Jay, yes you are correct, the pigeons are clipped (we actually use tape, so can be removed later), and planted pretty heavy as well, want them to be right there when dog gets there.
Excellent question Tim, in our program once we are confident that the dog is fully collar conditioned training will alternate daily between collar on, collar off training sessions. If all goes well then two days off one day on...then three off one on...and progress from there until the collar is only used for tune-ups as necessary. We will be videoing Draven's progression through the process so hopefully you will be able to follow that for some insight into how it goes with him.
Rob I met you at Tom's this spring nice to see you on utube
Welcome to the group, hope you are enjoying some of the videos! We will see you soon for the Spring Trial in May
I assume that you clipped those wings? If not great job planting those.
Jay, yes you are correct, the pigeons are clipped (we actually use tape, so can be removed later), and planted pretty heavy as well, want them to be right there when dog gets there.
How do you transition from collar use for training to no collar for the trial?
Excellent question Tim, in our program once we are confident that the dog is fully collar conditioned training will alternate daily between collar on, collar off training sessions. If all goes well then two days off one day on...then three off one on...and progress from there until the collar is only used for tune-ups as necessary. We will be videoing Draven's progression through the process so hopefully you will be able to follow that for some insight into how it goes with him.
Are you using clip wings for this drill?
Yes, all are clip wing birds for this drill, always want them to be exactly where we planted them.