Gondor Gambolling 81: in which Gryfflet decides that he's not quite done with Gondor

  • Опубліковано 29 тра 2024
  • Gryfflet has been cooling his heels behind the waterfall at Henneth Annûn having completed all his tasks there. He sets off across country to complete his remaining tasks which allows us to tackle some Lore Questions while he tracks down some stray Trolls, most of which are now harmless, recovers yet more Ranger supply caches, and hunts down ravenous Battle-cats who are threatening the local wildlife. He reports back to Ereblen, the Ranger who gave him the Tasks, and receives some herbal extracts in recompense then sets off for the Field of Cormallen to collect seeds and replant them while we discuss some more Lore. This is Ereblen's final task so Gryfflet heads for Bar Tarnaher to deliver the supplies he was collecting where he meets up again with Legolas and Gimli. The latter is worried about the morale of the soldiers of Rohan and Gondor and suggests that we talk to some who prove indeed to be worried about the course of events; Legolas sends us back to Henneth Annûn to report our findings to Aragorn who has noticed similar trends there and asks us to reassure some of the soldiers. This has mixed results so Aragorn sends us to his camp on the border of Dagorlad while he considers his response. This prompts a brief discussion of whether we are ready to commence a new series and if so what it should be called but it does not take long before we arrive and make contact with Damrod who has been awaiting our arrival. We bypass many familiar folks to report to Mithrandir and Aragorn. The latter has been considering the problem that we uncovered earlier, but wants more details; he also wants us to scout ahead, and to help the Healers back in Minas Tirith. We check in with Éomer, who wants us to look out for remnants of his ancestors during our scouting mission, and with our fellow scouts, while interviewing various folks around the camp. On our way back to Aragorn we are intercepted by Langlas, another familiar face, who has something to help us on our mission. Aragorn makes the momentous and much-anticipated decision to send a detachment of his host to Cair Andros to retake the fortress and regain their honour thereby: he wants Lord Duinhir to lead them with our help as appropriate, with which we are only too happy to comply. On consideration Gryfflet decides to return to Minas Tirith to find out what help the Healers need, and Ioreth is happy to fill us in. It turns out that Galathir, the Herb-master who annoyed Aragorn on his visit, has a new apprentice and Ioreth worries that he will not teach her properly: she has been sent on a risky errand and Ioreth wants us to help her. We find Galathir to be just as pompous as before and his apprentice Milgamel to be as enthusiastic as could be hoped. Despite his earlier determination to avoid the Herbalist Quests, Gryfflet is too kind-hearted to refuse and sets up a rendezvous in Osgiliath which there is just enough time to make: we meet on the bridges in the centre of the city and discuss her itinerary briefly before ending the session.
    "I'm being all like adventurous here!"
    "Briefly distracted by being attacked by a wolf!"
    "Oh, tell me this Troll isn't on the top of the hill! That would be so annoying!"
    "It's a Troll vending machine!"
    "Yikes! Rubber-banded to a totally different part of the map!"
    "Aragorn, I have an idea!"
    "Those Quests are dead to me!"
    "I did not expect Éomer to send me off to do archaeology!"
    "Anybody scared here?"
    Lore discussed this week mostly concerned Denethor's despair and how it contrasted to that of Théoden; we also considered adaptation rights and touched upon Elven culture in contrast to Human or Dwarf.