Flyhawk 1/700 HMS Prince of Wales Assembling

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @skylinegtr336
    @skylinegtr336 3 роки тому +1

    Excellent video! Thank you for showing your techniques, steps and thought process.

  • @PavelPinzhin
    @PavelPinzhin 6 років тому +4

    Thank you so much for sharing this with us! Not that much people work with PE in 1/700, and far less manages to film it - and you do it sooo well! I have quite a few FlyHawk kits in the waiting line - and I'm terribly intimidated by the amount of PE to deal with. So your videos are of an immence help to me, both practically and morally :)

    • @EbroinSong
      @EbroinSong  6 років тому

      I am glad my video is helpful to you. FlyHawk's kits are great, but not easy to build.

    • @infiniteflyer1357
      @infiniteflyer1357 5 років тому

      how do you get a fly hawk kit?
      i can't buy any

  • @northcoast261
    @northcoast261 3 роки тому +1

    Stellar work with this. I’ve seen your painting video on this model and it’s amazing! Your shipbuilding videos are a favorite of mine.

  • @aronszebeni8577
    @aronszebeni8577 6 років тому +3

    My God, I have this kit on my shelf waiting for assembling, but you frightened me a bit with this video. I thought it would be a tricky one but now I know how much it will be. Thank you for the good quality work, waiting for the painting part :)

    • @EbroinSong
      @EbroinSong  6 років тому

      Thank you. Some of the etched parts were tricky to me, I hope this video helps you to build the tricky parts. =)

  • @rapscallion3506
    @rapscallion3506 5 років тому +7

    Egads! What micro precision. RESPECT!

  • @richardb3882
    @richardb3882 6 років тому +3

    Really enjoyed this series it looks a very detailed kit for a 1:700 as for the photo etch, you make it look easy!! great set of videos keep up the great wiork

  • @mmotorhead
    @mmotorhead 5 років тому +1

    Geez... Jewelry art... congratulations.

  • @petehoskins1267
    @petehoskins1267 5 років тому +6

    Amazing work, I have problems with 1/350 etch. Great post.

  • @JedenSiedemDwa
    @JedenSiedemDwa 5 років тому +3

    It's absolutely incredible! Perfect made model! All the best for You! ;)

  • @alwoodsmodellingmayhem
    @alwoodsmodellingmayhem 6 років тому +8

    After watching this, I had to sub. Wonderful work. As I am looking into try to add a bit more to my 1:700 collections you can bet I will be watching your progress with interest.

    • @EbroinSong
      @EbroinSong  6 років тому +1

      Thank you for watching and your interest =) this one will be finished soon.

    • @alwoodsmodellingmayhem
      @alwoodsmodellingmayhem 6 років тому +1

      Looking forward to that mate.

  • @Custerd1
    @Custerd1 5 років тому +6

    Nicely done. I prefer the detail and relative ease of construction on the 1/350 scale ships, but just don’t have room for them. So, microscopic parts it is.

  • @АлександрКулагин-э1ф
    @АлександрКулагин-э1ф 5 років тому +2

    Отличная работа!Ждём HMS Repulse.

  • @gdaltonb
    @gdaltonb 5 років тому +10 much for the electron microscope?

  • @robbiestephens49
    @robbiestephens49 5 років тому +2

    Great build

  • @aleccap8863
    @aleccap8863 5 років тому +1

    I found wood glue best for metal photoetch, it will fix clear and will hold beautifully, also great for rigging

  • @gladstream8262
    @gladstream8262 6 років тому +2

    Fantastic work

  • @gordonyork6638
    @gordonyork6638 4 роки тому +1

    Brilliant job

  • @robbo1068
    @robbo1068 5 років тому +6

    I was watching another channel and there was great discussion as to who is the world's best modeler and your name came up so I thought I would see what the commentators were saying....I must admit, you are definitely up there with the very few elite best. Congratulations....your POW build was an amazing watch and will be checking your work out in the future.

    • @EbroinSong
      @EbroinSong  5 років тому +1

      There is another guy who came here for same reason, I am glad people comes up with my channel.
      Thank you and welcome, I hope you enjoy watching here. =)

    • @telinoz1975
      @telinoz1975 5 років тому

      Yep, same here.
      By far the best builder I've seen.

  • @Don_Camillo
    @Don_Camillo 6 років тому +43

    Respect 👍You should repair swiss watches. You will get a better salary 😁.

    • @EbroinSong
      @EbroinSong  6 років тому +6

      lol I'd never thought of doing that

    • @danilvinyukov2060
      @danilvinyukov2060 4 роки тому +1

      @@EbroinSong wouldnt hurt to try. Especially if you start of on some cheap russian movements. I for example mannaged to dissasemble and reassemble a few Slava movements. Also enlightened me on how they work. They can be bought cheap in bulk as "steampunk art project parts" and i most definantly dont have the same fine motor skills as you do.
      Ps. How is your work on tirpitz going. I was facinated by the level of dedication you placed into that project.

  • @legobatman8353
    @legobatman8353 3 роки тому +1

    I would love it if you did a highly detailed model of HMS Hood. My uncle was on her when it sunk.

  • @modelwarshipsmws1305
    @modelwarshipsmws1305 6 років тому +3

    Such a great work. I work with Photo-etched pieces too. For me they're just bad dreams.

    • @EbroinSong
      @EbroinSong  6 років тому +2

      Photo etched parts are very complicated to work with.. I also tried very hard for not ruining them. Thank you

    • @modelwarshipsmws1305
      @modelwarshipsmws1305 6 років тому

      Ebroin Song how long did you work on bridge?

    • @EbroinSong
      @EbroinSong  6 років тому

      Including the etched part, maybe a week? I am not sure.

    • @modelwarshipsmws1305
      @modelwarshipsmws1305 6 років тому +1

      It looks veeeeeery nice!

  • @catsnchords
    @catsnchords 8 місяців тому

    Great build! What's the device you are using at 7:00 to create the circular PE parts?

  • @mikelritchjr5911
    @mikelritchjr5911 3 роки тому +1

    I was admiring more of your work.
    And of course another amazing job on the POW...
    What brand of diamond file is that your usin

    • @EbroinSong
      @EbroinSong  3 роки тому +1

      Thank you!
      Sorry there is no brand name on my files.
      I think you don't need to find specific brand. Most of diamond files have similar quality.

  • @lukealmighty8828
    @lukealmighty8828 3 роки тому +1

    Wow I mean wow you have ninja like skill

  • @alep8645
    @alep8645 4 роки тому +3

    Did you know this hms prince of wales was sunk on my home country Malaysia.
    Her mission was to block Japanese army from evade Malaya but failed she was defeated by torpedo bomber squadron. The torpedoes were hit on stern and damaged the drive shaft and make her flooding to the left another three torpedo were hit on Right bow port side and stern she was sunk with Hms Repulse battlecruiser and end the era of battleship

  • @callumboyd5122
    @callumboyd5122 3 роки тому +1

    Great work! For the railings, are you using super glue or wood glue to put on the model? I am having problems putting these tiny railings on without leaving super glue marks on the plastic. Do you have any tips please?

    • @EbroinSong
      @EbroinSong  3 роки тому

      I use superglue for the railing.
      I sand down residue on the ship.
      Thank you for the compliment!

  • @zetaopress2389
    @zetaopress2389 4 роки тому +1

    Great video! and what's the soundtrack at the beginning?

    • @EbroinSong
      @EbroinSong  4 роки тому

      Thank you for the comment!
      It is from World of Warships' OST, unfortunately I forgot the name of the track.

  • @liwenh.2468
    @liwenh.2468 6 років тому +5

    thank you for sharing this, great job. Did you use knife to apply super glue? can't wait to see how you paint, it will be my guide to assemble and paint this kit.

    • @EbroinSong
      @EbroinSong  6 років тому +1

      Thank you. =) And yes, I used the knife for applying.

  • @ibrahimaliklc531
    @ibrahimaliklc531 6 років тому +7

    This is really a great talent,Are you sure the eye number doesn't grow?

    • @EbroinSong
      @EbroinSong  6 років тому +1

      Thanks and two eyes are good enough for me =)

  • @chrisjung3538
    @chrisjung3538 4 роки тому +1

    👍👍👍 c’es t quand même plus facile au 1/350. Good job.

  • @captainobvious9233
    @captainobvious9233 3 роки тому +1

    How much did it cost to rent the giant microscope from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in order to see what the hell you were doing with the photo etched?

  • @ulch11
    @ulch11 3 роки тому +1

    You really glossed over those ventilation outlets on the deck. Oh my god those ventilation things.

  • @BlueVixen
    @BlueVixen 5 років тому +2

    Impressive! Very Impressive!
    I'd like to know, what kind of materials and tools do you use in a situation and or timing.

    • @EbroinSong
      @EbroinSong  5 років тому +1

      Thanks! I thought my tools and materials are easy to be identified when they are shown on video.
      Would you leave me the comment about tools and materials you like to know?

    • @BlueVixen
      @BlueVixen 5 років тому +1

      Dear @@EbroinSong ,
      I'm not expected the repry! (゚∀゚)
      Yes! I wanna know a trick of your magical model constructing.
      If you have an extra time, please show me your modeling factory tour. Of course, I subscribed your channel.

    • @EbroinSong
      @EbroinSong  5 років тому +1

      Thank you for the sub!
      I will show my tools when more people interested in my tools. =)
      But my tools are pretty common and nothing very special.

    • @BlueVixen
      @BlueVixen 5 років тому

      Dear@@EbroinSong ,
      Thanks for your reply.
      Yes, May be, I know materials and tools that you using.
      I'd like to know tips for using these common folks that make a particular model.
      For example, I some times use a round wound guitar strings for making an antenna. Like that.
      Oh my! I'm concerned about troubling you.

  • @이수정-h1w1d
    @이수정-h1w1d 5 років тому +3

    보는내내 숨을 못쉬겠다. 내공이 대단한듯!

    • @EbroinSong
      @EbroinSong  5 років тому +1

      감사합니다 ^^

    • @이수정-h1w1d
      @이수정-h1w1d 5 років тому

      @@EbroinSong 한글 인사.정말 고마워요!

  • @MatheusPereira-ud5oi
    @MatheusPereira-ud5oi 6 років тому +2

    Nice Work!!! One more sub added

  • @bamukero4978
    @bamukero4978 4 роки тому

    Does the kit come with photo-etch? Or is that separate?

    • @EbroinSong
      @EbroinSong  4 роки тому +1

      Deluxe edition comes with PE. Normal edition doesn't come with PE.

  • @chuckgaunt8513
    @chuckgaunt8513 5 років тому +1

    How did you paint the deck

    • @EbroinSong
      @EbroinSong  5 років тому

  • @АлексейКоновалов-з7л
    @АлексейКоновалов-з7л 5 років тому +1

    Я правильно понял, что все травление и стволы входили в комплект?

    • @EbroinSong
      @EbroinSong  5 років тому

      Да, они включены в ограниченное издание.
      Теперь вы можете купить отдельно.

    • @АлексейКоновалов-з7л
      @АлексейКоновалов-з7л 5 років тому

      @@EbroinSong спасибо

  • @tenreirobenjamin200
    @tenreirobenjamin200 6 років тому +3

    Hello, I discovered your channel randomly while searching for some Yamato models as I will make one after I'm finished with my Akashi 1/700 model. I'm doing photo-etched parts as well and you assembling them so precisely made me sub to your channel !
    Your videos are quite inspiring so whenever I'm not in the mood I come here to watch them.
    Btw, I have some questions : When using masking tape for the hull, what size are you using ? 6mm ? 3mm ? Also do you recommend putting thinner in your surfacer ? (I'm using Mr.Finishing surfacer gray 1500 so I don't know if it's already thin enough or not)
    Thanks a lot for your time !

    • @EbroinSong
      @EbroinSong  6 років тому

      Thank you for watching and sub! =)
      I used 20mm wide masking tape, and I cut it into 2-3mm wide when I need to.
      If you are planning to spray surfacer with an airbrush, I recommend to put thinner. the surfacer isn't very thin.

  • @martinlardizabal7358
    @martinlardizabal7358 5 років тому +2

    Amazing work especially with the photo etched parts! I'm currently working on my 1/700 Yamato kit and I keep messing up the photo etched parts. Especially the railings they just keep falling off ugghh. Do you have any tips in gluing them so they don't fall off easily? Thanks!!

    • @EbroinSong
      @EbroinSong  5 років тому +1

      Thank you =) I also experience same problem all the time, I just try not to touch them and check my glues for degeneration.
      And if you glue the PE on the painted surface, the PE falls more easily.

    • @martinlardizabal7358
      @martinlardizabal7358 5 років тому +2

      Ohhh okay thank you!! I guess I’ll attach them first before painting then. I’m using loctite super glue is that good enough?

    • @EbroinSong
      @EbroinSong  5 років тому +1

      I am also using Loctite 401.

  • @candidoes1minehack
    @candidoes1minehack 5 років тому +1


  • @oscarlow3907
    @oscarlow3907 5 років тому +1

    was this hard to build

  • @kaigara9209
    @kaigara9209 5 років тому +2


  • @kotan2185
    @kotan2185 6 років тому +1

    are all flyhawk kits generally this detailed?

    • @EbroinSong
      @EbroinSong  6 років тому +1

      As far as I know, yes they are.

  • @午後の紅茶-n8u
    @午後の紅茶-n8u 5 років тому +4


  • @panupongyormin5795
    @panupongyormin5795 6 років тому +1


  • @peanut1412
    @peanut1412 6 років тому +1

    Could you please do a 1:700 US Heavy Cruiser?

    • @EbroinSong
      @EbroinSong  6 років тому +1

      I will build Trumpeter's USS Baltimore someday in future, maybe after I build some kits that I already have. =)

  • @73north
    @73north 6 років тому +3

    Can't wait till ' Flyhawk ' bring out the 1/350 version of this ship - and blow the old 1986 Tamiya Kit out of the water

    • @EbroinSong
      @EbroinSong  6 років тому

      I agree, we have too old kit for too long time.

  • @nscaledelights
    @nscaledelights 4 роки тому +4

    Wow this is nuts I cringe at plastic let alone etched stuff.

  • @落苏-v8f
    @落苏-v8f 6 років тому +2

    lol,i can not make this scale model

  • @hindugoat2302
    @hindugoat2302 5 років тому +1

    hurry up!
    they built the real one faster than that

    • @lemonslisterine1862
      @lemonslisterine1862 5 років тому +1

      Building models take time, care, and attention to detail.

    • @stevie65able
      @stevie65able 4 роки тому

      Why don't you build it faster and video it so we can see how quick you are!

  • @misabi2
    @misabi2 5 років тому

    눈깔 빠지겠다..