I once had a teammate with that mod that started saying our match was doomed because our side averaged like a 48%WR vs the enemy's 54% and went on to barely do anything for the team. (Mind you he was a DD) We proceed to win the game in like 8 minutes with only 3 ships lost and he ended up at the bottom of the team score
By any chance was the players name Daughter_of_Dawn. 8k average damage in YY and Sherman with over 300 games in each and a WR of 33%. 1st thing they did was moan about our BBs being shit. I was one of the BBs with a 68% WR and 1900 PR in the thing. I have not played Wows since I got Hell Let Loose from Epic 2 weeks ago and I boy I feel good.
I played brawls 12 vs 12 T8 cruisers only few years ago (yes, WG called that 12 vs 12 mode a brawls and gave it a coal mission😅. We were average guys put against one of unique best clan(60+WR) 12 players division and after trench warfare match we have won. Rare unique match once per 8 years!👈👈👈 /To be honest: stats surely don't win the match but when you play more battles you gonna see the difference. And CBs themselves are not in best MM conditions nowadays: superships vs T10, forcing you take max allowed superships per team but banning number of DM and other ships for "unclear" reason) WG doing nonsense limits and does rarely explain its hidden interests and reasons.
So he did he job in spotting and capping for the team and here you are making fun of him for playing his ship right? I would rather have a DD spot and cap then a DD who sits in his smoke and farms damage. Spotting and capping is not rewarded as much as damage. Do not forget that.
My now late father, used to play on my account, he was 70 plus, at the time cleveland was still tier 6, and he liked to play. His skill set was w till full speed, pew pew pew till sunk. He played 2000 matches that way. Remove those 2000 matches I go from my showing 47 to a 54. Guess what if my dad was here to play, I'd let him drive my stats even lower. I miss that old shit.
@ This above all else. This is the only multiplayer game that I play right now. All of my other games are single player. Games are foir relaxation and sheer fun. Nothing more IMHO.
I disabled my stats for exactly that reason. Maybe I think team play a bit too much and then end up with lesser results than when just focusing on my kills and farming.
Blacklist. It's a wonderful tool to block people like that out. I use blacklist for all sorts of jackasses out there. What I really wish was that Wargaming's match maker would take that into consideration when putting you in a match, if someone is on your blacklist you shouldn't be matched up with them. I'd rather play on a team of bots against other bots than be matched up with someone I've had to blacklist because they're asshats.
@ I have played the same games as well. I only blacklist people for spouting political nonsense, racism and or they become bellicose and/or downright insane with their PC pixel admiral cosplay.
Yeah, what ever happened to the people loving the underdog. A lot of basement dwellers want to pretend to be some kind of elite nowadays. They don't appreciate the uphill battle, they want to be born with a silver spoon. They are probably pretty ugly and moist, too. 😂
These stat clowns i have in almost every game. I disabled my stats, not that they are horrendous, I'm average, but just because i will get flamed either way. They just pick the stat that doesnt suit their expectations and just focus on that. And completely ignore that i play a bunch of ships, that i absolutely suck at playing, just because i like some diversity in my gameplay, rather than sweating my ass off in the same 3 OP ships to flex some stats on nerds who can't even imagine what a woman looks like lmao
You must be a brother from another mother. I play every ship I have from left to right to get variety in my gaming. The MUST WIN AT ANY COST TYPES love to play the same 3-5 OP ships to "win." All without enjoying the game.
Because I'm not gonna argue with people. That's what they want. Picking out stats that they consider bad and try to provoke me by making fun of it. Hiding it is simply the path of least resistance.@@moosehead9706
XVM has ruined Wargaming products for years. people are looking at the wrong thing instead of thinking tactically and that mentality ruins their ability to observe and learn, to get better.
I run across a guy that wants me to uninstall the game every couple of months. My win rate in my Atlanta is under 50%. App0arently he has never played an Atlanta in a random battle. This guy expects my ship to carry the team to a win......that is NOT going to happen in my made of glass Atlanta.
Dude... Atlanta is so damn OP. 52% WR across EU server. Only Belfast is better at this tier. You should absolutely carry your team in Atlanta, especially if top tier.
@@robertbloch1063 Two glass cruisers, with excellent DPM when put in the right situation. When the team does the right thing, those ships can make an excellent difference. When the team isn't, they are inconsequential and just a bullseye for the enemy team (well, Belfast has a few assets that help with her longevity).
My Brisbane feels your pain. Those two ships are floating citadels waiting to happen. The other day I saw a pro in a Brisbane that had four kills, survived and won the match. He could dance between the rain drops of shells like no one I had ever seen before. It was a sight to behold.
@@Tuning3434 Yes, no ship/player in game can win single-handedly. Somewhat competent team is required. I can carry in my atlanta even mediocre players who have some understanding of the game and care about win. Those usually sit around 50%. But if you get bunch of 40% wr "and proud of it" players then the game is lost before it even started, no point putting any time and energy into it. Quick stomp, and next battle if frustration allows.
@@robertbloch1063personally I don’t like the Atlanta. It had poor range, and poor armor&health. Which doesn’t work well for me. I love the Atlanta in brawl because it’s actually not bad in the smaller maps. But its DD range mixed with its poor survivability make it really difficult for me in random battles. Its poor range means you can’t hit them from afar, and make it hard for them to hit you. It’s poor armor and HP means you can’t afford to get closer to get shots. You can’t chase anyone with it because you can’t brawl. Your best bet is to find a mountain you can hide behind, and hope there’s someone in range. And with today’s passive meta, it’s very feast of famine because you’re dependent on the enemy team coming to YOU. More often famine than feast.
I've seen people completely freak out in literally the first minutes that another player didn't immediately listened to that person. Like a player didn't immediately go to a cap and so that spammer in the chat just goes straight afk to a corner of the map. Absolutely the worst kind of players are just looking at stats
In randoms you can’t listen to people. I personally keep chat on as I still like to communicate. Hey someone might actually give good advice sometimes right? But at the end of the day you can’t let someone bark orders at you. It’s up to you, whether you think what they are telling you is solid or not, and then YOU make a call on it, even if they are a good player. I’d know this because maybe about 2 days ago I had a Cruiser player telling me to push cap and spot (I’m a DD main) having been radared twice already they still expected me to push a cap full of Cruisers with radar, and a DD that out spots me. I chose to ignore him and fall back regardless of what he told me. Later on when I saw the flank weaken a bit, and ships spread out more on the enemy team, I turned around and dominated the flank. We won the match.
What a timing for a topic, because I've encountered 3 different players that had this mentality just today. As a DD main, I'm getting used to 'unreliable teammates' and putting more focus about my own performance than other's. Granted, I'm not always pulling out perfect plays every single match so it kinda work both ways.
I used to do that in world of tanks sometimes. But only when someone was talking smack to me in game then ended up doing terrible, and I did well. So I’d message em after the match and call them a clown and give them the “I told ya so”.
I had one of those the other day, he found me in a game, called me out for my (admittedly terrible, like 45.9% or so) winrate, then later sent me an extremely insulting and rude DM about it. I replied with 'your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries', then reported and blocked him.
This is exactly why I periodically take breaks from the game. Unfortunately, those breaks are becoming more frequent and longer because when the game isn't fun, why play?
games where you're the best player on the losing team are when you have the opportunity to rack up amazing damage, kills, and ribbons before you go down. Being an average player on a steamroll winning team leaves slim pickings for you. Players like this are why I nearly exclusively play PvE modes.
there was a guy in Operations yesterday - yes, Operations of all things - that got into it w another player during the match, bc the player accidentally blocked his torps. Besides throwing out all the normal curses at the player, he then proceeds to say he hoped the guy died - literally - hoped he would die. Then he placed a curse on the guy's entire family, saying he hoped his whole family died & he witnessed it. Seriously - what kind of miserable, EVIL, sub-human says such things? Over an imaginary pixel game? I spoke up in chat & brought that up, lol. You can imagine the response. I honestly thought about saving the replay & sending it in to Wargaming, but figured nothing would be done. Also thought about reporting him to the FBI - not joking - issuing threats like that are literally illegal & an act of hate & terrorism. If he commits evil over something that doesn't matter, imagine what he does IRL. Scary.
Calm down, bro... terrorism? Maybe your ego is a bit fragile, too, and you have 'snitch' written all over your DNA. You are not better than him, you just need a justification to wish evil on people yourself.
My son new at the game tried playing with me and someone told him he sucks and to go kys. I was just blown away that wargaming allows this. Needless to say my son had no interest in continuing to play. Sadly the game will be the thing dying.
Thanks for adressing the issue. I too had a game recently where the second to last guy on the team complained that 3 BB were scared of a Napoli (good Napoli player kikking our asses) : if only toxic people could just play the game instead of wasting time in chat, it would be so much more fun for everyone!
I've run into a couple of players like this before, including the OG Angry_Turtle before he got banned. Had one guy literally announced in all chat that he would be sabotaging as many games as possible in revenge against WeeGee for bad MM and would be creating new accounts each time to do so when he got banned. The only thing you can do is report them and send a ticket in to support with the replay and hope WeeGee takes action unfortunately.
A few years back I was playing a co-op game. I sailed around an island and had openings to nail to ships, which I did. Then this "young punk snowflake- (Not using bad language, as I respect the players) informed me that 'I had sunk "his" 2 ships " he had targeted and threatened to do various things me. If I had known how to send the replay to the mods I would have. That was just uncalled for . Heck after 7+ years of the game I have had ships sunk I was trying for, but it is a TEAM game, not one person's personal game. I suspect he went & cried to mommy about the "nasty player" who sunk "his" targeted ships". Now I have had players request for me not to sink a certain ship as they were trying for a badge or such, and when I can, it is only polite to let them go for it. I know it can be a long haul to obtain a level or rank. It is just a game. My life won't end it I lose a game or don't acquire a level. Now I am a "OLD GUY" who plays as health permits, and it helps keep my fingers mobile and (hopefully) keeps me (somewhat) mentally alert. (Spoiler- I am literally more than old enough to be The Mighty Jingles father). I enjoy the game and being on a very cooperative team enhances the play by a magnitude. There are enough spoil sports out in real life who take great delight in making life miserable for others. Be nice and play nice and earn the respect of others.
This is kind of akward. This week i started using a stat application aswell because i was fed up with how unpredictable my teammates where, and i wanted a way to see what they where gonna do. This has helped me GREATLY in predicting how certain people would act (Mainly secundary battery abusers) and it allowed me to finally act accordingly, and get me out of Bronze in ranked. I hate to statshame, but often when i see a specifick player on my team (i caught like 4-5 botted accounts in ranked) i call them out just so people know what suspicious shit is going on, or if they need to watch out because a player has a "tendency to throw" I by no means mean anythng bad by me calling players out, and that was only for ranked, but man, sometimes you just have to be realistic of your teams behaviour, and you gotta use a stat application to see what they are gonna do. It helped me alot with enjoying the game more, because i knew how i should play to get the dubs based on enemy team and my teams compesition. Randoms are randoms, i don't go play Randoms expecting a win, but ranked was a difrent story...
I mostly agree, but I’m at the point where I treat ranked as a smaller randoms. Some people play ranked just for the rewards. You can spam battles and eventually get them all (hence the bots). It’s still good to know what to expect from looking at the stats.
What about giving constructive advice during the game like 'cap A' or 'we need recon'? Why do you need to ostracize people, how does that help? Maybe communicate better, instead of expecting other players to read your mind. And who knows, if you are really that much better than bronze in your mind, you should be able to carry them, maybe?😉
@@agricolaurbanus6209 lol people do not listen. If you ask people to do things then 95% of the time they will be like, play your own game! Don't tell me what to do. 44% wr players are honestly too dumb and stubborn to listen to others or to be able to comprehend what they did wrong or even basic strategy of a match.
@@agricolaurbanus6209 I had a Mushasi the other day ask me to turn on my underwater acoustic listening device on my Pommern. We were both very close. It spotted the DD and he wiped it. He thanks me and I said I was happy to oblige and we won a difficult match. It was the height of courtesy. A lot of people are still learning on how to play, where to go and what to do. I count myself as one of these people as I have been playing since Beta.
Congrats on getting out of bronze, but just playing decently will get you out of that pretty fast. If you play well you’ll be top of you team on a loss and won’t lose a star. You can tell in the first few minutes who on your team is playing well by what they do, and as a dd main I’m watching who they shoot.
Win rating is only relevant for people who are good enough or bad enough to consistently effect the outcomes of the battles. As far as I can tell, the range of 46% to 54% is neither good or bad enough to consistently effect the outcome of battles, this range is going to make good and bad decisions, they will have games where they are exceptional and win the battle, and sometimes they're going to struggle to have any positive effect. Those below 46% are almost always going to have a negative effect and the rest of the team is going to have to do more to get a win. These are the players who can take a guaranteed win, and loose it for you. Those somewhere around 55% to 60% (I'm not sure exactly where) and above, are the players who can make the win happen, even against the odds, supporting them increases your chances.
That's far too broad of a range to make that conclusion. It's fair to say that 48-50% WR players aren't going to be that different in terms of battle impact, but someone who's 54% over a large enough sample of battles is going to positively contribute far more consistently than a 46%WR. The leap in skill between that range is enormous.
When see players with more than 15000 battles and win rate 43%-46%, less than 0,7 sinking ratio and average damage of 35k....it does say something about that player.
But you also have players that inflate their win rate by playing thousands of games in t1-3 getting 60%+, but then you see their win rates in t8-10 they barely break 49%.
Very good video, recently had a teammate going berserk about my positioning and perceived bad play in my Scharnhost ( I know how to play it) but that doesn’t always go to plan, I had to retreat to recover had three/ four targeting me but this muppet wasn’t having it what gets me about these idiots is there total lack of what’s happening in the match no thought given to how well the opposing team were playing.
I love those types. You are being farmed and targeted by three other players and trying to disengage, whereas the stat warrior just sees you retreating, when you "should be advancing" in their mindsets.
I hate it when that happens. I love fast flanking ships but that also means I am weird positions or sometimes just needing to kite away and every once in a while I get someone freaking out. Sorry I am not willing to go 1v2, or 1v3 because I will die and need to reset. Sometimes I do mess up, or missplay but that happens to everyone.
I reminded a guy once that the difference between a 42% and a 47% win rate is one win every 20 games. I know my win rate is between 43% and 44%. When you are playing on a team, you can have little control over a win by yourself. I have played very poorly and won games, I have played very well and lost. I have come to realize, as a general rule, 😊f your side loses its DDs and the other side doesn't, you'll probably lose.
Those maths are not correct: If it would be 1v1, there is a case to be made, but single player performance should not have that large of an deviation on a team, especially when put in teams with players closer to 47, 50 or even 55WR players and functioning divisions: It's not that it's a win more or less in 20 battles, but your specific performance ensures that in 1 of 20 battles, the rest of the team cannot compensate for your lack of performance, and that is considerable knowing you have 11 other teammates. A 43 WR player consistently takes actions that severely skews the teams changes to loose from the allegedly average 50% WR (over enough battles played). Not to be a dick, but if this also is coupled with a low average experience
This... just have fun. I have lost countless games where I slaughtered one, two, three and even four other ships while still losing. Three times I got Krakens and we still lost. So what, it is a videogame. Not real life. How many "good" players here would be real life Admirals (much less captains) anyway? Not mnany, including myself I presume.
This attitude is what will cause you to lose more then win. If you are not actively thinking about. How can I be better? What can I do differently that can change the outcome of the game. Of course, there are going to be games you don't have control over. You should be striving to win 3 of 5 games. That will put you 50%+ if you are losing 3 of 5 you'll be under 50%. Do the things that will influence the match and not worry so much of your stats. I guarantee you will win more then lose. You are right about the DD tho. So learn to play them. Because the DD's most of the time will influence the match.
Completely disagree with you. Over a thousand games randomness will mean you have the same team as everyone else and your WR is an extremely good indicator of how well you are playing. It’s a measure of you decision making in the game. A 43% WR means you are making poorer decisions more consistently a 47% player.
@Tuning3434 Math is absolutely correct. 5% is 1 in 20. Even over 40,000 games, it's 1 extra win every 20 games. If a 42% player and a 47% player each play 20 games in a day. statistically, the 47% player will end up on the winning side 1 extra time. That is it. Math doesn't change because it doesn't fit your narrative. Is is literally the difference of 4.2 vs 4.7 wins every 10 games. Statistically, it isn't a huge deal to me.
I've run into a player just like that. Started complaining about the poor stats of the 3 weakest players then just sailed off to the boarder. I tried but couldn't convince him to play it out. We still won without him and it was a decent battle.
Yesterday I was in a match with a Mass that was a tier 10 match, the CV player on our team said in open chat he wasn't going to play because there were tier 8s and 9s in the game and he told the enemy where he was going to go and to kill him because he will only play in all tier 10 matches.
I had a guy complain that there was a submarine (me) in the battle (asymmetrical mode), pretty much saying that we’ve automatically lost because I was there. He proceeded to be the first one killed. I survived, sunk 3 ships on my own, damaged several others and we easily won the battle. 😂
@@mortxiii yeah as long as you can stay hidden and continue to down the ships that try to capture the base. I had one of those too playing CV, the bots just park in the middle and become easy targets tor torpedoes.
Long time ago, I actually reacted to this type of abuse, but that just fed them. Now I just block and report. I know that with 49% WR I'm a bit shit, but that is no reason to tolerate such behaviour. That said, I have been reported even when trying to be supportive, such as stating my intentions when playing a DD or even thanking players when they support me in a tricky situation. Mind, I never critcise play, knowing that sooner or later I will be making similar mistakes. I don't quite understand that...
How about banning all stats? People spam super ships and think they are good because the xp and damage are 2k and 100k plus damage? Disable chat is the best thing you can do
No reason to ban it, at least you need to be able to see who is incompetent, definitely dont want go without stats, you need to be able to identify bad players and call them out..
Im glad you are pointing this out my win rate is in the 40's yet I have the Navy Bell working on 25 top 3 in tier 10 random games. My percentage slipped as I moved to higher tiers, a supposedly friendly teammate brought up my stats to try and embarrassi me. Yet when the tier 7 match ended again I was in the top three as far as points with 3 kills 4 citadel, and yet his score was lower than mine. It didn't stop even after we won the match, and inevitably I had to block him. I appreciate your attitude towards the game, i try to be helpful when you see players in newly purchased ships 2 tier lower engaging t9 battleships in open water, it usually doesn't go well.
Win rate doesn't mean anything, it's random battles. Sometimes you get a good team sometimes a bad one, either way these clowns need to remember they're playing a video game.
True, and has even been me in the past when super tilted. Sometimes I think they should just kick you out of the match as soon as you die, no time to message.
I am so glad you put out this video.. I hate, hate players who go on about stats. It does nothing to show to show how well players play currently versus 3 years ago as an example and the game has changed so much as well. I have over 12,000 battles give or take and in random I am a 48% player because when I started I didn't watch videos, I didn't put in the time to study the ships and how they should be played. I just went out there and had fun. Then, I started learning.. getting smarter and watching other players. I also started out with the worst line to begin with.. German DDs... good lord the number of losses I had was astronomic at the start. Did I care.. no. Now, I am working on trying to get those loss rates down because I KNOW MORE. I wish that MOD would go away.. It's just dumb and it tells you nothing if you are an experienced player. Watching someone play for 2 mins tells me more if they KNOW what they are doing or not.
The only stats I pay attention to are my own. I use them in an attempt to better myself. Im not going to hold someone's stats against them. For all I know it might be an 8 year old on the other side of the keyboard.
So, this video helped me in a way that I didn't expect. We've been preparing our clan for future clan battles, but after watching this I now believe we weren't preparing in the right way. I'll be changing how we "train" members to prepare them better as well as taking notes on how they play for the team, and not just for farming stats to brag about how well THEY did, not how WE did. I would honestly love a series of video that goes over training a group for clan battles as I think that would be very beneficial, informative, and entertaining. Maybe replays of clan battles where you comment about good and bad choices or it could even be a video about actual training "classes". Either way, I'd definitely watch that.
I’ve called CB for a few different clans, and one pointer I have for you is to tell people right at the start to not call out any damage they might get. After the game yes, but never in game. Some people will have jobs that means they will get low/zero damage, or be asked to push in to die if that is what is needed to win. People focussing on damage is really bad for team morale.
Another thing about stats is that they don't track things like operations, so if those are your main way of playing, your stats aren't going to be correct in the slightest. Side note, if you're one of Those Players, and you decide to throw the match because there's nothing you can do to win, the least you could do is YOLO into the enemy, that way you at least deal some damage. (*and* you get to rejoin matchmaking faster)
One of my funniest battles was with one of those in my team, trashing my moves on my Yugumo, ranked. Final result: we won, with me being the last alive on my team and turning the battle around to our favour, by myself. 😅
Dude either I was in that match or otherwise managed to bunp into the same guy recently. Literally same thing: some junk player on the enemy team immediately ripping his teams stats and hiding in the back. Enemy team got into a massive /all argument and got washed out hyper fast.
I recently had two Ranked matches where a friendly player stayed out of the action (one went to a corner) and trash-talked his own team for the duration. One of them kept saying "I'm not afraid of your report button".
He came from WoT section propably :) randoms are INCREDIBLY broken right now in Tanks, and its ultra common for players who play 'already for a while' to use XVM. then its ultra easy to make assumption, that 'we already lost' at beginning, when you see that your team is 70% tomatoe`s (xvm is colour-ranked: from red (worse), through yellow, green up to blue and violet) its gone so far, that you can turn on in the mod setting a 'XVM chance to win a game calculation' based on XVM player stats I used it once or twice and turned it off :)
Watched a guy in a Mino suicide in after the same thing and there was "no chance" to win. Sadly, we did lose, but it went down to the wire and I was the last on our team against two enemy. Sure would have been nice to have a Mino on my side.🤨🤨
People can tell crap players in game regardless of the name based on what you are doing. You get bad stats because you play poorly, and that is obvious in game.
According to stats, I am a great player. My win rate is over 55 per cent. On the other hand by my own admission I SUCK at the game as my survival rate is abysmal. Many games I am the first dead, and in under 3 minutes. The thing is I only play co-op. I am trying to get better.
Another reason not to play random. For me it's the difference between players like yourself who play to win for the team, and the player who plays to stay alive the longest. The ones who hides in the back or behind islands while the rest of the team dies. They are hoping to come out and clean up after the team players have done all the hard work. If the team players carrying this ship cannot win their 2v1 matches they trash them in the chat. You even see the, play to stay alive the longest, players in operations.
I had this argument before. I like knowing the other team's players stats or even my own for the sole reason of knowing what to expect from their play. But it does NOT indicate which team will win. I have a screen shot somewhere of a win we had, a blow out, and yet the other team had like 4 or 5 Super Unicom Players and the worst player on their team was like 49.6%. Our team had like 2 players above 50% and several in the mid and low 40%s and yet, not only did we win, we won in a short time blow out. Does that happen often when they have all those Super Unicom Players? No. Usually you would expect the opposite, but it can, and it did happen. So giving up just because you were delt a bad hand is.... immature at best.
I do not use any program but i can always tell that when the match opens, if there are people that turn their ships and head away from their companions to go to a different group then 99% of the time these players are 44% wr player or lower. Often they leave their starting cap and sail across the map and die in the middle of a different cap. Even in asymmetric battles, the poor win rate players will leave where they started to go die elsewhere. It is amazing to me how you can likely tell where a person is financially and emotionally just but how they play a game. Their poor and weak mental state says it all. And that is just the way that it is. If you want to get better then you have to improve your mental game.
@deaninchina01 Hum maybe you are right. I was going to say that if you are not smart enough to understand simple game mechanics then likely you will have a hard time in the working world... But there are a lot of dumb people who float through life with a good job who are not smart. Financially is not the right word. Maybe emotionally mature would be a better metric to measure success. Problem solving skills are way different as well. Bad players play their own game and do not care about anyone else. They don't even know that there is a problem or if there is then it is someone else's problem. The high wr players are always looking to solve problems and can take criticism.
Does not make any sense to me that someone would just quit if they are trying to keep their win rate up. How does that make any sense? So this guy says, This teams Win-Rate is not good enough for me, so I am going to QUIT and make my win-rate go up? And yet you did not rat him out by naming or shaming him by name. Class dood. Bravo.
so true, im a pretty good player and absolutely just fumble every now and then, some with the 23 other players in the match. WR is a really poor indicator with that many variables in randoms.
One other factor towards stats that players have no control over, how long you have been playing. To the best of my memory, there has never been a stat reset and those early years were rather weight-y on some stats as the game evolved and a lot of issues were being ironed out.
I had a teammate in a Thunderer that started like "Please a win this time, i had 10 bad teams in row, please give me good game now." And he was actually going to positions that looked somewhat useful, not the corner of the map. Then he complains about spotting, ok expected. Then the first teammate dies, and he goes on an on to verbally abuse that guy. Then procedes to with homophobic and antisemitic comments. In the end he had 6 base xp. He had over 14000 games with a maximum damage of 16k among all his ships.
I once had a battle in my Kamikaze R where I was left alone against 7 enemy ships, I sank 6 of them and had almost caught the New York when time ran out, and we lost. I killed 8 ships that game.
Had a battle one time in Agano (which is actually not far off a server damage record for that ship, like 10th highest damage on the Asia server) where everyone else on my team died really quickly and I was on like 5k HP, but I sank 8 ships for 170k damage and died to the enemy CV's torps literally just before my own torps hit him.
Retired Navy vet here and just started playing WoW less than a year ago and i bought a few boats and got destroyed for 5 months before i realized there were even stats that mattered lol . 43% win rate but over the last 3 or 4 months after learning the game more I'm well over 50%. I wish they would reset the numbers and stats every year.
It would be nice wouldn't it? It takes me a good while to get comfortable in a new ship and I'm constantly grinding lines to get as many ships as possible. It took me a good long while to break bad habits I picked up when I started playing years ago as well. And once you get over a certain point with an account it becomes extremely difficult to moves those stat numbers even a little bit.
Meanwhile you also have players like me that used to play randoms but stoped ages ago so i have like 500 battles in randoms which is maybe 5% of my battles being what they judge me on
This happened to me once in ranked and got told to “go back to co op where I belong”. Dude that told me ended up bottom of the team because he spent all match talking bad about me
@@deaninchina01 Absolutely , Map knowledge & Positioning are vital if you want to do well in this game and yes you can get blow-outs no matter how well you play.
My 'few and far between' is the guy who gets sunk, stays in the match, and proceeds to tell individual players (me included) they suck at the game and should uninstall WOWs.
I was in a match like this last week as well......same kind of person doing exactly the same thing, even after the match actually messaged me multiple times to tell me how awful i played. some people really have no life
My assumption is that a significant decider in the matchmaker is the amount of revenue associated with players. So the MM puts the whales on one team, and perhaps players with the higher win-rates too, in order to reward the whales.
I love it when people try to stat shame me. Yeah, I have a win rate around 46% but I have over 17k games and back when there were more ships that you could get without shipyards, coal or steel, I would blitz matches to get them. As such, back in my earlier days, my win rate was in the 30% range, but I got dozens of ships that are no longer available, or you now have to pay for. (For example, the only ARP ships that I do not have are the most recent ones, ARP Maya and ARP Yamato and I got my Musashi with Free XP. I missed the original Missouri by a day.) The mod though pulls the 46% and not that my almost last 1000 games, I have been at or above 50%. I have been told I should ask for a reset, but I look at it this way, I seal club enough using Yamamoto on my Kamikaze R, I don't need to reset to stats pad. I play the game to relax, and if I want to be competitive, it is there if I choose to.
I have been playing world of warships for just over 6 years, and i stopped playing randoms quite some time ago. When i started the game people were actually helpful, and tried to give advice when needed. But for a long time now this rarely happens. It is sadly for me personally ruined by those who are extremely toxic. Most players are ok, but there is a large part who just either give up, complain about everyone when they die cause they messed up, and i guess easier to blame everyone else. Also many really thinks they are much better than they are. I had one go on for 45 min after a game ended about how crap i was, bare in mind in a game we won, and where i was just above middle and he was second to last. I could just have blocked him, but i was curious to see how long this dude would go on for. Sadly WG does nothing about this and have not done anything for so long to combat the toxic players. We really need a pro and a casual random mode. If this happened it could solve a lot of this, and it is easy for WG to do, has been requested for years and yet nothing....go figure.
I've never quit trying to win a match just because our team has poor stats. In fact I tried mods that show WR and other stats and I stopped using them and I now play vanilla. I do however care about certain stats (like account WR) and I have stat-shamed people publicly when they don't know when to shut up. Quite often the ones that whine the loudest are exactly those 40% WR players blaming it on the rest of the team. Average damage on the other hand means nothing. Most people don't understand that you get rewarded for permanent damage done and they tend to farm battleships with HE... The moment the BB heals up, he's effectively lowering the rewards you will get for what you did to him beforehand. It is way more efficient to hit a DD for 15K than a BB for 30K. Also, killing subs and DDs wins games while farming BBs just wastes your time in most cases. Additionally, if you have one angled enemy player at 1-2K HP and another one broadside at full HP, it helps you and the team to kill the low HP enemy first. Sure, you'll do 1-2K instead of potentially 10-20K (or more) but you will reduce the amount of guns returning fire. Most players don't take this into account. One more thing I'd like to add are the WG missions and how counterproductive they are. If we have limited time to play and we want to do the dockyard (or another even) mission set, we must target specific objectives that often are not helping you win. For example, if we have to do some ridiculous damage numbers, the easiest way to get it is to farm BBs with fires.
Plenty of experienced players who forget they were once new at the game and it took time to get good. Then they expect everyone else to be as good as they are no matter the exact experience and time in game. A lot of young and immature people that are clueless on how to act as an adult. Then their are the crybabies whining about people stealing kills. Well, it's either you damage and/or sink every ship you can or get sunk yourself.
I ran into a lot of whiners about stealing kills when I was still playing WoT, over the time I stopped caring, it's a waste of time to go into an argument with the likes of those, just block them or just ignore them if not both....
I was also playing the Montana a few days back. I loaded into the game and immediately a dd on my team said”Any player with a win rate lower than 45 should kys”. I am not great at the game but play for fun. My win rate is 44. Without releasing I was next to him most of the game. I have not had Monty for long but this game I got a kraken and was best player on the team. For once the world’s got my back 😂😂.
I just played a game with someone like that yesterday. Unrelated to that I was also fortunate enough to play against you. :-). It was a good game, well played by both teams.
I tend to play DDs a fair amount (particularly torp ones), and the player i hate most (beside myself when i cock it up) is the one who wants you to do DD things (scout, cap, spot, etc.) but remains in the far reaches of the map, doesn't shot the enemy DD or radar cruiser when i spot it and i get killed, and he starts to blame everyone but himself for not supporting me (the DD that tries to be useful). I'm a very casual minded player, logging in to just do the daily missions and obtain the 3 daily containers (54% avg WR), and when someone tries to stat shame me (or anyone else) i just block them up, or rile them up by saying "imagine being triggered in random battles in an online game" (the last one usually ends in amusing ways 😂).
I play mostly ranked and a great way of triggering stat shamers is pointing out that they are a solo 55% WR player (same as me) when their overall WR is 65% (gotten by playing in divs with other good players). This drives them nuts because they are very proud!
I had that same guy a few days ago and he quit at the beginning of a ranked match and although the other team had better stats, our team still cleaned house and got the W. Both teams reported him.
That's ESPECIALLY egregious in a Ranked match where every ship counts and you can make so much more of a difference even if you have a bad teammate or two.
So many people worry about their WR, that they play Tier 5's 75% of the time and Tier 10, >5% and think when people see they have a 50.1%-win rate, that they are a good player. A 50% WR at Tier 5 is nowhere near as good as a 48% WR at Tier 10. I know myself that I have a Tier 5 to 6 WR of close to 70% yet am just under 50% at Tier 10 and I played about 25K games and 90% of that is at Tier 10 So, I love when they try to educate you on how to play because they have a higher WR and we aren't supposed to notice that it is mostly at Tier 4 and 5 and they are 1 or 2 percentages better. I point it out to them. Tier 4 50% is not very good. Tier 10 - 50% is great. So, before you go flaunting WR stats, look at what tier that is mostly from. The real Pro-Gamers will still play low tiers on occasion, but for the most part, they play Tier 10. The guys that want to LOOK like they are good, play low tiers, then come up to high tiers and want to talk like they are great players. Basically, if you have a 50% WR and mostly play Tier 5 and someone else has a WR of 49% or even 48% but play mostly Tier 10, the 48 or 49 is a MUCH better player.
This behaviour is spawned by certain big streamers and their attitude. If you watch them play the game, all they do is complain about "my team". It's honestly part of why I don't enjoy playing WoWs as much anymore.
I had that happen about three years ago. Surprised the heck out of me. I was still very new at that time and I just couldn’t believe it. I play the game for fun. I don’t do this like a full time job!!
I’m mostly a ranked player and we get these types of guys every now and then. One game a guy like this was on my team complaining towards the end and we lost the game. The next, he was on the enemy team complaining the whole time and sailed away. Lo and behold his team destroyed us and everyone unanimously decided to report him in the match.
Worst player I have ever come across was a guy named Phd_In_Tocicity. Literally tried to blame anyone else over a random battle. Let's just say he told me to do some very unspeakable things to myself amd my family
Had a teammate (BaronDTA) yesterday that did this. I was playing Salem and was working on positioning it on Estuary because it's easy to get dev struck on that map in that boat. I don't do one thing exactly how he wants and starts ridiculing me, goes to J10 like bro how miserable do you have to be to behave in randoms like that. Best part is his WR was the same as mine and doesn't even have Salem so he doesn't have experience in that boat to rightfully complain.
I had an Asym in my Hannover yesterday. I went around an island instead of inside of it on the A cap. Somebody blew up chat, all caps; "SUPER SHIP HIDING?!" They died seconds later. I clutched it, with one other cruiser, for an almost 400k damage win. Kinda crazy how quickly people decide what is a bad move and rage about it in chat. Often to be proven wrong.
I´ve had my fair share of players like that. They always end up being the guys that don´t do shit in the match and usually die first. Or like this guy, they sit in the back of the match and just bitch the entire time. They are super-unicum wannabes that are probably living in their parents basements. Those people are just pathetic.
Ironically one of my best matches where I sank 4 or 5 enemy ships as a dd and kinda carried was when we had a bb hiding at map edge and just insulting the whole team and me especially for being stupid and not knowing how to play. I'll be the 1st to admit I'm nothing speacial but it sure felt good to serve some humble pie to such a fool.
I had people like this constantly in WOT. One of the big reasons I stopped playing. I don't see y they cant see it as a challenge and try there best. I got XVM stats info I started to treat people different after, would not depend on them to make the right choices. It got even worse when people would just go afk or sit in the back and complain. There sats were not the best either. I do feel War gaming made it a bit that way. Letting people have or buy tanks that were high tier and now u had people that have only played tier 1-2 a tier 8 tank messing up the MM.
As someone who runs a monitor tool, the only times I'll do something like call a player out at the start of the match is if they themselves start yapping about bad teams when they themselves are a bad player (glass house and all that) or if it's an account that appears to be a statistically anomaly/bot (aka the player with 20k account battles, 35% WR, and 5k avg dmg in a tier 10 ship.) Usually as a warning to the match that they should send in a ticket to WeeGee to hopefully get the bot account banned.
I started playing the game again about a week ago after a year and a half away. Took only 3 days for me to have an encounter with a piece of trash to put it VERY generously. Story time for those interested in reading. TL:DR Guy with hidden stats attempts to stat shame DD player with a 56% W/R on a game that just ended up being one of those game.... and based on how things panned out at the start he was a contributing factor to what happened. Welcome back to warships truly. I'm on average a DD player and was playing my first game in Orage. I think it was on Northern Lights? It's one of the variations of that map to say the least. Our middle decided to all come over to my side of the map (C cap) which ended up being a weaker flank in terms of the enemy. The enemy took note of this and executed on it VERY quickly and needless to say the match ended up being bad right off the bat. I did my usual DD thing and went to contest the cap to the best of my ability and unsurprisingly ran into the enemy Oland. The 3 dudes over there including the Oland (to my surprise) all actually shot at me. I shot back at the Oland as I was thinking, being that I have 6 other teammates over there (including a Marceau), he would certainly go down. To my surprise he got away and I lost HALF of my health in that engagement. So now my ability to contest is hurt as that Oland does outspot me and the enemy all did the right thing and actually shot at me. At this point they already took the middle of the map and A side was on the retreat too, having to deal with that AND the middle now since middle spawn just bailed on it. Probably only about 3-4 minutes in at this point? Wasn't long. A certain individual in a BB who was one of those that spawned middle and came over there (in a div with the Marceau as well) comes over there and starts getting upset we don't have C yet. I was already making my way back to the cap despite some reluctance to do so due to my health situation and how the opponent handled all that... even if the Oland does go down with a second encounter, I'm likely dead too. The Oland had fully backed off however and the enemy was kiting the flank at that point so I was able to get in and take the cap... of course the enemy literally has the entire rest of the map, with a Napoli sitting quite comfortably in B cap with 3 others. I begin to sail down that way as obviously (so I thought) team needed help on the other side especially for DD screening in the middle because obviously the enemy had pushed through and who knows where the DDs were, given I wasn't gonna last long If i encountered them. BB starts questioning what I'm doing and why I wasn't pushing through C. TL:DR pretty obvious this guy can't read the situation whatsoever and a whole argument ensued in chat between me and this dude which basically took away the rest of the game as now I'm furious as the clueless teammate who was a contributing factor to the situation the team found itself in decided to target me and blame everything on me. His div mate was awfully quiet so i can only assume that guy was chat banned, which would be unsurprising being these types tend to stick together. Needless to say that Marc pushed up that flank and damage farmed ships that were literally no factor to the bigger picture that happened for the entire rest of the game (enemy continued to hold B and push all the way through A pushing away the 3 people there that tried to defend it). I encountered a full health Halland and miraculously after having shells fly in at me from 3 different directions got away with less that 1000 hp. Obviously I'm dead on next encounter but there is literally nothing I can do to help bring back this already broken situation for this team. It was just one of those games. To my (un)surprise... guy decides to keep carrying on about it and starts messaging me in port. Two things that make this all the more amusing: 1. Guy claims not to care yet here he is going out of his way to continue to harass me after the game? 2. He attempts to stat shame me. The funniest part about that is I have a 56% W/R. This guy had his stats hidden.
I was grinding dockyard missions in Asym, and this dude was raging at me for not using my radar to spot a cap. That was 3k out of my range. Spamming chat saying i dont know how to use my consumables blah blah Meanwhile, he's hugging the back of the map like it's his mother. Then he spends the match trying to snipe with his BB and missing pretty much every salvo before getting nuked by the bot CV lmao.
Last weekend, I had the misfortunate of having a toxic player like that on my team during a Random Tier X match. He was in a Shimakaze, and tried to 'Rambo' a cap on his own at the match start. When he quickly got singed by the other team in the cap, he turned tail and fled, damning the rest of us as worthless noobs. He then parked himself safely BEHIND our CV and spent the entire game just screwing off, firing random gun, torp, and depth charge blasts at nothing in particular just to annoy our CV player and continued to harangue us from the sideline. In the end, we lost, largely because he gave up and wouldn't even spot for us, He got reported but of course nothing is ever done about these bad faith players.
I been getting matches where the CV player goes to J1. DD just going straight dump torps and die. And of course popping their consumables right at the beginning of the match. This happening in Tier 9-10 matches is like this is what people do at tier 5 not this high tier. And of course the afk people. I have blocked plenty of them and still get them in my matches from time to time.
As a fat fingered DD main I will sometimes pop smoke at the start of the game, especially in a new ship that I have forgotten to swap the smoke consumable off the T key…….. Gets good comments in Gold Ranked let me tell you!
i had a match about 3 weeks ago where a so called teammate was giving me crap about my win rate - yet at the end of the game (which we lost) i had more xp than he did, despite me having a tier 8 bb and he had a tier 9 bb.
I was playing Ops and had a guy in a Mainz decide not to play for 70% of the match because "Why do damage if my kills are just going to be stolen". He was in fact very new to the game
Just yesterday, I played a Halland in Asymmetric, then I spotted 3 CA bots with 2 radars so I turned back a bit. A guy behind me (Schlieffen) just spam ping and told me to get in the cap multiple times, he then proceeded to 1v4, got burned to crisp, sunk, then typed "Don't play war games if you are a coward". The game end in victory with me and a friendly Shima left and 3 secs to spare. If that guy just played defensively, we would have had a much easier win.
Thats an usual sight in ranked every 10 games u have one or 2 players at that write that their team will loose and then proceed to speedrun sinking themselves in order to sit there for the next 17 minuetes to be able to say: i knew it i told u we will loose my whole evening is ruined by bot games😂😂😂😂😂
I play ranked pretty well exclusively and in the last five years have never ever seen this. It makes zero sense. Because you save a star by performing the best on your team no one I have seen has ever done this with a possible exception of bad players trying to qualify. And why would they hang around to get in the same lobby as bad players?
@deaninchina01 i once had one game where one of the enemys did throw his dd away bc he said he was going to loose with his bad mates before the one minuete mark, he rushed middle and said he wasnt going to spot for his bad mates then the flanc he should be spotting collapsed bc they git farmed out without dealing dmg bc nobody from my team was spotted bc they had spot and used islands. Next game 2 players writing the same again, a desmo sitting broadside to the cap eating my ragnar ap followed by a oranje doing the same and then complaining about my "p2w" ship although he had the newest overpriced steel ship and i havent payed a cent into the game but dump people are dump so what to expect else besides ragnar really not beeing op and played far too agressive by me that game bc they were not even trying to win, just complain.
Thanks for pointing out that win rate isn't everything. However, a few years ago Jingles made a video in which he claimed just that. And he's quite influential. He supported the belief that statistics are predictive of future outcomes. Some gamers and commentators can't tell the difference between a rule of thumb and a law of the universe.
I once had a teammate with that mod that started saying our match was doomed because our side averaged like a 48%WR vs the enemy's 54% and went on to barely do anything for the team. (Mind you he was a DD) We proceed to win the game in like 8 minutes with only 3 ships lost and he ended up at the bottom of the team score
By any chance was the players name Daughter_of_Dawn. 8k average damage in YY and Sherman with over 300 games in each and a WR of 33%. 1st thing they did was moan about our BBs being shit. I was one of the BBs with a 68% WR and 1900 PR in the thing.
I have not played Wows since I got Hell Let Loose from Epic 2 weeks ago and I boy I feel good.
I played brawls 12 vs 12 T8 cruisers only few years ago (yes, WG called that 12 vs 12 mode a brawls and gave it a coal mission😅.
We were average guys put against one of unique best clan(60+WR) 12 players division and after trench warfare match we have won.
Rare unique match once per 8 years!👈👈👈
/To be honest: stats surely don't win the match but when you play more battles you gonna see the difference.
And CBs themselves are not in best MM conditions nowadays: superships vs T10, forcing you take max allowed superships per team but banning number of DM and other ships for "unclear" reason)
WG doing nonsense limits and does rarely explain its hidden interests and reasons.
I just hide my stats these days think im 47% in randoms mostly solo and like 51% in ranked but i just dont bother some idiot thinking it matters.
@@jasper5878A lot of players are immature, it could be any of the hundreds of them for that matter. We just have to ignore them and play the game.
So he did he job in spotting and capping for the team and here you are making fun of him for playing his ship right? I would rather have a DD spot and cap then a DD who sits in his smoke and farms damage. Spotting and capping is not rewarded as much as damage. Do not forget that.
My now late father, used to play on my account, he was 70 plus, at the time cleveland was still tier 6, and he liked to play. His skill set was w till full speed, pew pew pew till sunk. He played 2000 matches that way. Remove those 2000 matches I go from my showing 47 to a 54. Guess what if my dad was here to play, I'd let him drive my stats even lower. I miss that old shit.
Sorry about your loss.
You have the right philosophy here, the game needs to make you happy above all else.
@ This above all else. This is the only multiplayer game that I play right now. All of my other games are single player. Games are foir relaxation and sheer fun. Nothing more IMHO.
It’s idiots like that guy that really make me miss friendly fire.
Rage Quitter + Stats Jockey = Stats Quitter
That was my thought exactly
Had quite a few games where it looked our team has absolutely no chance - then the opposite side gets overconfident and end up losing.
I disabled my stats for exactly that reason. Maybe I think team play a bit too much and then end up with lesser results than when just focusing on my kills and farming.
A single spread of torps can change a match just like that.
Blacklist. It's a wonderful tool to block people like that out. I use blacklist for all sorts of jackasses out there. What I really wish was that Wargaming's match maker would take that into consideration when putting you in a match, if someone is on your blacklist you shouldn't be matched up with them. I'd rather play on a team of bots against other bots than be matched up with someone I've had to blacklist because they're asshats.
I concur completely.
L take, the moment blacklist affects matchmaking people will blanket blacklist anyone below 55% WR to get carried by excellent teammates in the future
5 out of 10 games WG makes me play with a blacklisted player on my team. Once I had 3.
@ I have played the same games as well. I only blacklist people for spouting political nonsense, racism and or they become bellicose and/or downright insane with their PC pixel admiral cosplay.
My blacklist is in the hundreds
Any kind of raging in chat is bullshit. Also, comeback underdog matches are some of the best games of all.
Yeah, what ever happened to the people loving the underdog.
A lot of basement dwellers want to pretend to be some kind of elite nowadays. They don't appreciate the uphill battle, they want to be born with a silver spoon. They are probably pretty ugly and moist, too. 😂
These stat clowns i have in almost every game. I disabled my stats, not that they are horrendous, I'm average, but just because i will get flamed either way. They just pick the stat that doesnt suit their expectations and just focus on that. And completely ignore that i play a bunch of ships, that i absolutely suck at playing, just because i like some diversity in my gameplay, rather than sweating my ass off in the same 3 OP ships to flex some stats on nerds who can't even imagine what a woman looks like lmao
If you don't care. Why hide them?
You must be a brother from another mother. I play every ship I have from left to right to get variety in my gaming. The MUST WIN AT ANY COST TYPES love to play the same 3-5 OP ships to "win." All without enjoying the game.
Because I'm not gonna argue with people. That's what they want. Picking out stats that they consider bad and try to provoke me by making fun of it. Hiding it is simply the path of least resistance.@@moosehead9706
How do you disable stats?
XVM has ruined Wargaming products for years. people are looking at the wrong thing instead of thinking tactically and that mentality ruins their ability to observe and learn, to get better.
I run across a guy that wants me to uninstall the game every couple of months. My win rate in my Atlanta is under 50%. App0arently he has never played an Atlanta in a random battle. This guy expects my ship to carry the team to a win......that is NOT going to happen in my made of glass Atlanta.
Dude... Atlanta is so damn OP. 52% WR across EU server. Only Belfast is better at this tier. You should absolutely carry your team in Atlanta, especially if top tier.
@@robertbloch1063 Two glass cruisers, with excellent DPM when put in the right situation. When the team does the right thing, those ships can make an excellent difference. When the team isn't, they are inconsequential and just a bullseye for the enemy team (well, Belfast has a few assets that help with her longevity).
My Brisbane feels your pain. Those two ships are floating citadels waiting to happen. The other day I saw a pro in a Brisbane that had four kills, survived and won the match. He could dance between the rain drops of shells like no one I had ever seen before. It was a sight to behold.
@@Tuning3434 Yes, no ship/player in game can win single-handedly. Somewhat competent team is required. I can carry in my atlanta even mediocre players who have some understanding of the game and care about win. Those usually sit around 50%. But if you get bunch of 40% wr "and proud of it" players then the game is lost before it even started, no point putting any time and energy into it. Quick stomp, and next battle if frustration allows.
@@robertbloch1063personally I don’t like the Atlanta. It had poor range, and poor armor&health. Which doesn’t work well for me. I love the Atlanta in brawl because it’s actually not bad in the smaller maps. But its DD range mixed with its poor survivability make it really difficult for me in random battles.
Its poor range means you can’t hit them from afar, and make it hard for them to hit you. It’s poor armor and HP means you can’t afford to get closer to get shots. You can’t chase anyone with it because you can’t brawl. Your best bet is to find a mountain you can hide behind, and hope there’s someone in range.
And with today’s passive meta, it’s very feast of famine because you’re dependent on the enemy team coming to YOU. More often famine than feast.
I've seen people completely freak out in literally the first minutes that another player didn't immediately listened to that person. Like a player didn't immediately go to a cap and so that spammer in the chat just goes straight afk to a corner of the map. Absolutely the worst kind of players are just looking at stats
In randoms you can’t listen to people. I personally keep chat on as I still like to communicate. Hey someone might actually give good advice sometimes right? But at the end of the day you can’t let someone bark orders at you. It’s up to you, whether you think what they are telling you is solid or not, and then YOU make a call on it, even if they are a good player.
I’d know this because maybe about 2 days ago I had a Cruiser player telling me to push cap and spot (I’m a DD main) having been radared twice already they still expected me to push a cap full of Cruisers with radar, and a DD that out spots me. I chose to ignore him and fall back regardless of what he told me. Later on when I saw the flank weaken a bit, and ships spread out more on the enemy team, I turned around and dominated the flank. We won the match.
What a timing for a topic, because I've encountered 3 different players that had this mentality just today. As a DD main, I'm getting used to 'unreliable teammates' and putting more focus about my own performance than other's. Granted, I'm not always pulling out perfect plays every single match so it kinda work both ways.
Good video. I think people forget, it is a game. I play to forget for a few minutes about the issues going on in life.
This type of player is a pain for sure. Another is the one that feels the need to message you after a game to complain directly
OMG, those are the worst. Your life must be really unfulfilling to do that. Just go outside and touch grass... please.
I used to do that in world of tanks sometimes. But only when someone was talking smack to me in game then ended up doing terrible, and I did well. So I’d message em after the match and call them a clown and give them the “I told ya so”.
I had one of those the other day, he found me in a game, called me out for my (admittedly terrible, like 45.9% or so) winrate, then later sent me an extremely insulting and rude DM about it. I replied with 'your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries', then reported and blocked him.
Angry Turtle was notorious for doing that. Haven't seen him for a while, maybe finally got banned. Or perhaps he has a new account now.
This is exactly why I periodically take breaks from the game. Unfortunately, those breaks are becoming more frequent and longer because when the game isn't fun, why play?
games where you're the best player on the losing team are when you have the opportunity to rack up amazing damage, kills, and ribbons before you go down. Being an average player on a steamroll winning team leaves slim pickings for you. Players like this are why I nearly exclusively play PvE modes.
there was a guy in Operations yesterday - yes, Operations of all things - that got into it w another player during the match, bc the player accidentally blocked his torps. Besides throwing out all the normal curses at the player, he then proceeds to say he hoped the guy died - literally - hoped he would die. Then he placed a curse on the guy's entire family, saying he hoped his whole family died & he witnessed it. Seriously - what kind of miserable, EVIL, sub-human says such things? Over an imaginary pixel game? I spoke up in chat & brought that up, lol. You can imagine the response. I honestly thought about saving the replay & sending it in to Wargaming, but figured nothing would be done. Also thought about reporting him to the FBI - not joking - issuing threats like that are literally illegal & an act of hate & terrorism. If he commits evil over something that doesn't matter, imagine what he does IRL. Scary.
the dude is probably great at parties!!! /s
Calm down, bro... terrorism? Maybe your ego is a bit fragile, too, and you have 'snitch' written all over your DNA. You are not better than him, you just need a justification to wish evil on people yourself.
My son new at the game tried playing with me and someone told him he sucks and to go kys. I was just blown away that wargaming allows this. Needless to say my son had no interest in continuing to play. Sadly the game will be the thing dying.
Just so sad... It is beyond belief.
@@dallaspease2685 lol I can see that! Peeps like that rarely go to parties cz irl they will end up spitting teeth in to a pool of blood.
Thanks for adressing the issue.
I too had a game recently where the second to last guy on the team complained that 3 BB were scared of a Napoli (good Napoli player kikking our asses) : if only toxic people could just play the game instead of wasting time in chat, it would be so much more fun for everyone!
I've run into a couple of players like this before, including the OG Angry_Turtle before he got banned. Had one guy literally announced in all chat that he would be sabotaging as many games as possible in revenge against WeeGee for bad MM and would be creating new accounts each time to do so when he got banned. The only thing you can do is report them and send a ticket in to support with the replay and hope WeeGee takes action unfortunately.
A few years back I was playing a co-op game. I sailed around an island and had openings to nail to ships, which I did. Then this "young punk snowflake- (Not using bad language, as I respect the players) informed me that 'I had sunk "his" 2 ships " he had targeted and threatened to do various things me. If I had known how to send the replay to the mods I would have. That was just uncalled for . Heck after 7+ years of the game I have had ships sunk I was trying for, but it is a TEAM game, not one person's personal game. I suspect he went & cried to mommy about the "nasty player" who sunk "his" targeted ships".
Now I have had players request for me not to sink a certain ship as they were trying for a badge or such, and when I can, it is only polite to let them go for it. I know it can be a long haul to obtain a level or rank. It is just a game. My life won't end it I lose a game or don't acquire a level.
Now I am a "OLD GUY" who plays as health permits, and it helps keep my fingers mobile and (hopefully) keeps me (somewhat) mentally alert. (Spoiler- I am literally more than old enough to be The Mighty Jingles father). I enjoy the game and being on a very cooperative team enhances the play by a magnitude. There are enough spoil sports out in real life who take great delight in making life miserable for others. Be nice and play nice and earn the respect of others.
This is kind of akward.
This week i started using a stat application aswell because i was fed up with how unpredictable my teammates where, and i wanted a way to see what they where gonna do.
This has helped me GREATLY in predicting how certain people would act (Mainly secundary battery abusers) and it allowed me to finally act accordingly, and get me out of Bronze in ranked.
I hate to statshame, but often when i see a specifick player on my team (i caught like 4-5 botted accounts in ranked) i call them out just so people know what suspicious shit is going on, or if they need to watch out because a player has a "tendency to throw"
I by no means mean anythng bad by me calling players out, and that was only for ranked, but man, sometimes you just have to be realistic of your teams behaviour, and you gotta use a stat application to see what they are gonna do. It helped me alot with enjoying the game more, because i knew how i should play to get the dubs based on enemy team and my teams compesition.
Randoms are randoms, i don't go play Randoms expecting a win, but ranked was a difrent story...
I mostly agree, but I’m at the point where I treat ranked as a smaller randoms. Some people play ranked just for the rewards. You can spam battles and eventually get them all (hence the bots). It’s still good to know what to expect from looking at the stats.
What about giving constructive advice during the game like 'cap A' or 'we need recon'?
Why do you need to ostracize people, how does that help?
Maybe communicate better, instead of expecting other players to read your mind.
And who knows, if you are really that much better than bronze in your mind, you should be able to carry them, maybe?😉
@@agricolaurbanus6209 lol people do not listen. If you ask people to do things then 95% of the time they will be like, play your own game! Don't tell me what to do. 44% wr players are honestly too dumb and stubborn to listen to others or to be able to comprehend what they did wrong or even basic strategy of a match.
@@agricolaurbanus6209 I had a Mushasi the other day ask me to turn on my underwater acoustic listening device on my Pommern. We were both very close. It spotted the DD and he wiped it. He thanks me and I said I was happy to oblige and we won a difficult match. It was the height of courtesy. A lot of people are still learning on how to play, where to go and what to do. I count myself as one of these people as I have been playing since Beta.
Congrats on getting out of bronze, but just playing decently will get you out of that pretty fast. If you play well you’ll be top of you team on a loss and won’t lose a star.
You can tell in the first few minutes who on your team is playing well by what they do, and as a dd main I’m watching who they shoot.
Win rating is only relevant for people who are good enough or bad enough to consistently effect the outcomes of the battles. As far as I can tell, the range of 46% to 54% is neither good or bad enough to consistently effect the outcome of battles, this range is going to make good and bad decisions, they will have games where they are exceptional and win the battle, and sometimes they're going to struggle to have any positive effect. Those below 46% are almost always going to have a negative effect and the rest of the team is going to have to do more to get a win. These are the players who can take a guaranteed win, and loose it for you. Those somewhere around 55% to 60% (I'm not sure exactly where) and above, are the players who can make the win happen, even against the odds, supporting them increases your chances.
All ranges of WR tell you how that person is impacting the battle.
That's far too broad of a range to make that conclusion. It's fair to say that 48-50% WR players aren't going to be that different in terms of battle impact, but someone who's 54% over a large enough sample of battles is going to positively contribute far more consistently than a 46%WR. The leap in skill between that range is enormous.
When see players with more than 15000 battles and win rate 43%-46%, less than 0,7 sinking ratio and average damage of 35k....it does say something about that player.
But you also have players that inflate their win rate by playing thousands of games in t1-3 getting 60%+, but then you see their win rates in t8-10 they barely break 49%.
@ There are definitely stat padders. The vast majority of players don't fall into that category though.
Very good video, recently had a teammate going berserk about my positioning and perceived bad play in my Scharnhost ( I know how to play it) but that doesn’t always go to plan, I had to retreat to recover had three/ four targeting me but this muppet wasn’t having it what gets me about these idiots is there total lack of what’s happening in the match no thought given to how well the opposing team were playing.
I love those types. You are being farmed and targeted by three other players and trying to disengage, whereas the stat warrior just sees you retreating, when you "should be advancing" in their mindsets.
I hate it when that happens. I love fast flanking ships but that also means I am weird positions or sometimes just needing to kite away and every once in a while I get someone freaking out. Sorry I am not willing to go 1v2, or 1v3 because I will die and need to reset.
Sometimes I do mess up, or missplay but that happens to everyone.
I reminded a guy once that the difference between a 42% and a 47% win rate is one win every 20 games. I know my win rate is between 43% and 44%. When you are playing on a team, you can have little control over a win by yourself. I have played very poorly and won games, I have played very well and lost. I have come to realize, as a general rule, 😊f your side loses its DDs and the other side doesn't, you'll probably lose.
Those maths are not correct: If it would be 1v1, there is a case to be made, but single player performance should not have that large of an deviation on a team, especially when put in teams with players closer to 47, 50 or even 55WR players and functioning divisions: It's not that it's a win more or less in 20 battles, but your specific performance ensures that in 1 of 20 battles, the rest of the team cannot compensate for your lack of performance, and that is considerable knowing you have 11 other teammates.
A 43 WR player consistently takes actions that severely skews the teams changes to loose from the allegedly average 50% WR (over enough battles played). Not to be a dick, but if this also is coupled with a low average experience
This... just have fun. I have lost countless games where I slaughtered one, two, three and even four other ships while still losing. Three times I got Krakens and we still lost. So what, it is a videogame. Not real life. How many "good" players here would be real life Admirals (much less captains) anyway? Not mnany, including myself I presume.
This attitude is what will cause you to lose more then win. If you are not actively thinking about. How can I be better? What can I do differently that can change the outcome of the game. Of course, there are going to be games you don't have control over. You should be striving to win 3 of 5 games. That will put you 50%+ if you are losing 3 of 5 you'll be under 50%.
Do the things that will influence the match and not worry so much of your stats. I guarantee you will win more then lose.
You are right about the DD tho. So learn to play them. Because the DD's most of the time will influence the match.
Completely disagree with you. Over a thousand games randomness will mean you have the same team as everyone else and your WR is an extremely good indicator of how well you are playing. It’s a measure of you decision making in the game. A 43% WR means you are making poorer decisions more consistently a 47% player.
@Tuning3434 Math is absolutely correct. 5% is 1 in 20. Even over 40,000 games, it's 1 extra win every 20 games. If a 42% player and a 47% player each play 20 games in a day. statistically, the 47% player will end up on the winning side 1 extra time. That is it. Math doesn't change because it doesn't fit your narrative. Is is literally the difference of 4.2 vs 4.7 wins every 10 games. Statistically, it isn't a huge deal to me.
I've run into a player just like that. Started complaining about the poor stats of the 3 weakest players then just sailed off to the boarder. I tried but couldn't convince him to play it out. We still won without him and it was a decent battle.
Yesterday I was in a match with a Mass that was a tier 10 match, the CV player on our team said in open chat he wasn't going to play because there were tier 8s and 9s in the game and he told the enemy where he was going to go and to kill him because he will only play in all tier 10 matches.
Really? Good story.
I had a guy complain that there was a submarine (me) in the battle (asymmetrical mode), pretty much saying that we’ve automatically lost because I was there. He proceeded to be the first one killed. I survived, sunk 3 ships on my own, damaged several others and we easily won the battle. 😂
I had a similar experience - but I was in a cv, everybody died within 5 minutes, so, I then went on to sink 10 ships and survive with a win.
Oh i remember seeing a guy say that in one of my Asymmetrical matches too, I wasnt in the Sub though. Was in a Pommern grinding credits
Just a CV and sub can take on a lot of the bots in asymmetric happened to me 3 times just me (CV) and a sub left.
@@mortxiii yeah as long as you can stay hidden and continue to down the ships that try to capture the base. I had one of those too playing CV, the bots just park in the middle and become easy targets tor torpedoes.
People who care about stats in casual games always have something with their heads
And to see that every single good player on UA-cam or Twitch plays his best regardless of team says a lot about those who blame stats.
Casual for you maybe. Not for others.
@@moosehead9706 Those others are the problem.
@ All video games are Casual. btw. The casual players who don't show an ounce of caring are the problem. I would pay to not be with casual players.
spoken like a true 40%er.
Long time ago, I actually reacted to this type of abuse, but that just fed them. Now I just block and report. I know that with 49% WR I'm a bit shit, but that is no reason to tolerate such behaviour.
That said, I have been reported even when trying to be supportive, such as stating my intentions when playing a DD or even thanking players when they support me in a tricky situation. Mind, I never critcise play, knowing that sooner or later I will be making similar mistakes. I don't quite understand that...
The win rate mod needs to be banned from the game. Tired of players like this running their mouth instead of doing anything useful.
Turn it up! Just blacklist them
How about banning all stats? People spam super ships and think they are good because the xp and damage are 2k and 100k plus damage?
Disable chat is the best thing you can do
No reason to ban it, at least you need to be able to see who is incompetent, definitely dont want go without stats, you need to be able to identify bad players and call them out..
@andrewmrklas2581 no, you call out bad play from what they do during a match. Not based on stats. The mod is not needed in the least
All mods should be banned. It's an online game
Im glad you are pointing this out my win rate is in the 40's yet I have the Navy Bell working on 25 top 3 in tier 10 random games. My percentage slipped as I moved to higher tiers, a supposedly friendly teammate brought up my stats to try and embarrassi me. Yet when the tier 7 match ended again I was in the top three as far as points with 3 kills 4 citadel, and yet his score was lower than mine. It didn't stop even after we won the match, and inevitably I had to block him. I appreciate your attitude towards the game, i try to be helpful when you see players in newly purchased ships 2 tier lower engaging t9 battleships in open water, it usually doesn't go well.
I normally tell these people to find a good mental health proffesional. If you rage in a game you need one.
The last guy that i remember bitching about win rate and how bad his team was, so i checked his and his sucked 😂
Win rate doesn't mean anything, it's random battles. Sometimes you get a good team sometimes a bad one, either way these clowns need to remember they're playing a video game.
every game I see this, its usually the guy that dies first and starts to blame everyone on the team
These people are probably the same type of people that fail in life but blame everyone else for their poor decisions.
True, and has even been me in the past when super tilted. Sometimes I think they should just kick you out of the match as soon as you die, no time to message.
Can't believe some many people take this game so serious.
Yeah, that's what I'm wondering too, it's not like it's a job or something....
I am so glad you put out this video.. I hate, hate players who go on about stats. It does nothing to show to show how well players play currently versus 3 years ago as an example and the game has changed so much as well. I have over 12,000 battles give or take and in random I am a 48% player because when I started I didn't watch videos, I didn't put in the time to study the ships and how they should be played. I just went out there and had fun. Then, I started learning.. getting smarter and watching other players. I also started out with the worst line to begin with.. German DDs... good lord the number of losses I had was astronomic at the start. Did I care.. no. Now, I am working on trying to get those loss rates down because I KNOW MORE. I wish that MOD would go away.. It's just dumb and it tells you nothing if you are an experienced player. Watching someone play for 2 mins tells me more if they KNOW what they are doing or not.
The only stats I pay attention to are my own. I use them in an attempt to better myself. Im not going to hold someone's stats against them. For all I know it might be an 8 year old on the other side of the keyboard.
The "It's a kid" is a thing. I use the stats for myself also. I don't shame anyone.
So, this video helped me in a way that I didn't expect. We've been preparing our clan for future clan battles, but after watching this I now believe we weren't preparing in the right way. I'll be changing how we "train" members to prepare them better as well as taking notes on how they play for the team, and not just for farming stats to brag about how well THEY did, not how WE did.
I would honestly love a series of video that goes over training a group for clan battles as I think that would be very beneficial, informative, and entertaining. Maybe replays of clan battles where you comment about good and bad choices or it could even be a video about actual training "classes". Either way, I'd definitely watch that.
I’ve called CB for a few different clans, and one pointer I have for you is to tell people right at the start to not call out any damage they might get. After the game yes, but never in game.
Some people will have jobs that means they will get low/zero damage, or be asked to push in to die if that is what is needed to win. People focussing on damage is really bad for team morale.
Another thing about stats is that they don't track things like operations, so if those are your main way of playing, your stats aren't going to be correct in the slightest.
Side note, if you're one of Those Players, and you decide to throw the match because there's nothing you can do to win, the least you could do is YOLO into the enemy, that way you at least deal some damage. (*and* you get to rejoin matchmaking faster)
I am confused, what stats from Operation are relevant for randoms?
Why does how well you do in operations have anything to do with how you play PVP?
They are very different skill sets.
One of my funniest battles was with one of those in my team, trashing my moves on my Yugumo, ranked.
Final result: we won, with me being the last alive on my team and turning the battle around to our favour, by myself. 😅
Dude either I was in that match or otherwise managed to bunp into the same guy recently. Literally same thing: some junk player on the enemy team immediately ripping his teams stats and hiding in the back. Enemy team got into a massive /all argument and got washed out hyper fast.
I recently had two Ranked matches where a friendly player stayed out of the action (one went to a corner) and trash-talked his own team for the duration. One of them kept saying "I'm not afraid of your report button".
He came from WoT section propably :)
randoms are INCREDIBLY broken right now in Tanks, and its ultra common for players who play 'already for a while' to use XVM.
then its ultra easy to make assumption, that 'we already lost' at beginning, when you see that your team is 70% tomatoe`s (xvm is colour-ranked: from red (worse), through yellow, green up to blue and violet)
its gone so far, that you can turn on in the mod setting a 'XVM chance to win a game calculation' based on XVM player stats
I used it once or twice and turned it off :)
Watched a guy in a Mino suicide in after the same thing and there was "no chance" to win. Sadly, we did lose, but it went down to the wire and I was the last on our team against two enemy. Sure would have been nice to have a Mino on my side.🤨🤨
Time for WOWS to get what WOTS got. WOTS has a setting that randomizes your in game name in a match so that mod dose not work.
People can tell crap players in game regardless of the name based on what you are doing.
You get bad stats because you play poorly, and that is obvious in game.
According to stats, I am a great player. My win rate is over 55 per cent. On the other hand by my own admission I SUCK at the game as my survival rate is abysmal. Many games I am the first dead, and in under 3 minutes. The thing is I only play co-op. I am trying to get better.
Most coop only players have win rates in the high 90s.
Another reason not to play random. For me it's the difference between players like yourself who play to win for the team, and the player who plays to stay alive the longest. The ones who hides in the back or behind islands while the rest of the team dies. They are hoping to come out and clean up after the team players have done all the hard work. If the team players carrying this ship cannot win their 2v1 matches they trash them in the chat.
You even see the, play to stay alive the longest, players in operations.
I had this argument before. I like knowing the other team's players stats or even my own for the sole reason of knowing what to expect from their play. But it does NOT indicate which team will win. I have a screen shot somewhere of a win we had, a blow out, and yet the other team had like 4 or 5 Super Unicom Players and the worst player on their team was like 49.6%. Our team had like 2 players above 50% and several in the mid and low 40%s and yet, not only did we win, we won in a short time blow out. Does that happen often when they have all those Super Unicom Players? No. Usually you would expect the opposite, but it can, and it did happen. So giving up just because you were delt a bad hand is.... immature at best.
Totally agree.
I do not use any program but i can always tell that when the match opens, if there are people that turn their ships and head away from their companions to go to a different group then 99% of the time these players are 44% wr player or lower. Often they leave their starting cap and sail across the map and die in the middle of a different cap. Even in asymmetric battles, the poor win rate players will leave where they started to go die elsewhere. It is amazing to me how you can likely tell where a person is financially and emotionally just but how they play a game. Their poor and weak mental state says it all. And that is just the way that it is. If you want to get better then you have to improve your mental game.
Financially???? How do you tell this from a game?
@deaninchina01 Hum maybe you are right. I was going to say that if you are not smart enough to understand simple game mechanics then likely you will have a hard time in the working world... But there are a lot of dumb people who float through life with a good job who are not smart. Financially is not the right word. Maybe emotionally mature would be a better metric to measure success. Problem solving skills are way different as well. Bad players play their own game and do not care about anyone else. They don't even know that there is a problem or if there is then it is someone else's problem. The high wr players are always looking to solve problems and can take criticism.
Does not make any sense to me that someone would just quit if they are trying to keep their win rate up. How does that make any sense? So this guy says, This teams Win-Rate is not good enough for me, so I am going to QUIT and make my win-rate go up? And yet you did not rat him out by naming or shaming him by name. Class dood. Bravo.
I've seen this (from some top clans memebers) and they do this to keep their K/D ratio up. They take the loss but pad their other stats.
so true, im a pretty good player and absolutely just fumble every now and then, some with the 23 other players in the match. WR is a really poor indicator with that many variables in randoms.
One other factor towards stats that players have no control over, how long you have been playing. To the best of my memory, there has never been a stat reset and those early years were rather weight-y on some stats as the game evolved and a lot of issues were being ironed out.
I had a teammate in a Thunderer that started like "Please a win this time, i had 10 bad teams in row, please give me good game now." And he was actually going to positions that looked somewhat useful, not the corner of the map. Then he complains about spotting, ok expected. Then the first teammate dies, and he goes on an on to verbally abuse that guy. Then procedes to with homophobic and antisemitic comments. In the end he had 6 base xp. He had over 14000 games with a maximum damage of 16k among all his ships.
I'd expect him to at least be farming but he can't even do that?
I once had a battle in my Kamikaze R where I was left alone against 7 enemy ships, I sank 6 of them and had almost caught the New York when time ran out, and we lost. I killed 8 ships that game.
Had a battle one time in Agano (which is actually not far off a server damage record for that ship, like 10th highest damage on the Asia server) where everyone else on my team died really quickly and I was on like 5k HP, but I sank 8 ships for 170k damage and died to the enemy CV's torps literally just before my own torps hit him.
Retired Navy vet here and just started playing WoW less than a year ago and i bought a few boats and got destroyed for 5 months before i realized there were even stats that mattered lol . 43% win rate but over the last 3 or 4 months after learning the game more I'm well over 50%. I wish they would reset the numbers and stats every year.
It would be nice wouldn't it? It takes me a good while to get comfortable in a new ship and I'm constantly grinding lines to get as many ships as possible. It took me a good long while to break bad habits I picked up when I started playing years ago as well. And once you get over a certain point with an account it becomes extremely difficult to moves those stat numbers even a little bit.
Anyone who knows will only look at the last thousand games when understanding the stats. Only morons look at the entire account history.
Meanwhile you also have players like me that used to play randoms but stoped ages ago so i have like 500 battles in randoms which is maybe 5% of my battles being what they judge me on
This happened to me once in ranked and got told to “go back to co op where I belong”. Dude that told me ended up bottom of the team because he spent all match talking bad about me
The only stat that counts is the solo stat and if you ignore players who abuse certain ships like the Kamikaze to boost their WR.
Agree but add the proviso of only the last 1000 games solo.
People can start bad, or grind out different/all lines.
@@deaninchina01 Absolutely , Map knowledge & Positioning are vital if you want to do well in this game and yes you can get blow-outs no matter how well you play.
My 'few and far between' is the guy who gets sunk, stays in the match, and proceeds to tell individual players (me included) they suck at the game and should uninstall WOWs.
I was in a match like this last week as well......same kind of person doing exactly the same thing, even after the match actually messaged me multiple times to tell me how awful i played. some people really have no life
My assumption is that a significant decider in the matchmaker is the amount of revenue associated with players. So the MM puts the whales on one team, and perhaps players with the higher win-rates too, in order to reward the whales.
I love it when people try to stat shame me. Yeah, I have a win rate around 46% but I have over 17k games and back when there were more ships that you could get without shipyards, coal or steel, I would blitz matches to get them. As such, back in my earlier days, my win rate was in the 30% range, but I got dozens of ships that are no longer available, or you now have to pay for. (For example, the only ARP ships that I do not have are the most recent ones, ARP Maya and ARP Yamato and I got my Musashi with Free XP. I missed the original Missouri by a day.) The mod though pulls the 46% and not that my almost last 1000 games, I have been at or above 50%. I have been told I should ask for a reset, but I look at it this way, I seal club enough using Yamamoto on my Kamikaze R, I don't need to reset to stats pad. I play the game to relax, and if I want to be competitive, it is there if I choose to.
I have been playing world of warships for just over 6 years, and i stopped playing randoms quite some time ago. When i started the game people were actually helpful, and tried to give advice when needed. But for a long time now this rarely happens. It is sadly for me personally ruined by those who are extremely toxic. Most players are ok, but there is a large part who just either give up, complain about everyone when they die cause they messed up, and i guess easier to blame everyone else. Also many really thinks they are much better than they are. I had one go on for 45 min after a game ended about how crap i was, bare in mind in a game we won, and where i was just above middle and he was second to last. I could just have blocked him, but i was curious to see how long this dude would go on for. Sadly WG does nothing about this and have not done anything for so long to combat the toxic players. We really need a pro and a casual random mode. If this happened it could solve a lot of this, and it is easy for WG to do, has been requested for years and yet nothing....go figure.
Reckon they lost a lot of great advice when WG nixed the forums.
Was a fabulous place to go for advice, some laughs and occasional rubbish.
I've never quit trying to win a match just because our team has poor stats. In fact I tried mods that show WR and other stats and I stopped using them and I now play vanilla. I do however care about certain stats (like account WR) and I have stat-shamed people publicly when they don't know when to shut up. Quite often the ones that whine the loudest are exactly those 40% WR players blaming it on the rest of the team.
Average damage on the other hand means nothing. Most people don't understand that you get rewarded for permanent damage done and they tend to farm battleships with HE... The moment the BB heals up, he's effectively lowering the rewards you will get for what you did to him beforehand. It is way more efficient to hit a DD for 15K than a BB for 30K. Also, killing subs and DDs wins games while farming BBs just wastes your time in most cases.
Additionally, if you have one angled enemy player at 1-2K HP and another one broadside at full HP, it helps you and the team to kill the low HP enemy first. Sure, you'll do 1-2K instead of potentially 10-20K (or more) but you will reduce the amount of guns returning fire. Most players don't take this into account.
One more thing I'd like to add are the WG missions and how counterproductive they are. If we have limited time to play and we want to do the dockyard (or another even) mission set, we must target specific objectives that often are not helping you win. For example, if we have to do some ridiculous damage numbers, the easiest way to get it is to farm BBs with fires.
"Don't let them get to you" *makes a video about it
Plenty of experienced players who forget they were once new at the game and it took time to get good. Then they expect everyone else to be as good as they are no matter the exact experience and time in game. A lot of young and immature people that are clueless on how to act as an adult. Then their are the crybabies whining about people stealing kills. Well, it's either you damage and/or sink every ship you can or get sunk yourself.
I ran into a lot of whiners about stealing kills when I was still playing WoT, over the time I stopped caring, it's a waste of time to go into an argument with the likes of those, just block them or just ignore them if not both....
I was also playing the Montana a few days back. I loaded into the game and immediately a dd on my team said”Any player with a win rate lower than 45 should kys”. I am not great at the game but play for fun. My win rate is 44. Without releasing I was next to him most of the game. I have not had Monty for long but this game I got a kraken and was best player on the team. For once the world’s got my back 😂😂.
The mod is called Matchmaker Monitor. I have a low win rate, and I've been a victim of this mod cause players tend to target me alot
I just played a game with someone like that yesterday. Unrelated to that I was also fortunate enough to play against you. :-). It was a good game, well played by both teams.
Just when you think you’ve seen it all, you see players like this who use world of warships to get their rage out.
I tend to play DDs a fair amount (particularly torp ones), and the player i hate most (beside myself when i cock it up) is the one who wants you to do DD things (scout, cap, spot, etc.) but remains in the far reaches of the map, doesn't shot the enemy DD or radar cruiser when i spot it and i get killed, and he starts to blame everyone but himself for not supporting me (the DD that tries to be useful).
I'm a very casual minded player, logging in to just do the daily missions and obtain the 3 daily containers (54% avg WR), and when someone tries to stat shame me (or anyone else) i just block them up, or rile them up by saying "imagine being triggered in random battles in an online game" (the last one usually ends in amusing ways 😂).
I play mostly ranked and a great way of triggering stat shamers is pointing out that they are a solo 55% WR player (same as me) when their overall WR is 65% (gotten by playing in divs with other good players).
This drives them nuts because they are very proud!
I normally play coop because I've had too many toxic players in other modes.
I like the ones who say they just don't care and do not help the team.
I had that same guy a few days ago and he quit at the beginning of a ranked match and although the other team had better stats, our team still cleaned house and got the W. Both teams reported him.
That's ESPECIALLY egregious in a Ranked match where every ship counts and you can make so much more of a difference even if you have a bad teammate or two.
So many people worry about their WR, that they play Tier 5's 75% of the time and Tier 10, >5% and think when people see they have a 50.1%-win rate, that they are a good player. A 50% WR at Tier 5 is nowhere near as good as a 48% WR at Tier 10. I know myself that I have a Tier 5 to 6 WR of close to 70% yet am just under 50% at Tier 10 and I played about 25K games and 90% of that is at Tier 10
So, I love when they try to educate you on how to play because they have a higher WR and we aren't supposed to notice that it is mostly at Tier 4 and 5 and they are 1 or 2 percentages better. I point it out to them. Tier 4 50% is not very good. Tier 10 - 50% is great. So, before you go flaunting WR stats, look at what tier that is mostly from. The real Pro-Gamers will still play low tiers on occasion, but for the most part, they play Tier 10. The guys that want to LOOK like they are good, play low tiers, then come up to high tiers and want to talk like they are great players.
Basically, if you have a 50% WR and mostly play Tier 5 and someone else has a WR of 49% or even 48% but play mostly Tier 10, the 48 or 49 is a MUCH better player.
This behaviour is spawned by certain big streamers and their attitude. If you watch them play the game, all they do is complain about "my team". It's honestly part of why I don't enjoy playing WoWs as much anymore.
I had that happen about three years ago. Surprised the heck out of me. I was still very new at that time and I just couldn’t believe it. I play the game for fun. I don’t do this like a full time job!!
I’m mostly a ranked player and we get these types of guys every now and then. One game a guy like this was on my team complaining towards the end and we lost the game. The next, he was on the enemy team complaining the whole time and sailed away. Lo and behold his team destroyed us and everyone unanimously decided to report him in the match.
Worst player I have ever come across was a guy named Phd_In_Tocicity. Literally tried to blame anyone else over a random battle. Let's just say he told me to do some very unspeakable things to myself amd my family
Had a teammate (BaronDTA) yesterday that did this. I was playing Salem and was working on positioning it on Estuary because it's easy to get dev struck on that map in that boat. I don't do one thing exactly how he wants and starts ridiculing me, goes to J10 like bro how miserable do you have to be to behave in randoms like that. Best part is his WR was the same as mine and doesn't even have Salem so he doesn't have experience in that boat to rightfully complain.
Welcome to the real world of warships, its like this way more than you think.
I had an Asym in my Hannover yesterday. I went around an island instead of inside of it on the A cap. Somebody blew up chat, all caps;
They died seconds later.
I clutched it, with one other cruiser, for an almost 400k damage win.
Kinda crazy how quickly people decide what is a bad move and rage about it in chat.
Often to be proven wrong.
I´ve had my fair share of players like that. They always end up being the guys that don´t do shit in the match and usually die first. Or like this guy, they sit in the back of the match and just bitch the entire time. They are super-unicum wannabes that are probably living in their parents basements. Those people are just pathetic.
Yes. The difference is that unicums do not expect anything from team while those complainers expect team to carry them.
Ironically one of my best matches where I sank 4 or 5 enemy ships as a dd and kinda carried was when we had a bb hiding at map edge and just insulting the whole team and me especially for being stupid and not knowing how to play. I'll be the 1st to admit I'm nothing speacial but it sure felt good to serve some humble pie to such a fool.
Now they even show up in Operations
I had people like this constantly in WOT. One of the big reasons I stopped playing. I don't see y they cant see it as a challenge and try there best. I got XVM stats info I started to treat people different after, would not depend on them to make the right choices. It got even worse when people would just go afk or sit in the back and complain. There sats were not the best either. I do feel War gaming made it a bit that way. Letting people have or buy tanks that were high tier and now u had people that have only played tier 1-2 a tier 8 tank messing up the MM.
As someone who runs a monitor tool, the only times I'll do something like call a player out at the start of the match is if they themselves start yapping about bad teams when they themselves are a bad player (glass house and all that) or if it's an account that appears to be a statistically anomaly/bot (aka the player with 20k account battles, 35% WR, and 5k avg dmg in a tier 10 ship.) Usually as a warning to the match that they should send in a ticket to WeeGee to hopefully get the bot account banned.
I've had a few games recently where my team mates just have no interest in capping. Does get frustrating
Just remember it's just a game and not everyone is a Flambass!!!!
I started playing the game again about a week ago after a year and a half away. Took only 3 days for me to have an encounter with a piece of trash to put it VERY generously. Story time for those interested in reading. TL:DR Guy with hidden stats attempts to stat shame DD player with a 56% W/R on a game that just ended up being one of those game.... and based on how things panned out at the start he was a contributing factor to what happened. Welcome back to warships truly.
I'm on average a DD player and was playing my first game in Orage. I think it was on Northern Lights? It's one of the variations of that map to say the least. Our middle decided to all come over to my side of the map (C cap) which ended up being a weaker flank in terms of the enemy. The enemy took note of this and executed on it VERY quickly and needless to say the match ended up being bad right off the bat. I did my usual DD thing and went to contest the cap to the best of my ability and unsurprisingly ran into the enemy Oland. The 3 dudes over there including the Oland (to my surprise) all actually shot at me. I shot back at the Oland as I was thinking, being that I have 6 other teammates over there (including a Marceau), he would certainly go down. To my surprise he got away and I lost HALF of my health in that engagement. So now my ability to contest is hurt as that Oland does outspot me and the enemy all did the right thing and actually shot at me. At this point they already took the middle of the map and A side was on the retreat too, having to deal with that AND the middle now since middle spawn just bailed on it. Probably only about 3-4 minutes in at this point? Wasn't long. A certain individual in a BB who was one of those that spawned middle and came over there (in a div with the Marceau as well) comes over there and starts getting upset we don't have C yet. I was already making my way back to the cap despite some reluctance to do so due to my health situation and how the opponent handled all that... even if the Oland does go down with a second encounter, I'm likely dead too. The Oland had fully backed off however and the enemy was kiting the flank at that point so I was able to get in and take the cap... of course the enemy literally has the entire rest of the map, with a Napoli sitting quite comfortably in B cap with 3 others. I begin to sail down that way as obviously (so I thought) team needed help on the other side especially for DD screening in the middle because obviously the enemy had pushed through and who knows where the DDs were, given I wasn't gonna last long If i encountered them. BB starts questioning what I'm doing and why I wasn't pushing through C. TL:DR pretty obvious this guy can't read the situation whatsoever and a whole argument ensued in chat between me and this dude which basically took away the rest of the game as now I'm furious as the clueless teammate who was a contributing factor to the situation the team found itself in decided to target me and blame everything on me. His div mate was awfully quiet so i can only assume that guy was chat banned, which would be unsurprising being these types tend to stick together. Needless to say that Marc pushed up that flank and damage farmed ships that were literally no factor to the bigger picture that happened for the entire rest of the game (enemy continued to hold B and push all the way through A pushing away the 3 people there that tried to defend it). I encountered a full health Halland and miraculously after having shells fly in at me from 3 different directions got away with less that 1000 hp. Obviously I'm dead on next encounter but there is literally nothing I can do to help bring back this already broken situation for this team. It was just one of those games. To my (un)surprise... guy decides to keep carrying on about it and starts messaging me in port. Two things that make this all the more amusing: 1. Guy claims not to care yet here he is going out of his way to continue to harass me after the game? 2. He attempts to stat shame me. The funniest part about that is I have a 56% W/R. This guy had his stats hidden.
I was grinding dockyard missions in Asym, and this dude was raging at me for not using my radar to spot a cap. That was 3k out of my range. Spamming chat saying i dont know how to use my consumables blah blah Meanwhile, he's hugging the back of the map like it's his mother. Then he spends the match trying to snipe with his BB and missing pretty much every salvo before getting nuked by the bot CV lmao.
Last weekend, I had the misfortunate of having a toxic player like that on my team during a Random Tier X match. He was in a Shimakaze, and tried to 'Rambo' a cap on his own at the match start. When he quickly got singed by the other team in the cap, he turned tail and fled, damning the rest of us as worthless noobs. He then parked himself safely BEHIND our CV and spent the entire game just screwing off, firing random gun, torp, and depth charge blasts at nothing in particular just to annoy our CV player and continued to harangue us from the sideline. In the end, we lost, largely because he gave up and wouldn't even spot for us, He got reported but of course nothing is ever done about these bad faith players.
Honestly if you're playing with the stats mod turned on you need to re-evaluate your life choices, in particular, what you choose to do for 'fun'.
these kinds of people are a normal thing on World of Tanks its like white noise to me after playing Tanks for so long.
I been getting matches where the CV player goes to J1. DD just going straight dump torps and die. And of course popping their consumables right at the beginning of the match. This happening in Tier 9-10 matches is like this is what people do at tier 5 not this high tier. And of course the afk people. I have blocked plenty of them and still get them in my matches from time to time.
As a fat fingered DD main I will sometimes pop smoke at the start of the game, especially in a new ship that I have forgotten to swap the smoke consumable off the T key……..
Gets good comments in Gold Ranked let me tell you!
i had a match about 3 weeks ago where a so called teammate was giving me crap about my win rate - yet at the end of the game (which we lost) i had more xp than he did, despite me having a tier 8 bb and he had a tier 9 bb.
you are getting more xp when you are dealing with ships that are having a higher tier than yours so its easier to get higher xp when you are low tier
@@seebar8179 i also suspect it was because he was sunk well before i was....
@@pessimistic_old_fart sure, big factor as well xD
Was just adding an general game economics information
I was playing Ops and had a guy in a Mainz decide not to play for 70% of the match because "Why do damage if my kills are just going to be stolen". He was in fact very new to the game
Just yesterday, I played a Halland in Asymmetric, then I spotted 3 CA bots with 2 radars so I turned back a bit. A guy behind me (Schlieffen) just spam ping and told me to get in the cap multiple times, he then proceeded to 1v4, got burned to crisp, sunk, then typed "Don't play war games if you are a coward". The game end in victory with me and a friendly Shima left and 3 secs to spare. If that guy just played defensively, we would have had a much easier win.
Thats an usual sight in ranked every 10 games u have one or 2 players at that write that their team will loose and then proceed to speedrun sinking themselves in order to sit there for the next 17 minuetes to be able to say: i knew it i told u we will loose my whole evening is ruined by bot games😂😂😂😂😂
I play ranked pretty well exclusively and in the last five years have never ever seen this. It makes zero sense.
Because you save a star by performing the best on your team no one I have seen has ever done this with a possible exception of bad players trying to qualify.
And why would they hang around to get in the same lobby as bad players?
@deaninchina01 i once had one game where one of the enemys did throw his dd away bc he said he was going to loose with his bad mates before the one minuete mark, he rushed middle and said he wasnt going to spot for his bad mates then the flanc he should be spotting collapsed bc they git farmed out without dealing dmg bc nobody from my team was spotted bc they had spot and used islands.
Next game 2 players writing the same again, a desmo sitting broadside to the cap eating my ragnar ap followed by a oranje doing the same and then complaining about my "p2w" ship although he had the newest overpriced steel ship and i havent payed a cent into the game but dump people are dump so what to expect else besides ragnar really not beeing op and played far too agressive by me that game bc they were not even trying to win, just complain.
Thanks for pointing out that win rate isn't everything. However, a few years ago Jingles made a video in which he claimed just that. And he's quite influential. He supported the belief that statistics are predictive of future outcomes. Some gamers and commentators can't tell the difference between a rule of thumb and a law of the universe.