I drove special needs school bus for years and these children taught me so much. They are so full of love and kindness. God makes no mistakes, they are here to glorify him. They are a true blessing. They are special
My daughter was born with a condition that causes low muscle tone in her upper body. For nearly the first year of her life she couldn’t do anything with her upper body. One day while sitting in her car seat as I was driving with Gospel music playing, I looked through the rear view mirror to make sure she was ok, and she had one hand lifted and was waving it from side to side in worship! Her condition also came with a life expectancy of 1 year. She’s 22! God has a purpose and a plan for her. She evangelizes to the nursing staff hired to care for her, by making them play Gospel music. There have been Muslim nurses who have worked with her for months, several days a week who have had to hear music glorifying God and lifting up Jesus. I could go on.
Thank you Deborahfielf521 I worked for many years with children with special need’s Now I have a son called Harrison who has Down’s syndrome and Autism
I'm autistic. I was bullied in school because I have autism, making me feel that my mental disorder was something that I had to correct, but after being found by God, I embraced being one because I realized that I am fearfully and wonderfully made by God and that I have a greater purpose than I thought I had. Thank you so much for this. God Bless.
Same. And now my severe ASD ADHD child is often mistreated when we are in the community. He's better off in homeschool because he gets social opportunities that are based on him practicing healthy boundaries. Not forced to endure bullies like I was...or fake friends. He's learning to be more socially adept than I ever was. We also can take a mental health or physical health day when we need to. We can work in bed or make up for it the next week/day. If you have children just consider that. 💕 It was too expensive for me to go to work during Obama's wreck of economy and workforce etc. I was in nursing and it would have been too expensive to get TRUSTWORTHY childcare so I stayed home. Public preschool was abusive....SA and more I will always regret ignoring my instincts...they gaslight and use peer pressure like crazy to get parents to think it's ok to part and leave little ones with strangers but it's developmentally harmful. I thought I didn't want kids....I ended up pregnant even though doctors had told me I'd need medical aide to have any. So don't fear having kids due to your disability...I feared it mostly for that and for the world being cruel (as the Bible tells us it is...but I didn't accept salvation until my child was five, another regret waiting but it was probably meant this way). My child's father and I actually hated one another and were using each other at the time of pregnancy ....we forced ourselves to make it work for our child even though like everyone was telling us to not marry. LOL Modern peeps... family and friends made fun of me "it's not the 40s" etc 🙈 told us to abort etc. Well even my grandma who told me to get an abortion because in poverty....said she regretted saying that and she cried and apologized to me when my child was three and diagnosed with ASD. She could see the blessing as could I. 💕 It's not easy but he's our miracle and he's actually one of the happiest children we've known. Unlike how I was. LOL 😆 Blessings to you and yours. Try to make sure whomever you sleep with is someone you'd be willing to have children with. It's no harm to wait.
If you do have children it's worth knowing that a diet high in choline and folate can help prevent autism. The brain structure is created from conception to age two. It builds the neurons during that time. You can eat liver while pregnant after the first 60 days of pregnancy. A lot of people's diets these days dont have the necessary vitamins that's needed to build a solid brain structure. Please dont be mad with what I just told you. It's something that needs to be taken seriously..
My son is on the spectrum. He is the most loving, caring, intelligent, young man. He is 20 years old. I don’t deserve him. He is amazing. Yes, there are challenges but blessed be The Name of The Lord. 🩸✝️🕊🔥🙏🏻🙌🏻👸🏻🇺🇸
I have a 10 month old granddaughter with Down syndrome (T21). She is the most amazing loving happy tolerant person I’ve ever known. These children are on another level, a higher level than the rest of society. The only time she voices complaint is when she is either hungry or tired. These people are a true gift from God. The amount of love and care that she has brought to our entire family, friends and the community are second to none. We are so thankful and so incredibly blessed.
Watching my little nephew with Leukemia and Autism, I learned the most important message I ever learned (aside from the Holy Bible and knowing Christ Jesus). He was attached to a six foot tube feeding poison and some adult had to keep him within a crib so that he would not wander too far from what was connected to his heart. I was reading a book, in my own world as young adult and soon to be engineer. My mother (his grandmother in the crib) was in her 60s, playing with him. The nurse came in with a pouch of poison and attached it to his hose and put the pouch into a pocket on the back of his onsie and suddenly he was free. No longer was he attached to the big machine in the room. Still the poison going straight into his heart. He was finally free. He ran away from grandma and fell. He threw up all over the floor. He smiled a happy smile and stood up and ran off to the far end of the room. What did I learn? We are an ignorant people unaware that we are taking in poison from an evil world, but we are free and life is a gift. Get up no matter what went on before and press on with a smile on your face and a dream for the future. The best is always yet to come for the child of God. He is still alive and is in his 30s. I feel sorry for the people who will find this was their heaven for they forsook the one who gave them everything.
As someone who works with people with disabilities I can absolutely say these people have a purpose! They teach us to have compassion and empathy and humble us by showing how much they can do despite their physical or mental hang ups and more than that how their spirit never seems to be broken. Theses people sadly have very little freedom to do as they choose and yet they smile and laugh and still enjoy life. It’s a miracle to witness. I pray to have one ounce of their patience and strength and spirit through adversity. They are truly amazing! God bless them all!
I just got emotionally gut punched from that comment. It rarely if ever happens. I've got high functioning autism. Too few people know patience and humility these days, and when we find someone who has both when we talk to them, we don't know how to react to that in conversation.
I thought for years my son with special needs was for me to help. I know now he was given to me so I would become a better, stronger Christian woman . He gave me unconditional love and taught me how beautiful a laugh or smile is from a "special" child. Thank you God. ❤
Do you think there could have been another way God could have done that without creating a special needs child? How can we all be creating in the image of God and be given free will when he's using humans to each other humans some kind of lesson through the suffering of humans
@@memecity9849lol christians dont answer anything...they just say follow the bible or burn and then they blab about how that god is good...when he isnt
@@memecity9849 I understand what you are saying. I work with special needs individuals and I have wondered about a lot. I think the is God allows what He dislikes to accomplish what He loves. He dislikes pain and suffering! He cannot he around sin. But He sent Jesus to save us. Honestly, all people have some kind of pain. We can’t really measure against each things and blame God. Sin affected everything! All creation and how we live. Jesus is God’s answer to reconcile us and everything back to Himself. Someday, my struggles will be gone. Someday the struggles of those I work with will be gone. All will be made right. We have to remember God is LOVE. He will be with all people who call on His name for forgiveness. The pain and suffering is truly temporary. Eternity is forever!!! Those with special needs may be rulers in Heaven. We truly do not completely know all God has in store for us who love Him 🙏🏻❤️
How would you know if a special needs children who has low communication could or does worship God???? My daughter who has down syndrome, autism, and aproxsa of speech. I was told she would never speak. But we prayed I taught her sign language. She loves music so we found videos of her favorite Christian songs and learned to sign the using ASL. The more she signed the more she tried to talk. Now at school they keep track of how many words she use in a day. Today the teach said they couldn't keep a list she was using so many. Our daughter are changing lives and not just ours. It is all for God's glory as she sing and dance to song like "I Can Only Imagine" Thank You Father God Elly she is perfectly made. And yes they wanted me to delete her in the womb. Never been so glad I didn't listen to them and trust God. She been proving them wrong ever since.
"Because we live in a fallen world" is the answer to most questions like this. God didn't break it, people did, and He will restore it once day to perfection.
I have a precious seventeen year who has Down syndrome he knows who Jesus is, loves Him and loves to worship Him he listens to worship music and raises his hands in worship, he loves going to church, loves God and loves people ❤
My daughter is almost 36 years old. My daughter was born of me being raped by 3 guys the night of my high school graduation. I was only 17. I drank and therefore I thought God was angry with my sin of drinking at the party. I was so mad at God for a long time! Later on I realized my daughter is a blessing! God gave her to me for so many reasons. I was adopted my adopted dad used to to tell me I never wanted you, but I went along with it for your mom. So I have a no one loves me I’m not wanted. My daughter gives me purpose, someone to love, she loves me. I needed her. God knew that. My daughter keeps me close to God. My daughter is a full grown woman size I’m 5 foot nothing. I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me. I know when my daughter enters the presence of Jesus she will walk talk and hear for the first time. I’m so excited for her. I have prayed for her for years that God would keep us together and we go together in the rapture. Well she’s still here and Jesus is about to come. Experts said she would never live to be a teenager and she’s almost 36. God is in charge of the number of her days. I talk to her about Jesus and when we are with Jesus she will walk talk and hear she gets so excited! She will start waving bye - bye so fast you would think she could fly herself there! My daughter has been given an understanding by God about Jesus coming. I call my daughter my earth angel. She’s a beautiful wonderful blessing. She’s taught me so much like how fragile life is, don’t take anything for granted, people are what matters not things. I could write a book but you get the point. This life is so short and temporary!! Heaven and hell are for eternity. God will make my daughters eternity so awesome. Same for the true believers. The non believers this life will be the best you have. The non believers will suffer in hell for eternity. I hope you have Jesus Christ son if God as your Lord and Savior if not you will perish for eternity!!! Imagine being alone forever being tormented! Come to Jesus now time is almost up. I pray for you!!
I work with special needs (DS)every day and let me tell what I realized no matter what they may have going on .. these people are the most loving affectionate people I have met !!! They bring me joy !!
I am a 48 year old male born with Spina Bifida. I am a special creation of God who has allowed my disability to show people walls do not exist! I see a barrier, I demolish it. Period. I own and operate a successful Mobile DJ company in Minnesota that is expanding into other states. God gives all of us gifts. Find yours and use them for God’s Glory.
I was relentlessly bullied for my autism. And told by many religious narcissists that my autism was a result of my sin. I'm glad I came across this video.
whoever told you that (if true) is an a-hole. i don't care what religion they are from and i'm curious where you encountered these people. on social media? in church? 'result of sin' would imply a negative consequence. having spent a lot of time around 'special need kids' or whatever the politically correct term is these days, that's not something wrong with you. i'm sure you have a lot wrong with you. guess what? so do i. so do we all.
I’m going through some hard times right now with my sweetie. She is bed bound and incontinent and can’t stop messing herself. It’s literally my worst nightmare. I suffered as a teenager from constant water and sewage problems and have fecal hangups. I have physical issues such as Multiple Sclerosis and tons of heart ailments. Please pray for me. I just want and need physical strength to help keep her safe and clean and fed. Been married 44 years in 2024.
So sorry to hear this, Tony. Please remember that (as unbelievable as it may seem) this scripture is true: 14 Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. 15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin. 16 Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. (Hebrews 4:14-16). I hope that you are able to get the spiritual, emotional and practical support you need at this time. Praise God for the hope of eternal life (and new bodies!) for all who repent of sin and trust in Christ Jesus.
I had a stroke in February of 2024, this is exactly how my wife felt. It gave her the opportunity to serve me and care for me, and brought me closer to God
I have an autistic son. And I fully believe that people with SPECIAL needs are created because they are special. More so then regular people. They have a purpose in God's plan too
As the mother of a special needs child, I can tell you God allows them to be born to make the world a kinder place. We are better with them. The world is better with them in it. God has placed a supernatural peace within them.
We are a special needs family. Autism, ADHD, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, and dyslexia are all represented. I could spend my days in bitterness and asking God why? Some days are not easy, no lie. Lots of days, in fact. However, there are countless beautiful days as well, full of joy and delight in the Lord, treasured perhaps all the more for the harder times. I look at my kids, my husband, myself and with all our diagnoses, I see rich purpose, even if it is not always in the typical ways the world expects or values. I cannot say I have never struggled nor that I do not still have down times, but I savor what God has taught me through it all. Thanks for this.
@RisaHolland Thanks but I don't blame God and I feel like I married exactly who He intended. DNA testing was not part of our prerequisite. Just so you know, though, three of our four kids are from my first marriage. Not all, obviously, but part of what really clicked for us was the way we understood each other better than anyone else and the battles we face. We willingly chose to face them together, he adopted those three as his own and we were blessed with a fourth child. Should I have not brought him into the world out of worry of what could be when my DNA mixed with my husband's? Should I have not brought any of my kids into the world, for that matter? Should we have denied ourselves what I truly believe to be gifts from God out of fear for the hard times? By no means. My God is sovereign and He knows what He is doing. Or do you believe only two people with "perfect" DNA are intended to fall in love and have children and the rest of us are not intended to exist?
@@marisa5359 no I don't believe in abortion, I love the Lord his ways are not are ways, I just get upset when people blame GOD for things that are humans fault
@@marisa5359 I think about the old testament when GOD send men in war and told them to destroy everything men women and children and cattle. Why? So that tribes line shouldn't go on and mix with others, why kill the cattle? I just try to understand EVIL, and WHY things happen but I know it's not for us to understand.
@@marisa5359 I think about the old testament when GOD send men in war and told them to destroy everything men women and children and cattle. Why? So that tribes line shouldn't go on and mix with others, why kill the cattle? I just try to understand EVIL, and WHY things happen but I know it's not for us to understand.
I have always felt that God allows disabled persons so others can learn from them. You learn patience and compassion. I cared for my husband for 2 years while suffered with a brain tumour and died. I know all about autism. Many in my family have varying degrees of it. We become a better person. Love one another
@@meredithgreenslade1965 all I hear people say when they say this is, “me, me, me!” God allowed some people to go through pain and suffering in order for others who don’t suffer like people with disabilities, to appreciate their lives better?
My son is severly intelectually disabled. But he enjoys things we would not even notice. He's definitely part of His creation singing. Not easy, but we find joy through it, within it.
I have an Autistic/ADHD son whom is the best gift I could have ever received from the Lord! I feel for those whom will never have this kind of relationship bc its such a blessing not a curse
I agree completely. I have a brother who had a very high fever as a baby that caused brain damage. There were eight of us children and each of us grew in virtues because of our interactions with him. Most of us are in our seventies and eighties now,including him, and we all agree that we are such better people because of Kenny. We feel blessed to have him in our family.
I raised a daughter born with injury from breach birth resulting in cerebral pallsy quad with amazing spirit & sweet joy very bright & lived 32 years😢😇I learned humility & 2nd RAIN for my life when everyone else walked away God’s Gift to me brought me back to a closer walk with Jesus ❣️🙏I am forever grateful💖💚💛Ore
I remember some years ago a man hated God because his wife miscarriaged a child. I so wanted to talk with him because my own wife went through two. What this man didn't understand was that because he and his wife conceived that child that youngster even now is giving God glory and honor. As my two children are. If my wife and I had not conceived them then they wouldn't be there now with God and waiting for us to one day join them there.
💕🙏🕊️🫂 Absolutely. This is what I tell people who say abortion is a reason for kids to avoid suffering or how could babies suffer and die if God loved them....but they are now with Him in eternity the closest with Him we can even get. Unfortunately their parents are the ones suffering and will suffer if they are choosing to continually reject the Truth, the Way, the Life. The children are not suffering anymore. I'm greatful to have mine here even though we have unique challenges. I feel deeply for parents that have to be separate from them by the veil but you're blessed and blessing God in how that works and your faith! Your patience that you must have. You and your wife should be able to be with them as well when you're called to go home. Much love to you and yours. Thank you for sharing the beauty of God's plan with others.
Conditions that affect the development of the fetus, such as maternal health, infections during pregnancy, exposure to harmful substances, or complications during birth, can also contribute to the development of special needs.
Always remember that by helping your mom, you’re not just supporting her-you’re also blessing yourself by honoring her, as the Bible teaches us: Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you (Exodus 20:12). Whenever you feel discouraged, hold onto this truth: I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13). You’re never alone, and His strength will carry you through. 😊❤️
I loved a downs syndrome man in my neighborhood... most loving and trusting personality. We are all special needs but we're too proud to admit this. Jesus thank you for loving me. Jesus I trust in you 🙏🙏🙏
I have an un-diagnosed disabling condition, from birth. Our first son had multiple disabilities, and my sister is a long-term mental-health patient, in care. So, I guess I'm saying I can answer this question!! So, people like us are 'casualties of war'. This is war, and I'm on the front line. Just as in warfare, it's my belief that God allows all manner of suffering THAT OTHERS MIGHT GO FREE! And after all, this is only a few short years, then I get a perfect body "like unto His glorious body"! Hope that helps someone. 🙂
😍 Gave me a new perspective of thinking. Thanks!! I too have sooo many undiagnosed issues with my body here on earth. Yet, trying to pray full and joyful as much as I can. As I know, where I'm going after this life, to my eternal father. I'm trying to be happy with all my sufferings as of now.
I was always told growing the Lord made us the way we are because His art is perfection. No matter how imperfect we see things everything and everyone has a purpose. There is alot of people with mental handicaps with more self awareness and perspective on where they fit in this world than people who have all their faculties. I’ve witnessed to a couple people with disabilities and all it takes is patience, love and sharing a little scripture to get them wanting to learn the truth.
My family told me that my deafness taught them invaluable lessons but nothing stops me from achieving the impossible. So there. I know that God uses us to teach you the value of a human being and vice versa.❤❤
My 7 year old daughter has angelman syndrome. She saved me and my wife from a very bad way of life. She had so many struggles from the moment of birth. And she has always had the biggest smile lighting up the room. She is a miracle herself. They told us she wouldn't walk, talk, feed herself. She exceeded all of them and is the light of my life.
A million % agree! My son is non verbal so has never spoken a bad word about anyone or anything. Our tongues cause so much sin. He is so innocent and the closest human to perfection that I know. I am so blessed to have him and grateful that God chose me to be his parent. He has taught me more than anyone in this whole world especially about the true important things in life. Love compassion humility patience kindness and mercy and he brings me so much joy and is my sunshine on dark days. God has everything planned out all for our good and I am so very thankful every day for being given such a gift.
Praise God ❤ I was recently reborn and after about 2 months praying one day I was surrounded by the pure Love of God at first I was afraid of it because I didn't understand the feeling about 2 days later I was minding my nephew's who have autism one of them is non verbal while minding them I felt that same Love of them and I had revelation of how they are pure in spirit and how they can not be blemished by sin and that they were truly blessed saints even . God bless you ❤
The Bool of Job teaches us that it is not important for us to know why God does what he does but it is important for us to trust in him in whatever that he does
I had brain damage at birth and always struggled with learning even as an adult. I been in ESE all my life, and I'm starting college this month and may need extra help one on one teachings with the teacher. I asked God to heal me from brain damage many, many times and I ran across this video. I'll ask God for confirmation, but kind of wanted to be healed. But, in the end, it's all about God's glory and love for His people. God showed me memory improvement supplements so I'm trying that to improve my memory. God is good!
When I grew up here in South Africa we called children with down syndrome in Afrikaans Hemel Kinders which translates to Heaven Children. The reason behind that was because they are so true, friendly and happy
I am a Mother of autisc boy and i am tel you I get closer and closer to God ever day, all I need pray wait trust and learn,Not wat I want,but accept what God, want give me ,and from the begin of the day until the end of the day, be greatfull for everything 🙏 and our worries I gave to him a learn Jesus is like I get the best friend on you, I pray to him and see the answers around me Is amazing, believe, nothing is wrong with this kids,we need to stop, and think want is wrong with us, will be harder for you painful to but you will be happy to see the porpuses of this kids and what they can do for you 🙏 ❤️ 🙏 God bless you pray ,trust 🙏 🕯️ 💪 Shine Jesus shine 🙏 🕯️ 💪
We are all God's most valued possessions. Jesus love is amazing. Praise God for life. He's the reason I am able to write this message and show love to everyone in the world. Love you all
My niece and also a family member through marriage have DS. They are the sweetest, funniest, most special and so loved by more people than you can imagine. They teach others so much. They teach them patience, compassion, understanding of special needs and much, much more.
Years ago I was discussing my disability with someone. She said something like, "The problem is not you. It's the us." I think it was the first time I ever heard someone without a disability acknowledge that openly.
They people w different abilities are no different than the rest of us. These people have every ability to know Jesus and they are 100% and completely loved by our Father.
I have ADHD and cleft lip and a bad back and couldn't eat when I was little so I had a feeding tube but all these things are not going to stop me from worshipping God and Jesus Christ because I am a believer that one day soon he is coming back I am going to celebrate because I will have no pain and heart ack that I am free from this world
He never answered the question! It wasn't about the nature or supposed benefit of suffering but the fact that special needs people (especially autistics) tend not to follow religion, and since Jesus said that _NO ONE_ comes to the father but through acceptance of _him_ then by implication special needs people are damned!
@@cardcounter21 He was cut off before getting to it. My understanding with salvation is everyone is judged based upon what they know. For instance, everyone knows that if a very young child dies, he or she will be with our Lord. Someone with deficient intelligence would be judged similarly.
This always burns me up the questions people ask about God as if we can understand the mind of God. We look like down syndrome children compared to God
I have NF1 It doesn't bother me. HE Saved me at 20 I'm going to heaven One day I'll have a new body. My amputated leg will be re-grown Being born with a handicap has never been a problem
I love a down syndrom 23 year old girl. She is so sweet. So precious. She was created by God just as much as i was. Her family is close to God and part of that reason is Sarah.
Because my people in my life that cannot do for themselves, whether it is because they are just babies, or developmentally disabled, or dementia, or bed bound have ABSOLUTELY helped me grow into being more like Jesus. Unconditional love man.
This really blessed me so much. I've gone through so much suffering in my life especially with my health. It gets confusing and frustrating at times. This helps me see things from a different perspective. Thank you for sharing 🙏
I have mild autism and my son has severe autism with ADHD and other co-diagnosis. He's been such a blessing to my husband and I, as any child is. Personally my child worships in his own ways. He has hard times, especially against judgemental and eugenicist society.....but those are the same people that hate Christians as well. My child also suffers less at times because he's so in his own world he's able to get those "breaks" he needs. It's been less since we prayed over him. Since we accepted salvation years ago. But we all have challenges. I think it's interesting when people bring up suffering....we all have it at some point. Most people rather live through that than to die. That's a testament to God's plan for us to also know GOOD is ultimately greater than evil. Even in the worst of cases, many survivors of EVIL choose God. They see the truth in the spiritual realm...in this experience of this world/dimension/time. ..we must have good and bad. They don't exist without the other. It's beyond our comprehension why there isn't some magical way we should have it differently...other than God's promises to us for after this fleshly life. The people that didn't live through abuse and other forms of evil or just "accidents" are likely with the Savior in eternity living amazing lives. There are different levels of heaven BTW. We are told in the Bible about God's judgement for us based on accountability. How children and people that are mentally like children are not expected to be as accountable as others. They are saved innately.... IF they have not been able to consciously and intentionally choose to walk from him/refuse Him. Who would be more innocent and deserving of that kind of salvation than those born with such disabilities? People that didn't deserve to suffer here....but did perhaps to teach us all a lesson and for other reasons beyond our understanding...perhaps to help us understand EVIL (vs GOOD). No faith or lack of faith can prove or disprove reasons for this. Without a reasonable doubt. If you've accepted salvation remember to maintain your armor. Ephesians 6. Know your Lord in study of His Word. 💕 FAITH in the Almighty creator.
Every single person ive ever met with down syndrome has the most amzing capacity for love and childlike wonder i honestly was thinking to myself yesterday " i wonder if people with down syndrome are actually angels?" I honestly think it might be possible. My heart just gets blown wide open everytime i encounter these beautiful souls. I dont see them as less but much more beautiful than the shallow selfish status quo
I am a Sunday school teacher at heart. I saw kids listening, learning and growing while I teach. (Of course, after I had training and experience.) Wanting to pray, wanting to know God. And then some day, the pastor came and told me I can't teach again. Why? He said I did nothing wrong, but I have Aspergers and the other Sunday school teachers don't like me because of that. Prior to that, I didn't ask why God gave me autism/ Aspergers. After that, I did. Because my disability took me from the place where I was working for God. It did not help the other teachers to grow as believers. If it did anything for them, it made them push together to exclude me. That is a type of unity, I guess.
I think it’s really important to help children with special needs lead normal lives. They deserve the same opportunities as everyone else, and that means creating inclusive environments where they can thrive alongside their peers.We should focus on fostering independence by teaching life and social skills. This empowers them to navigate the world confidently. Plus, advocating for equal access to education and resources is crucial for their growth. However, we need to be careful about over idealising these kids. Putting them on a pedestal can create unrealistic expectations and might isolate them from their peers. It’s essential to celebrate their strengths without making them feel like they always have to be "special." They are Studies that many disabled children desire to be seen as "normal" and want to participate fully in everyday activities without being labeled as special or different.
They are incredible people that I love very much. You can learn that there are many ways to communicate without words. Learn patience and love. God loves them just like He loves anyone else.
This is extremely easy to answer. Anyone with a mental disability that can not comprehend the law can not agree to it, or commit to it. They are perfect in the eyes of God. They cannot sin, the same as small children. The main purpose to life on earth is simply to receive a body, which is necessary to be resurrected. This requirement is fulfilled for the mentally impaired. Many people believe and I agree with, where we are born, when, which parents, life circumstances were directly effected by our actions in the war in heaven when Lucifer was cast. Those who are born without comprehension are some of the most valiant spirits who fought and have a guaranteed place in Gods kingdom
I think my sister was born with special needs so that my mom would have purpose and remain selfless in taking care of her for her whole life and to also help my dad change his life for the better. We don’t understand everything, but once we know God is good, we trust him. Plus I know in heaven, my sister will be perfect again and will be able to do all the rest of what God created her to do.
I was diagnosed with type 1 Diabetes 49 years ago. In my testimony, as a pastor I share truthfully that without my suffering disease I may not have answered God’s call to love me first, in so that I could learn to love others. This seeking God does was how I came to understand the born again Demands Christ has on all of His followers. God is good. God is good, all the time, for God is good!
My first born has autism. Before having children I worked with adults who had additional needs. I never asked why but I do often wonder if it’s something in me God is trying to show me with those who have more needs.
this question is often asked, and the answer never seems to satisfy the asker. God allows choice and the things that follow choice. The world has been here a long time, so the consequences have multiplied beyond understanding. At first one domino fell, and we all know what happens when one domino falls, don't we? On a good note, when God is finished with his plan, He will end it all, and suffering will no longer be a "thing."
I have struggled with this question. My 15-year-old son is nonverbal and autistic. He has significant sensory issues and was additionally diagnosed with ADHD and epilepsy. Despite his challenges, he is the sweetest, happiest, smartest boy I know. He's warm, charming and doing phenomenally in school. He loves unconditionally, doesn't bear grudges and knows nothing of pride. His existence is worship of our divine creator (IMHO).
I crashed a hang glider in 2000 and I should have died according to my hematocrit dropping to six three days after surgery. I prayed for another chance to be present for my then ten year old. I became a care provider (level -3) for three non-ambulatory, non-verbal girls who changed me completly. Britnee was blind yet always happy and she helped every cps child with anger issues - including mine. My heart was broken when I was unable to maintain the level of care that they needed after my hysterectomy. I closed my home in 2014 and they were placed in a level 5 facility. They were the most amazing and loving humans that I have met.
That’s cool that God makes special needs people,They are awesome people to hang out with, I only get mad or rude with the person getting handy with my reality pawning off certain kinds of men that are NOT my type for dating or marriage on me then I get rude as heck.
I am slightly Autistic and I have my ways to worship, praise, and over time I just see any worldy people or such that degrade me or even worldly schools to be nothing but fools.
A deeply touching and personal topic today. Thank you for sharing and thanks to God for helping us with strength through such challenges and making us better sons and daughters of God through it all.
Our son has Special needs of Down’s syndrome and is Autistic He is 23 yrs old `One day I went down to see my son one day after school he like quiet time as school is noisy He had never spoken to me our his wonderful daddy but this day I found him with his wee hands stretched up towards the ceiling and with the most serene look on his little face he said one name The name above all name’s he said Yahweh !! I was totally touched by the Lord ! He calls me Mamee but hasn’t said any other names since that was about 5 years ago I sing Jesus loves you over him but never mentioned Yahweh I long for him to be healed in the precious name of Yahweh because I think it would bring his daddy back to Christ Please pray for Harrison thanks in advance To the young man who asked the question my son knows God personally and was worshipping Him
I think it’s important for us to remember that it is God’s purpose for us. It is His purpose for us to love and be loved. Special Needs people have the ability to do that so much better than us, who haven’t been born with those special needs. People may say that they do not have quality life but I would say differently. I have a sweet little friend who is 38, has non-verbal autism that has the mentality of a 2 year old. Some say he doesn’t have quality of life but I will say that he does because he is as happy as a 2 year old would be. He has lived his life as well as can be and has life God’s purpose for him, which to love. His love is that of a child’s love. He knows nothing else and when his time on earth is done he will have lived is life’s purpose fully and I know that God will say, “Well done!”
This answer I a cliche stock answer I was taught in childhood many many years ago across the world. Doing things for eachother and for God isn't empty, but this guy's rehearsed answers are.
So instead of criticizing his answer and calling it empty than why don't you give it a go yourself? I can’t stand when people criticize the way someone responds or does something but they won’t offer any substance or better answer to the question. Either you don’t have one or you don’t want to say because you will be criticized the same level you criticize others.
My cousin was told her baby would have down syndrome and she ended up being fine. Every person I have known with downs have a masters in love and kindness while I'm still in kindergarten
I drove special needs school bus for years and these children taught me so much. They are so full of love and kindness. God makes no mistakes, they are here to glorify him. They are a true blessing. They are special
My daughter was born with a condition that causes low muscle tone in her upper body. For nearly the first year of her life she couldn’t do anything with her upper body. One day while sitting in her car seat as I was driving with Gospel music playing, I looked through the rear view mirror to make sure she was ok, and she had one hand lifted and was waving it from side to side in worship! Her condition also came with a life expectancy of 1 year. She’s 22! God has a purpose and a plan for her. She evangelizes to the nursing staff hired to care for her, by making them play Gospel music. There have been Muslim nurses who have worked with her for months, several days a week who have had to hear music glorifying God and lifting up Jesus. I could go on.
Thank you Deborahfielf521 I worked for many years with children with special need’s Now I have a son called Harrison who has Down’s syndrome and Autism
You may have drove them but try living it every day for months years decades.
I drive special needs kids as well and I think there is a special reward for them in heaven.
I'm autistic. I was bullied in school because I have autism, making me feel that my mental disorder was something that I had to correct, but after being found by God, I embraced being one because I realized that I am fearfully and wonderfully made by God and that I have a greater purpose than I thought I had. Thank you so much for this. God Bless.
Same. And now my severe ASD ADHD child is often mistreated when we are in the community. He's better off in homeschool because he gets social opportunities that are based on him practicing healthy boundaries. Not forced to endure bullies like I was...or fake friends. He's learning to be more socially adept than I ever was.
We also can take a mental health or physical health day when we need to. We can work in bed or make up for it the next week/day.
If you have children just consider that. 💕 It was too expensive for me to go to work during Obama's wreck of economy and workforce etc. I was in nursing and it would have been too expensive to get TRUSTWORTHY childcare so I stayed home. Public preschool was abusive....SA and more I will always regret ignoring my instincts...they gaslight and use peer pressure like crazy to get parents to think it's ok to part and leave little ones with strangers but it's developmentally harmful.
I thought I didn't want kids....I ended up pregnant even though doctors had told me I'd need medical aide to have any.
So don't fear having kids due to your disability...I feared it mostly for that and for the world being cruel (as the Bible tells us it is...but I didn't accept salvation until my child was five, another regret waiting but it was probably meant this way).
My child's father and I actually hated one another and were using each other at the time of pregnancy ....we forced ourselves to make it work for our child even though like everyone was telling us to not marry. LOL Modern peeps... family and friends made fun of me "it's not the 40s" etc 🙈 told us to abort etc.
Well even my grandma who told me to get an abortion because in poverty....said she regretted saying that and she cried and apologized to me when my child was three and diagnosed with ASD. She could see the blessing as could I. 💕
It's not easy but he's our miracle and he's actually one of the happiest children we've known. Unlike how I was. LOL 😆 Blessings to you and yours. Try to make sure whomever you sleep with is someone you'd be willing to have children with. It's no harm to wait.
If you do have children it's worth knowing that a diet high in choline and folate can help prevent autism. The brain structure is created from conception to age two. It builds the neurons during that time. You can eat liver while pregnant after the first 60 days of pregnancy. A lot of people's diets these days dont have the necessary vitamins that's needed to build a solid brain structure. Please dont be mad with what I just told you. It's something that needs to be taken seriously..
My son is on the spectrum. He is the most loving, caring, intelligent, young man. He is 20 years old. I don’t deserve him. He is amazing. Yes, there are challenges but blessed be The Name of The Lord. 🩸✝️🕊🔥🙏🏻🙌🏻👸🏻🇺🇸
I am sorry that you were bullied. I am grateful you found God.
I have a 10 month old granddaughter with Down syndrome (T21). She is the most amazing loving happy tolerant person I’ve ever known. These children are on another level, a higher level than the rest of society. The only time she voices complaint is when she is either hungry or tired. These people are a true gift from God. The amount of love and care that she has brought to our entire family, friends and the community are second to none. We are so thankful and so incredibly blessed.
We all have limitations why should it make us any less valuable
Your entire comment is about you.
Watching my little nephew with Leukemia and Autism, I learned the most important message I ever learned (aside from the Holy Bible and knowing Christ Jesus). He was attached to a six foot tube feeding poison and some adult had to keep him within a crib so that he would not wander too far from what was connected to his heart.
I was reading a book, in my own world as young adult and soon to be engineer. My mother (his grandmother in the crib) was in her 60s, playing with him. The nurse came in with a pouch of poison and attached it to his hose and put the pouch into a pocket on the back of his onsie and suddenly he was free. No longer was he attached to the big machine in the room. Still the poison going straight into his heart. He was finally free.
He ran away from grandma and fell. He threw up all over the floor. He smiled a happy smile and stood up and ran off to the far end of the room.
What did I learn? We are an ignorant people unaware that we are taking in poison from an evil world, but we are free and life is a gift. Get up no matter what went on before and press on with a smile on your face and a dream for the future. The best is always yet to come for the child of God.
He is still alive and is in his 30s.
I feel sorry for the people who will find this was their heaven for they forsook the one who gave them everything.
Having an unhealthy child is a blessing? If given the choice, what would the child say?
As someone who works with people with disabilities I can absolutely say these people have a purpose! They teach us to have compassion and empathy and humble us by showing how much they can do despite their physical or mental hang ups and more than that how their spirit never seems to be broken. Theses people sadly have very little freedom to do as they choose and yet they smile and laugh and still enjoy life. It’s a miracle to witness. I pray to have one ounce of their patience and strength and spirit through adversity. They are truly amazing! God bless them all!
Hallelujah 🙌
I just got emotionally gut punched from that comment. It rarely if ever happens. I've got high functioning autism. Too few people know patience and humility these days, and when we find someone who has both when we talk to them, we don't know how to react to that in conversation.
I work with special needs people. Some days are so hard. But they are created in God’s image and they absolutely belong to Christ ❤️
@@kmetzz1 so beautiful your response. It's so true Jess xx
Make sure you take care of yourself. Otherwise, the job will suck you dry.
I thought for years my son with special needs was for me to help. I know now he was given to me so I would become a better, stronger Christian woman . He gave me unconditional love and taught me how beautiful a laugh or smile is from a "special" child.
Thank you God. ❤
Do you think there could have been another way God could have done that without creating a special needs child? How can we all be creating in the image of God and be given free will when he's using humans to each other humans some kind of lesson through the suffering of humans
@@memecity9849lol christians dont answer anything...they just say follow the bible or burn and then they blab about how that god is good...when he isnt
@@memecity9849 I understand what you are saying. I work with special needs individuals and I have wondered about a lot. I think the is God allows what He dislikes to accomplish what He loves. He dislikes pain and suffering! He cannot he around sin. But He sent Jesus to save us. Honestly, all people have some kind of pain. We can’t really measure against each things and blame God. Sin affected everything! All creation and how we live. Jesus is God’s answer to reconcile us and everything back to Himself. Someday, my struggles will be gone. Someday the struggles of those I work with will be gone. All will be made right. We have to remember God is LOVE. He will be with all people who call on His name for forgiveness. The pain and suffering is truly temporary. Eternity is forever!!! Those with special needs may be rulers in Heaven. We truly do not completely know all God has in store for us who love Him 🙏🏻❤️
❤❤So beautiful your son is amazing. May you both have a strong bond forever. Big hug jess
How would you know if a special needs children who has low communication could or does worship God???? My daughter who has down syndrome, autism, and aproxsa of speech. I was told she would never speak. But we prayed I taught her sign language. She loves music so we found videos of her favorite Christian songs and learned to sign the using ASL. The more she signed the more she tried to talk. Now at school they keep track of how many words she use in a day. Today the teach said they couldn't keep a list she was using so many. Our daughter are changing lives and not just ours. It is all for God's glory as she sing and dance to song like "I Can Only Imagine" Thank You Father God Elly she is perfectly made. And yes they wanted me to delete her in the womb. Never been so glad I didn't listen to them and trust God. She been proving them wrong ever since.
"Because we live in a fallen world" is the answer to most questions like this. God didn't break it, people did, and He will restore it once day to perfection.
That is a good answer, no need to make things more complicated than it already is.
He will restore now if anybody will belive his promises in the Word and act on them.
@nelsonmcatee3721 He will ultimately completely restore all of creation.
@@ACE53621 please explain how a newborn baby sinned to deserve what they have to go through every day of their life
That's ignorant.
I have a precious seventeen year who has Down syndrome he knows who Jesus is, loves Him and loves to worship Him he listens to worship music and raises his hands in worship, he loves going to church, loves God and loves people ❤
My daughter is almost 36 years old. My daughter was born of me being raped by 3 guys the night of my high school graduation. I was only 17. I drank and therefore I thought God was angry with my sin of drinking at the party. I was so mad at God for a long time! Later on I realized my daughter is a blessing! God gave her to me for so many reasons. I was adopted my adopted dad used to to tell me I never wanted you, but I went along with it for your mom.
So I have a no one loves me I’m not wanted. My daughter gives me purpose, someone to love, she loves me. I needed her. God knew that. My daughter keeps me close to God. My daughter is a full grown woman size I’m 5 foot nothing. I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me. I know when my daughter enters the presence of Jesus she will walk talk and hear for the first time. I’m so excited for her. I have prayed for her for years that God would keep us together and we go together in the rapture. Well she’s still here and Jesus is about to come.
Experts said she would never live to be a teenager and she’s almost 36. God is in charge of the number of her days. I talk to her about Jesus and when we are with Jesus she will walk talk and hear she gets so excited! She will start waving bye - bye so fast you would think she could fly herself there! My daughter has been given an understanding by God about Jesus coming. I call my daughter my earth angel. She’s a beautiful wonderful blessing. She’s taught me so much like how fragile life is, don’t take anything for granted, people are what matters not things. I could write a book but you get the point. This life is so short and temporary!! Heaven and hell are for eternity. God will make my daughters eternity so awesome. Same for the true believers. The non believers this life will be the best you have. The non believers will suffer in hell for eternity. I hope you have Jesus Christ son if God as your Lord and Savior if not you will perish for eternity!!! Imagine being alone forever being tormented! Come to Jesus now time is almost up. I pray for you!!
I work with special needs (DS)every day and let me tell what I realized no matter what they may have going on .. these people are the most loving affectionate people I have met !!! They bring me joy !!
They make me smile even when I don't feel like it ♥️
I am a 48 year old male born with Spina Bifida. I am a special creation of God who has allowed my disability to show people walls do not exist! I see a barrier, I demolish it. Period. I own and operate a successful Mobile DJ company in Minnesota that is expanding into other states. God gives all of us gifts. Find yours and use them for God’s Glory.
I was relentlessly bullied for my autism. And told by many religious narcissists that my autism was a result of my sin. I'm glad I came across this video.
How can it be your sin if you were born with it?
whoever told you that (if true) is an a-hole. i don't care what religion they are from and i'm curious where you encountered these people. on social media? in church? 'result of sin' would imply a negative consequence. having spent a lot of time around 'special need kids' or whatever the politically correct term is these days, that's not something wrong with you. i'm sure you have a lot wrong with you. guess what? so do i. so do we all.
I’m going through some hard times right now with my sweetie. She is bed bound and incontinent and can’t stop messing herself. It’s literally my worst nightmare. I suffered as a teenager from constant water and sewage problems and have fecal hangups. I have physical issues such as Multiple Sclerosis and tons of heart ailments. Please pray for me. I just want and need physical strength to help keep her safe and clean and fed. Been married 44 years in 2024.
Just prayed for you and your sweetie, love to all and God bless.
So sorry to hear this, Tony. Please remember that (as unbelievable as it may seem) this scripture is true:
14 Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession.
15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin.
16 Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. (Hebrews 4:14-16).
I hope that you are able to get the spiritual, emotional and practical support you need at this time. Praise God for the hope of eternal
life (and new bodies!) for all who repent of sin and trust in Christ Jesus.
44 years. You got this. Stay strong! You da man
Prayed for you
Tony, for MS, look into a Ketogenic/ Carnivore diet.
May the Lord give you strength, Brother.
I had a stroke in February of 2024, this is exactly how my wife felt. It gave her the opportunity to serve me and care for me, and brought me closer to God
I have an autistic son. And I fully believe that people with SPECIAL needs are created because they are special. More so then regular people. They have a purpose in God's plan too
As the mother of a special needs child, I can tell you God allows them to be born to make the world a kinder place. We are better with them. The world is better with them in it. God has placed a supernatural peace within them.
We are a special needs family. Autism, ADHD, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, and dyslexia are all represented. I could spend my days in bitterness and asking God why? Some days are not easy, no lie. Lots of days, in fact. However, there are countless beautiful days as well, full of joy and delight in the Lord, treasured perhaps all the more for the harder times. I look at my kids, my husband, myself and with all our diagnoses, I see rich purpose, even if it is not always in the typical ways the world expects or values. I cannot say I have never struggled nor that I do not still have down times, but I savor what God has taught me through it all. Thanks for this.
Not everything is GOD'S fault, people get married and have different DNA that is not supposed to mix.
@RisaHolland Thanks but I don't blame God and I feel like I married exactly who He intended. DNA testing was not part of our prerequisite. Just so you know, though, three of our four kids are from my first marriage. Not all, obviously, but part of what really clicked for us was the way we understood each other better than anyone else and the battles we face. We willingly chose to face them together, he adopted those three as his own and we were blessed with a fourth child. Should I have not brought him into the world out of worry of what could be when my DNA mixed with my husband's? Should I have not brought any of my kids into the world, for that matter? Should we have denied ourselves what I truly believe to be gifts from God out of fear for the hard times? By no means. My God is sovereign and He knows what He is doing. Or do you believe only two people with "perfect" DNA are intended to fall in love and have children and the rest of us are not intended to exist?
@@marisa5359 no I don't believe in abortion, I love the Lord his ways are not are ways, I just get upset when people blame GOD for things that are humans fault
@@marisa5359 I think about the old testament when GOD send men in war and told them to destroy everything men women and children and cattle. Why? So that tribes line shouldn't go on and mix with others, why kill the cattle? I just try to understand EVIL, and WHY things happen but I know it's not for us to understand.
@@marisa5359 I think about the old testament when GOD send men in war and told them to destroy everything men women and children and cattle. Why? So that tribes line shouldn't go on and mix with others, why kill the cattle? I just try to understand EVIL, and WHY things happen but I know it's not for us to understand.
I have always felt that God allows disabled persons so others can learn from them. You learn patience and compassion. I cared for my husband for 2 years while suffered with a brain tumour and died. I know all about autism. Many in my family have varying degrees of it. We become a better person. Love one another
@@meredithgreenslade1965 all I hear people say when they say this is, “me, me, me!” God allowed some people to go through pain and suffering in order for others who don’t suffer like people with disabilities, to appreciate their lives better?
My son is severly intelectually disabled. But he enjoys things we would not even notice. He's definitely part of His creation singing. Not easy, but we find joy through it, within it.
Thank you for this photo. My baby boy is autistic but I pray for him to God to heal him. 😊❤
God’s strength flourishes in our weakness
I have an Autistic/ADHD son whom is the best gift I could have ever received from the Lord! I feel for those whom will never have this kind of relationship bc its such a blessing not a curse
Cuz God knew we needed Angels here on Earth as much as Heaven💙💙💙
I agree completely. I have a brother who had a very high fever as a baby that caused brain damage. There were eight of us children and each of us grew in virtues because of our interactions with him. Most of us are in our seventies and eighties now,including him, and we all agree that we are such better people because of Kenny. We feel blessed to have him in our family.
I raised a daughter born with injury from breach birth resulting in cerebral pallsy quad with amazing spirit & sweet joy very bright & lived 32 years😢😇I learned humility & 2nd RAIN for my life when everyone else walked away God’s Gift to me brought me back to a closer walk with Jesus ❣️🙏I am forever grateful💖💚💛Ore
I remember some years ago a man hated God because his wife miscarriaged a child. I so wanted to talk with him because my own wife went through two. What this man didn't understand was that because he and his wife conceived that child that youngster even now is giving God glory and honor. As my two children are. If my wife and I had not conceived them then they wouldn't be there now with God and waiting for us to one day join them there.
💕🙏🕊️🫂 Absolutely. This is what I tell people who say abortion is a reason for kids to avoid suffering or how could babies suffer and die if God loved them....but they are now with Him in eternity the closest with Him we can even get.
Unfortunately their parents are the ones suffering and will suffer if they are choosing to continually reject the Truth, the Way, the Life. The children are not suffering anymore. I'm greatful to have mine here even though we have unique challenges. I feel deeply for parents that have to be separate from them by the veil but you're blessed and blessing God in how that works and your faith! Your patience that you must have.
You and your wife should be able to be with them as well when you're called to go home. Much love to you and yours. Thank you for sharing the beauty of God's plan with others.
StraightUp, this was needed. it's crazy, we all have this Special Need for our Savior, Jesus Christ. God bless you all.
Conditions that affect the development of the fetus, such as maternal health, infections during pregnancy, exposure to harmful substances, or complications during birth, can also contribute to the development of special needs.
I am taking care of my mother right now and I needed to hear this so much!!
Always remember that by helping your mom, you’re not just supporting her-you’re also blessing yourself by honoring her, as the Bible teaches us: Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you (Exodus 20:12). Whenever you feel discouraged, hold onto this truth: I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13). You’re never alone, and His strength will carry you through. 😊❤️
@@kmsleyang1980 God bless you!
I loved a downs syndrome man in my neighborhood... most loving and trusting personality. We are all special needs but we're too proud to admit this. Jesus thank you for loving me. Jesus I trust in you 🙏🙏🙏
I have an un-diagnosed disabling condition, from birth. Our first son had multiple disabilities, and my sister is a long-term mental-health patient, in care. So, I guess I'm saying I can answer this question!! So, people like us are 'casualties of war'. This is war, and I'm on the front line. Just as in warfare, it's my belief that God allows all manner of suffering THAT OTHERS MIGHT GO FREE! And after all, this is only a few short years, then I get a perfect body "like unto His glorious body"! Hope that helps someone. 🙂
@@rachelm7525 amen. Look forward to meeting in heaven!
😍 Gave me a new perspective of thinking. Thanks!!
I too have sooo many undiagnosed issues with my body here on earth. Yet, trying to pray full and joyful as much as I can. As I know, where I'm going after this life, to my eternal father. I'm trying to be happy with all my sufferings as of now.
I’m special needs growing up and I was always wondering this question as well thanks ❤️❤️
The Ways of The Lord Jesus cannot be fathomed.
Frank, you're a mighty man ✝️🌟🖐🏾.
🌸 sometimes an angel is amongst us, they are precious gifts 🕊️
I was always told growing the Lord made us the way we are because His art is perfection. No matter how imperfect we see things everything and everyone has a purpose. There is alot of people with mental handicaps with more self awareness and perspective on where they fit in this world than people who have all their faculties.
I’ve witnessed to a couple people with disabilities and all it takes is patience, love and sharing a little scripture to get them wanting to learn the truth.
My family told me that my deafness taught them invaluable lessons but nothing stops me from achieving the impossible. So there. I know that God uses us to teach you the value of a human being and vice versa.❤❤
What a beautiful and profound answer! Thank you, Frank! God bless you, sir!
My 7 year old daughter has angelman syndrome. She saved me and my wife from a very bad way of life. She had so many struggles from the moment of birth. And she has always had the biggest smile lighting up the room. She is a miracle herself. They told us she wouldn't walk, talk, feed herself. She exceeded all of them and is the light of my life.
A million % agree! My son is non verbal so has never spoken a bad word about anyone or anything. Our tongues cause so much sin. He is so innocent and the closest human to perfection that I know. I am so blessed to have him and grateful that God chose me to be his parent. He has taught me more than anyone in this whole world especially about the true important things in life. Love compassion humility patience kindness and mercy and he brings me so much joy and is my sunshine on dark days. God has everything planned out all for our good and I am so very thankful every day for being given such a gift.
Praise God ❤ I was recently reborn and after about 2 months praying one day I was surrounded by the pure Love of God at first I was afraid of it because I didn't understand the feeling about 2 days later I was minding my nephew's who have autism one of them is non verbal while minding them I felt that same Love of them and I had revelation of how they are pure in spirit and how they can not be blemished by sin and that they were truly blessed saints even . God bless you ❤
The Bool of Job teaches us that it is not important for us to know why God does what he does but it is important for us to trust in him in whatever that he does
I would have been more impressed with Mr. Turek if he had just stuck to THAT answer.
I had brain damage at birth and always struggled with learning even as an adult. I been in ESE all my life, and I'm starting college this month and may need extra help one on one teachings with the teacher.
I asked God to heal me from brain damage many, many times and I ran across this video. I'll ask God for confirmation, but kind of wanted to be healed. But, in the end, it's all about God's glory and love for His people. God showed me memory improvement supplements so I'm trying that to improve my memory.
God is good!
Coconut oil is great for memory….
When I grew up here in South Africa we called children with down syndrome in Afrikaans Hemel Kinders which translates to Heaven Children. The reason behind that was because they are so true, friendly and happy
I am a Mother of autisc boy and i am tel you I get closer and closer to God ever day, all I need pray wait trust and learn,Not wat I want,but accept what God, want give me ,and from the begin of the day until the end of the day, be greatfull for everything 🙏 and our worries I gave to him a learn Jesus is like I get the best friend on you, I pray to him and see the answers around me
Is amazing, believe, nothing is wrong with this kids,we need to stop, and think want is wrong with us, will be harder for you painful to but you will be happy to see the porpuses of this kids and what they can do for you 🙏 ❤️ 🙏 God bless you pray ,trust 🙏 🕯️ 💪 Shine Jesus shine 🙏 🕯️ 💪
We are all God's most valued possessions. Jesus love is amazing. Praise God for life. He's the reason I am able to write this message and show love to everyone in the world. Love you all
My niece and also a family member through marriage have DS. They are the sweetest, funniest, most special and so loved by more people than you can imagine. They teach others so much. They teach them patience, compassion, understanding of special needs and much, much more.
When the young man said 'I loved your answer, thank you so much" I almost got emotional 🥹
What an outstanding answer! Thanks for this lesson and your channel!
Years ago I was discussing my disability with someone. She said something like, "The problem is not you. It's the us." I think it was the first time I ever heard someone without a disability acknowledge that openly.
They people w different abilities are no different than the rest of us. These people have every ability to know Jesus and they are 100% and completely loved by our Father.
I have ADHD and cleft lip and a bad back and couldn't eat when I was little so I had a feeding tube but all these things are not going to stop me from worshipping God and Jesus Christ because I am a believer that one day soon he is coming back I am going to celebrate because I will have no pain and heart ack that I am free from this world
Dr Frank Turek has a special way of explaining things that makes it very clear.
He never answered the question! It wasn't about the nature or supposed benefit of suffering but the fact that special needs people (especially autistics) tend not to follow religion, and since Jesus said that _NO ONE_ comes to the father but through acceptance of _him_ then by implication special needs people are damned!
He was cut off before getting to it. My understanding with salvation is everyone is judged based upon what they know. For instance, everyone knows that if a very young child dies, he or she will be with our Lord. Someone with deficient intelligence would be judged similarly.
Every child that dies goes to heaven? So abortion would be a better choice for everyone. Why take the risk. Theologically it makes good sense.
@@hhh-et2vi Exactly.
@@32Brandonp Are we right?
So that we can help them and look out for them.
Turek+ your break down was truly beautiful. Thank you for posting this man truly
This always burns me up the questions people ask about God as if we can understand the mind of God. We look like down syndrome children compared to God
I have NF1 It doesn't bother me.
HE Saved me at 20
I'm going to heaven
One day I'll have a new body.
My amputated leg will be re-grown
Being born with a handicap has never been a problem
And your (mine) time on eart is like the blink of an eye in comparison to eternity. You will be shouting, jumping and praising the Lord.
I have nf2
I love a down syndrom 23 year old girl. She is so sweet. So precious. She was created by God just as much as i was. Her family is close to God and part of that reason is Sarah.
Let everything that has breath praise the lord 🙏
Because my people in my life that cannot do for themselves, whether it is because they are just babies, or developmentally disabled, or dementia, or bed bound have ABSOLUTELY helped me grow into being more like Jesus.
Unconditional love man.
I am small all my life. I got picked on all my life. I know in Gods kingdom important
that’s not special needs
@cclmpr Did I say it was ? No I didn't.
To make the people around then stronger.
This was such a blessing!!! My Son has low functioning Down Syndrome. 25 years.
This really blessed me so much. I've gone through so much suffering in my life especially with my health. It gets confusing and frustrating at times. This helps me see things from a different perspective. Thank you for sharing 🙏
I have mild autism and my son has severe autism with ADHD and other co-diagnosis. He's been such a blessing to my husband and I, as any child is. Personally my child worships in his own ways. He has hard times, especially against judgemental and eugenicist society.....but those are the same people that hate Christians as well.
My child also suffers less at times because he's so in his own world he's able to get those "breaks" he needs. It's been less since we prayed over him. Since we accepted salvation years ago. But we all have challenges.
I think it's interesting when people bring up suffering....we all have it at some point. Most people rather live through that than to die. That's a testament to God's plan for us to also know GOOD is ultimately greater than evil. Even in the worst of cases, many survivors of EVIL choose God. They see the truth in the spiritual realm...in this experience of this world/dimension/time.
..we must have good and bad. They don't exist without the other.
It's beyond our comprehension why there isn't some magical way we should have it differently...other than God's promises to us for after this fleshly life. The people that didn't live through abuse and other forms of evil or just "accidents" are likely with the Savior in eternity living amazing lives.
There are different levels of heaven BTW. We are told in the Bible about God's judgement for us based on accountability. How children and people that are mentally like children are not expected to be as accountable as others. They are saved innately.... IF they have not been able to consciously and intentionally choose to walk from him/refuse Him.
Who would be more innocent and deserving of that kind of salvation than those born with such disabilities? People that didn't deserve to suffer here....but did perhaps to teach us all a lesson and for other reasons beyond our understanding...perhaps to help us understand EVIL (vs GOOD).
No faith or lack of faith can prove or disprove reasons for this. Without a reasonable doubt. If you've accepted salvation remember to maintain your armor. Ephesians 6. Know your Lord in study of His Word. 💕 FAITH in the Almighty creator.
Who’s the man that answered the question I forgot his name
That was an amazing answer to a very difficult question.
People with downs syndrome are treasures so gifted
I have a 15 year old daughter with Angelmans syndrome she brings out smiles in people wherever she goes
Every single person ive ever met with down syndrome has the most amzing capacity for love and childlike wonder i honestly was thinking to myself yesterday " i wonder if people with down syndrome are actually angels?" I honestly think it might be possible. My heart just gets blown wide open everytime i encounter these beautiful souls. I dont see them as less but much more beautiful than the shallow selfish status quo
I am a Sunday school teacher at heart. I saw kids listening, learning and growing while I teach. (Of course, after I had training and experience.) Wanting to pray, wanting to know God.
And then some day, the pastor came and told me I can't teach again.
Why? He said I did nothing wrong, but I have Aspergers and the other Sunday school teachers don't like me because of that. Prior to that, I didn't ask why God gave me autism/ Aspergers. After that, I did. Because my disability took me from the place where I was working for God. It did not help the other teachers to grow as believers. If it did anything for them, it made them push together to exclude me. That is a type of unity, I guess.
I thank God for you brother Frank! And all your audience. In Jesus name ❤💪
😢so sad yet such a wonderful lesson
I think it’s really important to help children with special needs lead normal lives. They deserve the same opportunities as everyone else, and that means creating inclusive environments where they can thrive alongside their peers.We should focus on fostering independence by teaching life and social skills. This empowers them to navigate the world confidently. Plus, advocating for equal access to education and resources is crucial for their growth.
However, we need to be careful about over idealising these kids. Putting them on a pedestal can create unrealistic expectations and might isolate them from their peers. It’s essential to celebrate their strengths without making them feel like they always have to be "special."
They are Studies that many disabled children desire to be seen as "normal" and want to participate fully in everyday activities without being labeled as special or different.
They are incredible people that I love very much. You can learn that there are many ways to communicate without words. Learn patience and love. God loves them just like He loves anyone else.
I just had a friend die of cancer, and I had cancer and lived. God is Good ❤
Cancer is awesome.
Naw that just proved god doesn't exist
@@davidplummer2473he’s trolling, ignore it
@davidplummer2473 because there no reason the other person should had die and u live.
This is extremely easy to answer. Anyone with a mental disability that can not comprehend the law can not agree to it, or commit to it. They are perfect in the eyes of God. They cannot sin, the same as small children. The main purpose to life on earth is simply to receive a body, which is necessary to be resurrected. This requirement is fulfilled for the mentally impaired. Many people believe and I agree with, where we are born, when, which parents, life circumstances were directly effected by our actions in the war in heaven when Lucifer was cast. Those who are born without comprehension are some of the most valiant spirits who fought and have a guaranteed place in Gods kingdom
Exactly! We dont see that. We think we are perfect.
I think my sister was born with special needs so that my mom would have purpose and remain selfless in taking care of her for her whole life and to also help my dad change his life for the better. We don’t understand everything, but once we know God is good, we trust him. Plus I know in heaven, my sister will be perfect again and will be able to do all the rest of what God created her to do.
I was diagnosed with type 1 Diabetes 49 years ago. In my testimony, as a pastor I share truthfully
that without my suffering disease I may not have answered God’s call to love me first, in so that I could learn to love others. This seeking God does was how I came to understand the born again
Demands Christ has on all of His followers. God is good. God is good, all the time, for God is good!
Thank you Jesus
My first born has autism. Before having children I worked with adults who had additional needs. I never asked why but I do often wonder if it’s something in me God is trying to show me with those who have more needs.
Their purpose may be something else, but one thing is that they are put here to be loved in a selfless way by parents, siblings, and others.
My uncle had epilepsy. Grandma said that my uncle was witness of the devil. He was loved for our family.😌
Why doesn't GOD just end this all already!? Its so incredible on what people have to suffer through everyday!
this question is often asked, and the answer never seems to satisfy the asker. God allows choice and the things that follow choice. The world has been here a long time, so the consequences have multiplied beyond understanding. At first one domino fell, and we all know what happens when one domino falls, don't we? On a good note, when God is finished with his plan, He will end it all, and suffering will no longer be a "thing."
I have struggled with this question. My 15-year-old son is nonverbal and autistic. He has significant sensory issues and was additionally diagnosed with ADHD and epilepsy. Despite his challenges, he is the sweetest, happiest, smartest boy I know. He's warm, charming and doing phenomenally in school. He loves unconditionally, doesn't bear grudges and knows nothing of pride. His existence is worship of our divine creator (IMHO).
I crashed a hang glider in 2000 and I should have died according to my hematocrit dropping to six three days after surgery. I prayed for another chance to be present for my then ten year old. I became a care provider (level -3) for three non-ambulatory, non-verbal girls who changed me completly. Britnee was blind yet always happy and she helped every cps child with anger issues - including mine.
My heart was broken when I was unable to maintain the level of care that they needed after my hysterectomy. I closed my home in 2014 and they were placed in a level 5 facility.
They were the most amazing and loving humans that I have met.
That’s cool that God makes special needs people,They are awesome people to hang out with, I only get mad or rude with the person getting handy with my reality pawning off certain kinds of men that are NOT my type for dating or marriage on me then I get rude as heck.
As someone who has atusim
And have very dependent grandmother i 100% agree
I am slightly Autistic and I have my ways to worship, praise, and over time I just see any worldy people or such that degrade me or even worldly schools to be nothing but fools.
God is protecting his most choice spirits from evil.
A deeply touching and personal topic today. Thank you for sharing and thanks to God for helping us with strength through such challenges and making us better sons and daughters of God through it all.
having dyslexia and ADHD I struggle with this ! even though i am a born-again Christian i still ask "WHY"
Awesome answer.
Wow. A heartfelt response to a really tough question
Our son has Special needs of Down’s syndrome and is Autistic He is 23 yrs old `One day I went down to see my son one day after school he like quiet time as school is noisy
He had never spoken to me our his wonderful daddy but this day I found him with his wee hands stretched up towards the ceiling and with the most serene look on his little face he said one name The name above all name’s he said Yahweh !! I was totally touched by the Lord ! He calls me Mamee but hasn’t said any other names since that was about 5 years ago I sing Jesus loves you over him but never mentioned Yahweh I long for him to be healed in the precious name of Yahweh because I think it would bring his daddy back to Christ Please pray for Harrison thanks in advance To the young man who asked the question my son knows God personally and was worshipping Him
Great question for all
2Кор 13:13: "Благодать Господа нашего Иисуса Христа, и любовь Бога Отца, и общение Святого Духа со всеми вами. Аминь."
I think it’s important for us to remember that it is God’s purpose for us. It is His purpose for us to love and be loved. Special Needs people have the ability to do that so much better than us, who haven’t been born with those special needs. People may say that they do not have quality life but I would say differently. I have a sweet little friend who is 38, has non-verbal autism that has the mentality of a 2 year old. Some say he doesn’t have quality of life but I will say that he does because he is as happy as a 2 year old would be. He has lived his life as well as can be and has life God’s purpose for him, which to love. His love is that of a child’s love. He knows nothing else and when his time on earth is done he will have lived is life’s purpose fully and I know that God will say, “Well done!”
This answer I a cliche stock answer I was taught in childhood many many years ago across the world. Doing things for eachother and for God isn't empty, but this guy's rehearsed answers are.
So instead of criticizing his answer and calling it empty than why don't you give it a go yourself? I can’t stand when people criticize the way someone responds or does something but they won’t offer any substance or better answer to the question. Either you don’t have one or you don’t want to say because you will be criticized the same level you criticize others.
My cousin was told her baby would have down syndrome and she ended up being fine. Every person I have known with downs have a masters in love and kindness while I'm still in kindergarten
scripture says many times that all beings great and small, man and beast, glorify God, just by being.