"Yeah, so Melee is such a beautiful game with such great depth. For example, take moky clips. His play is incredible, since when he does something sick, he laughs and says 'holy shit.' Then, one time, as I was watching him again, he had zero reaction, which caught me completely off-guard. The next time, he laughs and says 'holy cow.' moky clips had completely crossed me over mentally, and that blew me away."
The holy cow mixup
"Yeah, so Melee is such a beautiful game with such great depth. For example, take moky clips. His play is incredible, since when he does something sick, he laughs and says 'holy shit.' Then, one time, as I was watching him again, he had zero reaction, which caught me completely off-guard. The next time, he laughs and says 'holy cow.' moky clips had completely crossed me over mentally, and that blew me away."
Sounds like you got hit with the grab release at ledge, my condolences
Its not moky clips without his signature "holy cow"
moky throwing jack harlow around like a sock puppet😩
this is a certified moky clips classic
Holy moly combo mix up coming soon
holy shit >>>>>>>>>>>>> holy cow
This is what happens when society makes a man moke and doke so hard
sounding a little forced there bud 😂
holy cow dude
We know you wanna say it Moky 😘
HOLY MOLE #MasterMoleMike
Moky saying something other than “holy sh*t”??
mixing it up huh?
If I was hit by that up air below the stage I would quit this game for life