some stairs as toddlers and uncle Joe kept us from going down the stairs where we probably would have tumbled and gotten hurt or even killed. God bless

  • @singularvesselofdevotion
    @singularvesselofdevotion 4 роки тому +4

    Wow! Had no idea Steph was a convert. I follow her on Twitter, and absolutely love her fighting spirit! She loves the faith. God bless you guys and your family!

  • @kaistigerboy
    @kaistigerboy 4 роки тому +16

    God bless Tim from Australia

  • @skypilot7162
    @skypilot7162 4 роки тому +10

    Tim and Steph, your story gets me every time. We had a scare in Rome with our third child. In 2017 we were out there for my sister’s wedding (to an Italian). We did the tourist thing after, lots of walking. My wife was about four months along and started bleeding quite a bit one afternoon. We were terrified because she’d never had anything like that with the prior two. I think we both assumed she was miscarrying. Anyway, my new brother-in-law helped us get a cab to the hospital (maybe the same one you guys went to, but I don’t remember the name). We got there without Martino (bro-I-L) and it was NOT a good experience. We tried to talk to the ER staff in front. None of them spoke English (or at least would speak to us) and they looked at us like they wanted us to go away and die. We waited-I don’t know how long-maybe twenty minutes, with nobody apparently caring to do anything for us. Then Martino showed up and freaked out in Italian at the front desk staff. That seemed to have some effect because shortly after a very kind doctor (or nurse, not even sure) from labor and delivery came down with a wheelchair and got us. Long story short, a few nerve-racking minutes later, we had an ultrasound and heard baby Cecilia’s heartbeat for the first time. I think we both cried with relief. Doctor assured us very kindly in decent English that everything looked and sounded normal, just said mom probably needed to slow down a little with all the walking. We gave him all our information but never even had to pay anything for the visit. Cecilia was born big and healthy with no problems in December of 17. Anyway, was a very frightening couple of hours, but it had a happy ending. Thanks for sharing your story again, guys. Abby seems a sweet girl.

  • @johnedwinoliver6842
    @johnedwinoliver6842 Рік тому +1

    33:26 : Steph's Devotion to Our Lady began on Night when Mary's "Mother's Heart" protected Steph & "steeled" Steph "up for what was about to come". 33:26 Mark of Video

  • @jackieforestieri3010
    @jackieforestieri3010 4 роки тому +2

    Really enjoyed seeing Stephanie together with Tim! What a wonderful example you two are showing for the next generation of young Catholics!

  • @kayeking4346
    @kayeking4346 4 роки тому +6

    Really enjoyed the message of Thanksgiving. My husband, 56 year old just started dialysis. The road has been very difficult so in the message after 31 years of marriage, we are in the sickness and health part there are always someone who is worse off than us. Please say a Hail Mary for him. Love your show, prayers for you all🦃✌️

  • @cindy1827
    @cindy1827 4 роки тому +2

    Steph is so beautiful! Her courage to be an unashamed true Catholic woman inspires me everyday (on Twitter). Thank you both!

  • @vwongyai
    @vwongyai 4 роки тому +3

    Very beautiful podcast. I can relate to Steph very much so. I have come to realize as I got closer to God and my Catholic faith that God's plan to allow my Husband to be the headship of our family, has truly been a blessing for our family. Coming from a very dominant feminine upbringing, I have truly seen the fruits of God's purpose for us as Women in our Homes. Blessings to the Gordon family.

  • @Housewifeforhim
    @Housewifeforhim 4 роки тому +13

    I LOVE THIS VIDEO!!!! Steph is truly my Twitter queen👏🏼👑 praying for your beautiful family!

  • @RobinPoe
    @RobinPoe 4 роки тому +27

    You're right about the whole boyfriend-girlfriend. A man and a woman stay boyfriend and girlfriend until they go too far, the woman gets pregnant and they have to get married. It's all backwards.

  • @morgantaylor517
    @morgantaylor517 4 роки тому +1

    Wow!!! This story is INTENSE!!! What a stressful beginning to your marriage, so many couples could NOT survive that but you two are stronger together, this is FAITH in action and GRACE. Thank you for this!!!

  • @jacquelinerose1877
    @jacquelinerose1877 4 роки тому +10

    Steph, should come back on to talk more about being a wife who is happy to submit and yet has a lot of personality. There are almost no examples of that. Most who are into submission have a very different natural personality and so they are harder for modern women to relate to. She probably would be a gem for everyone to hear more from.

  • @michaelbono8081
    @michaelbono8081 4 роки тому +25

    Any woman who has difficult pregnancies, and husband, please go and see a good exorcist making sure you get prayed also for generational ties, and covering the husband family line as well.
    The Church has power, let's use it.

    • @Enjcj
      @Enjcj 4 роки тому

      Amen!! People think its superstitious but these things did/do do happen! People can curse you on your wedding day! Its not all black cauldrons and voodoo dolls. A simple ill wish from a jealous person can mess you up as well. Thank you for your recommendation!

  • @Jan-Maggie
    @Jan-Maggie 4 роки тому +6

    The body language is telling me Steph greatly loves Tim! Her hand !!!

  • @marianmccann4617
    @marianmccann4617 4 роки тому +5

    Great show Tim your wife is amazing. God bless you both and your family . (Belfast Northern Ireland)

  • @craigw4967
    @craigw4967 4 роки тому +6

    You guys are so very appreciated for what you do. Your channel has really helped me to aim higher and dig deeper. I am extremely grateful to have such crystal clear lessons on a faith i am still relatively new to, and it has given me so much hope for the future of our Catholic church. Thank you !!!

  • @jackdwyer5266
    @jackdwyer5266 2 роки тому +1

    Haha, very relatable story bro. God bless you, Steph and the rest of your lovely family, especially Abby.

  • @cafecomescrita
    @cafecomescrita 4 роки тому +15

    Wonderful couple, God bless you!

  • @lootsvele
    @lootsvele 4 роки тому +16

    You guys are amazing! Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful story. Happy Thanksgiving!

  • @afrosteeve
    @afrosteeve 4 роки тому +3

    Your wife refuses to be an E-girl and it is beautiful. You both walk the walk, God bless you both and your family.

  • @raymondpronovost2479
    @raymondpronovost2479 2 роки тому +1

    Great story - beautiful and inspiring. Gives relevancy and hope to all young people. Thank you for sharing this.

  • @ginchen33
    @ginchen33 4 роки тому +1

    Same story here with my first born son. He was whisked away to another hospital Neonatal ICU.I know exactly how you felt Steph and I also had a new Mom in the room with me with a healthy new baby. Unlike you though, I don't remember ever praying, I was 24years old and far away from my family. He is also significantly physically and mentally impaired and it took me years to forgive God for this. Now he is one of our blessings.

  • @elizabethszczupak3893
    @elizabethszczupak3893 4 роки тому +4

    Small world! I was born at Fate Bene Fratelli Hospital as well when my parents left Communist Poland and were in Italy before we came to the States. My dad to this day talks about taking walks around the island while my mom was in the maternity ward. Thank you for all that you and Steph do! You’ve helped me immensely come back to tradition. God bless your family!

  • @rosemariekury9186
    @rosemariekury9186 4 роки тому +3

    Loved your story, Tim and Steph. I’m a boomer also and can relate to your stories. We had poor times too. I remember one Christmas when my husband was able to get a tree for free on Christmas Eve and the $25 check my parents sent was used for dinner( we also lived apart from them). I also felt alone when our daughter was born and had an emergency C section so I can relate. But my roommate, bless her heart, had a baby that was up for adoption and she couldn’t even hold! Our daughter had a huge lump on her head which gradually went down but was due to a long slow labor,3 days. Your Abby must be a blessing for you, such good and loving parents. I think you two should write a book on this,! I think it would be great, especially for Catholic parents today. We’ve been married almost 55 years and only regret having one child.❤️❤️❤️

  • @stephenhiker9807
    @stephenhiker9807 4 роки тому +3

    That story is something else. I was listening on my way to work and was moved big time.

  • @BronxCat
    @BronxCat 4 роки тому +3

    Strength thru Suffering!!! St.Abby!!! God Bless you both!!

  • @PhilMorgan303
    @PhilMorgan303 4 роки тому +13

    Great story. Fills us with hope.

  • @generalquoti3304
    @generalquoti3304 4 роки тому +1

    We ♥️ Michael O' Brien! God bless you Gordons. ♥️

  • @mokshaatmen856
    @mokshaatmen856 3 роки тому +1

    I've got 7 kids and I am amazed that I got an hour and eleven minutes into this before I could really hear the Gordon girls getting restless in the background. lol

  • @aprildoucette9552
    @aprildoucette9552 9 місяців тому

    I don't want to sound disrespectful AT ALL because I know how difficult health things are but I want to thank you both for sharing your story. My brother and I were both born with Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus. I'm 35 and my brother is 33 years old so my parents have been through a lot of traumatic surgeries and things with us as well. My father was so proud because he felt like he had taken his education for granted when he was younger and yet his daughter who had so many health issues (and who had even almost died many times). He felt like it was a family victory. Again, I don't share this to be disrespectful.
    I just love hearing this story of her at mass saying, "holy spirit." A beautiful moment for all of you. God bless you all!

  • @karencahill2493
    @karencahill2493 2 роки тому +1

    What an affirmation to the power of the consecration.

  • @megrandmomjean5019
    @megrandmomjean5019 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you both for sharing your BEAUTIFUL story.

  • @von_2.0
    @von_2.0 3 роки тому +1

    You both are an inspiration in your own right, but together you are beyond amazing.

  • @corneliadowd9504
    @corneliadowd9504 4 роки тому +4

    Beautiful show! Thank you and God bless you both and your beautiful family.

  • @johnnyburns1466
    @johnnyburns1466 4 роки тому +1

    Thanks for sharing. Amazing experience. Sorry that you had to go through that with your first pregnancy. God be thanked for the clinic that caught the condition of Abby. Amazing life experience.

  • @sansan357
    @sansan357 4 роки тому +1

    Steph has the most beautiful smile and heart. Tim is a lucky man.

  • @llyana5192
    @llyana5192 4 роки тому +2

    Beautiful video! Thank you for sharing your story.

  • @dianneslocum1753
    @dianneslocum1753 4 роки тому +2

    Thank you so much for telling us your inspirational story. To me its about true love and when I say that I mean towards each other of course, but most of all your true love for Christ shines thru in your story, which is your life. God gives me hope in humanity hearing such a great story about normal people that are living normal faithful lives. Thank you so much for this. You both are truly great people. God bless you all and your beautiful family. Especially Abby.

  • @lolainma3218
    @lolainma3218 2 роки тому +1

    Such an incredible ordeal… Praise Jesus!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • @TheHypnag0g222
    @TheHypnag0g222 4 роки тому +5

    Tim... "Short hair is for prots".😂👍👍
    💯% agreed!
    Beautiful story, thank you for telling it! You both are an inspiration! Great advice for the young; get married earlier & go through life walking side by side, don't do the years & years of extended dating.
    May God Bless your marriage & family; may your bond grow ever stronger.🕊🙏🍻🙂

  • @bethanyb2244
    @bethanyb2244 4 роки тому +1

    Love hearing from Steph and heading about courtship and marriage! The world always thinks traditional Catholics are always going too fast with marriage. My husband and I dated for 7 months, married 7 and a half months later, and now 4 months later we just found out I am pregnant! People think you're crazy for wanting a child so quickly, but it doesn't feel right to just be the two of us and not have a family.

  • @Jan-Maggie
    @Jan-Maggie 4 роки тому +2

    Wow! You guys knew each other for several years before getting married? That’s great!

  • @lisalynn818
    @lisalynn818 4 роки тому +2

    Stephanie has an AMAZING infectious laugh!! Great life story. Thanks for sharing.

  • @pavelrazamazov2672
    @pavelrazamazov2672 4 роки тому +5

    Such a beautiful family! May God bless you guys!

  • @noeltracey1537
    @noeltracey1537 3 роки тому +1

    Thank You Steff, thank You Timothy🙏🙏🙏

  • @electric544
    @electric544 3 роки тому +1

    GodBless Tim & Steph & their entire family

  • @MrsDGilbert
    @MrsDGilbert 4 роки тому +1

    What a great testimony! I love hearing the kids in The background laughing and screaming. Lol. Love it. God bless always.

  • @breetreadway8631
    @breetreadway8631 3 роки тому +1

    Dated my husband for 5.5 years before getting married, only because we weren’t legally old enough to be married 😂 if not for that we would’ve had a much shorter engagement! Started dating at 14, engaged at 18, married at 20. My poor husband busted his butt during high school and after graduation to marry me as soon as financially possible! That’s a true man right there! We have now been married for 5 years , with 4 kids, hopefully number 5 soon 😉 he works, I homeschool and raise the babes. We have done everything the exact OPPOSITE of how the culture tells people to live, and yet we are immeasurably happier than anyone we know who is living the secular “dream”. Turns out God’s way is better, who knew?!?!

  • @jellojenna6
    @jellojenna6 4 роки тому +2

    Thank you so much for sharing your story. Also, I love the story of your daughter's first words being "Holy Spirit!" That is awesome!

  • @loist9022
    @loist9022 4 роки тому +1

    A poignant and heart warming rendition of your family history. It surely makes you more "real" to your listeners. Great life lessons, also. Thank you both.

  • @petroniaskho
    @petroniaskho 4 роки тому +1

    So great to meet your 'better half.' You two make a fine couple. The chemistry and connection is evident.

  • @mjLes18
    @mjLes18 10 місяців тому

    Wow! This is the story of my husband and I ´s lives! We were alone… no family. We went trough many difficult events like the birth of Tim et Steph’s Abby. Hanging on to Mary and Jesus with all our might!! ❤

  • @janets9179
    @janets9179 4 роки тому +12

    I am still wondering how his friend took it when Tim started dating his girlfriend. Was that the end of their friendship? Also what did their other friends think?

  • @lorettaspadaccini3566
    @lorettaspadaccini3566 4 роки тому +1

    Thanks Steph you are lovely. It’s great to get to know you. You’re doing a wonderful job 😊

  • @HJ-pq7ck
    @HJ-pq7ck 4 роки тому +1

    Wow your story is gut wrenching thank you for sharing I’ve had 3 healthy kids and getting a close up look at what a first time parent with a special needs go through was eye opening. Your ability to articulate each step and how you both felt about it and coped with it was very inspiring.

  • @Luisa-cs2pd
    @Luisa-cs2pd 4 роки тому

    God bless you and your children. Thank you for your testimony. The way you describe the way you fought/work together, is the way I always dreamed of with my husband. He left me only when our children were very small. I converted last year, and it is what's saved me and my children. Thank you both for your bravery. Luisa

  • @sansan357
    @sansan357 4 роки тому +2

    We met in September and we married in April. 51 yrs now!

  • @lesliegraceespinosa5013
    @lesliegraceespinosa5013 4 роки тому +2

    Beautiful couple! God loves you both and your family. :)

  • @EGR370
    @EGR370 4 роки тому +3

    Loved this talk. Thank you for sharing your beautiful story.

  • @pprzes01
    @pprzes01 4 роки тому +1

    Having a rebellious and a strong-willed wife, I give my greatest respect to all humble and obedient women who support their husbands, because their reward in heaven is going to be enormous!
    Obviously, I like Stephanie and I'm sure she is going to get her crown, for a life of a mother of many children is not easy.

  • @marriedpriests
    @marriedpriests 4 роки тому

    It's truly inspiring to hear of your nitty gritty experience as a couple with the stressful childbearing process along with the medical baby crisis, the realities of family life, courtship/relationships as Catholics, Steph coming to the Faith, economics of married life, moving in with the parents, work/school, how to bring Our Lady into your life, etc. All of it! Young married Catholics esp need to hear these realities from real people striving to be holy. I laughed when Tim talked about your car when you returned to the States and loved the heartwarming story of your daughter Abby speaking during Mass. And you're right that those without kids or losing their kids or raising kids with medical issues can't relate until they have them (including celibate priests). And, as you point out, reiterating Sr. Lucia to Cardinal Caffara, the devil's battle with Our Lord is over family and marriage, so thank you for your witness through ups and downs. Your living the Faith is a more powerful witness than merely talking about the Faith. I will listen to your talks differently now, Tim. As Paul VI said: The modern world listens to witnesses before they listen to teachers, and when they do listen to teachers it's because they're first witnesses.

  • @zayan6284
    @zayan6284 3 роки тому +2

    The moral of this story is that there's hope for the third wheel

  • @pepper72375
    @pepper72375 2 роки тому +1

    Listening to your story is so much more beautiful than watching a romantic hallmark movie

  • @juliefitzgerald4938
    @juliefitzgerald4938 4 роки тому

    God bless you both! I will continue to pray for your family. Please pray for my three Grad School, College and High School children. Wish I met my husband earlier in life. Love the cumulative Grace.

  • @thomasjorge4734
    @thomasjorge4734 3 роки тому +2

    Saint Abby, pray for all of us.

  • @5150show
    @5150show 4 роки тому +5


  • @kaylacusano591
    @kaylacusano591 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you for sharing your story! I will keep your family in my prayers!

  • @helenpmaciolek
    @helenpmaciolek 4 роки тому +2

    I want to say my husband asked me to marry him after 2 weeks. I said no he had to realize that I was a brat before I could say yes. I was 23 when I married him. We met in December and were married the following October 13th. Our lady was watching over us even then. I always went to church but learned little. We didn't find Tradition until our youngest was preparing for Confirmation. Long story but I had to prepare her and didn't actually know what the Holy Spirit was. Crazy ! I begged God to help and it was life changing. Anyway, I can remember reading the catechism and it said Love God above all. I remember going to confession and telling the priest I didn't know how to love God over my dear husband but I was starting with equally as much. Lol! We are married 35 years. May you be continually showered with His Blessings.

  • @ehmdmexico
    @ehmdmexico 4 роки тому +3

    Wow beautiful couple! We need more couples like you guys!

  • @roobear5357
    @roobear5357 Рік тому

    Heart-wrenching and heartwarming

  • @naomiredfield2902
    @naomiredfield2902 4 роки тому +5

    Steph Gordon you look so classy in this video!

  • @joan9569
    @joan9569 4 роки тому +1

    Thanks for sharing. Very moving story. Close friendship is good for a starting point.

  • @PLA5207
    @PLA5207 4 роки тому +2

    Blessings to you all. Doc.