Life: Inside - Part 2

  • Опубліковано 23 вер 2024
  • In depth interviews with older convicts serving time behind the walls of Pelican Bay State Prison. For more videos from around California's north coast visit


  • @Rh1no1
    @Rh1no1 17 років тому

    Great, informative vid. Thanks for sharing this slice of prison life. After reading Michael Santos' book on prison, I can see how everyone loses, not just the victim.

  • @koyaustralia
    @koyaustralia 14 років тому

    I'm glad these guy are changing

  • @Chida_o_0
    @Chida_o_0 16 років тому

    nice documentary, thanks for sharing it.

  • @essexcutie69
    @essexcutie69 16 років тому

    the difference is, the victim doesn't deserve to 'lose'... the convict does

  • @cjames5a
    @cjames5a 14 років тому

    A system bred on hate breeds hate. It's a simple way of looking true. But, when you go past the complexities it really comes down to hate. I believe that there is a pace for prisons and that some people should never get out. But, I also believe there is a place where mercy does have a role. Our society is lacking in this badly.

  • @bottledsoul
    @bottledsoul 14 років тому

    The biggest problem about prison, and the entire justice system in general, is that there is very little gradation between crimes.
    A psychopath is untreatable and should not be in the company of others. However, they are not viewed differently by the justice system than people who perform crimes of passion.
    People don't stray from committing crime because there is an outstanding state law in place. They do it because they have an internal moral code. Different people have different needs.

  • @yuck627
    @yuck627 13 років тому

    great story

  • @Picknroll6
    @Picknroll6 17 років тому

    They don't always tell the "whole truth" about their crime on camera. He could be down for a number of things that he dosn't wish to disclose.

  • @themandude20
    @themandude20 15 років тому

    The system is fucked people get like 25 years for rape but get 15 for murder.... ridiculous.

  • @fuckthispost
    @fuckthispost 15 років тому

    Wow that one guy got 5 years for shop lifting. thats horriible poor guy.

  • @celticlofts
    @celticlofts 14 років тому

    It's incredable to think that Joe Fuller got 5 years for shoplifting. Why not some kind of community service instead? He could work at some old folks home cooking once a week or something like that. It's a complete waste of tax payers money having him in there.

  • @fashionhistorylover
    @fashionhistorylover 16 років тому

    Five years for shoplifting is ridiculous if it was his first offense. I would have given him a year at the most. Some people have done worse and didn't get five years. Busta rhymes have assulted two people, carried a weapon, and a loaded illegal handgun but gets zero time. Yet this guy gets five years. Even if it was my store he stole from I would still think five years is harsh.

  • @madzikud02
    @madzikud02 16 років тому

    man, i really wish he leaves prison i actually feel sorry for him :(

  • @dre19872005
    @dre19872005 14 років тому

    @eyholmess when you know the hearts of certain people who go to jail then youll understand...everybody in jail arnt bad people an thats a fact theres nothing to argue about that,everyone makes bad descisions when ur put in bad descisoons
    if u were born into a rich fmaily u wont understand but if ur from the ghetto or hood youll know how easy it is to get into some stuff....but youll never agree u juss wanna send someone away for life when they didnt even take a life...

  • @chuckchizzle
    @chuckchizzle 15 років тому

    If these guys got out today they would be no threat to anyone...i bet they would just lay low

  • @fvjr214
    @fvjr214 18 років тому


  • @ashley060189
    @ashley060189 13 років тому

    @dre19872005 If you were robbed at gunpoint, wouldn't you want to know that the guy who scared you to death & threatened your life was locked up for a long, long time? I know I would want to be reassured that I was safe from ever being threatened again.

  • @1CME90
    @1CME90 14 років тому

    I'm so glad I haven't fucked up and had to go to prison!!!

  • @realmanturko
    @realmanturko 15 років тому

    well said mate,gud on u

  • @madzikud02
    @madzikud02 16 років тому

    charles palmer very intelligent

  • @Vestegnen
    @Vestegnen 14 років тому

    in denmark you only get 6 months or something for an robbery.. maybe 1 - 1,5 years for armed robbery.. our system is too soft, good behavior can cut your time to half..

  • @fvjr214
    @fvjr214 18 років тому


  • @Nikela1986
    @Nikela1986 15 років тому

    Do they have tv's in their cells?

  • @ngobmx
    @ngobmx 15 років тому

    calm down, they go to prison to get rehabilitated, so if the prisons are doing it right u dont need to worrie

  • @hydvn6
    @hydvn6 15 років тому

    Charles Palmer needs to be let out =[ i feel bad for him, he realizes what he did was wrong isn't the purpose of prison for that? LET HIM OUT!

  • @bottledsoul
    @bottledsoul 14 років тому

    I think that 5 years is the maximum sentence for shoplifting, so I am guessing that it wasn't the first time he did it.
    I am, however, against prison in general. The whole idea is rooted in the ancient past. We need to find a better way.

  • @dre19872005
    @dre19872005 12 років тому

    @turkeysloth I guess we just have to find out.. But Don't take away someone's life who could have easily killed someone but chose not to...

  • @Xeidasx
    @Xeidasx 14 років тому

    @rantburg1 my feelings exactly.........

  • @longdongdavy
    @longdongdavy 17 років тому

    5 years for shoplifting? are you fucking kidding me?

  • @mookixox
    @mookixox 15 років тому

    Holy fuck, most of these guys are probably back out in the streets by now...LOCK YOUR FUCKING DOORS PEOPLE!!!!

  • @dre19872005
    @dre19872005 15 років тому

    i mean i understand but just becuase its armed robbery doesnt mean u can take somones life away... when u do armed robbery u didnt even kill anyone ..u were just tryna get paid in an indimidating way...for example homie how do u get life in prison for armbed robbery on a first offense but get 20 years on killign someone...the system is basically saying a life is worth less than robing or money

  • @rick6393
    @rick6393 15 років тому

    He may have had proir convictions

  • @essexcutie69
    @essexcutie69 16 років тому

    i'm sure you would appreciate the U.S.'s "tough on crime bullshit laws" if it was your shop he shoplifted from. (i am not american nor do i live in the US by the way)

  • @ryan332007
    @ryan332007 14 років тому

    Let me explain. You're threatening someone's life when you do something like that. Sure, this is the first time he was caught doing it, but chances are it wasn't the first time. Chances are he was terrorizing his neighborhood for years and years.
    Stop making these people out to be saints. They chose this life over an honest living, so they can suffer the consequences.

  • @dre19872005
    @dre19872005 15 років тому

    yea they system is too hard ..somebody got life on a first offense for armed da fuck do u get your life tooken away form u on a first mistake and u didnt even kill nobdy..please some agree with me this system is crazy

  • @daveyork0
    @daveyork0 16 років тому

    This guy is so right. There is a need for more structuring amongst the whites. The way to do it is through the Leader Principle and implementation of a fascist union how it's worked before in other white communities, say parts of 1930s Europe if you really want to look back and see some success stories.

  • @redneck5002
    @redneck5002 16 років тому

    I think that If the prisoners act civilized, don't give the officers a hard time, and act rite, they should be treated better (as they seem to be in this video) than the animales that throw piss at the employees.

  • @ngobmx
    @ngobmx 15 років тому

    uh huh sure it is

  • @helorm341
    @helorm341 16 років тому

    are you guys that niave? Come on he probably was in prison for ten years before that for like armed robbery or something and violated his parole. someone who hasn't done shit in his life before and steals food at a store isn't getting five years in prison.

  • @dre19872005
    @dre19872005 13 років тому

    @ashley060189 ok if you were robbed at gunpoint the person with the gun basically had your life in their hands n they decided that all they wanted was the money not your life ..they should be punished but not their whole life in jail when they could have easily tooken your life they chose otherwise understand now? its still wrong but i mean 50 years for just robbing n not killing? you might as well had killed the person for all that time geeze

  • @Georgie2500
    @Georgie2500 14 років тому

    He mightve been a "booster" aka someone who goes into a store and steals 100's of boxes of expensive drugs like advil, etc.

  • @ngobmx
    @ngobmx 15 років тому

    ull get wat ur given man, are u even remorseful? or are u just looking for a free ride?

  • @fargokatie
    @fargokatie 15 років тому

    OH. I see. Why would I use my energy for that. Please. I'm just're not nice, liar :D

  • @Skindoggiedog
    @Skindoggiedog 15 років тому
